Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 13, 1883, Image 1

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    3ljc it cut re flnnocral.
S. T.snr(;KHT\ K. L. OHMS. Editors.
VOL. 5.
Or (f nitre
Term* 51.50 pnr Annninin Advnnoe.
Thursday Moraine, September 13,188?
of Warren County.
of Bradford County.
I>r. J. It. SMITH,
of Ferguson Township.
of Rellefonlo.
of llellefonte.
SENATOR VOORHEKS, of Indiana, is
retained to defend James Nutt in his
approaching trial for the murder of
N. L. Dukes.
THE three cent postage stamps are
to go the first of next month. They
ought to have the companionship of
the threo cent coin as a nuisance to he
rate of ten dollars a day, have labored
very successfully for another cyclone
similar to the oue that struck the
"grand old party" last fall.
WHY is it that no where do the
"grand old party" or its organs clamor
for the "old ticket." It certainly can
not be that the g. o. p. fail.-- to appre
ciate Hayes and Wheeler, who stole
the Presidency aud Vice Presi lency in
THE Springfield Republican admon
ishes its party that "it i * high time for
the old party of moral ideas to wash
up an<l become decent again." But
will Gould, Don Cameron and such,
collect ami furnish the soap as they
did in 1880.
THE Boston Republican I'rev,
growing determination to defeat Gov.
Butler, is ably off-netted by a growing
determination on the part of Butler
and his friends, not to permit it to
be done. The campaign in the Bay
State will therefore be a h"t and lively
IT is intimated that some of the
junketing parties at the public expen.-e
which have leen out during the sum
mer, will have extraordinary good
luck, if they do not collide with nn
obstruction in the comptroller's office,
or the bulletins of a committer 'of
A WIOWAM erected at the Richfield
Springs, New York, to accommodate
the State Convention is to have the
capacity to hold 1<"00. That will prob
ably lie ample for a respectable fu
neral : hut a few years ago it would
have been insufficient for an ordinary
town meeting of the g. o. p.
THE Buffalo Krprett thinks it would
not bo at all safe to "leave Blaine out
of the calculation, while reckoning up
the candidates and the chances of the
/ next Presidential campaign." The
Plumed Knight is not so deeply in
volved in authorship, or so dreadfully
alarmed by Stalwart bluster as to fore
go his interest in the next National
Republican convention.
"KEEI- the rascals out," is the read
ing given to the New York iS'un's ad
monition "Turn the rascals out," by
that goody good editor, It. Smith of
Cincinnati, the same conscientious
patriot who appealed to the Dorsey
committee in 1880 for 150,000 to lie
"judiciously placed— two-thirds on elf.
lion day." To "keep the rascals out"
as well as to "turu the rascals out," is
the mission of the Democracy in the
next fourteen months. It is one of
great importance to the future of the
country, and in the light of the politi
cal history of the Republican party
for the last decade, cannot fail of suc
A Roontcr Journalist.
Ijong centuries ago, the wise Aesop
told a great truth iu his table of tin-
Jackdaw ami the Peacocks. '1 he
Daw, ambitious to elevate his lot ami
ring among his betters, followed the
birds of Juno and carefully preserved
their fallen hut beautiful plumage to
stick among his own dull tail leathers.
For a short time he actually succeed
ed iu passing himself of as a genuine
peafowl, soon however the cheat wa
discovercd, and the poor braggart was
chased from the llock with ignominy
by his lute compuuions. We have a
daw in Pennsylvania. Ten years ago
in the Legislature of 1873 there was a
trickster from Philadelphia, a rooster
of the roosters, who scratched the
spoilt dunghill at I iarri-burg lor pi-k
-ings, n* vigorously as any of tlu- city
1 tloek. Since then as editor of the
Philadelphia 77.a- < lis ha- been palm
ing himself off as a reformer upon the
. I public. The character does not suit
, Aleck ami recently he has cut a sorrv
j figure for reform. He has attacked the
, .-tate administration, ami for what ?
j To gratify m< re personal spleen against
j one man, whoso integrity in office, has
i given the lie direct to his vilest slan
der-' A- no one in powor has unlit d
; this expose of himself, in his petty rage
he ha- prostituted his paper to the
m anest calumny and falsehood. He
knows the Governor does but his duty
when he obeys the plain explicit com
mand- of the constitution, and insist*
upon apportionment, why then doc
! M'Clurc join in the radical yell against
ibiin? He knows as d>-s every mind,
above the intellectual grad- of an id; t.
| that ii i- the ultimatum of the Senate
that obstructs legislation, yet heap
! plauds the revolutionists. But wha*
! is the constitution ativ -
We know where lo- i n ■ ). t 1
| crow for Cameron, who de-pi-- s him.
| But r- member Met !ur<- i- - nly a i ••
ter * > rug his neck and Democrats
boycolt ttie Tunes.
THE II publican party ha- outliv-d
ir- mi-sion,says tie New York HVo I-
bus disposed of all its prominent
j candidates. Grant is dead. Hnyt-is
i dead. Garfield is dead. Blaine has
! gone into literature, (tinkling has
bocn set aside, so has Bristnw. Win
i dom has failed in the attempt to build
up a new Stock Exchange and gme
•to Eurojie. Sherman has been out
-1 witted by Foster. Cameron has, in
I political parlance, "lost his grip." Col
tax died of Credit Mobilier. All—all
are gone. The "stall fed ox" still rats
at the public crib, but torpidity stimu
lates death. The hope that the Re-
publican party may find new issues
j and still live can not he, realized.
I)i'Ht!*i< the absence of Bos* Cooper
j and John Stewart on Wednesday of
last week, tin- Senate passed a joint
resolution presented by the Democrat-*
ic Senator of Cumberland, to stop the
pay of members nfter the 10th of Sep
tember until apportionment bills lie
passed, created considerable panic to
the obstructionists. The Bos* was im
i mediately recalled to devise means to
! overcome* the indiscretion of hi* subor
j dinatcs in allowing even this smnll at
tempt at legislation, and to recall them
j to the obstruction duty he has imposed
j upon them. On Thursday morning as
the result of hi* instruction* a motion
was made to reconsider the vote by
which the resolution passed. The reso
lution was allowed to stand however
adding a* additional a requirement that
their pay lie appropriated forthwith.
| The House also passed a similar reso
! lution to stop pay on the 10th, hut
1 made no condition*. The ten dollar*
a day must go and so must the ulti
MR*. HAYEK' husband, the verita
ble, 11. B. who drew the salary of Mr.
Tilden the President elect in 1870, a*,
pires to be the successor of Senator
Pendleton in the Senate of the United
Stales. In 1881 he went into obscurity
for life. He will never emerge, and
if he did would be entirely useless.
Contro County Railroads.
The history ol nil railroad enter
prises in this ceiiiity, until within one
year, ha- been wonderfully similar
l'lie Bald Kit -le Valley railroad,origi
nally called the "Lick Have.i and
Tyrone railroad," then changed to
"The Tyrone and Lock Haven rail
way," was originated by citizens of
Centre and Clinton counties, and the
people of the-.- two countii* raised
large sutu- of monev f< r it-* construc
tion. All ela -t- of cisi/'ii .farmer-',
merchant-*, manufacturer-, mechanic*
mid professional men contributed ail
their spare means, and some of tin in
all they had in the world, toward* the
construction of this road. Dr. William
1 ndcrw iod and Thomas Wilson, "f
Centre, and Samuel Brady of Clinton,
are in ianctsi f men who w- re actually
impoverished by tl.i ir inv- -Hneiit- in
tiiis road. It was finally mortgaged
to raise money with which incomplete
I it. The road was sold on this mort
gage for the i.oiiiiiiu! sum of 821,000,
and the Bald Eagle Valley railroad
I company organiz (I upon it- Irum hi-- .*.
j The money to lini-li the road wa
| ea-iiy rai-'ii upon a mortgage of tin
; in w company, and the stock was dis
i tribute') "where it would d > the nn -t
! good,' at the nominal price ' : 8-
per share, while the original contribu
tor* to the Lock Huvui and Tyrone
I railroad w. re h it < ntircly nut in the
I cold. Since the completion 'I ti.i
road i'.s annual net ' truing* have < x
cceded -ix p r centum up a tin- entire
c-bt of the i >ad, iu tiding all the
money -unk hv the <>i . ginal lontril'.i
tors. It i- i. w paying s,t !<:.-t t< n
' per centum upon itaenlirt i oat. Equity,
justice ami i mmoii horn-tv would
give a iiiir proportion oi am
v-b ''t-nml-uiMi the
nt upon this rond
before it went iut > the hands of the
pre-i nt company.
The "Tyrone and Clearfield raii*
r>ad" from Tyrone to Philip*hurg. 1
was in a great measure built by the
people of this rounty and others,
through the in-trumcutality of Judge
• latin T. llnle. Front Pliilip-hurg
t-- Clearfield it was entirely graded by
the pe pie of Clearfield county. It
also ha- bet n sold U|>oti a tu rtgnge
giv II t r the money to put the *up r
structure upon it, and the original
I contributor* nre not represented its
stockholder* in the present road. It
i* now earning more than the inter'-t
upon the whole ci-t from the Ingin
j ning.
The "I/ewisburg and Tyrone rail
way," formerly the "Lewisburg, Cen
tre ntul Spruce Creek railroad," has n
similar history, except that it ha*
never been completed and for this rea
son alone, i* not paying annually a
sunt equal to the interest upon it- en
tire cost. It also has been sold upon
.ii mortgage, and the citizens of this
"county who contributed over two hun
dred thousand dollar* towards its con
struction, have neither railroad nor
dividend* upon their investments.
Each of these three railroads i* now
practically owned and absolutely con
trolled by the Pennsylvania railroad
company, which corporation j* annu
ally receiving the earnings of these
road*, which honestly belong to the
people ol this county who furnished
the money to build the roads. If any
individual had acted toward* our peo
ple as this corporation basso repeated
ly done, hard name* would have been
applied to him on every hand, aud he
would have been lucky to baveeacaped
indictment in our criminal court*.
A year ngo to-day a charter wa*
taken out for the "Susquehanna and
Southwestern railroad"—the name of
which ha* since been changed to the
"Bench Creek, Clearfield nud South
western railroad." This road run*
from Jersey Shore, in Lycoming
county, through Clinton and Centre
countic* to the farther coal field in
Clearfield county. From Jeraey Shore
to the Motdtannon, a distance of aixty
five miles, the road i* already nearly
completed and train* will be running
I regularly within a few month*. No
: c itizen of either the; four counties of
Lycoming, Clinton, Centre or Clear
field ha* been asked to contribute one
dollar toward" the conduction of this
road. The right of way wherever any
damage was clone to private property
has been promptly paid for in money.
This road when finished will develop
the whole northern side of our county.
The; llellcf'onte and Buffalo Run
railroad has been all graced this Hum
mer, with two branches nearly finished,
making th* aggregate length of the
road bed ul>out twenty-two mile*. The
tie- are' now lieing delivered and the
road wid undoubtedly be finished and
running early next year. With the
building of the Nittany Valley road
freetn Bedlefontc to Mill I lull, giving
the Bcllefontc and Buffalo Bun a con
nection with the; Bee eh ('reek, Clear
field and Southwestern at that point,
we will have a eoinjeeting line of rail
retails to all point* east. No citizen of
this county ha* lieeti akeel to contrib
ute anything tej these; !a-t twe> railroads
except for the right of way. We hope
this year will he the In-ginning ef a
new era in the experience of the; |K-O
plo of thi* county in railroad build*
ing, in which our people will get thee
benefit* of railroad* without being
fh e e i-d out of large turn* of nioneV
for the benefit of a grasping and heart
le - corporation.
THE I ffert* of the administration TEE
h'Hik on to the S euth through Mabone
< 'haltnc r anil < 'ash, thri e distinguished
demagogues, repr< -s ilting Virginia,
South Carolina and Mississippi,
brought up by plunder, eh*-- not ap
pear to pan out worth a cent. The
eh-gust both in the North anil in the
S mth, more than overbalance* any
1 gain obtained from the personal fob
lowing e; these despised traders.
W i are indebte-el for a cirrular of
the Pcnn-y Ivania State College, loca
-0 i in this county, for I**2 " I, eon
taining a statement, with other infor
mation relating to the institution, of
of the (our- of instruction, condition
a lniis-ion. AT. Tlii* institution for
- viral year- ha- been the object ef
bitter jealou-ic* atnl -even- critici-tn
in diifi re tit parts of the state, which
wo !' lieve. in nicest e a-e - were e ntirelv
unnieriteil But n<>w under the man
age me nt or direction of it- prise nt dis
tinguished and acconipli-he*i head, the
fault* eif the pa-t, it thev e xistrd,
shemlel not deprive the present of a
tair trinl and a generous confidence-
It i- a state institution, and the emi
nent standing of Prof. Athorton, gives
assurance that the capabilities of the
j college for good will be fairly tested.
At h ast he should not be; condemned
before the opportunity is given him to
prove hi* efficiency, a* we sec some of
, our contemporaries are disposed to do,
doubtle-s as the re sult of the unworthy
prejudice* existed by the clamor of
j enemies in the political contest of last
I in: New York Sun of Monday, has
tlii* to say of the canelidaey of Mr.
Tildeu : "No doubt it is a great mis
fortune, but Mr. Tilden is out of the
question as a candidate for I**4. If
he were able and willing to assume that
place many things would lie plain and
easy which are now doubtful and dif- j
ficult ; but these doubts and difficul- j
tics are not to be overcome by obsti
nately denying their existence and !
blindly running into a ntt of impossi- ,
bililies Mr. Tilden will not be a can
ditatc, and n candidate must be found.
1 here is uo niHti within our knowledge
who possesses the epialificnlions that
belong to him. There is no man who
commands the public confidence as he
does. There in no man whose name
would set aside minor controversies
within the party on the one hand or
command such wide spread and hear
ty confidence from the people on the
other. But while this is so it seems
to us a mistake to persist in advocating
his nomination when wo know his con
sent can not be obtained. Who, then,
shall lead the Democracy in 1884 ?
PurtiCß and Corporations
' Speaking of a proposition to form
a people's party composed of the in.
dependent and thoughtful men of both
the leading parties of tin- country, in
order to control the dominating influ
ence of corporations in the affairs of
state, the Washington I'url makes the
following sensible and timely remarks •
"Tickets and platforms are made by
conventions whose delegates are chosen
by primaries open to all members of
tin* party. If the people who find
fault with the action of conventions
wuld consent to abate something of
their dignity and go into the primaries
they eouhl outvote the rabble that
generally controls those assemblages.
Of the ten million voters in the
1 nite el States, it is a large estimate to
say that one million have any direct
agency in nominating candidates for
office. All the rest have no choice
further than to express a preference
between two competitors. They leave
the local bosses, who are still a great
power in the land, to run the party
machine. And when the machine has
ground out it* ticket, thousands of
men who have let their case go by de
fault, ri-e up and condemn the results
for which their neglect i- responsible.
So long a* we have parties—and we
don't see how parties are to be dis
pensed with—the character ol the
men who get into office will depend on
the personnel of the primaries. If the
I re>|K'ctable majority leaves the prima
ries to the management of the disre
putable minority there will be no im
That there is a growing sentiment
in favor of 'restricting the advances
of corporation interests' is undoubted
ly true, but the time has not yet ar
i rived, and may never come, when thi,,
fix-ling will have force enough to give
birth to a new party —we mean a
party in fart, not in name, a party
capable of taking the field with a r a
souable hope of success.
The evil complained of is one that
cannot In- cured by a very sudden or
impetuous movement. The interests !
of all the people are intimately asso
ciated with the interrs-t- of the corpora
tions. The general prosperity of the
country would lie blighted if the great
corporations were ruthlessly stricken
down. Manv of them are grasping
and holding two or three times as
much of the products of the general
industry as they ought to have. They
dictate legislation and, to some extent,
own the courts of the country. The
great problem is, how to icgulatc ]
the corporations so a* to give them a
i fair chance—how to cure existing evils
without creating greater ones.
The /W hopes that the reform
needed will be inaugurated and suc
cessfully carried out under Democratic
j rule. I'nder Republican rule we have
seen the corporations having their own
way in all things—electing Presidents,
control ing congress, meddling with the
selection of the judiciary, dictating
veto messages. and insolently lording
over the people. This is one of the
chief reasons why the people demand
| a change--why they seem to have de
termined upon sending the Repuhli
' can party to the rear. But when the
Democratic party finds itself charged
with the duty and responsibility of
i regulating these great corporations in
! such a manner as to promote the gen
; eral good, it will find itself face to
face with the most difficult problem
that our law-makers have ever tried to
A OBOROIA Republican complains
that the Postmaster General "thinks 1
the Republicans of the South are a lot
of blackguard scoundrels." Mr. Grea- I
ham is a right straight independent |
thinker, but he is doubtless led into 1
error of the general character of the <
Republican people of the Boutb, by I
forced association with the bosses, set f
over them by the administration. But q
Mahooe. Chalmers and Cash are not <i
lair specimens. n
TERMB: SIJiW per Annum,in Advance.
Tho Roßpowtbility.
It is idle for the Republicans of the
senate to attempt or hope to evade t!i<-
tull arid entire responsibility for tin
expenditure of erery dollar that the
protracted tenon oj tin leyielature ca
pote* upon the taxpayer* of tin ttalr.
When it in considered that the Repub
lican legislature of IH>5l, in order to
retain the unfair advantages derive!
Irorn the infamous and unjust gerry
mander of 18,:{— 7-1, declined to obev
the mandates of the constitution by
the passage of fair and just apportion
ment bills a- demanded by that in
strument ; and when it is remembered
that the Republican majority of the
senate holding over and elected under
that unmitigated fraud, still held the
power and used it with unscrupulous
exaction to obstruct the passage of
such apportionment a- decency and
fairness demanded at the regular ses
sion of I**3, there can be no difficulty
in locating the responsibility of the
extra session. This failure of the
senate to comply with the constitu
tional requirements, imposed the ne
cessity upon the Governor in a faithful
discharge of duty under his oath to
support and defend the constitution"
to call an extra session of the legisla
ture. The session was accordingly
called and the legislature has been
meeting and adjourning under that
call without result for many weeks, at
au ex|ienditure of 93,000 per day.
Why is this ? Simply and only be
cause the controlling Republican ma
jority in the senate in obedience to the
command of their absent boss, deter
mend that no just apportionment bill
should be pas*<d, and therefore re
fused to legislate with the house, or
entertain any proposition of com
promise. As an obstructive measure
purely, th*v set up a bill a- their
ultimatum more infamous and more
subversive of the rights of citizens
than the apportionment of 1*73-1X74.
The object of this was obvious. It
was not expected to be accepted by
the Democrats of the hou'-e, indeed
they knew that the house could not
with any honor or propriety entertain
the degrading offer. Hut notwithstand
ing the insulting position of the senate,
the Democrats of the house have
offered many propositions of com*
promise, liberal and generous in the
extreme, in their anxiety to discharge
the constitutional duty resting upon
them, andt o end the session and save to
the people the cost of its continuance,
but the only response on the part of the
i obstructionist is Cooper V Co.'s de
grading ultimatum introduced merely
as an excuse to prevent the passage of
a proper bill, and to retain the outrage
ous gerrymander by which a large
portion of the people of Pennsylvania
are disfranchised. Against this wrong
the house is justified in standing out to
the last moment of time.
It is announced that Deputy Secre
tary .John C. New is disgusted, and is
about to resign and return to Indiana.
Mr. New it is intimated is disati-fied
with Secretary Folger, who perhaps
has more regard to the interest of the
public in the administration of the
Department than to party, to suit the
views of the Indiana Stalwart.
Tiik Hon. Samuel .1. Randall, is
serving as foreman of the Grand -Jury
ip Philadelphia this week. He of
course could have been excuses!, as
others were, either as a member of
congress or as a lawyer, but called as
ajuror, Mr. Randall did not forget
that he is also a citizen, subject to its
duties whether in high or humble po
sition. Such is democracy.
Anothkr officer gone wrong. In
formation it received at the War De
partment that First IJeut. John M.
Porter, of the Third Cavalry, station,
ed at Fort Thomas, Arixona, has de
failed to the amount of 91,000 and
fled to parts unknown. He acted as
quartermaster, subsists nee officer and
ordnance officer, and was a graduate
of West Point from Alabama.
NO. Ml