LAWKS* DEPARTMENT. A I'rralan ■<•v young ladies in the heyday of beauty. The color is very freely applied, the cheeks being reddled as is a clown, and the neck smeared with white, while the eyelashes are marked round with kohl (black antimony). Sham moles or stars are painted on the chin and ■cheek. Even spangles are stuck at times on the chin or forehead. lalittrlenna l.a> spindles and 1500 pins are em ployed. A I oung Italian lilrl'a l.tfc* The Italian girl is kept as close a prisoner as her French sister. She must never l>e seen unaccompanied, either by a mother, father, elder broth er, or married sister, she sleeps in a room close to her mother, and which nas no other entrance or exit, save through her mother's apartment. No man is allowed to speak to her save in tier mother's hearing, and when en gaged she is not permitted a moment to say a word unheard by her mother to the man who is to be her companion for the rest of her life. However old she may be. if unmarried she must not be seen out alone; whereas, on the contrary, if married, however young she may be, she is allowed every free dom. A married woman of fifteen may l>e chaperon to a girl of forty or fifty years of age. An unmarried vv<>- man cannot even eross tho street to buy a yard of ribbon alone, she is rarely trusted alone with servants. That she has her love romances de spite the watching, need to !• added. ,A'w York A uremM. The babies of New York have at tracts the attention of correspond ent of the Chicago /itUr-fkyun, who w rites that the sidewalks in the pre cincts of poverty are littered by them, as w ill be the case as long as hot weath er lasts, and that there is about as much juvenility out of doors in those more fashionable quarters w here tene ments are called flats. The creepers and toddlers here are attended by nursemaids, neat in their white raps and aprons, idle except for the light duties of keeping their little charges clean and safe, ami altogether the best placed among servants. "Just think of it," said a keeper of an employment bureau. "These nursemaids get from ten to twenty dollars a month, the av erage being atxmt fourteen dollars. Not so much skill is required of them as of the commonest cook or laundress, their work is very light, they are put into the b.-st sleeping rooms in order to l>e with the youngsters at night, and by day they lounge in the parks. Tak ing thrir lx>ard into account, they get as good as a dollar to a dollar and a half a day. 'That is as much as the average wages of salesgirls in the stores, and considerably aliove the earn ings of the hard-working girls In the cigar, clothing, (lower and other facto rial. You'd suppose that such places would bo sought after; and so they are, hut entirely by foreign-l>orn girls. The nursemaids are Swedish, French, German, Irish —everything but Amer ican. Girls born in the city seem to .nherit pride from the soil. They will not go Into menial service, especially a branch of it which requires them to wear anything like a livery." Faihlon Ante*. Jackets different from the skirt are much worn. ltaglans for travelling have Japanese sleeves with dolman backs. The empire puff worn at the bottom of the skirt has been revived | n Paris. Small mantelets of cloth are newer than Jackets with tailor-made cloth Wits. Transparent sleevps of fore or em- broidery are much used for handsome dresses. Curtains are now hung in one piece thus doing away with the parting in ( the center. Boston high and low chignons arc , worn by fashionable women, but they must he small, A 1 iii\7 of ribbon In many loops is • worn on the left shoulder of evening dresses by young ladies. Tan. stone-color, and black are the popular colors fur the Jersey silk gloves, worn with dresses in the street. ivory white ottoman ribbon or pale blue, rose or lemon colored velvet rile bona are used for these long looped hows. Basques o* black chcnilc gau/.c, with colons I silk, are new for wearing with skirts of Spanish lace, or of vel vet grenadine. Ball fringe lor edging the bottoms of kilt skii ts or silk or satin, is made of jet beads over cork, yet is of a suffi cient weight to hold the pleats in place. The checked or irregularly barred Louisine silks of soft quality and evenly twilled are likisl for travelling dresses, and may be bad in all the dark j stylish colors. | Collarettes of lace take the form of high ruffs or of a row of lace turmsl ( piwn over a ribbon passing around the neck, finished with two jabots side by side, giving a square effect. Colored stockings have given so much discomfort to ladies and children i by "crocking," and are so apt to wash badly that they are being given up by , many, and ecru Balhriggans are used j instead. New Paris sunshades are formed i entirely of black lace gathered and : lined with light mauve Hindi, the stick in elmiiy terminating in a small ! elN.ny hood, which incloses a rarved I ivory head. Both painting and lace on one fan is : a popular method of decoration, the lace serving as a sort of frame for a | large painted landscape in the center, or for two or three medallions placed at irregular Intervals on the face of the fan. The whiti l;. e overskirt and fichu I of mnhesque lace make simple Surah dresses rich enough for dinner and 1 evening toilets. The short skirt may have lace ilminci*. or heavier silk lionnccs may be notched in wolf s teeth, as the sharp j>oints are called, and placisl in many thick frill*. Hair-dressing is l>ccoming more elaliorate. The fashion of arranging the hair quite on the top on the hea"' ; is gaining favor, and the front is part.*l on the left side. Twists, mils, loops and braids are gathered up on the i crown of the heart, and fastened there I with long shell-pins or jewelled eoiiibs. W hen >imrru Was Dry A corres|Kindent of the Buffalo ' '<- j ei/'■(>// relates an instance when the great XiagHru censed to flow, and .1.-- | scrilies remarkable diacoveries in the ' dry channel, as follows; In the spring of I*4ll, I think it was at all events it was about that date -the people on the banks of the Niag ! ara were surprised to see the water rapidly receding from the shore. It continued to fall until there was ab*.>- lutely no water Mowing through the i rapids, except a small stream in the very middle of the river be|. Asa matter of course so strange a circum stance gave rise to no end of specula • tion, and attract**! people to the river from far and near. 1 have forgotten now just how long the water to Mow, hut it must have been for nearly a day. What was done while the river | bed was dry could not have been ac ; contplished short of several hours, and I distinctly rememlfer that hundr.*ls of people spent most of the day in explor ing the lndtom. For some reason the 1 impression prevailed upon people in ; Chippewa, that in the river channel was a spring similar to the burning | spring on the shore near the head of j the rapids. Search was, ; and sure enough a gas well of large | proportions was discovered quite a | distance out in the channel directly op posite the mouth of Chippewa creek. The thought occurred to somelvody ! that it would lc a good idea, now that the river was dry, to a tube to the well and keep the gas burning. Accordingly a number of men repaired to the foundry in the j village and there found a large iron kettle such as is used in lmiling down t sap. They drilled a hole in the l>ot tom, put a thread in it, fitted a piece of tubfhg to it, and carted the two down to the gas well in the river chan nel, The kettle was turned Imttom side up over the well, the tube insert ed in the bottom, and a glass lamp put on the top, the idea being to have a sort of natural beacon light. But the Mow of gas was so strong that when a . j match was applied the lamp was blow n i into The gas, however, continued to burn from the end of the tube, making u brilliant at flight, for u long time afterwards and until the tube was carried away by Ire. Hells. "To whose mind does not the sound of a bell call up joyful or frightful as sociations?" queries a writer in the New York Nun. "While listening t>. the ringing >1 a school bell, what man or woman does not return, in imagina tion, to the days of childhood? At the tolling of a lire-alarm bell, who does not recollect stirring and perhaps tragical scenes? What Irishman is not Idled with awe at the mention ol the four sided I'big an cad hachtu I'hatraie (the bell of Patrick's will)? What liussian does riot feel proud thai his ('/ar-Koiokol (the |bs| when he was abeiut to bang a man eet liii|H>rtanre>, whether a promine-nt lbward or a elaring rubber. In every civilized country manv jeeM-ts have taken the- music TJUU rtH| Uie-11l all * Coining Metal*. The coining ed nil the metals is 1 practically the same. The gobl comes tee the-mint in properly alloyesl ingots, weighing aleeiut l*ti otinres each These ingots are-taken to tlu- rolling j room, where they are he-nted tei a hrigiit res| heat anel then rolled l-t ween chill od iron rolls until they are- twee-tenths of an ine-h thie-k ami aleout six inches I wide. The plates are- then xnnealed at 1 a resl he-at and are- plunge-el in cold i water, which makes the gold or silver seift anl teiugh. The- plates are again j rolled into plates the- required thick : ness feir the coin, called fillets, and these fillets are then "drawn" to give them a uniform thb-kne-ss. The fillet* 1 are next cut into round blanks, 01 ( "planehe-ts," a little- large-r than the re e|iiircd coin. Kvery hlank is here care j fully examines), tee see if it is jw-rfect, anel if it is too light it is reine-ltesl, and if too heavy it is reduced by filing The next proeess is tee raise the slight ! rim on the eelge of the coin, which is | done by a milling machine at the rats jof 120 coins a minute. Ily these pro cesses the blanks have become hard and discolored, anel they are again cleaned and annealed, which process it quite a long one. The blanks are then coined. It is ini|>otsible to descrilx the counting machine, but the blank: are feel to It through a tulee. A perm liar iron hand takes each piece am. I lays It upon the lower face of the die lIOUI faces of the coin and the fluted ot reeded edge are struck with one blow when the Iron hand picks up the colt and puts another blank in its place The pressure upon the coin In, for s •20 gold piece, equal to about seventy five bens, and eighty plecea are coined j jx-r minute. SCIENTIFIC STRAPS. Germany has at pre-sent over 150 lebools of agrleult ure, viniculture, ete-. (-'.aeliof them has farms, gardens, etc,, ! Ittaclicd. It appears that the leaf of 11 plant fan be traiisforuie-d into useful work as much as forty pe-r cent, of the- solar ; energy it receives ami absorbs. Quinine ami ehineorut have prove-il fatal to rabbits, guinea-pigs and ilogs when administereel in certain quan 'ities under the skin. A dose of two grains proved e-imugh to kill a elog which weighed 12 kilos. M. Ilerve Mangoti calls atte-rition to the- ease with which the ice-plant can 1 l>e; eultivute-d on a large- si-ale- as a ; source- of potash. According to him, I the fresh plant contains about half of I one per cent of potash. The greatest heat of tin- air in the; sun probably never cxci-e-ds 11.5 degrees, nor the greatest obi j G-5 degrees be-low zero. About Ff de- j gn-e-s above ami l' ib-gree.s In-low Z'-ro are- tin- extreme's for tin- I nitesl Mates j #"1 ve-ry unusual. I'rofe-ssor I'roe-tor reasons that the moon litis grown old six tmi'-s as fast as the- earth, a i-oiuparisori of the masses and raeliating surfaee-s of the two bodie-s, making it e-vide-nt that the earth's internal lu-at was origin ally sufficient to last six times as l->ng •as the- Anoon's supjily. On the very ' moderate assuiuption, therefore, that only twelve mi 1 lions of years have passe-d since- the earth ami the- moon we-rc at the same st ige <>f planetary life-, this astronomer shows us that sixty millions of years must elapse before- the- e-artb Will have- re-achl-d the- stage- *-f life through which the moon is now pa-sing Alligator I.eatncr. A large- varie-ty of pocket books, card 1 ase-s, bane I bags, an-1 other art i Is- increasing," a .seen re-pot- r -.u*l t-* the proprie-tor of the show * ae\ "The im-rcaae is astonishing." he? r<- pliesi. "Twelve- or flfte-e-n year* ago alligator leather was tannest as a curi ' iisity. Few article*-* were tna*le of it. About four year-* ag->, however, the manufacture <-f alligator leather lx-gan In earnest. First ;i few shoes were uia*le- of it. and the- man •ifa< turers of such g*e-|s *aw there tv;i.s soiiie-tbing in it. It is apes nliarly beautiful leather. The-re are n- two ►kins niarkeel juit alike, ami it follows that m> two artel-- ina-b- e*f the leather can lee- alike. The natural roller eif the- leather is attractive, a*iixtv dollars a dozen for uch go<*|s. small as they are, is a ow price. "\\ hile the- les-auty of alligator leather is its chief characteristic it.s lurabilitv is of liarillv les* importance, riiese- gripsacks e*f alligator leather evill outwear their owner*, no matter oow youthful. With these two things in its favor, it is no wonder that the ule of alligator le-athe-r is incre-asing." "How many alligators we-re slaught 'resl to satisfy the demand last year?" "Not less than half a million." "How do you ge-t the skins, and ( a he-re- do they come from?" "Most of them come from Florida and the other Unit states. The alli gators are shot with rilles, and the ; ne-gioes have almost a monopoly of the business. When an alligator crawls jut on the sand for his afte-r-dinner deep he falls a victim. The negro gets 1 from fifty ee-nts to a dollar apiece for alligators. The hunt Is carried on so v igorously that the reptiles are teegin- ' ning to grow scarce. Laws will have I to la l enacted eventually to protect tliein during the breeding season and when young. "All sizes from two to eighteen fpet in length are now killed. The choice t skin is six feet long. There is as much difference between the six-foot skin and the eighteen-foot skin as there is leetween a calfskin and an ox hide The skin* are packed in lime for two months to remove the horny scale*. The remaining process is much like that for any leather. It takes four months to prepare a skin. There Is a tannery ! for alligator skins in Brooklyn.* HOW THKV LIVK. *oie Inlcrrilliti facts About l,n|llah t-arrn lalHirrri. A correspondent of the Hartford TIIHI-M gives in a recent letter some facts in regard to wages, et<-. Most of the land in Kngland, lie say, is farmed by renters, who pay from s■"> to lib p-i aire. When land commanding this rent changes hands, which is very sel duin, it brings from |lsb to |22-5 an acre. Horses usisl in farmwork are usually of a massive build, so common in this country, and range in prices lroii 1 |Jll ririg hat* vest, which l;ists from a month to sit weeks, tin-farmer contracts with bit hands to work for him during tbi whole time, putting in about eighteet hours of bard labor a day f*r SJ.S, witl st> extra for beer. At this perirsl tin weekly wage is, of course, suspended The marvel is that these farm laborer! are able, *>n th.-ir small ineomi* to ke< | up -m il a g-ssl appearance. The mat lias a g->c<- them < 1 the streets during the week. Thei dwellings, vi-w*--l from the oiitsida am suggestive of anything but j*>verty or distress. They are of liumble dl incnsioiis, to I-*- sur*-, but the win-lows shad'sl by imitation lace curtains, a many <>f them are, and lit tiphvfiowi r ing plants, present a really Is-autifu appearance, arid whet tin- app-titc f**i an inside view. tvithin you lirid almost invariably clcanlin?-ss and g.>.l cheer, and, what is -till ls-tti r an all-p'-rvailing li"ine Thi house looks all over as though it trnt o*-( upiisl by tics'- who felt it a privi lege t*> live tin-re and vu-ri- l-iit on making the place something ls-y.*ii'l a mere shelter. That tli:* l--s in America, and is tie-re durable. The sch'siling of the children .(mounts to scarcely any thing For the tir-.t child four cents a week must Is- paid; f-u the second, two outs; for the third, tw * cents; an-I all the other little ones, even if there should I**- a score, g * t*> sch'*->l fre*-. in return f--r tin- sum the children get a fair education and have all the necessary Ixe-ks found for them. The farm laborers suffer the inost in the matter of eating. They get enough, such as it is, but it is of a kind at which the poorest in our land would deem it a virtue to turn up tlu-ir no-*--* in contempt. F<>t breakfast and tea the bill of fare is bread and dripping, the latter a cheap substitute f*r butter. For dinner a v egetable pudding is usually the order, and I am credibly infornnsl that if these people g*-t a little fat bacon two or three times a week, they con sider they are on the fat of the land. Abdel-cl-kader's Treaty. The following is an exact transla tion of the terms in which the lats ANI-el-Kader made his final treaty of peace with France; "tirace to (;<*! only. I give you mv sacred word,that does not admit of any doubt. 1 de clare I wilinot again excite mv people against the French, either by person, or by letters, or by any other method. I take mv oath lx-fore Mohammed. Abraham. Moses, and .lestis t 'hrist, by the Turat. the .New Testament, and the Koran, by the Ixxvk of Mokliar and the Moslem. I take this oath solemnly, from my heart and tongue. This oath is binding 1 h>th on me and my friends, who sign not this present paper with me because thev do not know to w rite. Compliments of AM-el-Kader. son of Mahhi-el-Din." While the famous chieftain was at St. Cloud he saw a clock which indicates! the time in all the principal cities of the world. Mecca included. He at once set his watch by Mecca time, so that he could nay his prayers at the same time as those who were so happy as to live near the Kaaba. Then he knelt down with his face toward the Holy City and prayed to Allah -probably the only such cere mony that ever ooeorrrd within the walls of the palare of St Cloud. Advertising Pay*. Ihvn't drop your ad. liecause It is "Itetween hay anil grass," and you have nothing to sell now. Those who continue before tlie public are always remembered, while those who adver tise occasionally are as often forgotten. , If you have sold all uu* and have , nothing to sell till fall, it will pay to ; say so. Those who have lieen the most i sueceasful will tell you the same. - • •• - HlttJf LANOI AUK. THf Manner In H'hlfh l#rf and l>umk l*r||r Talk- Vo one ecing 1 ' ,,! *'K n language c *° I' Ij> admiring it beauty and graoeful , ,<"<•>. 'I his language is very simple, rfieJ any one taking the trouble to tinly it with one of the speaking em |>loyen at the asylum who in awjuaint | cd with it, couhl soon acquire it. It is universal among mutes, ami is founded upon the most natural and convenient way of imitating the forms of objects sj>oken of, or making some sign which suggests some 'juality or trait of it, w iienever this is |MMsii>ie. Here area few examples of tiie way different things are expressed: I >og >iap the right just al*>ve the knee with the right hand (as if in \ iti rig a dog to come to you). tiirl f lose the right hand, h-ftvirig the thumb sticking out. Pass the thuiuh over the t hand, the hack of h l*-ing ! up. (.< rman Kxtend the lingers of IsAh bands and < russ t lie k the thumb and i ngers of the rigiit haml to form the letter (', and shake tiie hand. I leaf and Munib itace the tirst lin ger on the rigid hand to the lip* and then to the ear. Mate House Place the first fingers I of l-"th hands to tiie rigiit anil left temples respectively, and make tiie ign of house, dcscritxsl above. Penitentiary Cross the open fingers f.f l-'tii )iands to make liars, and pass the hands across the sides to indicate I rmjv-s. These signs are, of course, much simpler than many others which must |- seen to ls desert I ml, but they serve to show hhe manner in which the sys tem is formed. Abstract ideas are 3'iite as easily and rapidly expressed. Hid it is astonishing to note the few (••riis and adjectives it is necessary te tpell out by letters in a long conversa tion. For instance, clapping the fin gcr of tiie right hand and the palm of the lift mean* school; placing the | dins and fingers of both hands to gether. prayer; waving the handker chief in a crowd where deaf inutes are invariably collects tnem together; to !iint the fingers of the right hand at the oje-n palm of the left and shake them commatius pupils to study; touch ing the left palm with the fingers of the right hand and rapidly passing them towards the head a few ttmes means to learn ( that U, taking knowl edge front a Imok into the head): passing the right palm over the upper , rnd of the left list means enough, or Uled; pressing the first, second and third lingers of the right hand against '.he chin, with the thumb and small anger extended to the right and left t -sportively, means to make a mistake r Is- wrong, etc.- Ohio Stale Jmurnal, Wanted the lt*M. A travelling man who makes yearly fisits to a country store in Kentucky, liove up to the establishment the rther day and asked to SEC the IKWS. "How are you. Smith?' he said.when I very depressed looking man came to the door. "How are you! Who did you want * "1 wanted to see the lmsa." "til right, l'U call - " "Why, ain't you the Isms'?" "Xo; not any more," and he look.xi Ivor his shoulder in a frightened way. "You were when 1 was here a year •go." -Yes, I know It, but you see I've jot married since then." There is no benefit so small that a jpwxl man will not magniiy it.