J\>w Advert lenient** pAUDON NOTICE. — Notion is I horntiy klvod llut applh nt!.— A grocery Milcsman ▼ ▼ for (Yntro and dearth Id Co*. "Only tbo* who hiivo command of Ihr ibuvn CuuotiN,D(HNl apply with reference* to Fit ami !■< Jordh .1 Sons, Whulwalt' gr >cer*. jftw Nrth *•! it* 4 n l 2 :tu. Philadelphia. "\roTICK OF UNSEATED LAND IPPIALB \j j • '■ f i uDNftUd Iftod will • • held nt tin* CommUnloner* olllfc, In 11.11, (onto. fr tin ,'Vor.il townhi|w .u, follow* Ku*h, Taylor, Worth, lluton, 1 nion, Hogg*, Half Mo, .11. Patbm Kin! IhoiDtr township®, on Tneiday, hoptpnibrr 1 *th. Spring. Walker. Marlon, Liberty. dirtin, Bnow Shoo an,l llurnaid® township* on \V®diirad*y, Bflp trrnbor 19th. Frrguaott, College, ILirrla, Poller, Hiegg. Perm, 1 lain®* an I Mile® t®wnhi|* on Thur*day, September 20th. ri.„ M®e*" , r* r#|ioatr,l to he In attendance from !♦ o'clock, A. w. to A oVh„ k. y. m JollN Will S. ) II i CAMPHKLL, Com*. A J. (IKK IST, ) W. MILKS WALK rat, Clerk. -I— it. MGENTS MAKE NO ENGAGEMENTS F\s4 wot Until yon have won our M*m Hook fTB Battles for the Union ' m8ellion alght, fTREBIDI PTB CO . ■HI P. O. llox 63. I'hiLub-ljdilu. l\c ! PENN AVE., ml SIX I'll Sr.. PITTSBURG. PA. KVTKAMK 12 |.'2*l\tb s|. pp. llllr Hotel, The Oldest Normal School I N wBSTERN PENBYLV ANIA. TALL TERM Begins Tuesday, Sep 4th Pr.purntoi-y, Normal, Arailrniio null Business College Deparlments. Gorman, French, Shorthand. II Instructors, Over 000 Stud-nt- regis tered la-t your. Special attention given : to Book-keeping l'enntnnnskip Htid Busi ness Ktbics. TUmCiT per year, sr-'i ; Life ( mmer- i rial Scholarship, ssn ; Commercial Schol ftrghlp, (■' months $25. TTTITIIiT in other Department* $22 for tnree month'. Night School 5 Nights each Week. Saturday Normal Class for Teacher*. PROP. IV. \V. MCC'ki.LAKK, Penman. HARMON D. WILLIAMS, Business Mtn. J (.'LARK WILLIAMS, Principal- T£ELLE FUNTI■: ACAI)EMV. This Institution will open it next , Regular Session on Monday, Sept 3, 188.1. The same corps of teacher*, who nave r, much satisfaction lat year t> the ; atron# and friend* of the A 1,-my in r.-gar 1 t-- Discipline and th- Met ho Dof I n*tru- t. n' will assi * t the Principal in conducting the school the ensuing year. INSTIU CTOIIS MILS. E. M. ROBERTS, Teacher of the Primary Department. MISS .11* LI A L. REED, Principal of the Voting Ladies' It ~.m and Teacher in Higher Knglish and c ience*. MISS SEN NIE M. OEH RET, . Tearher ~f Latin. The Principal will take charge of the Young Gentlemen * I! >m and give in struction in Greek and Mathematics. Pupil* will be prepared Carefully and I Thoroughly Dr Business or for Go!lege. ! Special attention will to given hv the In j alructor* to the Moral ami Keligiou* Cut- • lure of the Htudenta. Boarder*, either young ladies or young gentlemen, will he charged for boarding and tuition s■"> per week. This include* all ordinary expense, except wahing. 31-lm. J. P. HUGHES. I;X EDITORS NOTlCE.—Letters I J t**i4m+ntry n th* EUt* of Mr* J*n W 'f BlUf>ntf t*oroi|rli. rotitity, p* , liAvinz > • -i to th nw4rifn**l *ll n MtlitH I" •*' l '**t*tn rc. ( i|r-t*wi t., mtk linin*di> t p*>mnt. • 1 ill tlilAin,r Ui% *!ciot tht irAio t. jr nt t!i#r>, d. !y nitln MEM. I I. Uw.tot 2 vtl*w*iu aI>AH HOT, fk*'K n|*>r. Williams & Brother hr.AI.EH* IV2 WALLPAPER, PAINTS, Ac., Ac. 0-0 paistixo ANtirAprn hanoiro-wobkman j mill'—THE HBT, eRi. iat-Tiir I/)WK.*T PROMPTS RjW A SI) DISPATCH, Ceraer 111*1. *„-l \V,i„r Street. 0-0 We teke I life methwl of ll,f-.rn,l„ eterrleelf. Ist. Tlisl we hsve In .t/K-li It,. u r( eet >n ,| Aneat •eteeth,,, of Wall pa|-r (mlaid* ~f Plilla<|.l|.|,l* or New Tor*. .1* SolidiloMa. Hr,.nre. Mlrws, ' rials. Snllns, Bis, ksami llrowns. Rswnilfoi tv,Triers In ureal sanely. 2>l. Thai we have Jnal ree|s,.| rtorvi Saw Tor, trerl * Il.sk s Kew Ihe'k e( "|||t, ( I. I.na, .e ,an fr.rnlat, , n I put lip ae jut, sr,,l eilm* Desraaimna a* are |,,|| ,||, artraliere. * A*l, That we laslie all who Intend tarperln* to rail ar,,| see r.nr line of llrs.ta le-flir- ordering elaewhe,. Ilk, We has# in our eropkr). Brat, lass Paner llan* ere and Painters, aad are prepared In lake p.l.s ~f Fainltti*. Qratnlng, Blgn-Wrlilu* and Paper Han* In*, large or small, ami completatha work v. 111, n**i nllclta |lorr* of 0110 |>tl< rn, ri" trouble to no 11- t ciiougli of on® color to ttiiUh out n drum* -t u >rd. 1 Hi Men u Kiu® W.m| ll.it*. 1 t 7 • • nt-. el®wb®r® 91 T*. Ittd MPU'H Khittut Fur lUtw worth |.! t. f.' Sotnu very Fin® MifT lImU Niuong thorn. 13H |Mir M®n * Droit Hhoe* 81 ' M '. *JwJoro II 7'.. Bowod tlorking ktioo® II "b, oUowlhtw f I .'o. " ltoy'n Fatiry llovtoo " "[!• . , " . - One lot Hoy'® Sh Han a We k Pant* I Meli'd Luht Cttitn®re all Wel Palit* ' Men'* Light Ca*iner® *ll wol l'*nt - " t"" ! Men 1 Ml.f kU Wool Diagonal " 1 • | Men'* l'rk Kctra Heavy allw.-.l tery fin* Pant* Men'* - Wo"l Pant* gray ttilitd I°° ' One IA Wad Pantt tlightly failtd, ro*t u*. 4'• t- Ir I ' t J OXK AO T OF SI ITS ALL WOOL One Lot of Dark olatldownlold6u, Am hlki I" 9all dowa I• • . A few lllack In I- 'I > .'l* ,l 1I 1 " U' ,t is just half |rj. , (fiw■■ at i> ali W | Ilia s. I 'is.- rial f els where 111 i* l \ rUri llv all W --I I'lne lllag-nial "nil VI • ■ i I' ll " Ursa I Annj - nls Blaa, all WoolllooD,.la* li • 00 Black Diagonal Hull* oe|a*wh*re- Hull's awl Children's Clothing Ow Half Drier I Aa *ll Wool Bin* Sailor tall • < DM Mm !*ll"r Ml • I w* -I- 4. • AV- rj nil- Klue Pallor Pull , elwwher. • • Childrwa'aSulls, li-eid Quality -Iseehere' I A fluid Suil 1 7 • "here . It. \ , suits, I" t- If year. - 1 sew 1.1 ' 1 I Boy'* nUta, 10 lo IT ywn, ail wool • #l**wbr 6 ifi Ik-j'• auiU, In I" IT year., all wool .1 'Si #la-whefa to D>c. Child's BegnfaM Mail* llcste • pair fur - line I. ,t,, fall Silk C.dnre.l and Black Saab Kll-hun - a yar I. ar tnl alu. Ti AI •• ! Child'* A Ml*a-s H-w< ' I"" ' * - *'**"re I > SE S D E 0 II S A M D 1. ES. LYON & CO. 1 ,S DC It I, D. It | L CO,, (J rarer*, Hush House /Hot 1., Ilrtlcfonte, Da. NEW GOODS —PO It THE SPRING mill SUM UK II TRADE! !| Me have emleavore get the very l>e>t of every thing in our line, ami iihw have Rome really CHOICE GOODS. ELSE CREAM CHEESE, Extra Urgr KHEMTI PIH NFS. SELECT OYSTERS, SWEET DOT A TOES, LARGE RIDE CRASH EDDIES, DDI'S ELLES, IMPERIAL FIGS, DDI GUT SEW LEM OSS, FLORIDA ORASGES, Prince** Pa|N>r*Shcll Almonds, Kia|Kiratc// r Mltlf/tr--ItootH ,f horn. HOOTS SIIOKS. 0 0 "%* Wo *P6 Dow ready with an imnirnne Slock for Spring nn Is n good article to have ir it h i>roi'KHl.y ritOKitvi.n. We have an article that has been THOR OUGHLY TESTED and pronounced by com petent judges THE BEST, it is put up in large' cans at 80cts. per can we also keep sulphate of lime in packages for same purpose at 28c. AT GREEN'S PHARMACY, Bush House Block, IiI:I.I.I:I oM i;, J'A. HAVE TELEPHONE Connection. lii ifstinif i lull,nil / lIOIIMI, lh Ui/mitc, I'A. EXCELSIOR M>'G Co. Why ne Psij It All, ROAD FARES And give away u Hat] to very l'urcha-er of h HOYS or < lIII.DS Suit, ttr 0 u -s>s WE AHE SATISFIED WITH SMALL PROFITS, M e are h >und to get acquainted with tin People, WE lii'YOl'U 1 akes ( heap <. IM mlk. \\ iiich I'hil.i lelphia \N h ileale ( inthicrs have c-tahhshcd the name fur < it i;a •' |i \ ik (jOops^ We buy in such large quantitie- that we ran all r.l t>> sell cheap which w. will 1 eave to the public to judge fur themelvuld* a' > rail at- | tenti- nto advertising. I t money y u can put in the paper* what you Ilk -, ami fur this r< aon we will a-k of you let >re purchasing t • give u* a call ami see whereoiir nw// competitor- are with Haniu re of 20 jm rce i Cheaper than any other II >u*e in the city Echo Answers He Where! A ( umplcte line of C; lINfSI TUN I >lll N( f ;<)(>1 )> H ATS, ( A PS, THI NKS, YALISKS, etc, "KEYSTONE CLOTHING COMPANY," Michael Levi cO Co,, Proprs., 17 tf Allegheny Street, Itellefonte, I'a. />. h'orui'in ,f Son'* AVir Store, ra %&&&s&* Carman <£ Son. li A II I I! My do not think, becnuse the cuts repre sent only gentlemen's wear, that we have not been particularly can4ul to select an elegant line of goods cspeci ally suited to you. You mill &•