®hc tCrntrc §m.wat.: -—m I ■ r 11ELLEFONTE, PA. - \ TIIE CENT KB DEMOCRAT i pub- v lishwl ory ThumU) morulas, at BsllefonU, I onus f county, l'. TKIIMS—Ch In St BO t If uot 111 ilncc. Si OO j A LIVK I'APKK—doTOtod to tin Interests of the ( whole* people*. Payment* mule within throe month* will l© con- ( sitioretl In nJvance. N paper will ho discontinued until arrearagMar* <] iwi I except at option of publisher*. Papera going out of tho couuty must be paidforln P 5 Any C person procurlna us ten cash subscribers will 1 • tent a ropy free of charge. Our extenalre circulation niakr* thla |>aper an tin anally reliable and profitable medium f r anvertialiig. c We have the moat ample facilities for JUH WOIIK and are prepare*! to print all kind* of Itooks, Tract* I Programmes, Pouters, t'otnniert il printing, Ac., luth* thirst style ami at the lowest |w**lMrates All advertisement* for a less term than three month* .. 20 cents per line f-r the first three in- rtlons, and ft cents a Una fr each additional Insertion. Ppecial H uoticee one-half ui"ie. Kditorlal notices Ift cents i*r Hue. t I. . al N••nets, in local '*l umns. In cents per line. A liberal discount s made tu persons advertising by \ l is .juarter, halt year, or ) ear. as follows: r CS' Ok I ** irtci oocrriin. One Inch (l-e) I-'- . Two Inchee " '"I *■*' ' Three Inch". >'• •" j quarter rnluiuu i'*r i li„-h • Uslf ...luiim > r I'lniihf"' t-M "• C On. column fr ."'lm-lies) |.tA!.WiHu> Vr'u . • ■!>' rit" im hi >i i • |ml I l 'r I■frr In ■Hirtinu, . icF|>t i. .il,. tr.r i uh.n li.ifyoorlj ptraiaoln m advance wli to rwillfS. I I'iltri \i v..Tii' .-lit. | i Itn- li luiwrtlon N .thins In.. rt tit! .ii • fi't*. lit .itn. Nun i v tl lit.irlnli .Inmnt.lSc.nt. [i tr line, each Insertion. n C The Difference. The constitution of Pennsylvania re t quires in positive aud unmistakable c terms that an apportionment of the r state into congressional, legislative and * judicial districts bo made. Nobody disputes this fact. It was with due and proper regard for the obligations of tho constitution that Governor l'attison called the present ;l special session of the legislature. In response to this call what have the I two houses done outside of the passage " of a judicial apportionment bill ? The republican senate has done noth ' ing except declare its ultimatum in favor ' of the infamous McCracken gerryman ' der. 11 has refused to consider or trans. ' act any other business. For doing this ' work it lias regularly taken ten dollars ! a day for each member and has con tinued the special session at a cost of three thousand dollars a day to the state. What has the house done? It ha* passed one bill after the other and made one concession after the other in an honest endeavor to carry out the j provisions of the constitution. It has * j made every etf'ort possible to meet the J republicans on fair grounds and to so cure apportionments, even going so far as to adopt republican apportionment bills. Hut at every step it has been met by the refusal of the republican ' senate to legislate. There may l>e no apportionments, but [ the democratic house will have the satisfaction of knowing that it has ( worked sincerely and with fairness and liberality. The senate has not. This is the ditl'erence between the two houses. —Harriil/vrg I'atnot. They Will Not ID-sign. , The flippant reception of the House ( resolution that the members sign in a body, by tho majority in the Senate is ( only another conspicuous betrayal of ( the spirit which has actuated that ma jority from the beginning of this ap pertionment conflict. Senator Cooper | moved to amend the resolution by , striking out the word "Senate," so that it would apply only to the House, and then, as if this were not sufficiently witty, he added the suggestion that the , resolution apply "only to the Adminis tration members of the House." An other Senator objected to resigning, as it would involve him in several hundred dollars of expenses to be elected again. When the enemies of apportionment supposed they had covered the House resolution with enough ridicule it was consigned to tho Committee on Appro priations. Hut, with all their show of banter and merriment, they could not help betraying that they were in pres ence of a very ugly proposition. After exhausting every effort to secure a just apportionment, as the Constitution en joins, the majority in the House have thrown down the challenge to its ene mies to resign and go to the jieople, so that a new Legislature may be chosen- Thia is a proposition that cannot be laughed down, a* has been every effort of the House to give tho people of Pennsylvania the representation to which they are entitled. There is much more in the suggestion that the Administration members of the House only resign than its author pro bahly imagined. If these members, the majority of the House, were to resign now, on the rejection of their challenge, there is not the least doubt thai every man of them, from the Allegheny to the Delaware, would be re elected by an overwhelming majority. What base pretext or subterfugo could partisan ship offer for their rejection ? The spirit of partisanship would be absalied In the presence of honest and courage ous members asking of a law-abiding and liberty loving people approval nnd support in the effort to give them equal representation, in accordance with the solemn mandate of tho Constitution. Where is the district in tho common wealth whoso voters havo so small a regard for their own rights oa to reject . this manly appeal? In contrast with tho action of those representatives how contemptible would be tho attitude of tho Senators and members who have obstinately and defiantly refused obedi ' once to tho Constitution and who dare ■ not resign ! Tho majority in tho House have made ( every concession that honest and faith ful representatives could make in the .. .. .. . . s etlort to pass the apportionment laws. They have even gone further in the spirit of compromise nnd conciliation than they were warranted by the pro- visions of tho Constitution. Hut tho only answer returned to them by the Senate majority was ultimatum, and bo. hind this ultimatum stands tho gerry j' man der of repreaentation made ten years ago. To this ultimatum tho House opposes tho manly alternative of appor j tionment or general resignation and J submission to tho sovereign will of the people. In making this challenge the majority of tho House havo shown a generous confidence in tho peoplo and j , an honest faith in tho justice of their i j cause. In such an issue, involving the ' just rights of representation and the integrity of tho Constitution, tho peoplo ' of I'ennsylvania could not reject these ! representatives without betraying them- | selves.— l'hila. H-rorJ. | 1 The Outlook. I The Stalwart Mate ticket nominated ' a few weeks ago, is not commanding ; - the confidence and support of the He t publican party that was so confidently 1 asserted would follow its nomination. ' Several little obstacles have turned up ■ 1 to obstruct tho way to the victory which 1 • 'bairmnn Cooper proclaimed would !' porch on the banners of the "reunited party. In tho lirst place, the party is not reunited on the ticket which begins to drag with an ominous heaviness. The ! selection of a "bloody" englishman, and of a trimmer - whose standing in 1 la-t year's contest is not yet definitely ] ascertained—as standard bearers, turns out to be weak. Hut the greatest tilun ] der was the forcing on the party of < Senator < 'ooper as chairman, for the i purpose of giving him strength for his i battle next year for Senator. The op- j I position to this programme, by some of t the most Stalwart, as well as all the In dependent*, was anything but reaasur ing. In addition to these troubles, no response has been heard from the sin i cere Independents of last year, all of | whom, excepting Stewart—who early last winter reaped a deserved contempt | for his trucculenco to the Stalwart ring have remained quiet, and are con i firmed in their belief that Cameron , will Ik? in next year's contest for the , Presidency and Senatorship. It is pretty , well understood that the Stalwart bos' e* havo been trying hard to get some , kind of public endorsement of the I . ticket from the Independent organ;** ! tion of last year, but so far, without ] success, as the Independents projwiso that the ticket shall get for itself only ( the kind of a ratification that Cooper and hia Stalwart worker* can give it. Then to crown all, the ticket nominated by the Democrat* is composed of such superior men that all good citizen*, lie publican* and Democrats, feel that tho change in the management of the Treasury of the State would be so ben j eficial by their election, that a |>oaitive j torpor exist* in the Republican rank*, which i* in strong contrast to tho en tlmwiasm manifested everywhere among Democrat*. Altogether, it now look* that if Democrat* give a little attention to their cause, the "repaired" Stalwart machine will be completely smashed when the back township* are heard from in Noveml>er.— Dovletfoicn l>tmn eral. Titr. Utica o*vr-rr pertinently re mark* : "Tweed died in I.udlow street -Fail, New York, in crime. Democratic sentiment made hi*co partner* fugitive* from justice. I'olk hat been sentenced to a term of twenty year* of hard labor in prison. 1* there anything encour aging to Democratic ra*cal* in thi* country? Let ti look at the other picture. Helknap, Rabcock, .Shepherd, t'olfax, Kobe*on, Howgate, Dor*ey, ttrady, were a* guilty aa Tweed. Their villainy u demonstrated a* clearly a* hi*. Of all these Republican* Howgate alone lack* the audacity to ask from bis party an acquittal, which he would surely get. I* there an honest thinker in tho country who doe* not attribute the escape of the Republican worthies named to the inherent depravity, to the instinct of self preservation of the Re publican party aa it baa existed since 1872? The Democratic party baa pun ished its villains, and punished them in the proper way. The Republicans eith er honor their rogues or else retire them to private life, and then ask credit for so doing." / Mr. Magee'R Instrument. The fact that tlx* nomination of Liv " icy for Statu treasurer was chiefly the ( work of dextrous C'hria Mugee has hud no inconaiderahlo influence in deterring ' romo of those indepondentn wlio were in arms against General Heaver, from giving the republican ticket thin year the assurances of the active support that hH been expected of them by tho party managers. Charles S. Wolfe'* bold declaration v against l.ivsey will bo found in tho pro gress of the campaign to voice the sen timcnW of not a few republicans who are not at all anxious to see tho old Htato treasury ring continued in power. Mr. I.ivsey is the direct lineal rep " resentative of that ring. < triginally the ' cashier of Mr. Magee'a bank in I'itU burg, he was placed in the state treas urer's office, under that inoffensive old man, "Farmer" Fuller, as chief clerk, j at tho dictation of Mugee. 110 has been the real working power in that ( office during the last three or four , years, and ho has never ceased to be friend the interests of the man who put ] him there The funding of the stale's surplus of nearly two millions of dollars in Fnited States bonds is an operation which Mr. ( Mugee, whose bank now holds u very largo proportion of those funds, is nat urally anxious to retard as much as possible. If Mr. I.ivsey should become tho nominal as well as the virtual head of the office he will be expected to take particular pains that Mr. Magee's Lank shall retain custody of its share of the ( funds so long as tho Humes law can be | prevented from being consummated. It is such an instance aa this that Mr. I.ivsey can become very serviceable ' i to the man who hns created bun. It is certain that the Humes law will not be promptly carried out in its spirit us well as to the letter if Joseph I'owcll is not placed at the iicad of the treasurer's office.— Phi'.i. Chr -. II i I. Nouttaern Independent* Necking Aid. ] WASHIV.T"X, August .';U. "'olUctor I'.rady, of fetersburg. \ i., in an inter | view confirms the report that the c- n* ference of yesterday and to day betwer n Mabone. I,ongtreet, Chalmers and < th er Southern Independents was for tl.e - purpose of planning the future course j of the Malionites of tlio South. The | meeting, he say-, was, how. v. r, mainly accidental. As one r• -u 11 of tin- c<>n ference the gentlemen participating ! i railed in a body n liie sympathetic ! , First Assistant Postmaster General j Frank Hatton and the uoym| athetic Postmaster General Gresfiam. They j , urged that they be given r -ntrol of tlx postal patronage of their respective i States. Cash, the South Cur dina Inde- , pendent, who joined the other to day mainly by accident, since he had hop. 1 to arrive yesterday . makes no loine* of saving that they must have patronage in order to get power. He says the appointment of an Independent to be Marshall of South Carolina would give the Independents of that -date 10,000 - vole*. Representation Nothing at All In I-77 Governor Pollock railed an extra session of the legislature when the financial panic of that year took place. ; Rut the legislature could do nothing I substantially for public relief, and there was no necessity for calling it. ry. Kt>/.: Permit me to *end my congratulations upon your nomination for state treasury of Penn sylvania. The Prince of Wales informs me you are solid for free trade, and that he will cause you to be proposed for membership in the Cobden club at its next meeting. The eyes of all England are upon you, and it is my earnest wish that you may win by 20.001 majority, which are the figures Senator Cameron assured me you would hare. Remem ber St. Georgo and the Dragon. VICTORIA, (Jueen. ('RATEKM HEMMING (THE. The Werk of Heatrnrllon in Jam. A CIR AND THANSKOR . AT lON WROIOIIT BY VOL CAKIC ACTIO*— VRN MOUNTAIN IRAKS WHIRR RRTORR TIIRRR WAS RUT Ojt. TIIC ORATU LIST— TIJR .WORST OVRR. IX>N I.ON, August 30.—Reports from Ratavia, received to-night,are of a more encouraging nature, although details of the horrors of the eruption continue to come, growing ail the time more awful. Some of the roost remarkable phono mena ever known in the history of vol oanio energy bare been developed by tbe great disturbances in Java and Sumatra. A ftcr tho sudden subsidence n of the territory in the kingdom of Ran o tarn on Monday tlio eruptions seemed < to lose their force for a time and the fi people of Ratavia experienced a feeling g of relief in the hope that the worst had been passed. This continued until about ten o'clock, when it gave place to renewed fears, for tlx: craters bad then fi once more begun to send up great t masses of destructive matter, although j n without the force of the former actions, o Tho eruptions seem to bo more violent c at night than during tbe day. Ry , eleven o'clock tlx* Papandayang, which j is 7,0il feet high, was in a very active ! state of paroxysmal eruption. It WHS accompanied by detonations said to | have been heard in Sumatra. ft fi Til KKK < 01.l M.N - 0 11. A UK. t Three di-tinct columns of flame werft seen to rise from the mountain to a vast height, and its whole surface soon ap- , peared as if covered with liery lava | streams, which spread to great distances • on all sides. Stones fell for miles around and the black fragmentary matter car ried into the air caused total darkness, ; ( A whirlwind accompanied this eruption, i ■ by which the roofs of houses, trees and even men and horses were carried into f the air. Ibe abundance of a-ho- ejected , was such as to cover tbe ground and , roofs of houses at I Nsmt.o to the | depth of several inches. n'f I'oint , ('aav, the floating pumice upon tho water formed a layer two feet thick, , through which VO-M-U forced tlxir way , with great d.ffirullA . Jbe r:-e of ar que ( ous vapor produced tlx- appearance of a , column sever il thousand f.-etbigh ba-.-d ( on tlx-edge of the crater and appearing j from a distance to eon- tof amass of ( innumerable globular clouds of extreme whiteness, resembling vast Falls of cot , ton rolling one over the other as they , ascended, impelled by the pressure of ( fresh lupplie* mc* -antly urged upwards by tlx: continued explosion. At a great height the column dilated horizontally and spread into a dark and turl 1 rircu lar el. ud, having tl.e figure of sn ini memo umbrella. I orked lightning of ( great vividries- and beauty < >ntinually , darted from different part* of tbe cloud. OR AMI t ii A N - I (KM AT 1 -N. •suddenly the scene \*a changed. Toe mountain was sj lit into seven parts without a moment'* warning, and where r.ipßtiduyang bad st ad al lie tl,ere were now seven di • incl j ea';s lis lining up to a gr-nt height. In the ein opened couM f<- seen gr- it l.wll - of in dten matler, and from out thefts.ore* p iure-1 cl- ld* of steam and tbe black • • cte l lapillo flowed in •'x ady stream* and ran slowly down the mountain sides, forming beds 2t*t or ' 1 feet in extent. Exhalation- of carbonic arid gas occurred to abundantly that birds and animal* in larg- muni er* were killed by it, and a f< w human being* lot their 11ve• in tbe same ws•••. This proved to be the turning point in the great eruption, for the great fture> op< nen the lowlands of Ratafia, where the waters have receded and quieted down, hundreds of bruised and mangled bodies are lying exj>o*ed. A sanitary corps, largely composed of vol unteers, has been formed, and the corpses are being removed and buried *t fast as possible, in order to prevent the breediog and spread of contagion. While there is some cause for anxiety eu this score, it is thought the grester number of bodies is the ipterior were so dried and seorcbed by the hot lave and stones thst Ihey will not putrify rapidly to any extent, and the bodies'* rf thoso drowned by tb tidal waves [•an be taken care of with reasonable facility by tbe Coast Sanitary Corps, now I getting rapidly to work. Oter the World. Statistics show that the emigration from Ireland in forty year*, from i to I**l, has been 47. J percent. From I many counties it lias been more than j one half of tbe inhabitants, i Oily two, counties in the whole island have in creased tlx-ir population within that period Antrim by 19.1 per cent., and Dublin by 12.4 percent. Mackerel will be scarce and high priced this year owing to tlx- smallrx-." of the catch. The season for mackerel ' fi-bing begins about March I. Up to this time only 70,000 ham-]* have been caught, against i 17,000 same time last year. The price for No. 1 extra salt mackerel has reached (27 to (10 per barrel. Last year they sold at $l7 to 120 per barrel. 1 be military system in France exacts service of prince and pe&tunt. Under tlx- empire one could send a substitute. Not -o to-day. Every young man fwitb a few exceptions of slight importance . on rea< hing twenty, must go into tlx army. If lie has a college degree, or can pass a certain examination, the period limit* Ito one y-*r; other wise be is a soldier for five year*. Tlx- Mississippi river, eight miles above N itchez, is < aviiiv r>j liv in it dirert Fix- < n the MissUs.|j-i side through the old Net ite chute, which ws once the la iof the Mississippi r.V( r. Tlx- n- <>f acres of hith* r to dry at I worthies- desert. It will be 11 feet wide at the bottom and 7 feet deej . The water i* drawn frorn King's river. The datn will be *<*if-t long 27 b gh, i )0 feet 1 isc and 27 f,-et toj>. It AA.II b- the largest in the state. I ri-rn being the mot wortllle,-, this great atea when ;rr gated will, it i expected, b" productive a. tbe richest land in the state. The''., irleston .V • •.<' -makes the following statement of what has been nerompibhed in South 1 r dina in promoting education since 1 -7• . fbe rnirnt er of schools ha* increased from 2,4*1 to ."{.I-'',. Tbe AAbole number of teachers ha* been increased from 2.-74 to .ii *1 'be clx I attendance lis* increased ft rn l< 1 f- to 147.971. which is tbe largest numt-er of pupil* ever en rolled in the public schools in that *lste in one year The school fund ws* (2*9, 71 in 1 -7f■ 7, and (1.727 '7 in 1 -- I, while the wh-de o--t of conducting the -tate government, outride of the schools and the interest on the j '.it-lie debt, is only ( ' *i.isi, A l'riqilicllr Editor'* Mi-cry. The victories of Governor I'Attison's administration continue to occur with a frc-juenry ar.d derisiveneM that rrxi*t give 1 ditor McClure very little time for *leej-. lie deserve* J-ity. Yesterday the Democracy of R-erk* county nominated Judge Schwarl*. tbe j pnintee <-f Governor Pattison, and in a-1 rie- of ri solutions expressed their ; heartiest r.i ; rovsl of thepdminxtration ' it will d*- be .it order for 1 ditor Mr '"Jure to explain to hi* few regaining reader* how lu lurid propheciet about j tbe anti I'attison '"s-'idy uj rising came to so ignominious refutation yesterday. As county after county holds its con j volition* the Democracy continues with most irritating persistency to endorse the Governor and hi* administration. When Editor t'halfant sent Editor Mc Ulure hi* letter denying with stinging j em|>hasis the 7*l-- i' report that he was j against the Governor, llcf lure's cup of I bitterness was almost at its full , but with Judge H.-bwartx's nomination he i* given a dose of gall that will test the retentive power of his politica' stomach to the uttermost. Governor Pattison can now only com plete the misery of the discomfited editor by producing another letter run ning somewhat in these words; "My Hear Governor.—Since Judge Schwart* was nominated by the Demo cracy of Berks county yesterday on the first ballot, I write to say that upon full reflection you were right and I was wtong. A. K. MCCLVRR.'' —llarrMwp Pitrtol. Boss COOI-KR'S campaign circular* ad dressed to every Pennsylvanian in office in the Departments at Washington ask ing for voluntary contributions towards the state campaign expenses has created little short of a panic among the de partmental reformers, lie carefully ad mits that the laws of the United .States and of this state prohibit assessments of office holders for political purposes, but claim* that they do not to apply voluntary contribution*. Thi* i* without doubt a flagrant violation of the civil service act and u bold conlinuatiori of the il*l*l*riou political asuessernent practice* put in forcu by the party of high moral id'-a- for tin; purpose of keeping their party in power. Itwa* thought by civil service advocate* that tbo passage of the civil service art would do away with the pernicious *y a | tern, hut if the uiie oil pjact.fe of sending circulars for voluntary contri bution* is to be allowed, then it ; quite I evident that the Ml l( a dead letter and I might it * well be expunged from the statute book. If tin* it permitted to work out the object of the bo** j rorntil gator other* will follow and clerk* who (ail to respond will find that they can be discharged now a* 1 ■ y a* before the civil sei v i e < t *■ - | ■ <..ri ti adopted that.king ti." J.<-, ..tare for passing tin* f . ••>.t"ii i: g • t.' ,<• for closing t.be sold;* : - "I • • " ► t IV ttvsi.urg, a | roper testm:": .f pgi-'iatiOD ot his valued serve-. - o tb<- I'epartmeot of Pennaylvania. Thanka were ex let;* de lto I'oat of' i* tttsburg. Adjutant 'iener.il Thomas .1. -tew art report! d .',71 foil- rne: iters and.* f • 17 ex pended in ri i;t f and charity during the juarter eridn ■ dune belief was ex tended to 171 jet- n* not members, (tress parade was omitted thi-evening. The amp fire was ' rted at • p. in. i'i rtiuti. I hi* medicine was introduce i to the n' d;ca'. j rifi ' -i • i to t. <■ publi' at largo by)'. HVKTMAV, M. I. in |s77. after he had pr< - nhed • to over ? '."'i j vtients n almost every disease to w ii ch fles), is h' .r. It i- wholjv < w| ..si i of numerous vegetable ingredients, each in" of whirl, - ark i. ig , t -. the medical profess; ri to be the most potent of all the hert al rented;' > kc wn to medical science. f.ut its great v.itue , mainly attribu table to the new at i J erul.sr J roj,or ten' in which the harmon on* ir.gn dient* are contbin. I. an d t-o the extreme care exercise I in its manufiture, using only the i ure. active jr .ni ; '< . and excluding ail that crude r irritating. N > one should 1 •• without I' i 2t. hat it did for an Old Lady. . 'TMS A number of |>en| le ha 1 been using your bitter* here,and w;th mark ed etlect. In one . x-, a lady ol over seventy year-, bad In en - rk for years, and fur the j •-1 ten year* ha* not been able t<> be around 1. .If the time. A trout six months ago she pit so feel !" she 1 was' .>. Her old remedies, or phy i sieiana, being of no avail I sent to lc i posit, forty five mi!<. away, and got a bottle of Hop fitters. It improved he. so she wn* able to dress herself and walk about the houn When she bad taken the second I ottle she was able to 1 | take care of her own ro rn and walk out to her neighbor's. nd ha ;mt roved ail the time since. Mv wife an I ch.ldren a!o have derived gr-at benefit from their use. W. It. HATHAWAY, ' j 35 2t. Agt. 1". S. b.x. Co, A'etr Atlverii*cmcnt. A ©) &4klM c POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thltjiowdsr **v*r vsrvot. a of Bjnt/ slwnclh r>4 .1. I •* irs,. Maw- . no. si „,f u.oj Ihs . ntlnsrj bind*. end <*no Ito s.<|.) in in. pi-., doe .lib the ronllitiide of lb. (ml so,,i \ k | BW or phnsphsts f>*dwe Seld ontj in tnmlUs. so SoVSU I"* W*ll st„ ft. T. ' A BURE CURE 1 " il for *ll d.tsssst of th* SC.drier. and I -LIVER-.,, the nu-% ®d 1r Os* Wprtsnuuw^' i . -■ ~.-'.,*7 ° ' '' ' '