Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 06, 1883, Image 3

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    .AVie . I dvcvUsfWcntH.
t*lf' •:' KM '* ill) t-1 f!.. line . f. ' •. I<
It ill li I* >lll til ''l i l l i ttumbaUM, (• m- r.i! ill i>l I. I ,
rhouiuiiiloni |i;irnliU, i. • Ii •' r, dtun.a
ctol ihl* Lliiiii •.•pJuml l!ra*v*i,fnrj.t.l i * T, j, '*•
it nilnnl Ifittii'- iiNthtm*. ' !!<•
nitf, djr," ••In, rnii-il'-.i I r i l|.-I.i, I
11..n. h< piilii it it,iiur, 4-ulnri n, plti • ;"i ,
*c*i fi".
t ,m . :• 'r rf t of.l ! IMTI\I or:i. V
fw 4, IMt % llnllljl, lurk >t* in ri • l ii* I' ft tl * r,
%* u float Wfl> •••. it ml till llioi' (!!••<'>nt- ut i •r.
• nnnl eataro, fi mvwuitii • . i . f
lUtin w Kiffß*tUin pormoatlif (hriitgl ilk pm *
mnlrpt(nrf th'M lon h'-iillli} mlluii. i..it i
rni'.tako u> 'itthln;>| i n-•
■si mm
L^D lE
r.lhnu*lloß.|)i iprpila.onillli |)|n uionftlio 1.1% •
4r, Kldtti i•. li*mi noli • or I ili! Kcil, ►nolli or
li.uk IlllM, I.r *W *■ , t ~ I. ' I ■ •
r.:M :% T i•f V. .* ' 1 •
Intmi mm I Ihrj
c trry n i • •••: ml in i t : • t ru Ij t ■• iUf t •>
IU. L. \'.rUMof'l!.o ; tee. Fall.
Infcofllit' womh, Lr*i< rrli u. run' lnll.it*" ••
tluii unit I 1. • rui 1 ••* i<flb|. \\ oil) !, ltd |.' fill I l(. 11l •
Oi rhnfr nr 4 Inutility, K'Mftiful, * ij>r -I and lr
rrcnli-r Mri*trn;iil >ii, Kurrvnid umi • lm*r of
I in . |hi* Uiliv Uni AppHmuo umi Curat 1%0 Agmt
t ' FfMtlc IB Bill ■ st * 1
I • ■ ''V - :jio
k"Pl.tl'nniiK ,-ivi r !v *.
ft I™. filth, r M-.t *• " . 1 tl** m.
Nntbj ij • C.O. I iI • i ntiloii 1 *
mullottr tori in< • ■ • t •
vai*t .m i-./• ' ..i .—loUteu*.
jrn.-r. .. T.r in . • * t
Th Mutiit. i l u.'.a; ' * ♦ r " n -*• \ r*a
% >rn m-r t ■ *"-•* IT. •<• ••% to tho
V*ol/ lll tho tnun/ tinlvuiil.. ami I'l. ctrl* Hunt*
lii'ii* ndrertl-d ... *f.it%ti I 1
tL.-n >rfut • . Th-'t I It. • ir/*; irrf r*r.and
tiro* -tintnil - . >nn..f f your.
t t ■ | • | iXtl
mont Without \lillciuv'," * . I- .'lMb*
TilE MAUN I TON* A I*l*V.l \ N't'l*. CO..
•18 btaUt St., ( liit'itKu, 111*
"A YN E'S I O Horso Spark-A-resting
Hthle Ei nf ha rnt 10.000 fi. of Michigan PUm
1 ; • r I I •; . ..4 UM O i'.S
fovt k*n^tU.
Cr to I'. \ t r*:-r to fhrni-h power to '
- - [•" tof 11. • t |t.,nl. In 1" Inn.:. Our j
. li • . /■ ■ in >imr tlmo.
(.ri . li r 1 ini ini • i.nrisTr'n <-.
ft}*: L f B hnnr-ptnrrr on H Mm I
U r 1 : fUr r I m BII> otl • r Kn
HB mil I •:••! Willi an Automilit
'it i ; T if \ i\\ .ii' is*it • • trr |
*■* "w- ' ..it tl . I I I
I! IV. I'AYNK .t S<
i .mill.;. N V. It. i lir I
ti ■■ n ' to a> t Bit .lUr/nr. fin I'atrr < ;|| •.
T ■ ft* Ml • r gbu, f r t •• I ..
Canada,. ... Ear and. Franco, c, r:.mn,..tc. W,
l l 11.Irt V"ll vo Iri-ii r*. c% pcrlciicc,
M ni taintd Itarnagti u> are t Uo-d In 111 • 1
i" f' l i'' •< *• 'i If • i i
rat I* • .t, r.ltiiOi •.
• i'l ~f Int.-ri—*!• e. <ll, I ! .1- t. ■ ■ i
■if ' . / r. - Ml -. . I I I . I • I ;
'■> ' - iVTI. tc AMt i I ~r< i. -v,
IwrYw ii .- ■! i>. jtafc ut rttomtafrw.
Ju.UuilAli UXIAM |
Utt.vi Tiia uui'a. r a Ttt* c . of
1,-J ; I- ' r r.c.
TRAOf VARK. > UoJlt'*
(itIi.MIII It A 1.1, I'll I kbit riih, I'a.
cnsAP gu:ts for tus pz:?lz.2.
C I H, nn.**" „ Fiu.t--.il, ••
l a
i ' ' ' 'J,
lt>9 SmithficM strwt, ritt*l>tirgli, Pa.
miMon MrFarlaae t k Fa.. Hardware Dealer*.
dk.vlkhh; in
Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes,
AI.I.E'HIRXY STRKKT, .... tll'MEH' 81/OCK, .... nRI.LErOMTE. PA.
Indian Blood Syrup
Cures all diseases of the Stomacn, Liver,
Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood.
MRS Million* testify to its effioacy in heal
ing the above named diseases, and pro
nounce it to be the
TIIADK M AUK, Guaranteed to cure Dynpepaia,
Laboratory 77W. 3d St, New York City. DruggisU sell it I
I>KL L !•: K<) NTE A- SNOW Sll () K
: I ) li. ll.—Tliuo-Tal'lm In olTt t l on umi alter Mny
i i 4. Ii
l.onvos Hliuw Hliov ft..'lo a. arrive* in llollafoiite
7.-1 % M
l.< *v* I)n|lofti|i(c tt.l'2 a. M.,arrives at hnovr Sliur
II iA. M
Loatoft Htiott - i" t*. M.,arrives lii UolUfutil,
1,20 9 'i.
I.eaVfm llt'llofuiito 4 l' r v .arrives at Hm%* Hli>e |
7. . * M 2 1.1. \ 11:, o. n i Ba| • 11in. ■■ 1. i.i.
1> IIOAI). Tiiuii'Tublc, Mi) 11. tf-a :
K| . Mull. *jiw*hii. .4tih|i. K*|i. Mall.
I A. m. r. M.
V u r.t \r; |fi' at Tyrone L'v* 7 h .hi
'• I.i ivei al'i > foliv 7 U7 H .17
• •. .* " Vail " 7 n 10
•ii 4 < 0 1.1 *• llnltl " ... 745 N ' r .
~ , . .. i " II \ M ... 751 BU4
' o •• rowu •• ... ; -i •>.
~ ; .. U •• li Itii 1 ! •• .. 7 ; ft 62
< b<3 •• lir| Matilda " ... H"8 u Otl
j , ji •• Miii tl.a " ... hl3 Wl7
! I*4 038 " Juliau •• ... 023 920
, w •• t muovlllt M
.; .. i • " Bbow 81MM lit " 142 017
I A lft " llltrabtirff M ... 0 • f6O
i4O ft oa •• is. ii- 0 nta " ... *OO I
..I i ft. '• Mltaaliurg •• ••• 906 1* 10
544 l i- • • i •!• i .it ** ... 0 Ift 10 IV
,1 in " Mftini Kn|(le " ... '• I • l' 'J I
•, U I •• 44 li. *ai l " ... V 1" •-
,"I 4 .... " Kaicleville " ... ' '• I"
( i| 1.l •' Ij.m •h i i... k •* ... \* 4" 10 40
4 1 4 t.T •• Mill llall 44 ... U53 Hi ft*.
i is 4 04 " '* 'II "i
k i. |OO •* Imm kli ivatt •• ...10 • 11 Oft
1 (Philadelphia ind Krlt IHvlaioo.)—Ov and
alUrt "ii Iml, I*.
CHIK MAILI av* s nIL l* l !u 11 V | n.
Itarriabam • 4 •
" '• U llli*riia| ~rl H 4'' n 111
•• •• Li. lt Hti\t n 40 ain
M '* KpiiiAu li 05 a 111
•• arrives at Kri '• Ift pm
MAG A A K\rKL.-M.a%t - 1M.1U.1. lj In- " .''sis
•• • • llarrtstHiri 11 0a n
" •• U illi*iiu; rt. 4 |' in
•t srr • vet at Itaaov 4 pa
Passetifftrs by this train arr.vt* in Helle
f i u .*t & 10 pm
PAD r LINK Is*Vl* I i II
4 Uari I - i m
•' Wl i pri Tl5 pm
" arrlvaa at I ck liavea w I , m
KA-TW A It 1.
PA< Ih :• SXPEKM leavssl I ii .* • • 40a
WitUamsport 7 i a
" arrlvi'M at IlnrhttlurK 11 are
M *• Phil iilall hia • ■ I | •
•• lock Han a 11
•' " \\ illiitni| ort . I.' to a m
•• arrivalfl • 1 10 pa
M r bila l| 11 7
KBH maillaavaaK a pa
'• " L- k llavsa 'i pa
" flit i rt*pot t li -i ft
" airlvaa at Ilarrl , 2 4
" " Phi la Islphta 700 * a
PAtT LINI laavaa Willlamsport 12 • a
•rr t%. • .! II *• *. '-an.
"Philadelphia .7 am
Krt*M*llH-*.f N) .aara Ei| rr* klU\ tt
\ ' \\ • t . • 1 i I li; ■. * K• t t A.
clomi nascll as at 51 art ham bar land with I. All, I*
R Iran * I r w s k . t-irr* * i B<'rsnt>n
i. Mall Weal, Niagara Rapmaa Wast, aad Brio
Bvi r* •* H■ si aad I k Have aa • ma dsttos Wait,
• Mi" td-n et H tiiiAiii*! rt with N ' K
\N frar north.
KA Mail Vt .t. Niscara Kij-res• W.st, %• 1 Ds>
V*; I *- f - t a !•" k 11 a*n
With H K Y It II trsifi*
Krj. M Ent *• !\%. *t ni r iat Krillh(rftlt)l
•n I. •* t M - It R nt ' rr% *i!. ' A A \ R
I R. *t En i ft t *th II N Y A P K K. 4tt J !
I I'rift* ! with Y V Klt
j i'*- rhm ;|| f ' '"in I't *''j t * and
Wtllii r t .tr.h".uts..' Im h;r.
U.dt. I t'.a. U ' I*; r-.t f Umy I i ••
i Lot, an Is ,f I o Kt;r*. } it ,* < ar a all
night trains Uw. A *
SINGER MACHINE ever offered the public.
> Th* nh r. *. fe; f. • nt t' - ' rrt <•! j j r ' r
thn 1-r* J Va hi * 'r % n (' f " %*ry I n
of fab Bamamtwr. we do a< ask pm topapanti p •
p, iia lh machif •* A(tf 1 • t *.• i it,
if it t ' t all *'• r-i * .t. r * • i I' t at ♦ r
Cbaaalt jpaarlatstaam aad avdarßaa ',■?
iaad ITS aod t * A rwss
fir 4 111. V 4 A ! t fO .
> 17 ,N Tenth Pt, t':.. a.Mj * \ %
: t> S-r 41 V k • t 1 *t J 'b
tn IIJ '\V ■ • start J M* .w- m.
V* n
a Boar la tk sea caa wafk ta j
|.|.■ • • f * ■ ei ■to tha boalaaaa. I
I•, •.. r I ,ib* • ill (•> }■ i r>.*rij t. ••11. >. j
' -k- . " |.t. 'j • .• -• *1 I
i - • •:'• • .i It- It- V •.> n.. ■> iMt. I
• *>lv.n-lh n Ad lr* *• Tat tft t , A*, ta. J
Malm 4-47-t j
• I •
Repairer of Sewing Machines,
R. .i!- aea aas mlfaaal el Mallei .*. * the la k
• • • r .!, with Mr. Chritisn I hi, on farm fl'
Z Kim*. E M .
Old Mnrh ** Rfmtiled t ('
with l* m a\rr v, .f r t i rhftt rtquxrtd.
a*" Ml work guaranteed.
.//• I ilrrrtisiiniufs.
From HOIII . .A i UIIIDIH of
tlio Ml lll#* 1111r11;111 i. 'I In I*
fiV (il Jit < 'III t 111 1 111 :11 111 L(|| of
A|i|>cllt't llowrlii (Oilin , .Sil
•rfeir, fullitraa u(|c*r <ittii|f, i#%erl<t *o
rirrflon of or inliiit, I aiHfnlloia
of footl In llnlilllty of trtiijirr* l,\v
• |ilrlU f .% frrllMH ill' Inning
*oin* <1 my, 111/./lnn y | Iu(lr | inu nl I tin
ll# MI I, |<t brio lb# ryr, |lj(li|% #!•
orril V'rlitr, \ S I 11 \ TJo \ , ( tnt| <lo
nund t in- tine offtrimit'dj that a tmllnctly
mi itin Mv*r. \■# ii I.iv I in.-.ll# i. Tl lis
I*l 1.1.S III! V•• lit i I'll!. Tin If lift ion Oil tlio
Ki<lll'VMiiixl sithi ik ill t i>rotii|i?. i< iiinviiic
all iif1Imiinlei thr< i • > * I • • ° eev*
fllgi'M if Ills* MValfiii," mjf "i j■ J
tlU,sound <Hgo*iic>n, i' ifitl ir if
in (I u viiforouH h i i i i i s puis
rim*##* no iiiu)H#'ii or riiplf. * nor in*•• 11 i•*
v itli Tillv work ami nn upi rf #*t
Hi: I'I.KI.S 1.1 It I A M \V .11 tV.
"i ii i to bid ii•• i •' i, with ( oi ■ i
Uotl.two yt ii ,:i■i■ tI. |VI ' • I I " • '
k;in I■# f jiIIIm, a tit I Tl TT*# nI 'ln llrnt
th it |) I VI- UotJO Uto fl rI •. I Till
clritrnl in#* out tilt # Iv. My app Mti H
fpl#-tiil)(l, looil Kt ♦ ii .v!ii, ami I n- w
uve Ditortl Pl'fiUff i I fi ! Ilka n •
n. tn " W. i>. I Dn M:I•. N • . -
* o rvwhff .'iftc. <)t!l ,11 Murrui >' .
(iinr II 11 It (111 XX 111 Hit I us r ; lll
sUntlv T" a ULOUT llui K by a single
am lit till" IVI Mtll V , 111 ,
or ten I by inrnu on i* Ipt of gl.
Offl* *. II Mitf .y Str.-- t, s#w y. 1 (
• .
I'k- : .it <f - .• ' r i • T
r# • • 11)- I 1I: i lit r - V
4 ••• • t-i Shi •• f ' !. • r !*t ; * .
tl n. I'. ivo f l !It r - IK _ **
* I'tf.i sis ;• >. 1. f j > • K-' # o
Ir.k*- • . * .a • . • •
\. •'
Z, !• K . I > ' nft ' • | •
I- '. a! i- Ii j- rf. ,i ' ' • £
■ YUM) 'icui'i Ni 1 hi • £
A** \ T TV '
0 [-!• i ; r I 1r ■
m Jl 1. . • " I't g
1 i'l a- . i I o
j) Tim SUREST CURE for
I"-*■• a :t.> k ordimUr#l •
. sit:.
' ■ -
:r-r*.;l i*;a iSt tri.itj-v \,ty I*t! w
i .<* utd nat r s m t yad .. 1 c
t] fl f)HioC
Kitr fy • W<~rt i ujnuvird. •
Mig tt win id promptly ■ I f U *
I r* v wt : iifMaw, rrt nof * • t
S v £
: . - ■ ' ' , <' r r
*1 IV WOt-T> I T AM. I nr , IVI . n
• '
to I lit • M ■•it'
Wc cix nr
- . . . . ...... ~
f" •' "ii i • $ • ' - i • r ■■■ ..f
LL'UH* ! M'.O
" iMTti :• .A i.
• <••<■ ►•, # -.-V.I ■ ' ' 1 * #
li'Nfl I. ON,
Rnr •> ' . pg,
ITrTTr!.ITCH.SO(CS. Pivrus./
ltm,tln*lnr. it'l ~ r. ir
onhl.l'l mif wc ft' in,- ul
flcn*(! •• I At*
t!'*aant, *no< mtoil r. I tm. i
i I, , 1., nn, .rtlrl. In |b nrk<t
Nl hfilrn.ji.',i r tail M itt* In S-tl Mt"|* I
LaM.il i* A-i:.i.Ds.)*,Pla^l".
llf I(1T11--"I I " n III" lot ful
Inl I v I. i" i •!> liair OSIIIJ,-'I m
ii lnu
Hi Ir -jl |tt.iiir In
(mt.-rljr. yr"tf, t • .rial ihniwt
monj'. W ni many (, wonsn. Uijrn wot glrW
111 ni'ik f.., u, fi(l,i In thi-ir >u I nnliilm Any on*
ran iln ihr nfk prop*,lf fn>m lli #r*l l*rt. Th*
Hi'lnnm Mill ptgnfriif than lan llmra unllnary frmfan.
R*paoatrrontflt fnrntahfl fpra. Ko ona h'i i-nfrngm*
fall ui maka nunap rapUtlp. Tun nan itnfuln f<mr
•hull- ttnir la ihr wntk.nf only ynnr apata inaairiila.
Full inAxmatlon and all lhal la nal"d atnl fra*. Ad
Irm *TI0 A Co., I'uillnod Malm 4 47*Iy.
Id J
K Ii I. I. Ii FON T li, I* A .
yv. o- Z o ZZ XJ t zz ZZ u. a. ZJ .
tßltnf OF T1I Kill • a WIWAM I' ilia IRKUI
QII C ALL' I UI. >lll.lll UL JL.L L.I MIL .
Every former llti e ' u•' • ~
LILMMM sotHtthing of i> <" IF -it at
Arm/ it I . If,. "At / ft
IlKM'ii lIA ; . /.. Ihr ■ .I ' 111 .1, .'/ it ■
fartnerA tun/ tune /m* 'ifhi I E
r iinm■ imur< ■ si, fi -r' /ait A# ■ r tJmt
they art brief an' . ■ I/, .nti.l.
About Hjii'outing Win 'I.
Il is in-rally MIJI] 'I a i|, M inni;.
(lie Pennsj 1 vania Farmer, tbat a j rain
>f w lira: it' jiiil into I !i' • i oiii. I v. m. .• i
rrcriiiiiialL* unywsy, but F i- !br from
a fact. Wheat needs thrci essentials
to cause growth, I, u , -tin■ ai.
air, and il any one o( tl t n i
willilu Id tin ie h n f i iiurt*. \ . ■ :i,t 1
of wheat |iiaa- lina • • Ii ( dry d
wouiil ie \ i r ppront; \a air;!
of iiuii-tun , .a sickly Ma < will : i . i
a while a] | < ar. lut i!. el. ;_*in \
or thai crow 111 Will 001 l el ae. I; 11 .
it only l ij>ht ai. iv. or vi.il throw
out a siroiie lent j.: d < \er. a
hill the life of t lie |1: lit i lie . . ■ .
exactly hv the aiie unt "; I i i
inent it ( oiilaini I w .l .' ■ i
wlu n th.s store i • < \ha>. :• d t
plant die", #tiv ■< i■ j 'r; ■ ' i
and sod. aiei k' op ' ■ ' :. ;• ■ ' re '
| about tM de^-r.. - and i1w.,1 never.
1 jienninate ; raise it to I ► d> ;rces
i and it will 1 e eooki I; | iace tl ' i
temperature at alu ;.' 'pi
an c.xtri nn limit, ai . i■iV ■ll n • '
growth in secured. '1 In n dep' <1
isowiiiLj haxe a most wonderful in
fluence upon the plant. Ii:.e 1 n
twelve ineln S ill t p, pro' ,M\ .not OM I
one kerin 1 in twilve would r. i :i
■ shoot above the surface, wipe at or.
inch the plants would tnak* tie ,r a[
I |n arance in four or I--. day . Ail
'< these rnat'er arc sul .(• • a- i i >.
jects within the si _• ht an i < irli r tie
'observation ol tie farmer, who, by
j fund f information tl .t v.... 1
i worth trcasun st .him—for. ;:-t...i ••
as they will be by I. .own . rr.
Tin-nt, tin \ ari • ■ vi. .*.< M r -
j cality and latitude, an 1 1 know*
then that tin y aic not the x ; :
of any* ■i' v ditor who* a.*: ulfural
pasture is tin* j inc fl, ,r in t!.< \* .
story of a hi • k h • ■ k. and the p,
age /f which is the wat ] np< r< j
American Beef and Idn land
1./ A.I, Al fr ft., n R. •
The shipments of American cattle
to (treat Unban ar> large, and grow
ing larger, and .1 i* s ,f,. :i y ,•
will I>. largest In !•*; of any pr •
vious.vear. Amern sn beef ha* grow n
steadily in favor witli tin- I'rilons
and it is not to be wooden I at thai
the butchers and -to.k rai-eishax
sought by aid ol torn rnnn lit to <x*
<dude American cattle on the pre
tense that they are subject to the
foot-and-mouth disease, b to. If the
American product is excluded from
the English market there would M
sueh an advance in price as would
please and profit these inten-tci
parties, it is self-interest, wholly,
which induces them to thus attempt
to damage a legitimate trade by h g
islation. Their resolution topuihil.it
the importation of cattle from thi*
country, passed by the House of
Commons rccntly, got no further,
by the interposition of wiser h u'isla
tors. The magnitude ami value of
this trade may be illustrated by offi
cial British statistics. Thus, in Ml.
out of $2G,(108,000 worth of cattle
imported into the l'nited Kingdom
$11,f>64,000 worth came from tin
United Stales, and outof SIG,M2,OO(i
of fresh beef imported $0,01d,000 j
catnc from our country. Our own
statistics show that Mg ore exported
to (Ireat Britain $•;,058,000 worth Jof |
cattle, $0,888,000 worth of fresh boef.
On Friday evening of last week, j
in die House of Commons, the effort
to shut out the importation of Amer
ican cattle got a lata! set-back. Mr.
Dodson stated that so far as Govern
ment inquiries had gone they showed
that there was aluolutely no ground
ft>r any legislation that would pro
hibit the importation of American
live cattle, lie also staled that re
liable statistics showed there was
less foot-and-mouth disease in the
United Hlatcs than in any other
place, and that what America did
have of llie di ease had been taken
there from Europe, ai I I ides
.American exporter- i.< vi r liked
sending to foreign inarK*' < iliiei in
ferior or alb-etcd live stoi ... This
i-p< <' b product da' j, ation, and toe
t lh.it is i-'|Ue)cheil, and the t \port
liadc in live i-tt.ci as Will a*, in
drei-sed bet f, will go f.n as usual,
lie- best nn ai at the lowest pi in -
will find its v. .y w. liout re i -lance :
to lie- tables o! the I'.
[ Secretary j reneli, of tin Treasury
1 department at 'A übißgton, tddn •
id a letter on ooU'iay '.I tk iwatk
rid:.' ivt; 1o tin i . r . of I ftot
, a:. ; mouth i. - in • '*. , i a- 1
j the liriti it I'm .aim iff. In h it ttci
, lie u. eu ' s tl. •w 1. , ■ .! , , from
. reliable data at I ml, mid denies most
emphatically the < •.. *. JK . of the dis.
. I ■!-. ill tills inn: • ! I 1, •nr 1' . '
ttpi iul Utlentioc to the -tra.g.iff
I ;!!K. I tioi. I ")'i I " I ii- i 'if iMliiir
< ifiijioit I iiilu ♦/ ii 4 ui/.iv,
v, li. ri by i t iff 'a :i y intj > > to
sul at our cattle ' > dm. ad, h from
• broad, ;. - In i Iff : I!' '
this b tti i lias 1 ii •< iff to the 1 'rili-h 1
Miia • or a* \\ .tilling-on for the a
fori..a' .on of I. (iov mm- *
Do. if. - j • v '
sum up about : : dov. fort: :.r
(.ram —i lie th< ii. i i . ,nof
. .
sugar cane, vig ' ,bl< -. .">< bushels
J' it' M'", tl'U 1 . ''it 'j * 1-ifM
field pumpkins .ml • yia-! . ati ian
ahundanee of garden vegetables of
tu<* i<?;r i v.*ir# ti .
1i iv r.ii I i'. .. o !. ir. .
tons of hay ; on the farm are two
( :fft'-le, a. 1'• ..1 l.av. ap; .. la
-1 ma: . n.or- . th otie-rof 1. •.ri f.n
.:' > ■ :
I .nil*—The. < was ah abundance of
f'ru 's ; a 1 t < . p< lb- i.: t
!< .r \e..ts -igo. eon-.-: ;i : >1
li' TIiCJ Wit. lid 1. '_* ■>. i
, winch about 1 ,(.'(>(• were s,,id ,arly iti
j tl..- f:.l i at iper 1 I |o an -. ~ v<
\V i H Not.' wt n ... .v i •; vv
on the farm. All the drix< s ami
avenues, as w. II .*. h- ;l.w:.y - >,>: Irr
two mills and a half, plant 1 with
mrqiis were <■ j n. .w- i ai 1 fit i
from xv. i is; al-o ixwMl ktpl laxxn
xxitli a go<"l X aril v of t vergreens
and ahrub'iery.
of the farm won' 1 be about equal lo
<0 per cent, on ait invt -tn eni
1 iocs farming p ty ■
Farm .Notes.
Tie- < Ob'T .do I ff.t'l b< ( tie ll'.S
! had its ilay. (ieo 1.
JSeleet your o 1 ) ota oos when you
cb.; the crop. N< ver abetter time.
Ivan-is shows 1. Uer yit 111 f wheat
j than waa anticipated bef'Tt thrash-
I ing.
j Humors of extensive j otato -blight'
' and rot reach us from scx*e-al sec
I.ate ndviet - from Europe fix the
wli< at crop at Jn pi r cent, below last
! year's crop.
Indiana in some parts is suffering
for rain. Wheat yield not much
above the general avenge.
Buy your wife enough strawberries
for a nice large patch—say one bun- ;
drcd plants.
The A mcric t i Cultivator says that
a gill of strong tea is a specific in
! cases of sheep poisoned by eating
1 laurel.
Corn everywhere is late, and cor
respondents in the: xvi *t predict t hat
frosts in September will occasion
groat loss.
- . _ I
(len. Hen rick, of < )lto\vn,,lowa, is
authority for the slnU ment that lowa
will produce this year the largest
crop in its history.
Farmers err who keep their horses
in dark snd too frequently ill-vcnti-,
lated stables. The constant darkness
is bad for the eyes.
Minnessota is lo have a sugar beet 1
factory with machinery imported
froui Furope. Jt will be ready for
opera'.ion next spring.
Tiic short: "• in (i:c win at crop, an
( timat' 1 by the best authorities,
v:.ri' i I)DID NL nit, C 0,009,000 bushels
to 11 0, 000,00 I bu hcis.
The condition of the corn crop is
advancing. It promises about 00
I • i cent. r,( i perfect crop, and the
calculations of the y ,< ! 1 . , 1,700,000
bu lids.
The ( nor: io v.:.!< rintlon-t that
come Iroin the I are produced by
ph hii < tl h '-forme i fruit,
' ' •. • later setting to
giow rj)u< |j p t , h -i r.
'lie late l r ,d mo I tun fully made
i crops give promise
ol proven, nt o\<-r last
i r; ; I crop the country
ow r.ia- p ra- i' • .:j well Is;.
Mr. i M > '.er, of Wa idngton
'I heave -t hop-grower
in ' I'm- ~v ' .'< -. It is thought
i ' tit ihop-growing
■ mi.try w.d b f ui. 1 in that
A i ■ vman tciU us that the
' r< i iry is worthless in his
■n. V<' . i lend id in ' )liio.
i i* ' -in : good tiling in
1..• v. • i :.;•!) - the- <dg< of tlie
a 1 :.t ~• rond-sid< s rney not
d .a. p.. . roj . but tiny will
m f ' :-< t< f :< i . to torment you
a.e • r -r. Uv"* r < at, j ile anii
burn thi IN.
:--r ' .e In- iry of k< ■ ping worthless
i . t>k .1 .i<' pwt j.ay -10,090,000
ani.uaily, thi. mi r< presenting the
v ■ ' • i 1 d -'roy< i, and
Agricultun th only important
■ try in Arner, a wliich lias the
w . f. :a i .arhi t. Our < x porta*
Ti e ; - b.iiti • of our country in
' ' : ■
Y.. i- : . -■ j. ■■ aloes <>n a soil
-t g i ntireiy of j>urc sand. lie
< nil he s. .th jis ' v of barnyard
• i'cp. I -< n ( a: -ore and excel-
A v.. r of r.iltm tto,' '.a.,
kojis . ur of t:.o worms which so
<>f n d troy p- ich orchards by
a . f! ! . birds, which
< . : g tuit i or worm-. For
. :•• ye .r- i.t has been raiding
1 I'e-c'.in ' tin e birds, and now
!. >0 of them.
I i- chimed tha* lettuce planted
e - n ' ::: ]>< tw. n the r.;ws
of strawberry i hints will protect the
latter from the ravages of white
..'i 1 . wh. I) pri ft r the roots of the
lettuce to tlioM- of the strawberry.
Fcrtii.uing b <b. 'ances.
From results ob'.ainct] with various
Art .i/.in • -ub-■ u. I'rolessor At
wat r has drawn the following con*
elm-ions: Corn needs little nitrogen
Ik -i it a wii.it it can draw from natu
ral -ourct s, while its yield is largely
increast 1 ur. r the influence of min
eral fcrti .a rs—the most effective
being those in which the chief com*
;>ncnt i- pho*phorie ac i<l or potash,
ording to the soil ami the season.
Potatoes respond uniformly to all the
A rlili. rg ingredients, and tlicy are
less able than to gather from
natural sources. The same appears
to 1 t:s for turnips. Not enough
experiments have l>oen made with
olht r crops to justify conclusions
concerning tin in. Practically, the
largest average yield for all crops is
-reared by tlie use of fertilizers con
taining all the essential elements of
plant food. I'sed alone, nitrate of
soda is rarely useful, sulphate of
lime frequently, muriate of |Hjtash
very often, and the super-phosphates
generally. Foils vary in their capac
ity for conveying food to crops, and
careful observation and cx|<crimont
arc necessary to determins the needs
of particular soil.
Water on riowed Ground.
The water that flows over a plow
ed field washes off the moist soluble
portions of tlic soil, and deposits
tlictn in the bottom of the ditches.
When it percolates through the soil
Uran underdiain the loss is reduced
to the smallest possible amount.
There is some loss in underdrawing
wnler; but even this is in great part
prevented by having a growing crop
i on the ground ail the time-