®IJJC (Centre Alk Clemocrut. S.T. SIIKJKUTiV K. 1.. OKV IS. Editors. VOL. 5. She Crolw groumrat. T.rmi SI.AO per Annum in Ailvnnoe, Thursday Mortiine, September 6, 1883. STATE TICKET. FOR AI'DITOR I i F.N Fit A 1,, (apt. ROBERT TAGGART, of Warren County. FOU STATK TREASURER, Hon. JOSEPH POWELL, of Bradford County. COUNTY TICKET. FOR ASSOCIATE JUIMIK Dr. J. It. SMITH, of Ferguson Township. FOR DISTRICT ATTORN KV W. C. HKINLK, of Ilellefonle. FOR COt'NTY PI RYETOR KM.IS L. ORVIS, of Bellefoute. THK legislature of New Hampshire has passed a compulsory education bill. The wisdom of regulating family af fairs by statute may have the appear ance of wholesome legislation iu New England, but it does not strike us as a precedent worthy of imitation else where. DEMOCRATIC VOTERS, should bear in mind that they must be registered ou or before the 6th of September. At tention to this may save trouble at a later date. Democratic committees should cxamiue the registry carefully and not sutler a single v-te to be lost by inattention. THE civil service reform, it is ex pected will be sufficient to protect all honest competent employees of the government who attend to the duties for which they are employed, hut when the time comes to enforce the order "turn the rascals out" the procession will be large and impossing, but sad and subdued. THE Republicans ought not to forget that all the grave charges preferred against Dorsey their great leader, were occurrences that transpired previous to his cordial and enthusiastic endorse ment, by Arthur, Grantand other par ty lights. The party workers were dirty then ; they are so now and ('oop- ; er, at least, is in need of ooip. THE evidence of the truth of the Dorsey disclosures accumulates, says the N. Sun. Congressman Bel ford confirms the statement that General i Garfield was forced to make resorts on the Collector of the port of New York under a telegraphic threat that the Stanley Matthews bargain would be revealed unless the appointment was promptly made. Gov. BUTLER, of Massachusetts, is doing a little junketting at his own ex pense. He is out in a yacht in pur suit of recreation and in n!:!.. This is somewhat of an improvement on the administration pleasure parties where j the President and Cabinet do their junketting in the government vessels at the government expoose, including their daughters, their sisters, their cous ins and their aunts. _ CAIT. RAMSEY, who has charge of jheN avy .School at Annapolis, is mak- i ing commendable efforts to abolish the system of baring, and has appointed a court to try the Cadets who have en gaged in the vulgar amusement, with a view to their dismissal. The gov ernment pays for the education of gen tlemen —not blackguards, and Capt. Ramsey is perfectly right in raising the standard of revolt against a prac l("' so entirely objectionable. ' T*IIK Democratic Convention of t Berks county have enthusiastically t endorsed Gov. Pattison's appointment of au Orphans' Court Judge, by nomi nating Judge Hwartz, the appointee, for the samo office, on the first ballot, f For this appointment the Governor was much censured by the Philadel phia 'fime*, whose editor can now re peat wjth great propriety the (iconic Utter written on another occasion; "Dear Governor, you were right nd I was wrong, A. K. MRCL.URE." Indignation Mooting. The good people of Pennsvalley showed that the spirit of subjection to the unmitigated wrongs practiced upon them the Pennsylvania Railroad would have an end at least in that important quarter of our county. For years i these people have suffered ail the wrong and indignity that I a heartless, sellish and rapacious monopoly has in its powei to inflict. ; When the project of building the road through the valley was first mooted the public spirit of its citizens gave it ! most enthusiastic welcome, and this j generous feeling lias been most basely I most meanly taken advantage of. The people graded the road, gave the right of way gladly and the five valley town j ships subscribed two hundred thous- , and dollars of their own money, and for what? For a road built only half, way to its destination, stopping at a j point where it does the least good, j where a great hulk of the wheat can not be delivered except at heavy ex pense and where not a pound of Iron ore can he hauled without pecuniary loss to the operator for a road that ha* developed nothing and has tariffed 1 freight so frightfully as to stop any thing but the most necessary business enterprises. For miles their farms , have been cut up by an unsightly track { '■ unironed and a burden. If the monop oly is not above the law, if the old commonwealth can still protect her ■ citizens, let us have justice. The in dignation meeting la.-t week was the ! right step —but let it be followed by measures still more active : if the cor- j poratiou can rob us of hundred <>f i thousands and break its own contracts, we want to know it. We claim thatlhe , Penna. R. R., no longer owns the Lewi-burg & Tyrone R. R., let the -tatc put up the property at public rale and there will be plenty of pur chases.- for it. Thank Heaven other road- are coming into our county, and are willing and anxious to dispute with the old company for the carry ing trade of these wide and fertile val leys. They will all find us friends, they can't lie worse than what we have ; already. THE Cameronian shisters of the Pennsylvania criatc have the nppor* tionment gerrymander passed ten years ago. It is their real ultimatum and ■ suits the boss. What does constitu tional perjury signify if they can maintain au unjust advantage and | continue to dominate and rob the peo | pie of the state? ♦ THE Republican officials in the en joyment of the largest salaries seem , to be a very modest, conscientious cla-s of men. and of course can discover nothing wrong or dishonorable in junkitting round the country in gov ernment vessels and palace cars at public expense. The country may derive some benefit by the President's inspection of the Yellowstone Park and the trout streams on the public domain iu the west, but it is difficult to see the advantages to be derived from placing a government vessel- in possession of his daughter and her friends to luxuriate ou the Atlantic • coast. The glory of the navy was sufficiently established without this, when his Secretary, the high-toned Chandler, put the Talapoosa in motion as a pleasure boat for himself and friends. But when the President, and indeed all the cabinet, arc absent seek i ing enjoyment we must not find fault i with Chandlor. This absence from public duty at public expense is an i institution of the Republican party, I and had its beginning in the Grant i administration as an annual event, is I swelling each year to formidable pro- I portions. In former administrations i when the Democracy held the eon- t trolling influence in the government < of the country, such abuse of public f trust was not allowable, if even thought i of, but they were probably bebiud the i age of improvement and would now t be called "old fogy." t "EQUAL AND KX ACT Jt'HTKK TO AM, MEN, OK WUATKVKH HT AT K OR I'KRHUASION, RKI.IOIOCS OR COUTH A L.J< ffirw.l. BELLE FONTE, HA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER <*>, IBKS. Arbitration Rejected. i Every concession offered, and every j proposition made by the House of Representatives, looking to legislation j in favor of a fair and honest appor tionment of the state into ( ongres i sional, Senatorial and Representative i districts are met by the Republi- I can majority in the Senate by ultima tum, and dismissed without cotisidera | tion. The object of this is too ap parent to di cieve any one. Their re j fusnl to legislate with the House is | because of fear that the " grand old party " may possibly lose some of the J unfair advantages possessed undt r the ; infamous gerrymander of the present law enacted ten years ago. The last proposition passed by the House to | submit the subject to twelve distin guished representative men of the state —six Republicans and six Dem j crats t > draft and agree upon bills to be submitted to the legislature, was re jected by the Senate as soon as it n-aehed that body, Nothing but "ul timatum or gerrymander " will suit Cooper, Stewart, V Co. Well, the Democratic members of the House 1 have nothing with which to reproach themselves. They have made all prop i er concession—every possible effort to , obtain an apportionment fair to all, 1 as demanded by the constitution. They ' cannot, they dare not go beyond that, and whether they adjourn now >r n< xt i year, the responsibility, a* well a- the 1 costs of a protracted ion rest* upon the Republican obstructionist*, and they will In- so adjudged by the peo ple. HON. < H A EI.I -S. Wol ii, ii a let ter says that "the mission of the Inde pendent TteptlhTTeaff f* ftf T.tv'' sey, ami Mag.-e - * candidate for State Treasurer. Thu mission is a good one, made abundantly apparent bv the revolutionary and outrageous disregard of constitutional responsi bility of the Cameron majority, as ex hibited in the Senate during the regu lar and extra sc*-ion of the legislature. Ik-sides, this i- no time t > prorate a slave of the bosses—an adherent of the British army over a high-toned, re putable and competent citizen, such a* the Hon. Joseph Powell the Demo cratic candidate for State Treasurer. THIS is the way the ra-eals do it. The fact, it is said, has leaked out thnt in the frequent breaking up of contra band stills in the mountains of North Carolina the same old still was used every time. This is what accounts for the remarkable activity of the revenue officers and the expense of collecting the whisky tax in a certain districts of North Carolina. A reward of fifty dollars is allowed for every seizure of an alleged illicit still, and it is repor ted that some revenue officers put up old stills in remote recesses of the Blue Ridge in order to pounce upon them and recover the reward. When an old still has served its purpose iu one lo cality it is removed to another, and the game is repeated. In these raids it is observed that nothing is seized but the old still, which has become considerably battered in its frequent journeying* in the Blue Ridge. It is not surpri-ing that in this Blue Ridge district the cost of collecting the whis key tax amounts to nearly as much as the revenue. THE New York World says: The m-xt House ol Representatives will in stitute searching inquiries into the scandals which have been developed tlirough recent Republican quarrels, aud into the unpunished crimes of Re publican officials. The alleged pay ment of money to control apfkointmcnta to the (Supreme Court of the United States, the Roach contract, the Ott man compromise, the entire conduct of the Department of Justice, the alleged omission and suppression of names in Star Route prosecution, the official robberies under Tom Brady and the mysteries of the Treasury Department will all be investigated to satisfy the the public mind as to the truth. • 'I ho IleHpoiiHibility of tho Somite ; ! Tho republican members of the sen- I ate, says the Hani-burg I'utriot, have • tuken a position on ground that is liable at any time to cave in and bury - them. Their professed ami v<-iy evident object is to defeat the purpose for which the extra .e.—ion was called. They do not care by what means this , is accomplished, nor do they c are for j the violation of their oaths ami consti ' tuliouul obligations. I The republican members of the sen ate do not < xpcct to be held in any ' ; way rc-ponsible for tln-ir notions be i cause they claim to be virtually in the j | minority iu the government. The ! 1 ground they take is that the democrat- : ic party, being accredited with the • governor and a majority in the lower • j house of the legislature, will of cour-c 1 be held responsible for the failure to ' make apportionment- and for the ex : pense ol the extra session. Their defense, of course, is very j plausible, and they have great hope | tiint it will bejel, hut it will be knock ed from under them by the jteople. The nias-e - of voters in Pennsylvania are not so ignorant a- the astute re publican senators suppo-e. When a fair pre-entation of the case i- made they will be- eomj>elled to recognize this fact. Although the administra tion and the lower house of the- legis lature are elemocrntic, the- democrats arc prevented from cairving out the provisions of thu constitute -n by the , re publican majority in the si nate. The governor's desire iu c alling the- j special -i *sion wa- to have the- require ment* e.f the i n-tituti u in regard to vr>nrtf -wtweot executed The d*inn- 1 crats in the- legislature have made every reasonable effort to accomplish this by making the nu -t liberal e on ct-.-ion, pa-dug republican bill- and offering all sort* of inducements. They have been bl- • -k< <1 at every step by the- senate's obstinate refusal te> le-gi-late. Tho people arc not so blind that they cannot ! see why the senate pursues this course-; m ither are they so hasty a- to refuse credit to the democrats for an earnest and determined . flort to secure to them their rights. It i- said Se natnr Agnew announce that he will take- no coni|>ensation for the oxtrn session. That certainly in dicate* one gleam of hone-sty remain ing, for having refused to perform the duty required of him by the constitu- | tion, he has not entitled hirn-clf to i compensation. But how about his oath ? Is perjury commendable in Republican circle.*? A STENCH. iiAniie report of the pro ; ceeelings of the lnle Democratic state convention is leiiig printed aid will soon be published under the direction jof the state committee. Copies of the ! pamphlet will be sent to all the dele- { gates of the convention and substi tutes, i se far as their addresses have j j been furnished,) to the members of the state committee and to the chairmen of the county committees. Other j copies will be furnished upon applica tion to the chairman of the slate com mittee upon enclosing a three cent stamp. AFTER Sept. 1, tho headquarters of I the Democratic state committee for the present campaign will he perma nently located in rooms No. 7 and 9, at the Girard house, Philadelphia, the same as were occupied last year and by Col. McC'lurc iu the Curtiu-Lincoln campaign of 1860. The clerical work of the committee has been vigorously prosecuted since the opening of the year and is much further nn than at the corresponding stage of last year's campaign. The work of the organisa tion will he somewhat simplified this year by reason of the fact that there is no election for nor complications over members of the legislature and , congressmen. The efforts of the state < committee will be concentrated upon j getting out the full Democratic vote, i I HI. Democratic legislature of Geor gin recently apportioned the state in t igre-ional district*. Of the ten district* they gave six to the Repub licans, provided they receiver] the ' negro vote. RI.I i iiiii.M. to the notorious use of immense sums of money in Republi can campaigns, especially in 18*0, the New ork Hi raid say that "when reformers like Mr. Richard .Smith want £>o,ooo for a single state, 'two thirds of it to be reserved for use on election day,' what the Jay Hubbelb, Fosters and News of the party will do : needs no explanation." JITH.K SMITH makes a handsome Judge, that was the verdict of the gen , i ral court room last week, and a good ; one, we shall add for our part. What more do we need when usefulness is j combined with Judicial beauty. We I eel assured thnt this will be the vir lect of ('• ntre county by a large ma jority. f the state. Hubbell's collectors who are out of engagement now, are so jK-r --uaive in setting before the trembling employee- <>f government the danger of hesitation, may 1m used to advantage. GIU.-HAM ON TRIAL. A certain p -toffin- iusjieetor named Giddings, who i- a -vmpathizer with Mahone, projsjsed to stump the state of Vir ginia iu the interest of the Repudia • tor's lielcct in violation of the civil service rub s. He was called to ac r unt hv the I'ostmaster General and warned that if he did so, dismissal would follow. The office holder, how ever, presuming doubtless upon the power of Mahone to make thing- right with the I'residcnt, disregarded the j warning of his chief, persisted, and is , now upon the stump talking up the Mahone interest* in the Republican party. It will be interesting to know what Mr. Gresham will do about it, or bow far he will allow himself to be bo—cd by the Virginia boss, or defied by bis subordinate. < )NE of the points of objection urged by the Republicans, through Chair man Cooper last year against the elec tion of (iov. I'attison, was that he was I horn in Maryland, although he came with his father to reside in Pennsyl vania when a very small boy. Now under the lend of the same Chairman ! CiKipcr, they favor the election of I.ivsev, the Republican candidate for State Treasurer, who was horn and raised in England and served a* a sol ! dier in the British army. If it was crime in the Democracy a year ago to prefer a citizen born in our neighbor ing state of Maryland, what is it to the Republicans this year, when they ask the people to vote for a candidate born in England, and comes to them as an ex-soldier of British govern ment ? If the logic of Chairman Cooper and the g. o. p. wa* correct a year ago, ha* it lost any force this year? Our intelligent Irish citizens will answer this question. The It K. Meeting T(# railroad meeting held at Meyer's hotel, in Centre Hall, on Thursday after, noon, 30th nit., was largely attended by stockholders from the valley and Helle fonte. The meeting was organized by electing tho following officers : President —Frederick Kurtz. Secretary —Geo. M. Boa!. Cpoo request, the object of the meet ing was stated in a brief address by the cbsirmsn who proceeded to give a hie lory ol the transactions between the railroad company and the stockholders; the promises of the former to build the i roed if the townships subscribed the I slock apportioned to them respectively ; i that the townships of Miles, llaines, i Penn,Oregg. Potter and IlAria respond ed bv subscribing and paying upwards 1 of $300,000; thst in addition the com l pany demanded tbe right of way, which < was alao giveo, and the lands taken, and now for ten years the company had TKH.MN: per Annum,in Advance. failed to come up to itn promise* ; the i purpose of the meeting being to again t urge the company to do us justice, and in case of failure to seek what legal remedy might be left for u. On motion of Mr. I. Hess, n committee of five, to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting, was appointed by the chair as follows: I). Hess, L. Rhone, Oeo. \\. f arnpbei], John Arney and Wrn. A. Boal. In the absence of the ; committee, remarks were made by Hon. Samuel Gilhland, fol. las. Milliken, and Hale, Sr., and others. The committee rejerted the following preamble and resolution l : WHEREAS, The I'ennsylvania railroad I company, through its agents: at various times, urged upon the people of J'enns valley to subscribe slock for the grading of the Lewiaburg, Gentre and Spruce ''reek railroad, agreeing on its part to construct and complete the said road within five years, as stipulated by the charter ; and WIIEREAS, The said company did. through its agent", demand and receive for this purpose from Haines township, i ,OOO. and from 'iregg town ship, $-10,000, and in addition demand and receive a guarantee of right of way at additional heavy expense to the cili /.ens of the said townships, and has taken pos"ession of valuable farm lands for its road bed, and now for a period of ten years or more, has left said road uncompleted, contrary to its pledges, and after calling from us the stock and taking possession of the land ; there fore. Av.. 'I, That we, the stockholders of said road in Tennsvalley, after submit ting to tbis wrong for over ten years, do hereby request of the Pennsylvania railroad company the fulfillment on its part of the stipulations w:th us by the completion of the Lewisburg and Tyrone U. It,, without further delay ; which we are entitled to by every principle of honor and justice. '•/, That having patiently sub milled to a repeated violation of prom iso* in years pa"t, we request the exten sion of the road aforesaid from Spring Mills, its present terrninu, to Lemont, at which point the road Las been graded by the people according to contract. /A '. -/, That justice and honor dc mand of the I'enn'a R. If. Company prompt action to this request for our road by an early completion of the said road an'l that a further refusal to do j,istice to its shareholders is a gross in utice to the people who have fulfilled their part of the contract. J! '. t/, That a committee of five stockholders be elected by this meeting to consult with Strickland Kneass, tlis- President of otir road, and the Board of iiirectors of the I'ennsylvania railroad company for an early completion of said road. lirtohti. That the said committee 1< instructed to report through the press or at another meeting, if deemed neces sary, the result of their labors and what further action tnay be necessary on the part of stockholders and land owners should thi our appeal for justice meet with no favorable response from the Penn'a K. If. Company. Tho resolutions were discusssed by ex-Senator Alexander, J. L. Spangler, fudge 'rvis. General Beaver, L. Rhone, Colonel Milliken and others, all of the speakers endorsing the resolutions, and expressing themselves warmly in favor of the completion of the road ; and dis approving of the injustice done the peo pie by the Penn'a If, If. in not fulfilling its promises. The resolutions after a full and free discussion, on motion of •lodge < >rvis, were unanimously adopted. In accordance with the resolution to appoint a committee to meet the Poatd of Pirector* of the Penn'a U. If., the following gentlemen were appointed by the meeting : Ssm'l Gilliland. Fred j Kurt*. L. Rhone, John I. Thompson and Wm. McFarlane. The original re solution called for a committeeof three which, on motion of Judge Orvis, increased to five The best feeling pre vailed and the action is full of promise that good results will follow the mission of the last named committee, tin mo lion adjourned. Governor Curtin was invited to be present. The following letter explains his absence and his feelings : BR M.E POSTS, Aug. 24. lßft.;. DAXIRL HISS, KSI. TV.jr Air • —1 leave home on my way to the Pacific coast on Wednesday and cannot be at the meet ing called in the interest of the railroad from Mpring Mills to this place, 1 have not failed to press upon the authorities in the Penn'a R. R. C-o. the justice and policy of finishing the road. My itu preasion is, from all that occurred at the fast meeting on the subject in l'biladel phia, that the Penn'a R. R. Co. really designs to build the road and without unreasonabledelay. The meetingabould present the facts fairly and deliberately v and the injustice done those who pawl their money on promisee not fulfilled, would he so apparent that it will greatly assist in hastening final action. 1 am quite sure that tho miious *f Rellefonteare generally anxious to have the road finished and will unite with the valley in any effort to accomplish it. Yours truly. A. 0. CTRITIN. NO. Xk