®li? Cmtrr jSUnwrnrt. Thursday Morning, August 30, 1883. Oo*R*arOKDKMC>, containing Ili>|*nrUtit nw. *oU< t ed from any part of tl omnty. No ooininunit atl* n I n**rti*d unti'M ioconi|>nN by th rral nam* of Hit* wrltor. Local Department. Kditor lvurt/., of the /fcporfer, was in town 011 Tuesday. l'iorco Mussor was loronian of tho Grand Jury thin week. —Tho Lowintown Free I'rrsa print* n list of "new subscribers" and "prompt payers. —J no. (J. Millor drew his pay as a juror this week, lie reported twice a day for roll call. —.l, 11. Keifsnydcr, Mr. Alters and A. Walter, three of Millhclm't solid men, at. tended court. Kx-3bcriff Woodring purchased tho I.auvertown farm belonging to the . tuto of Kobcrt Kendall. —Charles McCafforty has commenced building his new house on tho corner ol Curtin and Spring street. —The mornings and errning- are • dd" It will soon to time I r u loving wife to get up and niako the fire. Water Commissioner Strick employed some Italian laborers t > dig the trench for tho water main on t'nrtin street. —The (Ircenbackers hold a convention in Wllliaiusport to-day. "Wonder if S.piiro tirocn, of Milesbtirg, will be there —The old Harris mansion on Howard street is undergoing repairs and when completed will be a decided improvement to that street. —(.Jen. Heaver has tho tiro -t lawn in town, and its beauty is not marred in tho least, by a lot of unsightly trees and bu.-h -es called shrubbery. —Soon the quiet biting frost will well cover up your (lowers or you w ill find out. We started out to commit poetry but were "nipped in tho bud. —Wm. K. Hurchfleld and family spent a few days in town visiting Hon. 8. T. Sbugert. Theex*lt"gister looks as though mountain air and water agreed with him. —Andrew G. Curtin, dr., will have one of the finest houses in town. Tho first story will be brick, the -ec-nd frame and the third shingled. It i- tauten Anno in style. Capt. Jno. A. Hunter, of Half M • n, was among tho visitors sn town this week. Mr. Hunter is one of the wide awake, live men of Half Moon, ar.d a regular dark n Democrat. —.las. !*. (' burn, F. q., and Dr. I' T Musser, of Aaronsburg, dropped into tow n on Thursday, of lat week. Both g d fellows, pity they are in snch a r Hen p litical boat. —Court moved along part ■ t" the week without either • f the associate judge* being present. .1 udgo Larimer being unable to attend and Judge Smith i ' having been confirmed. —Rev. Laurie returned from his sum mer vacation improved in health. He tilled hi pulpit ia-t Sabbath but will be absent this Sabbath. There wi'.i be ser vices, however, as usual. —Tho I'hilipsbusg J 'ton eiit, r em. ploys a chronic grumbler to go an ur.d town every week. Tho result is that ho sees so much in that little town to fuss about that ho is sick all tho time. —Clearfield is going to have a .jx thou sand dollar soldiers monument, to ho op t(uincy granite I't feet high, surrounded , by a bronze figure of a [ rivato soldier <• feet high. How about Bellofonte ? —Tho A'oes goes for tho fellows who try to make corners in market produce ' Thai's right Bailey, give em thunder, j metaphorically -flaking. Csirners in pr - duco will toon "lay out" the market. —The Kureka* laid out tho College club sm Saturday last and nro now looking after larger gatne. There is some excellent timber in our club. All that is needed is practice and foemen worthy of their steel. —While Jno. I*. Harris, K-q , was at Clinton Dale Camp Meeting he wa high ly complimented on the powerful sermon "bo preached" there. This i now* to John s friends, but not a surprise as his talents are so varied that he is always equal to the occasion. —Teller, McMillen, Lehman, German and Brown were all "full" this week. Now don't deny it gentlemen. We judge from your registers. Of course it is noth ing new for you, as you are in that condi tion most of tho time. We never run a hotel but wo'vo been full. —Jas. Conroy and bride returned from their wedding tour on Saturday instead of Monday as our bright little contemporary tho AVtei says. Of course "Jirnmie" and hi* lovely bride took in all the sights, and enjoyed themselves hugely. James will now settle down tobusiness. —On Saturdsy last Spring street above the Centre County Bank was enlivened by a band of about one hundred Italians, with an old wind broken accordion and tambourine. The grading of tho 11. Ac 11. K. K. R. being completed tho Romans took up their bods (on three wagons; and walked. —W. A. Patterson, Esq., a brilliant young attorney of lioutndale, Clearfield" county, and at one time chairman of the Democratic county committee of his coun ty, spent Thursday In Bellofonte looking after his clients interests. Mr. Patterson is one of Clearfield's staunchest Democrats and has a bright future before him. A CKNTKK COUNT V KL'MM Kit KKMOKT. — * Few of our readers are it warn, that right ; In tho heart of tho great wilderness of Hush twp., miles from any other babita t lions, there tin * been erected an attractive summer resort, " Tho Artie Spring," your roportor was driving along the '• Old Kriu Pike" musing upon its departed glories, wondering bow silent tho once great art ery of commerce from tho Lake to the , Ocean, bad become, once so full of life, now so silent, and admiring its most excel* a lent preservation so perfect that lie could fancy lie almost heard tho clatter of tho k horses and tho rush of the great four-horse t lumbering coach carrying tho I'. S. Mail, with that ino-t important of good fellow r tho driver making tho hills* ring with the r music of his horn. But the good old times can never coma back, and the slloneo of tho unbroken woods were becoming somewhat oppressive, when to our aaton i-hment, our carriage suddenly halted be fore an open gateway and a long whito fence, back of which were two or three handsome little cottages, under the shad- I ow of tho great green pino trees atnri-g I win o branches win waving tho "Stars and Stripes." Soma ladies were sitting on tho bab 1 ni e . while others were j.laying cro , quel on a level plot ef gnu Seeing tho Sign "Arctic Springs' we all dismounted to lest its qualities and never were weary traveler- m> re enchanted than were we !>> seo tno crystal mountain water bubbling up into a basin of pure white marble, cold as a glacier and clear a- a beam of iight. Ir> tile iqidst et oi.r enj .ymont gentleman approached us to give us welcome, tin genial proprietor Mr. David M !! ;• r Hero was tho wizard that wr igt.t th. 'cone of beauty in the waste ; a" e. Ho courteously showed li-tho fish j .nds and the gardens. Tho Sun wa- m-w sinking and aw ■ were y■ t aim- -n mi',, f r . ru Philipsbtirg we yield. 1 to til" Hj j '.!■ ■ • •inell : -upper aii I put up f>r th" n ght After that meal w I.icti was certaii.lv a g d one, we repaired • ■ tho danc.r ; r ra and li-tehed t" one music fr< :u the 11 ; ger family u; n both j ian ar 1 v. lin, V' ing Mr. Btlger is by the way . an arti-t on tho vi '.in. Mr. Bilg- r ha. ma le every preparation for the entertainment of his guests. There i- a path rm in e tho shade ! r tho dancer , pleasant gr \. promenades, and beautiful drive* on t: •• pike, In the vicinity there is n- g i hulling ar. l huntii g gr and u< any in th Alb-gheni. Tie j - pre t"r I- ; inn • * increase ac. me lation ar. l more I .;Mir g, ■ o that all can find then th retai. ! health that they Co-ed < r the s; rt ar. 1 r- reat: n that they crave. Si'itir. ■ Mi', i- NOT>.—Mt I. i Dit • ran is v;-iti.-.g her friends at Sj ring \I,, I. i lias grown to lea leg girl, nr> 1 if 1 were a young, single man, won! 1 say that -ho is tho prettiest mil .• Milt t. A Duncan leav this w- •k f r hi* h nie m Milt n. It. 11. I> ire an . in I'hi'n b ; , at present.— si rir.g Mill- . 1 ni'rig ! rioted a- a very healthy ■ immer r< rt. <\.r r." hundred I •re,'. :■ g.• t* r • t-r -■ 1 la-t weak at tho S[ rir.g Mi Hou ai-o did a nuint r at Mr. Mil r's I ;• 1 Me- r. BiLby and Miller are both p polar landlords - - General David Gregg ar. 1 family of Reading have return-1 h-nio afl-r as irn f >veral w. k- The general, wle> ha visit' 1 many wa'ering places, in q e -t of health, reports that hi health ha* been lo'tter d irirg his , irn at Spring Mills than at ar y . tie r tin :>r . many years pa t. The re f r tho n-w iron bridge is r> aly f r the ma r 1 I J. Grenoble is the contractor. Messrs. Ban. k ar.d M (hint. hav r* < I their 1 -oise. It i a large 1 nil ling • tx< *f< t. •G. A. It ink i* having a wagon nr. I each shop erected, which i t<- D up;. I by J- -e| h Alter- .1 hn Darter. < n of Whitmcr i Co'i ] p ilar clerks, ha> r< t irte 1 from a visit to the t. Since hi roturn ho ha* been - iff-ring from malar a. but 1 sro that ho had far recovered by last Saturday as to bo able to tak" Mh S to tho Mountain S. S. picric. Samuel Watte, who also tr ;.N up >n < u*t< - mors f.r the samn firm, after having n upon Mis Alice 1.-neher pr t- r rue timo concluded ho would ir,. t no longer, so off they hied to the preach er sari l were made one. Luck bo with thorn.— —John Kunklo has charge <.f Whitrnor A LVs grain house. Dr Wll- n ireach' I f r ltov. Adams in tho Mothodi t chur< h, • n last Sabbath. Next Sabbath evening he expects to prearh for Rev. I 'oster in the l'resbyterian church. Com x and hear him, if you want a treat. • • Sxow Sll ok, I'r.NNA., Au g.'JT, 1883. Kisrron Cicntrk DiMocaz r.— DmrSir - l'lease find shininent of coal sent over B .tc S. 8. Branch of Tyrone Division for week ending Ang. 2b, lHk.'t ; Prlm Tela! Inissi i.i.-l |0'..l fs> In l*sa 4 r.4| I Id.)'Z* IH.Joi Iters*... |s,.'.;W n ni DarrsM* 217 Yours truly, Tnoa. M'-Caun, _ kVeigbmaalcr. Lumber 7 cars. Other freight 1 car. —Tho other day as wo wont home to dinner wo saw young America launched on "the Ocean of lifo." That "hare foot j boy" had n copy of "The Hoys of New York" and was devouring ita pages with great zeat. The boy was "thar" when we returned and his interest had never flagged. Wo expect soon to see th urchin with a rovolver and bowlo knifa buckled to hit waist, a slouch hat and a graceful New Mexico swagger. Git out, I'm a koow hoy from Arixony I K|TFHIU| OurrK (IK lII* I AHI IM lII.II' AITKAKAM K. |)u BOIH, I'A., A IHJ . 'JH, IKH'J.—A IN >v mn of thoso death notch, which urc pealed at in tervals, an fr<>lll mi Arch angel'> triumpct, to awaken tho MIII I of a wholo people at once, Jeremiah S. Blink, who ha* M> long ami fo amply filled tho highest placo in the public eye, iia• shared tho common I'd. That mighty gen in which walked among t men, punopliod in COIIM lOU power, lui been laid n>> soundly to rot a tho poorest j peasant whoso idea- went not hcyoinl hi* ! daily tn-k. In tho contemplation of hi* great and multifariou • gift* our wonder i how llio blank lie liaa loft in to he filled up. Hi geniu coined as prolific a. various. Tho meet | rodigal use did not exhaust hi power', nay, seemed rallier to increase their vigor. We can ■ erccly re n< ilo our-elvi to thu idea of hi' death carcn think that hi- eloijucnt \ ice 1* silent hr- , ever, hi' caustic and powerful j-n laid a ide to he taken up no morn in the cau e iof juftice, truth and humanity. It i- i- '. the purpo-e ~f tho writer to •; -a . ill n tend. I ] lira.Ml ol Judge l!la< k - life, ' it merely to re. all the last public appoaram c of the great oiri-i tah - man and th- oca sioii wliii h brought him into the bri-lli: g ' arena of forensic di-cu ••.on. In In t J'eh ; ruary, near the -I- ■■ < f tie m :lh, .he: - e , lliack i alim to Harris).urg f r the p ,rj u ■ •!' addri ring th- J 01. mry C" mraitt*-* >.f the Senate upon the question ■ ! railroad di.o rimlnnlion in fr-; lit. A f-w day hi ■ f. ro the e|. pienl < . w-n l :ol 1 th- moinl r* of 11. II .-•• hy an cxha . live a; 1 powerful atu % upon th- Penn sylvania railroad. It wa I'rc-il-rit <■ • • •■n • own cho'.-n gr und and t••* . t t hi( |• t grievai. •, a 1 >1 it i.< n- ■ -sry to lay that he pro--ntod i- views with i <.< nvincln : logia nr. 1 iie m; arable • i fjucrico. The vari us cor; rati air <"> -i hy the | r ipoM-.J ) 'ati.-n hi 1 either hi r; j heard thr igh the.r liiccr- • r ll.• ir pi. i ■ att rm-y s, hit the I ; le, tie plunder d ; e phi of the co tit in- n wealth ; they wh | ' w-re 1 .r.g sternali. ally r i ' 11 y .-rv| • | ing monopoly hn ian y-t no c bainj i t.. t ! it hi lan> ■at r< t nr.d ont t th- list* .ri ' heir t-haif. At lb . w f tr- .1 . lge 1 ; lllsr k announced int-nt. n of givng i r.m view- up n the all a! rh'.ng t j I • i t'a*> r<>mmilt- of the Senate, c! vr'-1 with i formulating uch a measure aw - • 1 < irb • l the aim "t • vhau-ti' •• ; ■■■>: >( the . rj - ratio n an 1 1 r.t.; rel .f to the great : • forth of Judge lliack - * nlcmpSai- 1 i ro. i nce u had h. en the ( awith the •• wh had me before him. lie came quietly and on t r.'.at i yto' i 'i' 1 ; if. i with the int-nt n• fa hit : the cm- ; mil tee in it- r. t . I .t at th- • .rro t r - i 'juet of many frietid at lal • ; • rvt• tt • • peak m the ,*-r;Ht'. < hatnl r. In i mpa nv wdii 1> F F-'ftney, 1 ■ v■ ur ..1 har, I had :• ■ of. ly t t il. , II i through the • .rt* . :S. Nat r (> r ! ' . we were ndvantng. n-iy | . 1 within a few feet of tho (- .1: n • •• t 1 ■ Jpi' 1 hv the gf.-a • ; it , . •!. Ala r * !'• rney 11 lie.- it • i !_V. *iMe .". t > ' main inle, of the Senate < hand* r. The • "no that ennui 1 w.,1 1 hug rem-ml r-d |by f lose whose g 1 f .rtune an 1 privii- .r ■ it wu t • witne •it H > *i imm- diat y inoundci by all the men of mark and i. te wh >i .1 reach 1. m. S •af • \Vfi - lar was the first t<> take him by the hand, at d it was good to see tho 1 right, genial •uniie that broke over the old Kornan'c | as he warmly greeted the distinguish •■d man whoso lovo for his party wa like u Jto his own. Th n tame Senator Hall* j Itavi-s, Wolvirtoa, Jobs Stewart and ) others. Th-re wa no u-'ti nof party here. The mm about him were of ali partisu M-n of h hp it: n ! ' " - public and in their profe s *i n-, lut they cann* as to the f—t .f their ma-der, to d homage to the g tof them all. S n ho wi.s addressing the committee, and among all that throng will ever forget the flood of pathos, humor, logic and irrisistible i elo jurnte that fell from his lips f r m r threo hours. Not * ho had none. Init h" mado one of the g ramh-t j*l< as for the right' of the p-oplo that ever fell uj n listening ear*. II" covsnvl every phase of tho great question, an 1 left nofhing more to be a Id.el. < iea'cn - ornate •..phis tries and Huberts' specious argument' went down in their turn like grain before the ncklo as Judge lliack ss oreil the one with biting sarcasm and punctured the other with resistless fact*. At tho conclusion of his matchless address he informed the committee that ho was then ready to he catechised upon any point* they desired to bo enlightened upon. For another hour he stood calmly and rapidly answering great questions of constitutional law, as they were propounded to him by Wailac", Hall and .Stewart, questions that tho most profound lawyer would hare hesitated to approach without careful study and prop oration. Hut the great jurist grasped them as readily and easily as if ho had been giving advice in a case ol common assault. It was a grand and inspiring spectacle, aad tho people of Pennsylvania havo tho proud satisfaction of knowing, that tho last groat puMic act of Jeremiah Sullivan lliack, was to plead for them against tho growing encroachments of corporate pow er. It was fitting that this noblo oham pion of the people, should have crowned and rounded out tho faultless outlines of his great life |,y thin unsolicited dofonso of ! ' the right" and prerogatives of dignified I citizenship, lie ha* gone. As the de clining sun trailed hi* gorgeous banners ahiiig the \\ . t-rn sky they laid him to r-'t and wo will never look upon his like llg.in. /(Vy/. iruf fu pair. JiKKWICK. .SI NiiAV Sellout. Co*VKNTIOV. -The heir tee nth annual cori ve till on ol the f 'en ire ('.•uiity S. S. convened in the Presbyterian tliuri li at pring Mill-, on Thursday morning, Aug. k' at ' i> o'clock, and v.n ealh-d to order by 11 v. '.'nltciidcn, eb air man • f the executive ( olninittce, who opened tho , xercl. i - witli singing, prayer, mi l tin! reading i f riptura proinl" , lifter which 11-v. S. M !• urst, the presi dent, took i hargo of the meeting The S-cretary, . . I). Kay, being ah -nl, I. A. ha tier wa- cho-en Secretary pro j t. tn. The fir-t nl • t How t-. to iv an • I nternatinniil S ,s j,, ~, ~, p, ~,,., j ill teaching it to (a) an adult cla-s, h) an intermediate das-, , primaries or infant , ' ' *, WH- opened I'V Itev .1 P. H . ;li. tollowed by K-v. X-igler, <'rittenden and llivi-ri. At the close of Itev. lliven s r< - marl. K-v. < rittei d na- k 1 him i! h meant to say that he w. tihl not -mpl ■, | uneonverf. 1 teacher under any ciri um -tii'i- ■s. This qne-iion prov.. .<■ 1 an ani i m ite Id. , ion, part!- nl< ,in hy I'r- ! ! ' Hamilton, f . Potter, J Zslglsr, Revt. ; Keller and Hugh" The topic, Sunday • le-'l l.iterature was nevt tak-n up HI 1 ably dir. 1 by I'r- f llatiiiilot . < 1 the ' tat* • T i'r, :■ r tl- ,ght t: -t all the hook and | apers n.- • 1 in a Sal ' itli ch "I 'in '.id have p.r their chief aim the , leachitig oi i hri-tianity and that -very ; -el. •; -hotihl at h-a-t have lie -•• thr-■ h .oks, a Kihie, a g 1h . inn h i; an 1 a • i ate. hi-m The h ir of lit having arrived, the convention- ch -'-d t: I I ..f.jn*t -u j '-'lf' k. an 1 all rej-an 1 t • the I iitifu i grov- near by, where the gr- .: 1 was •> • l it' 1 with many tab •• >, tbes, upon which were laid mnumi aMe pile- of ib "• I thin -w..: * at: •.> the inn-r man ■ \ niters HI 1• ur own citi.-.-iis t< i th'-m -■ pe - and ' hi >. n uad dl-a| ; en r-d, like th- 1 ftfete an April m. I) nr < r i-r ar, 1 a had 1. .r sp- r.t in in! enj vim nt wl.n that veteran in i-r ary, K•. ( r.t tendon, called u- all ml • the church aga.n The 1 r-t hour was dev< Ito the little 1 I ing. a talk - ring fexperience in < rgan i .. S It! lav - .- ... the n flhcrt. I r fof -Utito . r. tir g the I .at t ids . th intriat ImenU, !• k < I the K Me, a- 1 ' |Hi " w r.• a 1 it t< mp-'H! , an i i lf" ! : hy -ing ng that bs-autif .1 hymn, "Jn t It. - vnd the -Timing Kiver K-v. J '/.< ■ ■ . ... ■ ■ 1 ir,!..; wiiit-rt th c) ar,'.-that ar> ' • • , up by the r.s< ' in th - Tar unt.l sprir - idle s ibj'-ct was f irtlier < iv-.i an 1 a-I pi. 1. i. . u th" i ov-nti -i i. irt • d t.'i ha f-j. -l "v • n T .. T I.- e\ •i. • g st >n w.-. ■ j opened with a -erxne ( 1 s • g hv J F Karii k, wed hv prayer 1 tl •j r< hnt Th ■:■%. it, . lit]- ded t . •m to •••• •. I' ft M it ' la wa- • -1.. What th" s. S i.a- 1 *ne fur the church and the , world, was ably dicu*sed by lb vs. \.aruk , ,m 1 A .mi'. ll Y-ar k havir < • meM' .1 n the fin t tl ht with the crow: h d Sir lay tin •>., j arer.tai instruitmn . , i ti'.n. !•; As S.r lay bools inter-; 1 -■■ ■ ■ : Sunday h- were abolish* 1• ulI 1 me \ Sn-w was * ,ng, arid the •< m l topic. the ' l-urch htel ti • w T I. WM 11 ■ r talk- ! | ah it by it- i • II .j;}.. - Wolf ar IK', -r Mt-r t ■ ;ir .• 1 a* tl -r hymn. Pre dent i irst in an <• , i-r,t lilt'e sp-. i than! i th- p ; • ! Sprii : Mi. sf r th< beautiful manr.-r in which they had the taste ~ f Mr Sands and the Huh House help. By the way. that was a good one you got off on yourself about drink-water, hut it was so i f ft K-publi •a ii f -a rty that Jeller* on ian pr 11, |,J, were on the wane. The organ /at n wa further ( ■ iliplnt* I hy -lei ting th- !■ -,v. i; • vi< - prc-idents and M< relarh : /' - '■ •('. A MAM II r. I I - I'r' . I). / Ixl ■ I!,. 1,.. !■ M' Ji," \ \\ IwuirT, ij .. ,i ; J II (lit-r. Half M n .1 .i, fiunkle, Wall.-r ; Frank Jlutwc • r, I. . , ||air ■I. m it, l'hilpshnrg I) .1 M•, rr 1'"I"r I 1' M ; .r, M ■ || j. : 1);' k, l'-nn , John H-v, .-pr.: • H n .1. I'r 11 •t,lh;* '• J' hn ii 1,.-uthcr 11 >u r i J -1. nlf I * 1. ■ - M J| aid Hrirkix, Howard If-ro Har o-l Hoil-au, M;b • 1 ur • |t< 1 t K nkadn, l'h: j bur,- I! \ J-'iiik, Tay lor I. artT. Sh'.-'-rt, It O. Jr< .ning-r. Alter r- a 1 pat •. fr- m ( .1 . /- • • r announcing his inahnii-, t-. me-t 1 -hairman ■; ti- *-tat<. 11.-nj. -rat - <■ n nrii.d cheer-and the wilde-t eritbusiasm. He at > -r- igi . I that mi" i g the ! •: ' • r.tf tb ... :y w- r. t a*. <" x ur, nr. I became back t•< review th* prom. ■ lis" I r-ru.- rati party had ma 1- .' i ■ a: i elia - eg" the K-pu' -an - .pr ve win r-.ri th< :•! sir- - -ft ■ ■" at <' u •li-nwi-i.ilh of l'-nn Txa; •, have h--r. • ;ar . • 1 1 . I) a. rati- r . J* r ■,* wore hi< I Mar-ha! II • * -1 < j en-| * . ' • alnr.'S paid by n K-jmblican h< . - suv- ! ■ ' the tavj a*, rs fth state '•' ' "•") lie i Irsw a•( atbir :• corr ;ar n between S- y. t! Commonwi . :t, s*.-r-g-r• • ' r h-iv ■rt •,• (.*■• '■. i ..-ri.'. .u, < f • 1 .fi"o ai-i (|uay a enormous figur- - • f -lo ii si In i "nira-l* tK —r' wan saved l*t ■ ■ ■ ...... ' ' ( -el ' tl- i! use M. . ax- ! :'• (*( : in slat. . f . rv t .I**ll a: d in suj - -..lies ISII. In the ity "f l'h ndelphla ' j drikincly a; par. r,t in th" r. Juc*.!. ri of < j. :•:•*• that iit x the h'i .r.t ,f - .nn 'SI M r liens in I, . , r ,s t" tl." 1 att-rnf ' at ap; art: • rn-r t t. i ~t , V -* f l.ej • at.- tl.-ci V- 'ad • T rnir.- * * • "a*, tree ur- rani audit r •* Tn ral, | ax ;-.g i igh tribut. to the *.. rlmg . isillies ! 1 th I' .w jan . "Hrave it • Taggart With inxaluahle advi <• *... th* '■ te - * f ' •in : aft -rt!■ r n< gb ■ t i" a ur. ; ti.-m that if ti>" str eg Iletn • •ati : wr.sh.j • ■ f ( ntr- w *- ha ... J ft'. Mr Hens- jn of t happiest •p. Th* • that I as fallen from hp. f - j • : • t:u.. We are !••• :I . •. r t r;i 'x I ' • Tgant ■ *yh*h rehearsed the r- rds o( j 'he pre- i'-nt* • ; ar.ng th. ;r i tnmar. •- Tie apjTn at; i t dutx with th" it'r.-ram v ■ ' ruin nati r, in r ■ an '.her of those grand efforts at ■ ri-r that ! nv* gx. n tl - < harm t aT of I . publicutUrani - It wild not have h-cn j ■ h - , a., in - .a*l .x • r ;ng that he w-as unpa • nt f.-r th- battie : ■ it year, and that he j i • •no of h: ye*rs and exj. rince ihi agihly and str. r g • -n. r • A< u - inspire :he 1 P" t at his nobb* el! rts f r j.olil:cai ;h *tv and h nest government may yet he pan! for many y-ar* to bis * iritrv and Men* >psr J■r. 1 rll xar J li"ir.i" r. - • d- 1 t i rej • -at-d ca) - Tb- .an ; a.gn in t'. ntre i ,r tx I.a* new 1 -n far* v . ; - r,. i. ar.d every 'Democrat . ; ti 'i' '• *a*. i t *"<• that hi* r-igh -1 ' s,„-s t i the p TN and cast* his suffrages i ! r the continuance ol the ec onomical p..v. j • rnment that - * • au*j i ,-ly inaugu- I rated last fall. Tr.*TJM-v IAI. lUx,i r.I to H 'S Jon N , H 1 ll.x ]s. i'l. HIST Jri I . , rI K (UH J lsi* iai DieTßin —The members i ■ f the llur 11 r fd n Bar, tend-rei t . Judge "rx;*, last Thursday evening, at the Lie - r II II .r t;r,-d..n. a har , i-t as a • token of tti* ir ete m art api-reciation upon hia|| ir.tmerit as I'r* -i-r,I Judge ••I the tub Judicial District. The *a a -i. n was one enjoyed by all who were for tunate enough to he present, and the speeches in . Je wr< I complimentary t" on- who ha 1 just ent< r 1 th* ir midst to preside over their rights of person and property, and n < doubt tlie distinguished guest felt highly gratified over th" rwep tion given and the g-neral exj ression of satisfaction over his appointment. It was here where th" har met th" bench on a so* iai basis, and afford sad an opportunity to i th" members ■>( thp bar wlv* were n't *c quainted with Judge Orvis to meet him, and it was imj revel by the members thereof as far as it was pos-iblp, and everv member present, gave expression of their entire satisfaction of Judge Orvis' ap pointment, and the older members spoke in the highest terms of him a a jurist, of their appreciation of his courtesy and ps tience on the bench, and of bis fidelity and integrity a* a man The banquet wa under the immediate charge of K. M McNeil, W. McK Wil liamson, District Attorney Or lady and K M Murtrie, who had provided with a lav ish hand all that was good to eat and drink. To enumerate of what the mrnu consisted would simply exhaust the vocab ulary ot a CA*/rf rVisine Hon John M Bailey was rhairman of the festive occa sion and in proposing the toast to the President Judge of th" C'th Judicial Dis trict paid this high tribute to him : "It was said that the statute* of justice on the new court house has not her eyes blind folded, yet we feel satisfied that he who has lioen called upon to preside over our courts will administer justice as justly and impartially as the goddess ot justice would do if she had a bandage over her eye." Mr, !*s. T. Brown was called on to re spond to the toast and in the course o( his speech said ; "that we feel satisfied and are nleated to know that we have a man of tried integrity and unfaltering fidelity to preside oxer the courts of Huntingdon county," Mr. lirown spoke at length in response to th* tout atU mid many things which one would like to i.ublirb but •vo will not permit. Judge Orvi then responded in an- it Hi tie , "only bo ,(,i- off rl ' n „ did not b'Mr hi!o n hit proinjoa | t . bin r ' titer k. were Weil t rue,) i,d appr : ' 1. Ihiv •(.( | (■. r< -• i'! • ■.. ion-1, " The Hunting"! i, liar Th I did in h neat and pmiy hit... .p,.,., ~ ,j patd the bar of Centre County every high compliment when h | <• „i war admit" )to prion-. I-. j at tl .. . , r which ir 10 v< nr i.- -i.jch the ;■ d V r * at that lime none fr. to |j . . r {< rrir.tr to ti <• .etc J , . J J • ■ j; ~, ~t If ...- M A i.. - ti-r en j. 1 h.-r ..i i . rn<- - f ' but fr>.tn whet | | ,f.l . , o M . , : would well nelntein the r<; utet on <.f tie Centre County Judge* who had previootly pre..ded over their c. hj.-.. ; ... a" • mad" lv M I*. inker \J, - f . m. MM ■ . VI- one of the plea. ant re ,!•! .f ), ! I if*-. ' ■tat'd that the 1! war ! ( ..met Bend would ]■*' r.t. I hi a rniciake. The >< r ' "•< a.iun were not recti red v I: •;-t'lfullv, 4 k > • (J A HUS y.H , ?*•<•' v. ~ M ,: ". V! • '' Ha - : .W- Md I* the juet of j; bert Valentine. —Mr Tboma I , km,,,. rpending a : '• * day- with hi* aunt, .Mr ];. ule i. Vx W*S7U. ,-A L- rl to Iran.p rt, • fine IMiaw, man. why ray "one Wlt h big " I : rr ' ' V .r gir. t.J ba*,- t g Vl,r , ! -"'i ■ •••" tt.e ... .of a .'t; • ; ' ai,.e afl.-< t : a th ew r. .< '• •■' t' ' ' '-at.' g away th" *'• rt bet attacking the fc beneath it . at, ■ ted her he. i ar J f. . . rnak:; , ■> it.- : bit to! an i d. of. r. jut- i t- a j, .re ' • * •- /'• ". U. ti in tl.r. -r in v..rl • • -I'nMiity i .'.!■• paint .arant . J I by the n.anufeclurf r- not U crack or peel w ".bin It roe year- Ihe g arat t'-e ir n.." | ' - v F"" S ' r r, 'l vine the pa nt hut it be put Of) ;f it rt ,|J (rH , i - r . e! '• tb ' the i m ■; - I It i t„ ( , ' ' whit hal or any of r ];■ , . Mix-i I'aint. -\\ •• ha \ < ~;t r .. ■.v.J ■ur irt i ail and M inter V. . : ( h t .; . ae y ur - rder Mom., vr.ni .V Co., Tailor A tUvoEßora c" • atrnrriT—There ■ ; rj rune •be "Wa nut L- : Hir ii - -torer. The rtr. ngert ev.den.e . f iu trea". value , the fad that jat tie* know, riff ;1- gf. at effi ay try t r-. '.tr H, I a( h )■ tt.e f the c ... *|( ha- a foe a.rai/e a 'tr<*n I/< *f on t: • v-;; r 1i <- •lieriorer i a* harml-.. a- wat. r, while t | . ..terror ad the J r p. ttier no < -art t. rgetora life, * igi r, rn wth udca lor to Um hair. I'un hxrr only fr..m ropi > .'.'./e j>nr : ■-'*. Afk your druircirt i. rjt Kacb'b .t -t • II warranted. Johnrton. 11. lioway ,V ' I'ht'adeiphia, ar d Hal) A Kut kel, New York, Wh.. .-ale Ag. r.u. 4 ly. MAKHIAQES. : VrF.R— VI < !!• It Fr -X s> 4 , n t, Jtl>t # * IC I wiH. M I'ul.vi, \|f e ) t" 4r 1,1 P. In! . I M** A:, - „..u of hf v Bc3lrfont * Grain Market. luinrowfi. Aujrnat *\ \kh. t ntrr*H tj i.% T Ii li< t. 44* AO | • r I .... f| in , tt iMMtg W" 1 *• t'ffn—arft j.? .. ... . r " iltliH. tifr 1,% < Hlfji. fief kl)Ho| 4 5, UnrUt. |M t J, tf w rlfclit ; Hy rii.tnr M*!. pet ptHitxi .... . I " tlf. . l-i.J Ii llf r '** C tut " I""t *w)t. I* , riftt*r,freti'i.|f yont.mwlwlww.. !U*nr. JVM j M Frwtli wIU f*r |"V?)4 ... ~ per " H O.rw-oo j.rr p0und...... I i hMAi |wr portJ.... I • lUmo.eti|fnr t nrfd .*."."17. 1• lard p#r powti4.... ' n***""'! ) ' : ICrr® r+t n.'F.. .. ....r |j I p. pnr I t.ehfrl I fy, ifi#*4 iHHkf.... ,i, UTANTKD. —A prooorv aalcmnti f- rCVatrr .nd