Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 30, 1883, Image 7

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I>rrn Itrform
Some time aft 11 a number of Herman
women met in Stuttgurd ami resolved
to commence a reform in the pre\ ail
ing dresa customs which they deemed
unwholesome and extravagant. As a
basis of reform, they agreed on these
1. That nothing le declared "old
fashioned" which has been found use
ful, appropriate and becoming.
2. That nothing new be adopted, un
less it is found to be both to the pur
pose, and answering to the demands of
good taste.
3. That all garments and objects of
toilet that are hurtful to health be put
4. To inquire whether a large sax ing
might not be effected in dress, so that
the expenses might be more appropri
ate to the income.
Kla*tlr I ndprvirmtnlfl.
Silk underwear, says Clara Belle, is
very expensive, but it is supposed to
have great recuperative powers and is
especially recommended for rheuma
tism. Lisle thread is a somewhat new
departure for underwear, and for per
sons of full habit or those who feej
the heat very much there is nothing
better. It is elastic, but at the same
time offers a healthy friction.
"I shall be able to waltz hours this
summer," said a frivolous young thing,
"where last summer 1 could only keep
it up for minutes."
"llow is that ?" I asked.
"You've heard of Spring-heel .lack?
There was something or other about
his shoes, if I remember rightly, that
helped his gait so much as to make
him a wonderful runner. Well, con
sider me mechanically improved all
over in that kind of way. I've got on
an elastic, eel skin sort of a combina
tion suit. It keeps me at a tension,
and makes every nerve and muscle
feel capable of unprecedented activity
and endurance. A girl who couldn't
waltz continuously under such condi
tions would be a rarity."
llow lo Nrlect m II lISIMA nrfI .
The Cleveland (Ohio) Purmei ntnl
31'innfarturrr says: It has been pro
foundly remarked that the true wax
of telling a toadstool from a mush
room is to cat it. If you die, it was a
toadstool, if you lixe.it xvas a mush
room. A similar method is employed
in the selection of husbands. Marry
him; if he kills you, he was a bad bus
band; if he makes you happy, he is a
good one. There is really no other
criterion. Some young men that seem
unexceptionable, indeed xery desirable,
when they are single, are |>erfeetlx hor
rid as soon as they are married. All
the latent brute there is in the heart
conies out as soon as a sensitive and
delicate being seeks her happim-ss in
his companionship. The honeymoon
lasts a very short time, the receptions
and rounds of parties are soon over
and then the two sit down to make
home happy. If she has married a
society man, lie will xi*n Iw-gin to get
bored; he will yaw n and go to sleep on
the sofa. Then lie will take his hat
and go down to the club and see the
boys, and perhaps not come home unti'
morning. If she has married a man
engrossed in business he will be fagged
out when he comes home. He may be
a sickly man that she must nurse, a
morose man that she must sit for. a
violent man that she fears, a fool whom
she soon learns to despise, a \ ulgar
man for whom she must apologize in
short, there are thousands of ways of
lieing bad husbands, and very few
ways of lieing good ones. And the
worst of it is that the poor, silly
women are apt to admire in single men
the very traits that make had hus
bands, and look with contempt and
ridicule upon those quiet virtues which
make home happy. Men with very
little personal beauty or style often
make the wife bappv, and sometimes
quite the reverse. The number of
ways of being a bad husband is almost
as great as the number of ways of
being ugly. No one can tell from the
demeanor of a single man what sort of
a husband he w ill lie. However, she
must marry aomelmdy.
Fashion .^ofca,
Flower Umnets are again in high
Pretty dresses for young girls are of
gr.iy-blue lawn, with fichus to match.
Fancy woolens are in general more '■
popular than cotton goods this sum
Chicken-down yellow is announced
as a later tint of that shade than prim
Large fans and large sunshades are
male of llgured sateen to match cos
Shot glace silks of medium or light
shades are worn for summer dinner
dress en.
F.scurial is the most fashionable la e.
and is very appropriate for trimming
All kid gloves are now worn under
the sleeve, and contrast with the color
of the toilet.
Long pelisses and ragluns, proof
against rain and dust, are made of line
grass mohair.
White Danish kid gloves, decorated
; with lilies of the valley, are xvorn by
| bridemaids.
< henille fringes of two kinds, the
rat-tail and the thirty, are both very
\ ells of gold and colored spotted
net are not becoming, but they are
worn for all that.
Wash goods and line wool stuffs are
used for children's dresses. Silk is
used only under sheer muslin and lace
Organdie square 'kerchief* for the
neck come in blocks of line buff, pink,
and pale blue, xvith rosebuds printed
on each block.
Bulgarian linen - arfx, xvith gay
Turkish embroidery on each end. ar ( .
used by milliners to trim rough round
hats and small capotes.
The fringe of which straw liing"
bonnets are made has uncut loops, and
comes in natural straw color and
shades of lavender, olive, blue and rsl.
1 he in >st fashionable stockings are
of black, straw berry, or primrose, silk,
or lisle, in mono-limine; stripes and
eheckx being only second in popularity.
lb-mark abb- toilets made by Worth
are of liouillonne tulleovi-r satin, xvith
violets and pansies fastened separately,
leaving the stalks and leaves visible in
the folds all oxer the skirt.
Tussore silk parasols have long
sticks of hamlxMi, to lie usi-d ;LS ail
alpenstock in country rambles. Bright
ns| silks with white rings, and blue
silk with double rings of white, r>-d
and gold are the newest < dorings.
Voting girls wear large, white
rough-and-ready straw hats of fantas
tic shape, with puffed mull inside the
brim, ami a wide scarf around the
crown, some white ostrich tips and a
bunch of forget-me-nots, or rosebuds,
are added.
rruined skirts are now seldom seen
except for the clalmrate dresses worn
at dinner parties. The straight, full
demi-train is worn bv young ladies,
and is caught up in thick, irregular
puffs on the top, or is draxvn into a
single large cluster, of gathers and at
tached to the back of the basque. If
w->rn xxith a pointed corsage, a full
puff of the material is --wisl on the
edge n( the x\ aist.
Condensed Milk.
"I suppose that quarts of
milk are condensed and canned in one
day at this -a-.ison of the year," said
the foreman of a large estuhlisuient in
Westchester county when asked almut
the extent of the business. "The busi
ness had its origin just before the war
The army created a great demand for
it. and improved methods liaxe given
it a permanent place in the family. In
early • • • milk was evaporated in
open , I hen one of the most sin-*
eessful men in the business invented
evaluation in vacuum pans.
"The process is very simple. The
emiled milk is brought here In forty
quart cans by the farmers. It is meas
ured ami run into open pans, where
it is heated until it iioils. Then it is
drawn into the xuetiuui pan. Thi
pan is in shape like a farmer's milk
can. It is almut fixe feet in diameter.
It is made of copper. A coil of steam
pi|w in the bottom furnishes the heat.
An air pump exhausts the air inside
until the pressure on the outside is
aliout twelve pounds to the square
ineli. The temperature is usually kept
at 11' l degrees. The rapacity of the
pan is almut B*' forty-quart cans.
When the milk has lus-n reduced to
one-third or one-fourth of its original
bulk. It Is sweetened with almut a
pound of sugar to a quart of milk. It
is then put in the little tin cans in
which you see it on the grocery shelf
and is hermetically sealed. Some of it
is not sealed up, but is sold in bulk on
the city streets. That kind is not
"What do dishonest condensers put
In with the sugar?"
"I do not lielieve they adulterate. A
little glucose may be used. The luni|>s
which you find in the Imttoiu of your
coffee are not adulterations. The man.
ufacturer used stale or impure milk.
Some manufacturers make two grades.
They are proud of one grade. Much
condensed milk is im|>orted into this ,
country. On the other hand, there is |
an enormous export trade."
"Itoes the business pay?"
"Very fair profits are made where a
man has good luck with his milk."
Nrtr York -Si/o.
Connecticut was the first state in
the I'nion to coin money.
Tim Womlnrful Yaillily mtl quli knot
f llifilr %%'ork l>r■ Ihrd.
The Japanese hu\ •• a groat advan
i vage aver the Kuropcans in being
'obliged from infancy to learn the lIHO
lof a brush. Their alphabet is in fact
! a series of exercises in free-hand < I raw
ing. Not only is il composed of an itn
( men-u nuniher of complicated devices,
hut thousand of characters borrowed
I from the Chinese are in daily use. A
| boy who can write a letter lias already
unconsciously acquired the precision of
touch of a trained Kuroficiin artist. In
writing the paper is laid upon the left
' hand, instead of a desk, as is the cus
tom also with the Arabs. Facility of
motion is thus acquired alike for
dioulder, elbow. ami wrist. Then. too.
the paper is of a peculiar quality,
vv hich at once absorbs the ink, and it
requires a great precision of touch to
produce an even outline. This early
training accounts for the marvelous
1 dexterity which shows itself in the
commonest and roughest pieces of
decoration. There is always a certain
freedom of touch rarely acquired by
our best artists. Dr. Dresser gives an
interesting U' count of a treat preparer!
for him by >ir Henry I'arkes. Five of
the most celenrated native draughts
men were invited to the embassy for
the purpi.se of practically exhibiting
their method ot working. In the mid
dle of the room was spreaj a breadth
of felt, on which was placed api of
paper, held down by weights. Kuril
competitor had a long, slender piece of
charcoal in a bamboo holder, soma
broad, lint brushes of deer's hair, and
round ones made of vegetable fibre.
•in a slab was a quantity of Indian
ink. The first artist came forward*
IMlvv* s|, and knelt down before his
paper, considering it attentively for a
minute or two. lie then made a few
almost imperceptible dots with the
charcoal [Miint. and with a Mat brush
nil of Indian ink formed a large ir
regular mass in the centre, and with a
small brush a few feathers and the end
of a pendent branch. Then, beginning
at the top ot the paper, he worked
downward, and in a quarter of an hour
produced an admirable representation
of a c.xk and hen and the branch of a
free. The; Usly of the hen Was skill,
fully left out in the painting, so that it
was formed merely of the uncolored
paper; but against the dark back
ground, and with a few touches to in.
dicate feathers, it was entirely satisfac
tory and thoroughly decorative.
A Mower-painter next made his bow
and knelt down. lie. too, l-cgan with
a few dots to guide him in tliedisposa'
of his masses. Taking a large brush
full of green pigment, he male one
leaf with each sweep, varving the
shade* in the different leaves, but each
leaf Is-ing of an even color. With an
other brush be formed a peonv Mower,
H hading it by merely putting a little
water on quickly la-fop- the red was
absorlied. The colors ot bis palette
were indigo, gamlx.ge, crimson lake
and red earth. The Japanese attach
much importance to the art of compo
sition, and always carefully arrange in
their mind's eye before beginning any
design exactly low they will produce
balance without uniformity, one of
the fair *c\ ne\t tried h,. r skill. She
was flower-painter to the empress, and
chose as her subject a simple little
plant resembling our winter aconite.
It was represented as if done up for
sale with the root and a piece of paper
round it. Tin- fourth competitor i.>k
"ne of his broad Mat brushes, dipped it
in water, and squeezed it nearly dry
He then made it take the form of a
crescent, and dip|icd the middle part in
a dark solution ot Indian ink, leaving
the outside of a lighter shade. A few
hairs were separated at one side and
dip|Ms| in the darkest shade. Ity a
dexterous movement the artist pro
ducts! at a stroke the shaded Ixsly of a !
duck and an outline. Afterward he j
added the neck, head, feet, and tail'
feathers, and a th ing duck was the re
Another expert used his brush in a
similar manner, producing a train of
rats and a background. The hidics of i
the rats were left out. as in the case of
the ben; but there was no doubt what 1
animals they were intended for, though
the delineation was done in this appar
ently hap-hnzard manner. It Is won
derful how- the Japanese can make
their animals live and move. Their
birds really |>eck, or fly, or stand, or
strike their prey. The tlshes swim
and wag their tails. The insects
creep, or eat, or sun themselves.
There is no mistaking what they are
intended tohedofng.- Stiturrlay Hrvinn.
Craelly to Animals.
"1 feel like kicking myself over a
ten-rail fence," said one broker to an
other. "for not taking in that stock."
"Don't do it; you'll lie arrested."
"What for. I'd like to know?"
"For cruelty to animals. You know
the kick of a mule is considered a
deadly weapon." }ftr- hant-Traveltr.
(k I *rmf from tltr Juuriiat of • loiiy.
Si'iioni (' I,'AMt Wnlncniay
in an old adohe house at the Mission
Dolores, says a recent nuiulK-r of the
San Francisco Jliilhlhi. She was a
Californium and in the early history of
San Frasciscosomething of a celebrity.
She was tin- heroine of the "silver slip
per," an incident which, reinemlrered
by the old San Franciscan, is probably
unknown to tho majority of our citi
zens. Its singularity and the death of
tlie heroine serve to bring it again to
the front. One morning a monte-deal
er crossing the plaza found a leather
j slipper lying on the ground. It was
' almost new and adorned with a scar
1 let rosette on the instep. It was also
I very small and bad evidently is-lotiged
to, a well shaped foot. the dealer,
with a feeling of exultation, carried
tin- prize to "Long Hob scratton," the
subsequent famous bartender of the
F.I Dorado gambling saloon, but at this
time the chief engineer of a dram shop
in a blanket tent near the old postoMi- c.
Holi was a note I admirer of the sex,
a nd when the finder laid tin- little slip
per on the dry gu.Mls box that served
as a bar, he rose from a game of "sev
etl-llp" and, settling himself dx I eel
six inches in a pair of raw-hides, gave
a yell that made every man in the tent
lay his hand <>n a "slmoting-iron" in
the belief that a scrimmage was iintni
! nent. When the pani-- h;el subsided
Ib-b called all hands to the bur and dis
plays! the trophy.
It w.is only a shoe, yet it Min-d those
strong uien with emotion. It was long
since thev Ltd seen anything like it.
Women in tlmse days were s arce, ex
ceedingly neaps-, and the -.ght of a
fragment of the attire worn by on-- ><'
the sex created, as Hull himself re
uiarkisl, an "impression bordering upon
j madness." Certainly "the IMVS" ai t'-il
i strangely; Judge Haghy, the "closest
man in Fresno" standing treat, and
I bib promising cigars fr-e --lor the hull
crowd, and children ineludetl." There
jwas a good blow -out that niglit The
news spread. IP ill was said to have a
woman's slipper in his saloon, and
: crowds of curious m.tsi ulirn-s iiasten<-d
to gaze ujMin the honored 01-jo-t. In
the meantime Hob's active brain Was
at work. Me always bad an idea to
business, and conceivast the idea thu'
he might la- able to utilize the relic
Accordingly lo- L-ugtit it, paying
therefor an "oiitu. of dust and three
gin slings." The slipper was lima]
with silver ami turned into a drinking
cup from whiih drinks were dispensed
■at the rate of "#1 a tip." The idea
tiMik ( rowds of bibulous mortals
came to taste the l-ever.vgt- disjH-n- I
by the shrewd barkeeper fr--tn tlie tiny
cistern once encasing tin- foot >d Is an
ty. Hob <oin<s| money. The furor
l.astisl some time so long, in f.e t, that
Hob was able lo lay by a plum large
en-uigh to buy an interest in the "K1
Dorado." and pave the way to a for
tune. In the midst of success he did
not forget the fair owner of the lip|>er.
He inquire! diligently, hut his search
was long unavailing. At last, a det->.
five who "passisl over t<- the majority"
a few weeks sin> e. discovered the fair
one in the jM-mon of at alifornia gir'
residing at the Mission. Her name
w.is Addia one-half must suffice, sf,,,
was iinmarriisl. pretty, the owner of a
pair <>f black eyes that sent a pang
through Hob's heart the hrst time he
looked ii|x'n them. In fact, lie liecum
enamored of the fair Sr-norita, whos
solitary prunella lia<l placisl him on the
roll of financial success. Hut he had
called too late. The lady had already
placed her afTes-tions on a -av age-look
ing vaquero. and reje-ded the barkeep
er's advances. Finding that he could
make no impression upon the dark
eyed t'alifornian. Hob retin-d from the
licld, giving her as a dower half a doz
en "onzas" which she utilized in the
purchase of a wis Id ing attire. Hob
took the disappointment a good deal
to heart and ti|qihs| a gixsl deal from
the silver slipper; in fact, laid tlie
foundation for that love of stimulants
which ultimately reduced him to pov
That was thirty years ago. and time
has not been idle. The silver slipper
was destroyed in the May Are of '.*>2
when tlie Kl Dorado was laid in ashes
and Hob, endeavoring to save his relic
was severely burned. With the loss of
tlie relic his fortune and energy van
ished, nor was it leng before he also
turned to ashes and found a transient
resting place under the scrubby oaks
of Yerlia Hums. Mm-e then his re
mains have Imen scattered to the winds
and "no man knoweth where he sleep
eth." Many of the hilarious spirits
who *ip|ied the stimulating nectar
from the silver slipper hare als<> fallen
asleep, the vaquero Is dead, and the
heroine herself has suecumlieil to the
inev itatde law of mortality. Such la a
brief history of u circumstance once
sounded by ev cry tongue, as showing
what absurdities the minds of men
could entertain in the halycon days of
the Golden State.
Vllirrf tlic I'roiiilnrnt Utirthlng *oufh
• rii Offlr• • arc • •€ t <••••<!.
A writer In the Washington No win;/
IhniUl says: Of the live field gem-rids
of the <'onfederate army, J. K. John
son and Ib-auregard survive, Genera!
Johnson is the general agent of a pr-r
mini-nt New York insurance company,
and General Ib-auregard Is the adjut
: ant-general of the State of Louisiana
j f where he has created the finest lesly
of military for its numbers in Ameri
ca p He js also one of the commis
! sinners of one of the old Louisiana
: state hanks, besides which be has
other important business connections
j There were tw enty-oiie lieutenant
generals in the Confederate army, from
lirst to last, and all of these were from
tin- I'nittsl States army but four. viz..
Kirhard Taylor, N 11. Forrest, Wade
Hampton and John 11. Gordon. <>f
them the following are living I). D.
Ilill, who is in North Carolina;
Stephen L<s-, Farly, Buckner, Wheeler
and A. I'. -Stewart, besides the two not
from the old I'nittsl States army men*
: tionisl above. Gustavus W. -riiitti is
I the ranking major-general living, and
i is state commissioner of insurance in
Kentucky. W. T. Martin Jives at
1 Natchez, and is a railroad president
C. W. Field and L. L. Lomax ar-- in
Florida, and loth are m the employ of
the United Mate* corps of engineers.
Martnaduke Johnson is in St Louis,
and is wealthy. William I'reston lives
in Kentucky,and has a fortune he inher
ited. 11 Utiles lives m Memphis, Tenn*
Wirt Adams i- an agent for Mi-sissip*
pi. and lives at Jackson. Frank Adams
lives in st. Louis, and is con*
nected with the Gutil-1 system of rail"
r-ads iri the southwest. Churchill was
governor of Arkansas, and lives at
Little Hock, t -lquitt w.i- governor
of Georgia. and is t'nit-d state# *vn;-
tor-clect fr--in that state. t'oMon has
returned from F.gypt. arel is living
somewhere in Virginia. Dibrell is a
uieuilx-r of Congress from Tennessee.
Lvon. who eoiuuianibsl one of Forres' s
divisions a while, lives at KddvMile-
Ky. I do not know what M.ekall,
who was a brigadn-r-gen- ral. an-1 chief
-if General Itragg's stall, is doing, but
I U-lieve he lives in Georgia. M'-
G<-wan is a m-ml-er of the supreme
court of South t arolitia Miles. W-
I!., is a cotton-planting magnate, <>n
the Yazoo river, iri Mississijqii. 11. A
I'ryur. is a pros|x-rous lawyer in New
York. Hiplev. "Old Hip," as he wLS
I albs), is in London, Hie agent of an
\mern;an rifle company, and lloddy is
there vvitli bitn. John G Walker is in '
Mexico, an-1 is getting ricli in silver
mining, and Holmes is bis partner
William C. Wickhain is a prominent
railroad man in Virginia. Of the
three Li-cs who were generals. Fust is.
who was Mr. Davis's chief-of-stafT. D
president of tlie Washington and Lee
< ollege. in Virginia; William Henry
Fitrhugh las-, generally called "Hun
cy." is a planter, and is prosperous on
i line estate; and Fitzhugh L's-,
- onsin of the others, and a famous
calvary officer, owns the "Havens
vv-md " estate on the Potomac, alxuit
iifty miles la-low Washington, where
! he is liv ing like a fine Virginia planter
of the olden time. Hubert las-, the
general's youngest son. who served in
tlie ranks a greater part of the war, lives
i on the James river, and owns a hand*
-simp i-state there. Lotigstreot lives at
.Gainesville, Ga.. and lie is I'nited
•states marshal. General Karly pra<-
tic-s law at Lynchburg. Lieutenant I
General A!'. Stewart is president of
the I niver-ity of Mississippi, at Ox.
ford, and Lieutenant-General D. s.
Lee is president of another institute n
of learning. H. 11. and Patterson An.
derson are dead. General 11. Frank ]
Cheatham is the superintending com
missioner of the Tennessee jwnltenti
ary. General Hate is governor of
Tennesse-, and W. H. or "lied" Jack
son, one of Forrest's division com
manders. is living near Nashville, on
a magnificent plantation. General
Whccb-r who commanded all of Gen
eral Johnson's calvary, is a planter in
North Alabama. General Lawton. the
quartermaster of the Confederacy, i*
a leading incmlvcr of the Savannah
Ga. bar, and General Gorgas, the
Confederate chief of ordnance, died
recently in Alabama Cockrell, the 1
ranking Confederate general from
Missouri, is a United stale* Senator.
A curious advertisement appewr-st
in a late issue of the Liverpool
ry. It read: I lost my purse contain- '
ing two guineas and a sixpence. Th ,
tinder can keep the gold if he will re , I
turn the sixpence, as it was the ( 1
amount of damages 1 received from i
the Midland railway tor breaking mv '
leg. The >it of silver cost me A2IU. ' 1
Uwrge Atucsbury." -
There are >nJy eight raiuM of sub ide
nentioud in the bible Abimelech,
•aiiivin. Null, his armor liearer, Ahit
ophe|, Ziinri. Ham and Judas Iscar.
Russian m*n are, as a rule, handsoiii.
ix than Russian w omen. The Russian
women have loud ways ami a loud, un
pleasant voire -he aim OH t invariably
Huron Roth* bibl's carriage at Vmn
iia in lighted by electri< light. The *[>-
| (laratiiH in beneath the coachman's
eat, ami the light, which will burn
i 1 fi hours, within onlmary carriage
IHiring the cyclone in Mississippi a
i urtle weighing sixty po mds was blown
ut of the I'earl river ami lamh-d in a
mtton liehl Koine <listanee away. A
*M'k of geev in an ml joining county
.van completely stripped of feathers,
, .ml many of the more tender ones
sere killed by Is-mg blow n against
re-H ami lenciss.
A sjeci>*H of sjthler has been diyov
n-d on the African coant the long.iirin
sell of which very closely rewmhles
' Mow -lilk. It is ai<l to lie nearly as
peel as the product of silkworms.
Ihe hlameritx have |cen examined hy
.yons silk merchants with favorable
'-Stilts. There seems to he Roth.ng to
irevent the aer]fn>atiring of the ins-v-t,
n France.
Tattooingan Eje.
Several years ago there was a bril
iant journalist in >t. Louis, one of
shone eyes was affected by a "pearl,"
slii< h consi-ts of a pure white, often
jrilliantly glistening, film, which com*
tb-tely covers the puj.il and iris and
five-, the owner a very jiecuilar and
lot very desirable ajipcarance. It was
i very larg.- and hnght one, and. as
ie was often called ujx>n to speak in
luhlic, it lierame a great annoyance
>i him that among his audience he
soul.l find ja'ojib* humorously criticis
ng his ocular peculiarity instead of
levoting their attention to his utter
tnc*s. Tired at last of thus holding
lis audiences with hi" glittering eye."
ifterthe fashion of the ancient mariner.
Ie came to no* and I tattooed it f>r
j " Tattooed his eye ?"
"f'ertainlv; a very simple >|>era"
ion. with an eye of that kind as a
iiibject, though, of course, a healthy
•ye could not stand such treatment
The tattooing di?f< red in no way from
he common process as applied to the
ikin, except that it was done with a
.-cry delicate instrument and with the
greatest possihle care. The result of
, he ojieration, which I have performed
n several other rase*, w as to thorough.
y darken the white film, and after
.his was done the oratorical journalist
ace.J his audiences without annoyance.
St. L<iin\
A Mental Phenomenon.
In some cases of fever the patient ls
♦urprised to find how active is his
memory. Kven trifling events, long
forgotten, pass Iwfore him. A similiar
phenomenon wa recently seen in Ad
rian. Mich
James Sword, who had long lieen
dangerously ill. suddenly roused from
a stupor, and said, "Sixty-four years
ago to-day I was knock's] down by a
cannon-ball at the battle 'if Orthet
while serving my gun; eight men out
of eleven at the gun were killed or
wounded. We were under Welling
ton; the French were commanded by
It was no news to those who listened
to the old in an that he had lieen ons
of that grand army, but none wbo
hoard what he said supposed that hs
had given the date correctly. But it
was so.
The battle of Orther or Orthes was
fought Feb. 27. 1814. The Angtv
Spanish army was commanded by
Wellington; the French hy Soult
Wellington was victorious, and it was
In that battle that James Sword served
as an artilleryman and was knocked
down by a cannon-tall precisely as he
As Interesting Relic,
George Washington's carriage is now
in a rather dilapidated condition. It i
much larger than the carriage of the
present day. The front wheels are
very small, while the hind wheels am
unusually large. The body of the
tnach is of a light cream color, while
••he upper part la black, tiroes blinds
ire behind the windows, and old fash,
oned lamps are on each side of tha
driver's seat. It was built for Geo.
Washington by a builder ia 1-hiUdeL
phla named Clarke, and Washiugt.ni
alw ays rode it out in the bright of style
with six cream-colored horses ami pal
trillions and outrider*. When in tha
ipnng of 1791 be visited the South
ern states he made the whole journey,
1900 miles, ia Uiat coach.