©he Centre JPfnmrat. BELLEFONTE, PA. TIIK CENT UK PK MOCK AT Is nuh liahml ctory Thur*l*} morttlnti, at IkllefinU, ( nitre county, I'v TKKMS—r%ahlti *1 $1 RO If uot paid in advauc*. '-J OO A LIVK rAl'Kll—devoted to the* Interest* of tlia WUolc p - pl'. Piayiiicnta made within thro© tnoutha will he con* •idored in advance. S.i pwjMT will l>o illacontinnad until nrrearageear |iei tie Ijuarter, ball ye tr, .r J ear, I llowa: ■ rtt occi nsn. One inch (or li line# tbia type) : * pi.' Two in, hi 1 7 l I I Three Inch-* : I ... tiuarier column ot • n. io * mi Half column r I ache* • i> . ! . . ichea l •* t • ; i.d fr before In a•. lion, • v pt ii .r I • oi.tra hen half-yearly p.VUI t 111 *I * '*• pi.red P tin v ioTt ■ enta t ii it* each Insertion Vatlilttilnaert • ' - • % in nta. Hi .mn N'otl i* t.ria Ir.lutM 1- cent* par line, each insertion. What Was Meant. A correspondent, a Republican, who i evidently intends to be sarcastic, asks the S/irit, what <1 id the Democratic State Convention mean anyway when it insisted in its ]ilatform upon the rescr ration of the public lands for actual settlers and demanding that not an : other acre he given t' corj orations We will take the trouble to answer the question of our friend, we hope at not t<>o great length to prevent hitu from reading all of our reply. All sorts of frauds have been genera tod through the gobbling greed of rail road corporations in grasping tor public lands. Indeed so widespread has he come these rascalities that the General I.and office lias been forced to send out hundreds of special agents to ferret out the rascals and to restore to the public 1 domain, it possible, the land they rob bed it of. We do not know that corpo rations have been engage 1 in any of these robberies but it is certain the loose manner in which the government has conducted business with the corpo rations has led to the perpetration of enormous frauds by smaller land specu lators. There is evidence now in the department at Washington showing that not less than one hundred thou sand acres of laud have been appropri ated in thi.s way. How much more bus been stolen can only be guesei\ The government has dealt most lib erally with corporations in its grant of land. The public domain of the I'nited States, including the Ala-ka possessions of 69,529,600 acres, reaches I, s 23,1 c(), _ ' I>i acres. In this the State of Texas is not included, as by the treaty of nnnex ation it retained the ownership of all public lands within its borders. t'p to the close of June, ]so, there had been surveyed 752,">i>7,1 '.•> acres, of which remained not disposed of, 21,-02,711 acres, making with the unsurveyed land the number of acres now owned by the government, 1.273.946,418. de ducting from this the Indian and Mili tary reservations and private land claims the available lands nre 1,036, 000 acres. It is better, perhaps, to say • that about 250,00U,()O0 acres only are really available, since the immense ter ] ritoryof Alaska is useless for cultivation or settlement and fully 400, O o o O o o o On 00000000000000000000 1 bis is the McCracken sphinx, a tnon ster 110 nules long and 15 miles wide at its narrowest part. Why on earth such a district was ever thought of is the rid die to be guessed. It might as well ho said that n district running diagonally across the state from Delaware to Krie is contiguous. The meaning of the word 'contiguous'in the act of t'ongress cer tainly is not that a county lying on one side of a state connected by a string of intervening counties to another on the other side of the State, possesses con tiguity with the latter. And surely this district is anything else but com pact. All About a Dog Laxcxstrr, August 23.—A lady pas ■enger had in her possession a pet flog, which the conductor insisted in putting off the cars. The lady said if the dog was put off she would get of! too. <>d j went tho dog, and off" went the lady, crying as if her heart would break. The conductor relented bo far as to say that the dog might go into the baggage car. The lady consented to this ar rangement, provided that she, too, could go into the baggage. The con ductor jtositively refused to let her gel into the baggage car and insisted on her getting into a passenger car. Tho bell rang; the dog was thrown into the baggage c * r ! The lady still crying made a motion aa if ahe would take a paasen ger car, but in a twinkling ahe mounted the atepa of the baggage car, atepped into it unseen by the conductor, and when the train pulled out of the depot, ■be and her pet waa anugly nestled down io corner. They .Defy Constitution, Laws nutl People. Tlo grout fuult tli Radical press c cuse (iov. I'littison of is his anxiety to ' compel the Legislature to perform their duties as detnanded hy tho Constitution and tlieir oaths ol office, which is to apportion tho State into Congressional ' and Legislative districts. Tho Hanvillo InUlliymrcr says tho Homociatic House has ull along manifested a desire to act on this line, but the Senate resists. The 1 Kudical metnbeis of that body have never yet manifested a disposition to pass apportionments such as is demand ed hy the Constitution and what is due to tho voters of the Commonwealth. Whatever hills they have framed have been so devoid of all fairness and in such disregard of tho Constitutional requirements that the House could not out of self respect give them a patient hearing. And this has proceeded not from within but from without that body. A set of Kadicul tricksters of which Hon Cameron is tho head, and Tom Cooper tho tail, have agreed among themselves that tho pre. ent iniquitous apportionments can ho used to more ; advantage lor their individual success and prolit than could be secured hy any j new hills. Hence, they are determined thai no others hall pu -. It is in keep j ing with every action of this faction, who care neither for constitution, laws | or public opinion -otliut their ignoble ends are answeri i. If Hon i micron's in unctions were i I removed, apportionment bills could I•• I I easily | 1 and the constitutional j requirements satisfied. To such a piti fid strait has this Coutmonw i alt h been | reduced when a clique of j oliticians, i not the ablest HI ability but more run mug. set the i institution and law* . ' defiance and make tb. 1 mtnotmealthj of -onto four million people -ul servient ] to their machinations and designs of a clique of ring- who intend in the future to control it for the r own benefit and emolument a- tbey In.vc in the | ist iti ' . defiance of con titution, law s and i so 1 j>. ! A Prominent Man Heath HON. J. *■ now I N -u\srr. I teiar.- AT HP ttoxr. ATTIR A sitntT iiiNr.*. CIIAX rs-I I KO, August 2 B —Hon. .!. j Mcli.tweil Shar] >. one id the pre ent ! members of the legi l.ature from I rank i 11n county, and a ] rominent attorney lof the stati. died at hi* home in Cham j bersburg at two o'clock this morning of | hemorrhage of the bowels. Mr. -harp ; win taken ill on Friday, and gradually ] grew wore until his death. Four phj *ic; wis have been at h.a beds In since -unday, and everything done to aile- 1 v.ite b;s sufl'erin.fs, which have been intene. He wa- unconscious for some time before his death, but he passed away peacefully and with apparently little pain. His death i* greatly Union ted by- the entire community, and ' 'hambersburg i* truly wrapped ii. I mourning to-day. Ho leaves a w.fe who i is seriously ill, and one son. ' .lames Mrl'owcll Sharpie wa* horn in . Newton township, Cumberland county. |on < 'ctober T, 1* .0. He graduated at I letlerton college, Cannonshurg, dune i I-F-, with high honors. He studied law with the Honorable Frederick \Vtt, of ' arlisle, and was admitted to i practice in the Cumberland county court in I >'it), In April, I*sl, lie came t-i''hambersbur,', was admitted to the Franklin county bar and has practiced law here overknee. His practice was , the largest of any in this county, and j he was recognized a* the lender of his profession. He was an exceedingly close student, ami was one of the best rend in the state. His nhility was not only known at home, but throughout the commonwealth, and especially be fore the supreme court, where he has apipeared in numerous important cases. He was elected to the legislature twiee before his present term, in 18<>4 and 1865. Ho was also a member of the i constitutional convention of 1872 and '73, and was the democratic candidate for congress in the old Sixteenth district in 1866, but was defeated hy Hon. W II, Koontz, of Somerset.— Pair An Krie County farmer Luticcd from Home. Fair, August 23.—A dastardly crime was committed Tuesday night at Green field township, this county. Thomas Flushing, .lames and .John Kvart* and William Flushing waylaid a farmer named Oeorgc W. Pressor, and attacked him on hi* way to Krie. Being well mounted Pressor escaped. Ue was be set again on hia return and pursued for nine miles, the pursuers firing on him several time*. He reached hi* home about midnight and nboul two hour* afterward was decoyed from hi* bed by an alarm of fire and wa* seixed by the four ruffian*, each of whom plunged a knife into hi* body. Presaer fell (deed ing to the ground and wa* picked up* insensible. The dangerous character of the wounda made antemortem state ment necessary. He recognized all four assassin*, all of whom are Ohio men, and had sworn to be revenged upon bim for interfering with their Lawless operations. Tuggiirt ami I'owcll at Home. Tho Pemocrat* in convention at liar riahurg lust week presented candidates 1 worthy of election. 'The bosses were absent, und the delegates fresh from the people formed the platform und nominated tho ticket. Tho is l>leased with the nomination of Captain Robert Tuggart. It will be recollected that early in the season it brought out his name for the nomination for Audi tor (ieneral. We did so because we considered him fit for the office as to education, ability and honesty. At the same time it was not greatly cxjiected that the honor would fall ujion him, as it seldom fall where most deserved. But in this case it did. Kvery position of local trust he has filled with satisfaction to those concerned. Living in a Rep.ub Lean county and district he has not been elected to our representative halls' but his friends have done the best they could nominated him, and lie has in every case been largely supported by Republic-Ills becau-e of his worth and ability. He is adapited to fill any office. His mind i- broad and active. While be is not a politician in the strict sense of the word, he i* a Pemocrat in prinri pde, but takes a broader view of the -dilution than the mere politician doe- He came to 1 idioutc about fiftn years ago, and ha been engaged us superin tendent for oil comp anii and as a pro ducer ull these year-. Hence he under stands the wants of the oil producers I and the wants of the people generally ' In thi j irt of the state hi* vote should | be almost unarnrnou- . but n this can i not be expiectcd, it is almost safe to say t hat he will have a rn • i >rlly of the voles of AS arron county, Venango and Mc Lean, all three Republican C-.untie-, j I he independent Republican- will gen ! orally g ve him their sup | rt, not hav ing an organization of their own th.* year, and not liking the placing of >< n a'or Cooper at the head of the Repul li-in late committee. In this | art of 'the state ('apt. Taggart will run far i ahead of his |>arly vote. There is r o b-tter man in the tate lor the office t i which he ha- been nominated. I he ( olor Line. KI-.IIT or uracil r-cm-i c IN INN- AND rest/ . ISNTS. Wi flin r v Aug. I'. A derision was rendered by Judge Mills, in the police court of this r;ty yc-terday, in tho civ; 1 rights cu-e of the Rev. (ieorge , 11. Smith (colored , of Norwich. Conn ■ agiirst dame* AV. Bel), proprietor of re-'.aurant on Pennsylvania avenue. The ground of cornp.laint was that Bell had denied the a>- omodalion of his restaurant to the pdantiT on account of the latter* color, and -uit ws* I rouglil to enforce the rrimnsl provision of the act of March 1, 1 -7the court holds that under the common law an inn keeper i found to take in and receive ail travelers and rvfurors, and that by I the act of March I, I*7.A, it is made a mi-demeanor to discriminate agamt a traveler on account of race and color. . regardless of nny previous condition op servitude. A restaurant keeper has the right to i -tahlish certain regulation* a" j to hour* for tneais and to designate cer t*in p.laces or seats for customers ; but such hour* and seats must be the same for all, or if any discrimination be made it must be made ujion some principal or for some reason that the law recog nireil as just and reasonable, and not on account of color, race or p>roviou condition of servitude. All guests of i ; an inn or restaurant must be given equal privilege-, and the place* desig natod for them must be arces-ibleto all ! respectable p.ersons at a uniform rati' of i charge, from these principles it follows j that the defendant, in discriminating ; against the complainant, Kwith, on ac count of fn race and color.was guilty of a misdemeanor, and incurred the penalty prescribed hy the second section of the civil rights act of 1875. Judgment i* j entered accordingly, '.his ease is in some respieets a novel one, since it is the first attempt to enforce the penalty under the second section of the civil rights act. which makes violation of the law a misdemeanor, and it is the first effort made to enforce the criminal pro visions of the law in a territory where the congress of the I'nited States has exclusive and absolute legislative juris diction. The Itmagc- or Hum, Howard the well informed New York correspondent of the Philadelphia /Vn*. has this to say in bis letter of Nunday last concerning the habit of drinking, which be supplement* with a significant moral. Who of u* needs to he told that drink ing is on the increase. Kvery body drinks- Boys down-town offices sw g their beer before they light their cigarettes. lasb ring men along the wharves take their rot got as regularly as tbey take their pipe. Look in any or all of our greet restaurant*. The receipts of the bar ex ceed the expenses of the entire estab liahmcnte. It doesn't follow tbat all men who drink are liable to become drunkards, but it certainly j* a fact that no man who doesn't drink ever became ( a drunkard. Old fashed parents in the country would be ap>l to open their eyes j if they were to stand an hour in one of I our palatial harooom*. Clergymen, doc ( tors, lawyers, journalists, hankers, brok ( era, clerk* of every name and employer , or (very degree drink a# regularly t a* they eat and a great de i( | oflener. Who can deny it ? Observation proves , the assertion. lion ho? A man with a swollen head and inflamed stomach und unsteady I nerv . may know enough to turn oil' ( the ga* when ho goe* to hod, but he will he exceplionubly fortunate if hi ( children have seneo enough to do uir. thing at all. A Horly Hurst* From it Coffin. H vur 111 no, Aug. 2 Henry Slrein, | of this city, aged forty-five ye..is, who was connected with a I >nd of traveling gyp-.'-who ern irnped .v i< <-• the r.vitt.-n by a N. - ' found'atid dog in the leg and aim on , I Monday afternoon. H<- refused roe-li e.a! aid and drank a quantity til whisky In the ' rening h<- commenced to lark and bite like a dog ai,d i' fu-< j w .ti Ho do i shortly afterward in great jag hv. Ihe body wu al ot.r e pel .rito , a coffin and then into a | -ro- I .x AA'or i ' from tin- city ordered M* r.,&! }„. r ,. arid I a-! ngh t it • arm- iow n "ii n>- of I the ttail,-, when a very u-1 ri-- • in,- u:!,i r , occurred. In taking the i- ugh I x , fiom the car lil.-I I 1.-ir i g ,t on n tin ! It '"I I ' d < tl' the . liar and went < iash j ing to the J.'-lg ,n p vineiit. 'J he lid f the I -lie b X flew nt) rid the f flin with its oc-cup-aiit was 11-i I led out. '1 A. add to the scene (he lop of tlx- , ffitl btir-t and the rem .:t. - wr throw n fe< downward into the gutter. The body i was greatly dccotnp- ■ i and swollen and a -o-nrh 'f an unb ii ib ■ < >i-.r > t ter followed. Matters finsiiy righted .and the renin.n w<*i tak'ii to h Ii me. Mo ll c-xoilernetit K - C.v ,-e . ; by the accident. The Ex-idem; <• Accumulate - I L<- stalwart i - r- • i r - tl fa-t that the hr-a it in tin- Kejuh .an party wa- not fiy any no aria hcah-d 1 1- i iwcd - advice aud put an al | lege! iii
  • k with which it i- ju >- p -<-<1 to catdi the in h p. iident* Hut - ime li'iw . r . th r many - f the iudepiendent leader- leg an to susja-'t Nilc-s and l(>- kcd around f r ( videnee !to sup mrt tbeir suspicion-, and they ■ did not have great trouble in tindu _• it. In the first place they di-cvcrcd that a bargain liad been made with Senator St wnrt to the • fl- ! that it he would aid in defeating app rtionmeut by the legislaturi NiU-s slmuid !>• jiiace I on the ticket, made ih j iiargain and t- k Nile* for hi* shar. |of the sj- ii*. Magr-e ngrcd to tak< ; I-i\>ey and the r< -ult wn- that a J IK.SS. *' ticket wa- nominat'-d while ap j |rently a bone wa- thrown t > the independent*. ('-inclusive evidence that tb< bar gains wire mad*'ha- been constantly aerumulating until now no more i i needel. ('audidate Nile* nt the iast ' ses-ion of the legislature most > tnphali i rally dc-elareil himself in favor of the general a--, mhly carrying out it* "• m -titutional obligations" hy the passage lof ap|xrtionnient bill*. At that time I his sympathies were with the indepn dcnli fhiii year the boisc s tixik him in hand and agn.vj to rake him the candidate for auditor general. What is the P -ult '' Nothing ha- IM < n heard I from Mr. Nih-s about the "constitu | lional obligations' of the legislature, although they are even more binding now than they wi-rx al the last w—ion. No further proof is needed that Mr ' Nile- i now completely in the control of the b'xu-.'-- ami that he is the bo-.-es' candidate for auditor general. — The Lonely Hook. moor win. ii ||4 Ai'i'tAktn IN i ATI* o*ra TO st STAIN TIIB nttu.t. lo we ever fsirly consideT the loneli ness of that lonely people's llook ? I'hink how it stands nut alone. What fellow, what eotu|ianion had it ? What have we had that wa* coeval with those Hebrew Scripture*? AA'hat wa* there hy which they could be confirmed ? Ho back to the beginning of the century and uk yourself what had then sur. vived of ita contemporary literature with which it could be compared. Kgypt had left nothing,only a few line* of ooe historian rescued by the Chriatian his torian Kuteblua. Babylon and Nineveh had aaved nothing, not a line, except similar fragments of one historian pre served by Josepbua or Kuaobiu*. Persia? Persia only began to be aa the Jewish history was ending. Greece? Rome? There was no (irteoe nor Roma when the splendid Jewish prophets were pro claiming the one Jehovah. Here, Ihen.fappfnr* tub one I'.r/ok > full of woridroua hi lory, on whom rim velou* revelation our own fuller Oiri • tinn faith ii huilt, and we were n i.< j? | rio confirmatory pi . : I r th'-r- r , none. 'Hi'-re w -no evidence ex tin*'. It wan all htrrio'l in the grave rf the forgotten ami irrt■< ... • .Me j ; r. Hut bebol'l a wonder 'Jhe earth | open* itH mouth. rt U! own generation liiiH or n un< .1 reil the rnor utj.i-r.t* of ' abun ,oti r iii :r.f. vl' t or'l, the t ;.] I , -lament , rl( ,| | v t ) jf . j ex humeri r< cord* of the king* of Eg) j t and H.ihylon n>l Nine-. j Monh. Wo are now town in the Houiaq Murreum the v yio iy , 1i... J gypt,an ' the nHtne o! t - f -her and gr.-.t .father ■ . xrdom. Atahor.hro.il ,r.t • confirma tory evident 1 <, i yi < u t of At.- ; Kjr ntu t.- 11l the . ... l„n the • . hon- of defi-r, h rr. (, , ~ I Mipp ri* I!,. ! Y \ It > • > ' t llotor 111 . ... . . ' with - rfety hli'l gr< t g (id. , —I rid Ho n i ••rr t* ■; ji.d i.r '1 :n weaklier., wiil 1.. almo : i.e-w 1 v u:nc hop hitter r. My wife and d rg :<-r wire made ' • ii' J ' • i.' rerornruei. ito t. <-i my j • ;.. Meth o ii-i < i*-? r '\ i n. A*k „ Ur : . ■ . M .. r ... v i 1 ' nr - Will 1. ave .If . •. ( ,1 ~ ,j .eon a. hop f.itt< i- arr.ie. My mother dt vetheja.My aid n< u'algra a 1 r it r.f t, , r -i j, rn vr.i h hen hitler- —hi. I. Keep t'r.r kidn y* In . by w sh hop hitter* arir- g- it. I' n : it the terv !•m| "ut. if-i t y doctor or loyman. 11 .hould, the• • ' rr . ~e y he k< pt r n hanrl for inittn diate on . . , 2t, Xrtr Artrrrtinrnuiit, £l> 6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thl. r*r*wt' ( vr .o. A mat. rl ..f parity •li.Bttn an t I'- ni- Vit . , i ii,,|, 111. .a ilnary ktM. a4 enn .| I* ..|.i la • Ith Ui-mallilnd. >.r 1 a | w r. n t>h Altwli la cat., i; . .at',,.- v*t -M,k. V. el„.^ Th * •UW**T CURifor IKIDNEY DISEASES.J n TXtm a tan* hwk or dmnelwa wtw ■*!- * that yti-,i are a ' Tit WW IX> NOT O £ H*BTT ATK. twe Kldwr-Wort >< I'lra*- J iici.te namiand lUamt It will .larrAilx oeet-. " >} Ulf dIMM ami reatore healihy aetton a t\ ladles ' J ■lUwea— Ya<—ttoeßrw.tede iUßßorartoe, | ahrwx drwdw e eU apemliir V**t o iw rarre wW 13 - U-* aotgp NT AIX oauooara u