Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 23, 1883, Image 1

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    fPje Centre 2sSt Democrat.
S. T. NIIIGKItT Editor.
VOL. R>.
She (C>n in gewocrai
T.rmi 51.50 por Annum In Ailvnnoe,
S. T. SHUGERT, Edilor.
Thursday Moraine, August 23, 1883.
of Warren County.
of Bradford County.
l>r. .1. It. SMITH,
of Ferguson Township.
IV. C. 11 I*. INI. I
of Bellefonle.
KLLIS 1.. < IitVIS,
of ltellefonte.
THE telegraph strike has collapsed.
It was a distinguished failure, ami the
operators are returning to service
minus the increased pay demanded.
THE New Orleans Picayuif Ims tin
best method of promoting th civil
service. It proposes to send only .uoli
men to cougress as are fit to be there.
THE growing independence of the
colored voter and his distrust of the
immaculate honesty of the g. o. p., i
ouc of the aflliclions the R< publicans
are encountering in many places.
THE Sultan has ordered the ladies
of the harem to wear thicker veils.
If the Turkish ladies are like their
sisters elsewhere, the Sultan will lie
wise ill keeping hi* courtiers out of
view of the harem, or the thick veil
will soou he liberally supplied with air
IT is apparent that General Crook -
services arc again much needed in tin
Sierra Madras. The red devils ho
, failed to capture on his former expedi
tion and bring out of tie -c mountains
it is announced have again comrnenet d
their depredations of plunder and
murder of the white people. He
should try again.
THE Austin Texas: Stat'onnn in a
vigorous article advocates the nomi
nation of Thomas K. Bayard, of Dela
ware, as the Democratic candidate for
President, claiming equal acceptability
for him north ami south. If great
ability, pure and unmixed honesty,
and enlarged patriotism are considera
tion to commend, Bayard stands well
to the front.
IT is said in Ohio that a mutual
benefit society has been organized by ,
President Arthur and Oov. Charles
Foster for 1884, and that Ohio is cx"
T* pec ted to contribute a full quoto to
the profits of the institution. No men-
I tion is made that John Sherman has .
Irecn consulted, or remains passive in
the arrangements. John generally
has something to say in small affairs
of this kind.
L 'THE reason that no agreement can
be made by the legislature upon the
' pfts-ago of an apportionment bill, is
liecouse the Republicans prefer the
present shameless gerrymander of the
state passed ten years ago, to any hill
that could with any decency Ire passed
now, with the most generous concession
jKissihle on the part of the Democrats.
It was to retain the old gerrymander
that the odious and infamous Mc-
Craeken hill was framed.
lIOS. WM. 11. BAKNI M, who had
"'national charge of the campaign, alle
le ccssfully defends Mr. Tilden from the
recent charge of procuring the defeat
of Gen. Hancock. He ays that Mr.
Tilden cantributed twenty-five thou
sand dollars in aid of Gen. Hancock's
canvass, and that the Democracy were
indebted to hini* fiff much valuable
Bf* strvico during the campaign. He also
r eay9 thai Mr. Tilden was not averse to
■ (he nomination or election of Gen.
Hancock. Nobody but cranks and ,
■ personal enemies of the eminent New
York statesman believed otherwise.
"Post tho Books.''
In our last wo referred briefly to the
creditable and proper reforms of the
working force of the Democratic
I louse of Representatives, by which
$lB,OOO were saved to the taxpayers I
of the commonwealth over former
Republican organizations of that body,
ami promised further reference to the
more important actions of our noble
Democratic (i ivernor in arresting U"'
big steals annually perpetrated under
the polite title of appropriation.
These appropriation hills were puvd
as usual and the Democratic hou-e,
following the precedents cust#uis, in
allowing theni to pass unchallenged
became unconscious partic- to fraud.
The Governor, however, with that in
dependent investigation and fearless
a--ertion of law and right for which
he is fatuous, could not allow wrong
to prevail on the ground that cu-totn
sanctioned public stealing, cxerci-"l
the veto powers vested in him by the
constitution, and pla>ed the -eal < :
his disapproval on the following items
which imposes the tiece -itv t i "p> -t
the hook- another time.
The fir-t item tin Governor strikes
out is £ '.,"JoU l'i r tie- pay of the chief
clerk, reading, iotirnal and mcs-.ige
clerks of the senate for pro rata sala
ries during the time the legislature
was' in sc.--ion over 1"" days, on the
ground that all th -e officers receive i
a fixed -alary under the act of May
11, For the ante reason t).
Governor disapproved of an item ap
propriating $ I,'Jo'l for the pay of ti,•
chief clerk, reading, rt-ident, journal
and im -age clerks of the house pro
rain according to -alari- sir- very
day the legislature was in ses-ioii over
Itßi days, h ction in of ', uppw
| riati in hilL appropriating •?!. •"
• ach t" the chief clerk- ot the senate
and h 'ti- for extra cleric al -rvicc •
devolving upon them during the y- .r
I*-M. I'nd r >ur constitution the 1 ;-
i-lnture only meets in regular -• -i n
once in two years. There can be no
rcgulnr s< -sion therefore in 1 ami
the (iov< rnor in his message well nv
"l can imagine no function- or duty
of chief clerks during that year." An
appropriation of |G<)O each to the
chief clerk of the senate and house
for the expenses of their < llice-' during
1884, i* di-approvi d, ami among other
items disapproved by the Governor
under the authority of the constitu
tion giving him the right to cheap- i
prove of any item of an appropria
tion hill are the following:
T ■ IHIUr Lather, ?G- j • f the L r-l of J.TJI!.
• •: •
T> with if !!• ri<rh• for #n*!i ( fr m 1t
Marrh. 1* ■' . ' x>
T'l tfintfif,atatflor GTAML MKI IM mi y
ftIHW *l. •U ' 11 '' 'r 1 * * tI t
T Aa iK f r fomttur*
T> r**t D ut t i#*r k i*f th* fr < i j f- r
ToiN-fintr i.i rvtrUn for wn* j**r 1.-
To o+nte Ll r*f .*n for I,*ij
TO r ti'LMIT cturk "f th* IHII* UND librirmn - f
th# •* n<*t#. A*Th 1 r rlvrtmt an<l oth#r KT-
To p*) 'D'fi iFM : *fif t - I AIkI I—2 ' ro
' T i>xt for ti w hour l wslk 1
T<* ' "TiimitMioD m of public ground* !
"The practice," saysthc Governor,
"under various forms of words of
making these officers perpetual at
large compensation and great expense,
has in the past grown into a regular
system. I am unable to comprehend
how any such sum can IK* needed or
properly used in a period when no
session is being held. I have there
fore disapproved of all such items for
the year 1884, when these officers nre
not rcpiired to he in attendance upon
the legislature, and when the law says
they shall receive no salary."
This is sound doctrine. The people
can and will endorse such action. Tltr
Governor doe* not rreoynue the pro
priety oj the *tat' paying for errvice*
not rendered. The people now know
where many thousands, ami even hun
dreds of thousands of dollars of their
money have annually gone, and who
received it, and,by what means it was
taken. But for this information they
are not indebted to scrub women re*
form legislation. To the Governor,
who it is charged is arbitrary and set*
up his opinion against the legislature*
belongs tho credit of revealing this
method of stealing. To the veto of
the items mentioned, and especial)
the cogent and courageous manner in
which it was done, the Governor was
entitled to the strong endorsement
given tn him in the first resolution of
tlie platf iin adopted hy tho 1 at• Dem
ocratic eoiiventi'oi. This is reform in
dead 'arin -l. It -ti ikt at 'jn< stioiia'
hie prncti • - in the 'Hi * of tin State.
Trea-ury, the Auditor General, the
Attorney General,the('hi' fCh i 1.-, Re
sident Clerk, Librarians and a multi
tude el other- who have long fed and
well fatted upon money illegally and
unlawfully drawn from the people.
We lio|m the reform thu eomuiein cd
hy a vigilant <• .v ri.or will lie con
tinued until ' vrv illegal appfhpria*
tion is stopped, and every unie * ■ - .try
office ludder i- permanently retired.
With tin - fact- before u- we cannot
iiii'lerstainl why the committee n r
■ olutioii- appointed by the lap IF tin -
erati*' county convent: >n should hav*-
n ."ted the following r. Jution, t *
wit :
' Re- .Iv. d, That we < pe-ially •u
-elol I- th- ill ti 111 of the ( I Vi 11. r ill
ui approviu - of many of tie items in
the genera! appropriation bill, for hy
tlii- rin ans lie -avtd to the taxpayer
of the coniiiiouweulth many ihou-ands
of dollar- illegally and uiu n-titu
tb naliy appropriated, ai d ii i lo
d< terminal ion to rigidly en: re and
honestly !>1 and maintain emi
nently wi.-e an i prop ;• pe \ i-i• :. < t
t!se e n-'.i;uti in."
This r 'olutioii was among tie num
her prepared f r the < m-id<-re.t. n cf
the eommitt'-i on ri- ' •, and
when returned to the c nveutioii it
I.ore the rly mark- el a i in d. p
sstn prc-c miin iitly fair and i i. I t •<1
the action f the Governor in am v ter
oT moro in; re t to ilie j, ( ,pi e than
anythingcl- j l ively* uld be. That
the comn.itt" wr.s iriv ri to -trik*
tlii- r' -oluli' i by >lll4 outi*h.' influ
ence, there i- little \ mi to doubt. It
certainly reflects the views of the
I Jctnocraey.
MR. l'ltiw. 11 A IT>N, as one ■ f the
deputy postmaster generals, it seems,
diil some farming in that departrm nt
in anticipation of the inauguration cd"
the civil service rub . lie provided
a place for a writ' r on his m w-pap< r
at SlJ.tMj.i; tie nhe promoted hi - bar
ber wli> is incapable cf writing a
decent hand to $1 Jnu. The writer for
the newspaper th*n got a month's
leave with pay. He then reduced the
pay of two good clerks from $ 1,200 to
$l,OOO and put the* pay on. hi" own
uncle hy promotion from $ 1,20<i to
sl,''oo. The favorite of the Halton
family had been tin re hut a few
months. He the n raised the pay of
his wife's uncle from $ 1,200 to $l,OOO.
A C ONEF.RENC I. of window gla-s
manufacturer- of the- Eastern district,
WAS held au the St. ("loud hotel in
Philadelphia, on Friday last. The
object was to discuss the question of
wages fur the present season. The
manufacturers CL* -ire to make a re
duction of 10 per cent, of the wages
of blowers, and arc not free of appre
hension that if a made A
strike will take place. This, mutual
forbearance* and wise coons I may
avoid, and wc presume that wan the pur.
pose of the con fere IN <>. Nothing elcfi
natc* has yet been settled. We believe
our gla-s w >rks are operated under
the Fa-ton district, so far AS the labor
IS concerned.
♦ - —
TIIK press and correspondents are
very enthusiastic svor the success of
the President in angling for trout in
the waters of the Rocky mountains.
In that wild region where tho "speckled
beauties" nre not educated as they are
in tho civilized streams of this section,
little skill is required to make cap
tures. But let him test his luck in
the mountain streams of Pennsylvania
where a trout can detect a green-horn
at forty yards, and the enthusiasm of
the press will fall to low figures.
Dl.mcm KATIC rally in tho Court
House, Tuesday evening, Aug. 28.
i Tho FiguroH for I^B*l.
The main i -ue in the n* xt Presi
dential election, -ays the New York
Sun, will he whether w*- -hall hav a
Democratic, horn t, < ronomical ad
luiui.-tratiiiu of the government. Can
there he uny doubt of the result in a
conti -t waged on MJC!I ground- ? Let
u.s look at the figures.
General Ham ekw ild have been
elected if he had received the thirty
five vol* o: New York. He obtain* d
i only seventeen in the North. The
j rest of his one hundred and lifty-fiv"
came from the South.
There i- nut the slight* -t na - ti fur
| supposing tha' any -Mat* , N rth > \
' S >uth, that uppurti i llati k in
eighteen hundred and * . tv, v. nld
tail to vote ibr the D :aui ralit: * audi
•late in eighteen liuudr**! and eighty
four. If w add th thirty-fiv* v Jl* -
of New York to the Hut: k vote
tiii- would deti niiiuo the truggle in
lav r ui tin Democrat! 'nominee. The
six Vol s* t( MIL' :ieut and tie-fitt. -ii
of Indiana would ' any tin De-timera
tie majority up t , a hand- m figure.
Sum*- doubtful Siat* - may al- . fall
int • line, afid make t!.-- tibnnjili et
, hoti'sty ov r profligacy e-p-cialiy
me mora hie in the lii-t ry of th, < uu
I lie R* puldii an party mu-t
Tm Bejnihiii m pre - at* j.r-.fu-e
i . ' 1 ■ :
ti inal r nunitiec, not bccau-e lie was
a -tnr i ut*- eon-pirator, hut h- eaus*
he knows too much and i- • itnewhai
leaky. Hi- knowk-ige of the nxip
busine-- in In liana and N* w York,
j for which he was feted and honored
hy Grant, Arthur, \\ .udom and
t Beceher in the famon- han-juet of
I H *l, is an ' ; bode they <T -in t . |„
1 -t t ' nicmorv, hut Dir y will talk,
and he talk - well. He admit- they
wi-re all a set of polities] la-ral- and
tramp.-, and that then- i- no u *- in
alt- uipting to hide it nov.
Tin Philadelphia /.Vron/ sen-ihly
and truthfully remarks : "Tin pre--
, i-nt (.'-.ngri-.-ional app <rti niiieiit in
. Pennsylvania i- an outrage u- |H-rver-
I sion c-f justice. The McCrack.-n ap
p-irtioiiment--which the ih publican
-enators propu-c to -übstitute fur it
n -till in n outragi us. What r*-
mains fur the how-* to d" hut t-> pas
fair hills, all rea- -nahle con-
C v-ioiis to Republican demands, and,
upon the refusal of tin -• natc to con
cur, to adjourn and go home?"
HAYS the New *-rk .Sun, "Mativ of
the ablest and foremu-t R< publicaiis
at the North have op] 1 coaliti >u
' with the Virginia Readju-t rs. lr -m
the time when ("handler r mmittcd
th • Admini-tration to the blunder of
a bargain with Malione, that ojqm-i
-tion has been intensified so it i- not
likely to he abated between this and
• i ihe dale of tho next Republican Na
tional Convention. A determined
stand will he taken against the admis
sion of Mahono delegates to the Na
tional Convention hy the regular IP
publican- of Virginia, hacked hy
those of other State-. If Mahonc i- re
ject "1 hy the Convention if remains to
he seen whether he can hold his own
at home.
(.'AI*T. RIIODKR who ha- l>oin ex
citing the people in the neighborhood
of Niagara, hy preparations to swim
the whirlpool, has weakened and pro*
poses to substitute a dog in hi* placo
This is had for the poor dog, hut may
save the life of a fool or a crank for
whatever it i* worth.
HON. Joe. M< DONAI.H, tho able
representative of Cambria county, will
accept thanks for a pamphlet copy of
the interesting addresses delivered on
the occasion of dedicating the Cam
bria county Court House.
THE Georgia House of Representa
tive* ha* passed appropriating
$1 000,000 for the building of a new
Capitol. It will take five or six years
to complete the work.
'IK It .M S: *1.."i1) jM-r A Mini in, in Advance.
■I ml ire Itliiel* Head.
■ j Till. KM IM. NT J I Kl I A Nil -TATI." MAS I'EACE-
I I J.I.V I'A- SI 1, AM AY.
i YORK , JV, August I #. —This corn
• | niunity ws -hoi ked this morning l y
I the k nd lii-MA of the de ilh of Judge .1.
S. I'dnek, and nil day hi- many friend*
c >uld he reeogniz' I hy th' ;r cud
fare* -' Ml on thu street•. His life ari'l
service- to his party and country have
hceil the OtIO tll-|j|e of <OH V'-; -,t ion
hero to-day. Ihe whole community
mourn hi- death. Judge 111 mk was
t iken 'i riousiv ill this dy one week,
lut h. j.hvticinns hud JiO|.-- of hi- r
Civery until y* -lerday at rtoon, wheri
he tak n udderily wor-e, and ft'iin
tlrit time on - ink r ipidiy, (lying i*t two
<1 clock tlii- morning. All his family
were h t-cd de except Mr-. Hay
i in, 1. *i uighter, wife of • olojiT ('lav
ton. who : on 'luvermnent duty in the
we-t. Ife died in no unconscious stste.
111. trouble w:, -trie!ur<* of the neck 0 f
the h!:d I IT, o R , , .NC I hy an unu-iidly
enlsrge 1 prostate glsnd, jroducing
complete occlusion which had stubborn |
!y "• tc I the ord.n-.rj appliances. Hi- '
Gther was of utdi detent mid hi
m-ith'T I'ennylv ini i Herman stock.
I'revi i- t i hi- uncon' i .-j state, among
hi- l-, t remark were that he thought
t'. t he hn i more work to *i'i in the
"oi l hoi w- p'rfc *.ly r(-ign<-1 to th '
' ■. of I I >I, showing hi- belief in tli
Supreme Is ing who judges the quirk ,
and the de.vl. Hi. funeral -. rvices will
t <• place froin hi* lnt<- n -idence at
o'clock on Thursday afternoon
Hi- reman will be interred at Fro-pert
IB 1 < -nieti ry n< >r th. j lace where he
ha- a family lot. I>r. l owers of the
• or tan church of Wu-hiogton ha
hern >-urnuiuned and will probably ofll
<- - * ■ ' J d k 'ii- I j'• tcefiil,y .
fen. the 1 . nn ng of his illn• he be
li'-vi- 1 that b" woul I iev*-r recover and
a pern 'u f ?• -ne<l. Mrs. Judge
lilio-k. t. .in*ot 'lorernor < hiincfv
I. I'iark • ,;d w fe, Mr. llonrv J'.lsck.
Mr. slid Mm Horosby, A. C. 1 urquhar
and I>r. M cuLi-ller were j rer. Nt at the
dissolution. v hortly before Judge j
1 ok <i Ihe od to his w.fe "!!
■ in I f- .r to cr * the dark river wli'-n
my i ther wait- for me on the other
-1 re tri i added " iVould 1 were
A- comfortable about all I leave behind
unfinisln i in this world," m.d then
breath* 1 the foil w.np earnest p:rm r
I hou beloved An 1 most merciful
In ivenly i ather. from whom I had my
bc.ng nn i in whom I have ever trusted,
if it tie '1 hy w ill grant that my suffering
en 1 and that 1 speed y I- • cnlle I home
to Thee, and bin- ind oomf rt thee
my Mary.
It is not within the power or province
ol any man now living, remarks the
Wellington /' . however prominent
in public or prnfes-i nal life -to fill the
place m le TAi int by the death of Jere
ntiali v . black. Not that h" w,a* the
greatest man of tho Ag< a greatne is
commonly rated but that he occupied
a r.ink in the jurisprudence ofhisooun
try. and played a part in hi* country's
history that no other statesman and
lawyer has dono before him. and which
required a peculiar combination of great
qualities to occupy and play with such
dislinguishe 1 and .lmost unvarying
' success.
A lawyer of profound learning, a
judge of incorruptible rectitude, r
member of the Cabinent, eminent in
both the responsible position to which
h- was called great in all things, with
the po-utilities ofjunachicved greatness
always before him, that .men of other
mould* might have grasped a* trades
men in politic*, hut which he never sor
dully being both statesman
and patriot of more than Kornan virtues
he ha* stood before the country for
years as the embodiment of intellect
uvl resources, imperial in their vastoess
and splendor, an authority undisputed
in the law and a landmark of Ameri
can manhood in it* truest and best
That he was true to the Constitution,
of which he was the ablel of analysis,
true to tho (iovernroent, of which both
the strength* and the weakness—the
excellencies and the faults—were as
familiar to his mind as the alphabet,
the annals ol Mr. Buchanan's Adminis
tration successfully attest.
If partisan oritioa have aspersed his
loyalty, it has only been to lie con
founded by the eulogistic indorsement
of his suocessor In the Attorney Gen
eral's office, and subsequent Secretary
of War, who was at cbary of adulation
to other* as he was himself rancorous ia
NO. :s:e
his I'urtiHannliip.
That he rni^ht liavo attained the
highest honor* in the gift of hi# fellow
eili/en , goe* without saying, ljad ho
been a politician of expediency rather
than a man of conviction*, against the
trimming of which, to suit hi# personal
i preferment, L.x whole nature revolted.
If'- wa | re-eminently a man of the
people, rather than of the populace,
and the o. tinction ia easily indicated ;
a* turdy a hater of shams #a ' arlyle
# friei. lof the oppre'-ed an enemy to
' the a/ ff - ivene/ - of corporate despot
i-nj' i sharp lanced controversialist in
' ' affecting h.- own faith*, religi
ot others*.##, and a man who, de
■; 'ue brevity of hi# career at Wuh
in," ri. • uij rativ isolation from
the t.v of | ilitical life, and his
1 !y< at !ar li. u- devotion to the
duti- 'f ii j: ' an, have* behind
huii i r< or I a enduring a* the country
whichh- -'TV' io faithfully, and which
the generate t.- a they come and go,
may hot,or and emu.ale a# an iilu> tnou#
• example.
( ourernitig I'enalons.
The cruel wr came to a clow eight
teen yi ago, I ut the pension law baa
le-eii iii rea-ing the cripple i ver lince.
If the increa <• keep* < n at it* preaent
rate <! grt artb able-bodied rn<-n will b<*
I i : e the excej !. n and cripple# the
rule. There hits already l>en paid out
iri peniion* the round mm of $3741,000,
, while in the last year 137,611 new
l-n*ioncr* were created, and 1369,67 •>
a) plicat.on# remained to be passed
upon : i'ubhc o* eel.on doc* not lie
ag-.iri't the policy of pensioning dis*
' . 1 r !dier, but of throwing the
i reasury oj en to able bodied scamp*
who take advantage of the < a>y and
' ore! ent rnetlio 1 which the law pro
: vide* for establishing disability.
W illUniport\ Senaatlou.
Williamfport h furnished another
ei sation. Vot long ago the public wa#
turtle ! bv the announcement of the
flight from that city of a young banker
* ith a large sum of money not hi* own
and a woman not hi* wife. Now a
•• er from the same place ha been
. in • tor '.igh nearly the same kind of
in spade, and that city is all agog
v iii IN .-<■ c nd recent big sensation. .T.
>. I' ker, who has decamped with some
"i belonging to tho law firm of
wl. h ho was a partner, and who took
along wit), him a young woman, leaving
I ( hind hi wife and child, is well known
n thi* city. Ho i* a man of ability, a
' llego graduate, and w;, a worker in
the Sunday school* of hi* city. Why
lie >hould sacrifice all hi* bright pros
; e< t* for tho future is difficult to under
tan I. His j artner Mr. bentloy is griev
outly stricken. Tho whereabout* of
I'arker have not been ascertained, but
.t is supposed be ,* on his wav to Tu
rope. fV,■#/, ii r.
—A\ e aro indebted to If. O. Deiningor,
■f the Millbeim J 'ma!, fr a copv *>f the
Heady K-b ronco Tax Bercipt Book. A
Ittic bo"k publish)#] by Mr. J>eininger,
Having receipt* sufficient to last ton
years. There is also a summary index
•howing the valuation b-r each year. The
tiook is just the thing for all classes of
people and particularly for real etate
• >wners Buy it, and you will have your
tax receipts all together and in good shape.
—The trade dollars are circulated again
m all the principal cities and it will not bo
nng before they will "go" everywhere.
There is no bar hut that Congress will
pas* anj act to retire tbem at full face
value, in fact, such a bill was passed in the
last House but failed to be reached in the
■ Senate. A# tho speculators have made
about all they ran out of them, they will
clamor for their re-entry into circulation.
TIIK lltT RBT.—A physician says the
cry for rest has always been louder than
the cry for f<*>d. Not that it Is more im
portant, but it is often harder to obtain.
Tho best rest comes from sound sleep,
of two men or women, otherwise equal,
the ontf who sleeps the best will bo the
most moral, healthy and efficient. Sleep
will do much to cure irritability of tem
per, peevishness, and uneasiness. It will
restore to vigor an over-worked brain.
It wilt build up and make strong a weary
body. It will cure a headache. It will
help a Wken spirit. It will assuaga sor
row. Indeed, we might make a long list
of nervousness and other maigdie* that
sleep will cure. The care of steeple**,
ness requires "a clean bed, sufficient ex
ercise to produce weariness, pleasant oc
cupation, good air, and not too warm a
room, a clear conscience, and avoidance of
stimulant* and {narcotic*. *