Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 16, 1883, Image 8

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    Slit Crnttr smccrat.
Thursday Morning, August 16, 1883.
COERRBPGMHEB" ■. • • •nUlnlriK Important niw,ollcU*
•! from any |>artof the county. Nu romtiiunit *tk>m
I tiaerUnl uiili'U by Ihe real name* of ilia
Local Department.
—Are you going to Camp ?
—B. McClain oxpiccts a car load Of
poaches from Delaware.
lf "its only a pansy blossom," why
mako such a fuss about it?
—What lias bocomo of the now dopot ?
Don't smother it in committee" again.
"Miles" sent in bis resignation as ad
vatico agent of tho "Grisctto and Student
Dramatic Co."
—The Nile is up. So are tho Austrians
and Spaniards. Butter and eggs are—
but tbey aro always up.
—A party of sixteen or soventeen Bello
fonters with their friends were spending
Tuesday pic-nicing at l'enn's cave.
—When General Tobias "couies march
ing borne again," let everybody turn out
to meet him. 'Rah for General Tobias.
—There will be no services in tho Epis
copal church next Sabbath, owing to the
absence of the rector, Rev. John Hewitt.
—What do you think of the Demo
cratic convention of Tuesday for an "off
yoar ?" There is no uncertain ring in tho
—Gats harvest is nearly over. Now
fatten up that lean quadruped—put more
horse on the frame, and tho harness will
hang better.
When our Republican- want to know
bow to run a convention we advise them
to drop into a Democratic convention and
take notes.
—Mr. Van Tries, of Spring street, who
has been quite ill is now recovering. Wo
hope he will soon bo restored to his accus
tomed health.
—And now our genial friend Raiser
Weber sits in his easy chair, and the other
fellow—well, the other fellow, calls in to
see Raiser and congratulates him on his
—Oscar Wild arrived in New York on
the lltb, minus long hair, knee breeches
and tho esthetic sun flower. Now girls
cut your hair short, and discard the
sun flower.
His Honor, Jno. 11. Orvis and J. C"
Harper, Esq., indulged in the luxury of a
bass fish on Friday and Saturday of last
week. Now boys, look out for Cal's big
fish stories.
—Charles E. Schroedcr, Esq., of Read
ing, late of our town, went to the war
with "Co. B," and tho heart of a certain
damsel goes kerthump. Don't all sj>oak
at once, it's a Reading girl.
—Mr. Charles McCalTerty has sold his
house on Allegheny street to W. F. Rood -
er, Esq., and will soon commence the
eroction of a fine stone residence on the
corner of Curtin and Spring streets.
—"Chet" is out in tho Yellowstone
park, "looking after things" at a salary of
about ono hundred and thirty-seven dol
lars per day and found. Suppose he should
become asphyxiated away out there,
wouldn't it be awful ?
—Miss Wayland is the guest of Mr-
Abraham Valentino. Tho young lady is
a gifted vocalist riaving won reputation in
the I'hila. Concerts. Sho is not only gift
ed but generous, and has delighted her
many friends in town with her charming
Mrs. Frances Howes, of this plai>
died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs.
Hutchinson, on Spring street, Monday
morning. The funeral took place from
Mrs. Hutchinson's residence at S A. M,, on
Wednesday. Interment at Rprucetown
—The I'hiiipsburg Journal man is sick
over tho dilapidated condition of the
"Park," in that borough, and complains
of the "tintinabulations" of the cow-bells,
beard in the "we sma' hours." Have cour
age, man, turn the cows into the park and
say nothing about it.
—Wo confess Joe, we were a little bit
too "provious" last week, but that local
was like your obituary notice which we
bavo ready to set up on short notice made
to order. But gewhillikcns, man, you'll
never see that you've got to peg out first.
Its a choice bit of literature, and wilt fit
you like a glovo.
—U. A. McKee, Esq., had the impu
dence to gobble up Howard township on
instructions for District Attorney. Of
course, Mac was not a candidate, but if
somebody doe not take charge of the
young man he will quietly capture the
next Democratic National convention and
make himself President.
—Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, of Richmond,
lnd.,are visiting at the residence of Mr.
Harry Teats, on Howard street. Mrs,
Fisher is a sister of Mrs. Teats and the
mother of Miss Jennie Fisher, so wel|
known in our town. Tbey formerly re
sided in Penns Valley, but havo lived in
the west a number of years.
—The thistles, burdocks and weeds of
various kinds now growing in many places
in our town will soon scatter their seeds
and thus pollute every nook and corner.
If tie Nuisance Committee desires to dis
charge its duty toward the town It will en
deavor to compel property owners to rid
their premises of these obnoxious species
of vegetation. The beauty of the town
w >uld be greatly enhanced thereby to say
nothing of the annoyance from which IU
citizens would bo freed.
—Game* liko empires havo had thoir
riso nnd fall. Croquet flourished ; our
boys nnd girls played It, quarrelled over
it and courted over it, but it in time bo
carno />a.sar. Archery, though morn ephem
eral, had Its hour of favor ; last year rid
ing satisfied our young poopie's craving
for physical oxorciso, now I.awn Tennis is
tho social game par excellence, it is de
servedly popular from its social qualities,
and has intrinsic merits, it really giving
more varied and nocdod exorcise, especial
ly for our young ladles, than any othor
out-door or in-door sport. Wo congratu
late our young ladios and gentlomen upon
tho /.eal with which they have taken up so
good a game, and the personal prowess,
which so many exhibit. Last Saturday
two Altoona players of considerable merit
Mr. Thomas nnd Mr. Thayer played our
Bellefonto men, they camo hero only to
bito tho dust. As Clif. is a mighty good
fellow and as we claim him still for Bollo
fonto wo will not write up tho matter
Young man, catch on to something
as soon as you can or you will be left. If
you can't mako tho front car of tho train
catch on to tho rear car but catch on some
place. There is no room for loafers on our
street corners although somo may think
so. Tho I)udo is out of his clement in
llellefonto. He does not boar tho {esthetic
riamo of Dude, even though ho may bo
called by gentle-mannered people "a well
dressed loafer." Aro you poor 1 go to
work. Catch on to tho plow, or pick.
Honest industry will bo rewardod. Aro
you rich ?go to work. Act upon tho
scriptural injunction—earn your bread by
tho sweat of your brow, and not as too
many do, by the sweat of somo other fel
low's brow. Don't attempt to live by
your wits ; it would bo starvation to you-
Catch on young man, catch on. If you
can't da any better got married and lot
your wife earn your living for you ; you
can at least claim that your better-half
earns your living.
—The M. K. church, at l'leaant Gap,
which is now wo understand entirely free
from debt, will bo dedicated to tho service
of God on Sunday, August IM, the dedica
tory servico to be held at 10 30 A. M.,
Rev. *K. J. Gray, D. I>., President of
Dickinson Beminarv at tVilliamsport, and
known a the most famous church dedica
tor in this part of tho State, has consented
to bo present. Rev. Geo. D. I'onnepackcr,
of this place, and Rev. Mattern will also
assist. The occasion will bo very interest
ing and all are invited to attend. A ser
vice will also be held in tho church in the
evening at 7 J o'clock. In this connection,
wo dosiro to express tho gratitude of the
congregation to many persons at Pleasant
Gap and in Ifellcfontn whoso kindly aided
in defraying the debt which at ono time
seemed to be a burden beneath which they
would succumb.
Now that a night operator at tho Tel
ephone Kxchango is a fixed fart there
should be a telephono placed in each of tho
Hose houses and a watchman kept there at
night. There should be an alarm bell on
ono or both houses ; a great many of our
firemen livo on tho out'kirts of town and
the bells on the carriages cannot be heard
by them. With telephonic communica
tion all over our town, tho watchman at
tho hose house would hear Instantly from
tho exchange, of tho fire and its location. '
He would immediately ring tho alarm and
in a few moments the companies would t*
on tho ground. This is an important mat
ter to our growing town and one that is
worthy the attention of our council and
firemen. Think over it I
—Tho Edison Kiectric Light Co., held
a meeting on Monday evening at tho office
of Adam Hoy, Ksq., and adopted the Edi
son Plant. They are about ready to close
the arrangements and commence work.
This company proposes lighting public
buildings and private houses, and will
furnish a better light than ga and as
cheap or cheaper than gas. This will be
a great boon to our citizens. With our
streets lighted by electricity by the Elec
tric Light Steam Heating and Steam Mo
tor Co., and our public buildings and
private residence* by the Edison Company,
Rellefonte will assume the airs of a city,
Both these enterprises should be encour
—Eight or ten coffee colored followers
of tho Great Mahomet, men, women and
children, with a small menagerie p>araded
our street* on Friday last to the great de
light of tho children, big and little. Two
bears, a monkey, mule, horse and pony
constituted tho stock in trade of the orga
nization. Two dirty little children strap
ped on either side of a p>oor (but respecl
able) Indian pony, gave an eastern charac
ter to tho caravan. We paused and took
it in, and our mind reverted to the sunny
days of our childhood when we, too, had
been strapped on the back—but those days
have gons ard tho subjoct is painful.
Why revert ?
—ljuite a serious accident occurred on
the Bnow Hhoe branch of the Pennsylva
nia railroad at a point between Benjamin
Walker's residence and the stone quarry
en Monday morning last. It is said the
switch was turned into the quarry throw
ing the engine and one lumber car off the
track. The engineer, Mr. William Tem
ple, jumped from the engine, painfully in
jurying hia left arm. Tha 0.40 train did
not arrive here until 0 o'clock.
IIOWAHI), 1A. ( Aug. 18, 1883.
Tlio festival given by tho Howard Cor
net Hand, on I ant Friday and Saturday
at this place, was a complete success—
both as to attendance and finance. The
band thereby roali/.ing the handsome sum
of $360. The refreshment wore just ex
cellent, and consisted of cakes and ice
cream of all kinds and flavor, and while
much is due to all who contributed the
cakes, there is also much of the same per
sonally due to Mrs. lrvin Chessman, for
the very lino ice-cream served up—that
department having been placed under her
ontiro management. The beuutifully dec
orated tables, furnished by the good-look
ing young ladios (of which this neighbor
hood can boast, ) added much to the gene
ral taste of the grounds selected for the
occasion, and which had been comfortably
seated, and handsomely decorated by the
many friunds of the band—two largo flag"
having been thrown to the bree/.e made
everything complete. The writer, with
friend* on entering the grounds, came In
contact with a beautiful stand, bearing
down in weight, with evergreens aad
(lowers, and everything in fa<t, that bad a
tendency to make it look conspicuous and
beautiful; for on this stand was a cake
fully a foot and one-half high, containing
a gold ring, and prepared especially for
this occasion, by Miss FloraScbenck, (.>no
of Howard's prettiest and b* t cake bak
ers ) This beautiful cake was sold by
chances, and brought the nice little sum of
|'Jl Howard A. Moore being'tbe lucky
ono. A rich and beautiful gold necklace
and locket was next in order, it being an
item of contest for tho p a-t three weeks
between Miss l.ula Heniyl laughter of
Dr. I. K. Hcnsyl, of this place., and Mils
Alico Kur.es, daughter of Jos K IDS, 1
Kaglevillo.) Moth parties worked vigi
lantly, and the sum of £llB wa- realize I,
Miss Hnsyl carrying off the handsome
prir.e. Hut, owing t" tho interest takiu
and labor given by her opponent (Miss
Kune), the band saw proper to reward 10-r
aiso : consequently a second necklace and
locket were purchased, and presented to
her—tho presentation being made amid
the cheers and applause of the Urge a
semblago, who appreciated this a<on the
part of tho band, which was truly a note
worthy one. Next in order was a contest
for a beautiful easy chair, purchased of It.
! If. Spangler A Co., of your t- wr. Tho
I contestants for this chair, were Baber
j Weber, and Wm. It. H phi:.-, bth ■ !
I Howard : Malser Weber carrying 'ill the
priz" and the sum < f s""> realized f r the
Owing to the disappointment in the
Kagie Cornet hand not attending, the mu
sic for the occasion, had to be furnished by
the band itself. Music having been |>eci*l
Iv selected by tho instructor, I'rof. W ".
Stewart, a young man of fine manners
and bearing, and who has become qu.te
popular among the people, and who 1-
much enwrapf-c 1 in the welfare of the
band. The best of order was j reserved
and the system > f management > f the
whole affair could not have been better, it
having been placed in the hands of three
ladies and three gentlemen headed by our
popular Abe.
—The "Adclphic" nrchestra organiz.e 1
on Monday night, and elected tho follow
ing officer* Leader, Cooper I'arc Musi
cal Director, Mr Gumf rt, f-rrnerly of
l'ottsville. Tho Adelphic is now ready
for engagements and the boys should cer
tainly be encouraged in their efforts by
the patronage of our community. For a
young amaiure organizati- n they play >i
••sodingly well. We Inter,e.l |0 l!,e sweet
strains as they came through the open
windows of the club room and concluded
that music on the Mialto f Venice wasn t
a patch In to it Of course we've been to
—Janitor Galbraith with a full corps of
experience*! house cleaners laid violent
hands on the Temple of Justice last week
and gave it a thorough cleaning. Of
course the temple would not need anything
of the kind at the hands of Mr (iaibraith
and his associates, but the Goddess of Jus
tice is blind and the px>r girl don't know
when her bouse is dirty, and the Goddess
of Liberty is too lazy, or is occupied in
keeping down the British lion. Any dust
on either side of tho scales of justice im
pairs their usefulness. Everything is
bright and new, thanks to the venerable
Efforts are being made by several
prominent gentlemen of our town to secure
the right of way for tho Nlttany Valley
railroad through Walker township, and
thus far have been successful. The Inter
ests of our town and of the lower end of
Nlttany Valley demand that ibis road be
built. Let us all work for the success of
this project and the growth of our town
will surprise the "oldest inhabitant."
Snow 8no, PINXA., Aug. 31, IBM.
Please find shipment of coal sent over 11.
A 8. 8. Branch of Tyrone Division for
week ending Ang. 11, IBM :
W"k Frsvlnntljr Total
In I*** 4*ll iso.wa 1'i.474
la lain 4*34 J 49. 17k 144.<"4
InrrM** J.71"3 11,4 70
IHctmmm) .W
Yours truly,
Tnoa. M'GAW*,
Weigh in after.
Lumber 15 cars.
Other freight 1 car.
—Master Thomas Gouch and sister
from Aristego, France, arrived bare last
Monday. Thalr father has been employed
at tho glass works for tho last year.
Domocrutlc County Convention.
Tho dolegatos to the Democratic County
Convention assembled at tho Court House,
jn Bollefontc, on Tuesday last at o'clock,
WII- chosen Chairman of tbo Convention,
who returned bis thanks for the honor
in a nont and appropriate spooch. On mo
tion of K. (i. Brett, of Ferguson, James A
McCiain, of Bellofonto, M. I. Gardner, of
Howard, and D. K. Miller, of Marion,
were elected Secri-tnri'-. Tho list of dele
gates from the several di-tricls were then
called by Secretary McCiain, and answer
oil to their name- ~s follow-
HrtUfi.utr, H. B'.—Geo, W. Eaton, Jec.
L. Kunkle, William Ludwig.
Uellrjonlr., ,Y. If"—James A. McCiain,
John M. Keiebline,
lUtcfunic, If" IF—Frank Wercott.
Milenhurii —K. I>. Noll.
Millhcim —D. /.eigler,W. Ilartman,
J 11. Heifsnyder
/ mI-,;,rif/c Daniel Hall.
Ilowa il —W. J. Gardner.
N.i/, 1-7 it" Goo. McGaffey.
I'hihjinhiii i, wl IF—J, N Ca nova,
Dr Loral re-.
I'/ttiij< burg, Srd IF -A. V. Carpenter.
Urnnc —Jerry Hoan, 11. Hoy.
A. Koblbei k<-r, 1.1 .1 • -1.i.-1- :.,
lli L i'nrnbart, (i II L"vman
BurntuU —Henry Meeker.
C He on —William Collums, Win. M k!
Ckirttn —N. J. McCloskey.
Fwguaon, O /' R O. Brett, William !
Tanver, < ,-o W. William .
Ferputon, X P J H Miller.
fircyo, S p— Jam' Condo, \\ I'.
Fr m, Richard Artnbr it'-r, Fa ml. Ilart' r, 1
W. A Krise
Urt / /' \%b Wi aser.
liainci, I'. /'—
// IF /' William JJr;tit, I !
Mir gle
Hoii M n Jam" F i r •"
H u -Michael lies , O \s Williams,
James swabb
II ■ —Judge 11 I j
H ~ J. bn •• Mile.
/ be v—W I Ilart. r
M i Jams Book, Daniel M
M tea—Samuel Faust, Jno. H starman, j
J. li Hazel, J •■! M rrir, J I'. lirumgart
I'en A. J Cample-ii, A. T /. rf y. P.
H. >:• ver
/' it* . A J ■ .la b Wagr .r, Wituu-r
Wolf. J hn Dr.,..-
/' tier, - /'—A lam Krumrine, Win.
Farr.er, M ha. 1 11.. k. rt. J . h M<-
/fusA-J B. I. nr J 1 Everly.
,Vp ■ (' T Ai.-xar J ■ Barr •
hart. ID-nry II thr . (> I. •(• Has ■
A . Sb ' J l,r. I'. , James 11. .
ding, 1 A N" ar
T■' '—San. iel II v.-r
\'n n Jarnef T I k lev.
Il'n t—Ed P. kj! L Waikley. i 1
T ilrr, A • > < n aroer
IF (A —M It Lewis. Levi flee.
At I'.. ; r.t the f w:r • J.-tt- rwa
Br.i i.jsrn". rs Aug. 1 i. 1B-
To Tl4 r DKM l. I < VVI'TI v
.v. With the jw-rnn-.i i. f the n.-mh-r
.f the r. : vent • . 1 • rew .•(, f, .. ,t that
rnv name i,e withdrawn fr. m tt,e ]-,>t of
candidate" n w before >a 1 t Iv. ! r the
n.-n.inati n < f As l at Judge, thank:r..-
the people of Centre county f r >;; prt
and kin<ine si, ,wn through thecampa gn
V irs truly, 11. It. SMITH
'n rn t r. J M. Kr.e. ■£ Belie,
f r.'e. E Tv. tti.-i-e ■' War. (i< rgi-
M tiaffey, •f Pi ; ' .rg. 1! Brett, ■ f
Fergus n, and Wi!u;< - W if. ■ f I*
were * j j.. Nt I*' rr. n.itU ■nr< * r.
The first business in order was reeeiv .r.:•
n ii.inati r ' r A- a' J . !;:• )•< n
J. iin 11 he!, of P t'er. 1 r. J.*J{. Sn.
of Ferguson, w.re named by th.ur re
spect ve friends, sr.i the. nventi n ] r<-
cee-i.-i to ha! t. with the; flowing ro<ait
in.)..i ....... t !•-. |
when on tn.-li n, the n. mination of Dr.
Smith w*s mmln unanimous, and the con
vent!. n proceeded to the h-> -ir.g . fa
eandi late f r D:>tr All rney which re
sult'-d in the nominati >n, of William C
Heinle, by a lama',, r,
The naminatlon f r C. ,nty S.rvey. r.
being then in order, 11 race Hering, <••
I>. J. hn- n, J >hn 11 Heifsnyder, and
Kll; 1. Drv.s were retpoctiveiy named,
an 1 the convention proceeded t■> T.,te,
with the following r- nit
||c • 1 I t f
John* r.
on it "
Ellis L. 4 srv;* having received a major- ,
ily of the voles, was declared duly nomi
natAri for County Survey, r.
The committee on resolutions lanr _•
ready to rep rt submitted the following,
which were unanimously adopted
The Democrats of Centre county in
general convention assembled, hail with
pleasure the j remises and evidence" of
unity in the ranks of the party, an ! ten
der congratulations to the people of Penn
sylvania, upon the return to the triad and
secure principles as entabli'hed by the
Democratic J rty.
/is so/re J. That by the election of Hon
Kohl. K. l'attison, Governor of Pennsyl
vania, the people of the Keystone State,
have placed their rights and liberties in
the hands of an executive, who has proven
himself fearlcs* to mete out justice to all,
unrestrained by prejudice, and untram
meled by party pledgee.
/feso/rW—That we endorse the action of
the Democratic Senators and Bepresenta
tives in demanding a Just and honest ap
portionment in accordance with thee insti
tution and rights of tba people of the
State, and condemn tba at tlon of the Bo
publican members of tha i/cgislature for
endeavoring to maintain the present un
just apportionment, and for refusing to
accede to tho propositions made them, by
the Democrat* for a fair and equal repre*
sen tat lon
/fesofrad, That we heartily approve of
the course of our representatives, Hon.
Henry Meyer and Hon. B. F. Hunter, in
supporting' all reform measures by their
votes and influence, and for the faithful
performano* of their duly upon all occa
R*tf>Uui. That the Democratic members
of the Henale and House of Representa
tives of Pennsylvania, and the Governor,
Hon. Robert E. Pattison, merit* our warm
oat commendation for their dauntless
couase in abolishing needle** < fflros and
thereby Mving to tbo taxpayers of this
commonwealth a loathsome burden, and
that by tba unequivocal attitudo they have
ak'-n in ail measures of reform have fur
nithed abundant evidence that their con
trol will bo extended to other abuse* and
irregularities that have be.-ome enormities
under Republican administration.
Ileiolrtil, That tho position of the Re
publican party, that the people should he
taxed unneeeskarily to rai-e a surplus fund
for distribution among tl„, state* should
not escape universal denunciation, hut we
believe that import dutie, should be so ad
justed as to render unequal burdens im
possible; to give encouragement to home
industries to render . ,-t and reasonable
compensation to labor, l, u i UIJ w; ~ t/)
foster monopolies. W.. prot.-t against
burdening tho people with tax- that an
not al-olutely necessary ), r the econom
ical management of the government, and
converting a so-called "surplus fund
into a palpable corruption fund for the I
furtherance of party Interests.
Hai That we signify our end< r >
inent ul the nominate made l,y l(,e !*:•■
D.-ne cratK .State < -nvei.t. ,r.('aptain
Robert Taggart, of Warren county, f r
Auditor neral ar.d Hon. Joeepb POW4
"f Bradford county, f' r -lute '!>' . ,r. r,
arid also ex; re* our approval of the plat
form as an boBMt and !■ nr., -- uttoraa<• '
the fundamental principle. h< ;ueathc i i>
i- iir.d |r l-etc-d t'V the 1110-trii .• Ji-i'.-r
-s n and In- f .flower-, by unwearied eft rt,
FT the ile.;; of the Den. rale State
nr.l I 'our.tv t.' i.*t <■: the p*- r.t iam
The Hon. P. Gray .Meek H, then unar.-
i ,
•' -mn "• a- I tl. ■ !,-. •r 1 n pro : 1
,to the eh (tin of 1 legates to the r.ejt
' w *.t. Convention, wills the following re.
| mil
| I' J H I' -,!! " . 1 .
I. f I -u.
I - M s". i
j .... r. -
Nclaea I •"
M r- M D r.a. !. 1 rt:.' v M (*ar.n
ar. l >h'' -r. i.av .r.g r • iv. ia ma rsty < I
the viß< was (i- lar< . i.ulv e|. ;. d
> l
ft- < n m
the W. t \S'.*- i, start . ut brilliantly a a
j diti- :a:. Th- D m rat- of his ward
sen- wi . rej f.-ente .. ar. i si. .wo] l!. .r
ppr nof the -tra: o • wi, . I.as ma :•
ins I m<. among tb'-m and fy !■ gent.<.
man y c ..tw< :i F.-.r < -n: i'-r ■ a:.!
The ( invention wa r.e of the her",
he IJ in or- untv ar, ' was f roe fr rn al.
p. r> nal ! irkcrir.g ar. 1 spite"
Th" " War 2 y < v.-- 1 them- !
• ■ V. w hut "Ii *g- ha 1 hard !
w .rl p. get in his r<-. lut >n.
| till. D nt "hake bar. 1 with the la y, he ;
Neb nA. LUCAS ..f Spring ma i" a g d
! run ! ' - gate to the State (' invent- -n. :
If .t he came at the el. \ i nth ) nr. "tart -
•li time " Nel after 11,;-
.1 Wilmer W If -r.e . I the 1 lit. r. < f
Tii .ght'and Events vva a <]- legate
from I*. tu r.
'Ja -. fir- ha i r. h. S.• lay js,
I it left hi" war pair.t at h i.e.
Dr J i. I. ram was .r, - f the Phil- J
; iph jrg del'-gati r. Th - i- !>,-■ : r-:
■ appearar i e ir, js :!
- -ve. ;y- ---v • d.-legal' attend--J the
c> nv-nti -fly thr— ■-- than the w • de
number. H wis li. at ' r ar, .ff year.
Will 1 ijw..; war,;- an. .. e put <r.
rg* Eat- r, and Jake Runkie the
I next tini-they att r. 1a <' nventi n
Th D -gat. Nt .r r -it State ( r.-
' vent, n: A.N 1., an! r< ere, ton
the ( r.vent n that app inted them.
1-ra "> 1D- n .trsl family give u
the M C "key fan.i y, f ( .rtmtw ; They
; are 1.1 wIV-- n 1 S' 1 at th- d' i' gate e -, I r ,
and N. J. M C -key rather than a
hi" p.. J " t > I- ..nrepresented in the (VJJ.
. :.t: n wa k'-l a.i th" way fr-m Curtin
lw; t i'. - <•: nte Mr V -key mi"--
e i the r arly train and having a g-oj j air |
of p'sdi! ex'.remitl " f 'teal it
Sher F ,-t. Miler and Caldron t >k
in the C 'nrention.
- XI. - Fia Si ik a retent graduate of
I...tin rv Seminary, i" spending a few
w.-eks with >1 Eva Muis'-r, of Spring
t wnihfl A half d.en or more young
j ladies f th" I an S| .nt Wednesday last
at Miss MO r - HOME and rej. rt n very
pleasant day. Tb.-y returned in the even
ing accompanied by their respective
swains an l t" me, no d.-uht, the return
was as agreeable a the visit.
—The law p*'ed by our legislature in
regard t<> that little "cU"" the English
sparrow is not * law giving unbridled
li'-ense to the urchins of our town to tor- i
turo the little outcast bird, and leys must
be careful < r they might get into trouble,
as a law permitting the killing of the
sparrow does not allow him to he the oh
ioct of all the cruelties which tho average
Hellefonte boy* can invent.
- Mr. Davit of Philip*burg, left that
place on Tuesday morning at " o'clock, on
a bycicle. and arrived here at 3 o'clock, a
distance of 30 miles. Ho would have ar
rived earlier in tho day, only that they
were repairing tho road which somewhat
retarded his prngr<w
—The encampment at Gettysburg, this
vear, will be of unusual interest to sold
tors and alt others. It opiens Aug 25th,
and close" Aug. 31st. The best time to
gn from Centre Co., it on the morning of
Fridav, Aug. 24th, via. Tyrone arriving at
Gettysburg at ft. r. allowing a *top of
two and one-half hour* in llarrisburg.
Tickets, however, are good for any train,
and onanvday for leaving from Friday
until Tuesday. Any train can be a!*o
taken to return borne. Boarding can he
bad ouUide or inside the camp from ft Of;
to $1.25 pier day including lodging.
Tents will be provided for ail who may
wish to camp out, aad all who stay in
lent* can got boarding even cheaper than
Ife'i above, HH no charge it made f<.
t'-nl*. Tent* cart alo bej ha'i in tuitalMi
place* in the ramp lor rooking purpose*
for all who rnav wi>b to furni>h tb<-lr own
provilicn* and do their own < ooking. Vr-rv
many take their farm lien tbere and remain
in camp, living in Wit* during Ui '-ntir#
■ encampment. The department provide*
J ►lr aw lor the teate, but all wUbiog to lir
, in camp moat have blanket), towel* ar/'l
I' oap, a* none of there are furnished.
: The tent* are h'jiital tent*, quite large,
: holding twelve or fourteen per ton*
I w-ry oomCc rtanly Tkw are entirely •
I riew. It i a delightful put* t-, ntad a
week or more be-|.Jc. the beautiful litna
lion of the place. Vou are the great
bitoric ground < I gallant deedi, ar.d
where fe|| and now rbep tbo.-ar.l* ol
the gallant and heroic dead The op.
I'ortunity i* given but "hco n year
ito meet there during ermamprnent, and
all who can poneibly do *o thould avail
them wive* of It All perron*, whether
{ a member of tli Gr*. I \ rmv r not, ran
: buy a 1 ■'/ I/, • nr. J ill are no t< ■
nriction* whatever will be told
lat all thepripcipal it it. station* In the
State, but for llellefonte and V . initv. they
will be told only at Bellefoot* and -j rlt /
Miilt —l5. i.efonte. v< Vi ; Spring Mill*
■'' ■ ibe r- -.t.d tr.p. it any per on
; •'''ing wbb to have quarter* aaaieaed tbm
1,1 u '" ' fc "ij .or b ardir :• an ! lodging eith
er ;n the camp or town, will r. tify i-ilher
■I the committee, arrangement* for Ihnm
Wibe ' i.eerf ji.v rnv!" |J* ti'kel
for j art--., will alro h • pr e . r j
A' -ns ' i.ip. j; , hr ;p a j- { 0,.j
11av11> M <i • I;, .i fnt <•
' Krit w*ar, " •<
MMrri. Gxri.T, " ■ • •
W. - n , M Far far.. A < , .all atten
t the ■ nr. r< a! itr-adv Mix'-.J
l'air.t in t; market 1 p,, r p r ,..
; ar< : I'a • r t • . .pi-ri rto any
l. adx M.ie f J'a.fit ) 1 but rival) ire
" ' •' a1 ;n >n , . r, work ir g
and durability If. - paint ; g.,aranV< J
by the mat .fa font- i k „ r j
W ■ b' put on if it ■ . i , ra< , - r p< .-i
witlin lb- time rp'eifn d It will b- to
ir interact to call a* i mo Wibon, Mo
• ■
u!..te Jead . r any vtb. r Roadr SI iej
-We hat' it reeved it few Fall
an i Winter Woolen*. Call and lanvn
your order
Sf< m . mr. k i A Co , Tab r
A I.v .kk - < ; thrr.n.—There
are danger . < • rfeitt M < ;r-u V.i'.ri
j irp rtinc t . be "Walt it Leaf Hair Ra*
,t rer The trong<-t -v r<e of iu
it va i e .t: . fa t i at pari .• ki w
j irig it' great <Hi a. v try to >at tntr. 1 1.
;Kah IK tile f THE CNUMO ha) a • >.m.U
of a wa.r ut b af—l.n in the gm>) : and
j a Green leaf on the ut). wrapper The
j 1 I bet •< r i) a) barm let* t water, while
,! jr .)<■>).. a.l the pr*>perl.<- --ary >
re.; re hfe, i g gr wtb a- i r . r to the
F./ A)ky ur druggirt FOR it. Kach bot
tle I warranto' 1.0-B r . 11. way A
' I* F ADE'.J f a a; I lltbi A Kurkel,
N■ W Y rk, W'UA.E AG'-r.U 4 Iv.
When you wart a Cr#t r a)) b<f
; nware il.ne go to .la l llarri* ACo )
Hardware M r. ar 1 have Wolf do it.
Hot >u>'k, f,r)t c'a-> mechariK). t.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Rruir rr. Art ' , I*SX
I •e-Dtieklil. I R. Rein ld> * fi>.
Wheat—* tote. |->r I 0!,.. ft in
C ro-~c*r) |. tm...! o.
" • I*-11• J r |.uhr! . ....
••t§ jiff Imtbi I .... 4U
!(; wr Jie-1. |Hf |K.Ut 1 .... <
r i r. '•*. i'fl. Kit ( .
i ■ .. i •
flatter,(twaed. pertrii a 'w
Provitinn Market,
C ro 1.-tweekli I 1 Ilarjirßi tb.r.
HRIiR |*d'f ,W(bTl ... .. }4f
Cbtrkeaa pm i.n.l t
I Oieeae j. t paa4. 1.
| l?ni, • ughr < urwl .... . |C
; |*f f ttl It 4 ...• ...... .......... I?*
■fl e * I ' ' MM . |i
?* tl< • } ■
l[ri<s j>—tf- lirli II Mil i I H.MI- r - ~„-r.T.f-v....w. II
\\ ANTI I> A grocery Kalcrmnn
f we w
•tH*' -itiutil. f iL' itU t" t.nt v,r.' Inj |4j n.lh
j Ui
he* Ma*AN** Wi. ir-nnU fr • -r#.
' ' N 'll, r'.Ot*
r 2 :m. D ilk4U-|.tiß.
J>AUIKdX N )TU'K. Nntica jg
I t ' r trja'i r, • f
hit (tuinlffl, !••* f.Jifrn-I in 1li W cMKB fwtill# *•
Uir.i.*ll 1n%4" to \h* Bf*r4 •' J *t the
j tins <f lKr4 Sn An(ni*l •
P } hH7NKY,
Thi* Institution will open it next
Regular Session on
Monday, Sept 3, 1883.
| The tame eorjVof teacher*, who gave K>
; much *ati*fa<ti"n ia*t year to the f*tron
and friend* of the Academy in regard to
j t)i*cipline and the Method* of lnatrurtiuna
will aa*i*t the Principal in conducting the
school theenoing year.
Teacher of the Primarv iVpartment.
Principal of the Young I.adie*' Room and
Teacher in Higher Knglirh and Science*.
of Lalio.
The Principal wilt lake charge of tna
Young Gentlemen Room and giro in*
*t ruction in Greek and Mathematic*.
Pupil* will be prepared Oarefully and
Thoronghly for Rutine** or tor College.
Spectal attention will be given by the In
structor* to tbe Moral and Religion* Cul
ture of the Student*
Hoarder*, either young ladic* or young
gentlemen, will be charged for boardim*
and tuition $6 par weak. ThU include* nil
ordinary oxpenire* except washing.
31-ltn. J. P. UIGUKS.