Ctwlvr jtlfmorvat. oO I)EI.LEPON TE . PA. BUCHANAN IN ENGLAND. His Appearivuce at Court J/jrrnt I.m, '.: Gornpanionthip with hit I n r,V— T/i, l/u n's /'ntivnuyr w fig ure by the side of Ibiehunan in hi* public life. The solitary bachelor shows a new and a beautiful side of his character in hi* correspondence with his niece, Harriet Lane, whose educa tion he directed, and whom he trained from a girl to a lpdy. Social and do mestic life, then fore, were not wanting to the busy statesman. It is a part of his life which was e -lnrt I with affec tion. His letter* to his ui- e are re markable examples - f tender cure, deep principle, thor.ngb t nfidetioe and happy playfulness, i h<—• letters run through tic -eh ! life .('Har riet Lane, her cutruncc into - itv, and inter-per- 1 the v.n- during which she occupied, with graceful dig nity, a eonspicious pi>-itiou in ln r un cle'- household. Their t"ne will he indicated by thi- extract : Washington, duly f', I.H-lfi, MY 1 )I: wtr.-i H utut: r : My labors are great ; but do not >./" nie down, as you write the word. Now I would i say "ivii/h," but doctor- may differ on ! this point. 1 hope Mary has recovered ere this from her bruises, (iive her my love! and tell her to have ln r-addle girthed 1 tighter the next time sin- rides. Your friends, Mrs. Banci R end the I'leasantons,often inquire f r you with kindness. They have giv. n you - me w hat of a name In re : and Mr-. Polk and her niece, Mi— Butter, have -• v eral times urged me to permit you to come and pass - ,mo time with them. I have been a- deal' as the adder to their request, knowing, to u->' a word of your grandmother, that you are t . "outsetting" already. There i- a time for all things under the sun, as the wise man says, and your time yet will come Yours affectionately, I'.l II \N. Mr. Buchanan sailed l r Lngland August 1, 1-s Tw.-nly year-tiefore as ini-i-ter ot liussia, he had pa—ed a short time in London. At this time Victoria had been sixteen years on the throne ; Lord Ab.-rdeen was pr-- mier, with the "Ministry of All the Talents," including (iiad-tone, at the head of the exchequer and Palmar stan at the head of tin-home depart ment. Buchanan had at the out.- tto encounter a question of etiquette. Marcy, secretary of state, had direc ted I nited State- mini-: r- in Lur.pe to apjiear at courts "in the simple dr. -- of un American citi/ou." Hitherto, our diplomatic repre.- ntative- had worn a simple uniform Now, the ma-st- r of ceremonies at Victoria's court objected strongly to Buchanan's appearance at - -urt in such away. Puchnnau write-: "He said that her majc.-ty would , not object to receive me at court in any dr. -- I cho-e to put on ; but whilst he had no authority to speak for her, he yet did not doubt it w old be disa greeable to her it I did not conform to the established u*ag-. lie said 1 could not, of course, expect to be invited to court balls or court dinner* where all appeared in costume- ; that her majes ty never invited the bishop- to balls, not deeming it compatible with their character; but she invited then to concerts, and on these occasions, as a court dress was not required, I would also be invited. He grew warm bv talking, and said that, whilst the que. n herself would make no objection to my appearance at court in any dress I thought proper, yet the people of Lngland would consider it presump tion. I became somewhat indignant in my turn, aud said that whilst 1 en tertained the highest respect for her majesty, and desired to treat her with the deference which was eminently her due, yet it would not make the slight est difference to me, individually, whether I ever appeared at court. He stated that in his country an invita tion from the queen was considered a command." It was then suggested to Buchanan that he might assume the civil dress worn by Washington, hut ho wisely concluded that this would be both presumptuous and rediculaus. The result of the difliculty was smooth enough. Curtis thus describes it: "In the latter part of February the queen held the first levee of the sea son. Mr. Buchanan had signified to the master of ceremonies that he phould present himself at the queen's levee in the kind of dress be always wore, with the addition of a plain dress sword. Thus, through a happy expedient, assented to cheerfully by the queen, this gordian knot was cut liy a drawing-room rapier which nev er left its sheath. In fact, Mr. Bu chanan had already becorno so much Jiked in the royal circle and in society generally, that the court officials could .uot longer refuse to let him have his own way about bis reception at the levee, especially after ho hud dined at the palace in "frock dress,' an invita tion which was doubtless given in good humored compliance with his wishes, and to smooth the way into a more formal reception." And he thus discribes to Harriet Lane his reception. "The dre.-s question, after much difliculty, lias been finally and satis factorily settled. I appeared at the levee on Wednesday last in just suelr a dress as 1 have worn at the president's a hundred times. A black oat, white waistcoat aud cravat, and black pant aloons and dress boots, with the addi tion of a very plain black handled and black hilled dress sword. I his t>. gratify those who have yielded -o much, and to distinguish mo from tin i upper court servants, I knew that I would In- received in anv dr.- I might wear, but could not have anticipated that I would be received in so kind and distinguished a manner. Having yielded tln-y did not do things by halves. As 1 approached the que. n an arch but benevolent -mile lit tip lu r countenance —a- much as to-ay, you are the first man who ever ap peared before me at court in such a dr. ■-*. I coin'. -- that I nevt rf. It ru-.r. proud of being an American than when I stood in that brilliant eir. I> "in the simple dress of an American citizen." Mi— Lane, after many delays, j"ii ed h. r uncle in London in the spring <>l 1 * . I and remained with Bill) until the autumn 1 >••. 'lhe voting ladv r<- eeiv.'d many di-tingui-hed and n>>t a few significant attention-, but she re turned to thi-country, entirely f'r on her own choice, -till uniuarri' -to her -i-1> i "We hav.-din. d with tin- queen -inc. 1 wrote. Her invitations are always! 1 slmrt and a* the court v.a* in mourning I and 1 had no lila. k dr< -*, on- day | notice kept me very busy 1 | ought to have black dr. I .r tin court i- often in mourning, and y u : know I belong to it ; but the -• an being quiet, I did not expect to go out to any court parties. The qiu > n wa in -I gracious, and talk- i a great deul to un. I'ncle -at u| n lur right hand, and l'rince Alb rt wa- ta.Na tive, and altogether w. pass..) a charm- I ing ■ veiling. Tin- prim >-- r.yul 1 and v. ry child lik. —her per fect simple ity and -w<. t manuers ar charming. Kverything, < t < ur-<. was magnitieent at the table- _• M in profusion, twelve candelabra with four candh s ea< h ; you kn v I nev..-r < ail describe tilings of this - rt. \\ itli mirrors and candles nil around the j room, a band >.t d spernte, a- lie i- ord. r- Ito ;n his regiment lbr am nth. He is • :i --tantly sending me flowers, and aft-r his visit to-day d<--patched a magnifi cent bouquet, lie i- a very nice fel -1 iw, and I really am sorry Uncle, of course kti .ws and sees ev- I .-ry one who Comes to the house, and ! places such confidence in me that he i gives himself no uneasiness I | have now a man of high po sition, clever and talent. I, v. rv rich, and the only fault to find is hi ng which is certainly very griat. as he will bo sixty next yi ir. II" ha* a daughter who i*a widow, and I might j pa-* for his daughter. But I r• ally- ; like him very much, and know how de voted he would he. I should have ev ery thing t.. inv heart's Ixnt -ntisfution, and go home a- often as I like.). But I will will write no more about it ".... ! The LaWing Man's Home. C fniltd 6kstSS Senator* I'fiir,,/ Ij. Some Valm'U Inform it n. The United States Senate commit tee on education and labor yesterday inspected some of the homes of labor- , ! ing people in this city. The commit- j tee is to make a report on the relations j between capital and labor and to re.- omend such remedial legij lation as it may deem beneficial in improving the condition of the workingman, and al so to adjust the differences between capital and labor. The committee started from the Fifth Avcuoc hotel about noon under charge of \V. K. Frink, a Central office detective. The first place visited was a cheap lodging house at No. 200 Catham street. At that place rooms are rented at 2ft cents a night or f Lob a week. A room is about six feet long and five feet wide ami contains n cot with a straw mattress, aud a small closet in which to hang clothes. The partitions be tween the rooms only extend about halfway to the ceiling, thus furnish ing air and light from above. The " Progress House, " first visited, con tain IA6 rooms, and it wa* cleanly in appearance ami was viewed with inter est by the •Senators, who are in the hab it of paying from $5 to 810 a day for their rooms. Board of health notices were posted on each floor stating the limit in number of persons allowed to occupy each floor. The committee visited other bouses of tlio samo 1 xcriptioii, itt some of which fifteen ccntH was charged for a room und leu ecuta for a bed —con- Msting of a cot —in a largo room or 101 l Idled with other beds. Those hoiines ail do thriving hti-iue -, being frequented by pedlera, laborers, and workingmen of various kinds. When Detective Krink led the way into Mutt street, and began to show the (.'hinese quarters. Si nator I ieorge of Missip|ii, at once became much interested, lie expressed surjiri eal see ing well-dressed and eueh - chinamen smoking cigars, and showingtluit they had fully adopted the habit- and cti touis of this country, so far, at h ast, as the appearance is concerned. I lie Senators entered a tea store, and "inter viewed" t he proprietor,de-iring to know whether or not the number of < him so jin the city is increasing. "Hard to t> lice " said the ag< d < 'hiniwiian," they I'otnee and goce like the ear-." Tim peculiarties of the I 'him e un tie I "t counting were explained to the Sena tors. They next visited the Italian quarters in Jhixti r -tr< •t. Tin swarms of idle men surprised the Senators. It was explained to them that many <•! the an n were rag piekt r- who worked at night, whih others worked at night on treet cleaning, etc. It was re marked, however, thnl the ( him houses were much ch utier in appear ance than those of the Italian. Sen ator (it orge made otii( inquire- of a healthy-! ■ kin ■ Italian- w man as to her fumily. She-aid she had eleven ehihlreu.aml tin o|d -t was tit' en years ol age. --.•lint rlf air. ot New llamp -hire, made vari- u inquiri" • - I -mall triuh-men at - the price- tln-y charg ed I>r meat and grocerie- nnd lir et ■•d the c in in it til's steiiograplu r !<• taki down a eoii-idi rahh amout < : in formation in regard to tin unshod • t i lite ot tln w- rkingmcii and the cost of living. "I am -urpriscil." remarked Sena- I r 'ir irgc, "to till' 1 O little . k- ' in among tin c p .pie. Ido not see how children can grow up healthy confined in narr w rooms and with no plad t i go tor air • r play except to the crowded strei ! pav- unlit., 'the street, liwik clean, though, ami I think .1 g'tod deal t e|' lit 11111-1 lie due 1 the health and sire ! cleaning depart . [ riniary - h d in the -i .in ward, ami • expre- d admiration ! r the luriliti ' offered lor e.hn ating the jr. -ena- | tor flair h arm d from the ani: r that : : the hrighte-t pupils in the -- imul m ri , Hebrew-, ami that au. nig tin' <■ i pupils were Italian., < t-mian-. I' and three m grm-. When told that there were thousands of t hihln n in the city who had been unable to gain adnii--i"ii to tin- puldi nln i t t lark of room, thee mniitU* \pr< — ••d a-' inishuient that a wealthy city like New York liould js unit such a state of things. "Ilow much d - the rity exjiid for police protection ami lor the main . and asylums'!' ask> da m< ml rof tin commits c. "About wa- the r< ply. "And how much for its school "Nearly $ "Well, that i- a g 1 deal < i mon ey," remark* 1 Senator Blair, "hut 1 should think it would b> clna|icr t" put • very child in a public -clmol than ! to allow tin in t i gr w up in igtmram • . : and then t > In e>mpcllel to sj rnl - much money (or jioiiic protection and lor jails ami a-vlums." Tut HI is hut one method, ami that j i- hard labor; and a man wh . xxi.i not pay that price t->r greatnc • had better at once dedicate himself to the pursuit of the fox, or sport with the tangles of Ne.era's hair, or talk of I bullocks, and glory in the goad. THAT word gran in an ungraci U mouth i* hut profane. tjniok Railway lime. ft- 'l' rj, 1 '., -/ill, Iss( ), Thit i! tn rrrt[iy thit o A - - oj y-'in/r-/ FtOHM I'. Butt. MM < r ti.. Mm I f vr '. T- on i-> iII iff/ m fA,- ; -ten . ltookroßTi W.STI II ItY IIosMKK I'. KI'I.I.AMi. See. Having rno-t thoroughly tested the Rock ford 'joick Train Wat die* for the I i-t tliree >er. ! offer them with the fullest confidence as tho fie.t msde and most reliable time keeper for the tin-iiey that Can be obtained. I fully juitra'l ' ce.-ry tf.i/.-A for tipoyart. Fft.lXh r UFA in, A"). 2 ftro'lcrrhnj/' ft, is. All other AmIANTO x, Jato. 27, IS>2. The ltockford watch purchased Feb. IsT'.t, has performed hotter than any Watch I ever had. Have carried it every day ami at no time lias it been irregular, or in the least unreliable. I cheerfully recommend the ltockford Watch. HORACE B. HOR/uN, at Uighton Furnnce Co. TAI STOW, Sept. 1 IKHI . The ltockford Watch nma vpry ae curately ; tietter than any watch I ever owned, and I have had ona that rout f 150. Can recorntnond the Rock ford Watch to everybody who wiahea A fine timekeeper, 8. P. HUBBARD, M. I). Thia i* to certify that the ltockford Watch bought Feb. 22, ]k~9, baa run very well the paat year. Having net it only twice during that time, iia only violation being three minute*. It ha* run very much better than I ever an ticipated. It ait no*, adjusted and on f coat #2O. H. 1. BItYANT, AI/VICE TO MOTIIEItB. Ar" yu tlialurl/cj *t itighl nti l broken your M*t \ yit l k i MM niifTa rif< g mi l trying of ut llliK I" li ' If m, n. it-l til tfii ftfM it' I •• of Mnt. V\imii,ow'(i M ''/tiiinu OTMI I' in* utt.blir.si TKKTIIINfi. lUVftlm Ie 11 will r lb •, tlf* little eiift.-r. r liiiiff Hub ly. IfcjMtfitl u|ni|l It ttjotliiT*, tlxf • !• tu tnistftb* ultsiiit it. It run*# l)s • fib i y tb* wbb eysb'iti. W r r • * f 7111*0 f* P FOR f'lilfb kr.t Trtiiis'4 l j'JfiwMiiit Uillh ul< ,IHI cents, leu "I >M pill-. 5 bokvs. FI, lit tamps ' Addre , Jill . WAIN I. A SON, Ptiiiadelpb. t, J'a. ; 1 by Hrg girts. /i-H. ly. j ll'jp Bitt'-re are tic Pur> t and IN ;t Bitten Ever Made, l imy are compound from Hops, Malt, l! ichu, M itidrake mi 1 I'andelion. ilo (dde t.l I, ni! i most valuable njedi cillea in the world ami contain all t),• l -l and ni" I cui itivc properties of all other remeilies, being llm gre.it> -t Flood I'urilier. I.iv< r regulator, ami life tit I llenltii Restoring Agent on earth. ; disease or ill health can pn. r iy long \ exist where tile e Jt Iters are U'l I, nj Varied ami I effect arc theiroper.it 111 fbey give new life ar I vigor to the 1 ••••d and inlirin. To nil whose empf •• • omnia cause irregularity of the Foweb ;or urinary organs, or who require an \ppetver, Tonic and mild stimulant. Hop Potter arc invaluable, being high iv curative. 1 n;.-ali i " titnulating, Willi out inloxK-ating. No inatt'T wliat your feeling or ! •vmptotna are. wliat the r niist-rabfe, ussr Hop 1 .Hers at I once. It may save your life. Hundreds ' have been saved by so doing > ' • > will tie lai 1 for a . e they w.ll not < are or help. 1 >0 not suffer or let your fitend* mfl. r. 1 but ue nti i urge them to u - !1 >p I 1 tors. lit-nietiil er. Hop Fitter* 1 no vile, iruggcit, drunketi nostrum, i.iat 11.• Pun t an I p.e fc t M'-de me ever tisa le; the "Invalid - li end ai.'l Hope,' anu . I them, fry the > liter* today . 4i. Itching Bib • Synipt< and Cure, The ymj torn* are mo;. :ure, like per • !y at ni.-tit. s. -ni >s if | in worms wt re -rawhng in nr. iat *ul tfm rectum the private parts are sometimes affected, Fallow. I to c ntinue vt-rv nerinti' r< • -uli.follow. "SWA YN f '-"INTM KXT" a |.feasant. ore rure. Also f. r Tetter, Itch. - ill Fh'-uni. -cold Head, Frysq c i is. Fsrt er. itcli, ! Pitlicbes. all -culy, : crusty -km Sent I y mad f.r 1 c-nt- . Poxes $1 ri stamp- . A Mres., Ir. -WAVNf A >"N, I'hila delpbia. I'a. -ol iby I'ruggists. 5- ly Nil/' .trlfi rliMrnirllts. lie served I'd H S P A N C L E R & Co., Dr.ai 1 it w iv Friivm iii. | L DKALKRs IN PI UK lFt (J8 ONI. ■vj I ZBLLBR k SON, s 7 "• DRCUOI.STa. He, a Irmksrbnff Bow. U O All Iks Masetsnt l*sti> Mola'ns. Pre 3 w w nr.liens sn-l Tsmdj Rsrlpn accarslslj ► m iwiuwrwl. trews*, SbeeUer Drwos, Ao„ s. a §1 * .. 1 Ai i" AtlrrrliMt int iifH. HO.YII \ A l.li\ riMi. fsKNKItAI- 1 X' J . ftll'l f '"MMI-s|(N Agt., 1 Helltfbllle, I'll. Ofb • fn lbiati Ar'-**!*, 2cM fl . The following onipanii - reiircsent'd ; -0— i FIRE. f BIO* Philadelphia | i ; A M KHICAN do. < i I A Itiri \ r. J/orcJon. Si S . ,Jo. j W; .-ieax ... Toronto. i 'ONM in I I Harlfor l. ttiel others. 0 LIFE. i TIIAW. i i u l.iii, A IT>. ....Hartford, j and "thcr . Tie-f..mm oi"ii brai.'hol my le. m.- r' vis,.• >| it atii r Pr- j• rt sol i l i good hdvanlagi . I have fai iii. ' h'.rt iili< e all J fiiVora!"" tern j -'Pom HON 11 \ A I.i'.NTJ N K j >I.N NSYJ-VA N J A STATE COLLEGE. fall I ttm fceQtr.s fifp'iwbir I? s ! Ti ' w\ '■ n u !"• 1 * • 'f 1 ' u t ] Uful. 1 • allhfol f f.' **i*t f Afi'J .oy ; ' *' j low is,, I ourn. -tu ') : j I \ I 1 n .• .Tr> f >\ . ; . A i • - i • 3. Tn* k ) f I*. * ; f *•**, f. •-I t - !(' k I' jt *1 Aj. . J., 1 ; ' I I • ' * . • 7 • i f R £ V* in, Httil# bn- ■t . . I.m. .•!,• • fy* i•- • . ' * *fwl *li Ibr It.. • ••< 6'l I - i-" J -•• ~ .1 f*f . I r - t tb#r - t . t r*. Mb" 'i ♦' AIITJ N * . .•*' ! t • . ' • lit t. . HMNUY At .. - l'r p's. t,i Ijr. v,, * S V n t**TT? r-^ss— bv it lw T wWI. 11.'.L. Get two Weekly Newspapers for the Fi icc of One. And tho IP ' f In! .ml Daily nt P.o ducod Hate*. Tit* ')' 'i{l t. | r tat li t W fUJi T i II • jr HOt.un ir* - 11*1 in*T 1 * Hum i'*n '•! Ib > • t - • ' f 4 • . S • - •i( rßitt r.-fct 7 f. • 1 sr ■ ;- s . tl.-f I- ■'•■'-' ft I fl t Umit Filth r*l } n |*i t j y j** m l'na, op i } U \<+ ctwti* < t 1.1 .-• j* . 7 ■ •j? I '?tl ' luiit run 7 mai I*! • j. t ntti .* i a4an *• If*- i j*t; i t *.-1 tb t •'ttltlO ' t.f i ' . t piil • •*!•' ' aria! |,I ft r.al ralot bf •) f try Tb' I i • ' i l(iilrt will tm ftjs v!ij lutiwßttf. JAr,J f..r ! iNtily at* IU - 'ih Id rutttaxH *+ fnul t*f ftiatl* fy ' I' (W< * j i♦ - I fi it/,* j t*. jf *- !.*,.k •i, | ■ . v .•-*: i. I ( "MI'ASV. ■ Niflifl lUrfiiNH|, I'a //./•/. '/ ; AKM AN S II DTK 1,, x • ' uu RTOHII .l A trnMr* tt -ritti'AV . I>l r-11 HOUSE, I > TIKI 11 rovTr rv. fiimill** anl ii • ib* gn -! "t lal mn ■ ar* tealkl to Ibtt hfti ( law II h'-rc tbay nil! fh*f Ckwri M a. TF.tl bK. rmp't. |>l ITS HOUSE. 1 ) V R.KLLKFONT!; PA., r j. Jbchman, Tropr, Thit j j-nUf Itftftl, tk riaa|H!kl of Ibf I r*•. •t | r i rt r, b ktt*f Itl'-I that' "f ft th* I'fit'HkiNtßtat (*f fiffrfta. katM ran"itaMf mat R.'! \ Millhkim hotkl, MILUIRIM. rr.XTIIK OuVHtT. TKXN'A AY. S. M t'SSFR, Proprietor. Th* lowtj rt MiUbrim ia t*naM in Vtllty aUnt tn mi)*t from i\ **r Mulb n, i n lb* Utk Nrx, tVntrr ar l S|n*w t Kailnsasi, with am Hmadinc* that anaka It a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. il<-wwl (mat fkliir t tn th* Iwtnnbala rlrtnlty. A oab tuna !• rtMjr train 4t tl** MiObHm ll*trl arcoaa m villi* fcn*l IllKllk n4 Ismta ml* New Brockcrhoff House. T>KOCKKRIIOFK HOUSE, ! AUnWTIIKKV-rT . HKt.LBriiHTB, r* C. O. MclllLlsKM, Brop'r. O - - I! /- ! * I' I* • -.1 < n* r •I.IXI-t. \ \ ' A F.I. A< I: A KLII.I',- ' I' V ' 'I.I I lII'. I ' USHTL.LI I'A I." LLIS L. OK VIS, ' J A , , AT LAW. ' ' ' ' ' ILL II I - A • I R*T * \ LKXAN'DKU A BOWKK. 4 * TL AT LAW, . ..... | >KA VKK A %f T,< TNIM** R. IY [ \IL .1 AS. H. IMMIINS. M. !>., I " • A 1 m :A M 'R >T • IR ■• T M, FMI M I.KIONU, lA. nIL. .1. W. ILHONH, I'T NTISL. CAN U F MIL TL !.• " ? '■ ' • N-RTFC * F 'I II . OITF*- IL R J-*T OT l'it-ir ll F IRI/.V. / ' KM KAHBKIL -HOB. \ • I •• S. LIT I I I I.LI I 'M ! . .1. Iter/., V i'rtijir. HA UN KSS MA N V KA( TOIIY K BLWK IT.L L.RROMK, I A ML I,"* R. IN.A IN, 1 • JIUN.ER IT MM. CT • AF. A5l R%T T U T CN RIR>.LL HR-XKOL J1 lIOUW 4 LF /'KNTHK COUNTY BANKING V < VMI AKR RH|V* JI POIT AND ALL* • INV • T; R ' NFTV* ; UTTJ ' JCOW ORVKKIMI LI RE AT IN I> UCK M K NTS TO THOCE WISHISO TIRHT-CLAM Plain or Fancy Printing. WO BNVO UNU*U*L FARILIUO* FOR PRINTING LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, I'HOOKA M M KS, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS. BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DK VISITE, CARDS ON ENVELOPES AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS lAIR< TRJORR BY MAIL WILL ROCEIVC PROMPT •TU-NTION. BOT L'RINLTNG DNNN IN TB BMTTYL,ON *BC-T NOTICE AND AT THE LOWEST RAISE.