Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 16, 1883, Image 1

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    %Tl)c Crlitre ittk Dmocral.
S. T. SHIGKRT Fd it or.
VOL. .*>.
Glit (Trait c
Tormt 51.50 per Annum In Advance,
8. T. SHUOERT, Editor.
Thursday Moraine, August IG, 1883.
of Warren County.
of Bradford County.
lr. .1. K. SMITH,
of Ferguson Township.
\V. C. II KIN I,K,
of Uellefonte.
of Uellefonte.
- 3
JriaiK Jeremiah S. Reai k is re
ported as seriously ill at his home in
York. The best medical skill has
been summoned to the beside of the
eminent jurist.
F.X-COMiUK-SM \N BI'KDICK ol lowa,
has got through with the Republican
party, now declares himself in favor of
the Democratic ticket in that state
and proposes to make some thirty
speeches in its favor during the can
The officers of the State Agricultu
ral Society announce that no fair w ill
be held in Philadelphia this year-
The erection of the necessary build
ings for the exhibition, which is
proposed to be of a very substantial
character, could not he completed in
Gen. Beaver's command of the
N. G. now in camp at Conneaut Lake
in Crawford county is having a sensa
tion. The General, it apjeenrs has
found it necessary to order out armed
detachments to arrest skulkers who
failed to report for duty, and bring
them under guard to camp for trial by
llisM ark, the German Premier, has i
proved himself a statesman of no mean
capacity in the war upon the Ameri
can hog. The swine have felt his
blows severely. But the American
potatoc bug is a full match for him-
That euterprising and industrious in
sect is going through the German
potatoe fields with all the vim of n
victor not to be squelched he diploma
cyor iutimidated by orders t of prohibi
Di kfs' defence, just published by j
his friends, gives further evidence of
the fact that he had lived quite long
enough on this earth. His brutality
in his defence is only equalled by his
egotism. He could see nothing in bis
letter to Capt. Nutt except a "blund
er." This peerless brutality, and lack
of every element to raise man above
the brute struck him as simply "a
blunder." Well, his whole life was a
blunder and the only oasis in it wor
thy of note, was probably the little
episode at the (tost office in Uniontown
when he gave back to his God, to he
dealt with according to his wisdom and
U.ercy, the corse he had so blacken
od and defiled.
Another victim of the whirlpool
rapids at Niagara is preparing at,
Warren, Pa. A dispatch to the New
York World says : Captain Julius D. 1
Rhodes, the diver and swimmer, will
attempt to pass through the rapids in
a cork armor. He is now preparing
for the swim at Salamanca, N. Y.,
where I saw him to-day. Since Rhodes
first began leaping from bridges and !
giving exhibitions in dangerous cur
renta, some years ago, he has been
planning for a swim through the whirl
The day after Captain Webb's
plunge he told his wife and a few
friends that he had determine to prove
himself a better swimmer than Webb
and to swim the whirlpool after exact
ly the same plans followed by Webb.
For two wecEs he has been at work
preparing an armor to protect himself
from the concussions of the opposing
L ....
Shall tho Swindlo Continue ?
Candidate Nilcs icccully took an
oath to support and defend tho Con
stitution of tho commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. That Constitution de
mands that Mr. Nilcs and other rep
resentatives and senators ahull, without
delay, apportion the state into con
gressional, senatorial and representa"
tive districts. To enable them to per
form this duty which they had neglect
ed at the regular session, the h-gi-la
ture was convened in extra session.
Thus far Mr. Nilcs and the members
of the senate with whom lie acts, have
refused to pass an equitable apportion
ment or receive and consider any offer
of compromise to agree upon an equita
ble settlement of the differences of the
disagreeing parties. Instead of legis
lating in this spirit they adopt what
they call their "ultimatum"-—n bill so
unfair, so monstrously unjust and par
tisan that honorable members cannot
accept it. The'object of the offensive
"ultimatum" is evidently to /intent \
the jidaaage of an apportioning nt bill
at all. Ten years ago when machine
politics and the corrupt appliances of
the most abandoned political methods
were in their highest tide of success,
the Republican party bad the control
of the power of the state, executive
and legislative, when the question of
apportioning the state into congres
sional, senatorial and representative
districts came up for consideration, a
it is now before tho present legislature.
That legi-lature with the same aban
doned disregard of law and fairness
gerrymandered the districts in such
form as to <li-franchi-- a large "portion
of the people, and secure a controlling
Republican majority in the senate and
the house of representatives. This
; party advantage they still 1 rruptly
hold and will continue to hold in defi
ance of decency and honor if they can
; now prevent a fair and just apportion- j
ment. It is t > this p iint the eifbrt* of
; the stalwart Republican majority ot
the senate are directed, and for thi-
I purpose they present an unmanly
| "ultimatum," which if accepted would
as effectually perpetuate the wrong as
did the base act undt r which they
I have dominated for ten years. No
honest man can fail to grasp the object
lof the infamous "ultimatum." It i
! to prevent any apportionment at all,
and we may ask in all seriousness of
; candidate Nilcs nnd his colleague- if
that kind of legislating meets the 1
spirit and terms of the oath he ha- j
: taken to obey and defend tbeeonstitu- j
lion. Is it keeping that oath and
entitling Mr. Nile* and his colleagues
to the confidence and respect of honest
men, whether Democrats or Republi
cans, to refuse to make an apportion
ment in order that a swindle which
deprives a large number of citizens of
just represtntaliou may be continued?
j This is the plain question the facts
: raise. It cannot be hid or evaded.
"Pont tho Booka."
. !
Last winter after the legislature had
i been in session some time the suhject
; of reform became a popular question
| in the Democratic house, and a reduc
tion of expcm.es demanded. To this
demand a few superfluous office holders
and pages were discharged, and the
chief clerk declined to employ a lot
of surplus "scrub women." The sum
total of the reduction of officers was
sixteen and in pages seven, twenty
three in all, resulting in a saving to
the taxpayers of 817,700, or counting
the mileage, a saving of 818,000. The
Lancaster Intelligencer in speaking of
' the reduction in the scrub-women force
said, "that when the present chief
clerk came in he found that miarly
twice as many persons were engaged
; in this work as were necessary to do
it. lie did not recognize the propriety
of tho state paying for scrvicea not
rendered." Had it been his duty or
priyilege to furnish employment for
all poor women of Harrisburg, he
would have been glad to have accom
modated even double the number car
ried along on the pay roll before, hut
believing that lie was a public servant
appointed to watch public iuterc.sts, lie
employed the number necessary ami
thus is the house kept ju-t a* clean a*
before with few more than half the
number employed by his predecessor."
I'nder the Democratic house and the
new administration reform of course
bad to have a beginning, and it was
highly proper to begin where oppor
tunity first offered. It was also well
enough to give the reform a bugle
blast, and let the people know exactly
what reform was doing, it' not what it
was going to do. This was all done
through the Lancaster /nUHiycnecr
under the title of "Post the Hooks.'
We alvvay- were for reform, aud it
gave us great satisfaction to make note
of every effort in that direction,
whether the results it produced were
great or small. We always liked best,
however, the reform that went to the
bottom, clear to the marrow. Kor a
beginning "scrub-women" reform might
j do to catch on to, but was not enough
to la.-t long. The people would of
necessity soon forget it. Resides that,
they hud nlwuys been a.—ured that
tin-re were great steal- annually per*
! petruted upon them through the ap
propriation hills. Hut just how to
find out, and who to rely upon to in
form them of how much was stolen
wa.- to tin in a mystery. They waited
with patience and anxiety the action
of the reform legislature with nil its
reform officers. The appropriate u
bills were pa.v d. S far as the peo
ple arc concerned, they c uld -e little
difference, except - . far a- it related
to "-crub-women" and tie surplusage
of pagi , b tween a i>i rut Di-tuocrn*
tie legislatures and a Ilcj ibliran legis
lature a-to the am uuts appr printed
or the steals alfi ete 1 undt r the name
of appropriation. Hut finally our
< iovernor i- heard from who in a great
j measure solve s the difficulty in a vote i
iiu -age, which we will refer to more
particularly in our next.
F.X*M:NATOK DoKfO.V, the trusted
confidential friend of the late PfOsi
elent (iarfield, and ono of the forcmeist
l 1 ader* of the Republican party the
active and well chosen agent in the
disbursement of the party funds where
they would do the mot gooel, from his
cattle-rani ho, -till furnishes fresh nnd
racy ri aeling- ofthc campaign of 1H80
for the benefit and encouragement of
j his "grand old party." He asserts
that (iarfield bought the stalwart vote
i'of.New York by a |ositive promise of
the office of Secretary of the Treasury
to Levi I'. Morton —that the pocket* of
i tho New York bankers were opened
by a promise of Mr. Garfield to allow
! a syndicate of them to refund the gov
ernment bonds —that n bargain was
made between Garfield's representa
tives and Jay Gould and (.'. T. Hunt
ington by which Garfield was under
promise to appoint Stanley Matthews
associate justice ofthc Supreme Court,
nnd in consideration of which bargain
the two money barons promised $lOO,-
000 to the Republican c ampaign ftiud.
The money was paid adds Mr. Horsey,
and brought to him in Indiana by T.
(,'. Plait tho " Me-too" who subse
quently became famous for [following
Roseoc Conkling into retirement,
where it was divides! and ono half sent
to Ohio to be used by Gov. Foster, in
the campaign there.
Two YEAKK ago Candidate N'iles
whom the stalwart Republicans have
put up for Auditor General,expressed
the opinion that there was a "consti
tutional obligation" resting upon the
members of the legislature to pass ap
portionment bills. Although nothing
has occurred since then to release
them of that obligation, Mr. N'iles
now favors the obstructive policy of
the stalwarts, and demands perpetua
tion of the gerrymander swindle by
which a largo portion of his fellow
citizens are disfranchised and defraud
ed qf equal representation. The dif.
fercnce is, two years ago Mr. Niles
spoke as a representative of the people
under obligation to support and main
• ; ;
tain the ('(institution of the State. Now
he is the candidate of a party under
coercion to obey the mandates of the
bosses who set him up.
Froo Conforonco Rolused!
We learn from the of Tues
day, that the Stalwart scuate got to
gether again on Monday evening and
immediately proceeded to reiterate
their refusal to legislate w itli the House
by u free conference on the question
of apportionment. This action, says
the I'utriot, was foreshadowed in tin
closing .-"--.-ion of ln-t week, ('ooper
and Davics voicing the stalwart senti
ment by declaring that the ultimatum
existed more than ever and that the
bouse must take the Mc( 'rackcn hill
•r nothing. Kenator Hughes presented
the resolution to adjourn finally Au
gust 'JI-t, amended to the 1' ith. It
did not require special instructions,
therefore, as to the uction of la-t even
: ing, ( oo|H-r knowing that he was |-r
-fcetly safe in offering his resolution
that the senate non-concur in the
house resolution asking a free confer
ence. The stalwarts fell into line verv
naturally, Stalwart Stewart's vote
meeting Stalwart Reyburn's just as
readily as that of the genial George
Handy Smith or Greer. A strict
party vote of '2O to 1 t sends the house
resolution hack by inns-age to-day.
It is believed that the legislature
will adjourn in a few days.
TIIK Democrats of Virginia have
nominate < 1 (Jen. Wm. C. Wichham, j
the late chairman of the Republican
state committee, for congress, (ion.
Wichham i- a man of great ability,
t'-o independent to drill kindly under
command of Boss Mahone even to
pli a-e the Federal administration. He j
ha- accepted the nomination in a
spirited letter in which he assumes
' that the important question to be con
sidered now in Virginia, is the union
of her reputable sous to secure the
-tate a reputable government. He
says : "I am a Isorn son of Virginia,
and whenever her interests are a—ailed,
come assailant in what garb or under
what name lie may, I will stand shoul
der to shoulder with her true sons,
without regard to political bias or
opinion, and resist with all the power
I possess all measures, all men, all
parlies that attack her welfare."
TIIE coalitionists of Virginia do not
seem to be an entirely happy family.
The "truly loyal" liepublicans resent
the sneers of their faithful allies the
repudiationists. Senator Riddlcbcrg's
paper, the Lfrymuin, spoke of the
Hayes administration as follows :
"True, Hayes was the beneficiary of
the theft of the Presidency, the great
est crime ever perpetrated against
American institutions." The Rich
mond Whig also referred to the ex-
President as "his fraudulent) - , R. B.
Hayes." This raises! the ire of the
Staunton Firyinian, tho Republican
organ of the State, which thus curtly
replies j
All the Readjustors have—and tbey
have gotten much—they owe to the
Republicans of Virginia, and if the
returns that are to he given are such
contemptuous sneers nnd infamous
charges as the Virginian and Whig
indulge, then their manhood should
IKS invoked to resent in the most effec
tive manner that the emergencies of
the ease may suggest. When it comes
to branding the who National Repub.
lican party with a great crime we feel
it to be our duty to enter a solemn
protest in tho name of tho Republi
cans of Virginia, and to utter the
warning that thero is a point where
forbearance ceases to be a virtue.
Tar. election in Kentucky last week
resulted iu a very comfortable Demo
cratic victory. Proctor Knott, the
Democratic oandidate, was elected
governor, by a majority ranging from
forty-five to sixty thousand—with an
overwhelming majority the Legis
1111. New York I Vnrhl, referring to
the pleasure trip of President Arthur
and his travelling companions, indul
ges these reflections :
The Presidential partv lia- disap
peared in the wilderness, not to In
board of again save at intervals.
Along the route from Louisville to
Green River they have been cordially
welcomed by the people; in the wel
come there has been a mixture of pat
riotism, personal eurio-ity, native chiv
alry, and political admiration.
Rut it is curious that, while the
President was tho chief man of the
party, the name of Robert Lincoln
wa* heard more frequently, and he wa
tho chief object of attention, of curi
osity, and of s]*eculation.
'I his is highly significant. The
name of Lincoln is still a name to
conjure with, and there can be no
doubt that the present bearer of that
name would make an available candi
date for the Presidency.
Is it possiblo that the curiosity to
see Robert Lincoln wit- prompted by
the natural desire to judge wh< ther he
looked lik- the right sort of a man to
make a President out of?
When Andrew Johnson w. Nt "swing
ing around the circle" sixte.ll years
ago, Johnson, though President, wa
not the most important man in the
The one who was called for the most
frequently wa a man who said little
and who preferred to keep in the hack
ground. Hi* name was < .rant.
Is history repeating itself, and is
the second accidental President carry
ing in his train the rival who is des
tined to take the nomination awav
from him ?
! The situation at Harrisburg still
remains unchanged. The stalwart ob
structionists continue to adhere to the
infamous "ultimatum," and decline t
legislate with the house for the pas-age
jof n fair apportioment and demand
| adjournment. On Tuesday the Dem
ocratic senators and representatives
.held a conference and after a -co-ion
'of three- hour*, we learn from the
| l'ntriiit, "decided to stick until the
clutv for which the legislature had
been called into extraordinary -< ssion
had been performed." The members
at this conference expressed tliem-elvc
strongly, and the indications arc that
until the offensive "ultimatum" is with,
drawn and the senators agree to meet
the house in fair and honorable legis
lation, no adjournment is possible, and
the people themselves will have to
settle the question of difference at the
Tin: unanimous election of Hon. P.
Gray Meek to the chairmanship of
the county ccmmitlce, gives promise
of an active, energetic and aggressive
campaign for 1884. Mr. Meek* ex
perience and activity is guarantee thnt
in the great campaign to come off next
year, the Democracy of Centre county
will move under the lead of a vigor,
ous and willing command.
No More Flection Furlough*.
W asiiikotos, August I t.—As ono of
the earliest results of civil service re
form the Secretary of the Treasury has
ordered that clerks shall no longer be
granted what ia called election leave-
It haa been customary heretofore to
permit every man in addition to his
thirty days' annual vacation a leave of
absence of from ten to fifteen days to
go home and take part in the campaign
and election. This system operated to
give every man who lived in October
States double election leaves, or about
sixty days out of every Presidential
year. Hereafter every employe who
wants to leave his desk to carry elec
tions will have to go at his own expense,
without pay, or have the time thus
taken deducted from the time due him
on his regular leave. While the Trees
ury ■ 'he only department so far ruling
it ia probable every one of the others
will follow suit The government clerk
will, it thia ia oarried out, cease to be an
adjunot to the political machine.— FKila.
TKK.MN: #1.50 per Annum,in Atlvam-f.
I iiptaln liit'irarl at Home.
< apt&in iaggart, the democratic can
! didato for auditor g'-ncral, stand* high
at lii Lome with all cla*e* of citizen*,
regardle** ot party affiliation. 'I he
lidiouto If •. /. / ,Y {, u republican
paper printed at the ' aptairi'* place of
residence ha- thi* to my of his nomii.b
tion :
"1 he democratic state convention did
itself and the | arty an honor when they
nominated ' dpt. Itobert Taggart, a- its
candidate for Auditor 'ieneral. We,
who know the ' ij.lain, who meet him
evei / day, who do busine** w.th him,
know how good a < itizen, how prompt
a LUMIII * man, how entirely and thoi
oughly reliable he . . For hi* 'akc, for
the good of the 'lite, we should like to
j see him elected to the position. If all
I the ndidati of both part.en are an
' clean handed or. 1 upright a t'aj tan
; 1 aggert, thin carnj aign will, of necessity
be r.r.e devoid of mud -linging. We
don t subscribe to the' aptaind j olitics
but we b< ar wilimg unasked testimony
j to In- worth at.d capab i t '-,
j And iii another 1 r.ef article, the .V
; correct- a misstatement of the I'itts
burgh ' - ' ■"
| "Foot.i-ir Sri'i'ti-iTv. The usually cor
rect Pittsburgh ' - '!i states
that '.} t. Taggart }jr.- been in the''em
ploy of the standard <•,! ' ompany for
the ] a-t five years. If the ' '>. can't
do b' ttcr than that it had better go out
of the 1 ii I'erkin- bu-mr *. -ucli fool
-h lie will not help our republican
candidates .n tin* section.
Judicial Hill Signed.
The Full do .ng j.roces* adopted by
onie oumals to induce the Governor
to veto the Judicial apportionment bill,
did not pan <ut a succes*. tiovernor
Pattison lias a habit of invest.gating for
himself, and act.ng upon hi* own judp*
ment in reaching j ropier conclusions as
to the right thing to do and does it.
The Harrisburg I'iirw:, speaking of this
bill and the claim that it increases the
number of udge* oppressively, says:
The Judicial Apportionment bill i*
not j erfect. but it is an improvement on
the act under which the judge* were
formerly elected, The bill which was
orig rially passed by the Houe an<l
which waa r< octe 1 by tlie senate was a
Hotb r measure, but as that bill could
not pas the ssonato we are fain to ac
cept that which ha# been givc-n u* in
The Philadelphia 7" i, in its anxiety
to help its j..t candidate Nile* and to
bring odium upon the 1 >emocratio*p>arty
in criticising this bill makes declara
tions which are wide of the truth. Por
instance, it declare* that "two years ago
'iovernor llnyt vetoed a similar bill,
mainly because it increased thenumlw-r
of judges. The j resent bill add* six
additional judge* to the already exces
five numbei
Now it i not true that Governor
Hoyt vetoed a similar bill. There wa*
! no spH-cial similarity between the bill
which met the disapprobation of Gov
, ernor Hoyt and that which has just
p.assed the legislature. The present
j bill doe* not increase the number of
| judges at all. It reduce* it from eighty
to seventy-nine. The bill vetoed by
Governor Hoyt increased the number
to eighty six.
It i* true that temporarily there will
be an increase, but when the terms of
the judges now in office whose district*
have been changed or abolished shll
have expired, but seventy nine judge*
will remain. The bill i* therefore a
better one than the act which it super
sede* because it decrease* the number
of judge#.
How the Ttrket I* Krcrhrd in Hack*.
The nomination* are excellent.
Joseph Powell, the candidate for State
Treasurer, i* especially acceptable, and " M
ha* great strength in the northern tier
of countie* where be i* best known.
He will run far above hi* ticket in that
section of the slate. Mr. Taggart is
equally well qualified for the office he
seeks, and he has the confidence of all.
A strong feature about the*# nomina
tion* i*. they were not made by boas
dictation. There were no boase* at tho
convention to override the will of tha
people; and the candidate* as nearly
represent the popular will a* may be.
The way to elect thi* ticket i* for the
Pcmorrat* to lay otf their coata and go
to work. The platform cannot fail to
meet the approbation of all conserva
tive men,— lhylcatoren Democrat,