Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 09, 1883, Image 8

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    ®he Cfittoe jßtmtwat.
Thursday Morning, August 9, 1883.
Coimr.ftr'oXMtM-i.roftUliitnictuilM'rtiMit !••>*h, aolirlt
m\ from any part of tho comitv. No con uunlcatiwi*
I ntortod unlet* accompanied fy tbo real uamo of tho
Local Department.
Look out for McMillan's now "Bus."
—Tlio latest western slang phrase is;
"Git there, Kli!"
—Mr. Daniel Garman arrived homo
from the sea shore on Saturday.
—Commissioners Clerk Walker is be
coming celebrated a* a foot-hall "kiekist. "
—Miss Emma O'Xoil, of Altoona, is
visiting Miss Mollio MeDermott, of this
Miss Julia Rauer, of Jersey Shore,
has been visiting friends in town lor tlio
past week.
—"Hash" Williams is now handsomely
domiciled in his neat cosy mansion on
"Methodist Hill."
—Mr. Edward Wood, a prominent
school teacher Of this county, gave us a
pleasant call, on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. .i II Odenkirk, of the
"Did Fort," were gue-ts of Mr. and Mrs.
Aiken* of this place, !<i-t week.
Whortleberries are re| rt<-d n- being
uncommonly plenty on the mountains this
season. So also are rattlesnakes.
—Tho market on Saturday was large,
and well attended : almost every descrip
tion of vegetables were obtainable.
—Col. D. G. Bush returned home on
Saturday, from Avon Springs, N. Y.,
looking as hale and vigorous as ever.
—We are sorry to learn that l'rothono
tary Harper's youngo-t child i- lying
dangerously ill with cholera infantum.
Mr. James Watson, of Snow Shoe,
paid us a pleasant visit on last Friday, and
engaged tho DEMOCRAT for another year.
Mr. Jacob Schrorn, who has been
confined to tho house for several months,
we are sorry to learn, is riot improving
very rapidly.
—Mr. "Billy" Morgan, now "mixolo
gist" at the Butts House intend- to c in
mit matrimony ere long. So we have
been reliably informed.
—Saturday was a bu*y day in town ;
tho streets were thronged, from morning
till late in tho evening, with people {rom
all parts of the country.
—Dr. J. 1). Wingate, of ('arbondaio,
paid us a friendly visit on Tuesday. The
Doctor looks robust and vigorous, and is
as pleasant and agreeable as ever.
—Considering tho bright project" of
the State Normal School at Lock Haven
and tho advantages it offers, there is no
cheaper good school in the State.
—The potato bug came and viewed the
crop, and after duo consideration, con
cluded that the crop was too large for him
to master—ho retired in di-gust.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Thomas, of
Wooster, Ohio, who hate b-en visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Alkens ■ f this place, de
parted fur their home on Tuesday.
—The picnic held by the Homan Catb< -
lie Sunday school, on last Thursday,
proved to be a grand success. The amount
realized was about Qvo hundred dollars.
—Mr. Georgo Decker, of Mar-ailles,
Mo., who ha* been visiting his numerous
friends and relatives in this county, de
parted last Thursday, for his Western
—Mr. C. A. Glenn, the artistic photo
grapher was taken to the country on la-t
Saturday to secure a photograph of a sick
woman, who is lying dangerously ill with
—The smiling countonaneo of Mr. A.
Weber,of Howard, illuminated our sanc
tum, on Monday. "Abe" is a pleasant
and agreeablo fellow, and wo trust his
visit* will often ho repeated.
—Kx Kecorder Tobias spent a few days
in tewn on his way to Conncaut Lake En
campment. "Toby" is tho gentlemanly
clerk of Co. "B." and will he promoted to
a Colonelcy beforo he returns.
Mr. Ahhannon, "District Agont North
Western Masonic Aid Association, of
Chicago," is here working in the interest
of that association. Mr. S. was formerly
a resident of Centre Hall this county.
—Don't read this ! A reduction of ten
per cent, on all style* of furniture ha*
been made by K. B. Fpangler & Co., until
September I • Bound to sell off our stock
beforo tho fall trade. Wo mean just what
we say.
—lt is gratifying to see several sub
stantial stone walks in process of erection
on Bishop street. They will show to a
• great advantage when thoroughfare Is
paved in front of tho Brockorhoff resi
—Wo are sorry to learn that Judge
Larimer of Pleasant Gap ha* been con
fined to the house for several days. We
have not been able to ascertain tho nature
of his Illness, but hope he will speedily re
cover. *
—Mr. 11. I). Van Pelt, of Centre Ilall,
dropped in thi* week and paid u* a friendly
visit. He, however, wa* not aware that
tho "legal talent" of tho CENTRE DEMO
CRAT had severed hi* connoction with thi*
—"Mine host," C. G. McMillen, the
genial proprietor of tho Brockorhoff
House, ha* returned from an extended
visit smong his numerous friends and rcl_
a ive* in Ohio ; and as usual, la busily on.
gaged catering to the wants, pleasure*, and
comfort* of his guest*. Mr. M. expresses
himself highly pleased wllh bis trip.
WANTED.— Wanted 75 young men and
> boy* to do service at tho now bridge.
Work light and pleasant. Must possess
tho following qualifications viz: Must
chow tobacco and bo able t<> ejoct from a
• gill to a half pint of juico on the foot
bridge at one time. Must keep this up for
1 a half a day. Must smoke bad cigars and
bo ablo to blow smoke in tho eyes of ladies
passing. Must bo able to swear a "blue
streak" and bo well versed in vulgarity.
No lady must bo allowed to cross tho
bridge without hearing profane or vulgar
, language. The workmen must bo annoy
ed continually. Tho foot bridgo must be
blockaded from 7A. M. to LI e. M. NO one
not possessing the above qualification* or u
i goodly number of them will bo allowed to
loaf on the foot bridgo. N. 11. Tho pub
lie will ploase observe that those who have
heretofore obstructed tho walk across the
creek are now regularly employed and
possess the above named virtues.
HATES. —The Pennsylvania Uailroad will
have another Grand Excursion to tho sea
shore, on Thursday, August 23, leaving
Pittsburgh by special train of Kasllake
macho*, at *.li on tho morning of tho
date mentioned, and arrive at Philadel
phia at 7.'.'5 i*. M. ; loavo Philadelphia
Friday morning, August 21, at h.50 f<>r
Atlantic City, ar.d at '.MX) for Cape May,
arriving at Atlantic City at 10.10 A. M ,
and at Capo May at 11.::", A. M. Ticket
good f"r Cn days, will bo sold at the fol
lowing low rates, from the station* named :
Fr.un Pittsburgh, Irwin, Greensburg*
I'niontown, Connollsville, I.atrobe, Blair--
villo and Indiana. $10JX): Johnstown,
$2-7; Cresson, $8.50; Altoona, s*,oo.
Tyrone, $7.07 : Huntingdon, $7 1"; Cum
berland, $8,50: Bedford, $8 50: Mt
Cnion, $',.75, Lewi-town Juurth n,s'i.O";
Milllin, $5 •*> : Now; >rt, $7 0". Eve r
sionists have their choice on the--; ticket*
and can go either to Cape May or Atlan
tic City.
The excur-ioni-t* will leave the follow
ing stations at the time d- -ignaC'd Pitts
burgh, -I" A. M. ; Irvin, I IH A. M ;
(irmt.-h u ,\ V - A. It. . Cr : .Rt wn, 7 IV.
A. M. ; Connell*ville, 7 ft A M ; Latr"be,
''.MA M. Blairville, • 55 A M. Indiana,
<>.o7 V M. John-town, 10.52 A M .<>■ •
•n.' 112A. M. ; Alb na. 12 r, n,l y
- ne. 12 7.7 R. M H I ~ ngdon, 1 :<M- M
Cumhe land, * 17 A M. , lb*' -rd, 10 20 v
M Mt. I'nb n, 1I ■ r M. ; Lewi-town
Junction, - M. Mill'.in, 215 R. v i. :
Newport, 17 r. M.
As this will t>o the la-t <; >ecial excursion
to the " a<h re f. r this —a-"n, the >j; ■ r
t initv should not 1 r.-g'- t > take ad
vantage of tho cheap rat" f r a trip if
pleasure and rccrc ati- n to the < cean.
F r father informal: n app'.v t • v .r
neari -t agent, • r to Thomas K. Watt, Pa
enger A ••ni, W. stern Ds-trict, 110 Fifth
Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa.
For the following (ketch of Ji T. Ihard--
ley. K-, , wi.o wa- buru'd at L ,k Hav.-n,
M nday aflerr,- nat tw- cl k, v. ar<
indebted to tho Lock Haven J "11.
T. Beardsloy wa* !>■ rn in C nnccticut, and
died in the ' 7th u*r f hi.- age Hi* ;a
renU afterwards resided in Ohio and New
York. At the ago of 1* year* he left
li me and taught writing -ch lat Klmira
and Wiliiamsport. He afterwards taught
a select f. hool at Mur.cy, whero ho met
his wife, then Mi< S. huyle . While
teaching, he jut in hi pare time at
studying law, and was at . lent of u.
Governor Pi lh ■ k, who raaided at Mitb n.
(lis legal studies were completed at \\:l
- rt, whero he wa a Irnitbxl to ; rt, -
tee. Ills j urn in William-; "ft wa
n >t long, and in IMO he moved t" this
rity and practiced his profession. When
the p. and E. railroad came this way, Mr.
Iteardsley was ch' -en a it* attorney. Ho
ws recognized as a most faithful employe
of tho company, and -tood well in the,-,
timation of hi* superiors.
In Masonic circle* Mr. Beardtley sto'd
high. For several years ho was Worsbip
ful Master of Lafayettee Lodge, No. I'M,
F. and A. M. On December 2", IMB,
Lafayette Chapter was organized, and de
ceased was one of tho six charter mem
bers, the flr-t King and Second High
Priest. He wa* also the firet Eminent
Commander of Hospitaller Corotnandry
Knights Templar, organized November
28, 1872, and died the office of District
Deputy Grand Master.
Mr. Beardsloy was one of tho incorpora
tor* of Highland Cemetery, and served
two term* a* memtier of City Council
from tho Firt ward. During hi* last
term he was President, and *crved with
I)oceaed was a Christian gentleman,
honored and respected by all who came in
social or business contact with him.
HNOW SHOE, PERSIA., Aug. IS, 1883.
Plea* find shipment of coal sent over B.
& 8. 8. Branch of Tyrone Division for
week ending Ang. 4, 1883 :
wv*k IV" tin,l,l y Tr.Ul
In I**l 1M.i.17
In IM2 ft, <l73 13.1,4'ri 1.39.U0
Inrr**** L*,L IN 16,79:1
X>-I I -M, 1.317
Your* trufy,
Weigh mas tor.
Lumber 16 cars. ,
Other freight
—Mr. Abraham Mifford,of thi* place
informs us that he can do as much work
in one day a* any man in town. Last
week, he dug a cistern for Mr. Bamuel
William*; tho dimensions are, twelve
feet long, tlx feet wide and si* feet deep.
The work wa* completed In one day and
a half. Who can beat this ? let us hear
j from you.
—Hon. Frod Kurt/., was in town on
—The annual Clearliold Fair will bo
hold Sept. IK, l'., 20.
Mies Kato Stutt is entertaining her
cousin from l'oltatown.
—Miss Kmily Jinnd of Uultiinuro is th"
guest of itobort Valentino.
Many woro sorry to say good-byo I"
Miss M'Fadden on Tuesday.
—I Jr. BchafTnor and family of l'btla.,
aro tho guests of .lae. V. TII -WHS.
Mr. William Ferris, of wisburg, i
visiting (.'has. Valentines of this place.
11. ('. Weaver ha a new iron lenro in
front of his beautiful residence on Howard
Mr . Geo. Given, with lor children and
sister M is- Ada Weaver are at homo for
a few weeks.
•—Tho Misses .Jennie and Mary Avers
aro visiting their uncle lie v. Dr. llatnill,
ol Leinont.
.Mr. Edward German, was the recip
ient of a beautiful gold watch, presented
him by his father.
ijuito a numt r of llellofor.U'r .! b--th
" took in" tlie game of J!u-e I,ail at
Altoona, on Monday.
Mis Ohnrnacht and Mi s Cello Stern
berg are both sojourning in the plea-ant
town of l'hiiip-burg.
—Tho Juniata Valley <'amprneeting
which holJs it- meeting annuity, at New
ton Hamilton, opens noil Tu< lay.
li. M iilanchard returned fr..m hi
trip to the shore, very much rofr<shed.
He drank large quanliti f '-a water.
Tho Car Work- dam ha- been repaired,
and everything abut tho works put in good
ord-r. Well, wliat neif we'll g ve it up
Ten good stone Ills' n ran (in 1 em
pi. yniont, at p-r day, by apply it •to
11 W IVIKII, 11 .nt : ' i : . l'a
i'rotii ictary llarp'T cd < ntrc an 1
I'rolhot.oUry K-rr 'f h arfie I .at
each other by Telephone • n M-.j. :-ay.
It,,vi v u aro iioth in bad company. •Jail j
On Saturday afternoon and ever.in.'.
Aug. lßth, the people ,1 liuflait Hun will
h id a fe-tlval at tho 15 .-Tnl . Hun l'r. t-. - j
g-nan church. Kvcryl dy invit' I to at j
The Mite Society of the Presbyterian |
Church will meet to-morrow evening Au
gust I'Hh, at Mr- I-as Mitchells It i
i.'.j-'d tber" willl"> a large att' nJa:. • • ■:
'. 1 ar. 1 >' '.tig.
M Mary I. a :ran ! M K tly
i'ott-r, of thi p'ac. are v. .ting at the
I II." tioir freind, .Mr |o N agara,
N V. They •ij tto stop at Wat .• a
short time aiso.
-On M r. lay l i-' th" w -Id {'irio I J -
ii:- t, .1 hn 1.. Sullivan, kt {• 1 l!"rl -rt
A. S d- .t o{ time after t ghtir.g t .-■■■
round- and afterward- acknowo dged that
.1 hn He r kc.q - the tin-.t .tin li-li'"
( rite.
Ex-F! ■r '1 Sj a: ;>r pa- 1 thr. ug'
t wn on WednMay with a large herd f
fine cattle, which h ; ircha 1 in J"iTr
--■ r. an 1 < 'iar; aCo .nt Persons Is •
ir.g :: e be. f - a'.'...> . Ir. t {., it', an.-
ine hi- -Kk b t re pur.ha-::.g ci-ewhere.
—The public WO! < -erve that th*
DKM RAT ha- li-played a neatly sr.!
ban homely faint"! -ign, wl.i h v •*-
• cited by th -1.;.1f.il land <f Mr. "Andy
I. ineberger. Parti d' irlr.g ar.v *• rk
in his line of bu-ir.c-- she .Id t. t fail t.
give h'.m a call.
—Tho success . f the fe-tivai, held by
the Zit n band—the earthly Zi-n band in
Centre unty, we mean—on '.a t Saturday
evening, exceeded all expectations. Tbo
f—tival was i II attended, ar.d evrv ar
rangement evirv '1 t*' !ai t, that th* !■- y
wer- j r-q erly prepare 1 t . r.t-■ r* .iin th. >r
I'r.w's X'AII.KT ITF.M-—Harvest is
over, tl.e grain ail hou- I ar.d th<- farmer
area'.! r. . ucing thereat. The wet w-at
or during haymaking caused th" farm*r
t fear that they would have difficulty in
s'< iring their ::rain, but thank - to a kin 1
Providence their fear- were re t real! • 1.
The crop- both hay an 1 grain were unusu
al Iv large.
The family of Uev James Wils- n 1> I) ,
of New York city, are rusticating at Pen r
Wili n's. The U* lor. who : traveling
through Europe for his health, i expo ted
home by the 1 5 ins*.
Mr. Duncan, who has been visiting
friends here for some time, ha- returned t<*
M iit<>n.
I Wallace Duncan who rusticated for
a fe* days at Ct>i-e May, ha" returned t i
his duties in K. it office.
George A. Hunk and lady, are entertain-"
ing several frie.nds from the city.
in la<t Sabbath th" M. K. Sabbath S< h< 1
was addressed by Kev. I) M Wolf and
Mr. H-.mig, the t'nion School by He vs.
Marr and J. K. Evans. Kev Evans, who
is a mini-ter of the Reformed church in
Potts town, Montgomery Co.. is a son of
James Evans of near Spring Mills, and is
spending his vacation here. Rev Marr,
who was the pastor of the Presbyterian
church here and at Centre Hill two years
ago, has been preaching during the pal
vear in New Brunswick I), C. Mr. Rom*
ig is a student of tho Luthern Insilule at
Selinsgrove and is preparing for the Min
istry. He was one of our very successful
teachers, and his presence will be greatly
missed from our neat Institute.
A binder and gleaner Is one of the at
tractionsin front of Whitmer <& Go's, store.
It is intended for binding either after a
reaper or cradle.
The schools of Spring Mills are flourish
ing. The primary school taught by Miss
Maggie Hanna has about 10 pupils and the
selcet school taughljby Mr. Kobb has about
34. •%
HOWARD FESTIVAL.—This festival will
be given by the Howard Cornet Hand on
the evening of the 10th and afternoon and
evening of the 11th TNSL, at tho Public
.School grounds tn Howard borough.
Among the many Interesting features aro
the contest for an easy chair, gold necklace
and locket and a grand cake walk. A eake
containing a gnld ring will be chanced off.
Music will bo furnished by tho Eagle and
Howard Cornet Hands. All are cordially
• —Tboso who were* so lucky as to bo
pre iint at tho Gorman Reform Church lu.-t
Sunday morning, considered themselves
well rcpayed Indeed. The handsome little
auditorium was filled not only by the reg
ular congregation but by members from
tho various denomination* of the city, at
traeted by the reputation of the Rev. Dr.
Wagnerof Allentown. Tho learned doctor
ele> o for lii- leading thought, the state
ment of Chri-t, that thorn is no marrying
or given in marriage in Heaven, and
thence elaborated upon the supremo linj -
pines* of tin- regions of tho blest. The
theme i a dangerous one and generally a
fatal one to him who attempt- it. The
speaker either dealing in very bald gorier
: ali/.ati"n that • envoy t • the tu arer no
■ibio conception of joy generally making
li'-averi appear dull enough, • r <*!-•• he
grew • sentimentally soft, which,if any thing
i wor-e. Hut the di-tingnidie 1 struc-r
readily avoided either mistake and eio
q n-ntly carrying h • aid lice w.'.h the
thought, made them (>■••! the tr . -■■ la< y
that awaits the sain:-.
The harve-t ha ende I; th ■ g"Men
tl'-ld that -o gently wax- i in th" di-lanl
br- 7.1', hav te en ktrii j.'d of their I, a„ti
ful and fu-' inating appearance The in
ouslrimis farmer fee) re • I at li s golden
treasuru, with which he l.a- been • is .n
tifully rewarded. He feels that hia labor
lia* not be- ti in vain, but re-joj-< at the
r< uipi'nse tendered 1., m, by reliable
Mother Ktrll And v ' this i n-t all
the de -rving farmer lia !"• n bountifully
bl- I'd, with an abundance of nearly
ev ry d< cription of fruit . tho cherry,
the pouch, tho apple, and in (act ey-.-v
-th ' g h"! '■ ' t ■ th- o ,r• •I , ■
tion is unt.- .ally plentiful I- •' an. N '.
only -l.ouhl tho farmer (.•.•! rej-dc 1 at
what nature In ! no f r him, 1
every! dy inter.--'.- ! .n the fr , '.* of the
• •ur'.h ill i. gl.iy grateful '. 11.i.u,
, who ha j r . id< d f r ail > n lui. :.
jti -r whatever v nt, n■( life they
| >' 1 " I sr-u::./
A H-r• t 11 tne Ha t I' . w .
jhe l.i 1 m a grove re ar -: <rn.st-.wn,
; - .!urday, August 11. A Sun-lav st 1;
j an-1 every I iv in general are ins.'.- 1 t
att-nd, and | arti< ipat-- :r. a day r --a
!t-na; jr q rial-- ■th - *.• >f V •
h -unt ' d harv- t that ba just end* .
The order of li. day wilt c tiss-t (
; - -, A The I'm- Hall Bra Hand
will he present and enliven tho day with
Mi'. A -rar, I . It: is ex, ',<• 1
en !y alts '. : 'inl' gr o
at A. M a festival wi.l he h< ; 1 ir.
IS'irkett t w- 1■... In,.- on M i.dav eve
ning, A ! 1...
a ATI-MI, Ik- w v k --■ and Humside
—---I -,v Hh- . T..e 'ay. Aegu-t 1 I
II . : —J i',,.n. W - ir.e.day. Aug 15
\\ T th- 1' *t Mali.-la, Th in- lay, A -.
Taylor—Hannah. Friday, Aug IT
1':. p<! jr. - I R ib-- l'hiil; 1 IT,:,
-at .s lay. A.g 1"
I'-, nv. - and I'r.i n—Fnionville,
M lav. A ■ ' k"
I. • arty K.-.glev; !-•, Tu< lay. Aug 21.
II war 1 a: ! f'urtin—ll war 1, AV- J:
la% A . ■
Wa -.er 11 <'->--burg. T.- lav, Aug.
Afar, n—Ja - nx ille, W< Ire-Jay, Aug.
M l • at. 1 1t... : M1 .rg'Th .*
day. Au •
-; - ■ 1' •. nr.t II .. Fr .v. Ai • 1
lt<nor — Knox's Ixh" 1 House, Fatur
dav, Kept. 1
I'att'ii Wa-ld'.e F- 1 H i-e. M n
llalfm-on—Ft rmt wn- Tu< lay, Sept.
I ;e —L"tn nt. V>". In--lay. F j 1
Fergu- n—Pine Grove, Thursday, Sej
Harris—Rothburg, Friday, F"pt T.
Miliheim nr. ! l'enn Millh-im, M n
day, Sept. 1".
ilaii.es— Aaronsburg, Tu- -dav, Sept. 11.
Mill —Rehcr I urg, W- Inc-jay, Sept,
Potter—Centre Hall, Thursday, Fejt.
Gr"g' pring Mills, Friday, Sep! 11
A special examination will le held in
the o I lli ise, Hellefnnte, < t 0 wp.
plicmnts rnu-t c->me recommended by three
director* of the district in which tiiey in
tend !•• teach.
Examinations begin at ■■ clx-k, a. m. :
applicants must he punctual.
A meeting of director* i< desired on
each day of examination. They should
permit n<-ne, except j-ers.-ns of good char
acter, to enter the <lass, s.
D M. Wotr, Co. Supt.
are dangerous counterfeits in circulation
I .rporting t" be "Walnut leaf Hair Re
storer." The stronget evidence of its
great value is the fact that parties know
ing its Rreat efficacy try to imitafr it.
Each bottle of the yauisi' ba a fa- mm>U
of a walnut leaf—blown in the glass ; and
a Green Leaf on the outside wrapper. T.'iw
"Restorer" is a* harmless as water, while
it po-*ese* all tho properties necessary to
restore life, vigor, growth and color to the
hair. Purchase only from rcspotisiMc /wr
fie*. Ask your druggist for it. Each bot
tle is warranted. Johnston, Hollo way %
Co., Philadelphia, and Hall A Ruekel,
New York, A\ holesale Agents. 4-ly.
—When you want a first class job of
tinware done go to Jas. Harris A* Co.'*
Hardware Store and have Wolf do it.
Rest sto"k, first class mechanic*. 2t.
—Wilson, McFarlano A Co., call atten
tion to the only reliable Ready Mixed
l'aint in the market. The Pioneer Pre
pared Paint is not only superior to any
Ready Mixed PaiDt Sold but rivals Pure
while lead In Its smoothness in working
and du'abilitv. This paint is guaranteed
by the manufacturers not to crack or peel
within three year* The guarantee is not
only good for replacing the paint but it
will be put on If ll should crack or peel
within the time specified. It will be to
vour interest to call and see Wilson, Me-
Pariane A Co., before purchasing either
white lead or any other Ready Mixed
Political Announcement*,
rt ftutli sri/'xt !' UGil'slll. 1 hjgt lir J, Ii
MM 17 II • f F' TgIUM l| Will*.. , ft
Mi ■ii J 110 HMA f ||| j ■
Uttllt "Ufitjr OoflVi Dti'/M,
W%r Mtilhorlf* l to tut lIKMtV li
KM ITII, if r<r*t. .ii i-.w iili)|s, v- J1 i- , myiylmi'
f f Aea t.f. t" lit* .Js-si.i „ .f tf.*
Ds'im* ritfi' O.iuity { <ijv fitlisii.
\\- (r- tuilliGriEC"! f/j HDD'*<>()" tl.iit lOIIN RfKII
V.\., > t I'.lt. i trimMp, will In f f A-••
' Jfji,-' , Ntil/J*-< I it, tliw Js - tki'iti trf lit J Dm,-mil
(.Vjutit/ OjuvMitjisri. j
At hp .1 itn rtim-nn nt.
I>Y virtue of Buiulry writs of Fieri
> l*wl PariM and V.adlik.nl Kswaaa,
j inniK-l ■' ! t lis < .rt ', f■. • . I' - i , rj | f „ 1
' . i
j pllbli' iwiji At t)i( < -lit II fM", ill Ji jl.-f life, on
Saturday, Autfust 20, A. U. lGß.'j,
fat 1 k, I- M th* OU-iiig d - lih-t r.-*l
I li. • ; ' ■ !:!.'.* t -.A i!
A. ' f -'.••• • • !.• . j ? i - . :
1" til th it it sG f,< - • ! ■ i. -.t ■ i < ■ f
a' • til it, til. l; f . ..i I'. |.! '. r. I, r
il'a It ut* !.• Inu ! '!.*■ .'if'. !aw f -i- w. t ! \U nr
j l.i y .1 ll; 'I J II - - la Ot. Illtfh Ml' ' 1 th* < •
i.. ' • a tf" t 'l', ' H t I |e.s< l!'-, w % ft
j .-ft .1 ; *ml|pl with Kpiiii# ti .i '• i!••! if,, lift*.
I ID" Oi t II F.-U, US lift, hi,fill!
f. elf ll leti.-t t t i I • ft" aim -U>s Th*t
u He li 1 . • Unmo (
f -"lit .11 1 Otll. I Utl'i 1 ". / !, tisk. H-Hrctp
It a -M M lb*' !• J-fftrt I K'lwill'j K disl
'• I
A < " '. ? I J-.' ' I i N si*
a!' HI r H I I I'- IM !.b '• i ♦ ' f -fi
ss I -1* i t I*■ ' > Ul . I ' Ui \\ * u,
Was ' till I it - -- r 1 ls ? ta> x l U-a i
! i a' |- ' !i ' w ' HX fill V ft " 1 -1' -
*f 'lt I! "if nil I M aex. th. .
't ' 1 ■ is ' -f ' tt>. f! " V fs-■ tt -
! t 1 • 1 ll t .If t. th* • Hi ?.. A*. 1 Js.t -f |f. p! -ft
S " th" . ; t.Mf U
t. 1 ! ! KM Ilk tiin ' -a ' niif,f fit,
N ■? . f f J. i-f. ■ - t flft f f- . t t * p -st
theft" ! * !i I U,l. ; 1 e... 1 Ji-*3wr Ats'f F K .fli
r■"■ : ' h*!f Vt t t li.. j 4-f '.e
j • (An .'I i. v li a
\ - 11 t • r.vM tl* ' ' r-*t
t, ~ l ,t .err ft tiA • f Uli'l '. ' th i ' t eh i
'Walker, l fx f(h t tf" . iFf.ts. f IVtitsvhA
At at t XT ! Jftt ' .' H f, • '■ Hot ' ; •
t af ft - If,-' of MAft ' .}- f -*t t ffts.
A' 1:. ' a '! 1 • If* if. ! ft ' • W.M •lj e*lt .
-• Ut! . -J. "<••• I" :a| i<> • .•*'}■ ! ■ * • st
then • - Mit ■<- r ' f • lUM 4* TI ■ js. r- h 1 ?1 -
1 ?
IT ♦*. f e"T*H.k- lift ft. fi- f. tft'Al. f T> ■ " '
• t tk< ■ ■ % ' I* * ill* tJ.O.
; - • 11 * "t Thot. ,*
' ■ ' -
i '! f - n l l - . N
- } i M • ' - ? f. :.V ' • I t Kft ' fHi '/.-xaa*
jft V - I 1V- ■ l Oft". I.
* i W ' .1 I*. M ' . u . fla v • •
i; ( t M .ft " • • 1 I'M At! *
> . - h 4 • ) t ' - t }
f ' t f(. f- ; f • , AM: • ! !f< W J ' J*-?-.' 1,.-* I
. ■ ■
'j' 'A •. : . l A* Ihf j ' • !UK. M
li * -1
A: V s-s in *et '. f I • sa ' Ut ; x AT. 1 I
: , < - •
Wftihii fv .j.^
i I 1 fnasl tft.ftftlrtin 11.' .**• h s. r U f.l S
jM ' .• - f' • n • 1 .**.
a x. - ft ' Sft ftft, t
■ ' Jid
lift • • tl.rf. f i a ir* ' - ft., tr. ftft
ft mxtnr .'.ft'-- ' A >', ;■ • . M at ft 1* ' • c *1
;, ?<* n • !.•* I D u - O M'T! W ' h "ft G
I* Hui A" ;J 9 . OS ).'.?• r• - s * H. t. t H f U
• ft ' * X th' " 1" • t 'h lAh rIM f fi'l I'ft.
!- "• t I M ' u'■ I H M f
fti W M •>". ' ■ ft ; '< 5 M. 4
Ai fil i i * a.-' • i \V I! II ,th
,r I*r!,r 'M li.Hu!
Jiu i .
Alt' r. vt tj At 1 i„t .-si f lift I '- f Ur t
'• %TT 1 l a I'ft.t ft t-• •• M •*' i t M t f
lift'! i'tkt" to tiu n r It,'- ' II hf l, I Dti
N r- I 1 . c ' A - 7ft f At. M** Ku.'.ft
Kf t r.kM r t *1 r j v . }r-a t .l k
. X ' xr* lift bAih ! T r , At)'} eft th> Wt
. T f N J 1 I • . ■ , |f A' • a ... ,< r
>a f '•-> I*. r.j- h •!*!• I. AT. I
tb'T w ' 7* i. * .1 •!' ' T. AD 2
t I* i Ml!." j f j 1 f U Lull r*
N :
th• IV r ?' I'? ; •: t' I 'tx -
1- Pa l >i Aft 1 less. ** l l tU
y ■ z At < ft'. ' !•*' . I Ihl- lift 'k* 4 t!
I R* * 1 ftft. ib't - ft), a 1 ftfi *! Rar
r ft * mh • ■ ! ft- I u* llm t* fs-.l t lift '
•rsf burnt '! M • r lift • M t M r••. AH -J |
M r ft* 5 ' t ' ye —t 1 4 f !.<t *
M .tl ' ' ' N 1h A T ft a f < •)■ 'IH M •- '
- Pft ' .--1 Afi'l ' '• 't t .ftft T f IA ' |
I; -fti, ? , i l il! A £ IA* ft I Rt A itT 1 ■ !
J"-t t" the pliw' of !■• ." - ft£ -• th' ' !£*•• 4 ll*. r -A'j ;
a r| Aft i r tAir Mg a' ' ' ' )-alf *'f id tr rt
AU 'I" t * p.sft-A 1 jgrr- wM .!!•' t'A*t
x ♦ I ' fl' . :)xlrtt*C ' fsl finrili to Klt
t wftah'i t ifil9 • I ' *rlt# .ad I Hal* of l'<
i ' I v I • * i '■ *• *• ' m.( I,r -
{.if V At A |- At I- ' t 1 * >• aUT Milk* I A' 'I
H U ( ' h |f , , 11 . x r . x
t ' e y- ft) t 'fx f * AT(J ■r, '.lit* ft *.
H r*| Afxsft j■ t '.at A J t. U-' v 1 h I fix
r *Af • • tf -n. WMtt r hi fvt }..*. t ;
thr * '■* N r 11* f r*x . t s. IA" • half h ■' ' \4 • t
txac , r ; , r -a 1 ft f ' ft th D ' I x
.1 ft ti I i, * 41 ll)l * til .UpT ft V! Ml a-It/ft Tl
j • <" t . i ft Un<l riiiMtc.f M:• /an
V ■ •< * lul tUi'D-wt- ■ p- | ;l '. '
a | 1. • ' .-• ' x t \ •tX '
prihAf. RaM J#' h'* i ihF pITA < f S-* jin%ing .
llA.r at* ■*' * ft ' h!|'OS tootr "T !'*• r,
t< . . t) / I t t! rf ' xst.li }at . rcr of fff
Sfeft , f •ft I x.x.lt"— S
ln I * M \ V, •t. - , thlri x f.ftt ft ■' 1' t lift 1
It JA Ii f ft "ft x M'-J'-A?' 'c W cat A' hxifj r"i AtX-l
—• f'-ol Th". ersvii'i on AAi') t*r . ACfa ftO'l
njxEAr)* i.- at .. *i rp frum* dwelling
h *#.. • fA I 1 At. ! ' titrt Kthx,i linp* Ukro
in -fs tl-'O AG-1 to Iw a ii a# th- Ji j rtx f W
A. M ■ 'tr,
S* I.
AH th" !"Ur. Unu Hfiit til* And Inlrront in and t.
nil lhAt • TiAiti i t • r po. f frotind •float# in th"
i xai f p rt MatiMa. i cx.fro ■ nlr. PA h x;r-i< I
at, I a* f >ll- xa lUtinniDA al A J* ifit "r.
Iliffh att'v-1 H', fr-f t ft m i f-nirm j main trart of
RAH KfU Tallrt Rallf'.d, ihonoo A-.tjth x#*t alor£
ami 1 tr* t t n |-nl At M s1 Atr#l * north
ah r.ff MAI f atfow-t TO for th W llATrtml,
t M alone w At'r MR t t Hch tMr#M
thorx" a!"r High Atra-'t "• f. ft t tho fi#onnftve
rvmtainine "r. fsxnrth a*- 1* mr "t !*-• thaf#"*
ft" to ) a tx* Atofy fraic *ho# makr *h panJ at i*.
Al all that rrrtafxt h-t t paw. igr and AitOAi*
In P rt W vrth U xni*hl}>, rcninft. Pa
I* i.'-i and dnw'fllmml aa f fkitrt At eon
r.A' 4 A!U|' on Mntn AtraH t *- nth |IW fe*| f.x alUy,
tln nfo aI ng a*ld Allat 1* tln * pt. thstira north
, t*t i Aa U'l t Maifc *tr*" t, thf*c Along AlAit*t?wfl
north i? fUi •" aIU# th plana of
'-<ntaining <>no fourth atr. mute or '" th#r#o
a TWO foul a lo *tvry dwMHng hniw, an)
oihor r.Tjt•t)iMms
Alan, all that (**hlt faoBAOAg., famrlbaßt and I t
of land 4toaf In Worth t>nhip,r#titr# n xsntx. Pa.
ttrfxind**) and dae* r.lsfwj tt* f. ]|oa, to oil; fUfinainc
at a j-.int on plank W**ad •tort. (W.*xd atnoalk in
P rt MallMa alone Ptank It l inn foot to |w*t ,
thonoo {urallM arlth Wood atroet 241 f**| ♦*> jsoM
thorn o along John— lot IWt fMd to Ww*d atraiM.
north 241 foot to th* |4atr# of horinning—oontAif.lng-
Alao. all thai r ft r. m<—\,nsr , t-nemftit an t Wt
of fToABnd rittiAto in tl.o t..x*r*htp of Worth, onantjr
of Oulrr and Ktafo f Ponnalx-nndod am! doarrlho!
a 1., nit IVoginning at *pTint on north Aid#
of llald rowk. at ond of Wood atrM ; thMo#
ah.ng nafd Womf t-tiv-f f**t t !>"•) . Ihano* along
John ——.lot liki toft to |<x*|; thatif* paralUl with
Wow! tro*t 7'v* M t*. | nf; thano# nUmg MaM
R*gla (ti*l \S<i ft+9 tax ihr pi aa# of t# ginning—oon
talntng IM*d, ttkm lo aswuiM, and l<ha
•old m Ihr rtrni*fir <f John 0. J on#*.
K. <
All that t, -rtain lot of grttond AltnatA fn
iavtv.hip, enfttf, N., botiti4l and daarrllfxd
a* folfon-A # Ao nit t On th# oa*t hy <lmr|e Taylor* on
thr not th hr More*' Ttftef, o* thr mmi hy itmrg*
Taylor ami on lb* •H.tiU- ly pnhli# uxad—cxnutalmof
In x aero*, nifsr# or 1A. 44i#t#n nrmiaad a ifngl# fhiry
IhMW rhomh hmlding Mwf. takn in r*Acutkm
and to -* aold a* th# pf . jr-#tlr of Val#otfn# •#•#, al*
at, Unatmm of CTimtnuf tlmtf M K. ohnnth
o. 10.
All that r#rti lot r pir# of gtound Mtaat# in
Walhwrtilln. in Half Moon tnn*hip, CAwit*# cmnty,
l*#nna., on th# aoalh naat aid# of Main Mr##! adjistnlng
kda of Mr*, Wakrljr on fh wt* and M #f limry
A J .m </fi ih <#t. ki< <*„ | f , 11 j !i,; , r ~f Mj <|
filing m lot Ho J4, IrunUuy on M min *tfmt Btuty
fi*- In>i *u<l running In/k on* huwinvl mti-i Uty
tb* *hmi i't ml" *'.: ! Jmnt'i *.
Cto** j ir' liiwJ *f Orphun* ' -#jrt ill* * th'- j .roj,*y.
ifutUm<#,•• l*. M*tt?;. dicmwl Hi /- i ^i.. fl
" • -i, and h* -• - 1 is# ||: |f i' ttj f Jati.ra
AH flt*t "fUiii If . ! f 1 ! *ituM J *, |
U'Wfitbljf, < ffif county, totfb4kdl >y ~f M'Kif.
i.'| OHm P> oft di *!, || i . i. * <
rt. .1 h■■ ilit j f Um it I- .• • | \
I'' ' -ill* nimniny hI- t w/f<t)*; .r< It
ill-- main* 1 jf *i, )j W i 11:4 ra t urtiu in his
hfirt.fi,• %r.|.| by •flif i. I <j<r *,. Nt t/r fh* **,.} John
W■ ' M hi' h fttt '!* fft - W.f, ■ rjt,i, | T |,||
in il,i' ifrphun i < ft • •,!,„<} tfj# Ur^S
WllMl • 4
tf.' -7th day of st Ih7b,1 h 7b, H4 I, Wlll
In! j Ki/ ! -1 i,.
- i'l M llii i r*n* ny -.f .1 tv* * j
Nr. JJ
All !hjl 'rt.', u. >. I 1 . f Joxi'l rftu*l*
iulltrrl# t"wril>i| (>• tr* - ,<> IV. L I
fjft* 4* I • li< M.j, • h< 4 ftfe/fl#
' .11 Oil llll* t.J 'I 1,. |ftr,' (!*•&'• >
'h 'fiff.' i. fth ' | ~,.f |1 ;; t |, | f,, || . .<
ti,. • . - . Uo<| 14'. * I * I?a 74!/-. f,., J >,o ho.
• lh . t I'"t Ih.f'. !, 1f...
; ' f M • 7i. in j- n y ,!. 4* '— - - J' 4- M
I ? ii t" th' j.U'* f • hot ifijf—< !iU-' . f.,
H ' f - * 'J '* J■* 1• ft •< •. •,. <t' ! ?* > + i'.ry
'!■ iijiih- i. • . j.t . r . . t 'tihllr*^
r ; • rtf, t, h. *; } a. !.. i>t
| * -/f Ijounofl |> y w.tli •• 1 • ! all l*n*t U-n-
Ho 1:
; Ail I .1 rr: • t. f |<h* -f . ~J . Jfl
W * ! **'■ 5 '-tilr of , ( , 4f<< J, .|
* ' ■ ' • ' ' '•*" ' '" i. • ' n\ h piM
• ' f ► i*l f • Wf Ml-,., .„ h
h . , to . t if-r r.r to U - 1 J thn '. Ir
' f- r Ihi.'l 'f U M' Kit*.
• ,' • • ' • i * • .n . f y
lot ■ u . M , {#rc , /,
j * I- H if <r- t i ,t. ' th. t.JU VI- Hint.. *
; *•*'■< ■ ' • • s•' • h.* t . , ,4, 5 ; f
' '• Htofr .1, .. }.? . |. it, fc ',
I •*-!'!■* I lII' I to • f tto'lf IfiOj,,. O.t.to}r-;ou },ff V
"*" *' ' h-r I,fit f th. f. • r.tf t' 1
tof.l m i S f, . mt I , A : , r 01jt .
r> Jl'tr ri i M. 1 Wtf. M Kir.l.' ra
j ' toil," . . f f K . M < Mr i
j Tr - if •. f. fr •. , f j Mr ; 4},.
f!-'"2 r../r ttoik.f, 1 I utiM, k 5 t . j
I M 111. J • | 1 ft, ? A If' u
N' 3 *
Ail tht ft. i t f yt* m .; n ho-'W
*■ . ' " '"lf- ,
j ' ' " ' ; "t ti —• ■?}n . otiitrMt
!I > ! f 11. r!to-rt Hi . . ! • . N] r
JUfngin i' hi on , i utton*- 1 ft *• 'standi ok
i 1,1 - ? * ' • ,Ijt! h *' • ' "•- '. ■ f" J\.
j ftofc' u Ih • • ot .ft i t t r . 3 ft It. t t ] >tu . ?
N 1
i •' t •.1 • • ? Mhr or,. ' u ir, • .-.t, ,
! I'* \* u:.-i.'-i -in th <•! . 7 urt.j a.• |tr-. 1 , o h'-rth
•f ft '-ftftl ft r. V , - ? / V 1 . •! ,r. .
-• ■ ' ■ ut h:, ! t .- r 4
ft* If,' I Jr. ft) .f J "h.f L
' |fi
/ A i' '
| f to. tg ff- * I ■ . ' > V , I , , ,
■ I ;h I-.. * •h< * - - *'-t • | f < t t
I' ' -■. 1 t •' I < t •" ! v .-*■ 1 4'. f, # -t
. ' i
. ; • ' . t I- ';.. --y y :
... ...
A.j II ' ?1 %u 1 rft 5 f . *it .-.?<• • f'ttriit) ? *tt
. ' h ; . ' • ■lf • • tv. t*ft t. VI tU-H • 'J ft
!'•••- - •
i .
' I*! h H to .f 4? t , M m! (f < k
i• . • . • t H i'k 1M• h ' fr, I' n !%.
. W JH ! U . % T' t .4 W
ji* • I" hn," N •*. . J ,-f t,*
: . m • 4* • I. If. M Offr /. \\
I . •. ' t N "■ ' tt f Mto-. (Y#. k v
• • t ■ ,• - F. J
! ; . h'-. I • - :■ r • KT ! ... , th. •, -
•< •i- ft;, i - #1 ,fr t !ft lid* f
■ , |w mi . 2ten ! j.' t * T< •f* 4* v—m
jU ' j.*- h.. t ; If • . • f1 • i va-ftM. I
. j Will T Hr. if- • 1.% x * > I•! % fttst*. *
V •, ,U rw VA ... * I fc f -vt • N
I jr't■ • * K tl !■"'■• '*"t *•/., -* 'i.fti t' k
-k fr' ft' . r N . ' . •<* I * |#f hft# I
. ,
Jf t rft • n! hi- *hr M,r. . j }.
' tk* IT} . i ti 11 r . t t ► . 1 ft# |lm I r
fMy • i J ' - I* Lfc ft.
N 11
All t. rvi.t ti 1 tsyl of th<> t iftfit m
' i: 1h t '"•*' ; ' • pt) f 'f tf. to! 4
-tf.t (|" T , I t.T i. H% ' ■ ft* ? M|i t .
- 'h \ J !?#'# ! '■ • *• " t-t:. * '• ; trw t
• ftt. i 1 ■ . ti . ! - 1 - t : '.t t ,
■ h , ft, i I , r tf hr —. a* Mt.#- t -<1
r ;r, u 'T • i ft '.fit i." ~ -nth V fttfr t
f"t ftffi rni.t fflmrkt an *Jh r i U-I , tl . r.- 1,
ff ■' ! <t !*nr' 1 • fmir' dftfi ?>p h uw ju,(l
th-. r ntl viih! 11. nut! it • , tf.r-f 11 .f. f fortrtiaif - n
k < *•.?!-'t ft ft; rtiht 'a 1 W 1 ?>• u3"u % 1 "*♦
ft fth.ijsr.jy 1i - itoI r < r t .l . ' . njj Mj<
. 1 J 1 f ft!, t lt V - ft. 7t thk Ti
* "•' t i 1 fttrl t ! . ft thr j r |*m ill 11.
T ibv ('ami- 'I-.-.l will fwfc kn..wl
-1 Ib# j 'if Itftftft r. ?t !• j.f.l ! r f
T .1 nrS'KKL Sheriff.
fh'r-fl't Brllrf ~t. r . An;-. } ..
NOTICK in hc-nhv pivrn that the
I ltd ! fitmJ a -M f U n. rr*H.
• f J - ). 'l. !MM IMIII 1 ' " lb# 1
fti !"• tf f. 'nr* r.f 11 1 uri f < in r. I'liuft m
In 5 1 til" ' nntT "1 C' T,U> . fthd thftt fcftrd ftrrv ur t
!' • 111 ■' j * "hU J ft <a ? ' f oifttif f. ftt t'ft T" % t ttm
r.f to ! qrt. J. C. II AHf'Eli,
I • ■ ooter)
1 >AKIH fX N< >TI< K.— Notice h
1 f h f..r t hft jH#r<Un > f
Jhn r.fn t in th# H ifn j#riitr >
tlftTT.wll frft rrtft'V trt lh* IV.ftrd fff ! f, ftt thf
n<"#tihg of ft&hl l oftml In AnfUM .
I I FttBTNET. MtrlUir.
I^STHAY. —Came to the premise* of
I J th# iff* ftt th At 1 jftfti nrg F<'#'cn. •
tnflk <■ . Itfchl fftJo'"!, withll# •!>#• Th# f#rn#f ft
? t-.ftwl tr. r- ni" |t mmtA. jr. * J'hl*rt,t, Jftl diftt|H
toJifJ tk" h#-T ##. f.Uiftr* I*# hft ft#} | ItftJxMMiil tf
ft rrlinet .U*. Wiu MW Mlt**
July If*. > 5 # or*. I*#.
This Institution will open it next
Regular Sow-ion on
Monday, Sept 3, 18H3.
Th® ram® corp.V.f teachcrr, who gave o
much .*tirfction lMt y.wr U> the j*tron*
and friend, of the Academy in regard to
l)iM-ip)in® and the Method* of Inrtruction*
will M"it the Principal in conducting the
achool the enauing year.
Teacher of the Primarr Department,
Principal of th* Young Ladle* Hootn ar.d
Teacher in Higher Kngliah and .Science*.
.Teacher of Latin,
The Principal will take charge of the
Young Oentlemen'a Room and gitre i-
Uroclion in (ireek and Malhematie>.
Pupil* will he prepared Carefully #nil
Thoroughly for Uuit,M or for College.
Special attention will he giren by the In ,
atrurtor# to the Moral and Heligiow* Cut;
tura of the Student#.
Bokrdcru, either young ladiea or young
gentlemen, will be charged for boarding
and tuition per week. Thi include* all
ordinary expenaaa except wahiog.
31-lm. J. P. UI'GIIKS.
■v *