LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Mortal Life at Vanar The Poughkeepsie X. Y., eorros pondent of tho Harturd Herald writes that there is not much formality about the social life at Vassar college, as all the students live in one building. There is always considerable fun and enjoy ment in the senior class, as a certain corridor is their exclusive property. They have a class parlor also sacred to seniors, which is used as a room for both business and social meetings, and is finely furnished. Outside cf the senior class, the pleusantest life is the parlor life of the students. A few girls room alone, but tho great major ity have parlors, live girls constituting a " family," each with her room, but all having the same study parlor. The nature of the girls determines whether or not the room is ready for study. Perhaps this system is conclusive to cliques, but it affords a good chance to learn humanity, and to adapt one's self to circumstances. Then there is a chapter of life (neither very social nor interesting), the spreads—much fun, but discouraged by the faculty— and class and club life, whose interest varies with different classes. Vassar is divided into many cliques. It is not possible, it seems to me, for any gen eral sociability to exist, for "birds of a feather must [lock together," and you cannot make them do otherwise. Fnatiton'a The mysterious origin and quick dif fusion of the decrees of fashion are past finding out. The silent forces of nature, by which the frigid and some times repulsive forms of winter are changed into scenes of vernal life and beauty, are as unknown and unknow able as are the sources of the unwrit ten laws which hold despotic sway in fashion's world, ify seeking, one can rarely llnd out whence they coine, by what mental process they are evolved, or I*"* caprices or necessities, real or fanciful, which call them into being. But no enemy's stronghold, no wrong of the ages, no malign system of oppres sion, no heresy, or schism was ever assailed with less hope of successful encounter than are the edicts which fashion formulates f<>r the guidance of her subjects and votaries. One would say that in our own country, or in England, a thing of beauty-univer sally so regarded—would always lsj reckoned beautiful; that natural gifts of form and feature would always main tain their place as graces unchanged by the vagaries or vicissitudes of la mode. But the news cornes to us from over the sea that there is to lie this season an entirely new style of beauty. A correspondent of a prominent Eng lish journal says: "The girls with ruddy locks or the golden hair and the feaxon skin that have held their sway so long, will have to abdicate their throne to their darker-haired sisters. So fashion has decreed, and when fash ion does decree a thing, the result is as unalterable as a general election. To be in the fashion to-day you must have dark hair, dark blue eyes, not a parti cle of color, but lips as red as a cherry. I fail to see how these varied require ments are to be met, but they will be met I feel sure, and that this new vagary of fashion will be a source of rejoicing to many girls who, fur the last few years, because of their dark hair, have Ix-cn quite surpassed and overruled hv the blonde-haired maiden —of that there can be no doubt." —New York Eveninj /'of. Fahlon \otra Jersey tunics are new and stylish. Bright yellow is chosen for handker chiefs. The fashion of sealing letters with wax is on the increase. Irish point collars appear in the standing military form. Large hlark laces are worn in place of mantles with summer dresses. Drooping brims have taken the pbue of sailor hats for children*' w ear. Cloth and cashmere suits are made •ip in combination with ottoman vel vets. Softness is a prominent characteris tic of the summer silks and woolen goods. Spanish net mantles dotted with velvet, are the novelty in summer wraps. Copper-colored silks trimmed with : blaek laces are favorites with Parisian women. Entire ruches of bright geranium are made to cover the brims of small bonnets. Cold braid and ribbon velvet are In terlaced for the crowns of little dress bonnets. Humming birds, poised on flowers or laoe, are on some of the prettiest bonnets. Iland-run guipure and soutache j Spanish laces are the richest and most effective. A French paper reports tho wearing of laco to excess this summer on the other side. Percale robes, beautifully embroid ered, are sold at very reasonable prices this season. Brides'trains are not very long when the dress is of India mull or any soft sheer fabric. Chintzes, lawns and organdies make up beautifully with lace or Grecian embroideries. Many of the pretty summer silks and foulards in light colors are trimmed with white lace. Black kid gloves are shown with English stitching on the back of man" darin yellow silk The fronts of some of the new straw bonnets are formed of amber beads mixed in gilt passementerie. The small Grecian knot, with waved or crimped front hair, remains a favor ite coiffure with many women. A unique bonnet is composed of alternate rows of gold and leather braid, with a brim lined with roses. Woolen materials with raised designs in velvet or plush in contrasting c ol ors, grow constantly more fashionable. Gloves are still worn very long, ami the new English styles are gathered a' intervals around the wrist ami arm, forming puffs. An accepted evening costume con sists ot a silk bodice over a lace waist and the skirt of silk trimimsl with late flowers all the w ay to the top. Watered silks and satins art: employed for combining with other materials, such as camel's hair and brocades, but are not used for the entire dress. Kate Green.iw ay handkerchiefs of white silk, with gayly colored figures of old-fashioned children on tin- hem, are knotted as cravats for little lioys to wear with their kilt suits. forded hats in basin and poke-shape are made of white linen and <>f colored gingham to match the summer dresses of little girls. A box-pleating of lawn and lace is placed around the crown for trimming. THE FAMILY DOCTOR. To Cure If,sir*' now. Beat well the Whites of two cgifs, add two table sjHionsful white sugar, grate in half a nutim-g, add a pint of lukewarm water, ■•tir well and drink often. Re peat the preparation if nee-s>arv. A*thm'i. one ounce flour sulphur, one ounce pulverized sugar, a small quantity of ground capsicum, enough to barely flavor it; dose, as much as a 3-cent piece can hold every two hours; rub the chest and spine with butter and salt. The homeopathic remedies are arsenicum and ca|>sirum; avoid sauces, cheese, cakes. pi-s, and gravies as food. Lime J aire in Treatment of liijdi th-rlei. —M. Czartoryski. M. I)., of Mockton, C;d., w rites as follow s to the I.ondon Lan-rt: During a prolonged residence in the interior of China, I became acquainted with the fact that the Chinese place great reliance dur ing the epidemics of diphtheria on the internal use of the fresh juice of the limes and of the fruit itself, whirn they consume in enormous quantities in every conceivable form as lem onade with native spirits, cut in slii < s, etc. —during attacks of this dreadful disease, with apparently most success ful results, it hardly ever failing to effect a cure. The Chinese consider it a specific, and will, in case of need, do anything to obtain a supply. Since I have come bark from California, as also in Louisiana, I have used limes anil their juices in my practice as a physician, with most successful re sults in cases of diphtheria even in the most desperate cases. As soon as I take charge of a case of diphtheria. I order limes to be administered as freely as possible, in any manner the patient can be prevailed upon to take them, cs|xria!ly in the form of hot lemonade, sweetened with white sugar or honey, or cut in slices with pow dered with sugar. Beside* limejuire (which I suppose acts by imparting an excess of oxygen to the circulation and thereby prevents formation of vibri ones, etc.. and so has almost a spec!lie effect on disease),l prescribe whatever drug may l>e indicated to relieve symp torns as they develop and impart strength by appropriate stimulants and nourishment. A Turin jeweler has made a tiny troat formed of a single pearl, which shape it assumes In swell concavity. Its sail is of beaten gold, studded with diamonds, and the binnacle light at its prow Is a perfect ruby. An emerald serves as its rudder, and its stand is a slab of ivory. It weighs leas than half an ounce. Its price Is |SQOO. A (TKMM'S TALE. Thi Slnnitnll*'* <|nrii* ami tvin lie \V*r, 11. A Cleveland, Ohio, reporter spent fully an hour in conversing with u score or more of the ('hineso citizens with a view of obtaining information regarding tiie queues worn by Chinese. Tliere are in Cleveland a numherof the celestials who are intelligent and in du.trious. One of these, who keeps a laundry, is far more intelligent than the average Chinaman. lie is neat and clean in his dress, which is pat terned after ours, and is more orderly in his hahits and HIKMIC than most of his race. From this intelligent China* man, and from other sources, some in teresting information regarding the "pigtail" was obtained. For many hundred years prior to the year Dili. the native emperors of the < liinese dy n.i-ty compelled the < hinesc suhjects under them to wear long hair over the w ho|o hea l, and wear it in a tuft or coil, something after the manner in which thy ladies wear false hair switches at the present day. The lirst emperor of the present dynasty, who ascended the throne in 10-M, de termined to make the tonsure of Man churia, which was his native country, the token of the submission of the Chinese of the entire country to his authority. It was not long after tie began to reign that he issued a general order that i airiisl the greate-t consternation with it throughout the kingdom. He ordered the people to shave all the hair from their heads event the crown • and to allow the hair on that particu lar part to grow long and dress it ac cording to the custom of Manchuria, It required considerable time for the Chinamen to Is-eotue fully a> cu- toiiicd to this change, hut the custom tinally prevailed throughout the length and breadth of the great empire. It is.said at lirst those who conformed with the new rules were pre.-ruted with a tad of silver. After a while :dl the new converts to the new custom were given half a tad < f silver. Then the present was reduced to only a tenth of a tael, and then only an egg wa-given- Finally the egg was dispensed with and no present was given. The law that r- piired the |>eople to shave their heads and braid the queue was not often rigidly enforce I by the penalty of immediate death, hut it was *M>n an established fact all over the empire that those who did not d > as the emperor desirid. would never heroine sue< essful in a lawsuit against those who did conform, nor wool I they sue <-id in t.eir busin- s, or other en terprise* and undertaking. AUiiit a year ago. when the empress and co-regent died, the wliole nation went into mourning, ami in memory of the the law forbade the Chinese shaving for a month. In the city of Foochow, the mayor of the town made the discovery that the higher jH.wers were l*ing disregarded and he accordingly made a raid upon the l.arlier sho|, and sixty Chinese were caught in the art of being shaved. They were arreted, brought lefore the mayor, were heavily fined, and then severely bastinadoed. More than this, their heads were painted a bright blue, which is the color for mourning in China, and a coat of varnish was put over the paint. Kvery week while the mourning lasted the culprits were com. jielh-d to present themselves weekly to receive a fr<-h supply of paint anil v arnish. In this country the Chinese who be come American citizens. and who ac cept the Christian faith as their ls-lief, do not hesitate to cut off their queues and dress their hair in the American fashion. However, those who retain their native religion, and who intend at some future time to return to China generally retain their queues or "pig tails." as the hoys sometimes call them. If a Chinaman were to return to his native land without his queue he would lose the respect of his country men and lie compelled to leave the country. Japanese Horror of Fire. As the hour approaches for the lighting of lamps In the evening at Yokohama the sound of the fire patrol is heard and nil the night long the streets are perambulated by these warning guardians, who l>eat two hand-stick* or clapjiers together with the regularity of clockwork, giving forth a sharp ringing sound that there is no mistaking, and they also have a regular note of warning which they cry out nt regular intervals of time, so that the necessity for precaution is present to the mind of all the dwellers in the city throughout the hours of darkness, whether they will or no. The incendiary Is the most depraved of criminals in the estimation of the people, and none others were so fear fully punished In the past. At proa ent death Is tho penalty meted to on who commits arson. "A JIJMPI.NG-OFF PLACE." A Town VV hull Will 11, n (.airway lu Slrtlro. A Xlrslraii Aiollrioa. Laredo is literally tic- "jumplng-otT pla'-" for this part of this country, writes a correspondent from Laredo, Tex. Here it is that the Missouri Pa cific system finds Its most extreme southern end, while from here the Mexican National, and to-be-built In ternational roads, take their start and shoot southward to the city of Mexico, some B ramie. It has a queer, s--ft taste, ami seems to have little sub stance. There are scores of Mexicans here who make their living selling this v.ater almut the street*. Go where you will down to the river bank, and you will sis- from five to twenty <> f these little water carts. They consist of a large sized barrel mounted on two wheels, and are drawn, ea< h. by one little "burro" or Mexican donkey. I wish that I could pleture to you the ludicrousness of one of these outfit* the "burro" itself is the most comical, tough, fiod-forsakcn-looking little creature I ever s<-t eyes on. It resembles, for all the world, a huge rat which has just been drowned out of its hole. The burro has a tail which looks as though it had l**n gnawed half off by an industrious terrier. The streets are quite narrow in places, yet again they will be found wide, well-built and sutistantial. Most of the persons *-en on the streets are Mexicans. They all wear the pro verbial "sombrero," wide, flowing trousers, and are frequently wrapped up In a blanket, generally of some bright color. A Mexican, when nt tired in his street costume, looks most like the heavy villain one s-es on the stage almut the time blood is to lie shed. The people all seem to le ex cessively civil and peaceable—anxious to please you do not stare at strangers, but appear to have business of their own to attend to, and go about it con tent not to molest, if left undisturbed. The Mexican National railroad has its main offices at Laredo, on the Texas side. The buildings are constructed of brick, are large, substantial, and pre sent a good appearance, I went to sec "Blind Tom" the night 1 arrived in Laredo. This musical wonder, who has charmed and mystified thousands all over the country for years, has drifted way down into this edge of civilization. He drew a good audi ence. too, and we were greatly interest ed, a*, seated in a large and well ven tilated hall, located over the principal saloon in the place, 1 gazed upon an audience which was truly representa tive of frontier life. 'There were a few white ladies, generally the wives Of Americans employed by the railroad company; several Mexican women, in their peculiar fancy headdress, a num- Imr of small children and babies, almut a dozen representatives of "Fncle Sam" from the neighboring military post, some In a half-dress uniform, and others wearing simply ncivilian'!dress and a soldier's air. There were Laredo police—Mexican ami American—each with a small silver star on his breast, and a huge revolver on his hip in a belt Colored people and Mexicans, Americans and Germans, of all ages, sizes and conditions, made up the balance of the audience, which, albeit that It was a curious looking mixture, was a* the same time most orderly and appreciative. ARCTIC FIXPLOKATIOXM. .lortlenaknld'i Htw I'rojnf,- A Krnpti leal *ur%e> of oiiit opposite the southern part of Iceland or Cape Bis marck. the most remote point on the east side of the country. The chief object of tiie expedition is to search for traces of the colonies which the people of Iceland established in Greenland in the tenth century, and which flourished exceedingly for a time, so that there were many villag< a capital city, and a bishop. But the decline of piracy and of the influence of which tin- Scandinavian kingdoms had yielded in the affairs of the north of Europe, which decreased as pi ray loo,o<> >. He gives employment to many thousands. In early life he had no opportunities to acquire an education, but his library is replete with ltooks that delight students in all th<-s< iences, and he reads them attentively while sitting at a window which overlooks his deer park, a trad of land nearly four miles square. He is the wealthiest man in Gothenburg, ami hi* mansion in towa and his country seat are won - ders to the peasants. Hi* deed* of charity and philanthropy endear him to the people. President Johnson** Romance. A correspondent, writing from Wash ington, rejKirts a long conversation with l'arson Brown low's son regard ing "Andy" Johnson, in which the narrator recalled a romance associated with the late president. It was John son's first love affair. Mr. Brownlow said: "The President fell in love early lie was only nineteen years old when he married, but two years before this, while he was a journeyman tailor in South Carolina, he fell In love with the daughter of a small planter. His love was returned, but the girl's father, who had a few acres of land ami a couple of negroes, would not consent, to his daughter marrying a tailor, and the future President was rudely re pulsed. The great wall of China is 1200 miles long, twenty feet high, twenty five feet thick at the base and fifteen feet wide at the top. Towers are set at Intervals of 100 feet, or rather were set, for now the greater part of the structure Is but a heap of inoldering rubbish. CLII'PIWM FOR TIIK (.THIOL'S. Quick medicines have lx*-n taxed in Knglnnd since 1789. I 111 1< n s first steamboat Ixsgan run ning between New York and Albany i in I*o7. I,ritil lK.'l. r the ]>anishmcnt f<;r sacri lege in England was death. .At that : date it was changed to transportation i for life. 'J'he first Thanksgiving Day was in | 1021, and was appointed hyGov. J'.rwL ford, in gratitude for the se&M. "S , harvest. Mr John Lubbock is of the opinion j that some of the very lowest animals not only perceive colors hut have pref erenci-s in regard to them. Ihe first American bishop was Sarn uel Seabury, who was consecrated hi-hop of < onnc ticiit hy four nonjur iug prelat'-s at Alxrrdeen in 17*4. II Is reported in I/r. FooU't Hmtth Monthly, tiiat freezing often merely suspends animation in frogs, snail-. Injects and even fish, and they limlx-r up again and are "alive and kicking" when thawed out. A peach tree with blood red leaves has been presented to the Corinth Tenn., Nulj-So'ler and Ittnuyrat. It is stated that the first tree of the this variety grew < n the battlefield of Hak-r ( re< k, on the sjot saturated with the 1 -t gl sleep eri ugh. I>r. < ..ruing drops a few simple hints which max l>e of value. In the first j lace jx-oplc.should have a regular time for going t > sleep, and it sh' iild be a- s->n as can well ixj aft r sunset. People who sleep at anv time. a ording to convenient, get less benefit from their sleej. than other getting sleep becomes more difficult; there is a tendency to nervous excita bility and derangement; the repair of the system d.-s not equal the waste The more finely organized jeople ar P the greater the difficulty and the dan ger from this < a use. The first thing in order to sleep well is to go to Ik-1 at a regular hour, and make it as early as possible. The next thing is to exclude all worry and exciting subjects f thought from the mind sometime before retiring. The body and mind inust le let down from the high-pressure strain before g 'ing to lx*d. so that nature can assert her rightful supremacy after ward. Another point is, never tc thwart the drowsy impulse when it conies at the regular time by special efforts to keep awake, for this drowsi ness is the advance-guard of healthy, restorative sleep. Heep is a lxxon which must not l>e tampered with and put off, for if compelled to wait, it i? never so perfect and restful as if taken in its own natural time and w ay. The right side is the best side to sleep on. except in special cases of disease, ani the position should l>e ncar'y horizontal. Finally, the evening meal should l>e composed of food most easily digested and assimilated, so that the stomach will have very little hard work to do. A heavy, rich dinner taken in the eve ning is one of the things that murder sleep. Late suppers with exciting food# and stimulating drinks make really restorative sleep next to impossi ble. Narcotics are to be avoided, save as used in cases of disease by com. petent physicians. The proper time, according to Dr. Corning, to treat sleeplessness is in the daytime, and it must lie treated by a wise and temper, ate method of living rather than by medicinca This is good common sense. And doubtless a vast deal of the debility, the nervous derangement and the insanity of our time would be prevented by more good, restful natur. al sleep.— New York Star. She Didn't Kind "Did you hear any of Wagner's operas?" asked a Huston critic of a Cincinnati lady who had re cently returned from a tour of Europe. "I heard them all,"she replied rather languidly. "1 suppose the first time you went you were quite overeome by the grand concatenation of sounds." "Oh. 1 didn't mind It," was the re sponse. "I've been married twenty years, and my husband is s fearful snorer."— Brooklyn Eagle.