Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 09, 1883, Image 6
Che Centre jJimomtf. BELLEFONTE, PA. The Late Earthquake in Italy. A calamity which destroys thou sands of lives in a city and wrecks the fortunes of tho survivors, leaving their houses mere ruined sepulchres and tiieir gardens yawning graves, is ne cessarily one of the saddest events nl life. The whole story of the destruc tion of Casamieelola will not be known lor days, possibly never, lor it the damage done is as great as the > arly reports represent it to he it will he impossible ever to learn the lull tale of victims. With many death ami permanent sepulture will have been simultaneous, and it the city's site he again utilized it will he over the grav. ■ of hundreds of its citizens. It is im possiulc at this time to judge with any accuracy of the number of per-ous killed and injured by such an occur rence. Society becomes e iinph telv disorganized l>v fright, as well as l>v the destruction of all landmarks and standards by with h to di-'eovcr the extent of tho damage. It is difficult for persons in this un'rv to <■ mpre hend the horror • f > >■ i ping a mis fortune. Probably the iv an t ap proach to such en eipt rience was that of the people of (Ihieago in their great lire nearly twelve years a-o. Rut even the wiping out of all the build ings ola gn at city could not produce the overpowering sen.e of helph ssm that aeepmpauit ' an tarthq ink'-. Even those who have lived all tln ir lives in p'aces where earthquakes are frequent gain little < -r n-t C"iira;;>- from their experience. The writer ha.- -< en a crowded hall-room cleared in the few seconds intervening bctwv n the beginning of a trembling and the -olid shock which usually announets the end of the motion : an 1 y. t nim - tenths of those who displayed such agility in getting out were a ■ u-t urn •! to at k-a.-t three or im r.- -hot v.- y arly. The mind instantly bee un • j 1 of one idea, to the exclusion <>t ail others, namely, that, short < t' (lying, there is no means of r< aching a plae of absolute safety. From the a< counts rt < < 'v I thus ;r it is probable that the movement - : the earth was neither an upheaval n r an undulation. It -••■ mid t> l><- n general -inking, unmarked hy ,m -t • : the usual pheuoinena of an ordinary earthquake. It i- Weil ki. wn tie.', earthquakes rnuintain a el r lati >n to volcanic action, but tla r are i. r tain peculiarity - about m arlv i v ry large movement of the earth's surt i • which make it imp ilde to frame a theory that will account : r all tho chnraoteri-ti< - of carthquuki . I' iht h-s this one may hnv - inti <1;: ■ I a new variety of incidents t . j uzzle scientific men, hut at pr- -on? thekn wn facts point t< a stidih u -uh-idem •• of the earth's crust, unaceoinpani i by any violent volcanic acti-n in tin neighborhood where the arth-tn v - tnent occurred. Tl i- i- rendered nmre certain hy the absence of all action , f the water in the adjoining hay. Win r ever a genuine volcanic earthquake takes place on the -ea roast there i sure to Ih- a viole nt disturbance of the sea, sometimes causing an < mjuying >f the hays seaward, follow. ■! hv a tr< - mendou- incoming wave, o -wift, strong and high a- to -w.s p all before it. In the harbor of St. Thomas in 1 *67 tho tidal wave following an earth quake carried two American men-o'- war up into tin- town, anil after float ing tbcm over the roofs of the tir-t line of warehouses left one of them high and dry upon the shore, three hundred yards from the water. Simi larly, in I'eru in Ix6'', the Wntercr was swept ashore two miles inland, where she was dismantled and left. No such tidal wave was noticed at Ischia on Saturday, nor were there any shocks or undulations on shore. The place is said to he fitly described in homely phrnse as a town of which the bottom has "sliimjKil out." It is possible, of course, that volcanic activ ity will be found to have been devel oped at some point of the earth's sur face very distant from Ischia, foi such distant sympathy is not uncommon : hut at present it would seem as though the gradual cooling of internal fires might have left the surface unsup ported at Ischia, compelling the sud den falling in of the enrth to fill the cavity caused by the shrinking. It is to be hoped that tho loss of life is exaggerated in these first reports, hut this hope cannot he relied on. The early accounts of the earthquake at Chios more than a year ago greatlv underestimated the number of casual tics, and there may be no inaccuracy in the large figures given for tho loss at Casarnicciola. There is one cer tainty about this disaster—there will be no heated discussions to determine who was to blame or how it might have been prevented.— Phila. Record. What Tongue Did Christ Speak ? Home learned students of this ques tion, which the revision of the Old Testament 'has vested with renewed interest, are of the opinion that the popular language of the inhabitants of Palestine at the time of Christ's mission was Greek. The Rev. Alex ander Roberts, I). D., recently pub lished a hook on tho Old Testament revision, in which ho gives some rea sons for this conclusion. For centuries preceding the coming of Christ the tries bordering on the Mediterranean. • The old Hebrew, in which the law had been written, had become a dead lan guage, and only tho learned men of ' that period were able to read tho Pentateuch. Tho pure Hebrew race in Palestine spoke Aramaic, which ■ was totally unlike the Hebrew of • Moses and Isaiah. The (ireek lan ■ guage and the Aramaic were, then, I I the tongues spoken in that country at the time of the coming of our Lord. Hence, l>r. Roberts argues that while • I teaching the people Christ would mi ll dross them in a language that they understood. F.vcu if lie knew the ■ Scriptures in the original Hebrew He ■ i would no more lie likely to use them ■ | in that way than a modern preacher I who knows the New Testament in the i original Greek would give his text in j that. The evidence that the common . people umlor-t"od Greek our author j itv considers conclusive. As examples ■ of facts which lead him to this opin . ion lie quotes the i pisth s which were i written in (ireek by -onic of the npos • ties to the Ilebrew < 'hrsiians. Paul's epistles to the Greeks were, of course, 1 written in Creek. "Hut," n-ks J >r. Huberts, "why should Peter, who was a strict Hebrew, write his epistles in i ire k unh ss the llt brews understood (ire.k? Why was the epistle to the . ; Hebrews ascribed to Paul written in t; Creek?" The apostles appear to ■ j have -pok> it in Aramaic and in < ireek r .as the occasion seemed t • demand. • : < 'liri-t tl'ii not udtlrt -s Himself merely to a province, hut to the world, and Hi- utterances weie, then-lore, in the . language thai was bc-t uiuh r.t(i"l. r Creek wti- the language of civiliza tion: moreover, "it was the civil,za i tin i ' that era which accept' 1 111 111 i while tie 11> hr> ws r- <■(. 1 I line' • I The question is one of ] liar in • t -it -t. I'he de-ire to know a- ami- I ratclv as p -siblo the i vaet worth of ir Saviour is inborn in the bp ast "t - rvcrv believer in Him. The trfn.-la i tion from Cre.k to l.ngli-h i- very i certain to he correct, whil that from Aramaic t ■ Cr.k i- hv n > nit in - • I sure. Ih tee the di-coverv that He [ taught in tie' t; r .-, k languag • - t • bring ti -in tier to the truth. -I'h■ ; n-Cnr.l. Tricks of 8 nine'tiers • /> j "One way <f smuggling diam mis ; i- to put them in a belt like a money b It, fitting closely t > tie- li"dy. Hut . the prat-ti.. i t u< h• ! tlo- • !!,■ ■ r will generally d.- • t thi- hy pa—ing tl i iiaii'l- over the .111vr clothing. In 1 .1-. .ol strong suspicion tl. re is n he-itnncy in stripping men and w .men in the search i > in, the v, mien, of e mr-.\ being at'- nth 1 hy i< ma!- -archers. Sime very funny stories are t Id . f the • xp- dents ad .ph-d fir eonct .ding diamonds where they would not ordinarily he In i.' d fr. i• w woinen, however, hav> the nerve t withstand --arch. Ihe men -..rin - tines .-how tight, hut not "It* n. lie otli'• rs must, of course, very ir cum*pact in deterrftining on a search. Twenty-dollar g M pi. '' - in a I" It about a man's body may he mistaken for watches, and then the officer get* laughed at ; hut In- must take that risk. The question* are : 'Have vm anything n> w and dutiable ah nt your per-oii. and 'Have y u n. re than oue watch ?' '"Or.ce I picked out a man in a I t .f pa—engers and il> terniin 1 to search him. My partner laughed at me. a he had not noticed anything -u-piri otis about 11m innn, and Ik-1 ine a din ner I would not find anything. I found that under his outer clothing the man had a valuable tof furs, with cutis, coat and muff, and he frank ly admitted that lie win trying to evade the duty. He was glad to buy the goods of the Custom House at the ' appraised value. "< hie way of diamond tnuggling i- I to w rap up the stones in a hall of yarn i carried in a lady's pocket. Rut the . gems may easily h<- found hy piercing . j tin- hall with a long needle. It i- not . i difficult for an expert to detect stones . i concealed in the lining of clothing, i Ing experience, develops a marvelous : | delicacy of touch that reveals the i smuggled goods as quickly, almost, as . if tlmy were openly displayed. 1 have . often detected silks and laces folded - between clothing in trunks undergoing . examination some distance off*. I have, for instance, observed the unnatural ~ stiffness of a pair of pantaloons a they were turned over in a trunk, and, . upon turning the trousers inside out, t have discovered dutiable goods inside, r This is easy enough when you have . had years of practice, but a movice r might see tlie same thing and not dis i cover any smuggling. People who . wrap themselves up in smuggled dry | goods generally betray themselves hy . their unnntural proportions. Homo t time ago we raptured a fellow with . lares wound about all his limbs. It took us somo time to unwind him. "False bottom* in dressing cases, trunks, bandboxes and the like arc - often used for diamond and jewelry I smuggling. One man was caught with I a false lining in his hat. One push ; on the lining revealed tho fraud. One fellow was observed with a hump on • his back. Examination disclosed tho ■ fact that his deformity was occasioned ■ by forty-two gold watehes. His heart t was almost broken when we seized tho • goods. Women have lietn detected i smuggling valuables in their chignons, i and it is a common thing for them to - line their dresses with aiika and laces, easily disclosed by quick external ex amination. "The HCtIHO of smell often ex|oh< h the smuggler of otter of roses or oil of cloves, on which the duty is heavy. Wo caught one Scotchman who hud tin cans made to curl about, his body in crescent shape. Ho was niuking rather frequent visits to tho ship, and wetruced him to a place in < irecnwich street, win re lie had carried eight of these cans, containing about ten pounds of oil of cloves each, lie was the most fragrant prisoner I ever saw ." Beecher a "Christian Evolutionist "I Citn 'Aon, duly U5. — Last Sunday | I lev. .1. Spencer Kcnnard, pastor of i the Fourth Ihipti-t church, made the ; presence of Kc v. Henry Ward lieechcr j in this city the occasion to deliver a pleusuntly-turued sermon, combatting the viewsof the great lirookiyn divine. To-day's papers puhli-h a lire /.y and brotherly letter from Brother Ih ei her : to Brother Kcuunrd. It is, pcrhups, the most succinct and unequivocal | statement of Mr. IJeecher's views yet i made public. He .-ays lie knows he is orthodox und evangelical as to the facts and suhstaneu of the Christum religion, and he know i qually well i that he i- not orthodox to the philoso phy which lias hitherto been applied to the-n fact-. He calls himself a cordial t hri-tianevolutionist, but dsn not agree with tho agnosticism of Spencer, Huxley and fyndall. lie believes that til-.- animal part of man ! was volved from L ing- below him, ! while in Spiritual value lie is the soli oi < i d. Man, he ays, i- not inlul I by nature, hut voluntarily. He lor not Believe in the tall of Adam or the inlu ritanec of his guilt. 1 >r. Ken nurd dined with Mr. Beech' r la-t cv n ing. A Ditigerouii Ballooa Voya..:- ' I'rofcs-or" H an. wl tna I > a halh m n-een-ioii from Hillsdale, Mich., on Satiiriiay, r- mrie 1 -m .-'.in day morning. IB- -n\s i; wu- the in: -t hazardoiis trip of h lite. ,\t a I h< ight of a mile and a half a '*urr< nt of air caused his balloon t < roll ft ui -ide to side and tlir-w the vnlv rope beyond his reach, - > that he ! -t con trol. 11-- t• k a raj ( d and wrote notes, whieb he left fall 't i the earth, of win hheg : < i-i n :ul gHtnpm.s tin nigh the clouds. At the • n*l "I nin> tv minut - he struck a ,' urn nt whi'di eurrbd b in rajii l'v : rth, in .1.1 "I Saginaw < v, and j tie ti another which t ■'k him over Lake Hnr n. Win n mar i e io the ; balloon ver.d in sueh a manner a to Cliahe Liill ti ' atelt till Villi'. W1• 11 ! he lo iked i r a place to land, lie !<■ gun t i de- i ml, hut : and liiiuodf in ; tl.e midst ola den . -wanip. As c. n iing, In mad' n;i nit mpt to trike . in a large ticld, but wa- piui ge i to B •• .MI ' ft: M cine 18-, r, n* ar Wat- rvill •. '>. Tin ii lh< ball in r. ' -i.n-led t tl • top of a tall trie and <■ o ap-nl, tl.e \ >vng' r catching a limb. IB- think - he inut have B* en atone time live j mil' s above the earth. IB* Buffered gratly from cold, and when at tie greatest height, it was vcrv difficult lor h in to br- aM He had a rant' '-n of liquor, and mi ■ -asional •wallow -av',l his life hv keeping him fr in . going to -loop, for tho feeling > f drow - j -mi -< was very strong, and. at tim< -. nearly "V'-rrame him. llehclievs he j traveled ■v r mih -in thr< hour . ias most of the time he was blown along at frightful -pesd. • I'm-ti'isr \tiTitt'U marked the ! departure on his pleasure excursion the other day hv the removal <>f Lx* 'i vt rn< r Pollock from the Surveyor's office in Philndeljihin, and the ap pointment of I. lit• • r Ncvin a- Bis -tic cc-sor. After a lifetime cjcnt in tiuhlic office, the ex-governor will fia 1 lonely in retirement to private life. (fuick Hallway lime, 7? kf r./, ///., .Ja a. IS so. This i /■> crrti'v lh.it \rf h.r r a) / ■ ntf.i Fr fit- /'. y. ll r, /-.fr T thf st't.i ii r (fit. T'i n /li - It'll/,-/..i in thf t irn ol litllf/nult. Ho* xroßo Watch fioiirixv. BY lit IS M Bit I*. IIUJ.LAND. Sec. Having most thoroughly tested the Hock ford Quick Train Watohe* for the lat three years, I offer them with the fullest confidence a the best made and most reliable time keeper for the money that ran lie obtained. I fully i/unranlff cvtiy Watch for two Iff art. FIlANti P. HLAIR, ' So. 2 lirnclerhnti Jioin. AU other American lfafcA/A at reduced prices. Dt< iitox, Jan. 27, 1882. 'I ho Hockford watch purchased Feb. IST'.i, has performed better than any Watch I ever had. Have carried it every day and at no time haa it been irregular, or in tho least unreliable. I cheerfully recommend the Hockford Watch. HORACE b. hokton, at Dighton Furnace Co. Tahxtor, Sept, 18, 1881. The Hockford Watch run* very ac curately ; better than any watch Lever owned, and I have had one that coat $l5O. Can recommend the Hockford Watch to everybody who wishes a fine timekeeper. 8. r. HUBBARD, M. D. This la to certify that the Hockford Watch bought Feb. 22, 1879, haa run very well the paat year. Having act it only twice during that time, its only variation being three minute*. It ha* run very much better than I ever an ticipated. it waa do*, adjusted and only ; ooat $2O. B. I'. 13HYANT, I —M—I ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Ar* you <lftiirtH<l *t tiljjht ami l>rok**n of your rmt >>jr n ti* k cbIM suffering and t rytriK ftllh |Iu of < ut liiiK I**l It 7 If if', *• til at mtiw ait'l K* t a Lttl* of Mrs. MIS low'i h ftHlMj Hfßt'r roll I'NIIJIKII TmiHl'l' lie tulip la In*alt oULt*. It will n il'*4-, tli* |oor llltl* ufT' f*r iinrn*Slmt ly. I* j ••ml u|oii II tnollipm, lli*r I* no ttiUlnk* iln/iil 11. It cur*n ly. j ' . ut' iy illarrltooi, c gnlttoi lb* •loin**!) mr*'l bow *la, rur*e wltid coll*, ofl' u* ll Kuma, rl'* lit fliiitiliinti' tl, Rlfl Kit** t"li* itfi'l rllfljiy t tljt v*|. 1" a>fD'tll. Mr* WIRBI/lW'a f(KrTIIIR') hfRI * rOR ('illlD. UK!t Trrilllßo la Jill i-it,| D) til' lll'*, lilr I I* til* ff j r | • tOQ • I OtM Of tin • i !"< Ml ! I I I f-OUltO phf& j . i . int. nii'l iiiira** In th I'ulf**! Htn"a, anl l fr mI" j , I't nil tlrußgi te tliri>i)/hvHt lit" #rl I I'fl* * • • lat U'ttl*. _ V7-l>. I j Swayno'a Pillw ConiforMntr to tho Hick | ThoiOHiuß die from neglect to properly | treat lin | ore Ii 1, Con-lipation, I>y - - 1 pep-in, Malaria. Apopluxy, l.ivr, Kidney, . ; 11, art Pi" a-' . Dropsy, nnd Uh- ifiiati-ui | 11 it t i the debilitnt'd, burdened with nu Ii serious sii krie.., We coliseientioutly re. ' commend ' SWAYN+i S I'll.BS, 1 wlm li ! contain liiedii Hint properties possessed li_v Ino other reni'-dy. Nt by mull for 'J', I rents, box of ,'!( i J.i!.- ; o tunes, $l, in ! -tump- Addro", DK. SWAYNK ] | SiX, Fhiltt'l'-tphia, I'a. I by Ilri.g j gists. _. Hop Bitters are the Purest and Bt-Kt Bittern Ever Made. They nro compound from Hop*, Malt, liuchu, Mandrake and P.mdi-lioii, the oldest, best, and most valu'ililo medi nines in the world and contain all the best and most curative properties of all other remedies, being the gre .te-t I*. ,d I'utifier, I.iver regulator, an I life and 18-alili Heatoritig Agent on earth. No disease or ill licalth cm po- itjy long i-xtst where the.-" Potter- are used, . varied and perfect are their operations. I hey give new l.f" and -. .gor to th< aged and uibrm. To all who-eemph ■ I tnent*' ue irregularity of the bow l on urinary organs, or who r'-'|Uir) an Appeti/i-r, ionie and mild -llliiui ilil, Hop Hitters are invaluable, being high ly , illative, tonic and stimulating, with out intoxicating. No mutter wlial vour feelings or i sviijpt -ins are. what the disease ,r ai! 'no ut is. use Hop i it. r-. p n't w. t until you are -o-k. toil if you only feel bad or miserable, u.- Hop I Iter- .1 one. ll may Save your ilfe. Hundred" bail' be n aVrd t'V o doing £ si v. .11 ho |ii t for i i-e th'-y will not cure • r ; help. li t not sutf r or let your friend" r, ! 1,-jt u-" and urge tiicm t u-" Hop i j tcr-'. K'-meinber, II [I 1 Iter- ,s no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the I'll!' ' nd J-"-' M"di'-ine ever mi l' the It.t aii'l Fr '*l.l nt.d H,| • . ai. I no pr n -r fvrui , shou I Iwithout them. Iry the I ter- t -<l.. It. Ifching i'lk-H byniptmiH nndCuro i ihe vmptorns are moisture, like j• r spiral, m. intense itching. incr<-a>- j I y srr.tcbing. v.-rv •: -'re- -u g. part u! r ly at iii.-ht, )■ em . pin worms were crawling in and about the rectum . the private j'iri are --.nielimi nflect<-l, If allowe I to C"t • oil" verv -eriou* r< suit" f low. "> WA'i N -"IN I M INI . a pie • -ant, sore cure. AI so for letter. Itch, -ait Hheuni, --.ti l Head, Hryaipe cru- iv -k,n Pisease". -enl t-y mail f< r .'Hi cen; . botes fl.'J'i. in stauif - Addr• --. Pr. SW t\ \ K SON, I'ti •- delj-hia, I'a. by Pruggists. 5* ly A ui' .hlftrtinrmi tit*. \R • - - l - - i RESERVED K f) K S P A N C L E R & Co., DI.AI.KRi IX FrilNITt'RR. qL J) •w- ~~>sr DRAZsRHS IN rUKK DRUGS ONLY. 2|l ZELLEK kSON. a K ♦ I • IiRrUUIKTII. Ku 1. H" S'llietr Bnw. I B All tli* tUmtsH Fslnl HstlclnM. Pre- 3 K wrtpllon* ami Pamlljr *#■ assntnlaiy e g prctrssl. Tnswss, tUiualAat yt. Ac . 3 Sew AilverHnemeutn. io\l> ViiiifkiTivi;, fiIM.I'.AI, Is", und (MMI--lO.N Ajjt., ' Bcllef'oiite, I'a. (M • In Huali Arr#t)n, 2D*I fl'x>r rin; following c'iinpanii - repri , nted : ' 0— i FIRE. Uo* Pbiia ii-ipbia. t Amkhican | Gdaruiam London. WxnTxaa Toronto. OOMMMCTHVI Hartford, i mid ultitir*. —o— THA\r.i,i K Lire, a A" i i>... Hartford. ; and otben . —0 '! he f ■-ifim."i',n braie ii of mybi-ini-n is r< •et v lII' p. ll It', lent I ti. l'r< ; - rtii - •"Id to e I I. [ bat" 1 . -lii- ! li-- lord. of I,ou-. , land-, ti -b-irt riolicr; an J fHVorabi" t'-ru - •Jl-hin IioNP \ A LI.NI I N K • j j >i:nnsylvania STATE COLLEGE. (ail term bgir,| errl.er 12, IBhl. T' • iiiHil .tDrt) Ir Datrl . I, If.' ti' t !*• s' I .a \ < I U *I'J ft "f \t *• X", f*D J < £*• 1K / . I. A KtLl ru.a ' , •>' ' v T\ . tra ' It,* f • l'(' HI. < *t IIM.- f la. iHtr). I !1 wing i|i ti* i, rat t* . v t-Rt R ..(•' i- #ut. AOUICf 1.1 <H) ' MUIiM,: lIIHTMUI ' ( IVIL I NhIM i HI N 4 1 A H'i ' I ALCOI 1. i A. • A ft fl'l * I \l, f *)1 U>K j n i'l ' atr A <V 4 ■ !•*: -JRt far. . ' ■ - T \ - ||.a ,J | • f * ' 'l L * '!*• I I t • ,U! • if. -rif ' rf{ ate.' • .ll lr<* OK* M ATIIKItTON I , r%*iftt. pi kit. • :i t. i. * ( , Pa. I If m . a J i'irt. fi.aiir JJ I U vh 1 .- , • . ' i : - " A : i HD.J '-fa;.. ) i J ? | jfi. i i: \zi i;i: - icou'i hitti it*. Vimttrr *U t Hi< 1 *rat rt* n- I A thru* j t#lk ( •I- r. ). f ■! * U'u . - i e • • - I • s. V. tn t H '• If* > i-Pss. " |.j ii ; - • . • I- v- . I !*>*•"•**, Rlad 1 4 ■ li>* tt f 4T ... tIRR f ,ft !-w'f'a • ' . Mil- M M AUTIV, n., 4- a \) nil 4rt&Cf£ftU * i t j • i r ■ fa { }l j- it *tu IIKNKV iV< ... )v Pr j/n. Waj p \ Net. rk NOW IS YC'JF. TIIIE. Get two Wcckl* Newspapers for the Price of One. And tho 13c Inland Daily at Do ducod Rat oh. T 4 in'Afl .1. J J" f |h WCfKST r'l!-T i *1 • Jfv Atiflbb ' Rait in a!t| < ll#|. I4ft.it Wmn !'* ' Rt, H N.v 't ti ■ • f .k 111. T IL. U.tAit I' a7 j 1 lid ; 1 • i V. . \ Rt t ,-f. ftrHi tif 1-n ' - dr4 • | * RTir.*.-n oh it r<l -*!,'- )( . t j.r. ' , if) k \x%ru,f. -a, Rutin* wiJl t-f tkH' • h im) r1 j*• ; ft r1 jilrr fr a h -rt*r f i• Jr TI" htm r*tf T IITfT * tt,r R*a n ■ 1 OfiJC* "*• Rf't Hi' f • wiil !•# • a| . j >tW'Dnk' Art.) f< r a? . U . hJx Rett :fRf '•* m* at !•• fTiR<) 1* • *t • * *,• fr'• tr -DrM Ri*- r -; I t itH ■r, i tdfRR S —p. I A7UI"T I'l I 1.1.-HIN4# 'MI'ANV Mvk'trtr' t, llßftiat utf J*r Ifntrln. i/AAKMAN S HOTEL, jV ■ ofa*att*4 ~- MI ... ii i i.i r.'NTr, Pa HUMS II I'F.K I'AT A X'""l U*"U sfts'bsd. -11 |>rsil HOISK, I > BKLLCPOKTR, PA., j F*mllt* tiniU f*nll*m#ri, m ri*U •• lb* e*n ! *•! tmrallbj j-tiMir end rvxTni**fii )*. kf* PR 1 IKI* (iniriaMi II !< 1. *h*f* (li*j rrtil (roan* ic..rnf t1 kt r* i.al ) nlrt. I '.TRI rHoftii i. !■ ri RI 1 rti.'t# Rtt*n4ißf Ornrt W R TKLI.Kk. iTr-j r I>l TTS Hoi si;. il# < *r#T AUrli< 1 A !LL j HELLED INTK, PA., r J. .V. Ijf hmon, 'J'ropr. Ttiir nu<|rf 1lr ibatißfonMtl of tb# i j !••* r<t | rr.|.f tkt-?, | l-rtf r Ib| '*r i t %h* j • nDrUinniidtt of Rrl*r ipm i.rM* imj ■ W j MILI.II ElM HOTEL, MILI.IIRIM, CRKTRR tXH'XTT. PKXR'A W S Mt'HSKH, Proprietor. Th* tow* of !• talM In Tallff ' nl Im mil*f from (V4mfQ PUt("R. "• j I>7irf, (RR4 OM lUIImrH, f ottDifinfc* iLrI mtkr It ft PLEASANT SUWMER RESORT. <li>l trout ftsMfi# In llw Immclist* 4rtr.l4jr. A mas 1., nwtasls At h Mlllbelai Ile4l m,- tu-UUesi sill t ruaa.l first-. Sid l-is.s n.,Ss .1., Ji:n 4*. I*7- lj* New Brockerhoff House. I3HOCKERIIOFF HOUSE, I > ALLS') II WIT -AT. BKI.Lro*TR. PA C. O. McMILLKN, Prop'r. Good Sample Room on hrt floor. Bbrr to ftlii) from ftII TnMftß. TitUm l FT Hp mum ftD Jftrotft. pKNTRAL HOTEL, V_y (Opevslt' llis Kallramt Stsln-n.) datmecßt i. CBNTX* OOVXTT. PA A. A. KOIILHKCKKII, Propriator. TRROt'OII TRA VXI KM tm U nUlew.4 wilt Awl tHW Unlrl m •xcs-ltssit pises ta laaeb, or pcocwrs a •aai MRU TRAUiiftipatwaiaiaUßßiM. tt * J'ro/'fHHloiifil Cur tin, nIIARSJIBEROER, • to VMM k llvAbarpr) ITTOKWKY-AY LAW. fun-in<>nr4 ll ,NM .ui/, pi W4 iy nA. M KEE, • A'/l'tllM V AT I.AW N ,rtJ "surf PlJffotit*, P. U Z4 1). , -" VK ' ATTOJ M- I I'" I-t fIU, I'll Of ' t!• i■ < -Hi" I ■ i > , * • t)<<' i *:* W l- W 11M .,) 'THOMAS .f Mr' rLI.OUOJI, 1 ATT<f N | * A i I *v\ . I'll If IPMU HO. I' A '" *• In AlLrt o* tr l.'i iiii;, ii. rw'iii ' in,- il * '''P"*'! O 0* PLI, j'L<u „• l+mitkitiK . ( WIAS. I-. in;\vi: * ' Ai*i • (ii •. m \i IILI.H •-,< ft l'ra< tj. f n hII II. • ' it. i*' !• - ' -.(I ''• ' . i. mniiu. . , * , j I as] IN'. - A- i:j:i:iii i:, -* * ATI LAW I tli ll ■ Nil I'A 1 * ' A ,I rijr Kir*.. !t * ; ~ ~K t. - tJ , ,f. * >'' *1 I ) \*U itu t1 <m UIU A ||#M ,i t -, it,- M'**. U • t ir, ; n. a * UAftm 9 MALLACf MJIJLU* VkiU'i WALLACE A- KKEJSS, " ' LAW UB OOUKTIOX OITICI < 1.1.Ah111.1.1, |'A. I." LI.IS 1.. Oil VIS. * J AM > V AT I ' M A j '' ,!> ' ' : " i <t t atk k I.KXANDKR A i'.OWKK. ■* * An"lt."'Ll f AT LAW, ■ 1 JkKtk A LIA-.ti J W I ■ i , >4 n tit I >LA VEK A LKPII A IE!. * ' 'IT I I tl ' ill < ' ♦. A.(,•!..) .If • t :• I I! ,t. H. .. I !•!, fa , W c. lILINLK. ' ' a,) , . 1 ■ . w I'll I.M'.M, I" A Lml <J..x 1 lLa I.fill. ti • I . ~t 11. ... I I L. .-I'ANfiI.EK. ' ' • I'.St.Lr, '.'l I f J A '.TV I'A 'I- a at ft ' t I . , ~ , • •* I ( 'Li.MI.V| [\LL, " A J - i I \-i : AM I * r P ( . HII'I'LI . la A; . ~M I AT 1. A W lt K Ji A A LJS. r A Ail WW|> K.J 1 < lUt, !• ! I ~ \\' M. I'. M IT<' IIKI.L, ' ' I' . 1 K JUVJ.V ,'A . I* II ati" i ar tk t . .1. nj C : . •t !,• all.' '.l . Jat A . -)J I j E. EUIITM.V, I 11l 1.1.1 rOKTV, ,'A Oftoa Is C -ndll .. Apariai otf t ■( . . • • t t ,4 <Ulm> \ '.• 4** ■ ' t WILLIAM M. ' I :.L< l <,ii, ▼ v. ; 'l.* ' M ALI I* .P. PA A ! c ; r r ! ; *!• • J. 4 y Hk\ HOV, M. D . • • . 11l 1.1 I' NT ♦ PA f{. hi wtfrtt •. <c t,y||w, N wnl Oitottk I -1 y I jU. .IAS. 11. MMUUNS. M. I). f I w ' ♦ A 'v i /• . •*' -4 ft-tf 1 LLLLIONTL. I'A. nil. J. \V. IIIIONK, I'intist.cwn 1+ futtb4 *t y 'm. • it I i> • \wrlb * - f 11. f f . t f ■ i '* F, P 16-1 1 Ituninr** Cnritii. ( ' L.M HA KIU.i: -nor. A I I KKLI.I.r>>M la. I. tirrk, . I'ropr. UA UN ESS MA M I ACT(>U V WtoMHwraM P1M.1.10,11. IA 1-1, IMILAIK, I* iivßun amna, a i>, ir. A'l a tk i.atii 'f t'-.l tin Atlfbak, alr-M, iad*f kratkaitat kiwi. t-H / 'ENTHE COUNTY IJANKING V- tXIMTAST. P*| Aifl AU Sot: Hiij '! *0 P 1 "* Oik ti Id h*<\ (\ r,]H>n§ hu A Bitvu lnL J P liiirotAt 4 >ti i , tiv 11 It ■ t at iMP. . |'IHST NATIONAL HANK OF I RRI.I.miXTF. Alla.fil . iij airl. WaltofotiM, Pk. HI Mi*Ci 1f414441414** JMIE (KNTKK DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE ALLEGHENY STREET, BKLLEFUMTR, l'A., |A HOW OfFKRIKO GREAT IN D UCE MENTB TO Til OF A WIaIUNG riRa T .CLAK Plain or Fancy Printing. W hvp uniaoAl fkcilitim for priming LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, PROG UA MM Eft, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS. BILL HEADS, NOTE HF.AIiS, BUSINESS CAKIW, INVITATION CAKOS, CARTES l)E VISITE, CARIES ON ENVELOPES AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS Kirorilert by m*i) will rrcivr prompt Alton tlon. Stir Printing Jobs in th* boat style, on fborl notice mJ h\ the lower! rnUw.