Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 09, 1883, Image 2

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    My Ships.
If all the ships I have nt sea
Should corns a-Miling home to me,
Weighed down with jewel* and with gold—
Ah, well! the harbor could not hold
So many ships as there would IHI
It all my ships came in from sen.
It ball my ships enmo home from sea,
And brought their precious freight to me—
Ah, well' I should have wealth as great
As any king who sits in state—
So rich the treasures that would lie
In half my sliijw now out nt sea.
II j'lst one ship 1 have at sea
Should come a-sailing home to mo—
Ah, well! the storm-clouds thou might frown;
For if tho others all went down.
Still rich and proud and glad I'd bo,
II that one ship came buck to mo.
II that one ship went down at sen,
And all the others came to me
Weighed down with gems an 1 wealth untold,
With glory, honor, riches, gold,
The poorest soul on earth I'd bo,
If that one ship camo not to mo.
O skies, bo calm! O winds, blow Ircc!
Blow all my ships safe home to me!
But if thou sendest some a-wrack
To never moro camo sailing liack,
Send any, nil, that skim the set,
But bring my love-ship home to me'
—Kit* H'hftltr.
"Nearly every man who ever travel
ed on the Mississippi river in the olil
days can relate a. 'nteresting expe
rience," said the Hev. Mr. Jackson, a j
minister whose reputation its tin im- (
passioned orator has gone beyond the
boundaries of Arkansas. "There was !
something aliout a Mississippi river
experience that tended to aid in vivid
reproduction. The grand lloating :
drawing rooms, tho wealth displayed j
at every turn, and the studied polite- !
ness and conventional ceremony of a
supposed good breeding which you
everywhere meet, till come up at once
in reportrayal of a character which,
thus surrounded, you have contem- !
plated. Hut all of this politeness and i
exhibition of good breeding, I must
lay, was but the white foam on a
muddy water. It was the courtesy
lhat could grasp the hand of a new
acquaintance or shoot an old friend.
"In the spring of 1850 I boarded a
grand steamer at New Orleans Itound
for up the river, I was a very young
preac her at that time, and was under
orders to repair to a small community
and assist in conducting a revival.
There was something of a war being
waged between two churches, and it
ttood our church in hand to concen
trates forces or loose ascendency in the
oeighliorhood. These were the days
of political and religious vigor, and |
avowed opposition in religious contests
was regarded as being no more out of
place and in ill-keeping with the faith
than the fierce struggles engaged in
by the Whigs and Democrats. I was
told at head-quarters that another
young preacher would be sent to assist
me, and that if I needed more help to
make my demands known at once-
When I Is larded the lioat I bsiked
around for my companion-in-arms,
whose name even I had not learned.
The closest search failed to discover
my assistant, and concluding that he ;
had either preceded or would come
after me, I dismissed the matter and
settled down to the quiet enjoyment
of the occasion.
"There was quite a number of gam- j
biers—polished gentlemen—on board,
and although I was opposed to gam- j
bling, I could not refrain from looking
on and contemplating with what seren
ity of countenance the gamblers
parted with thousands of dollars."
"•Won't you take a hand?' asked
one of the players one evening, ad
dressing a young, pleaotnt-looking
gentleman who stood near.
" *1 never play,' he remarked.
" 'Won't do you any harm.'
" 'I know it won't for I don't intend
to play.'
" 'The gentleman Is a rare joker,' re
plied a tall man, who handled cards
with an ease and lost with a good-will
that almost challenged respect.
" 'Yes,' replied the young gentle
man, 'a rare joker, because it is rare
that I Joke.'
•"Ah, and a punster,' said the
tall man, relinquishing |IOW with a
•• 'lt makes little difference to you
what I am. 1 came here to quietly
look on, not intending to engage in the
game or the conversation; and, espec
ially, not to be the butt of any Jokes
that might arise from ill-luck or suc
cess at the table. Regardless of the
business you follow, 1 hope that you
are well enough acquainted with the
manners of gentlemen to treat an un
obtrusive looker on with civility, if
not with courtesy.'
" 'You speak well,' exclaimed the
tall man. *1 hope that lam a gentle
man of good birth and education, and
I hope that I have not Insulted you.
If I have, I sincerely beg your pardon.
Grant it willingly, and all will be well;
■ i /
reluctantly, and, as n gentleman, which
you undoubtedly profess to be, you
know your recourse.'
"Hut for your last remark, I would
have heartily forgiven you of any in
tention to insult me. As it is, Ido
not grant pardon, realizing that a gen
tleman is not expected to have deal
ings with such a man as you. And,
furthermore, let me say that I regard
you as a cowardly villain.'
"The tall man sprang to his feet and
drew a bowie knife. The quiet man
did not oven look at him.
" 'Take that back, or I'll rub your
heart over your face!'
"F.very one arose, but no one felt
disposed to prevent bloodshed.
"'I said that I regarded you as a
cowardly villain. Keep cool and I'll
tell you why. While we were engaged
in insinuating conversation I saw you
steal a roll of bills from that man,'
pointing to one of the players. 'l'iitil
then, and but for the remark you
made, trying to compel a cheerful
granting of pardon, I w;i,s disposed to
pay a little attention to anything you
might say. Now, sir. 1 have made my
statement, I have been led into this,
and I may regret the consequences
don't hold him but I shall make no
"The tali man's eyes actually glared.
'I have killed live men, and all for
less than this,' he exclaimed, diet out
j of tho way! I'll cut him in two!'
"(Jet out of the way!' said the quiet
i man. "It would greatly please me if
he were to sit down and conduct him
' self less dangerously, but if lie is de
termined upon a wicked action, let
him be under no restraint.'
" 'You are foolish!' exclaimed '>nr of
| the gamblers, turning t > the quiet
! man. "You are not armed, and even
if you were, Captain Aide would kill
i you. lam the man from whom you
say tie purloined the bills. I saw
the action but did not dare to inter- 1
' pose.'
•• 'So this is Captain Aiele?' said tie
young gentleman, 'I have hoard of
him. He has a very unsavory reputa
tion in New Orleans. If well-con
structed reports he true, he is not only
a thief, but a murderer.'
"(Jet out of my way!' howled the
; captain, and. struggling, he threw his
I conpanions aside and sprang forward.
1 Like a sudden revolution of a wheel
—like an action whose quickness can
not i>e contemplated—the young man
drew a derringer and sent a bullet
| through the captain's brain, killing
him instantly.
" •(Jentlemen,' said the quiet man.
beginning to talk ere the smoke lifted.
| 'I had more than one reason for com.
mitting this deed; I was insulted as
you saw, and was in danger, as you
know; but, worst of all, that man
murdered my father. I did not con
template killing him. but, as 1 said. I
would have granted pardon for his in
sulting taunts. From the lirst,though.
I contemplate 1 his arrest, which 1
should have accomplished, had he not
attempted to take my life. I am
sorry that I have caused such confu
sion, and I hope that you all. as I know
you will, forgive me."
"He walked away, gracefully bow
ingtosome one who hurried to the
i scene of the tragedy. The boat was
i soon landed. The captain's acquatnt
i ance took charge of the body, and
i went ashore. We were soon on our
I way again, and but for certain little
I influences that hung around, no one
| would have known that a tragedy had
; been enacted. Our band of music, a
| common steamboat feature in those
days, struck up a lively air, and the
; only suggestive remembrance of the
: captain's death, was the wet carpet
j where a tniy had mopped away the
| blood.
•'lt was late at night when I reached
!my landing. Alone I made iny way
to tlie nearest house, where, after my
business was known, I was kindly re
ceived. Nevt <lay I attended church
and was at once escorted to the pulpit,
behind which soine half dozen preach
ers were seated. A well-known inin.
lster arose and said that two preachers
from New Orleans had arrived, Hroth*
ers .Jackson (myself) and Mahleson,
and that Ilrother Mahleson would first
1 address the congregation. The gentle
man arose, and imagine inv surprise
when I recognized in the preacher the
quiet young man W'ho hail killed the
captain. He delivered an eloquent,
powerful sermon, and after services
1 approached ine, and, extending his
' hand, said:
* " 'You must excuse me for not mak
-1 ing myself known to you. I kept my
9 Identity under a cloak of caution.
When I l>oarded the boat I recognized
f my father's murderer, and I thought
that if I revealed my identity my plans
R might tie frustrated. As I said, 1 only
" intended to follow and arrest him
1 at the next town, but you see how it
• resulted.'
'• "Years have passed since then, years
'• of intimate acquaintance between the
quiet, young man arm ine. Home tlnu
ago, after a successful life, 1 closed his
eyes in death, lie smiled with stile
lime willingness, and went without a
groan. 1 never knew a truer oi
kinder-hearted man."— ArkansasTraa
The UUtory of fine of the Slew \Ol If
fortune Teller*.
Aiming these magicians in New
York there is a pretty little woman
who gets Into trunees and rails her
self a clairvoyant, although she admits
quite frankly that siie does not know
who she is. Years ago, when a little
child, she recollects clasping her arms
eround a swing and looking dreamily
into space until it seemed to her as if
her soul was dissevered from her laxly
and she had v isions. They were not
of her own future, but of the future
of others, and when she awakened
from this dream or trance only the
latter part of the closing chapter was
remembered. Her father, a stern old
puritan, was at a loss to know how t<.
exorcise this devil, for whip|iings and
punishments were of no avail. She
seized every opportunity to test this
power. As she grew older, however,
and went to school, the girls rather
shamed her out of what they railed
"si.eh nonsense." At • ighteeii, having
a heart like other women, she fell in
love, married and became the mother
of two children. With busy hands and
a happy life the old pernicious tenden"
ry towards dreams and visions was
well nigh forgotten. No trance I
warnrsl her of the approach of that j
unrelenting visitor, death. He came
as to the most ordinary mortals, uricx" i
ported and unannounced. One morn- j
ing while she stood on the porch of
her little house, with her babe crowing
in her arms, four men approached with
a horrible burden, the inanimate form
of her husband mangled by machinery.
Then came sickness, poverty, debt and
despair. Her children were looking at
her with hungry eyes. Mie grew wild
and unlike herself - and was beset
anew by visions and dreams. She saw |
visions of the future happiness until
finally she told a credulous woman one
•lay her fortune. Then another came
and another, and presently the disc - j
late widow liecame known as a clair
voyant—a woman with power to di- j
vine the future, she went to sleep
with rigid muscles and staring eye*
and saw people's lives unrolled before
her as an immense panorama. >hc !
told her visitors, how friends, profess*
ing to love them, really were implaca
ble enemies, she told of coming sick
ness, of g sxl fortune for those who tn
vented money in such and such a man
ner. And all this was given forth
with such burning and rapid intensity
that she never f.tihsl to convince. It is
not t<H> much to say that whole lives
have been ordered and altered upon this
woman's word. Friends have been *cp.
araterl and brought together; wives and
husbands have Wen rendered happy or
miserable; money made or lost; resi
dence* changed; business put aside
journeys taken from one part of the
country to another. The woman her.
self, meanwhile, has made money, edu.
catc-d her children, set up her son in a
lucrative business, anil owns her first
little happy home for the summer's
rest and recreation. Hut while she
has been busy averting the mlsfor
turn* of others, has she kept her ow n
sky free from clouds? Ah. no! The
light of her life has gone out Her
tieautiful, accomplished, cherished
daughter is dejuL Neither trance, nor
vision, nor spell, warned her, and yet
it was no illness, but an accident which,
could it have been foreseen,
might easily have !>een prevented.
The girl went to ride, the horse took
fright, and she died of internal inju
ries. If spirits come to her mother
and tell her of the destiny of others,
are they not cruel devils which hover
around and leave her powerless to
protect her own?
Hi.t it is nothing, nothing at all. ex
cept that she is a highly strung, over
wrought, diseased woman, who needs
treatment by a competent specialist in
her own diseases. Hhe calls the peo
pie who comes to her, appropriately
enough, "her patients." One man has
been to see her once a week for eleven
years. She limits herself to three
trances a day, and she charges $5 for
each trance. Then she tells fortunes
by cards, and, in one way and another
makes, strange as it may seem, from
$l5 to $2O regularly a day. Even her
own sorrowful exjieriences, which she
relates quite unreservedly and patheti
cally, do not deter the people who con
sult her from returning again and
again. Reason is not the strong point
with those who find it possible to be
lieve in divinations. Nmd York
Twenty-seven million barrels of pe
troleum are pumped from the wells
•very year.
Ilow ('urea arc Nomeflinea FfTrc frd,-
Thr I'owcr €r llir linNtfliiMlloll.
Fulth is a rur wonder-worker
Strong In the belief that every I'rank
is a doctor, an old A rah, who had been
partially blind from birth, pestered an
English traveller into giving him a
seidlitz, powder and hoiiio pomatuiu.
Next day the chief declared that he
could see better than he had for twen
ty years.
A sea captain, when one of his crew
craved something for his stomach's
sake, on consulting his book, found
"No. 1,1" was the thing for the occa
sion. I'nfortunately there had been a
run on that number, and the Imltle j
was empty. Not caring to send the
man away uncomforted, the skipper,
remembering that eight and seven
made liftecri, made up a dose from the
bottles so numbered, which the seaman
took with startling effects, never oon
templatisl by himself or the captain.
That worthy jumped too ha-tily at con
clusions, like the Turkish physician of
whom Mr. Oscanyan t< lis the follow,
ing story: tailed in to a ease of typhus,
the dot tor in question examined the
patient (an upholsterer), prescribed,
and departed. Massing the house the
next day he inquired of a servant at
the door if his master Was dead, and to
his astonishment heard that he was !
much lx-tter. Indoors he went, to
learn from the convah -cent that being
consumed with thirst he had drunk a \
pailful of the juice of pickhsl cabbage
Boon afterwards, a dealer in embroid
ered handkerehii fs, *•' i/<s| with the j
same malady, sent for the physician, 1
who forthwith ordered him to take a
I ailful of pickled cabbage. The man
died next day; and the doctor set down
this memorandum in his bx.k for the
future guidance: "Although in cases
of typhus pickhsl cabbage juice is an
efficient remedy, it is not, however, t >
I s• u.xssl unh-ss the patient be by j r.e
fession an upholsterer."
Lady Marker's New Zealand shep
herd found a somewhat similar potion
of infinite use. When his mistress ex
pressed her surprise at his possesion
•fa bottle of Worcestershire sauce.
Salter-aid: "Vou see. mum, although
we gets our health uncommon well in
these salubrious mountings, still a drop j
of physic is often handvlike, and in a j
general way 1 always purchase my
self a Ixix of pills of which you do
get such a lot for your money—and nl \
so a Ixittle of painkiller. liut last
shearing they was out o' painkiller, so
they put me up a bottle n' cain pepper,
and likewise that 'ere condiment, which
was very efficacious, 'specially toward"
the end "o the Ixittlc. It always xik j
tny mind off the lonlin<ss, and cheered ;
me iip wonderful, ••specially if I added
a little rsl pepper to it."
Sir Walter Scott's piper. John Bruce,
sjwnt a whole Sunday selecting twelve
stones from twelve south running
stream*, with the purjse that his sick
master might sleep ujx>n them and lie
come whole. Scott was not the man
to hurt the honest fellow's fe lings by
ridiculing the notion of such a remedy
proving of v ail; so he caused ltrucc to
Is- told that the recij>e was infallible,
but that it was alisolutely necessary
to success that the stones should lie
wrapped in the petticoat of a widow
who li.ul never wished to marry again,
upon hearing which the Highlander
lost all hojio of completing the charm.
Lady Duff Gordon once gave an old
Egyptian woman a powder in a frag.
| inent of the Saturday H> riVrc. She
! came again to assure her lienefactn *s
! the charm was a wonderfully powerful
one; for although she had not been
able to wash off all the writing from
the pajicr, even that little had done
her a great deal of good. She would
have made an excellent subject for a
Llama doctor, w ho, if he does not haje
pen to have any medicine handy, w rites
the name of the remedy he would ad
minister on a scrap of pa|ier, moistens
it with his mouth, rolls it up in the
form of a pill, which the patient tosses
down his throat. In default of paper,
the name of the drug is chalked on a
lx>ard, and washed off again with wa
ter, which serves as a healing draught*
These easy-going practitioners might
probably cite plenty of instances of the
efficacy of their method.
Dr. John Brown. of Edinburgh, once
gave a lalxrer a prescription, saying:
Take that and come lack in a fort
night, when you will tie well." Olie
dient to the injunction, the patient
presented himself nt the fortnight's
end, with a clean tongue and a happy
face, l'roud of the fulfillment of his
promise. Dr. Hrown said: "Let me tee
what I gave you." "O," answered the
man, "I took it, doctor." "Yes, 1
know you did; but w here is the pre
scription Y' "I swallowed it," was the
reply. The patient had made a pill of
the paper, and faith in the physician's
•kill had done the rest
In some Lancashire districts the
country people believe that to cure
warts the same number of pebbles as
warts should be placed In a bag, which
is to lxs dropped where three or four
roads converge, and that the person
who picks It up will obtain the warts
In addition. Warts are also said to
disappear soon after they are rubtxsl
with a black snail, hut that It Is essen
tial that it must afterwards be impaled
on a spike f the hawthorn or no ef
fect will be pnxluced.
Persons afflicted with tumors of any !
kind are advised to rub them with a
dead man's hand.
Whooping-cough Is supposed to be i
cured by passing the patient nine
time* around the Ikhlv of an ass.
Those who suffer from rheumatic i
pains ar<- advised to carry mall potatoes
in their pockets,which are believed not
only to cure, but to prevent a return
of the disease.
Fads Concernlnir Lightning Rods.
There can be no doubt, says the f'ul
tirutnr, that well constructed lightning
rods arc a great protsx-tion. Light
ning is the discharge or spark that
passes between two highly-eb-etrifled
clouds, or from a < loud to some other
object in its vicinity. If, when one of
these electrified clouds approaches an
object, the electricity be drawn from it
by any means, the lightning cannot
take place. This should be the action
of every lightning rod to silently i
draw off the electri' lty from the clouds
before the stroke would take place. If
lightning strikes the rod, it is proof
that the rod is a jioor one, A poor
lightning rod is a constant source of
danger. It may often serve to con
duct the lightning into your building l *
rather than away from them. The
principles upon which commercial
lightning rods are constructed are en
tirely wrong, and fail to accomplish
g'*d for the pun baser.
In the first place your building's may
not n<xsl protection. Any pointed ob
j'-rt projecting into the air is a con
ductor of i lis tri' ity to a greater or less
extent; hence the great nunilxrs of
pints presenti-l by tree* tend to draw
off the electricity from the clouds and
air. A building among high tris-s bas
ample | rotertion against lightning-
Ihe buildings of cities act as so many
lightning rods t-> draw off the electrici
ty. buildings with columns of hot or
iic ; t air escaping from th-m need <-v
j><. ~U protection, 1 tec a use these col
umns are conductors of electricity.
Hence the kitchen chimney is most
liable to le struck; also barns filled
with freshly-cut hav or grain.
Iron is preferable to copper for
lightning roils < nlv because it is cheap
er. To convey a certain amount of
electricity an iron n*l should possess
four times the bulk of a copjxT r.sl,
but the large ir n rod would Is- chcajv
er than the smaller copper one. one
important principle in regard to the
motion of electricity of high tension
should l* constantly lx>me in mind—
electri' ;ty passes through the whole
mass of the risl and not over the sur
face alone
A blind rersnn's Sense of Tonrh.
It is commonly supjxisM, says Dr.
("arjx-nter in the Journal, that
the exaltation of one sense which
occurs ( as in the ca*e of Laura H rid go
man) when other sense* are wanting
is due to an improvement in its organ.
Hut I shall Is* able, I think, to show
you that it is chiefly, if not solely, at
tributable to the complete restriction
of the attention ujn the one kind of
xensi-|erreption which remains open.
This you well know, in Laura Bridge
inan's case, to Ik* the touch, as to
which she ha* not only an extraordinary
ai-u ten ess of discrimination, but an
extraordinary recollection of differ
ences so slight as not to lx even jer
ceptible to ordinaay people. Thus, she
can not only at once recognize by a
slight touch of the hand all the per
sons with whom she is intimate, but,
when she lias once held the hand of a
new visitor for a short time, she can
recognize that visitor again after an
interval of several months, just as any
one of us would do by our sight. It
was a visit which a brother of mine
paid her some years ago that put me in
l*>ssession of that fact, lie brought an
introduction to tier; and, his relation
ship to the writer of that introduction
having Ixx-n explained to her. she t<xk
one of his hands into her own, so as to
take in from it the impression of his
personality which the seeing person de
rives from looking at the face. He call
ed on her two or three times. 1 Wlicve,
during his first visit to Huston, and had
conversations with her through her in
terpreter, and afterwanl travelled for
altout twelve months In different parts
of the United States. On coining back
to Boston before leaving for England
lie paid her another visit, and she im
mediately recognized hint, after that
interval, when she ttx>k his hand into
The largest milk pan on record, hold
ing 000 gallons, has Just been made
for an lowa creamery.
Idleness is the door to all vim.
Success is a fruit slow to rijsu.
Egotism is the tongue of vanity.
Many are esteemed only because thej
are not known.
Conscience warns us as a friend !>e
fore it publishes us as a judge. •
Hints are like thistledown. You
cannot tell where they will light.
Those who set up a standard must
expect to be judged by that standard.
Lose not thy own for want of .ask
ing for it; it will get thee no thanks
Thought is slow-pared imagina
tlon often reaches the goal ahead of
j A torn jacket is soon mended, but
hard words bruise the heart of a
You may depend upon it he is a
good man whose intimate friends art
all good.
The light of friendship is trie ngnt
'if phosphorus seen plainest when all
around is dark.
We seldom find people ungrateful
so long as we are In a condition to
render them service.
Knvy is a passion so full of coward
ice and shame, that nobody ever had
the confidence to own it.
Other € rutiirti of flit Wit) |)rp.
Harry 11. liallard, of New Orleans,
one of the eighteen marine or salt
water divers of the I "nit■! State*, was
found confined to his room in the pay
ward of the fin' innati hospital by an
att.i k of inflammatory rheumatism,
caused by exjseure a* a diver.
"Hid you n't fear the shark- in your
diving ex|.elitions 'f askel an Enyuir
•r reporter.
"That is a subject al-out which there
is a great deal f humbug. Old sailor*
with fit* of Idle time on their
hands lose to spin yams a!out the fe
ro ,tv of sharks. The shark is a < w
ardly t>h. lie never atta k* you no.
le*i you provoke the fjuar
rel. I have met thousands of them
and hal them swim all around me,
with their horrid, glassy, deathlike
eyes glaring at rue and their huge
months under their l*lly snapping a
though ready to swallow me. The
noise tliat the air makes roaring into
the shells frightens them and then
they si*- that the man is moving about.
At Calla<> harlior, which is a regular
iharks' nest, I went down forty feet or
more and met lots of the-e ocean dev
ils, but none of them offered to mole*t
l>ivers have various expedients for
avoiding these animals, and one was
told me on the Peruvian c<>ast. A di
ver was at work on the wreck of a
epanish man-of-war in West In lia
waters. A safe containing gU.'Mi.OOO
was the object of his search, and after
hours of patient labor the treasure
was found. While he was shackling
heavy iron chains to the treasure box
a dark shadow, long and motionless
suddenly attracted his attention.
Looking upward lie saw a huge spot
ted shark, twenty feet long, juised
alsive and watching every movement
as a cat docs a mouse. The diver for
got alsmt the t 1. 1 ► *and walking
a shfcrt distance, was on the point of
signaling to the tender to pull him up,
when a glance convinced him that it
would W sure death. The shark
wabhod his every movement, and
with a scarcely perceptible movement
of his tail, overshadowed his victim
with its huge proportions. Never he
| fore hail the diver more need of cool
ness and nerve, together with his wit*
almut him. He spied a long layer of JA
mud elose at hand, and he moved to*-
ard it. The shark followed, gliding
stealthily toward him. while a thril)
of horror ran through his veins. With
an iron bar he stirred the mud, which
rose thick and fast altove him; the
rlear, golden light of the water disap
peared. and the diver escaped.
"The only scare I ever had with a
fish was when t first went down off
the South American mast I had a
great big erowlvar in my hand, which
perhaps fell about a foot or eighteen
Inches below my feet. Just leneath A
me lay a huge cuttle-fish fast asleep. J
Of course I did not see him. and the
crowbar went clear through hiin. The
cuttle-fish has a peculiar mode of at
tack. lie discharges a black humor <
which makes the water look like ink.
The first thing 1 knew it was to black
' all around me I could not see my hand
before my face. I couldn't imagina
what had broken loose and I signaled
to pull me up. The natives all laugh,
ml and told me It was only a cuttle
fish. Not long after the rutllefiah was
worked ashore and there was my crow*
I bar gone clear through him."—Ci'a
rtnnati Enquirer.