Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 09, 1883, Image 1

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    ®l)r (Centre & Democrat.
S. T. NIICUKKT Editor.
VOL. 5.
Give Centre democrat.
Terms t t.ftO per Anuum In Advance,
S. T. SHUGERT, Editor.
Thursday Morning, August 9, 1883.
of Warren County.
of Bradford County.
Tho Democratic Dologato Eloction
and County Convention.
Th* Democratic voter* of Ontrw connty will in- t
at tho regular pltfM of holding th* ; *1 rlectte.i
f--r the (liatrict* "i* itetunUy, A;c 11, l*Ki. t • t
dt*lfgnt*n to th* Democratic County i_*n%•* >ti*i. Th
election will open at 2 o'clock, i\ and clora at *i*
• K,
The delegat** choeen at tin*above time will meet in
the Court lloute at IMb f< nte, on Tu. • l-ty, Aug. 11,
•t i n'nlocilr r. *. te Dominate oil eand l late for A
•delate Juiltc**, on*' ramlhlnte fr Dlatro t A11• "r• y.
one cndlUte fur County Purveyor, ami to trnnaart
hu< h other hnainets a* th* inter-*l* •! the |t*rtjr may
The number of delegate* to which ra h district in en
titled i* an follow*:
Ibdlefonte, N. W 2i<lregg, 8. p
•• 8. W :t " N P.. I
u W. \V 1 Halnea, K I'
Mileehnrg 1 ** I'
Mlllhelm 2 llalfhiot.. I
Unlonrllle 1 lUrri*
Howard Boro 1 IV u
rhlllinimig. tal w.. „ l Uoaten
" 2nd W . 2 Mbeity
u :irdW... I Marion.
Bannav . • NUlna
Ibiggw ......... -t Patten I
College • Pann
urtin 11Potter, H. P.-
F**rgu*>n,o P.. " B.l* I
N P 1 Rush
spring . 4 .''now ?h> •
Taylor ! Walker I
tnioo ... 1 Worth 2
The i-uuimlttea h ddln te - the delegate eh ti -n* and
th" rule* will te pttblif ht-d next w— k.
W. Mil | - W lUB, W. C. H-M r.
retary. Chairman.
JAY GOI'Ld, it is said, promises to
spend 8">,000,0(H) to defeat the Tele
graph strikers. Perhaps ho will, and
still have to pan out fair pay to the
THE ultiruntuiyi-t* of the Senate,
Cooper, Stewart A Co., have not yet
gone home. Ultimatum legislation
they find profitable and interesting.
It's so amusing!
THE Stalwart triflers of the Senate
of I'ennsylvai ia, are still standing on
their ultimatum. It has a slim founda
tion, hut it will probably serve to bear
the slight weights who lean upon it.
THE New York llcrahl advocates
the policy of the government assuming
control of tho telegraph system of the
country. Better wait until Gould has
spent his $">,000,000 ou the boys.
The Philadelphia Lrdyr thinks
that the Senate ot Pennsylvania "un
der its perverse and blind leaders, is
making up a had record." A had re
cord it is. Even John Stewart will
learn that in time.
Tiik death of Carey the Irish in
former, was foreshadowed from the
first. After giving away the lives of
his fellow conspirators, no more culpa
ble than himself, he had no reason to
' expect to live a day after the trial of
his victims.
SENATORIAL lightning refused to
! strike Bill Chandler. It glanced upon
some of the granite rocks, and the
thunderbolt intended to strike at the
Navy yard in Washington took a cir-
cuitous route hitting a decent re-spect
ra iblo man instead. Mr. Pike, there
fore is Senator, and uot Mr. Chandler
of fraud memory.
"THE Democrats must go," says a
Baltimore Republican paper. That's
true —they must go right in and take
possession of the White House and its
appendages just as the Republican
thieves start on the final journey to
which they arc doomed on the Ith of
March, 188-">. Thnt they " must go "
is the unchangeable law now.
Jr- THE New York Tribune thinks that
7 the Republican party "ought not to
go," because the public debt was re
duced $8,(>00,000 last month. Now
1 let the Tribune show that the Repub
licans paid the debt themselves—that
the Democrats had no band in it, and
it will make a case worthy of c-onsi
-4 deration. But with tho present rates
of taxation, the feat of paying to the
public creditors out of the public
treasury, eight, or even twenty-eight
millions is not remarkable, only so far
I aa that amount escaped confiscation in
its passage to the creditors.
SKSATOK GOURON in U speech at
the late Democratic State Conven
tion, referring approvingly to the
Humes law recently passed, restrain
ing the corrupt speculation and use of
the public moneys, by officials lor
personal ami political purjioses, said
" millions and millions of the people's
money has been diverted from the
state treasury to iuii the republican
party ami that department of the
state government was the one great
festering source of power remaining to
be shorn of its uses to the forces of
iniquity. "Nothing is known of the
operations of the treasury. To the
public, the owners, it is a sealed book,
for the republicans have studiously
covered up their work and avoided the
(leople's demand- 1 . The question is,
shall such a thing continue. The con
vention is to be congratulated upon its
work. There have been slates hereto
fore, remote and far between, but slates
nevertheless, hut who knew of Robert
Taggart's nomination before this hour?
Did we have any one to tell us?
Where was the keen sight so common
to the newspapers that in menti ming
others entirely failed to give < vena
Taggart rumor? Oh, no ; there is no
smell of the machine about this con
vention, and its work is grand, wheth
er you take the congressman from the
old Wilmot district, the gallant sol
dier from Schuylkill or the upright
legislator from Rucks. It mak- s no
difference. You have done a great
work in carrying out the Humes law
—a law intended to compel attention
to the interests of a great common
wealth and not a mere party —a law
the republican party fongbt tooth and
nail to kill in the recent legislature.
There are strong arm* behind TOT! in
this convention. You have a winning .
chairman to take you on to victory, j
There is no contest of rival b >-.-s hero
—no fighting for the spoils—no ma
chine. For this I congratulate you."
The Senator may will congratulate
the people of Pennsylvania up- n tin
work of their convention, if by that
means the treasury of the state can In
rescued from the villany of administra
tion which has marked i < profligacy,
with a very brief interval ever since
Rill Kemball applied the rulcof'Tnul*
tiplication division and silence" to en
sure the fruits of robbery to the re- i
publican thief. These millions diver,
ted from the treasury and operated for I
the personal lienefit of the official ring
and the necessities of party corruption -
is no fancy thought of the Senator
from Philadelphia. It existed large
ly in 18t>d, in the ring of Kernhle,
Uidgeway and other street railway
operators, and it has continued in
every Republican adminislratration
since until now when the chaperon re- '
spectively of the present Republican
Treasurer, and the one selected fur a
successor, is the custodian of a large
amount of the funds of the treasury,
which the Humes law, will make a
little heavy for him to carry.
THE death of William A. J. Kiss,
at the Norristown Insane Hospital,
brings once more before the people of
this Commonwealth the question of the
care and custody of the I nsane. The case
of Mr. Fiss is simply a case of murder
and murder, which for brutality has
few parallels. Fiss was kicked to
death by a brutal attendant —Gafley
by name. Galley's villany is only ex
ceeded by the stupidity, ignorance and
incompetency of Dr. Chase who al
lowed the murderer, to leave tho insti
tution before any investigation of the
affair had been made. There are too
many Galley's among the attendants,
and Chase's among the physicians at
our Insane Asylums. It is time to
CA!I a halt in this department of pub
lic charities. We may have a Tewks
bury in Pennsylvania, with all the
barbarities incident to the nature nnd
life of tho American Indian. Ho nev
er iil-trcatcd a human being on wbom
the Great Hpirit had laid his hand.
Investigate, place the charge of mur
der where it belongs, push it to its
natural COUCIUMOD. Better an iuves-
ligation every day in tho year, than
another murder like that of Fis-. The
charge of cruelty against physicians,
attendants ami keepers at Insane Asy
lums has become so common that lit
tle attention iy paid to them. Hi re is
n ciear ease of murder oceuriug in
one of the he.-t conducted institutions
of the kind in the state —a murder
which would have been suppressed l>v
the physician in charge, had not the
wife of the deceased discovered the
condition of affairs. These men should
be taught humanity through the bars
of our state prisons.
"A si.i '(>ni> term" for President
Arthur was the subject of conversa
tion between a Washington correspon
dent and a gentleman sustaining con
fidential relations with the President,
i Hu said "that the recent favorable ex
\ preasions from all parts of the coun
try as to the President's course and
I the policy of his administration had
not been devoid of gratification to the
Executive. Particularly was he pleas
ed with the change in public senti
ment, for no one had been m >re seiisi
! tivc to the strictures passed upon him
us Garfield's -ucce.ssor. He t his
jN>st in the ground and worked to
wards it, apparently unmindful of the
| clamor on all sides for him to foilow
| in the footsteps of hi- predecessor. He
had frequently r- marked that hi- ac
tions would eventually receive tlx
' sanction of the thinking men of the
! country, who would realize the pre
! dicaiucut in which lx- hud been placed
by the a*-a--it' bullet. 'lhere was
no longer any doubt in hi- mind thnt
the manses w-io on hi- sol--, and l>-"
fore leaving for the Yellowstone he
■aid ihnt h>- frit more at ra-"- than at
any time -ince the death of < iarlx-ld
1 He was not paying any ntt<iiti<<u t-> a
Presidential bo m l"r a <-->nd term,
j hut Would endeavor to make his in.
curoberx y satisfactory to all ecti-.n
of the > ountry."
THE American F--re-try < ngr<-s
is to me< t at St. Paul. Minn., - n the
*th of this month. The oh •ct of tfii
a-sociatioD i- tr -<eure by legislation
-urli law-a- will protect the Auieri
ran forests from the wanton d<-true
' ti .a which has been - > marked in years
| past, and tu encourage planting <>f for
<-t tr< rs in practical locations. On the
theoiy thnt by denuding our mountains
' and forests our whole climate and coun
try nrc seriously damaged, affecting the
1 distribution of rain falls and increas
ing the destructive storms and fr> -lx-ts
so prevalent in the la-t year, this Con
gress meets for discussing the effect*,
and tracing the cause in such way a
to obtain due attention to the import
ance of the subject.
Nilea on ApiKirtionuient.
During the regular session of the
present legislature, says the Patriot,
Hon. Heroine P>. Nile* was quite active
and conspicuous in carrying out the
dilatory tactics of the republicans
with regard to np]K>rtionment. At
the special session, however, ho has
been very reticent on that subject. It
is quite apparent that he fears to make
a record which will return to plague
him as a candidate for office. The
fact is Mr. Niks is in a large degree
responsible for the continuance of the
special session. If he had risen in his
place nnd told his party to accept the
Stewart congressional apportionment
bill when the democrats proposed it as
J a compromise, the session would ere
; this have come loan end. Had he
done so no opposition would have
dared to show itself among the rcpub"
licans of tho senate. Even Cooper
would have been obliged to assent to
tho passage of the bill. He has, how
over, another opportunity to extricate
his party from tho perils into which it
has been led by the reckless managers
of the stalwart senatorial clique. If
bo will declare for the Lowry congres
sional apportionment bill, another re
publican measure now before the
house, he will break the legislative
dead lock and rewcuc his party.
Mr. Niles was not always so indif
■ foreut to tho rights of the jit-uple and
tho commands of the constitution, in
deed hut two brief years ago ho .vus
quite as great a stickler for the con
stitutional mandate on the subject of
apportionment as Governor I'utti.-oii
or any democratic member of the leg
i-lature is now. When the legislative
apportionment hill was before tlx
house toward the close of l*sl, Mr-
Niles arose arid delivered tlx-following
pointed and excellent speech :
"MR. NILES. Mr. Speaker: This
bill ha- been postponed, for some rea
son or other, until tlx- ln-t days of tlx
session ; and its far as I am concerned,
I do uot propose to go home until tlx
hill is pas-ed or an earnest effort is
made to pass it. 1 do not int> ml, as
far as I am concerned that tlx; people
of Pennsylvania shall -ay that we
have ia-en so many months in -< --ion,
neglecting our cou-titutomul ob/i'/ution
to pa*s an apportionment hill which
the constitution says SHALL be pa---
.ed at tlx ion succeeding every
census. If this bill i- postponed, if it
i- referred to committee, it we -Lirk
our responsibility hero and let this bill
■j go back to tlx- committee, it look- to
| the state-, and the people hav a right
i to say, that we have done this thing
Jon purpose to have an extra s-s-ion
next winter. We ought to ux -1 thi
qui -tioii like- men. 1 want the- hill
pa-ed that the constitution says
ISHALL be pa—ed at thi- session."
It i- evident from this speech that
tlx- republican leaders w-r<- opjs -ed
to the pii-.-agc of any app rtioniiient
hill in l-r*l just a- tlx-v are at pre-, nt.
But Mr. Nik- was not then in liar
in- nv with tlx- repuhix an < n-pirit >r
against apportionment. H>- then h -
i li- veil in ku-ping his oath t-> suppn
the con-tituti >n. II ehargtd that
I the legislative npporti nment l>ill had
l-< n jxs<tpone*l until the last days of
the - - --iuii Ait-1 this lx- ehataep riz 1
as "n< g! - ting tlx- coiutittr.i -mi! !i
-gati -n" of tlx- mc-mher- - f tlx- k gi-ia
ture "to pa—an app- rti -ntix-nt hill."
A- Mr. Nile- tlx n admittisl that .i
<-institutional obiigati n re-ts up- -i
tlx- h gi-latun-t - pa— a lrgi-!ativ- np
p-irtionmc-nt bill iinmediatc-lv aft> r
each decennial cenu- he will i. t have
the hardihood to c nPnd tliat tlx
pre- 1 lit legislature i exempted lr-mi
tliat obligation by th n- gleet <-f its
predece-sor. The peojde of the -tat<-
are anxious to lx-ar from Mr. Niles on
this subject. They will IK ■ -p- 1 ially
curious to know tlx rea- n for hi- pi --
longed silence on the subject of appor
tionment considering thnt in l ,s l lx
' ! charged hi- own party in the house
| with "neglecting tlx ir constitutional
duty to pa-- an apportionment hill."
Come out of your hiding-place Mr.
Niles! In the forcible language of
that speeeh of yours, there must lx- n>>
; shirking of re-ponsihility, and the
members of tlx- legislature, including
yourself, Mr. Nile*, "ought to meet
this question like men." Mr. Nibs
has the floor.
THE Baltimore Day, while opposed
jto the present internal revenue law,
takes the ground occupied by the
Washington Port, to wit, that the reve
nue system itself need not be abandon
ed. It thinks that a law can he framed
j to bring this revenue into the Trcas-
I ury, and he satisfactory to the tax
| payer as well as just to the Govern
! ment ; at all events, says the I)iy, we
think a Democratic President, and a
Democratic Congress should have an
opportunity of trying their hand at it.
The Port's plan for collecting the
liquor taxes by snlo of stamps from
the Treasury direct will, we believe,
he tho basis of a new revenue law.
When we are not compelled to tax the
most common and indispensable ne
cessities of the poor, wo can give up
the internal taxes altogether. But we
cannot let whiskey oflT while taxing
blankets nnd undershirts.
IT is claimed, and probably with rea
son, that Kriccson'a new torpedo boat,
the Destroyer, is the most powerful and
destructive engine of naval warfare in
existence. Experiments have success,
fully demonstrated that the boat can be
sunk and driven under the surface of
the water, that the torpedo gun can be
aimed and fired effectively, and that at
■ a distance of six or eight hundred yards
an object us large n the hull of a -hip
CUII bo hit with a | rojectilo that would
; destroy any vessel afloat. Tho country
I wa-t morn indebted to hrice-ou duriim
the war of tlio rebellion than to the
entire corps of naval constructors. ID
is now an old man, hut does riot a| pear
to have survived his usefulness. It i
possiblo that hi- inventions may yet he
as great a lic-lp in time of need ■wa
his little Monitr r at Hampton Itoads
when tho M- iriniae. having sunk the
i' 'ongr-and the omherhitxl, wa- pre
! paring for other and greater victories.
It i- altogether li. -ly that in maritime
warfare and the defence of seaports,
tlx- torpedo is ir, future to play the
most prominent j rt.
'I hey Mu-t Gipitulute.
El r-iHT TO I I llll! . lilt i O.N-TIT '
Tlos -A 10'. St. ON UK IME
Eli ItV TIIE 110 l : r..
'1 h<- following grap c report of I hurs
day's legislative jnocs--i .ngi i taken
from tlx- liar:.-burg /'
In the Hou-e ye-w-r Uy nx.rni g Mr.
Thompson, of l.- avr-r, rontin 1 h..-
speech en Mr. Anx-rman - free . .r,fer
i ence re-ilution. lie a-i-lresse-l i ru"-lf
i particularly to tho ofi-tinate m lwart
spirit abroad in the -enate, a -j ir.t
which he raid bad deliberately bit ier- -i
I legislation arid -- t a-.d.- the high" 1 law
of the Stale, the ' onstitution, ly the
: promulgation of an ultimatum He
illustrated the stand of the T'< mocralic
Hou-e ly referen e i i tlx- answer I're
s.-ient dack-'-n gave to the nuh.'.-r-
South 1 arolina, by a\;ng "The nu!
lifx r- -a.d w, will it' ie. '/ ~ n, ~ ,
you will not. • ientlernen, we h:,v< u
j protolyp,- of .Tackson in the gub, ma
tonal chair, and the ho-> • say we will
a i otirn. Tut the < >ov< rnor say - y < i w .il
not si.<l th- y w--.;i not.
Mr. lhomp- n s:>: 1 lied 1 I. I want
, to see bio lh- 1 or, th<- .1 of l'ennsvl
vsnia but there was another me n of
I titling down r< 5 eilion again l l ti. • or.
stitutx i ' G-t ;t t-e nr. icr-tr. 1 ihftt
tlx I id mu-t 1 ] -•-< i -ui 1 they w.li
be ] . .i. No rm n <i >re stand out
again-t the will of the people. < nr.
t.nuing, he > . i "11,- .• m crat.c
pirty d s not w ,nt to throw the rwonl
into the scale. : iiey jr>'• r | eaceful
means and th th.ng* that make fur
peace generous ,ncr--.on ai. l COIT.
I r nr.-- . iln e tlx v havo oflcre I. We
Will say :- Abraham 1 tx In ► . 1 in the
dark" 1 hour of thenar when rxke 1 :
! "What are you g .: g to do about thi*
rebellion ? '< th,' he replied, -we are go
ing to keep p. g, ng away. And that
i what we are g ;r.g to do here kee|,
pegging at the r ! elliou* <hx>r- of tlie
Senate until it s < nder."
At the close of i - ;-cecli Mr. I horn j
son wa* highly r< mpument" J, the |
plali*e t-ring g <r d. Slemlx-rs per
tonally extended their congratulations.
During the s| eeoi p< -iker l aun- e had
called Mr. limes, d Luzerne, to the
chair, and when Mr. Th rnpson ended
lie put the qu< -tion "Will the House
agree to the motion to create a fr*a-con
ference comnnUi-e ' Mr. "iavitt, of
i Philadelphia, rose it place to reply to
the gentleman from iteaver. i'-ut Mr.
Hine* dxl not recognize him. He
thought the I'hilsdelpbian wa- , ne of a
numlterengaged in an organized cheme
to have some fun at hi- Bines'l ex
! pense, anil that the proper tint • to do
! was to nip tho busine-s in thi bud, and
in that frame of mind lie declined to
hear < iavitt'* voice. 'l'iie resolu' on was
put, and in the midst of some confusion
was declared carried. Tor s moment
or two nothing could be heard but the
gavel rapping the House to order, and
the expostulations of tho Republican*
who were anxious to get hack at Thotnp
son. Agreeable to directiorf the clerk
read the congressional np|>ortirinment
bill and the House then passed it on
first reading. Whilst thi* was being
done there wa* more confusion, Mr.
lline* informing Mr. (lavitt that he was
the wrong person to attempt to bull
dose. Ho then, declared the House ad
The senate leisurely came together,
some with satchels in hand, and there
being no business before the body an
adjournment was the only thing before
it. Senator lieyburn moved that when
adjournment wa* agreed to it be until
next Tuesday evening at nine o'clock.
Thi* appeared to suit the taste of the
SUlwarta, and it was about to pass,
9 ____
TKHMS: per Annum, in Advance.
i when objection wan raised on the ground
i that it wait more than three legislative
'lay. The motion was amended to
read Monday i-vi ning and so agreed to.
( ,'tjite a portion of the S< uate i* in ses
► ton iri the oil region* to day, many
leaves of absent" being granted.
I'lOtb Senator* I.rnery and Davie*
think the •••►sjoii will be over tiy Au
gust lu. Senator Harlan iscertainof it.
—1 he Bellefonte Fencible military corn,
pany, numbering ah .t sixty members,
und'-r the command of tt.r gallant 'ay
tain, Mr An. * Mullen, departed thin
m ■ ' r Lake < nneaut, in Bradford
t' -iity, t attend the s< . lit rs enr ampmcnt,
which t-mmen- •- to-day. The hoys wero
"j. 'aiitly attired ir. full military uniform
and jo-sent 1 a gas and grand appearance.
Ihi- ■hi w..l he a j lea-ant trip fur
the boy I.
—lfer. af'.< r th- .tre g :• <{ ■ur town
*.ll he • nUrtained r.y the " Adelj hie Or
• !.• -tra f Jl ' rile, with rnu-ic be fore
the n-ing <f tie curtiim and between
the a Tin* ' rganiaalion i- t .in jessed
: rnemh. r- ■ ! tl. •• Ad. hie < il. a -<>-
■ el-. 1 - ■: i: ... f r.te'- g . 11>. k;.ng !>• y-.
"f . r the Or o -tra *. II be an at
tract .n ,n ;t" .f, ar 1 the a . lience will he
.•nteriair 1 t).r ugh the . r.tlr" evening,
w.th m . i at, i ; ay, this in connection
v. ilh the 1 a .'..fully de rated < j.era hou
it 1 th- r.ew • -nery ■ jgt.t t • insure .
good compare. ■.
But. r.>■ - - generally, bat be. n extreme.
•>' • t: i i i. hut traf'e pap. r ar"
. .ring th-- fil T! y admit that trade
!hi :. t been g i ; !■ it in ( ns< juere aof
th uneua.lv large cr •• this s'-atuns
, lhr< ogh it t' • . r try will evidently
; f ve a t'-n ]<-r. y t • g w that t r tl lei. .. t .
th ! .'or.-, u!. h, h w've-r, i a.l that is
re .jr. 1 1 keep things novir •. These
ar 1 very v, . ®. p.. t .
all branch' ef tra h
—Th. i. how a I'< r.risylvan.a 'ramp rs
;r. -K- bin. elf th<- .r.t< r. r .fa bv
lli f 7 ■' "Barn* and box-car*
ar" my !.. ; r in, r a hn r<" st when I
•>n tal." a ■:..rt a <, the iinc, 1 am
the k.r, 1 t: y spr. ■> 1 ri land; counting
;at .•• r ■ - ne- a
■ t" a: 1 I ar r, . r'-.at. ri 1 am a
1' - r...ylvar.ia t-arr.j The ah \ i- a
v.ry ; la' . an 1 expro--ivc piece i f joetic
I' ai, 1 evidently fu lv involve* the
'.l r.tiri.- r its . f the a nth' r.
It ! rati ;. : • f.-r I t ■ learn that
(!. f. tival he ; at .Jack r.ville on !al
"• iturday cvemrg. was a> usual, largely
ar dw. 1 alter lei . r..g i r.; rt. it >
have ... U.TTI 1 during the day and evening,
to mar the p>a>antri"s < f the < casion,
1.1 everything ; ■ i ('/harmoniously
ar, i plearantly. However, it i- not sur
pri-.rg t u. when *e ct r,'. ier tbenoUblo
sure. ■ that usually attends public <n
; tertainment*, h. hi by the p. jle of tl.a {
I community, pertaining to a pecuniary ob
jject. The If ward band, under the direc
n of l'rof. St'wart, was present and
furnished '-me ci it* cb e and excellent
music. Th.s band was organised not quite
a year ag", and thrapid advancement
and progress ,t ha mad", speaks well for
it* membership and the ilTnioncy of tins
—The Centre (' inty Sunday School
A' tat. in will meet in its fourteenth an
, nual convention, in the l'resbyterian
church, at Sj ring Mills. IVnna., on Thurs
day, August Id.. !. la* . The order of n
! ercises will comprise the following :
' Scripture Promise and l'raise Service.;
Normal Exercises. .v. rcf— -llow to stu.lv
an International Sunday School Isesson ..
a to succeed in teaching it. Address mil
Itiseus'ion. Sundav School Literature
skc dec.
"S. holr' 11 ur. Exercises illustrating
approved method of conducting a S S.
Session. Addre-s and discussion Address
on County and Slate Work' ,Ac sVc.
"Service *of Song; to b" followed
by the following address** "What the
Sunday School ha* done for the Church ;
| what the S. S. h* yet to do for tho
Church and World : the Word of (iod and
( it# Study for all People."
"Observe that the three sessions are
i open to all. Each Sunday school is in
vited to appoint two delegates, one of them
to be the superintendent if possible, Ac
Ac. AH pcrs.ma present should come pre
pares! to take part in the various exercise*
of the convention. In order to secure
homes beforehand those who desire enter,
tainment will forwar.l their names
early a> possible to Prof. 11. M Wolf,.
Spring Mills. Each family attending the
forenoon session, expecting to remain for
the afternoon, S# requested to bring a
basket lunch to be taken at the church •
during the noon recess. Since everything
worth anything costs something,' each
delegate is desired to come prepared to as
sist In defraying the necessary expenses of
the convention/'
—Mr. John Sourback sports the "bcHn''
delivery wagon of tho town.
NO. :N.