Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 19, 1883, Image 8

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    Elic Crutrr democrat.
Thursday Morning, July 19, 1883.
OoKKMPOXpiNri, ron t A I ii I lIK Important OIU It
from ftnjr part of the count*. No communlcatW>u
lnArtHl uiil' Nfl accompanied by tin* real name uf the
Local Department.
—A band of gypsies passed through town
on Tuesday.
—Naomi remained an old maid until sho
was f>Bo years old.
—Wo noticed Mr. Goo. 11. White, of
Howard, on tho street tho other day.
—Head tho report of tho Stato College
commencement exorcises on anothor page.
—Until Oct. 1, tho postago on letters,
woigbing half an ounce or fraction there
of, will bo 3 cents.
—Tho crop of weeds on I,atnb and other
streets is ripe. The harvest is ready but
reapers seem very scarce.
—Our friend "Cam'' Hurnsido will like
ly be ono of the superintendents at Laulh's
Howard Iron works soon.
—Howard Iron Works started yester
day in full, having eastern orders sutllcicnt
to run the works for months.
it. M. Magce, F.-ip, tho insurance
man, returned from Atlantic City on Fri
day. Wonder h,,w many policies he wrote
while down there.
—A regular bona lido hen party visited
Milesburg recently and report having had
a good time. We forgot tho particulars
furnished by I)r. r.
—Teachers, employed by tho Shatnokin
school hoard, will hereafter not resort to
corporal punishment; the board has pro
hibited that method of securing order.
—The Lewisburg College pedestrian
club, under direction of I'rof. Groff, start
ed on Monday, oxpecting to walk through
parts of Virginia and North Carolina.
—Members of tho town-council must not
bring the bosoms of their trousers in too
close contact with the steps of tho First
National hank. Officer Morgan says so.
—"Cal ' Harper, realizing the scarcity
of harvest hands, determined to go to
l'ennsvalley on Tuesday and do as much
work as three men. He will do it, too.
—Tho books and accounts of the estate
of the late I). M. Wagner have been left
with J. L. Spangler, Fs<p, for collection.
Persons interested will please take notice.
—The lady and family of K. W Stone,
of Coatesville, who are occupying tho ele
gant residence of the late Mrs. .lane W.
Hale, are entertaining Miss Stone, alo of
—An Italian interpreter, who it is
charged in addition to wedding not wisely
also wedded too much, is being boarded by
tho county until the court decides whether
or not he is a bigamist.
—Possibly the loudest thunder and most
vivid lightning ever experienced hore was
that that accompanied the shower on Fri
day. The Linn street residence of Mr.
W. R. Jenkins was "struck" but not dam
aged raucb.
BartrotTs carriage works are going at
full speed. The proprietor and his agents
Mr. Van Orm*r, both assert that, although I
their tongues have been kept wagging at a
lively rate, they can still talk a little more.
Try them.
—Although the heat has been oppressive
we have heard of no cases of sun stroke in
this Ticinity. People In the large cities
have been less fortunate—hundreds having
already succumbed to tho virulenco of old
Sol's onslaughts.
—The Hce Hive stores have added free
open air concerts to their other numerous
attraction.'. The first was given lat week
and afforded at |oal one individual. Mr.
A. Sternberg, a great deal of pleasure.
the band play.
—On Thursday lat Dr. Hoy removed a
wart-cancer from the lower lip of Mr.
John Ohaughneasy, of this place. The
operation was delicate and successful,
scarcely a mark remaining to show tho
place of the incision.
—Prof. T. M. Halliet, Hupt. of Public
Instruction of Carbon county, filled the
Reformed pulpit here on Sunday evening,
preaching from Prov. XV1,32. Mr. Bal
liet will be remembered as principal of our
schools some years ago.
—A handsome piece of crayon drawing
by Master Geo. Valentine, jr., son of Mr.
Jacob Valentine, can lie seen at the office
of Mr. Bond Valentine. Considering the
extreme youthfulness of the artist the
work is of decided merit.
—Miss Mary Morrison, of Spring town
ship, will he addressed properly hereafter
as Mrs. John Conahan, Tyrone. The
change of name wa brought about by
Father McArdle, on Thursday morning
last, at the Catholic church.
A lively game of base ball was played
by impromptu nines on Saturday. Harry
Keller and Scott Harris captained the
sides and the score at the end of the fifth
Inning was 6to 4 respectively. Dr. (Jeii
inger had one thumb badly used up.
—When Col. Hastings again advise*
young Republicans to get married that a
generation of Republicans may be raised
up, he should do so with the distinct un~
derstandlng that precept is one thing and
example another. Talk is cheap.
—The lamented Col. Ixvi L. Tale's last
journalistic venture, the I,yrominy Chron
iels, has been rochrlslened by it* new pub
lishers, Messrs. Jno. It. Keflly ft Co., the
!VUliamnport Time s, and enlarged to the
same size as the CESTRK DEMOCRAT. It
says it has come to stay. Well, behave
TAKEN HOME. —OiI Saturday morning,
14th instant, tho life companion of lion.
J. S. Proudfoot, diod at tho family resi
dence in Milesburg, aged about 71 years.
We regret our inability to state any par
ticulars regarding her demise. She had
lived tho time allotted humankind, hud ex
perienced her share ot tho pleasures and
cheerfully borno her portion of tho cares
of life, and after a long probationary statu
hero lias gone to that rest prepared for tho
children of God. Wo extend to tho be
reaved husband and family our sympathy
and with them hopo that her spirit lias at
last found surcease from sorrow.
At tho advanced ago of 83 yours, Mrs.
Polly Royer, wife of Col. Henry Royer,
died at the old homestead, about one
fourth of a mile north of Rebershurg,
some days ago. "Mother" Royer was
well known and universally respected, it
being considered a rare pleasure to know
her intimately and a great advantage to
secure her counsel and advice. Wo re
member seeing her tho last time sitting at
an open window, (facing tho broad fertile
acres tho result of nearly a life time of
toil,) reading tho bible, sho was the per
sonification of christian resignation und
happiness. Thus is removed one more of
the true, noble natures that are now so in
frequently met.
Little Jonneatto C., daughter of Mr.
Goorgo 11. Wolf, of Allegheny tret,
died on Sunday morning, of cholera in
fantum, aged nearly three years. Tho
sorrow of tho parents is great, but should
bo partly assuaged by tho request "Suffer
littlo childred to come unto mo." Some
wise purpose demanded that the dear littlo
girl, for the pro-cot, should be separated
from those who almost idolized her. <>n
that far distant shore sho will patiently
await tho coming of father and mother,
her littlo hand will he tho first to cla-p
those of her earthly relatives and the union
there will never be broken. H°r -• ul has
joined the heavenly host and she is happy.
To Tiir. CAVES. —Through the kind hos
pitality of a party > f young ladies frr m
Belief."rite and vi.-inity, arrangements by
them were made t take a trip to the great i
Natural Caves at Sprii.g Mills, ar.d to
whom all the hoi r- and credits nr.- due
for the many exertions and preparati n
they put forth :■ ward- making the .
-ion pleasant and agreeable f r all, t 'oth
er with the hearty thank- the writer
for the kind invitation to participate in
the pleasures usually cr yd ■ such > -
Saturday morning, the apj nti 1 time,
arrived, pr- mising everything toil a fair
lay, but before 1" o'c! ch wo were con
vinced that kin 1 I'rovidenee was fav ri- _
u, and the -ky was clear- 1 <f the threat
ening clouds which ' V'T-ha l -w< 1 the j,; ...
vaults of the heaven ah. ve and a nicer
and plcasanter day could not have
Mr. A. I'.aurn, the Knight of the runs
who had been engaged to convey the j ar
ty, succeeded in getting ' all aboard,
gave vent to his steeds, ar.d we hied , ur
way across the mountains. Jogging a ng
at a lively speed, we finally fea, he 1 I'd a
ant 'lap* where another lady d ined us.
and after the driver had refreshed self ar.d
steeds, I rr • thr u>>j j - fed.
After reaching the top of the ne mtain,
all took a general survey of our neighbor
ing valley, and. dotted as it is with neat
rosy mansions, nestled among the shady
groves of the valley, and .-erupi'-d a they
are by honest, faithful, hard toiling farm
ers, and after considerable commenting on
the l>eautifu! works of nature, all conclud
ed thit l'ennsvalley was ne d the fir,est
vallcvs in the world. Again, "ail ! ard,
we slowly and calmly wend- I our way
down the mountain side, and the next j
pla< eof any importance was ' entre Hall,
si which pla- o the driver discovered that i
the services of ft horse s>. er W' re r.ecde !
which necessity was at once supplied by
that affable gentleman, Mr .la. Hafpster, ;
and who at once convinced us that he
an exyrt at the business, a fact fully
iemonstrated by his work.
Leaving Centre Hall, we procr- led or.
our way to the Cave-. '*n reaching the
objective spot, all dismounted and in !<-•; \
than half an hour the ladies had prepare.)
one of the finest dinners that ha' ever
been our pleasure to enjoy on such occa
The table was spread with the finest del ;
icie* imaginable, which had been prepared
by the catering ladies that constituted the
party. After dinner, the next in ordff :
was viewing tho caves, and on reaching i
there, discovered that a pilot was needed,
and, by several shrill yells from the driver,
soon brought the jglot to a sense of his
duty, who immediately came ami took
charge of the boat, and in less than ten
minutes the party were Rifling their way
beneath the arched structures of natural
curiosities. However, the writer and sev
eral others who are subject to malarial
attacks, were compelled to remain on the
outside, consequently we have no know!
edge of the pleasures enjoyed in sailing
through tho Caves. In the meantime,
while patiently walling for the return of
the party, several young gentlemen, also
from Bellefonte, appeared at tho Cave, and
enjoyed themselves very much in placing
their signatures on tho rocks that form
the mouth of tho CEV J but oh horror I A
Mr. Harris, who was one of the party,
while standing on the edge of an old boat,
that was lying In the water, attempted to
print his signature high and dry ;
Bat lnw six! behold.
The story is told,
And the gentleman, no dosbt, hd forgel her,
The boat gare vent, sad sway lis went,
Headlong right Into the aster.
The result might have been more serious,
but fortunately the gentleman succeeded
in getting out safe ; and at last accounts he
Is still living and doing well, but the condi
tion and feelings of Mr. H. at that time,
can better be conceived than deecribed.
The time arrived when we were com
pelled to return home ; everything passed
off in peace and harmory, and reaching
Bellefonte all seemed to have enjoyea
themselves very much—were much pleased
with the day's recreation and p'easure—
concluded the trip by singing "In the
Sweet By and By."
—An all plush parlor suit trimmed with
olive plush bands on solid Walnut frame
with marble top table for $'.'4.30, at IT. B.
Spangler ft Co.
—Notice is hereby given that loniliig
and lounging on corners, front atopa and <
other places inuat bo stopped, that thoordi- I
nance forbidding the same will bo enforced, a
and that the ofllcera of the law will oo c
that it ia properly obeyed. Parties refus
ing to oboj- when commanded to "move
on" subject themselves to danger of arrest, (
and it ia to be hoped no more trouble will
result from an effort to keep public places
free from this nuiaanco. The chief burgess
instructed officer Morgan to sou to it that
tho First National bank steps were not (
used as a loafing place and tho only one of
hundreds to refuse to get off when kindly
asked was a member of tho town council.
Ho too must respect the law as well as any
one olao, or will bo compelled to.
—lt ia said there are '260,000 persons in
New York and Brooklyn who are provid
ed for by charitable assistance in these
cities, and that not an inconsiderable Hum-
ber of these are children entirely depend- (
ent upon charity for tho necessaries of life.
How to dispose of tho largo number of
helpless mortals so as to prevent thetn
becoming idlers and vagabonds, ban
doubtless engaged the attention of the be
nevolent "f those cities. But if not, here
is home missionary ground which should
not bo overlooked by the earnest workers
who seek activity in foreign land New
York and Brooklyn might make a profit
able station, worthy tho attention of our
young townsman now preparing himself.
--One plank in thu Republican Bute
platform sanctions a return to the Stales of
surplus taxation. Tho scheme Is a bril
liant one, and when freely translated
means give to certain party syOOphanU a
sinecure in the eollcction of revenue# ai. !
after deluding cost of collection return
the residue t ; > tho jiocket* of the taxj ayers.
A y< i-tickle m< an 1-1 'l!-t:< kle-you ar
rangement, and should be yoked with that
other piece of Republh an f- .ly ar.d crim
inal audacity—the coinage . f the trade
Mr. K V.d'lnrilllwi, of lbGeolog
ical Survey of I'enna , has arrived in
Bellefonto. He lias been aj j inled by the
State g' gi-t, l'r >f. J. 1' le -.'-y. to
make a survey of Centre county. Mr.
d'lnvillicrs j.r• j •> t<> make as thorough
a report r tho is nomi' S f tho county
its valuable ore and r< al doj sits —a - t.i
lirniteil t.me will p rn.it. Metr . a!,
who are inU r< ted in this itnj rtar.t u rk
will d • all in il.sir j wer to assist hiiu.
His head . iarter arc at th" 1! . h h
where ho can generally be o • n at the < 1
of the week.
Ssow Siior, PENS A . July 1 IH
KMTOH CilSI HE Ilr.XO EAT. />' I- s
}'!ew find shipment "f coal rent over B
A S S Branch of Tyrone liivision ' r
*• ■ k ending July 14 l k * '■
I'rssi >sty Tut
In I'd s.-Ti is".- is '
Umm xt^ss
Yours truly.
Weigh mas tor.
Lumber l'J cars.
• th''r freight f rai
—The cane contest at th" recent festival
"f the Kag> r met band, ls>lwTi Bevt.
Morris and Stine, resulted in a viol ry for
tho friends of tho f rmor, by a ins rity < f
•V) vote Tbn rane was presented t • Mr.
Morris . n las'. Thurs<lay evening, the jr<-
snt*tion sjeech being tna in by "ur ta j
entosl friend, Dr. Hoy, of this place. Tkl j
recipient resjw.ndcd in fine stylo anil
j everything pa*:-' 1 off agreeably.
—ll It. Spangler A C , are nsdy t
make a wager in money that they can sell
at Bellefonte the same kind ■( furniture,
i the best and finest manufactured, for i-#
money than Philadelphia lirrns Th">
habit of buying jar! r tuts and fine furni
-1 lure in Philadelphia < r New York is sim
ply a waste of money. We sell the satne
make and manufacture fir less money
reason is. we pay less rents, taxes, and no
clerks. Try us.
Mr. Waller Agar, of I.ork Haven,
who played a series of games ~f checkers
with Mr. W. v. Brown, of Altoona, for
: tho Btalo championship, barring Phils
and Pittsburgh, won easily. The score,
Agar 1", Brown drawn 1". We shosild
like to have him play either I>. <. Bu-Ji,
Al. Carman, Ir. I) ihbins or l)r. Kirk.
—An inters sting trial of self-binding
harvesters was held on tho farm of Mr |
Peter BreoA, noarCentro Hall, on Monday,
by reprosontati ves of the Wood, Peering,
Champion and Osborne manufacturing
companies. It is gratifying to note that
all did their work satisfactorily.
Mr, Jerry Donavin thought he would
try working in tho harvest field the other
day, and with that purpose fully fixed he
went to the farm of Mr. Martin McQowiUt.
There is nothing remarkable about it save
that he spent mom time in tho house than
in the field.
—Mr. "Jack" M. Pale is studying
mental philosophy, taking lessons en Lamb
street, and if any reliance can be placed in
current reports is making admirable prog
ress, Together his interesting study
ho manages to have a real pleasant time
and play tbo agreeable to perfection.
Mise Mary Jonee, of Osceola, who
had been visiting the family of her uncle,
Col. Joe Furey, returned borne on Friday.
Mise Mary bad beoome quite a favorite
and her return at any time will be bailed
with delight by many of our people.
-Butts made to your owa measure for
$16.00. Leave your orders Ut-day.
MOST.OMB*T A CO., Tailors.
Camp-mketino. —Tho Clearfield end
[Jttorboln charges of the church of the
United Brethren in fhri-t intend holding
% camp-meeting near Wood lend, ('learfb'll
county, I'#., commencing Aug. 17, 1 hh:;
Mi;Hi'ku at Mn.HOT.-iOn Monday
Samuel Longwell, Mr., of Milroy, gave
Keod Aloxaridor permission to go on hi*
farm, occupied by hi* on, Samuel Long
well, Jr., to gather berriea. lie wm or
dered off by the younger Longwell, who
know nothing of tho permi ion granted
by his father, and when Alexander refus d
to go Longwell struck him on tho head
with a piece of rail, killing him almost in
stantly. Ho ww arrested.
Two Kihkh. —The large implement stor>-
~f Kwn J. 8. Waito & Co . of Tyrone,
wa* burnrd on tho morning of tho &th in
slant. Origin—supposed to have ben
firework*. Their many friend* will be
pleased to learn that they have started up
again in a temporary b lildirig at the • 1
placo until they rebuild.
The barn of Mr- Sarah Patterson, roar
Warrior* Mark, l'a , wa- hurt - 1 on the
evening of the Ctb. The allcg* Iw* r*. • f
an incendiary.
A Hai* Mcari —Our friend, i , met
witii quite an adventure on t p of the
Allegheny mountain*, a few *ia; inn-,
while on ono of hi* collecting t ir* \n
aged lady became very inucli disph-a-'d
and enraged on a* l ount of the am* . r.! of
a tiill present' 1 t her g ! n ; > : - gave
liim her spe< ial blot-it*;: an I In in hir h
lion* he de*paire<i of hi- iif*- 'I hr ugh a
kind and merciful I'r .. i i. *• he* ap* :
with In* life, immediately f* il into the
hand* of g< I . iinantar .m.l 1 .M.a'.v
:-d by Th ma We C'Tigrat ;!ate
the Professor on Li* en| #. ____
sM.i ma New -I! :. 1 \ alentir.e.
K*<|., has • 1.0 it* 1 t accept tt.*- ag'-nrv
f r a entirely new at. li. '•. * i ty !*• f ta'
*uilablo for office, drawing r in, sii s
'lumber, * r any other u-* The advat
tag*-* j •••*•*-• 1 by th * table are that u
jean be raiM-1 *r lowered to *uit, can be
! made v occupy any j - t. r. re,u'.r*-i
, light, han i-' tne and a U-autlful | • '■
\ f.irnit .rs 11 was *h< *n n by Mr. \ a
"■Mine, ye*!- r*lav, ar :i* * -;mj • that any
one of ordinary intelligence can readily
■pi rate :t, I,t * <r . y frier, i declared
that life is t •. rt t aw him t ma to
il plain to!' • in.nd fMr ■' !•'* 1 V
1, - fall at Mr \ a • t r...ra- -
office in lluih arcade and **■" it for y< .r
Mh Mm am* nra I ait it < it*
Mr Edward Mix f < nr.*. li .! w- 1-
I ' ve. r< enlly attcn.j t*l '. cure oil* r. ,
a:!:ict"-l ' r,< • in *r mid*t, by the *< *y
j- iliar prore.* * f "j raying at 1 laying
r. of hand*. Thi p*r-*n •an egress
and * nc-rning her .1 i> r*; rU-1 that *(.<■
hai effected rur<-* by * rr*e subllelry ur.-
liiinwn to mankind at large. \\ ed ■ n
t-elieve h- j *• e> any * jch j w* r • a: I
lliev wh jla " any c**r,(Jder e fc. r f
ih as* in jt. r. . f supernatural pr* we-*
will ha**' t.ly del.*, n and •P'ap; nt
iner tf r their tr .! > It i I t } var.l
to r- ntcmi late the fa t that there are yet
in th,- world a sufficient number of per
* n* t afT r 1 i*t v U imp- *ter-, a* th *
K'.hi pian *ecri. l*e he, a *l* ■ ent ..v,;h 1
Let . ti*-ar n<>tbii.g n. re : Mr* M.xar 1
lier healing art.
A Mai* A i: km. —On M r iaym rr
ng a* Mr. Train ar.d hi* men were g rig
i!o work on the lower j art of hi* divi* n,
i,hev reached William* * it near Martha
-talion, and were horrified t<> ee an ap
pr* aching *p*tial train >*n the *ame track
a* their band car All of the men except
three jumped off, cm* being Injured quite
serious* v Mr John Robinson aged ai>- *t
j 1 rear* had hi* left leg broken in two
place*. Mr J- hn Waugh fell, striking
the rail, wa* knocked senseless, anJ wa*
pulled off the track by Mr. Win. Near
hoof. His arm wa* badly hurt All who
umped off were more or less injured. Had
they remained on the car no one would
have been injured a* the train wa* stopped
1 iust in time to avoid a collision Mr ("rain
ha i no notice of the spec ial train.
1 Camp Kirk am* Riax Mi pi-ir.— The
' fir*l anniversary of Ir. fio. L Potter
' P*t. No. 2f*l, O. AH. wa* held on Tues
day evening, In a large circus tent at
Milesburg An immense crowd was in
attendance an*) a ral pleasant time ws*
the portion o| all. The lent wa* hand
somely decorated and Illuminated. After
•upper a stand ws* arranged and the audi
ence called to order by Capt. Austin Cur
tin, llev. T. M Morris offered a short
prayer, followed by Capt. Curlin in the
address of welcome A well prepared and
well delivered effort, full of hearty cheer
and patriotism. Gen. James A. Heaver,
of Gregg Post No. responded In the
style that has made him so popular as a
s|>eaker. Commander 11. 11. Henner, of
the same Post delivered a neat little speech
of thanks and Joe Kay, the funny man of
the G. A R , came In for his share of the
work of entertainment. Two brass bands
—the Milesburg and Curtin's— addedmusic
to the other attractions. The committee
of arrangements worked hard to insure an
agreeable time and succeeded. A gentle
man fully conversant with the details and
particulars of the occaalon has promised
us a complete report for our next issue,
and to bitn we shall look Tor a description
of many fee lures and Incidents that escaped
our notice.
—Satin paranoia, trimmed with l*,
f 1.76. D. Oarmak A Hot.
HOWARD.— Tho editor of tbo Tyrone
//■ raid attended tho clebrati ,n rI Unwind
on the till instant nnd tin* i tbo way bo
repent what In- heard and aw :
Howard, Onlrn county, i* a beau
-11 fi 11 y I'M alid village in tho Itaid Eagle
Nullify, farnotj" (or it superior iron work*
and Hill Hopkins, Ix'tlur known to tbo
reader-, of ilia Herald II "K .rgeman."
It has a flouri-hlng fort of tl,.- (,rarid
Army of tbo It-public at. I a Lodge of
Odd follow-, clitiri hi r ei, .>h lo ai tii
rnodaUt tho people in and around the town
and good educational facllltim It f )hß H
little hotel, at tbo bar of w1... I, a few ■ I
the dnntsens alp bei-r anil whiskey, while
all band" ; intake of tbo milder h'-veragi •
to be bad at the "birrb beer af J "little
daisy parlor of the I/irakfidoubli extra-
Mite rliri" ■ urn- (.undent.
l'lie Hal I Lnglo Valley railroad (line
through the town, a little i ..... j
n j0.., I dejMil building . there fr ti. -10111-
tort i f the trav-linj; (.üblir. It :• I, ■ i
with a line gr v.- adj -wing 'be ln-t home
on one fide, ar.d tbo aj j • urate e i I the
, ropr the | ren-nt rean.n indicate that ti,"
i owner, of (arm in that locality i.avo, in
tin- lar.;. iiige of tbo j.r 1 r ti r vi ry "fat
lake, Tw . or tlir•. g i r'• are ,t.
the town, and there may be r ro f. r a-n
•*. i.• r by tb" t u t!.•- •rn• . Army I.
get their low ball u| ( r which ; irpo'e
thry "accuniulatcd' ; art of the in ney by
■ rvlng b-ar,. and bard-la i. at a' .ar
tel a | .'i '• v.e mean the c ruiu.i to
tl.e extraordinary large trow J of j , ~(.
i wfc attended the f, irth • f July ";. hra
t: Ti at that ja- e la tu, k I' ra •' I
' al, it tbe time for dinr.-r - i . but the
t • k' ;• v,i re pretty well out, an i of <
biiline-- went on, with (dale in hand !-
1 •,ir. 1 tbe tr."-, under tbe lab;.., in lie
■ i.ii beiim, et Sje-aking • f tb- i .• bra
.li •!., al it a h indred and fifty • r two
bu• .re I lir,.v I Ariuy n■•. j . •:
-tre.t- in ti m irnir.g w • b i apt t ,rt;r ,
• ! M. • I ng, a" c mrnai.der r. hid
if war ! - b* it ral'.r, Ma Ilur.bam, re
ceived the veiling comrade* with a well
timed a ; Jr. • and < fi S K - . r, 1
Itellef ;it, answer* 1 it very maty ar.d
very nppr j,r;at"*iy. fi-vera. ban. w.-r>
j tie re an lab ■ . . ib, - there war r.
► borlniof i ( tnu.i ■, either a- ' • uantitv *
j . la'.ty. Aft. r 1 inner, • . the brim
—of ti-an*, (•■ Tk and ir ri w, jge coffee,
< H)l Hh.t.i lat- (. c
tb otl. It 'iment I f w A ; itant <
ma le a r ,ir g •; w b. - r.e that l: n: ■ t ••
fir ■ a-. :
(•i-n-Mi .lb- 1 indiv; ; .al iu.ine: at' y it
, t.i fr '.t. and highly 1 r.t'-rla.r.. 1 all tbe
man, men a- 1 ch irn. wl. . w-rn cx
, ten:v y a**etnl <din fr r.l, in para: I ,
n ' ' er ! ti e rv rgn ■< n < v. re i
; speaker rtar.d In one j art • f ih gr v
1 they danc ), arid . •• cp-ain *• Inbed i t
an '.her A .ng man. wl nan,,
lwo have f rjot'.en. pa 1 the J. a rat. r. fl
lndep.Tidet.ie, an 1 every 1 dv > a mod b
et y I!.' n ■ ...I . j art . a*.;, t' -e w:
: t .a, t -av > a . a I I ' P •
fr timer,t# a Jmir.nteri . .re ;!y fr rn
the < lou i aliv •
■ . : • A : • • or 1 .r
11 ' A r r 1
1 ; i th jnm.• *. b Vti IHrx) fi ''
Tb# M r .f* li
ard an "right -marl f r n/i ar. I
| "rackor the number ' other !*■ *u
:.,'!. w•re f . r.y n; ■ .t I . i n-i, b
•ay half a C . r;
"forgeman .dd e*ral barrelx ,f
tni'J drink*, ar.d practb e winomy by
drinking the •m ; - I. •• ,f lie g t
awav with a iarg" ~t f gar# ar, i r i
j nacli". a- did I. > ru-t rnera w th tb' r
. a#h. at.d '■ w ..dn't b< urj r • 1 t"bear
f him b' wir.g ,gn of a j. re t <r -
I large h - bimine i by *P( lying f r ,uart -
,n the new <i'ar l Nrmv : : * •
! Tka' it £K" El r.'TKJ Ity virtue f the
| authority veil- 1 in it. et, . the >cl, i
I II td "f Heilef. r.t# dulr.il, on Friday
evening ',a#t e.ecle 1 the f mingj er# •,
teacher# • f the #, .■ >,gr, at" .. b r the
• r.ming term
| fria'tpal Prwf I V. 11.'
,u> I I -.0 j: f*r ' J r Moil,
: T: • • *.••• M.wfc.
j I riK i..? w,.. turn ID-.-
I iftb orl—-M.#> J#r.i# W .rn .
r ul, i.nl. Mm l.irr .M. Ml. lg- .
' I 4 • '.r•/'.• V:h Anf V %t,
1 s, ■ *rx - i*ti -i? # .
| let th ft. '• Hem."
} nll th V a Kit# V #•
NVith 1 .t two except oina theenlire cori •
i the iam" a# that of la#t year, ar, i ll,#
"election will give the very bel alifa
! tioa.
Thi> |. I' I vt I .Mr llarnm nh rh -r,
f th" firm N- bin A ( ■ . grocer#, the
j rivileg" of erecting a building on tbe
' -oulb-weat corner of the echool lot for tbe
. .#e of a "elect mhool
| CAI K MAI - fiRKAt Mi-i AI KR#H
vAI. SaLS' t Kxii XMOK JOLT 20TH.—
I While arrangement# have f.-er. .n ; 1
for giving c rireit of a very high "land
ard at the <May I'avillion every Sat
urday and Sunday during the eearon. with
1 frequent entertainment" during the week,
j there will b held one and po#ibly two or
three grand fe#tival#. the fir#t of which i
to take (dace on Saturday, July 21#t, and
Sunday, July 221. Ureal preparation# are
'.ring made for pp-luring on a grand
• rale a number of the cholce#t work# of
the mo#t eminent eompewer#, and for thi#
;iurpo#e a (licked orrhe-tra of one hun
dred and an experienced choru" of 2'fl
mixed voiie# bav,> li>en engaged and are
rehearung in Philadelphia Charle# ,M.
Schmilr., leader of thef.crmania Orchelra
if Philadelphia, and of the Philadelphia
Mtuital Festival, in muMcal direct r,
which I# a "ufflcieut guarantee a. lo the
qualitv of the mtuical feature# I#iettn
guihpdJni|oi#u will a#it. J. Oowh<, W
well known in connection with Theodore
Thnma#, i# manager. Irovert of rou#ic
will bo plea'>d to learn that a #pecial ex
eur#ion train with parlor car# attached will
leave Pi It* burg viv tbe Pennsylvania
Railroad on Friday, July Ifffh, IKH.N, from
Union station, at A lfi A." m . and arrive at
Ca|M May at 10 45 the fame night. The
ticket# have been placed at the very low
ralo of flO for the piund trip, and tbe re
turn coupon made good until July 30th in
l'lace# In the Pullman car#, ticket#, and
full information may be had of Thomas
K. Wall, l'a##engr Agent, NVo#tern Dis
trict, 110 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg.
—The only plaee in Oentte county that
a self-binder or threshing machine can be
knocked down and repaired in good shape
ala moderate co#t i at
Un a# Gairrrrn.
If Bellefonte, Pa.
—A solid Walnut book case which
will contain 200 volume# made to order for
$22.60, at R. B. Bpangler A 00.
-De ClrofTs necktie retainer, for gentle
men, at I). Uahuak A So*.
Wilon, McFar!ari & roll atten
tion to the only reliable Heady Mixed
Paint in the market. The Pioneer Pre
pared I'u'i ti i <itly inferior to any
Ifeady Mixed I'm ' id I n", rivh! pirn
white lead in ji HUM ■ ii v. 't ihif
and durability. 'J j iiiiit i guaranteed
by the manufacturer. ito . r.- • j.-oJ
within three year., The guarant- <■ not
only nod (or replacing tM paint it it
will b>i put on if it ►ln til j crack or i I
within the tiuiu p'-< ilii/j. |t will |,i t,
your internet to call and Wibon. Mc-
I ariar.e Ac (' 1 , b'*lofi! |oir> hning either
white Bad OR any • T:. r Ready Mixed *
WMTE coo-la 111.-! embroider)**. IH
'J*KM* N Ac So
have an <atablin m t to tul .• your ma
chinery to, to i<- i.pmri ! i.nd made a
I"" I lU> new. Hewer*, REAPER*, *elf-bind
any other kind el lIHM HINI-rt VI 1,.. re
paired ut mM rnl" ; , • •!. 'lb ail
Foundry.' i I i, I. in,'
P L. ••! nte, i'a.
I ill, ■ I I I. ' . ■ ])<>'. I IA ••
A >
; A IMKOKKOt * ' II • | KI.KI 11 There
are dangorou- WIN rf< .• n . , A lion
• BR.-R, TI." I'J. I ,T I vi-J.-111 . < f IT*
{real value it THE FAN that parti. - know-
J!'_• IU SNT! EFFL. a. try T it.
KACH H tile . I THE -, N , HA afa mn\U
■' '"L :••! •.WTM tE U . AND
a I. at , nth. - wrn; p. r. 'i he
. *\or* r - * if i rn h while
r.E-T .RE I . . .. VVTI and < r to" the
hair I .RI ha-< ' .FI *T, CR .Y ~ FF. y r-
Ark your ;N. • t : . K„, F. | Y , T .
\ IT warrant. 1 JJ £
' . I'hilad. •> lIF D JI A A LIU. kel
New V< -k, Wh .'.era A PO r.T* 4 ly
— Champion a: 1 'I >,ri,e NTPR and
M *ER R' J air. at
I J:* i. A ' .K:I i r 111
i ,i I'\ HID Maehine Shop..
T JI . 1... ■ -< • I), . \J ,
attra live I- , I ■ . ,J, I. . , RNEI
a. A tiro i t • plait.r
papier hu>-re..-: • P., B. ad •' Per.EU.,
wbi. hi not .<• a GREAT r.ov. iv, tul an
< 1 . lite U :K .fH' t Ala A ,TIFUI J NOT, .
Itravure OF A "Lit: •• lir..'- aUo adorn*
THE art ; artn IT at : the OP •r . lulra-
T.or.K ARE T. JN.er 'I . urary art -
are of a high • .ER F tin fit. ' an. &K
Wl.T'h may LX> mer.T;- • J e . r.timiation
' F. •: r> Oit of the WORLD. ■ M*IA!
I.LIE at S:r,;th < " The IFR F
HEN WA-] friet. •. the ;R .T <.f* the
KR -LIE? . A I'erfe. t Kr E ht. T •
Pa ip*r f j •; ' "The Kre in N.ng
: ■
• V Je. r e JUR,. HI : H - f P R.ah'th
1h tu; ilutl. •, •e i , i • at, .< jA: U r
■f ' att *E. :' • 71 p *1 depart
n.<nt i- w< .. C a- r., the KtUb.-rj,
1 an. r V • rk, - R ,as, 1 Farhion de-
I a*ltner.t> wl : "l urr. r,t T> ; ic are
• a' v I I • .J. \ ... 1 1.,1
.1 > • in.', r < I>■ • M <v M .
a l dU- t! • p r, of < v<-rjr
r,e, the * , a.itiful >trat.on a • • m*h
nt we , wort: p <-.,!! ,• to wt t.< th
it.; OF the advantage it .. t ti • h.-ux.
1 R. the way O! . ■ T R.-A : :-U AND U"V
ful information
! — Chanig arj lab-ri. ■ REAPER and
rr W R repair! a',
Iltf A fian ICTH -
I' Jrv at ;Ma ..:R. SLIOJV
—Mr II A ITER '.R .wl ba tr.E LE- T
r. ; .tat R. AGR ' .*A tr.acfcirerr in
j THI* I untv i now ER: T ' .yed by
II; A A L.nn KTH,
j tf. Itellefor.te. PA
Jiltisical Iriktrnction ' '
The ur,derM(jr . ! W I 8.-jin RI term of
M.'HAL I Mir .RF. •• R- t' ' L',AR. H r 1
• •RFTN, cemmencicc Julr .T'LB, IW<3, and
minuing ten w. - !"*• WI'L I " or
:;R RED at Aaren.'urg, >I 1 .IM, and
I inity. Arrangement* T ave IN N made
at Aaroniburg t<< arcomm . late J npiU
■ -
• eiving muHcal irMrueti. n. T< rnr. ROOD
. rate (1 --1 I -ard r • •be J.roc 1 red at
rernabl ral - P. EXJA-RTIR J; t >
take Jnaaoni should AFT iy immediately, OI
ll.at the ne,Ciary arrancetnenu may !•
effected. For further information apply
.n JKTK> n T or addre
WF. T. Mrvtß,
27- t. Aaronriiurg, L'A.
POLLLIRAL AnnonncrmpHta.
NR; LOT)) • IFWL F nrfrtr t ■ tl*at FR .1. TT
-WITH. v u TR Ui* U.t
\ • M! JuAgy T IHF i THII IWRN-E
rm ' >unt) C> ut* t>t •.
W. iktf ntto H.nt IIK3IRV H
-MIT 11. f nt *iil I-
' t Amm ■ alp JRT'L?* >1 *■'< LB* TF tl#
HOUFfoxit i* C*rain Mnrfcrt.
fini *R *T, Jul* IHX.
• rf !•"! *■' Kl} I* TL K*} I- •4 OO
H"he*t—j-* r I ' • l*f
** T IMS. " M 1 1^
W . 1 *
a -| |* r I C*ft
Uf. I"f W
furl*>. f*F ry Tft
CIOWM IWI, F*R P • 114 W..-*a... .X.K FT
FLOUR, wbolML V }•+* I'M . K H*R • <'
pr mrk. *• 1 o'
| !'Ui'T , gr • urul, j* t t n. * <*
ProTi*inn Market.
OormM kf BrUi*r.
Pr |iohml —— l '
< r lo
J.rr 1 —-1"
Frr*h J- ..... 12
(li<Wf |H'f yli4. IK
(VDMTRI ham* T*F - LF
lUin*.*ufrf lf.
I**rd — 1:.
KRC* |*T H
I;XK(TTC)IIS N< li'lli:.- -Lciicra
I j tmUmnitArj U* K*ni of Mr* Hn* T,
HaU.Ul*- OF Uinmth. WNNIY, R* , T
| hing rnwf I*4 lb# ntt UrwigrioJ ail i •
I tr. MU<l *ata ar mat*
• pa*n*fil.. aa.l all bating rial aw* ngait*i fbn
; am* to tHawi, dnlf a(|iPMt<il tt lit. far
j •atHfftaot. aVKM Ui>T.
\ flMt KTR. utar.
I^ STRAY.—< me to the pn-niitw of
4 Ikr at Hm> Nimiiy Irtf**- •
milk , light nil tvU*r, Mbldlaaire Tb* aawNT ta
lIIRLKN b rx.ma LORTTRD, FTOTX arty, fHf rhafgaa
ATNL tak* H*r aaf , ATHMTRN* *H *iß b* M
awtrding ta !•*. \t tu ** Mr tor.
| UMBER.— The umier*tciL. ex-
X J era er. of I I. K.I.M- 4 *" I Meln. JEWF.
K... FC.r wl. a la>*. OAAAW RF L all K.**..
Allla* FEE Mil •-. **♦■ •• ***■■<
lewar b.a LB- MAX .ALLLT EN l. K. 4 tif wkM.
C B. HtiRSINa,
Jul) I*4M. Relae'H 1>W <*, I*.