Ctßttr democrat. Thursday Morning, July 12, 1883. GoMMroiißMCi. containingIniyurUnt news,•ollrlt d flaw >,y part f h county. No communl, attons luaorted unless accompanied by the real name of tin, writer. Local Department. —Now buy glass fruit jars. —Mr. 11. I>. Showers, ol Zion, looked in upon us on Monday. —John E. Vaughn has boon appoint'd Postmaster at Hrisbin, Cloarflold county. Miss Annio Swart/, is visiting Wat sontown and Lowishurg friends. —Tho small boy and the sparrow can now light it out if it takes all summer. —Colovillo i* soon to have a now store of which Mr. Perry Colo will bo proprie tor. —When Attorney llower asks for a "rulo'' Attorney Hoy had better subini ( gracofully. —Even a goat wont go at a fellow when ho's down. — lint. That is when the goat is down. —Judge Larimer comes to town almost daily and has bocoftie much better physi cally of late. Prof. J. W. lies ton, one of tho in structors at tho State College, called on Monday evening. Waboliove Mr. John Moose, grocer, was tho tirst merchant in Bellefonto who took trado dollars at par. There as many O. A. It posts mustered now as there wore just about this timo last year. Why ? —The Republicans of this county appear to value hopo and a vermillion hirsute top, and will try it ono year more. —Naturalists say that an insect known as tiger beotlo is making war upon the p Into bug and driving him away. —Tho proclamation of tho chief bur gess, forbidding uso of lire works, on the 4th instant was totally disregarded. —Tho fall term at tho State College opens September 11,1**3. Examinations for admission, September 11 and 12. Raspberries sold at 1 boxes for - • cents at market on Tuesday morning Each box was said to hold ono quart. On Monday of last week tho I'oor ilouso at Harrisburg was burned. Lo?s estimated at $200,000. partly insured. —The postotTico address of Rev. \\ .o. Wright, n<>w of Milesburg, after July 10. will be Kylortown, Cleartloli county, Pa. Watsontown is to have a new railroad —a branch of tho CaUwissa will be ex tended from Milton to the former place. —Our thanks are due Mr. J. W. \\ ol cott, proprietor of the Hotel \ endomo, Boston, for a beautifully colored map of that city. Master Meyer Guggcnhoimer return ed from Philadelphia lat we-k after a protracted visit, accompanied by bis cousin Louis Weil. Mr. Jacob Shrom has been confined to tho house for some time by a severe cold. Wo shall bo glad to hear of his speedy rocovcry. Miss Jennie Riddle, daughter of Rev P. B. Riddle, of Bhamokin, who had beer, visiting Mrs. Rev. Matlern returned to her home last Friday. —A little son of Mr. A. C. Lonebcrger had tho misfortune to burn his eyes quite seriously by tho premature explosion of a lire cracker on tho 4th. —On Friday, Amnion, son of Mr. Mi chael Kerstetor, fell from a cherry tree and broke both bones of his right forearm. Dr. Hoy is attending him. —lf it is too warm to wear heavy cloth ing, wear something lighter. Tho Phila delphia Branch is prepared to meet your wants bo they what thoy may. —The music furnished July 4th, by the /.ion and Pleasant (lap bands equaled that of the visiting bands. Our county should bo proud of its musical organizations. —Our daily contemporary has been kicking tho Lycoming Fire Insurance Company and its counsel most vigorously of late. We shall see what we shall see. —Mr. Charles Valentino is rapidly be coming a lady's man. Bo careful, young man, or before long you will giro us a chance to write a notice of your marriage. —Judge Schuyler, of Lock Haven, had intended going along with a "temperance | fishing party" sometime ago, but did not havo time. The suckers were happy in consequence. —Mr. Sam. A. I'enn, agent for Mossr*. Miller & Mooney, 20* South Front street ) Philadelphia, wholesale dealers in choice liquors of all kinds, has located his family at the Brockerboff house for the summer. —Mr. Michael Shaffer, ono of our good Democratic agricultural friends of Walker I township, called on Monday. Mr. S. represents the Intelligent class of farmers that form tho real bone and sinew of our country. Mr. F. P. Blair had quite a pleasing experience, the other day, trying to rosus citale some drowned guineas. Ho succeed ed only to find next day that the objects of his caro and solicitude, had deliberately laid down and diqjl. —Whooping cough is supposed to he cured by passing the patient nine times around the body of an ut.—Er.ehan<je. If there be any virtue in the alleged cure we advise persons so afflicted to secure the body of tho party who writes society items for the Daily New*. Doubtless less than the prescribed number of times round would result in a pormanont cure. Bikthday 107.—July 4th, I**3, was very appropriately observed In Bollofonto. Tho weuther, though very warm, was pleasant and a largo crowd thronged our streets from "dewy morn till oven." Never beforo did our peoplo and their friends from out of town strive to enjoy themselves to such an extent. Tho pitrado, which formed about 11 o'clock, presented an unusually lino ap pearance and elicited lluttering remarks from all, consisted of Chief Marshal Capt. Mullen, Aids, Dr. Goisingor, Chi . Holder, Chief Burgess, Town Council and other Borough officials, Huntingdon <'it** Band, Huntingdon Hose ComMitiys 1 acd 2, "La Franco" fcJteaiu viro Engine, Sax oa Cornet Band, Independent Hook i id Lid e- Company of Huntingdon, Zioti Cor lot Ha id, Logan lio i Co., No. 1, of Bollofonto, 1' "i ant (Jap ('omot II ~ Undine Hose Co., No. 2, of Bollofonto. Tho lino of march was up Bishop to Al legheny, out Allegheny to Linn, counter march to Howard, down Howard to Spring, out Spring to Bishop, up Bishop to Allegheny, thence to High, down High to tho Fair <irounds, where an elegant meal was spread and the hungry given all thoy would eat. After dinner the amusement part of the programme was inaugurated and darning, ba.-u bail and other .-ports fully indulged in- Many of the private dwellings arid hu-i -noss places wero beautifully decorated. Tho Cnditio lbc-o Co. under whose auspi ces tho celebration was conducted is en titled to much praiso I r tho excellence ol tho occasion. Tho order throughout the day was good, very little occurring to dis turb its pleasure, and July 4th, -■!, wiil pass into history as having been an ex. ceedingly pleasant day for tho cits. er. of our town. Rxrcni.ieAN Coimy Convkviion.— Tho sweltering heat of Tuesday, rd in -tant, was not t • intense i r ab it ■'>" d - voted republicans who sat d"wn in the court house, at 2 o'clock r. >i , to j lace in nomination a -ounly ticket, or rather to set up a few political pins to be kn ked lown on election day. It was one - f the most harm-ni i- n'-emb'y- .-f which w have any r- rl, - arcely ere . •!; ir.b r boing manifested in tho or b-r of cxeri; to keep the half d"/.en spec tat T awa-e Capt. A i-tir. C irtin, f 1! . jr and Mr-'rs. Richard Beast-n, W F. Boeder and A. A Dale record. 1 th" m >- mento .- proceeding-. Chri-t;an Dal", Sr., f * -lege, nominated for A - c;at- Judge 11. 11. Har-hl-orger, K, , flb lief-nt , - arri- J. :T what lit'.'. 'l. r may I• '. :.g j to the i. minat. n f r Ii-1r: t At'. r:..y Chas. I'. Ilewes, E- • wanb-d It, t , but ho was t ) crit: a! u < unity audit r, and somo of those he had offended sat d wn jjion him. F'or county surveyor S. D. Ray, 1. , , ran through with■ it any opp -ition. Of course ho will bo elect- d—in a horn. Captain Austin Curtin ar. 1 A V. Mil ler were elected dob _-at- s to the State ( vontion; Wm. M'Farlane, F. Miles ind Theo. Gordon, Senatorial or.fere. and the pre-ent chairman v;a re-elected I The re- iluti n praise the Ibq ub in pur- j ty, condemn the Demo rati c, and pb d ■ '.he nominees united uj p rt. S"mi: L'm.-ti —The • -replete w- rkt of a standard poet will bo given to that per->n who first sends to this office cor rect answers to the following questions, provided that [er n attended the public Answers mu-l a sealed envelogo and placed inside tho one used to forward them and havo tho name- of the sender written on tho outside. Jli.t f)TH.—When Mr. W*. Mild Walker reached the commissioner's office on Thursday morning of last week tho fol lowing card attracted his attention : Tho whole WM draped in black cJ olh and aorrow for an hour ecmed to lurk In the tnot bidden labyrinth* of tho old court home, while quietnen* reigned su preme. —The 2nd quarterly meeting of the I'leaaant Clap M. E. church will be hel d at Valentine* Forge, on Friday at 3 o'clock, r. M. Service* on Sabbath, Keir. F. Adam*, of Centre liall, will preach in (tho morning and evening. —Mpring crook bridge is to bo built. —Mil Georgo Hodgors visited Lowi-- ' burg friurid* lat wook. Miu M'Faddan, of llarrUburg, in * visiting Mis* Ella M'Clain. 1 Dtuiiol (inrinau, Esq., proprietor of tho popular Garmaii Hotel, uiod to 1' ntli | music. t Dr. Smith, of Altoona, brother of our , enterprising baker, was in town early part , of tbo week. —Mr. L. T. Munion and Misi Hallio 1 (lopbarl will bo married July I'.', at tbo i Episcopal church. Mr. Win. lrvln of I'lonrffeld, brother of Mr. John Irviu.ia viewing the sight f i our pretty litto town. I —Tho -Methodist Sunday school will I hold their annual pic-nic, July 2'>lh, at Snow Shoo Intersection. liis Honor, Judge Orvis has hold ov- I oral argument court- lately, pae.-ing upon orders, rules and injunctions. Miss Jennie Morri on is at home. She ha-jut closed a very mere -ful t- rrn of summer school at Show Shoe. —The Mines Ltugklii, of eeit Lamb ; street, are entertaining their cousin, Mi - Maggie Laughlin, of All< na. Mr. K. C. Humes, of tho llr-t Nation !al ilank, lias commenc- 1 laying a now pavement in front of hi r ,dcr,c". Mr. William Cowdrii k, who has for 'OIIIO time I A nursing a ro ankle, is I belter and will nbe • 'it again Mi's Sullie M'-ek, Mi Liz SI. Tt- I lidgo and Mi Carrie Hum' are attend ling the Slate Teacher A ciaten at Wil'ianij rt. I —The "i M ('. A. li ar*l <>f Ma- ver j ha-extended a call to Mr. fin rCr v. • f M-adv;lle, t- aaiuma UM duUw of Outsort) ' Secretary. j —An infant child *f Mr an i Mr- < I 1., (.'alb way wa br ght fr t li - t.m re tl..- pla- •• : r interment -. Wedne- lay I of last week j - M ■ Mary . nr. <•:' I. .•! -. 1 !.. r t'-r M. 1. il< . I Hit. :han t n. N V., are v; it * tie- r aunt. Mrs. lift j .lt> f II war 1 ire. : Mrs. Catharine D St-ver, re t <f | i uUii. il St ver late' I! a ,r.\ lat i her homo, July 1 -t, ng- ! 70 year* . J no-nth? and Df day . Mr. and Mr II .r, a r <•* v n>:.r rie 1 c ij le, are spending the r*t | art of their h'.r.oyti n w.th the family .' Mr. j j C. T. G'-rl <rri. h, Th ma* sir* -t. —July is- Mr. A. I'rai.a I.v. . ! land M Hatte Wat n, bMhoftl • j , | ■ married by itev. W. ' M • ght, at ] 'th l'r- -bvt •:!. j ir • M •••!> ifg. M r Alexander • ar 11. I. ' ' Br. wa, c al 'baler , furnish' 1 tho t* am f'.r the II .ntingb n Kr.gine, < n th- (lb, and four prettier horses were never o-en in this t< wn. I Mr. Jam- C. ■ th, tho aflab' ft' j ' d-tar.t j -tma-'.'-r at Milibiurn and mem- i ber of one of the lea-lit g mercantile firnn I"f that snt'-rj r ir.g t *wn, caiiv-I yi ter day. I —A r--; rt - f the C -inn.- r. emer.t x'-r- I cues At ti." StaiO College reach- ! yes. i ts-rday j'i't a wo were g .ng :• pr- ami is f n.-i. --ty w" ha l to h- . I it ev■ runt . ; next week. | —lter Mr. Baker, an s. .u'-nt ..vine, j - f Wiiliamsp rt Mled tho M. li. pulf t r. I Sunday, preaching two very impr- - .v 1 *erm -ns. II • WA- tho g •'■ tof Mr. A . i en bar h, of Linn street. —Mr HI. 1'- k, of Niltany Ha '. met with a very per,..us a eident In tM r, lay evening. He wa '{.crating amrc .'.ar saw and in - :ne way h. left ha:. 1 wa- drawn to it and tw finger- were , it off. —Treasurer K-ller wn tho tinwiilmg wutr.' sofa liv- y hair-p . ir.g, wh h curred • n it- yn "Id bank < rn<T, on th evening of the fourth. Mr. K • ilor nar r wly -scap' 1 I - ing drawn i- to the m- b*- —Tho expensi* for keeping the j r ° the h,rough ''ll lb nte i-r in in nth of J ne am int- t" f'VSJO. Tl..* inclu-lr fuel, clothing and pro\ ■. n. J. M. KF.IIIICIM. <>vere<r. --Mr. Kinley K. Johnston,' m- f 1'- -t -mapter Johnston, f Grand ltapids, M h., surprised hi* friend* hern by suddenly dropping in upon thorn, onoday last week, lie returned tub; wwt-rn home "i Mon day. I —Attention is ■ nlb-d to tho ft-lx I BMBI of Bonry KM, Trattoo, in which he offer* ome valuable real < slate in Mill heim liorougli and Pcnn township, late the property of John Keen, deceased, at pub lic *ale. —Mr*. It. 11. Kinsloe, lady of tho late editor of the Ilughosvilln F.nterprtM, i* with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jatnc* H. Uankin. She will shortly join her hus band at Jonejboro, Tcnn., where they in ■ tend to locale. I —Messrs. J. T. Kngeart, 11. L. Fetter land David Jnnn*, me -iber* of tho Saxb>n Icornet hand, favored this office by calling Son the Fourth. The gentlemen wero ■greatly pleased with Bcllofonto and en- Hjoyed themselves while hero. J —l)r. J. Flnley Bell, who had been I practicing his profession at Glen Hope, | county, 1* now at tho home of | hi* father Mr. Wm. Bell, Pleasant Gap 1 trying to regain hi* health which wa* itn. paired by too close attention to hi* studio*. —Mr. B. F. Leathers, merchant at Union villa, will glvo away within the a coming RO day* to sotuo one a complete I chamber *uit, cotuUUng of oight piece* , and handsomely Bnisbod In walnut, pro . vided that poron buy* good* of him o amounting to $l.OO, and hold* tho tickot I scaring tho lucky number. LKT UH HAVE A BAMS.—A movement i being made to organize u hand In Belle- n fonto, and it I* proper. Wo need is band ; i mid have plenty of talent. Give the en- 1 tor prize a warm reception. i ('AMI' Fill*.—The members of Dr. Geo. ' L. I'ottor IV t, No. 2il, Dept. of I'ft ,G. A. It., "I Miicshurg, will, on the Ist ainii" versary of the day of that camp's muster, July 17, hold a camp lire, ut which u general good time is expe< ted. Tho pub lic is cordially invited. Wn return thank* for au invitation. ' I-i lIVAI .—There will le- n |-.'tival held at flak Grove, Hpring township, July tgs, fur the henellt of M. K. charge, ut that place. There will be served, Ice Cream, Cftk , Ac. There will be a < ■ .nt'-t - fir a fancy cuke, h' lwuen Dr. I*. H. Fi-h -er of /.ion and Mr. Austin Curtin of ID*- land. AIAO a tub race, and oth'-r am .o iii'-nt-. A. HAKTKU, Pres. T. M. B mill MII, HunLXUnußo.—Tbo Fourth pinal off I very 'jui'-tly. William K -i.g r wa ton lined to the 1., u-e for ft few day with sciiiticn, but now i* about again. Dur town is let noted for great men, but e>r long John Gilpin will hav u rival in lie per >n of Michael II if..-r, who wu-trying his new hr o oil the trt-et*. He w-nt ' safe. Eel catching i- indulged in bv i-veral of ir townsmen, but the ■ ! .u -■ On Thursday "L i P " k fad the ii.ider tui.e -J having the ; r.-t t.. • ger- - r. the . left hill,d sawn ell by ft c:r• .lar aw ut Snavely mill.- -Frank llarth ' •mew and 11 M. (•■ ry wr !. m ver th 1' urtb. They ure in the hurt, w ;■ in 1' •' inly Mr Ch' t Nt av- : . *1 -wly c nvulvi ng fr- ui a e\ ■re t -' 1 ir. •• Mr . Jam' hurley di 1 • f Dr • -y, !• "usi i w R ints-rr. i at 11 ••.lefont .1 .-. XI A yr< ; 1.-- i a 1• • I ti well, which wn- dug thr ugh the g- ii'-t ty - f Antlo :iy Curner l'"i y ir- ag- . i r the expre - '.. •> ' ft ' atrip I . - '..1.g •'n j Sat .rday July I-tta grand time is an- j tiiij at-1 at the i.da'.e Cuinp Gr •! a all the Sunday K • '. * f the va y fciive 1 .:. invited t att-i 1 ft P. N A nt th' in- '• nc ft 1 i tit .1 w ■ The la*t of the stately silver j ; iur tr'-"> which adorn>-d the late re- !■ n"- f I). H Mi wks .■. I * • iI ix ' ' I <• jr Sahhftth *i i. •i j irchftS' Ift m-w j singing h k. < f great I • r.t ft' i "X ! on.e_p.fc D .ght w hr. U I klv nx ting# for ;r ging 1.1 ' t"d l-y M | merly of tv ey, 1 tr. w ! Nebraska, h'-re n u x .11-• r> 1 ativ• Mr s Ann L e a , "i 11 war . n. 'g - r her li ;i. e ir. s.at if day nr. rning <'■ Ift t we. g. agei 7 • yifti*. .m- nti and •> days The funeral serv. were r-'fri'. 1> i - mday hy Hi v. Mr 15 air. of B- 'cl (reek, a-'istel ty Hex A very L r.g, f ; the Dir.ki r church, .ar. i xm-n- very gnj r- - I ;vi. thr .gh it. Mr L. f hal :• a very i r.-i-'.-nt member < f the D * ; • h if' h for I.' arly x .•! . an-1 by h r v "'.on t" th" w r .f the Ma t'-r here ipon earth h* S'-'Uf- 1 n everlasting ? m wh"' ■ re 1 •: war • i.' - b w* Mi 1 'ra* . . . menu will show one entirely new name that f Mr. Henry It. smith, <d F. rgn -■n township, for As- at" Judge. He ha' served coiitinu usly f-r many years the x arioii# t w nhi; - ißce that are known to be Kith tr ibi'i im ar. 1 unreniurii ra tive, and i' n veteran • f tic M'-iji-an xvr. Mr. J. IViilard Muk-r, la'.- Get., S. i,e Y M (' A . wa- marri- 1 t" Miss Clara M Blake*l.-e, o! ('. rtland, N. Y., J ine v ; Mr. MiiW d< rx•• all th happines- . uaily the p rt; n f th. e who wed wisely and W-- h pe noth ing miv cross his matrimonial path that can in any way rcr. 1- r his MjojTßiMl in. complete. Mr. C. C Taylor, well kro wu t many citizens of Centre i inty. > "dally th -e who travel th" Niltany mountain • n the old Lewistown pike, had a f- arful a l- Tonlure last week with a number of snake*. Am : g the different kind l were a hug" black snake, a hoop or horn snake, and before he sue ceded In killing the two there appeared several others. He man aged t > kill them all. Mr. Taylor tells u* there nre tie-re snakrs on the mountain this summer than ever before. The black snake referred to was nino feet three inchc* long. Can any one in the county heat this, if so wo would liko to hear from them. NNOXV SIIOK, PINNA., July 0, IWU. EDITOR CBNTRK DIMO. RAT. —Deer .NVR: Please find shipment of coal sent over B. A S. S. Branch of Tyrone Division for week ending July 7, 1 (->'•- : XI.. I Prrvi <lS|j T"t1 | n JUH ,XJA 1 mg.l4 I.7'SX I„ ls*i lyil il i.T'si HT.'i.'S Inrreae* f,*l( tz.lt DECREASE 4.1- Y'our* truly, Tnoa M'CAKJC, Weighmaster. Lumber 10 car*. Other freight 1 car. Mr. John Smith, of Clearfield, paid hi* daughter, Mr*. M. F. Kollln, a vi*it last wook. Mr. and Mr*, llollin are now enjoying the pleasure of a short sojourn with tho family of Mr. Smith. We wih thorn a pleasant time. —The Trado Dollar 1* enjoying its usual summer leave of absence from the Chan- ' ncl* of trade. The only p'-r Hl* likely to ho materially effected by the almost uni verml declination to accept the coin are those who can least afford to suffer the j loss of the discount. Bankers and brokers j who ure directly responsible for the trouble ' will r>-ap a rich harvest when Congress 1 lak< irno a-ti-.n to reinstate the di | graceful fraud in public • "iifldence, or ' orders its redemption at the C. 8. lr-as. ' ury. In tho meantime we stmli accept them on aeco int at their fie e value. 'l'|uulity of food - - ft* .m- 1 during ' the summer months should lie a matter of prime imp rtun'e to nil. M.■ j, of the ickn- in- .d-nt to tho heate I t- rm i iire' lly traceal.i" to the imj.ire nature of gro.. ri and other art.-le of diet us- I. Pure hit made at - hiei MO i.ct f< no lit' ro than el - where, for price ure as low a- the low l, and you can depend upon the 'juftiity h< in/ ail that can in; d'-sir. 1. 8..y gr re fi. ui 1 < h>r A <' and savo d' i.tor hills. —Mr H S. ISrouse, tho g'-i.te man who t iir . inin,u!H' ' ,r-r- >.f .I' ~ !• Ij I.in a' 1 M Ms/ •!, daughter •f • .r t< v.-r. - man, \lr. Wrn. Ilarp' r, w-: ■ ,orri< 1 on *1 •• iuy. J y hv H J i.r 11 witt at the r . i.-nc" of the bride j ur.-iit W ! S'.TI:. It . . 111 ,T. ". . lit at A ' r.n. They Hr-- d- erving and it is • .in-rely h ; • 1 tl.eifs may 1 -■ t , joj.g nr. . ] r per ous future. (, . < rr,or l'attison !o- a; j r - 1 a •1J 'vi ii.cg that ap; al.* rt' .other riiiancnt c rt:at- hail ;a writ'. *. x an, in at,. -n t • 1".-. nJu'ti Iby tho -<n. - initU • aj; in ted f r that j sr..; that paper* of .• -sti n* ar, 1 answ rs must : be -ibmitt'-l t, the Mats* Fup'-rintend' nt j f Public Instruction and endorsed by him b' furo the certificate car, be i- uel. W- can t. • rca- n wby l'r- f. Id. M. Lieb iiould not be saf.-fic I r,ox-. ■ 'gu or, g x'-t. Ati n at tl • High ' -trc'-t i *ir g ' f the ra- ■ ft ..•> '. \X e ir.< • -tr am- x. r jtbr -wn in Jiif.-r.-nt dire ■ • nt the arne t me, a 1 1 the genera, mj r -sien X H . rcatnl that it w .1 i su' ■ . . l'r gham a i Garvey w i •ga: a < la* in ornamental and pra' ti ,ui. in g. Wed ft- day July IV 1-ft . The • ftticner. l"ar iiattcring t- -'..mi ninls to . ft cxhi'.;. r. in differ, nt parts of town . ;o mens i '■ th' t j nr.,unship that xse f i,i xer saw 'x" .!"J. Fee ; tei. f rt< rm and ; atlicuiar Mr. J. hn W. ( k ha b ght the . ■ ■ : •,-r on Bis!" ; treet. M t ■ .r r-a br ,r ■r. a: ' ixx g. M - ( a- it x< ' ■ greatly t IV rail:.' U ■ I • ,v xs the ( • ; rtunity is aff. ri* ! tl ■m. —An •i' li ft "f teacher- for the'cb'o.s f th. district f - th- en ..: g term wiii be 1,1 by I • b or 1 • f l.r-' • ? at ft ■ i,*t , at 7 A in : r f r each w! -J b . idjng w iI•• cL ft at the same time H. B. P'.NTI -, Se< —lt . re, r- i '. ut the P< nnsylvar i Com; any is *b ut t • Uke nr. tber step I -warl i*, railroad enterprise, it Wing nothing b- thftn lighting up it entire *.ra k 1. tween Pitt-- ,r ■ ar. ! l'h adelr.hia with elect ri, light -ast -do away with | the headlights or, the looMMttVMs - —Mr ('. (i VI Mii -n, pr.; rieb rof the ) New Br - kerheff, S ; aying hi* n, lh< r an i other frond a tbri-e xvcck■ xi'il at Day l n. u. 4if t.-urs- Mac will er,j y , inmself a* he always does r,d during his al. nre Mr ' -har'.Twill IHXO charge of the bouse and take go ,1 rare . f guest' —lt has been < ur pleasure to note few a; p inlments that are so eminently fit and proper a that of Lieut. Halo, of this place, "Itegimental Inspect- r of llifle Prai U• ... I R gt. ■>. N. G. P. II" it a fine marksman himself and well qualified in every other sense. Hen. B F. Hunter, ononf the members of the houe f r thi county, *> in l- wn bright and early on Tuesday morning. He wa- busily engaged superintending haymaking and harvest ojierati 'n# upon hi* valuable Buffalo Hun farm, and re. turned to liarrisburg la't night. —Per*ons ftixlv. "ighfv and one hun drosl year* of age who delight tocroaking ly assert tho decadence of Fourth of July patriotism should havo congregated in BoUefunto on Wednesday of last week. They would havo wished it a triflo less abundant. Miss Sal lie II offer, aororopanied by Mi* Luther, of Ohio, both of whom had been attending the Boston Conservatory of Music, returned homo last week. Ihe ladies will without doubt enjoy the respite from study and we wish them a pleasant vacation. —Un Friday afternoon Mia* MaudShef- Her, of Howard, who is engaged in mantau making was struck by lightning, while sit ting in tho house. A gold ring was broken and all the steel hair-pin* about her person twisted and curled up. No personal dam ago was sustained. —Charnp'on and Oibornq n-tptt and mo *'-r repair* ut lII' k A fiRIKPEi II a Found.y and Machine Shop*. Wilton, M< Fiirlane A call atten tion to Hi'! only re.iabhi J{edy Mixed Faint in tin' market The Finite, r I'rc pared I'uir.t i- not <nly .j.<-r. r' . any Heady Mixed faint old but rival pure white )<ad in it- .rnootbriin w- t>n and durability. Thi- pair.'. i guarartW l d by thu manufacturer* not to < ra< k or peel within three year 'J be t'uaranlee i- not only good for rej .■ .1 • tie j ami but it wilt be put on il l h old < rar k or peel within the lime rj < < lie d. Jt will be to your interact to call an 1 me Wflaon, Ma* Farlane V: Co., I>< ' ; jr< raring either while lead or a oiler llcady Mixed I'alnt. i AHM'.n ■ 'la: I. SoTIi I. ' You now have an e*iabh*hfiei,t t, take jour ma chinery to, to he repair'* I a: l made a* good a* new. Mow r, rea; < r ,■ ,f-hirid any other hied - ' 1 : •■, will he re j air<) at j,.. (r „i the "ifavard I indry. 111- .. A (innrr.rn, If. i*f Jir.-to , IJellefonte, J'tt. A DA - o:i.01 < •. Icm 1.11 —There are danger- u- (■ innr/eit* in circulation ; r| tiOC be 'Wa not \.< af Jlair Be* xtofer. Th" tr • gext e\;der.<e . ! ii •real valve i. the fa< t that j hrte know ii,' great eflhary try to nntlaU it. K:. h botth "f the ■.iniiin' ha* a 1m <f a walnut leal i. ' wniri the (..a- and 1 <.-•■ I.eaf <• tt < . wrapper. The I.■ -1■ r-r a* hartwr- a water, while | *< a the pp pertii r.< ■ ary to r• t re iife, a • r, *ro..t:. a:. 1 ( r to the . A k y ,r lr v '• ' ' • Kaoh boi t." 11 warrant* i. .1 hr '. I! iowav & < , I'hi ad. ; • a. a: 1 11 a i A Km kel w V rk, W : Apr'. 1 1 v - ' hatn| 1 1 ai : >■'-me reajxr and mower repairi at lII' 1. A 11 ai 1 1 K'l 11 - i . t dry a- . Mar In: -Me p.. . ; pap" r ha*-1 • . 1 • i b. a1 . i tm*u. ' a\ .re .fa- I. ttle llr: b a a.rr • ■ | • af fa h._" • . r f merit, am< i.g . ' t! rt ry Out <! the Worid, "S< :al !I.fe at Mrr.itb < ge -Th" Mry of ' •. i . .: ) Ft '%• 11 W ... ir. New v. rk . I.', tap- . 1..t. ■ r. '-1.'., i p - , nter '• went . * wr.l i a* nr.- the Kitchen, I amy Work, f* sr-nli!. arid Faihi n d-- ; :*rto " t v. I ,rr- M T ; 1 are •• '* abiv ar, . agreca! v The ■ ' . t • ir 4itwr 11 w rth p '•. *ay r :i 1 of the advantage it 1* n, the lIOUM 'I in th" way ' •• • t r- a r2an i ur"* -Mr 11. A.Cenl 1. Who ha the he t f 1 •'•af. "Tt c* ' *;> ri acl nery in ' '.his county it n*w en j h-ywl bjr Hi* a A d'.n 1 eih, ; tf. Bellefor V", I's. Musical Instruction ' 1 ; Th" ler- ."' i v. .1 be n H term of M ai It •* • *, th.- J'ar ar 1 1' ira- . mm' - r * s Julv ''."th I*S .ar 1 j ntinuing ten h < ,a*".e will be r>r _*ar.i '. at Aar. r ' re. M ) um, at, 1 i*: .r tv Arra: „*• r.*, 1 ,*. bwa n a ;r jat Aarr nil .?tz a TOT: ate [if ' from a d.-ta- wl ar. d<" " i • f re. 1 • rate. !> Iba* . • • ran be j r , ire iat rea* riable rat-- I'er* : *1; tine r> 1 lake Jrr. r, b- 1 apj v imne . ately, • ■'at t'e f""' -arv arrarcm"' may l*e r'b i F r furti r tnt ro at. n apply in ]*er- nt- r aid rem WA* T. Mivir., "JT- '. Aar int! .*2, l*a. -F .t rna l- to y ir own mean.re (, r {IS.hSI. I.'irr r -*rx j In Vi'st'. vr.iiT A ( • . Tailor' —The only p.lar. ir, < nlrc c inly that a lelf-binder or thrwbing maehine ran le* knocked d'-wn and r< paired in good ihape j at a moderate c *t i at 111' K** A (UI KKKTII, tf. Ilellefonte, Fa. __________________________ l'olitlail Annoouccinfnta. Wf **• * 11 t'V"4 t hr tit ' tlifcl If J. K. '•MITII ! Jiikii** < • *l.l j . UI 1*- ft • ftnf I lo !• •• i frUc le.uniy Cbhtj(.. \l • %r# unit i*l tn Kfint'.'< H t lIF.MIY 11. F' ? £tjw. n wrifchlp. *il| l ft 1 r A** mt- Jo4g(. (Mil.jwt t . t). 4 ijai.,r< of tit# j t>*n<rftt< Omni; Octt'oU* n Hrllofonto Grain Markot. Rnuif f >ti. Jly lit. Ltd. < * ?r<* ft" ci ll) ) y T >4 K') !• ADo Wti# l ' j t |..t# L . |1 V* W N * I fll 1' iTtl |.r I WlliH lnrtfUtiiw Oftt*, Hllhf] . ............... 4& I'ttrtfl, ry *>i(hl 7 H\f 7tf C!).itr Md, t |w>nii'l . <1 Flf-wr. W.I . H* ( •* jM r *•>* k. " I " i' * n \hj Provi.ion Market. C,>rr*< lei w.klj tjt llwrper Rrolb.r*. *l>r4..4rlel. |*r|>eiad p. I I,.rrl..'trteit.|*er .M*ded )a (Imii. |*t qo.rt i„ biut" t* j nilrfc.B. |**r j>eo4 * Hew per ivquk...... , 1, i nnfrj h.iß. pt pe4__™.„„.__.„.„_ ), 11.ni., .nir.r t.ret. I 4 I,H pet pe4— ~ it Eg*, perder I. Pete.p.r Ou.hel— i i (- trrlek tieef OKNNER TOWNSHIPSCHOOI. I > OI*TRKT life KIITS AHD R.XriCSrm I.RRi ',**2, June J> To !wlu- la tuin U of trok. TH <4 To .o". pM I. Mwvn 1 id At To SI.I. Ari<r"[<ri.Uon> VII ,W—tltj H.r ."i'l iwl't l*wrHrr lu.iJW B> .m't p..l Sprint t*p Ilftl Br '• PI<1 Are m l rwwtln. !'*< 9* K Bj tn i |lf Irn uf ntn •(. . llr .■' rl. er'l t4 Iron. S t* Br w'l I" Bntui,. Wr I—puts VI BeUnr. leu pit H nU*ue IB hand. .1 Co In'Um In SO—9 13f 3 Appretel b * AadNee* -. u - AU)la BKKEEB. rrwUrwrt. T. r. Mitw, atcrstao.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers