Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 12, 1883, Image 5
BKK-HITB BTOMES. O TROUBLE To Show Boeds. In thi* spirit all visitors are received at the Bee-Hive * 5 Stores Whether yoti intend to purchase or are only * I* t *|* # i * I* I * m " LOOKING TO * * YOU CAN DO THE HEMT. " * I # I *l* *l* I* I * ♦♦ ♦ ♦ 111 fact the better a per son is acquainted with prices and goods else where, the more certain WE ARE TO SECURE THEIR rATRONAGE [Nothing is better known to the! 'community at large than that t |for low piices and excellent va-< friety of goods that we + TAKE THE LEAD Over and above All Other Competitors. i DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, DOMESTICS, LINENS, RIBBONS, LACES, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS SHAWLS, DOMESTICS, LINENS, RIBBONS, LACES, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, CA It PETS A 011. CLOT II S, J Merchant Tailoring, Genta Furobbing Goods, HATS A CAPS, Trunks a Satcheis, Alao Manufacturers of the celebrated " Bee-Hive Overall*," —Best in the World. Goldsmith Bros., BEE-HIVE ONE PRICE Stores! BELLEFONTE PA., N. B. —Don't lose sight of the fact that we are still retailing carpets 26 per cent, cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere. Hit. 1J YON t Co., Merchantn, Allegheny-St., Hellefonte, Pa. J IST OF GOODS AT HALF PRICE ! L YON & C O. B,o*o yard* Calico, remnant*, plsciw running from 2 to H yard#, ltif a good many plo<* of <,ne pattern, no troutd* to atlnct euough of on® color to nulih out a dress, 4c. a yard. Mm'i Ktia* Wool Hat* #J 6 to 75 wuU, t la. wh. r- |l 85. 188 Mail's Fin wet Fur Hat* 81 worth $2 to fa Home very Kin* HllfT Hat* among them. lar. fialr Meu's Drews Shoe* 81 ( *J, claewber* 81 7.'.. • 4 44 44 Hewed ttorkiug 81km* fl 00, elsewhere $1 60. 44 Doy'a Fancy Box*to# Bh<*s 81 '*>, *• $1 76 t>n* lot Roy's Hkowt slightly scuffed, nnwd a little Mat kit. k • *•'. '-'0 A 26, cost u* $1 25 to $2.00. One aruall lot Man's Patent Leather B<w*d Dress Nhw 81 AO worth f'2 &<>. One lot Hen's Ruckle Flow Hhoe* 81 '2ft. LADIKH k CHILDREN H BHOKB AT ONK HALF I'IUCE Ladle's Fino Kl.l Crouuet Walking Hhoe* • 7'* slsswhsru 81 50. •• • •• • UOc. 44 ll'* i. Ijtdlce' Plain Hhow .. fI UD 44 f F 75. Ladiee 4 Cloth Langtry Walking Hhoe WMr. ' 4 I 50. I*a.liea'Finn New|N>rt Hatton Walking Hhoee 7V, 44 I '2ft. Mlasea Oxford Tie® •**'■ " 1 tW. Lwliea'three Btra|i Ha olal Walking HIIIHM V*- 44 I •* 44 four llutt<>u Walking Hhoe WV. 44 1 26. 44 Lace Morocco Fiue Walking Hhoes $1 si 44 Newport Tiea 76c. 44 1 '2ft. Patent Leather Tip I"*. " I Child's lellow Slipper* 16c. 44 44 44 Button Hhoe 46c 44 *O. 44 Itaaket 44 44 46c. 44 #6 44 La. • Shoe ' ih ' , 44 Button 8he •••• 4G, 45c. 44 w> 44 Patent Leather Kid Toft DOttOU 88. 44 Patent Leather Spring lloel M 1 "• * ladies' Hide Lace, one lot, old price '2 00 now 7 5 Man's Fine Patent Leather Slipper* *'• elsewhere 126 lilies' LeatherSllppera 60 elsewliero 7'. Mlasea 4 Button Shoes ... A H6 44 126 1..1 !;■ <•' button Hhoe 1006 126 I " A Ladles' Bou-toe Fine Kid Foisd I 86 I 60 Isulfas 4 Flat LAM Ikow 10 ulitwbun Misses' Fine Button IfcOM 100 elsewhere i 10 Ladie 4 Cloth Button Sheas 76 elsewhore I 6m Meii'a Plain Shoe* ............. 180 tlNfllNl 176 MKN-H CLOTHINtI AT ONK. IIALK PRICK Men's Hpriog Bottom Black Pan Is. .... 76 elsewhere Men's Black Pants 76 I 50 Mr 1 ! Light OhattoMra ill wool VtlU 186 • Men'* Light Qplwn all Wsol Pant* Sttl Meu'a Black all wool Diagonal 800 I 41 Men's hark Kitra Heavy all wool very flue Pant* Men's - , Wool Pants gray MfStd 1"" One lot Wool Pants slightly faded, cost ua 4 to ' for I '*) to 2 <SI ONE LOT OF SUITS ALL WOOL. One Lot of Dark A Light all Wool Catsimere Suits Marked Down to Cost. We are Overstocked. flu 00 Suit down to |7 *). 911 50 Suit down to !'• 60. fl6 ■ Suit down t" $l2 > 8* '•<) Hull down to |6 *, Another 8* '*• Suit down to < 2*> A few Black Diagonal Suitaat ft •* that fa just half price. A few marly all Wool Black Diagonal f ••'. ele where 111 0". A Strictly all Wool Pine Diagonal Halt flu u> elaewher* $1 '• U". tirand Army Suits, Blue, all Wool f luoo, elsewhere fid is>. Black Diagonal Suits 0 *6— whift 9 6 Hoy s and Children's Clothing One-Half Price An .11 Wiml Hln. Pallor Ml ... 1 . |...h-r. <p A very Fine Blue Sailor Suit 2 <•) elee#here '*i A very fin-Blue Sailor Suit elsewhere • Children's Sulfa, Qood Quality ilwlblW 800 A Cklld'a Suit I 76 eieewhere 810 Roy's suits, D> U 17 years 2 eleewhera 4 '* Boy's suits, 10 to IT years, all wool ... > elsowhore %/ bi/j's suit*, 101 - 57 year*, all wool - •twflaft Dress Goods, Shirting, dec., at On'-Half Price. Fine Cheviot Shirting .... *c l§*wh*r# l- 1 * I>re<* i'kaida 8, llh itofllWl HBte Ml Be >prea-U at one-half • i" I 1 4 Another lot Hr<e a<le<l Sateetj* .. . .;ae!.#-r. J>- Another ht Bne-aded Sateen* MU{ r lee wli• re * i lKutls Wiilth Alpacas, a few left yet 1-? V price One Lot of Embroideries About 2,500 Yards at One-Half-I'rice. The upper line of prices show what they are actually worth, lower line oar reducad prtcas pi 12 U 15 3' -6 45 5 *6 6 7 * Ml 12| 20 25 bi 15 Pi <n>e lot of Crape Sett#, Cuff# A Cellars old price 75c. Everybody knows by this time, that our Ilibbons are One-Half of Other's I'riees. Sash Ribbons G to 8 inches Wide 25 to 40c. Child # Regular Made He*e j*.r fl One tot of all Silk Cokrwd and Black kash Ribtou 2 5c a yard, actual value 75 A 1 Child's A Misses llesr 4 |air L*r 81, elsewhere SE N D FOR SA MPL ES. L YON & CO. SECIILEIi it CO., (tracers, Hush House Itlock, lleUefonte, I'd. NEW GOODS FOR THE SPRING and SUMMER TRADE!! We have entleavoreil to get the very beet of every thiug in our line, and now have some really CHOICE GOODS. FINE CREAM CHEESE, Extra Large FRENCH PR FN US, SELEC T 0 YSTERS, S WEET I'D TA TOES, LARGE RIPE CRANBERRIES, PIIVNELLES, IMPERIAL FIGS, BRIGHT NEW LEMONS, FLORIDA ORANGES, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Kvaporahsl DRIED PEACH K A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. PRESERVED PEARS, PEACHES, PLUMS and PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. fa/cWe invito the people of Centre county to call and inspect our NICE GOODS, which cannot fail to pleaae. KKCITIVKU & CO. Doll f Mingle--Hoots ,f . 4 hoes. BOOTS | SIIOKS. t*r o o vw We are now ready mSSSIW with an immense ■tock f or Hpnng and Hummer. Our •toek m more ex ten I B i VP( aD( j hetter ee lected than ever. h j V | LADIES, A CHIL DRENB LACE A BUTTON BOOTH, MEN'S BOYS A YOUTH'S LACE BUTTON A CON GRESB SHOES. MENS A BOYS WM Heavy BROGANH A PLOW SHOES. We are Sola Agent* for Reynolds Brother* Utica.'andlD. Armetron Hooheeter Shoea, for Ladies Miseo** and Children. K Tbeee good* are well known throughout the whole couutry, and ararcely need any recommendation, for itylc, fit, and quality there arc no better mad We Guarantee Everything we Recommend Ladies Shoe Polish—Will Not Crack the Leather. 801 l & Mingle, < IklUfonte, Pa. • ✓ % J—nj The LADIES May be interested in knowing tliat we have just received a fine assortment of 10* tracts for the handkerchief from such well known houses as Young, Lurid & (Joflin, Solon I'aimer, Alfred Wright, Colgate A (Jo., M'Kesson and Robbies ami others. The following perfume* in stork : JOCKEY CI.UII, POND LILY, EDEMA, WHITE K' (MB, OCEAN SI-BAY, KKANOIPAM, TEA KOMI:, VIOLET JVALAJTTHK. MAKKCHEL NIEI. KOBE, WHITE LILAC, JASMIN K, LILY OK TIIE VALLEY, MII.LKFLEUR, KTEI'H ANOTIH, MAKYHTHAKT, FKANOII'ANI, NEW MOWN HAY. KCXENIA MAR WHALE MURK PATOIOULY Call at GREEN'S PHARMACY Bush House Block, KELLEKONTE, PA. WE KEEP THE BEST, lief/stone 1 tuthhif/ House, lit lle/'ontr, I'd. EXCELSIOR M;F'O CO.. Why we Pay tor' 0 0 ->t RAIL ROAD FARES Ami give awav a Hat to every Purchaser of a BOYS or GUILDS Suit, tor 0 0 -*u WE AKK SATISFIED WITH SMALL PROFITS, We are bound to get acquainted with the People, WK m y OM GOODS IN LARGE QUANTITIES, \\ e are -atified with the linger and not the hand, "Ol T lt MOTTO." Good Goods Honest Dealings & Small Profits We are On Only (Jlothiny Jfotise in (Jrn.tr> (Jaunty that mark* the Prior in Plain Injures. WHY WE BUY OUR GOODS FROM Buffalo. Rochester.New York and Boston And do not patronize our own State aud its largest city PHI LADELPHI 1 We can gnarentee MAKE, STYLE, DURABILITY and PIUUK BECAUSE < >ur Manufactures pay a living profit for the making of. t <&#, Which Philadelphia Wholesale Clothiers have otabluhed the naine for CWIACIAIUI <sfeQlB, We buy in such large quantities that we can afford to sell cheap which we will leave to the public to judge for themselves, we would also call at. tention to advertising. For money you can put in the papers what you like, and for this reason we will ark of you before purchasing to give us a call and sec where our small competitors are with Banners of 20 per cent. Cheaper than any other House in the city Echo Answers Ho "Where! A Complete line of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, etc., "KEYSTONE CLOTHING COMPANY," Michael Levi & Co., Proprs,, !7-tf Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. It. flnrmsn <f Son's Xrw Store. Garman <& Sam. F LADIKM, do not think, liecausc the cuts repre sent only gentlemen's wear, that we have not been particularly careful to select an elegant line of goods cspwi- Sally suited to you. You will find it to your advantage to call and if we are not able to supply you from our choice and varied stock, it will be a a smell matter for us to order what you * may need. We think we are better able to meet your wants than any store in f Bellefonte. J'hUadelphUi Branch, THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH ( LOTH INO STOJtK, 'lit Allegheny Htrcset, BELLEmTE.PA. Itewin, 4' £©., 'J'rop.rs. Right now at the outset of the spring season we'wish to rrjioat what ue have often mill before. The legal guarantee u>e give with every tale mean* something; for u>e intend not only to guarantee sat isfaction, but to give satisfaction, we're not going to say what other* do in this respect, tome may do the tarty. You j/robahly know about hawmueh the word guarantee wan*; more in some store* than in other*. Her* it means that, if good* have proved disappointing, your complaint will have courteous considera tion and that every jud claim will be promptly and completely satisfied, we go further-we, thank you for permitting u* to rcoomprnse for loss sustained ; because i n the first place, it* a simple act of jus tice; secondly, it secure* u* your good will; and thirdly, it point* out defects of manufacture that wc may remedy. < imto conduct our bueincss upon (t*st principle* of Honesty and it sour customer* with the feeling 1 (rare surrounded by every yos safeguard; there shall be at least clothing store in BELI.EFOJTTK where even a child ran deal without risk of imposition. It would be a pity not to mention spring overcoat* when the weather i* to propitious and we are offering such an attractive variety of all grades that a man intending to buy one owe* it to himself to look here before choosing. )'ou know it* not everywhere that he can go back for hi* monoy if he doe* buy and after uewds wish** he hadn't. l*CWlft ft ( Proprietors. Bellefonte, IV