Xein Atlrri'tiHciiicntH, . WITHOUTMEDICIHE, —' , US MAGNLTh ! ; i V ' . WARRANTED TO CURE;: without "<• •!•• Iff l*af mln f hr bad., • - limb a, mr% oun tlrbilll y , linn bag w tie r >| ill 11!. . , rhcuNiHlUm, |iurNlv*l*. in iirnlfcln, n< fiitfeti. dUr • • i>i ihi< Ulil n \ *pli mI IU •<••. ir|iltl llu r, i. ■ fmluHl i nU*liini, Ininnf in \ , ut It iti h, Im trl i". mir, iljiprpilii, roiinilpHtliiii, r % ntp.lun, I•. •. : g. •. tloa. hi-ruU or ruplura* lulurrh, plU*, cpib dumb Hjfiii'. etc. |\ hnanjrd*l tr of th .<:> \! U \TI\ I* OI!l \* ■; fw-1 ' loci •11 Hilt V . In U<• r II i ' t• I • :.:. -1 . , M Mating wruLin-Mi i, i ml nil dim •of .1 |.• r. •iinhl nMnpr. frnu whnt.v.r " •■tt.*n Hl of Moirni'tiwm J- rr.ii • /il mugli t lt pnr'n MMlfMtMWllim It A kptllk) it Inlitkkvat "Ut thin it i | tin • •2 TJS- ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. L TO THE LAD!ES:-^.^^S Kxhauctlow,fit n**nnla,oi* with lllunoflhp 1.1 % - fr. klilm t, lit uun l*t ur I ld I • f. ft> \ . >.|le|i or IV Pitk Anklen, or • lien K t'l, oil At !• I !*• t mi l a ?\'T .fM.-tff* * ! kf. til■ Iw-I. . . • s r In tn# i '• f •i i plidnt 11 - / carry a powerful inigto U • 1 • t t.. • i • *tt of U.o I'wr I.amn Hark, WcuLnriiof Ibo Hnlnr, I'ull- uf llk* \*ouih. Leurorrhun, 4 Im.nli Inf i.nttiti* lion nut! I Icrmllnn vfthn IVninb, lm-|il nlnl ll* Hl* vrrhiiir or I IUIHII"VI I'itlnful, R*iip(iri ••> *1 MI I Ir rt gulnr M rt*t rowl lon, llurr iin< *, am! • hungr of 1.1 fa, thin In the Hint A pplluaco uml ( urullt u Agiihl k n>w n. I r iUI f rm of \ t male Dlfll-uhtr* It I' tin**ir )>nnni ojT anything hrforwlnvent a. b th i itcttttUvi arfot.t ul i - f power and vita frleo <f t Ithrr lb It i. Ma.- 1 l ri- *, f JO. K*nt by cxpi ♦t\ oJ > uji l. *.; i • n w - •: ▼ mall "t n • pi Or priti 11) i • f v t*t andilMofrhi • It mitt imacnu bo i;uju lucur* *ent I't I* t at I ri-k. Tho Mafi all at idaptfd to nil n,-. a• o V • Ho . . lot Hrit In tll liudjr like tho inuity tniklvutil.' nmJ I* I • k trie II uti* I'm* a<ll *rt !•< -I n> rtlrntli ili t I !■■■ 1 ! 1 taken *f nt r ;ghf. Th-v h ■ I tli* ir i*• <* rf< r*tr.rvJ.J are w rn at alln*n m*of thotmr. .s • • *ir•, i. r • ■ • \ ;•> • • -• • Mod IT "ant meat VV Uhout MUlcin , " with thounniuln %j( inti'ito* ■ll| TUK MAtiNKTON A I*l*l.l.\NCE CO., VJIH MuU) St.. C IIL "AYNE'SIO Horso Spark A*-resting forfatiii* Kn ; uc hfti rut lo.dn ft. of MichUan HtunU in lu hours buruiktf elahs fr'Aiu the BUW in ri^bhfovi Our V lb rv ire Cuariin''* to fum:h j>cwr to I Oftw H,OOO feet of Hrmlock Board* In 10 b< ira Our I IS Horn riA cut l in aame titnr. . yr 1 ri ~ :n * 4 flr ' 1,1 AiuvTrrii to | t!{ ! lV f• I • .-! wir t m ar.y .r Kn ' l\ w. I'AYNK A HON . t r. . £. S V. !W ; ! 127 PATENTS \\ fODtIOM to ip-t !• Solicitor! f r PltHQl .. <. ! Tradi v> . ■ .? ri • i . c uiunia, i iita. Cojrlthd, Pftncfl, t** rmsajr. • \\ i tiiiri>-ii\- y. .(,,*♦ \ |* rti n< *■. i' ita ■ tali ■-i Uif ira i I. • 11 rNT!I'll? avikkii \s. Tli;a iartr- • I i i I Ult4 ttisB*2o i >f *■••••..■ • < • ■ Hrculatl n. Adrtma MtrxN k r . fM, inih',4. of n nsnrir Av : vs. , j I: v. 1 1 f ;* •I U • Knh 'll1 k ;tf*n ' n fr • Ufrn .vi THI uuua. r a Ttra c kS of CONSI MPTION tarrh •f < *t, I • ' v t Mf* and ■ I ■• m ( {the I'ur- ; ** \k W '• r.ar* "r, r.n. ' : ! II oa i A• K v 'I " . • ' f Wi;E!VTIIt:K A CO., rittkir K h, I'M. .CHEAP Gir.rs for THE PEOPLE, q ; 2 i ' - fail laaa fta. mo* 0. Aa<lrca J. 11. JOHSIETOSI, 109 Smitlifiolil trK t, I'ittsliurj;!!, I'-u H iI.HOH McFfirlnnr ,1 Co., llarihrarr Itrnlrr. IKA.IRID"W" I W I LSON, McFAIJLAN K & CO. DEALERS IN STOVES, RANGES ? HE ATERS J A LSO Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes, A N I) f BtriLDERS' KCA.BtIDWA.RiiE A l-I.K'IIIKN V HTKRKT, .... lIL'MKH'HI.OCK, .... HKI.I-KrnNTR .ru JZ CLARK JOHNSON'S v* Indian Blood Syrup [ Cures all diseases of the Stomaon, Liver, I Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. I Million* testify to its effioaoy in heal ling the above named diseases, and pro- A/ nounoe it to be the BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. tuai.kmark, Guaranteed to cure Dyspepsia. GENTS RW ANTE D.~M Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, New York City. Druggists sell it TRAVELERS GUIDE. Hkllkfonte a know shoe K It.—^Titua*TaMt> lu ct ia ami nltr Ma) 14. I*VI; l,.<vv..a Hunw .ShoeA. m. arrive* in llellnfoiitr 1 TJ* " laven Ih'll*f<-nt* 0.114 M.,arrlv • nt Sn> Shoe ' 11 A.a | l,atr Show Shoe *1" r M.,arrlvi< in Ihvlletoiit, • I *0 •. w . I.i iven llnllefonte 4.4 ft I' * .arrive* nt fhio* Hlion 7 ip. w H. S. HhAlK,thii'l Siipeiiiiteii'lent. • 1 > A El) KAUI.K VALLEY KAJL- I > KOAD rim. ri u m • n. n Kip. Mull i.ii.ktu. Ki>. Mull. . . I I M . . M 7 u b .lu Aliiti al T) roue l.eati. ... 1 .10 H dti i, in il i.i Laave hnt 'iyruua 7 b •. . iJI 11 \all •• ... '• 40 II i" , i • 6|v " Haiti BafU " ... T 4ft s 4 • ~ 42 ti CHI " lk . T .'*! H ft-1 08* ouo •• ITuwlar " ... ?64 H6O ~ .7 o ii 3 " li ktatiah " ... 1 • ■6V , . . •• Poi t Matilda M 106 VOO ~ .j .. •• >luitha " ... 1 "• V I " l( | j 6 " Jullali " ... . • v , Uji ** I iiiuhvlllr " ... , 6lu " . w " ,,5% Ohoa In" R4l •11 " ,ii hI. " Mll.nl. IKK " • ' • >' " ' in " BlUfonW " ... IMi" 1 U ; '■[ uo '• Mil.ol.uric " ... VWI" I" .j 44H •• Ciirlln " —" '• "• '• |s 141 " M'.unl L"kI " •' 1.1 4 • " llu*l'l " ... - M 4 " |h|li >ill" " I"■ ul I I •• 11. • li i lek " I" ~j 4ui •• Mill llull " ••• '' ? ,4n 404 ii Kloiulnictoii '* ... ( .'II o| 14' 4On •• Luik llurua " •1" " u; ' I >KNNS\ EVANIA RAH.IiUAW. 1 fblUdolpbl* .u"l I n.J 0B ad MiU't IK i. ' i .0 i. l":. W K- I AKII. UUK MAILIwm Phil*l. Ipbia i I ■ I •• *• llarrtahurK * * * •• •• \\ llli.vi".l' rt H S 'au. • •• 1.... k lUveb tf4t'au. KIDQVO 11 arrivt - >vt Krl® 1 4ft pn NIAGARA KXKKKMi Iraten I'htin.h l| In* n. o •• II ktriil'UtK 11 "an. •• •• M llllatu|M>r t. •.'> J in • arrlvMl at UVIKO" 4' p in Paaoi tirrra t]f thi* ttain air.f® in It* lie font. At ••• I" p in FAST LINK IraxeM I'hilik 1. tphla II Uarritbui 3 36 p m •• Williinm :I• | m " arrlwe# nt !#•. k ll* n ft p in >; AI W A Kl>. PACIFIC BXPAKSS I Ii Han 6 40an •• NS illia iu*i" rt 7. o. " arrive* nt llnm*l urn 11 a in j Philadelphia V |in j DAY MXP&BSS laa*mß*i i 10 loan ••Lock Ilavvi II . an i • •• oil I" • n " arrive*at Karriihurir 41- p m •• •' riilladclpl TJjp in mil M aii. i. .* •. i. • , n : " •• Lot k IlaVei V 4 > p tn '• WillUnwporl n k|.... i •• ni n>- • *i ii *- '. - • an M Pblladflphla T 00an FAST LINR laavaa WIIIU 18 16 m | •• arrive# at ll*rrtl urg a m , •• Pttl %: . • k T 86an J Kri* Mail We*t \, K -nr i tpre*. \\ . nt, I kllatei j Accomaiudatiun Wwat, aad Day Ktpreaa ISa*t, malt* ctoi*connection*at NorthutahWlaad with I. AR. It J i; trail:- ' r U ilk - irr> - at.t Krle M%tl \S..t, \ itA'ir i Kipre** *i>'l Frh ' Ft; re.. Wet an \ I k Haven A' .rum-lati M• • J ae • onrje. tioi* at bVilllntn*i*rt with N 0. H W ttr.b-T.Bt, • f KiV Mail \b •-t, Mnifnra Ktprean \V.t. *•fn> I I El|'r< *• I kt.t i iin at I. k llnvet' i Vb ;ih |t. ) \ li It f *in*. Krle M ill V.I ?k' ! \v. Bt i.i.e IntK, .a With train* on |. S i M - K K nt • IJ mtl, • .* \ A \ K K . Vt K • .inn, P. > V A I* li li., an I at Drift* : with A % li H Pnr! r car* Will r .1 IM.on I'MUdwlj hin *nd j Willian. . rt nti Niagara Kvpr* -Went l.tw i iprow* fat, Pblladalphla Rspraa* Ra*l and Da) Kipntl • h -it.nn . - .t. 1.) Kipr.n* h-' i.if ' ar*. 1, nil night tr •n* W w C ft a: w . I|#i •j;.r.• •f'- Mt j tONLYS2O. PHILADELPHIA SINGER I Is the REST BUILT, FINEST FINISHED. EASIEST RUNNING SINGER MACHINE ever offered the public. Tb *!• ! r!. •. t ■ f f r lb* Mh-111 K ■ I r > I - lb. >••• 1• 1 ' B , . It U-r ■Ur I A r -il . I l.ir. wn il, ni* lim* All't h.iinc "LIIUI.. lU, ) \ if it i. iwl .11 " 1 t*Kon It I ■ . il i. .f ' uMi'.t y.'uf li.t.f-"!• "il l * t i. .r I .til U.f cir< uUf* . ."I *'iu . A i *■ i lIAKI.j.A a * ■ •!> * ro. j. I:M iibn.r r. $n ■: : . I • ... ' * " ' ' N - t. r I ail.* ** wu I pa) > i nnrl) n w#|| N I I . no fall t mnke •. im. n* \*j. •) *MCtnc * i ! < I'.tn I lit; f *■' 1 * • fr- M • • TMt j I ity. and t ••rnhiy A Mr- * Tft t*6 (- .Augusta, . I I. I KEDEUK KS, Repairer of Sewing Machines, ItF.LI VFiiNTK. I A KmPh nre ie all*'Mt ■ nt*.on th. J*. b J .tt lie r 01, with Mr < tritlan I hi, on faru. of I j K. R ,* • | o',j Wafliw Hem. V/ t thr lnf'*t • ,V. w jth I)ra\rrr*i .C"., irhfn rfjUtrrl I* work guaranteed Xrw Atli'rrtim im lit. TUTT'S PBLLS A NOTEffiffiE^AYsT | i 'ii*'!' ir; /'•nr >r i For ton ytffcft i hit* A tnurljri* to I ; |>m ■>,(on i.j niioii aid l'llti. l.iitMjr, ••• i | iv• i- r> nimtTil<l to me; I nil them (but • .• l.vi . litn now • tY'-ll lIJ.UI, I' l f" • 1 , Oi;'<mlioii ; pfrfiflt| Nfrulaf itiiolii tiiN |unti en<l I bivc i i'aiikml forty j mi %no ltd llcoh. 'ln y arc worth ! ilttir weight In y< \ J. Iliiv. It. 1...- IMP <>X,l' liivilU, Ky. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I-ohs of A ppet tte.Nwusra, Howrls cost I vn, Win in tho Heart, with u dull sensation lnth"btif:kprut, l'uinyimlerthnHhoulder 1 blade, fullness after eatlnc, with a di iuoltnation to exertion "oiboily or mind, ! Irritability of temper, I.w spirits, Loss of in' inory, with h feeling of havinir iie lerte'l aoniHilutV, Weiirinrns, Dlriitl'M, J-'lutt'-rliiij of tli" heart, Dots before tbn .yea, Yellow Skin, Heiulaeho, Host less* neaa at nnrht, Illicitly colored Urine IFTHBSE WATIh'IN(I3 AHE UNHKKI>KD~ SERIOUS DISEASES Will BE DEVELOPED. iUll H PILLS irerpn in 11 v mln ptnl Id Hi li rnar it, our flnitr r ITei t m ii li n * it I frr liittc w i f •!< tilth tlr atiffrrer* ! Try t ll rrnirily fnlv ly • Aixl yMi will ! frnlu i% IK-Mlftiy Iftlu* *t foils \ I trot on * ljocly, Purr- It loud, SI rotate li'rvri. it it < I n Nouikl livrr. I't l •, Vft < r itlit. offit p, :tij Hfnrrnv s., f%. v. Tli IT'S HAIR DYE, (•raj IValr and wii i*l* •i ■ hanirtd t • <• I<>•*•> IIlll It liy n Xluulr Itpplli nliMii nf this |ft>c. ft lni|ititt u lint ui nl trior, | nrf■ I iisfatitn tirool>~. hold lv Itriiß* ft(fla,nrariit . \ r iprriaon rr Ipt > I M . tllliif, >lili nt \ SI., \r \v \oik. f IMt. TI TT'H >M\I \l.uf l itl.inMf V t lufui iiinlloiinnil I •rfitl ICe I |>f \% All ) Im mailed I llLLuii MpplhUuit. / liianwM 31,000 * vr*:i * n pit llf n* yln ; t'f mlvrd 5 V? iu • r fIMMM t I N \ 1 , ; 1* ' ' T W O lilt ■ t •■. . . 1 I vtxl :' r■• -! i t £ -3 ' p. ri".! Ulo refit, t •>!'■•< r) 1 1 & 3 * r VI ; * y . > I . • o * > • —MM■■■ ■'■ IMim •• 0 pi : w.jijr t„i|l > if.. • £ 0 t vkn ah *ii ? ■*.<>!. ,'a t r t r "• mmwpmmmmh w I c MMMMMMMi * * •3 ' v. MMMMPM ua . I r IS AS URE CURE? t for nil di.en.e. of the K dney. and ft LIVER i 1 AIUMO| ► I k ' r 1 CIM BO*. MMI • . * k i i Malaria. 1 Mf btllrmn, dj lynpi /• L 4 I I w • * k | . SOLD BY ORUCCISTS. Prlretl. | tyv 1 L Af c *■* ' vji - ,-J : ; l ! ' :: 5 : 1 I , pp. J /WHF/MG FCR-UISKIfN I Rimldy sucbas Diseases! iTtrnn iTCH soscs. pivnts. / VTRYDPf WR'NCWORM J THE rDR (vmpw h<Ml wie •nnhture.atlnrlnp, ibhmc.wm.il oil I. T„, uit |,,n-W -m t,tt mr klnul lh" i ;tii" •)i*|'"T*!|*irt.r* ten J, n.-1.. I A>. j:eMnt, "i>en,e,l ,n,l |-ili SWAT, i I (Jl*tmtt i, *,itM>re>i 1,, ai,, ,rU't, in ii,# market •old Sf'h i|t*iFi<,er. lift 'oiU In J UoaeA.tr.ii AM,,, DaWaiiaA■■,n,.i. llMnni I'" ••• alw.vA ..n 11, I,,nf f. r iA/ INK II Irjli '"'l '• tlielf ff-"11111.111*4 re, In W.(t*r a grMt rtiaiM* temaka ne ny. n * want lUAI. men. .nm, lie,a and alrl, I" Werk for ha rlflil in lb, it own I ■ N liii,.. Amj inn do lII* Wota pio|wtlt Ifi-m tl,e flrt >tarl Th. l,ttAinw will |n, i,rw Iban l*n line r erdlnarr w-.<a. Itt|*i*al*,enitti fmntab-d fir,. 1* -anhi, *n,A|ffO fall to m.k* ne n.y r,|>Ml)r. T- ,i ran d*r,ita jrenr wb"l* llm* tiirli, aorlt. of .aly your r,.,r. nv-ment*. full Inform* I Inn and all that , nr~ l.| mil fr*o. Ad Irwa Imp, A Co., Portland Maine I V* tilir Ctiiirc IM;I,I,KKONTK, J*A. NI.WH, I'ACTH A Nil Mill if IKHTIONH. th, ttrt -r mi tai. wriiAtti la re, latum *'r. amii raoaraaiTr or nir iinatn. r'.very farmer m nnnwil exixriiitnr I Uueovert torn (thing of value. Write it ami | *'/ if ti> the "/I'/< /, ii/fn, nl l:,liti r n( //,< DIMCH ha T, Ueltefonte, I'enn'a," thut ottlri I fa*mere mny hate the benefit >•/ it. I.it r ■mu amentum* tie tun ly, nml he nnre that i thru are brief ami v ell /. nntr•!. It in not VET too lute, if done :tt ! once, to BOW sweet com for fodder, p.iiticularly if an < urly variety, the Minnesota for iiiHtunee, he chosen. /tiiii't HOW it hroadetml. I'ut in drills and cultivate. Hit. SRI ItTKVANT, Of till! New V< r., i Agricultural, L.\|ieriinent Station, finds strong tobacco WATER '*a satis factory remedy for the cabbage Ilea, beetle." Mr. Sturtcvaiit i undonted authority regarding ail agricultural ina'ters N|ion which he ventures an opinion alter ex|ieriinenting with TH, in. I IN: great import CURT- of care and painstaking in securing the !R:v crop will he more apparent when it ,-1.- inemlM red that is IN xt in the ji re gate, in money value to the coin crops. The I top now licit G harvest ed will prove to HE enormous In quantity ht,vi Iv , ilort he made to insure IT. good <piu!.lv. .v (T mat eoun' V g: .nge eoin - polldent of tile I inner I mirl, wlii' !i ii the organ of the Order ,n this Mate, s| , J,~ in the higln -I ti Him 1 11 the Mate T ~11, ge M.d i'.s tnanagimi nt. TH sisinO r, , T con tradiction of a prevailing id, a that the grangers ari I aii attitude of op position TO the T olleg, . If too mn< h ' urn S "MISSING," OR, ace, Hint ol ] 11 ,• I. HI! d• . W 111.", Ac., and \F,:I have FII!. dTOS, I PRE late cabbage plants < no ,gh to fiil ti| the \ A'-AII' •> , tiy h, an . Tho ■ known A* "m> inirn " I. v. 1 H, planted wiih almost certainty of sue. ce~s, and w hen .• R - .lIINI W ,th C rii , r other grain, tiny N.ak< < ,J till J g fcc-d. Better Cn.ro oJ Mindows. ' ! ' rti- Or A.•.-1 lied • iov• r and Tim- THY. m \. hall an I hail, MAKE A GO, 1 N , , |, w LLF d top IS W, II suit, d lor w. ' groij; and if candully put in, will allot- 1 a large \ I, J I ~f hay of cxcillcnl < ual ily. It IS a waste of SEED to put | clover on wet ground. Timothy dot * well on dry ground, and will also grow TIN MOIST land, it it IS undi r drainol, and the surface do, S not heave up with the trost. lied T- P ' grows with more til irons and < xteiid ed roots, and w ILL maintain it* hold U|xm the soil for YNRS. Tin sami is true of Orchard gra--, wh h H,S A vary strong root. This GRASS starts early, i* tirst to head out, and W ill produce the nio-t afler-growth of any variety. It i* not so wall adapted to m adowM, on account of the spare in s of ST. MS, making the yield of hay light in comparison with Timo thy and LA. I Top. The < are of tin a low s ji, order to insure p< rnianc nee, is the ni\t im portant consideration. Tin y ate often injured by allowing the grass,* to In come too ripe Iw'forc cutting, which weakens the roots. It is better to cut the grass while the stems are sufficiently green, and the juice* na tive, so that a new growth will imme diately commence. This will protect the plants from the scorching rav of the sun, and keep up the full vigor of the roots. It can not be expected that a meadow < an l>e shorn of all life-giving verdure, during the hot, dry weather of mid-summer, and maintain a healthy condition. The meadows designed to be permanent, should be mowed first in the season, and never so pastured as to leave the crowns or tops of the roots of the grasses exposed. In fields where the ground is moist, inclining to wetness, an exception may Ik- made, as a new growth will lie rapidly produced. It is essential that there should be n surface protection when w inter sets in. Meadows may Ik; strengthened to make larger yields, and in fact, almost renewed, by spreading manure over them in the autumn. Anotln r dressing of plaster in the spring will be hcncflciul. These extra attentions to meadows are unusual, but will abundantly repay the labor. The rolling of niendows early in the spring pushes the roots started up by the frost back into the soil, and smoothes down uneven surfaces for the mowing machine. In a very dry time, when tho hay is ripe, the stub ble should lie itoit at least two inches in height, so that, there mav bo a lit tie juice left in the ylant. This lack of thought and care <jn the part of farmers, ia the reason why meadows so frequently fail. They are roost • I ellcctiiully beheaded. Wo can never 1 expect in our clmngcahh and severe climate, to possess permanent mead own which arc so natural to (treat llriliiiii, < xcepting on bottom lands, hut by following can-fully the : uggi"-. lions here given, greater pi-rinnnency may he given to them- This is more desirable after the labor and expense • of making a meadow smooth, and clearing it of stones for the mowing j machine. The annual wear and tear , t to a mower run over atones, will pay ! for lilting the land. This is often forgotten by those who work on a ' temporary basis. Permanency and | painstaking are far better grounds for sucee- -fill farming. ■ 1 Extract from Dr. Sturtovant'a Luto ' , | Bulletin. i N. V. A'.II. I. I lUIMf ST b I ATl'tV, 1 • ii: M.. v, N . V., .1 une I, . j I ntil the public fully understand the importance of littles in nature, much of the work of the Station must appear trivial, and of -üboidi niite impoitanee. But the right un ■ let", laud in g of litth - must underlie our slu Iv of those al!air- which mav be ("teemed :rreater. Wi are com pelled by eii um-tanc< -to note in mr li.lletins many matters of quit:; 11i vial interest to the majori'y of farmet •. simply because the larger matters, ti c concrete matters, ao t(> -j.eak, of agrieiilture, require time for th study and observations, and notes (an not he usi I unt.l studied in tin ir connections at the comple tion of thi i xpi rifncnt. Wi can re t • spi ak of the Is'st method of culti vating corn until after the barn st i- ' gal In iid ; wi: cannot speak (if tie i ill i t of tieatmen Upon the wL- it crop until many months sfb r the j 1 SI - d i, sown. We have, however, much work in progress which in titin , will prove inti te-ting to the public. ! Although our n-eds havi licen in , tin- ground now but a short time, vet already some observations < f in-j teri -t have been made, and qui at iona suggested. Why i* it tli .1 in a • clump of • orn kernels plant 1 in the i same toll one should come up white h v< I or yellow h avid, while it-j eotnpariions show the green leaf'! Then must lie an individuality of! the sci I hi n-w 1,; !i requires further! t'.dv. Ar. l tlii* \• ry ob-ena' • n. 1 • which ail can m r fv f- i theins-ivi . . to tin- ii..in! tin- potency of the si, d used and how much of our crop dc pen is ii| o i the characti r of the se -1 r the buiiidation of good farming, and . i- rhaj - improvement in seed will b. tin -af -t way for tne farmer to -u -i uie improved crcq It has alway* bun a pu//.|e why ■ orn siad |lantid in a clumji has 1 • Hied to give better n-ults than i W ell M.attcTeii ill th* I.lib Wi have I I r\• i this till t. Which enn d • i in', r to any p a-cnablc • xplana i in ii we could ol'er. in !ii Id after : i id,'at. 1 havi conn to believe that ti.i ividence (-1 our s.ghf should • ovtrpowir the weight of our re as n. > Hut this spring at the station we have nl (served that in those cas. s ; when the corn and was planted ir. i the clump the united ellorts of the germinating jilants mu- able to i Iri ak lhaoiigh tin l crust, while -i-at ti ri d seed were confined under : ground until they perished. Various ■ k i iid - of corn, liowever, have dilh i- I t mt germinativi strength. The small pop i orn siitn- with us to overcome 1 the hard • hatacler of the soil more suci i ssfully than do other vari( tics, but upon thi- subject our figun - are not yet all in. I'lie ,i g( tation of the butt, central and tip kernels of corn in the field have corrolxiraUd the resells alroadv published as gaiind in the green > house. , Clippings and Comments. 1-i'w (Armor* knew thst clover i one of the be*t crop* lo rleiin yut bill weed* from their soil. li* r| id growth enatde* it in smother *il except the sT injicst root. 1 perennial*, at. I iien - 1 liese it will gni.ll) k.M.p ill cheek. I'll' it will only do Mint if cattle ami other *tork are kcj t i fTatall timc l'r.irt,-il f'.ir-.rr. Then "sour dock" must lie connted among the "strongest rooted p rcn nial*.' And the great trouble with it is that it ripen* its seed so cnrlv that wet w ent hi r or any otht r hinder ing agency which causes the clover mowing to be delayed, permits it to spread its foulness all over the farm. Finding stalks of this |>ost here and there in our clover field this summer, wo have pulled them out, fearing the delay in hay making, owing to the wetness, would permit them to ripen. AN Illinois farmer, in • communt cation to the (lertnantpwn T> legn.jih, says that "fresh, clean hog-lard, rub lied on any kind of warts on borscs or cattle will remove them on three or lour application-, i have remov ed the warts time after time, and had never bean able to find the wart for the fourth application. If I should scud the name for lard, and tell them to pay fifty cents to the druggist for about two cents worth of good lard, this remedy would Ire oflcner used. For ail wounds and bruises, cracks on cowa' | teats, etc., it is belter than any patent • liniments or ointments." !> not cut grass short if you ex poet an after-math. KIIEKJ. shouhi not IK: kept after tin yamf> or years ohl. I AKK your hoes to tin: grindstone every morning when they are in urn-, ami make an edge on them that will cut a weed root easily. Uv.s. < i.w says in the Kuriil Krw ) ofl.'-r, "I am not all convinced that ensilage is practically useful. 1 give my opinion. J have never tried it and 1 never will." 'I UK diit and chips around the wood-pile and leaf-rnold from the foret, spread upon the ground and | plowi I in. are very valuable in lilting ' land for an orchard, and if the latter is us' 1 lot a mulch around young trei s it r< ally promotes a vigorous growth. 1 HI; man who would dump all his hay into the barnyard and then turn his cattle in p, help themselves through the \\ inter would save him- I sell the "trouble" of feeding it out. Imt that is jit the reason why farmers pasture and waste clover in i-uiiim( r—to save trouble. \\ in. - , -'piash and melon \incs hi', gin to run over the ground, a little fertilise r, wood uhi -> or fine manure -ho s.d b. - viii hetwt n the lulls and hoed in. I liesc vines strike down new roots as they run. and if they Are h d at these roots it greatly in <!• ases their productiveness. To kip grubs from the head of t-l.'' p. j.roe-ure a trough and spread a half inch <,( tar on the bottom of it. upon whin scatter a little -alt. I he -heep v. ;j tar their noses in get ting the -alt. and the fly which de | po-its tlie egg that produces the grub will not i nler the nostril. W !iif ama rity of farmers in all -< et ,ons of the country the lack of ■itil y i- ni l the < ii< t obstacle to giowmg good c rop-. On the most j Sterile sous a -uilicient stock of h-rtil.'y is annually wasp i on weeds to j ri.dure a go , j crop of any of the -■"''S u- laily grown.— AWTl* 'H i ' uUi ' r. I ni liest test of a good farmer is i.'ie thoroughness with which the ii; 'Dur-- - e.i -.in -i © t from his bam j yard, riie odd placet where rich dt> i -its hav b. en accumulating for should all b.- cleared,and if ihi- ri'inovH more sod than can be "I ,r ' i 11 w.'li sols from the idside, w . w :,. n saturated with manure, are the ric heat kind of fer i tili/cr. !>k <h> i rful. lie kind to your 'help. They w.|| rc-pect v ou f\, r it •> I work tin harder. Hciirc early, take a joo 1 rest after dinner, no a all. t lew pr. -sing the work rosy .\ f r w r.ikii g and perspiring nil nay . do nt Mt down to re st and '"1 yourself in a breezy place. 1 rlii. uuiat -m and malaria are i mtracl' d ir. this way. it is better :.:-t to -trip oil the damp clothing, tab the iody and put r>n drv cloth ing. nl , J, rkrr. Lif i are the curse of the poultry 1 ■ M --. bit ■ < row ne Will remove that cur- if carefully applied in time. And to b. in time is to apply n- some men v ie, or would like to vote—early iir.d often. The cost is tr.t. g an i the trouble is not much. If rno-t poultry owners would attend a faithfully to the work as to tobac co chewing or smoking the chickens would not often die from diseases cause d by lice. I tiiKi is no c lass for whom the future holds so much social and in tellectual advancement, so much as -urrd prosperity, and so much ra tional happiness, as for those engag ed in the various departments of ag rieuiture: and in no country in the world are the farmers so well pre par - i l l Min th is, by inti 1 bgi lot, t pn|i, clib rpriso, and political, as well as natural conditions, to pluck the rarli est liendits from the treasures of the future— Kuri l Xn, Korkrr. LB TTUK that has been well washed in pure cold water until the butter milk is all extracted will not require the excessive working so often neces sary to take out the buttermilk when not washed. Ibitter thus washed will Is- le-s liable to have the oily look which it gets often by too much working, < |*>eial)v if done with the hand. It will require less salt to keep it.'snd wiil have the fine waxen appearance that forms so great a part of the attractiveness of the "gilt-edged" butter. DEAD and decaying Canada thistle roots make good manure for corn, potatoes or most anything else ; but it is very important that the roofs be dead, not trying to push up new shoots, and tiins robbing the soil of moisture nnd fertility. The roots of Canada thistles thoroughly bccupv the subsoil, and in their decay allow ntr and light to change its texture. We do not advise growing thistles as manure, hut simply the utilising them where they exist. We can say of the Canada thistle what Gen. Sherman is reported to have said of the Independents, vix: "The onlv good Indian is a dead Indian." When killed the Canada thistle is of some use as a fertilizer ; before death it is a pest for any purpose.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers