Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 12, 1883, Image 1

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    21 j c Centre Democrat.
vol. :>.
<£ltc Centre
Torm* 51.50 nor Annum in Advance,
S. T. SHUGEWT & J. R VAN ORMER, Editor*.
Thursday Morning, July 12, 1883.
Domocrutic Stnto Convontion.
The Democrat k Suto Convention will n". t in the
o|htb tiouiar, llarrinl urg, < n \VMu-e lu> . Aiijt 1, .t 1 1
, 4 in ,t- ii BliMtt 11 I UU 1 r A ltd II I 0
Ittiil nrnndhUte f.r Stat* Trs-amircr, anil t*. trant t
mil h oilier btnineHl ua the < oiivnitioii may |ctrmlttr.
There will aUo be uUA t. the rnmti u a
rwolutlon whh h <*< boon nd piad I) the Btal (
mltleo, ehinflliK the rule* of the party !*• ! \
the time of th iiinjial iiDlinK "f th< St.it. • imiit
t. || |p in ~ >ti the Wedneidss iftii the t) M
tiny of January, tnttha'l of th** third >1 uhy va n-.w
Under the 'new rub-* 'f the party th r•;r* *• nt •
ti-.i, in the sute Convention w ill he 1 y representative
delegates fttill re| t* N.-ntativ • dutri t*. • ii ■'
t .%v h l.ovJO DemocratlV v.>tee let at the Ut h'i! -r
natorlai election, or for afr v ti-*n •f 1. • • *uch * ' '
amounting to'dn iur in-.re; Provided that* • h reprt*-
*• ntutivv district ibll have at !■ et tie its it- .
There a ill ! a meeting of the Pea* -it Hut*
t'.tnunittee in llarrial urg on Tihvday July l.at f
W. 1 lIKS.-KI.,
J. 11. LtCSTT, Clerk. Chairman State t'• in.
THE: Postmaster General has ileci
iletl that money orders or registered
packages of the Louisiana Lottery
Company shall not be delivered
through the United States mails.
OVEit one hundred members of
Apollo Commandery of K. T. at Chi
cago, accompanied by ladies, will
leave to-day for a voyage to Europe,
which is taken in place of a trip to the
San Francisco triennial conclave.
... \
AISOL'T seven hundred Mormon
Converts landed in New York last
week from Kuropc. The Saints per
haps never before prospered as they
are now doing under the Edmund's
law for the suppression of the polyga
mous institution.
THE Republican State Convention
which met yesterday to ratify Loss
Quays bargain with Johu Stewart and
others for the nomination of Nib s for
Auditor General, are not likely to car
ry through the programme, without
some exciting protests from indepen
dent stalwarts.
ON the Ith of July, Prof. King
made a balloon ascentiun from Clevi -
land, Ohio, with A. 1). Davis of Chi
cago, aud Rose Kennedy of Spring
field, Illinois, who were married in the
balloon and took a wedding trip into
the cloud# and landed safely a few
miles from the city.
Rut, no AI) bridges in England are
being made of glass, which promises
to sujiercede the use of wood and iron
for this purpose. The experiments
made are said to he highly satisfactory,
both as to cost and the solidity of the
structure. Tho blocks of glass are
hardened by a special process which is
the principal jsjint of invention.
THE Smithsonian Institute nt
Washington has received as a curiosi
ty of the cyclone, fivo feet of the butt
of a white oak tree, five inches in di
ameter a few feet from the ground,
through the centre of which a pine
l>oard one inch thick nnd twelve in
ches wide had been driven several feet
by the recent cyclone in Mississippi,
A STALWAKT paper figures up the
election of the Republican ticket in
l*k4, and claims for the Republican
candidate# a majority of one in the
electoral college. This is figuring pret
ty close, and taking comfort on a very
small capital. Rut even to obtain
this morsel of hope, the hopeful stal
wart has to include Pennsylvania,
New York and Ohio in making up
the result.
THE latest hot weather directions to
keep cool is given by the New York
Graphic thus : Wear a cabbage leaf
in your hat. Carry a sun umbrella.
Don't walk on the sunny sid- < f tho
street. Don t drink too much ico
water. Nor beer. Nor spirits. Don't
overwork. Don't worry. Knock of!"
businets in the beat of the day. Take
sponge baths every few minute#. I/ef
your business slide and retire to the
cool, shady groves. Don't read politi
cal editorial*. Never mind about the
next President. Put it on ice. Cul
tivate prespriation. Hh-ep all you
can. Live in your bath room. Think
of the poor. Never muid charity, but
think of them in some WK>l place.
V i
Tho Dudo War Upon Sparrowo.
The wholesale slaughter of the little
sparrow, sauetioiud by tho legislature
of the great commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, has been well denominated
"The Dudo warfare upon the spar
row-'." 111 a few years to come, when
the boys of to-day w ill he men, it w ill
be no wonder if crimes arc more com
mon than they are now, how could it
he otherwise, if children are encour
aged in acts of cruelty and brought up
to despise the teachings of Him "who
sees even the sparrow when it fullcth
to the ground." Rut this foolish and
unnatural law discreditable to the
commonwealth and those who partici
pated in its enactment does not meet
general favor aud it is to he hoped
will create such di-gu-t in the minds
of the people as to render it a dead
letter upon the statute hook. Here is
what the farmer's of Rerks county
think tijioji the subject, ai: l their
theory is correct beyond doubt.
Hi VHI.NO, July *>. -The farmers in this
section now have a startling theory lor
the spread of tho Pension t!y and the
wheat worm in their grain. At tho last
session of the Legislature an art was
pas-eil empowering persons to destroy
the I nglisli spartows. Thee lords ar<-
being slaughtered Ly the wholesale, and
the farmers say that tho fly*and worms
increase just in proportion B the spar
rows are killed. Ihe latter, they say,
formerly destroyed the insects, but
now the bugs have full plav among the
Gov. PATTIHOJ? by the free u-e of
the veto power vested in him by
the constitution, and the cog< nt
and unanswerable reasons given
for each action, has not only ex
posed to public view the systematic
robbery which had become custom,
under various pretexts, hut it has fur
nished a k-son to repr -entative#, that
more careful investigation would 1- to
their credit. Hundreds of objection
able laws have been pa-sed, and mil
lion- of dollar* improperly, if not
c->rruptly, drawn from the public treas
ury, mostly in the name of charity
and education, without receiving the
close scrutiny of the members or of the
executive that a prop, r appreciation
of duty would demand. Under tin
vigilance ofGuv. I'atti-in who applies
law and intelligent investigation as
part of executive duty, it i* probable
the legislature will be more careful of
appearing before him with slip-shod
enactments seeking his approval. As
if to complete the brilliant veto record
of Gov. I'attison, his disapproval of
the appropriation made for extra pay
to the chief clerks nnd other employes
over nnd above the salaries allowed liy
law is to he commended. These offi
cials hold their offices under an an
nual salary, and whether employed
lot) days, or dOo days no mere appro
priation to swell the amount of pay
authorized could be justified. That it
has been done heretofore, is no reason
that the illegal act must he continued.
He nrte.l wi-t ly in this mutter and up
to the full standard of his duty, and
while we sympathize with these officers
as we have no doubt also did the Gov
ernor, as a citizen wo accord our
warmest commendation.
Gov. I'ATTIsOK, says the i'hiladc
phia lirroril, kept one eye on the con
stitution and laws while he ran over
the items of the appropriation bill with
the other, and ho eliminated everything
that had no sanction of a law to give
it validity. He holds the legislature
strictly to its function and inaugidktcs
the reforms intended by the constitu
tion of 1873, which have heretofore
been neglected through the complais
ance of both legislative and executive
authority. It is clear that we art
real ly going back again to tho sim
plicity of an earlier day, when there
was an understood relation between
salary and service. The governor, it
must be remembered, is not cutting
down the pay of subordinate officials ;
he is cutting away the perquisite#.
He has not been able to fall in with
the Harrisburg notion that the state
is a ponderous nnd prosperous hotly
whoso treasury is fait game for nuy
ono thai can get the key to it.
I 9 .1
Kx-< lIAIKMAN ('AI.KINH, {if Indi
ana, who distinguished himself as ihe
head of the very graceless election
committee of the last congress, is
measuring the work of the committee
of tho next congress hy the corrupt
standard adopted and practiced by bis
committee. Ile declares tluit few con
tested scats w ill he decided at the long
se--ion, but at the short session repub
lican seats will he emptied without ju->-
ticc or compunction, it is to be hoped
that the base tyranical precedents of
the last Congress will obtain no sym
pathy in the next, but that all coutes
j ted ( Us- s w ill he decided promptly on
I their merits and according to the
| rights of parties without waiting until
! the expiration of ('ongrc--:, to de
termine tho result of honest elections
and honest claims. I'nder Rcpuhli
ian practice the conic-ting system has
become one of nnmitigntcd fraud and
unblushing seotindrclisru in which
the 1 ommittec oft' ngri -man < ulkin ■
acted a very prominent and disgrace
fnl part in tin Inst < ongr< ".
liii Philadelphia /-!> ,rup/i a Ri -
puhlicun paper, speaking ofthccour-<
of Senator .lohn >t wart ■ si tin upp r
li 'iine nt hill cxpre.--e-diappr< hat; n
in language not to lie mistindi r-t I.
i The ]> "jrajih repre-. Nts :i. i. m t
republicans. It says: •M .hn Stew•
I art ha- the lloor fr an > xplnnatlou.
During the regular -c— i n f tie Dg
idature he openly and tirnilv refused
to endorse the M'<'racki-u < uigr •
si.'iial Apportionment g. rr vmandi r,
and went a-i far n- to prepare a hill
himself up . a different ami much
I more rcputabio basis. Last woek be
not only all a. i tin -ame Mc< rack< n
I bill to j a-- without protest, but voted
for it himself, lather he was wrong in
tir-t den .im ing and opposing the bill,
or he was wrong uflcrwards in u--
j taining it. It will never heroine a
law, but Mr. Stewart'- hill might have
he. n pa -• d ; at nil events, the Sena
tor from Franklin has made a rn -t
• xtraordinarv record before the peo
pie of l'ennsyluania."
At the regular --i< n. honest, inch
jcendent John lm i probably nt re
ceived the full me-nure of l! -- < 4 > iny -
. atli-ctionate consideration. The S na
torial bee in his hat diel not liecomc
seriously agitated until (iov. I'atti- n
| cnlled him back to perform the neg
lected elutv he shirked in defiance of
his obligation as a repre -entativc
sworn to support and defend the con
MARSArm srrrr's l
sin -TRY. "I have g"t, -ays (iovor
nor Rutler, "five ditferent specimens
jof tanned -kins of human be ings,
t He re is a pair of slipper- cut out from
the breast of a wliito woman, ami I
have a whole skin from the back of
another woman. I his business hnd
j got to be a commerce. If this inves
tigation has cost $10,000, I nni satis
tied it I have accomplished nothing
but the stopping f this new ineliistrv.
The money is well spent."
LKAMXIS GI lIMANS, both in Ohio
and lowa are faking affectionate leave
of the Republican party as no longer
in accord with the sentiments and ob
jects of that party. These honest
Hermans liegin to discover that "all is
not gold that glitters"—that the usur
pation of an honest name does not
clothe the Federalists with the honest
1 principles they expected to enjoy in
their associations, when they left the
government of Ilistnark for n home in
Democratic Republican America.
FKIJIAY, the fith instant, being the
last day the Governor had for consid
eration of bills before him, he cleared
his table, and thus closed up the busi
ness of the last session of the legisla
ture with the following result: Of
the 670 bills introduced in the Senate
and House, 253 were passed finally
during the session covering 150 days.
Of these bills passed 1911 have become
laws and GO wero vetoed.
I.oyiilly, Vol Organization.
tlx liovernor I toy t in capable ol utter
1 ing noble, patriotic, and sound liemo
' cralic sentiments when di-engaged from
■ tho net work which obligations to party
w hilo in lino of promotion threw around
him. In it speech before tho I'riion
, Society of Williams <'ollege, Mu -achu
setts, on "Tho Scholar in the Itepublic,"
delivered on Monday evening of last
week, ho took oceaaioti to express him
self freely. We regret that only a l.tief
extract can bo copied for tho #S'ic. ■<•/
!•' readers. They will Jind. how
. over, much for thought and reflection,
making a subject of interest t' ill : "It
is to principle wo are bound by the
, sacred ties of loyalty, and not to orgai.
izalion . realty and homage to created
' men, both as matter of form and matter
of -lit -lance, have gone out of I i hion.
livery private citizen an i < v.-ry inagis
Irate has felt the humiliating pressure
of being called upon to perform the
i 'covenant- running with the land,' so
to -peak, of ihc.r assumption of |ro
prietornhip set up t v arrogmt dictators
and pretended lords paramount. The
experience of President 'iarfreld, who
j found hi oflirial life empty of pleasure
, or prolit, extorted from him the pathet
iic utterance 'I have been dealing ul]
| tln--<i y.-ars with idea . and h'-re 1 nni
i dealing only w.th person . I have been
1 heretofore treating of the fundanienta!
principle- i J! government, and hen* 1
am con-. iering nil day whether A • r !'.
ball be appointed to th;s or that ofli. >•
thus the province of Mate-manship is
invaded by the vulgarity of wrangling
poll men. dfiu are n< ■ i. 1, with your
in. .-ive p .tr.ot m and g<-r<erou> en '
thu-.a m for o'ial order an-i ound 1
• -oc.al ntaxirn-. to dean u| all the r<
mains r.f the old f< ti-h of "bosses,'
I "ring-, ' "caucuses, "patronage. ' 'I he
pushing place hunter's cry of "regular! .
, t). drown tlie voice of the peoj lo for j
t purity and decency, a- the -uttee
drum iu"d to rlrown the TO Oof con
science. You want to cremate the
whole pestilential brood in the tirey
! furnace of your condemnation, "begin
• ntng at Jerusalem. What is the use
■ of a "temple of liberty" if {solitical
corner loafers are to occupy the portico,
to the exclusion of the proper cole
brants. A'... m l /.in.i.
A WRIT I itin the Ilarri-burg Patriot
urges the n ■nation of the 11 • >n. Geo.
A. Acheobach < : Clinton county a"
the Den. cratic candidate for Auditor
'i< in ml. We second the tuition most
cordially. No, better man ran be so- '
1 Icctcd, or one who would give more
faithful and li<>nct service to the state.
All Serf-.
Coffee is being extensively planted!
on the Florida Keys.
Mrs. Catherine Chase, formerly Mrs
• >prague, ha gone to burope for the 1
• summer.
There are more Catholics in New
York than in any other city on' the
j glolw.
M rs.' larfield and her daughter Mnlbe, j
! are at Saratoga and intend to remain
' there for some time.
More than amillion person* in Franco j
- in throw stones, for they lire in houses
that have no windows.
San Francisco streat lamps have not
been lighted for two months, and will
not be until the city pays a big gas bill.
Mr, Ivid l'avi* calls interviewers I
"tho buzzards of tho press." Ho at all
1 events can furnish ttiorn good picking.
What becomes of all tho old clothes
pin* when only ono factory down in
Maino turns out 110,000 new ones every
day ?
Brother Boecher can not save any
money on a salary of $30,000 a year.
The good man probably keeps a cow.—
Atlanta Constitution.
Man milliners are on tho increase in
b.urope. They arc employed in all the
fashionable milliner establishments of
Pari* and Ixmdon.
There aro nhout 14,000 visitors at
Baden-Baden thia season, and all the
leading buropean watering places are
correspondingly crowded.
Tho meanest man out, according to
the New Orleans /Scayvn*, is the man
who knows who is going to bo tho next
President, but won't tell.
barge tracts of lend in Texas are
fenced with hedge* of roses which, in a
few years, cheaper than wire, raila, or
lumber, form a barrier that neither man
nor Feast can pass.
Queen Victoria doe* not indulge in
the affectation of pretonding not to I
'I KKM-S: per Amiiirn,in Advance.
rend tho newspaper . .She takes a
morning and an evening daily and
several weeklies, .-die is fond of novels,
The first woman ever appointed to a
musical professorship in 'ierrnany is
Johanna Wagner, niece of tho great
compo er, who lias been assigned to
such a po-.it ion at the Munich consorva
You want to know the meaning of
"filthy lucre,' 1 do you ? Well, it is very
evident that you never fished a nickel
out til a horse car mat on a muddy day,
or you wouldn't be harassing us with
such an insane query.- fuck.
Dovcrtior fuller's victory in the
Tcwksbury matter was recorded when
I . J. Marsh, jr., refused to produce tho
books, la-cause their evidence would he
to his detriment. This act will proha
bly also prevent tho intended while
washing repoit by tho committee.
A Liverpool thief wished to get into
a pawnbroker oflice, and thought he
could slip down tl.e chimney if naked.
- < he took - triiis clothes and made the
trial, - nly to g.-t -tuck fa t in the Hue.
He remained there all night, and was
gl. 1 when finally taken into custody by
the jolice. because they had to rescue
Cuoutnb-ri ant i . have r.'-l
hands again.
—Over a million J -liar- a week i what
w" ] ay in j -onions.
Mr. it A Ile-k, tho barber, *.,! re
turn fr-irn ITnla ielph -i t Jay.
Hah fi.r the lie; . . a:, - -ur.tyti-.kel 1
T :.<• r: ■ .. • ,tj .r. ■ /
-Tr. evening tl.< Magic (' met Hand,
•f R -art . pre nt a hand".me car.'-
.t- It . M M rr M -t ,rg
—Mwart Alexander Co. have sur.
I--! in m-i'.ruining tin It.iTsi It.r.
railr-*i . rnpany fr in g eng th- -gh
t! f-ir Coal-yard ' r tb<- j r- >< r t
t. cwhero in I iu" -a .11 be f- .rid
sltir-i- - delivered by lie v. .1 - n Hewitt
nr. IJ. L. Mpar.gler, f .a* n • -er< . f
' -nstan* Commandery. T'e-s;
'—r i areful j-er .ial.
—Thed-alh f Mr. li. II f well
curre-1 at ll inlingd- n, n 'I ie- lay night
Mr. F w< ,1 -WH> extensive'y et gagesf lr
al and ir n operation* in tins and <
:.--i-l C-- in'ie, Hti-J is repute-] t-- have l*-.-ti
| very w- althy.
Many of the r-ads tn <>ur c mty are
t.- l k<-pt in a- g -i a state of rej air as
mu:bt tie wished f. r by t) - who arc
r mpc'il- lt > travel over them. There is
ittb -i ■!• r this nr.<l wc ht j-c the lime
may speedily ■ unowhen the am* .nt ex
-1 • nde-1 one sj-ring may n-jt be* entirely
wasted before tlm next.
Mi'lh' im awakened - n tho morning
of July Ith, 1- >• -ke. 1 all round an ! then
gave herself a general shaking preparato
ry to the struggle noce-sary to properly
j < --ndurt a fir't class ce|ehrati'>n. Tlie
peaking wa* done on a rane,J platf--rm in
front of the National Hotel, by Kev. It
Hengst. ThoMillbeim Band furnished the
—We extend to Mr J. N. Holmes,
editor of the 7V m<- Tnt" our condolence
and sympathy In the great loss ho ha.' sus
tained the death of hi* wife, Mrs
11-ilme had been slaying with her mother
j in Philadelphia receiv ing medical treat"
ment for consumption but help wa* of no
avail and she passed away peacefully on
Saturday evening, aged 22 years.
Howard had a glorious lime on the
4th instant. The meeting was organized
in tho forenoon by llev, Stine who led in
prayer. Tho address of welcome was de
livered by Mr. K. TV. Barry responded to
by I>. S. Keller, Ksq., and the Declara
tion of Independence was read by a young
Mr. Stino. In tho afternoon the various
•thcr features were attended to including
the performance of Col. Dan Hastings. He
delivered the oration and his effort is
spoken of highly. Howard people are to
bo congratulated upon their hospitality
and enterprise.
I/ovx axis FAITH.— It is love that has
taught the world, for its happiness, that
what has been begun here will not forever
bo interrupted, nor what has been ill done
forever remain vinatoned ; that the affec
tion here kindled will never cease; that
the sin committed can be wiped out and
tho good conceived can bo achieved ; that
all wilbin which ,)s good and happy and
forever struggling here—virtue, geniua—
will be free to act hereafter ; that the crea.
lures thrust r-under In this world may
there unite forever.
NO. 27.
i "A I'KA.-i if I:KA ,v *./ a FLOW or
SOPI, —Mr. J, Irwin Hut," irinan, short
hand reporter, n member <f f'onstami
Commandery No. 33, Knight* Templar,
<if Itiin place, has j.Ja' ••i us under renewed
! obligHti r."i by fun,. hing us the f ilowing
-l' hi,;- raj hi' r-j rt of the remarks of
Eminent .Sir J. 1,. Span;?;- r upon ibo prc
vntat. >i "fa Cra. - I l'r-iat - uniform to
Emin- r.t Sir J'.ev .) ,hn Hewitt, the n.-wly
elects l Prelate • i the Gran ; Commandery
of Pennsylvania, togeU-'-r wth the Jatter
g-rilleina;: t r- j ly.
Emim-nt sir .1. 1.. •!( r Hid :
hum.'r.t ( .tumar.-i-T —At the r- "fit
Ann .al < ,n> .woof Knights Templar a
■ "i' ■ 3 in tin- city of him- Inter, Ly c ri
jic . . aiul significant j artiality, v-m
'to. nr. l imuii 1 tire:.! Pr-oato
-f th- Grand C rntiv d- ry • f I'< nriylv
rua. Ihe| .* ii. tioii ! a member of ( on*
-Un- C-.ruriiar.dcry to the salt- d p lition
: 'i r: . I'.'' .t" that Gran 1 ltody . a
ii,alter ■ ! p ~:ir grati: ation to" this
' riiriiar.'J-ry V ,r j.roriioti-.ri is our
i ' fl ' 'ti ii ( J .r ,r- ai The
• i-'t ty at.-J .. t ' r. - iiferr-i upon )■ i
hy t Grai 1 ( riiuian iery, in j art .- re
fh- !■ i ha ii - i ti,( mmarid'-ry. • ver
'• t.t i.a;-• tr,- I. -r.-r
'> t f.r u- Eminent ( mrnar.d' r.
I ; Gran I !':• ite will a fiord you
a m t ■!' • ..• ,t •j ■ ort ,r..ty to f>ach and
'.rati,, i. : at, ; . nlvalry which i rrn the
oraf e j • r,. ah -i-r of divine
lr.it'. y ,r a! ,• sr. iin i .-try
rr. I eminently .a ify j .. r the varied
Juti' -if that < -nailed ; notion. 1 trust
y iri ay atta.r. t • . r(1 . ; , ~f
. .r life. I have r. . .• t. Sir Knight,
that y .w, rn; r the heart- and
] •- of -,r Kr. j •. , ; j},;, (■
rn a.lit, *tha . y .• a!. .11v ar 3 . -ai,
th - - r/. tret.' of chivalry ar. 1 knight*
It . .r - " rt ; t a i and s-cenij ■
lify the ) rincipl-s f our order, you will
a.way- have ti." b- arty ;• rt -f
• tars ( tntnar, i- ry. V .■ an < r.itaritiy
r- > t. ti " fri-e.j,, ' ;ij ; rtan ; sym
pathy of y ir own < ton.at. P rv.
A a ti.it, ft e of th--.r es
teem, f'.'-r. J.fi.,' and atl i for you, I
am a.f ,*.ti.,- a . n, t |r - "nt
. wit a rn -t \ aiua* e at. I Ireautiful
ft a f at i • t ; ; ar. I re.ra..a
"fa K ■ igi.t T-'tji; ar. wit ii th-' .t.aigma < f
y.' • a . I*r- .it f th-* (.rand
1 -ri.n ar. i-Ty 'J r- ;a. a < r-sitU, a
■ . a "rve, a *ut.t..l rl.aj.-au,
a;. la. Jr. -., be.:, i ri, gauntlrU and
va '. ■r, -a '. art.cie rnaaing tif, tbi*
tna;;n . T.t j . wili nt fa.3 t have
"i -. -V' i the cral.-m of our order, the
ii ly (' wt. ii t' a b-' y . and all
us, tt.at Tetnj-iar; rn i founded uj-on
J-rit ; f ' t.t t >r, ty, and that we
a*'* *w -ri ft; t.t o! tt ■■ ( rou Permit
is- St K: t, t ; tli > merr. ral-i-i
W' td • far. -tr: is jre 3<<*<,r, in the
' (-rar.J Pri it-, who on a similar
I • ti said
• I ( r •• w . lai . t wr-r'.J. Let
ei.treat y u V> lire beneath it influ
. wa.h it. .u li.."iit. r-et in its s!iad"W,
• 3 wi.-n lifi-'s w ri. is ended, the laU
ttle 1 atirig n ' iht and w--n, lay
i i'-u r. at the fo ; f tt.e Cross and die,
tt i II" wh--s< right it is wi.l prevent o u
His Father t-l • cr- wned with giorv
aii i irnni- rta..'y.
This • the h.gh- t and best greeting of
C • sti-t- ( mrnand-rv t a faithful and
<)" v. ted - li- r the Cr, 1n w pre.
►-•fit v i ir. 1- .if ■f ( tan- < -<nmar.<]>
• ry. with ti. - ! ant : . -3 e* ..sit- j r--v
• *.t. th- htghe-t evi ..-r. ■ f tt- ir lore and
aiTmic nf rj u. Mayy>-u live long and
t." haj f y
Kit in- • t sir K- v. .1 hn 11- witl, repii"d :
S.r Knight Sj.angler and Sir Knights < f
t'onstar.s Comri.andery —You are well
awar-' h w utter,y in-j- - tie it is for any.
■ ■r.e. under circumstanr- • f such gr-'at su'r
]'iise, to mat." a | r-'j -r n ponsetocuch an
addre" a- that whi- h Str Knight Sj angler
has just givn utt- rance U>. and j.articular.
Iv to use filling language to express.
Uianks fir such a token <>f regard anil os
t-etn a- ttiis which is disjdayed f efore me
now. Ilut I canro'l arc jt it witfiont sav
in ; a word t • my friend-, the Sir Knights
!-re, an ! all 11.• -• • f this (' rnmandery. ♦
Perhaj ■ 1 canm-t express s I would like,
what I have to 'y, but wtiat i* in my
niln lis this Whaiever h- mrs the (irai.-l
('--mmandary of th-' Slate of Pennsylvania
has conferred u}~>n me are not mine, but
belong to Constant Commandery. It is
due to C'onstans ('"rnmandery, in the first
place, that I became a Knight Templar ;
it is due also to Constant Commandery
that I have 1-een no advanced in Templar
ism a* to gain the position I now occupy
of Grand Prelate. Whatever honors, there,
fore, belong to this office are in the earo
snd keeiiing of tVntlans Commandery.
And in the use regalia now j'resen
to-1 to me, I shall'alwayt feel pleasure, and
entertain grateful recollections of the many
kindnesses which have already gone before
it, not only from Constant Commandery,
as such, but from ever* member of it in
Would to God that I might be able to
perform the duties which devolve upon
me in my several relations to vou, in tho
position of Grand Prelate of tltc .State of
Pennsylvania, and of Eminent Commander
of this Commandery, in such a manner a*
that they might have a lasting effect upon
the minds and characters of every Sir
Knight connected with this Commandery,.
and of the entire jurisdiction.
It is something to me. Sir Knights, to
know that I have earned your good will
and affection, and I assure 'you I feel that
it has been full, without stint, without re
straint. Never do I meet any member of
this Commandery without feeling that I
have in him a brother and a friemf. How
ever opposite our several occupations, I
feel that wo meet upon the level and part
upon the square, and 1 trust that this new
token of your esteem will, if possible, bind
us still more closely together in the bonds
offiaternal love and affection, and make
us more earnest In our efforts to exemplify
the divine truths which our order is in
tended to inculcate, not only for the bene
fit of ourselves, but for the benefit of the
community In which we live.
81 f Knights, accept my sincere thanks.