Che sCmtte jPtuwrnf. UI3LLEPONTK, PA Don Cameron's Programme. Senator Cameron mailed on (ho Kith of May. Three days previously n consultation was held at his house in this town. M. S. (Juav. Thomas V. Cooper,!'. K. Mngec, Hugh McNiell, Howard .1. Keeder, (louerul Siegfried, David 11. laine, Senators .lohn M. (ireerand William T. Davits, and a few trusted friends were preseut. The future parly plans and prospects were discussed livelyaud frankly. It was then fully determined that no Stal warts should he put forward as candi dates this year. The Senator further more directed that the Stalwart leaders should remain in the background in selecting from the body of the Inde pendents the men to curry the Imtiner. "(fur cue i- -imply t, t confirm the men selected hy the Independents, and our only care should he that a.-arbiters we make no mistake in choosing as he* tween the vari„ us Independents pr - posed, that there may bo no sores h It Jo heal among tlu-m after the event. I hat aeeomplislied, the party macliin ery tirmly held in our hands, and myself net os ill. ~ j. , v , | y reason to hoi \ that tic i-uriv differ ciicc- wnl lic ;11ru;i ii :if, 1 the chasoi completely bridged. Thin in the con test ot 1 MM4 we can resume our old places. It the plan is entirely suc cessful I will claim a reelection II- tie reward of our labors. If it is only partially successful i will decline the reelection, but put one of my own friend* to the front as a security that we are not to be overridden. If, how ever, the plan miscarries altogether— that is to say, it nil our concessions to the kickers fail to bring a harvest of reconciliation—then we will wash our hands ot the whole atliiir, and let the canvass 0 r I**l go to the dogs, where the party will speedily follow it." (tcneral Cameron was not pi > - nt, and had not previously been consulted in the matter, but sub- -quently, the plan having been spread before jiirn, i> re ceived his cordial approval. A*. I". Hun. Trying to Pill a Rat Dole We spi'inl in Pennsylvania, in an easy, oil hand, d> vil-mav-eare wnv. nearly nine million d-llar* per vear on what we call our < mmonsch
    rightfully pay it and who get the benefit of it. For this reason there is no necessity for a further State appro • print ion growing out of tho enlarged needs of the schools. In the second place, until the abuses of our system us it now exists are extirpated by thorough-going and searching reforms State aid shoubl be limited t > the con stitutional requirement. We are ex pending for tree schools in this State ' a sum which properly applied would leave no* child of school ago without i that quantum id' education which it | j was the design of the State to give. When the school machinery is so ad ' justed as to grind out the grist intend -1 ed for it it will he time enough to pay out more money h>r its improvement and support. Not sooner. It the I State Treasury were overflowing with unused dollars it would he a perver sion of trust to turn any part of it into the rat-hole which now absorbs -o much with so small return in comparison wilhj-utluv. lire j or,l. An Old Contest at an End A change in Kngli-h family life, which is regarded hy a powerful mi- 1 II irity with a feeling akin to horror, will lie effected hy the pa—ago of the bill legalizing marriage with a dc% ceased wife's sister. For fifty years or I iimre t iii -< propo-ition has been fought with aluio-d as much intensity of/- al, 1 and much greater peristeuey, than \ have been -liown by the oppitiouts ot polygamy in the I niti d States. Stat- -• men, hi-hops, iiobh s, . scientists, maga/ine writers, editors of great journals and others influential in moulding public sentiment, have re garded marriage with a deceased wile's sister as little, if any, better than an incestuous cutnneti < Ippoiiriit* of the bill -ait a gents to the I nited S;atn and, strange to iclate, tho-- 1 ellli-siirii - dill succeed ill getting to- I getln r a large amount of tc-tiin-tiy : which passed for -ense and reason in Kngland, hut which, when reproduced herefrom Fuglish papers,exciti I only ridicule, l-r it was but a mass of trash. < n sumption was an old clergyman, "the sands of whose life were nearly run out," who solemnly averred that the p —ibility ot th- ir father marrying their aunt made i hildren 1 •|Mirt "f the Prince of Wales. It seems strange enough to Ameri can- that there should ever have been 111 any country a qin-sti-n of the pro priety of thi- kind -1 niarriagee. F\- jicri• nee* here has shown that such uui ms are ■ minently e-ndin ivc to the j purity of home life. The person of , all [HTSOIIS be.-t fitted to lake the place of a mother to hi therb * children i-. as a rule, the -ister of the mother they have I -t. Among the happiest nnd jnirest home* in this country are not a few in which a dead wile's -ister tills the place of wife and mother. The sweet and tender alfection xi-ting IH tween si-ter- giv. - a motherh -- > hibl a tirm hold on the love of the mother's si-ter. To urge that there i- impr priety in such marriages on the score of relationship i< absurd, for there i - n- natural relationship. For these reasons we feel quite sure j that Fnglish public sentiment will soon adapt itself to the change ; that none of the predicted evil* will follow, and that, in a tew years, it will he n source of wonder that there was ever any objection to the measure that wa fought for half a century. This change in the marriage laws of Kngland suggest* a necessity for amendment of our own laws on the : subject of marriage, or rather fur harmonizing the marriage laws of nil the States. At this time it is a felony in wiine States to consummate mar riages that are entirely lawful in other States. For example, in some State* a man may marry tho daughter, hy a previous husband, of hi* deceased wife, while in other State* sueh a marriage would not only he invalid, but would !• punishable a* a felony. There are other feature* of our laws that ar equally inharmonious, and which should he brought into practical agree ment. — Wathinglon l'o*t. Rum Drinking in Maine Anybody who knowsanylbingahoul ; the drinking habits of the people of - Maine today know* that liquor i* , drank in parlor*, in office* of law and i medicine, and to a limited extent in I the studies of the clergy, in kitchens I and workshop*, in the ears, on steam heat*, and if one wishes to observe, he i will find that travellers by every i means of conveyance in thehtate take i the |>oi*on with them. The express i companies bring it into the Kutc upon - every arrival for private consumption, . and considerable which escapes detec * lion and goes into sale in some smaller I country towns. In many of the cities and HO mo of tlio larger towns tlio nnlc in free in burn and HUIOOIIH, not in open defiance of law, for that statute which | public opinion does not support is no law at all, and cannot and never will he enforced. The sooner this fact is reeogui/.ed the better it will ho for the cause of temperance, which is advo cated upon sensible grounds only by the better representatives of the reform ' clubs. It is no pleasure to us to re- i port such a state of things, but so far as our observation extends we know our statements to be true. Wo detr-t deception, let it come in where it mav, and Nenl Dow is so committed to pro hibition that he wouldn't tell tie- truth j if he could, and he couldn't it In would, upon the subject of enforce ment in this State. We don't assert that some strictly temperance commit- j nities cannot la- found in Maine, hut we do ussert that rum is in far 100 general use all over the State, and we i know that some of the best tempi ranee men here regretfully admit tins state ment. Dying won't rub out the fact". Suicide in a Mine. The I'mentininf or it H* / t,t i /(' ared from hi- home about 1 n't lot k in the morning. His wife -ays -he 1 was ill bed about hull ail ie ill before that time and tell asleep, and when -he awoke her husband bad ilisap p- ared. It will be reiuemls-red that a leittle was touml tin- in xt illy in ar tlin nvi r indicating that some om- had commilti -I suicide by jumping into the • anal. A day lat< r it wa- learned that Ilichb-r had lu i-u M. n in the iieigbborho -I ot I/eiauion. I hi- was communicated to liis wife, but -be failed t> In lii ve Midi report- and | -tated that frequently an imb scril able feeling of Par came to In r and - uue tbing -I - mo.I to tT 1 In r that lu-r hu hand's le dy wa- at tin- bottom ot a ! neighboring ore mine. I inally she ! made a request that the old do-, r:• I mine be searched. A number of the tie ghboritig tanners • no lu-i- 1 y.-t.r -( day to make the --an h and to the ir li or r they found the di n I bodv • t her hu-baud The mine wa- ah ut -ixt v tiit deep and . attaint-1 litter n tut of water. A -t.-n. w ghing ah ,t twenty jcunds wa- -.eur- ly ta-tom d to his m k. Aioron r - jury render • i d a verdn tot suicide. Hi • i v'T statistics, ba-oij on the last census, sh w that in Milwaukee, where tin-re i- more |ner made ami drank than in any other city of equal si/e in the 1 nited State-, tin re are twice n* many suicide- as in nnv other city < t like population. I bis fact b ad- the .V.Mt.s /fitun : to i|i * e|j, s the sub;. T. It a--umes tliat in all the citn - e.f the i untrv the < L rtnari* are, in pr p r ti m to tin ir numle r-, lw o ■ w. |] repri -entcd nmotig the suicidi - as any other people, and the exci --i v• • ue of i■> ri- a--igned n- the cau.*< " I 'hen i- no doubt,' -ay- the ,V-r •<- fait\m;, "that the m slerute I b.. r bright ' ti- up ami < In • r men, but tie r.- i also no doubt that t .milch IK•• r stup • | and demurnli/. - the drinker, and, it i(- u-e i- persisted itr, make- him melancholy ami wenk-minded. It i* apt to result in certain attack- of mel ancholia, which come upon the be< r lo|K*r, and in which he bewail- himself and hi- fate, pitic himself as a wretched being ami finally let- hi i heavy le ad ami his weeping • ves sink languidly on the table." Neverthe less, it con-idert beer a beverage of exceeding virtue in eompari- in with spirituous liquors, which, it contends, "transform inan iut > a bloodthirsty wild beast and a violator of the law-." TOUT in.-.- M. >N m >i, Virginia, is the largest single fortification in the world. It ha- already cost over three millions of money, The water battery i- con sidered to he one of the finest pieces of military construction iq the world. Colonel I/odor, the instructor in the military school, ha- invented and per fected some astonishing appliances, that, when we shall have guns, will bi nt immense value in handling them. In one of the casemates inside the fort is his office. He can sit in it, and with an electrio appliance cause every gun in the fort to lie fired simultane ously. lie ha- jierfected another set of instruments by which the exact dis tance of a ship fronj the shore may In accurately determined, the velocity and direction of the wind, the conse quent deflection of the ball, nnd tin precise jioint at which the hall will strike theship. The guns are fired by electricity, Mit. I'a KNF.i.l. is re|Htrlod to have snid recently when asked how he was affected by the l*apal excommunica tion : "I don't know what it will do for me in the next world, but it has made my fortune in this." His Testi monial Fund is rapidly nearing the intended sum of fI'AT, OOO, while be i fore the Tope's circular was issued there was little prospect of it ever reaching $60,000. HUB* RIIIK for the C'KNTKK DKMO f.'iivr. Terms, 11/K) per annum in ad i vatice. \ Otiick Itiiilwny Time, Jlnrhforii, 111., Jan. 1880. 7'/ii i. to certify that we hair uppointe.,/ Frank I'. Hla&r t roa agent for tht taltqf our (fuo'k /'tin lit'ut Wat,'l,l to the town ot llfll'/outi. It.H HI..TIN \VAT< II (Jours NV. BY HOSMKR P. HULL AND, Bee. Having most thoroughly tested ttic 1 ; Kookford ipiick Train Wslches for the ! last three y.-sri, ! oiler thern with the fullest conlidencc as the tiest mad.- and most reliable time keeper lor the money that Call be obtained. //W'yguarantee every Watch for Itooytart . lA7i /'. lII.A HI, No, 2 llrnrl., rho'i How. I All other American Watchee at ~./., -. •/1 ! pro; . | DIOIITOS, .lan. 27, I The Itockford watch purchase.i Feb. l-7'.i, lias performed I .-iter tlian any Watch I ever had. Have carried it every day arid at no tune hits it been - irregular, or ill the least unreliable. I cheerfully reeommend 110- Lock ford Watch. !l< ill V i. li. IK It P iN, at Dtghlon I uriiHrc I'D. TM STOV, Sept, I*. I--1. I In- ltocklold \\ ali-b runs Verv lie .-urat.-ly ; tieller than any Watch I ever owned, arid 1 have I,ad one that cost #1 el I .11 lecointn lid I lie |{>kf..rd Wat.-li to everybody who w ha line - P. lIULLALD, M. 11. 11. to cert-ly stint the Lorkfo: •' W atcll t ought ! ell. IsT',l. h . lull very well ii,e pot yen' ILiiuig •! .1 on i y I w ice during that I. me, n- | variation being three m nutes. It lias I run very much better i.'.au I t-v.-r an lu-I| lied. It w* a-i isteil an I only cost |jd. It. p I'.lt VAN r. at the I' -ail street J lag -l iMoji. Mansfield, M I'.-t., 'J I. I H I I'.l t' ADVICE TO MOTIIERH A- .1 i I I • a I • . . t . 'r . . L,hi I• . h'to . sr. I'. ,r.v * J of; '■! ,! | I 111 * t"tll > It • * 1,4 Sl I : •SX l (J. ISU tl • I Ms. w in.-. . i r rti ■. ra . is. oo j - •b# j- t.s- . Il'l -.1 I j ;'fs, ti .| Ui, ts|.wl. sl >1 a It St., | ..|, ntre lt..| . r. -.(1.e. Ui> curns. >. ■ t s ftetc'ii. Ifne V* S* we ,• fHVuMAtr t ! "111" iI M Tltlllt* i J -'II I I '.7' e • • I j• ; *t*r* T, <4 ,1 lh lest n. S U-1 U>ui*U j' V i ir.rsf. l curnssn | ri (h- \ ? ! Uib* s* I • ' t • ' • Swuync A I'IIIH Comfortlmr to the Hick TI ;-Sr. is die n re- • t to | r..p. rlv ' lirij .re I! :, i • . liy - It. ,rt In, ... ii,. ;i; ... a, I! it to D.. i-t 'at . • .t let • d with . .lb ■• • • r eth.-r re to. : - I v nn. i ! r ! lamp* \ !:*•••. In: SWAYNB ,v , •-H.N. Phdadelpbia. Pa. >. I by |r-.g. j gists. IT. Remembfr Tl.i* 1 f VOH are sick Hop Ilitter* will aurely i. I Nature n lush ng y< -i w. il when all else fails. If you areroative or dyspetic, or are siilfern g from any other of the numer (.lis disease of the stoinach 1 ' -wel. t , tour own fault if t -u remain ill, f-.r Hop Litters are n sovereign remedy in all such r .nip'nir,t. If you are away w.tli ant j form of K' .dfiey I' .ease, stop tempting Death tins nt -merit, .rid turn (or a cure to Hop 11.Iters. It you are sir k with that terrible sick n> ■ Nerr.jsre, \i .w I find.a"! aim in 'it lean ' in t lie use ot II •; Pit t.-rs If yr>u are a fr• ) i-nt-r. • r a r i lent of a rmasruatic district, I am < Ie your ' system against the scourge of all conn tries malarial, ej , leniir. t-illious. and intermiltcn f. r,r- t.jr tt.e use ,1 II q, Litters. 1 f y "u have . rough, pimply, or -allow | skin, b.a I t.realh. j .Mis and arhes, and feel misearatile generailv. Hop Litters I will give vnu (a.r skin, roll lilcasd. and i sweetest Ir• istls, h -llh, and rom'- rt. In abort tliev cure all disease ■ f the dlnmacb, I'.owels, l'.'oo.|, L.ver, Nerves, Kidneys, ((right s Disease. J'. siwill t.e paid for a they will not cure or liclp. That poor, bedridden, inval.d wife, j sister mother, or daughter, can be made ; the p-cltire ot bealtti, t-v a few t.ottles of Hop Potters, costing but a trifle. Will you let them suffer ? 1- -It. Itching Piles SymptonH and Cure, The symptoms are moisture, like per spiratinn. intense ilcbing, increased by acmtcbing. very distressing, particular ly at night, seems as if pin worms were crawling in and alxmt the rectum ; the private parts are sometimes atlecte.l, If allowed to continue verv serious re -till, follow, ".sW AV N K'So|NTM I. N T" j is a pleasant, sure cure. Also for Tetter, Itch. Salt Kheum, Scald Head, Krysipa las. Lsrbers Itch. Llothches, all scaly, crusty Skin Diseases. Sent by mail for .V) rents; 3 boxes ?! -Jo. (in atainps). | Address, Dr. NWAYNK A NtlN, Phila delphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists. 58ly ! no.\ v Ai.iM ni;, (•KNKRAI. INK. and (VIM MISSION Agt., Bellefonte, l'a. Ofll'" In Hiih mrf dtmr The follow ing c< >nipanies reprcscutcl: I " JIRE. UNION Philadelphia, j AMERICAN do. (•CARMAN London. 8c N do. WR-TKRN Toronto. C Hartford. . and others. —o— commission branch nt mr business it receiving special attention I'ropcrtire sold to good advantage, as 1 have facili ties for disposing of bouses, lands, etc., on short notice ana favorable terms 2lsflm ROM D V ALKNTINK. V .Wto .1 <1 i trtiMt inciith, r~ — T~ i ro it j SPANGLtR & Co., | j I D AL.I. i:- is I-'IT. M I I IT.. Is ..J .crriAP G'JIRS for TIIS Picris.2 ; C-.LAI WESTEfllO^fesJßUfl VSOPr", I m -rywii u- is. ' i * / S---DS, r.-t'.oa -vrsrr 7 - -.— r. ~ i • I IM. • Hsswf, *. M.. < it .1.1 . fc A r. Jut) Kmilhfit-ld street, Pitts! urgb. Pa. i D! \LIIN PUK! DP.I (,< ONLY ; I /KI.LKII A SON. ♦ 1 s - . I 5 S-H| !- I . 1 . * |T'l'-l. Trr.SMS.St. SITE l-.SSS. A< *• r t If rr r AYNE'SIO Horae Spark-A 'resting ft. <.f Ml••• i -o-s. t rr... • (r u lis ssw m ■ Cttr J JJ r *i i■/ <• . in-.'// to fnrnish ;sssrer to - * 0 f<--t of lt<-TTv..r k|l .f.rUs IS ]e txM.ra h /. / ; AHMAN S IIOTKI., xi i. i,, n n ..... i itnr. Mr.rt TRUMR It . IT II LAY A t ..I |jtj attached -It |>l 811 llol'SK, I > an LKVONTK m . I mlll< • At*.! ft* el# frntlrmm, # #|| • On> fn *r*l irx♦ling j-tjl Ik infl • mm#rriaJ mi mtb >.xit#f! t • !hl Fir*i - Ibm If l#J. h#r# llt#t will ftn-1 bum t (.ittl' ft ft! rMCinftl'le fdlwa, llUfwl f#lt*.|. I. t J TTI r.-rn BT- 1 lli*-t Bl t#ti .V. Jjfhwftn, f J*ropr. fhin j" | *lit lb*> m#fit of th* j prmttl | iopiDi t, t* Mf. i fillftl thi rtrf f i tlif r nl#rtninTil of lr nm.i \|ILLHKIM HOTEL, ,T 1 MIt.MIKIM, CKNTRR COCNTT, PKNN'A \V. 8. M USBKR, Proprietor. Th* town of MillhHrn U Kwaliml in r*-*tin*B Y*l)#tr • U-Ht lo mile, from Oolfl UlAlh n, on th# t#ii I ir*. (Vflilr* m*4 4'tmli * lib m i run. 1ioe tW m*k? It m PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. (land TRONL FLBLTNF IN TH* Vkiiillj. A rT> riM to ?ttl train Al lit# H t*l K pKNTRAL HOTEL, (Ogeoslte tb. Railroad Rtstloa ) MILICRNITUi. CKNTRR COCNTT. PA A. A. KOH I.BKCK KR, Proprietor. THROrOII TR A VRI.KMR we tbs railroad srtl! Ind Ibis Motet an esrelleni ptsoe Vo lnnrb. or Mtwnr* a . ■sal as AM. TRAINS M.y>at>alM Winnies. tf 1 . c ,N>in Advrrllimnintn. TAB. FRAZIER'B ROOT Bittkm. Vrur D-r * R"<4 BMlrt r r<" * 'train >ho j< Ll,k Lot if! ,lr' 11} Jft ♦ r> ivm ; i • • f woi Dm 1)0wH Opro MMflfttltl leak' 11., VMlk fltrOMf 1..-.,1 t|,- I I •.*. tL I:. •. il myi* m .f y liojlml > 1 r MfltftMfl Kml fI • ' ■ I' U r' • * I ,G .- j f J'f }••* I'.tf.j I, ittd IMdm. HcrofclviH IJninoraiMl Sorm, TiUtf )Un| WO fin, W I11- IVtlHuk l'.r>a'|-l*. - r . ■ i •mm i■ •■ i ' •i ig n v\. ki *• of D'LiJit) •!;* 1 It' Hit •- ' Mid t'. Ut> *I li l J Pia/im * li t Hitl* rkitr# *il/ i- .to rue it'Jnd. ) I. tl< r 1 r It) j • iHiiii • *, W* *k .• *• / :K . , > IHmin, m 4 > • > 414 ii'- in ra nod t ..f, i. 4oefofs *! -J aii Om h < 100 I wo 0000 Fmo il ftrtt 4om I t/y lltriid, no! I itln I,' W .1 Jyffl 'l Al 4 I" ImII I* 1 •-.'!: I I Umi'iff ) .1 tl.t ' tut* A Hi* gt**u\+\ • Mltr M MAltTf!f '). .# *-,4 O I y nil 'U< r, t tt-ry nf fl j.r l-iti, HKNIIV AC',., I'rop'a. t.l ly \ • '♦) Pt., ? * I ofk H O v ' * " ' i,ln * | U '/ 7 1 -j v I • • S it tu • m. . Vw ' "*k I*ll t d k MI. 'it \ aj, i \ mgv)Ug at ooint aiti U-mii* |m • Si > Ui*d> Utl, -- * . ii* !L< l t*i i) A Mr**** Tm tA ' , Awyutfi*, Mail.' 4 47 J j NOW IS YOUR TIME. Get two Weekl.v Newspapers lor the Pi iee ol One. Aihl the Bent Inland Daily at Re duced liuteii. i 71.• •!*!■ ' Jil U |r> f th Wma I'4'IK.I >• ;11 . a. .-.a M.I aa- . ! 1 •••'!' r : W ti. i J 11 . .N>t U,t|[ •' ' • ! ' rI 1 • a*' •!.*? 1 11 Wiin fel"T m.•# ' "J • t' i' *' fIJ t • inn ! ' . 11 Alt V I'AYKKIV I r, . ' IJ' I - ... k , . 1 at a.t !.* t ' u ..f * -.f|,t j* tj if. fit,. 1,1 ; ; . •: ,t.t 1- t .1 -Mr . f! . lull I ' . T ,U * f < *.,) I .Ml. li. , • r.Uit* w, ... ' if • . , f- • i f r Wk % R.miiUi.'.. >uii( ru, . I v j I* .. • , rr m i " t • • • ' r t>' •< v 'i li-M.. v •* i.n l-t a< 1.. - • t ' i I. fhi:l>];l;i< K>. Repairer of Sewing Machines, BRLLKfOHir. I'N It.. rat ♦ n t • T • tT /*/ Mnefiihr* Jif . lat'st >' r, 4 a AI * * i .a r - ■ llu*iuf ** arils, ( ; I:M jjakiu I; vinn, " ■ i i •v, r. t. liH.l.i "M In. /. I. /inl,, i /'i ftfn\ Harness manufactory a In (tot ti mi*•>> |(.r k BKLL£ro>7 K, VA l-ly P. BLAIR, 1 • VAKKM. TL ■■ kC. All *'kt.nt i • *•< t.i-l. 4. kil &, y •lf* , fl t indM fir irkurhef lio 4 if / CENTRE COUNTV HANKING V IMMPAKY And Ali * IliUrnt, iNneGM N'otw. Ny Mtd A.,11 . id nn 5 (* oop* t. .T ** r 4 Utiftc. rrli<)lii J. V Mnui ( MkiH 4 If i • • mi na I 1.1 o*Kftit. < %•. . PIRST NATIONAL IJANK OF 1 BKI l.r-..VTK, • i wrwl. R*ll,f.rite Ta 4 if Mincellanctiu*' I 'PHK t'EXTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE ALLEGHENY STREET. BKLLKKONTK, PA., io now omimo GREAT INDI'C EME NT S TO TUfMt W IMIINO rtKNT-CLAMi Plain or Fancy Print in sr. V. Wo hsro nnuoudl f< ililit f..r |.r.ntlT, L . law books, PAMPHLETS, CATALoorrs. * p Hoop, a M m its, ~ ... BTA TEIIKNTS, CIIU I' LARK, HILL lIK A US, note heads. bcsineks cards, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DK VISITK, | CARDS ON K.NVKIAIPKK AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS H#"( >rdr by wl will rtcwitv promt* *tuntio,. tMF*Printing don* in th bnl style, q B sEort notico and at the lowest rate*.' JL■ 1 ,