it £/;- NN I: sTO it ES. XT () TKOII l; L E To Show Goods. //i //n't spirit all visitors art rrrrirnl at the lice-Hive a ■ -5f;?'VS -v y —• ' • ft Stores % Whether yon inttnd t" vurekatt are only . " I.OOKINO TO HKK WIIKKE . vor CAN Do TIIK BEHT. " * * I# I *l *|* I* | In fact the better a per son is acquainted with prices and poods else where, the more certain WK AUK TO SKCI'RK TIIKIH I' ITRONAOK # -t-t- -++--M S-f ' i Nothing is ln'tter known to the I 'community at large than that ] f for low pi ices and excellent va- i priety of goods that we T A K E TII E I. i: A I) ( )ver and above All < )ther Competitor*. 1- I -I DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, I>< M EST KS, LINENS, RIBBONS, LACES, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, DRESS OOODS, * SILKS SHAWLS, DOM EST 14 S, LINENS. RIRHONS, LACES, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, < ' A It r t: T S .1- OIL CLOT II s, o Merchant Tailoring, Gents Furnishing Goods, * II atx a CAPH, Trunks a Bat iieij), Also Manufacturers of the celebrated " Hee-Hive < )veralls," —Rest in P the World. k C - Goldsmith Bros., BEE-HIVE o \ i: p it ac: v * Stores! BELLEFONTE PA., * N. B.— Don't lose sight of the fact that wp are still retailing carpets 25 per cent, cheaper than they can he bought elsewhere. lltf. /. 1 O.V if Co., Merchants, Allcyhcay-St., Itcllc/'onfc, I'a. I IST OF GOODS AT HALF PRICE I I. V o X tt C O. Il.twj yards Calico, rrtiiniiitU, pleo-n running from 2to 8 yard*. l-nt u good nmnv ph* • of .. 4 . p.I <4 littls* Lhn hlHg * . '• A 'J , •-O Ms j I M . f J OH. Oih* NIIIIIII lot Mn'a Patient t."ittior 8*wor Button Walking fbo# Otk M | Ijwv Morix-co Klna W ilking 11 " Nvwiiort TiM 7 Pitt.nt Li'tttiittr Tip Chilli billow Sllppi-r* ... 1 •* " Iluttoii She L'i ftttkcl " •' 46 " Iluttoii Shoo 1,1 " I'iit<-ut 1.. .41lt-r Kid Tut) Hnttoti 4o " I'.iti iit Spring Ih e 1 I o Indlti* Mid* Lit ••, ono tot, old prti•• - now 7. Men's Villi* l'ttt*lit lr<4th*r • ■ t Ufwhef' I . * I Lodli*' IscotbirSllppen .... . . • : , I >liss's' Unttoii sh A |] Lidlit' Button Shoe* IHO A 12ft I if on | liidlii fk>% t"• Pine Kid i tit d i . A i I l.ttdn-s' Kino' ! < wh r I i I Mla' Ktlitt lluttou Sh ¥ It l.-whr I i Lttdl s Cloth Button Shw s . .(• wli I -tt I M'lis IE tin I. •Sh > - It • i aI,• : i I ' mi s i Minns., it oxi nni filer Men'i Spring 11 (torn Hl.v k Pan It 7 sh . 1 • Mi n - Him k Panta .7 . Men's l.lght CaMtm(*r*' all a-d Pant*. Men'a Light Caadtuerc all wool PanU ai •• t .. Men ■ llU' k all w-h.I Diagonal •• t Mwn'a iHirk Ultra Hwty all I very llti Pant* o " • ■> Man'a Wo I Panta gray 1 *i Una lot w "I Panta slightly fa-D-l. . mid I t f r 1 t - _ • OM: LOT OF sriTs ALL WOOL. Our Lot oj llark ft. So Sun .ii in * • fi ~, , f , I- . .I .1 Will-111 i. A". Ill.f IS -nil ■v>ti • A tew Stock DtofoMi folic at fl HH that It J tut half prir. A fea tttarlv ill Wool Dlick IHag oal fft'Bi, atoa* wttorc fit OH A Strictly alt I Pine Dtoffouat St f •• i • •. • 111.;.-, All W :fi < 111 i> k lhag nil Suits rt , ~ Hot/" and Children' (''■ithinj <> ~ //, f //" ■, All all W 1 Blui Sail r Suit 1 -v, A ***r* Klti* Bltti Sailor Suit * ? ir -i A ry tin* Klti" Sailor Suit *(, r <. Children • Sulta, ." d gmhty , . A ' luld s gait | . . 9 .. K># suits, lot. 17 vrar# w| . . B- >'• anils. In to IT y*-ar, all •"•! . B> y'• mil*, 10 tu 1? yenra, all wvu! r . wL. fi llrcjit (ioude, S/urtinij, iV- , a! Out lla/f /V'•. PlliaChrviftt Shirting • 1 j lr- -a I'lai Is „ -J . . );. .. , B- -pr-a Is at or.r half *. h 1 • An- iJ.of 1• Br a-! : s , , * . , A r thn 1 rßr ! ! Satins - - . toutdo w th Aljva *s *f. w J.ft yet e On? Lot of Kmbroiilcri* About ) rd* 7 ni. 1..1 tn > incho II id- J > to I 1 '■ Cl.ilJ'. K- t'il.r M vl. Il. ~.„ I , ; On. 1-t-f-.a Wlk r ! rl t..| Bl k wl. . ,|, . ii : I't.lW. .1 M 1... II •• If .|„ ~ | SEA' I) FOll S A M]•L FS. LYON & CO. SI'A'II L /•.'lt C CO., < tracers, lloast IS/ut h, IS- tlcjmitc, I'a, NEW GOODS —FOR THE— SI'IIINi; ami SOIMI-I! Tit A DEI 1 \N liave i ndi nvnri il to g.-t tie vi rv b.--t of every thing in our line, and now have -ome really CHOICE OOOhS. FLXF Clt FA M CIIFFSE, Extra Luge FRENCH PR I NFS. SELECT O YSTEHS, SWEET I'OTA TOES, LA HOE. HI HE CHAXHEItHIES. EH (WELLES, JMI'EHIA L El OS, lIHIOHT XEW I. EM OSS, EI.OHIhA OHASOES, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds. Pinpointed DRIER PEACH E ' A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. I'HESEIt VEI) EE A HS, EE A CUES, EI.CMS and EH I SELL ES. j PLAIN CANDIES, FIXE CON FKC'TION FK Y, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. BafWe invite the people of Centre county to call and import onr NI( E GOODS, which cannot fail to pleaae. * SKCIILIfII CO. />// if Mittyle—l tools ,f flutes. BOOTS & SHOKS. . enr it 0 -i rm We are now ready with an immense stock f or Hpnng nntl Hummer. Our •U>ck is more exten Biv e ( ail( , Icctccl than ever. Nf \m ■ LA'" K 8, MESSES A CHIL DREN'S LACE BUTTON BOOTS. MEN'S ROYS A YOUTHS LAC E Rl I loN A ( < nt u e at prl<, m>ir h t r ituid to (jet acquainted with the !'• iplc. VN: hi V TRU < / tut if (/nit murks tin /'ru tin /'lnin /'it/nn - WHY WE BUY OUR GOODS PROM Buffalo, Rochester. New York aml Boston An i d DM pair mi/c opr n >:at and it- largf-t < I:v l IB i I. A a.i IS E A: \\ an g larente • M\k., Sr. t I) i:\i ; i.uv ami I'm t.. • BECAUSE ' >ur Manufai tun • pay a living pr-Tit f•r the making : t!i u. J\iv .Makos CJIKMI P (. IMMIK, j Which Philadelphia Wholesale Clothicra have . aublUlm i tb name for CM e\ MM II t: aoo LIS, ' * ■' ' X.# nt f. . JWe bay in aach large quantities that we can afford to aell cheap which w< will have t<> tho public to judge thr, we w , u j a ! t-all at. j tnti-> to advertising. Form mv jti can put in the paper* what \ u like, and ; >r thin reason we will ak of you Ix fon pun hiiMng t•< give u- a eall and '<• where our nmntt competitor.* are with Hatiin rsof2f (KN IS FT UN I-111.\< i GOODS II AT-, CAPS. ' THI NKS, VAUsKS, etc., "KEYSTONE CLOTHING COMPANY." Michael Levi hhi I: rati fit, THE PHILADELPHIA BKAN6H CI.OTII IM; stokk. 'I-i A llegheiiy Street, liijjjioMi; iv\. Jjfiriii, cV Co,, 'J' >!■ / I JkC 1 I ! 'I J I I iMt—r i 11 ii "Hf - J.iy'it a i 'tht ■' ' tin rpring 'won iii 'i to repeat what w hare I '"ten irl before. I ' lce/nl guarantee ■ i/i >/ "< >■ r /li'iin* nomrtltiri'f; i>r ■ iiiti el ii ' orn to awirantcc tat ■ •iirtiun, but '■! ij ■ 'it if fiction, ic re not ■; 7 u what oth'Ti do in thin ) , rob iLhf knoit about In,it much th' nurd g tiro nit ■ i'qtiji ; mmo in *omc utore* ■b in , >,f, .. //• r- it iih i that, if good ha ' pro ■ I ik sj .pointing, your t fa i it ho ■ r if.. i, ruTirulera ; jiroru, '' j and com} i natif'.. I, we go forth ' r-\i ■ thank you for pi rmitting IM ir, u ■i, ' r... ■ iuf d : I,,enure I ' / ', •• •< 7'/' ' •?' .11-- . 7; in i"n .it point: out defect* i ' i'ih ufa thi' ,-t it' id . 1 II ■a ' I to iduct our b i-iiiiMUjum 'he. - tr f. 'i on i,ripl. * : UoU'Cty Olid 'i ■ . r- cu*t .m, r- n I hOu feeling that they nr. mrtvunded by aery bm> • (/./ :■! ■ guard: liter. i ill br at {rani urn r ' , , IJI 1.l | rOXTJJ chert mi a rh,/ /< j dealwithout riik oj imjiohtn n. It mil. n pry not to mention ipri HM . • | either U m *' . •< rim/ on at/ru .'.--r nr.- : ' idi • that a man intruding to I our me- i/ fo him." If 'to i v i■/'