Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 21, 1883, Image 5
jiKi-mi i: sTOuKS. O TIIOU 1$ L E To Show Socds. In this Ijnrit ull visitor* nrr i temed at the Bee-Hive c J Stores I Whether you intend to purchase or are only j * I# l ♦ I * #i* l# l * , " I.OOKINU TO BKB WIIKKK „ ) * YOU CAN I>o TUK IIEMT. " * * I* I #l *|* I* I * —l~* I~* — In fact the better a per son is acquainted with prices and goods else where the more certain WE ARE TO SECURE THEIR PATRONAGE !Nothing is better known to thet j community at large than that^ I for low ptices and excellent va-j +riety of goods that we * -• -f n*■ TAKE TII E LEA D < )ver and above All Other Competitors. M-! DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, DOMESTICS, LINENS, RIBBONS, LACES, HOSIERY, ' NOTIONS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS SHAWLS, DOMESTICS, LINENS, RIBBONS, LACES, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, C A It P E TS A (J I L C I. 0 T // .V, -o- Merchant Tailoring, Gent.* Furnishing Goods, Hats aCapr, Truwkh a Batch kui, 1 Also Manufacturer* of the celebrated " Bee-Hive Overalls," —Best in the World. Goldsmith Bros., 1 BEE-HIVE 1 o i: pit i ( i; II Stores! r BELLEFONTE PA., t N. B.—Don't lose sight of the fact that we are still retailing carpets 25 per cent, cheaper than they can be bought qlsewbere. lit!. k IJ VOX <C CO., Merchants, AUeghmg-St., llellefonte, I'd. LYON & Cos ANNOUNCEMENT FOR TJIIS WEEK! FOR HS/EZEHFT. A LIST OF A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS WE HAVE. An all wool Cassimere suit, light color, at $7.00, former price $lO.OO. A good pair of pant* 75 cent* and $l.OO. An elegant Spring Bottom Black Banket pant* $ll.OO. A good child'* suit at $1.75. A full line of <'a**imere pant* from $2.00 up. A *pecial bargain in a line percale *hirt, two collar* and collar button* 50 cent* ; a liner one at 65 cent*. The be*t quality Moleskin *hirt* at 50 cent*, former price $1.25. A lot of Boy*' *ock* for three cent* a pair. FOB THE IjA-IDXES. l.adicH Plush and heather Cuba* 25 to CO cent* ; old price $l.OO to $2.00. The finest quality all linen colored boarder bem*titch handkerchief* is cent*, old price .'55. The finest assortment o( Hamburg edging and Inserting, Swisa edging and Inserting, Nainsook edge* and Inaertiug, another lot of those cheap rib boa*, a watered Hash ribbon—7 inches wide—3o cent*. Black silk watered rib bon S cent* per yard, old price 25 cent*. DRESS GOODS, A wool watered sateen in garnet, brown, navy blue and green at Ifi old price .35 cent*. An all wool extra fine garnet cashinor, 38 inches wide, "si cents, price elsewhere 75 cents. Children*' plaids 8, 10 and 12 cents, price elsewhere at least | one-half more. New buttons, new shades, new colors, new styles, all shape*. I Black and white dres* gingham* 7 cent* per yard, old price 15. Herman colored | table and *tand cover* $l.lO, worth $2.00. Kid gloves, best grade, reduced to 35i { 10, 50 aud 80 cents, same glove* aix months ago 75, 'At, $l.OO and $1.25. LYON <fc CO. | Are |ust opening Ladies' whito dres* goods, Baptisto cla:ro linen !>' Irelande Paris tnuslin and edges and laces. Paint I'yon, embroidered lace, white guipure. ! Ac. A lot of children*' lace collars, comprising a mixed lot closed out from the | : manufactories at three cents a piece; some of them are worth 12J, 15, 2<l and 25 cents, but we will sell them all at three cent* a piece. LYON <fc CO. Will talk to you about our big line of New Shoes next week. Bargain N'a 1. Lot of men * line.t —Bargain No. 5. 60 t.f b<--t quel, lur hat* reduced from $2.50 to $0.76. Ly- itv dr- - inli. < r.-duci-d fr ni 7,Y * emu jon ft Co. t" <• cents. I.von A t,V —Bargain No. 2. A small lot of para- —Bargain No A lot ..f m.-n •1 * sol* reduced from 35 cent* to lOcent*. Ly- ClJ '' '"' x l< "'' < a..-kin rio.oa reduced from on A Co. l 'j $1 25 Lyon A Co. Bargain No. A lot of double width —Bargain No A lot of gcnU Hr.c alpacas reduced from 80 cent* to 12} cent*. *■' re*lucvi frtu o cent* t l . Lyon A Co. cents. Lyon ACo Bargain No. 4. A lot of fine dres. —Bargain No 8 A lot • f Infants' fine , lawns rtduccd from 15 cents to 12} cent*, morocco lace shoe*, reduced from 50 cents Lyon A Co. to .'55 cent.. Lyon A Co. Lot of regular made fine strip* 1 b for children rl. •••! to 15 rent. SEC 11 I. Ell t' fit., (iroeera, ! limit lloiutr Ulork, lh llr/onte, I'a. NEW GOODS —F() R TII E SPRING and SUMMKR TRADE!' \N e have endeavored to got the very ln-~t of every thing in our line, and now have some really CHOICE GOODS. FINE CREAM ( REESE, Extra Lirce FRENCH PRI NKS, j SELECT OYSTERS, SWEET POTATOES, LA ROE RIPE CR A SHERRIES, PIII'SELLES, IMPERIAL EIOS, BRIGHT SEW LEMOSS, FLORIDA ORASOES, Princes* Paper-Shell Almonds Evaporated DRIED PEACH K ! A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. PRESERVED PEARS, PEACHES, PLC MS and PRCS ELL ES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds ftarW'e invite the people of Centre county to call ami inspect our NICE ' GOODS, which cannot fail to pleaae. D: SKCIIDKR A; CO. Doll ,f Mingle—Hoot* f > ho,* HOOTS vV SHOES. o o G x* We arc now ready with n i®®™* •tock f or Spnog anf , Summer ■lock i* more exten ive, ami better se lected than ever. Kg Cl I L A D I E 8, MISHIT ft (HIL DRENB LACK ft BUTTON BOOTS. MEN'S BOYS A YOUTH'S LACK BUTTON A CON GRES.B 8110 EB. MENS A BOY 8 HT Heavy BROGANB ft PLOW BHOEB. Wo are Sole Agenta for Reynold! Brothora Utloa, andlD. Armatron B Rochester Shoea, for Ladiea Miaaoaa and Children. The* goods are well known throughout the whole country, aud .carcely need any recommendation, for etyle, fit, and quality there are no better ma d We Guarantee Everything we Reoommend- Ladies Shoe Polish-Will Not Crack the Leather. Doll 6c Mingle, BeUefotUe, Pa. " " ' 6.5 > '-■ . ' v HOPS A Have been worth this summer wholesale by the bale as high HH 'J'K: per pound. Having purchased a large supply before the advance, we ar<* felling to our (UHtomers what they may need lor prone tit use at / iriri■* mwh b'low mar kct rulr.n Hops cr anything usually kept in first class Drug Stores you will find a good supply at fair prices at GREEN'S PHARMACY Bush House Block, Bellefonte, Penna. Hri/ntoiu- I hit/iiiif/ llou*r, lli llij'milr, I'u. EXCELSIOP. MIF'G CO. Why we Pay •air 0 0 " •!* KAIL KOAO FAKES And give away a Hat to <v ry I'urcha-r of a HOY'S or ( HIM)- Suit. Kf~ 0— 0 tat WK AUK SATMTFI) WITH SMALL PROFITS, \N v are b and to get acquainted with the IV pie, WK HI V oru (<)(>I)S IN LAKUFQIAN'TITIFS, \\ e are •aiificd with the linger and n jt the hand, "OIK MOTTO." Good Goods Honest Dealings & Small Profits If' are tin Only C'lothiny /foam in <'> ntr' iJaunty Unit murk# thr Price in Plain Piyures. WHY WZ BUY OUR GOODS FROM Buffalo. Rochester. New York and Boston And do not patronize our own State and its lnrgt-"t cilv I' II lI,Al> KL l 111 A: W. can guarantee MAKJ:. Sru.i., I) KAIIU.ITY and Pun n, BECAUSE Our Manufactures pay a living profit for the making of them. C.hejnp J'a v Makes Cheap Goods, AY liich Philadelphia YVn >le<ale Clothiers have < -tahlished the name for < IIF. A C M A HI- GOOI>s, We huv in such large quantities that w. can nlfird to sell cheap which w< will leave t<> the public to judge for themselves, w<' would also call at tention to advertising. For money you can put in the papers what you like, and f< r this reason we will a*k of you be Aire purchasing to give us a rnll and se where our 'mall competitors are with Hatiners of 'Jo jar cent. Cheaper than any other House in th> city Echo Answers No Where! | A Complete line of (iFNTS FURNISHING GOODS lIATS, ( A PS, THI NKS, VALISFS, etc., "KEYSTONE CLOTHING COMPANY," Michael Levi <£- Co,, Proprs,, l~ tf Allegheny Street, Ihllefonte, Pa. />. if .VHI'M Sew Store* 3,Garment Son. LADIKN, do not think, because the cuts repre cent only gentlemen's wear, that we have not been particularly careful to select an elegant line of goods eapeci- Sable to supply you from our varied stock, it will be a a small matter for ua to order what you may need. We think we are better able to meet your want* than any store in Hellefonte. j I'll // <t<h!i>h hi Urnmh , XH£ PMWMIA BHANGH ( LOTHI M; STORK, 2-> Allegheny Htreet, IIIXLI:I o vu:, IM. J.jeirin, *V Co., f J*rop,rg, | 'IJJj > Ihyht win nt the nuts' 'of the spring ■ 'i-non u< u ish to r> peat what we have •■it'll n'{ b'j >re. Th' legal guarantee (HpH With ( >r i'i lor ii ' int' n'i not only to guarantee *a(- isfa/iioii, hut to gii • satisfaction, we're wit going to nay uhat other* do in this T'.-p'rt, tome "lay do the <IVI'. I'll! probably know about how much theuord guarantee mean* ; more in *ome store* than 10 other-. IT re t( mean* that, if good* hm > pro, "I ditapjiointing, your complaint i I! ha • courteouscrnddera (ion and that ercry jut claim will be promptly and completely satisfied, we go fu ri h > r-M c than I: you for permitting u* t . r• emnpt use for loss susta incl ; because in the fir-t jdac.'i iU a ciinjdc a' t of jus !'• ■ /k//;,.' ceurw u. your gory I will; and thirdly, it point* out defecta of manufacture that u■ may remedy. He aim to cnduct our business u)ion 'he ftrictest principle* of Honesty and to i n pirc our customers with the feeling that they are arrounded by every pos inbb naff guard; there shall be at least ! one clothing store in HeILEFOSTE where even a child ea >i deal without risk of i mposition. It would b> a pity not to mention rjiring onrcoat* when the ire other is so propd iu.< and . <• arc offering sueh an attract,!' variety of all grades that a man ' intending to buy ow on- ■ it to himself to l"ot. heri before, choosing. )'ou kuow> it* not everywheT' that he ran go bark tor hi* monoy if he doe* buy and 'after wards wishes he hadn't. ItßfV l.\ Sc. CO., Proprietors. llellefonte, - IV