Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 21, 1883, Image 1
Sjjc Centre Ji 4, uietnocral. SHUOERT ic VAN OKMKR, Editors. VOL. 5. ®hr Ctntrr ;Slemottat. Terms 11.50 uer Annum In Advnnce, 8. T. BHUGERT A J. R VAN ORMER. Editors. Thursday Mornintr. June 21, 1883. Democratic State Convention. Tim Democratic BUI# Convention will meet In the vperi honw, lUrrliburg, i \Viinn.l>. Au* I, *t to * HI , t<> nominate A • amlitlate for Aullt<r-oeiTal ami i otndidite for Htat* Treamiror, antl to traiinu t mi. 1. other tomineiiH aathe convention may tleteruiloe Thvr* will alio he pretmnteri t.. the convention * resolution which ha* been uhj>tr| hy the State Com mittee, changing the rulee of the party to a* to fit the time of the annual meeting of the Htate Commit tN> at 4 | n .on the WednemUy allot the thlr<l Men day of January, imtea.l of the third a* now provided. I'nder the new rule* of the party the repreaenta tion in th- State Convention will he hy repr.wrtiUllve delegate! from etiating re|.rieiitati* riiatrfrta. >nr lr each I JAW Democratic rant at the lat guher natorial election, or for a fraction >f euch vote* amounting to .'■< or in or* . Provided that earh repre aentative aietrfct ihall have at one delegate. There will he a meeting of the !>em. rati< State Committee In llarrishnrg on Tueaday July ill, at a I*. m. 1 \V I lIKNSKL. J n. I.n HIT, Clerk Chairman State Com IT has been decided by a I uited States District Judge in Texas, that the Civil Rights Act of 187-"> is uncon stitutional and an infringement of the rights of the several States. A WHIRLWIND passed over Elmo Wisconsin, on the 11th iust., doing much damage. A freight train was picked up bodily, except the engine, carried from the track ami completely demolished. THE Federal court of Utah has de clared Senator Edmund's Mormon law a failure. The Senator himself will be a failure about the time lie measures his strength with the Democrats as a candidate for President. A i-oNTKMi'ORAKY suggests thai only a portion of the members of the legislature will draw the ten dollars a day during the recess. It will be the larger "portion" certaiuly, embracing fifty in the Senate and two hundred and one iu the House. THE Monongahela Baptist Associa tioti have expelled the Rev. R. (.'. Morgan under charges of "malicious and general lying," and "indecorous and grossly immoral conduct." It is certainly not a flattering endorsement to confer upon the reverend gentleman. JirixiK HoADLY, of Ohio, says the Ifemocrats will carry that State this fall as certainly as that the sun will rise on the day of election. The full realization of this solar observation, it is to be hoped, will bring the Judge to the frout as Governor of the Buckeye State. THE San Francisco Chronicle be lieves that the Mormon question will have to be settled exactly as the slav ery question was settled. Better first adopt the California method with the Chinese, and arrest the importation of Mormons, who are coming in by the thousand every year, from Europe. LAWYER BIOKLOW, of Washington, has been awarded 8100 by the court out of the "Betty and Baby" fund, for defending Sergeant Mason on his trial for shooting at Guiteau. He claimed half the fund raised by charity for the support of the wife and child of his client. The $4OO is to cover his ex" (tenses. .THE Philadelphia I'rr** referring to the late Nutt-Dukes tragedy, says, "Justice must be done though it puts on the scaffold a man for whom the hearts of men will well in sympathy." | Yes, but how will the /'re** convince the people of Fayetto that justice has not been done and done by young Nutt? THE Committee of One Hundred is said to he much pleased that five im -4 portant reform measures originated or endorsed hy them were passed at the late session of the legislature. This was certainly doing well in a Demo cratic House and a Republican Senate who, with two or three independent exceptions, voted solid against them. All these reformatory measures having i v ' failed to pass previous Republican legislatures, public honesty can scarce ly fail to give the credit where it is due—to the success of Democracy in the last fall elections. * f • . "KIJUAL AND XX ACT JUSTICE TO ALL MKN, OK WHATEVER STATE OH IKHSUASION, HS.LKJIOLS OH POLITICAL."—Jofferw-w. Tho Robbers at Largo. ► ■ The defendants in the Star-Route cases have been acquitted hy the jury, on the charge of conspiring to defraud . the government, in the face of the most indubitable evidence of guilt. Whether this is the result of a failure on the part of the prosecution in prose cuting the case, or the stupidity and . incompetency of tho jury, is immaterial i' now, the public robbers are free, and they and their sympathizers have had ' a grand jubilee ami a fashionable drunk over their escape. It is said Dorsey and Brady in the exuberance of their spirits, announced a determi tion to prosecute all the principal , newspapers of the country for defama tion of character. They will have a good time before they get through with this work, probably taking iu the balance of their lives, ami leaving lit tle reputation to be proud of to their posterity. The Philadelphia Time*, which is to be one of the victims of the great unconvicted, does not seem to be paralyzed by fear of the threatened prosecution, when it rcma|ks : "Even with all the technicalities of the law exhausted to shield the Star Route de fendants, there was no plausible ex cuse for a verdict of acquittal. I)f the positive guilt of Dorsey and Brady as the leaders of a great conspiracy to defraud the government there is no possible room for doubt. Brady was the Post Office official charged with the Star Route contracts, and Dorsey was a United States Senator. They commanded the services of many sub ordinates. as their positions and -kill readily enabled them to choose the j most useful helpmates from the swarms of trained public plunderers about Washington. They deliberately, sys tematically planned ami executed the most glaring frauds upon the govern ment ; they literally robbed the pub lic Treasury uutil they scored the theft up in the millions, and it was done hy Brady making himself a per jured official as well as a public thief, ami Dorsey added subornation of |*T- ' jury to hi- appalling robbery. WHEN John Sherman l> iunced Chester A. Arthur out of the Custom ) House in New York, it probably did not occur to him that a time might come when Arthur would have an op portunity to bounce"John or some of his special friends. Sherman is now begging Arthur to spare the Revenue collectors of Ohio at least during the pendency of the State campaign. When Sherman is reaching for Arthur's shoes, i he cannot afford to lose his grip on Ohio by the absence or indifference of these active and useful workers upon whom he is accustomed to rely. WHAT AUK WE TO EXPECT? IS Mr. Tilden a candidate for President? The interviewers conflict in their state ments. Watterson, of the Louisville Courier, had a pleasant social inter view with the eminent statesman at Greystone, and says "that nothing passed which leads me to modify the opinion I have so often expressed, that uo power on earth could induce him to accept the Presidency." I)n the other hand the New York World has an interview with a member of the New York Ktate Democratic commit tee, supposed to be well informed, says "that Mr. Tilden is a candidate for the Presidential nomination in 1884," that "the plans are all laid," and that the "old workers" under instructions are getting in their work. Which of these statements is to be relied upon is the difficult conundrum, Mr. Til den alone can developc. All rep resent Mr. Tilden as in vigorous health, and certainly his great ability, his conspicuous statesmanship, his power of leadership and his undoubted pa triotism, entitles him to compete for tho greatest official position on earth, without discredit to the great party who honored him on a former occasion, but we doubt very much tho accuracy of the statement which thl's places him in the field. We incline more to believe the statement of Mr. Walter son. , ■' I . •*/ . v„_, j \i BKLLKFONTK, I'A., THURSDAY, .11 XK 21, IHB.'i. GUN. DAVIS, of the Doylestown Democrat, indicate* his clioico of staudard-hearcr for 188-1, thus: If our gallant standard-hearer of 1880, Gen eral Hancock, is not to be renomina ted, no stronger candidnto can be pre* sen ted than Ahrani H. Hewitt. He not only possesses the mental qualities to make an excellent Chief Magis trate, hut his conservative views on all public questions would recommend him to men of all opinions and of all parties. His sentiments on the great question of civil service reform, which is becoming more and more prominent before the American people, are too well known to admit of question. Jib taritf views are the views of tin? con servative masses, and, being a heavy manufacturer himself, he could not be suspected of hostile proclivities. In addition, Mr. Hewitt has sound con victions on commercial questions, and believes in fostering our merchant marine by relieving it of the burdens it has been carrying until our llag is almost driven from the ocean. The closer Mr. Hewitt's public record is examined the better it will appear; and the stronger will lie become a- a probable candidate. Tin; idea is suggested hv a contem porary, that two extra sessions of the legislature are not improbable, confin ing Congressional and judicial appor tionment to the present s<-.ion, and, ( as the I'nitcd States Senator and oth political complications are involved in | the apportionment of senators and rep resentatives, the second Ks-ion tomcct in January. Such a project inay he 1 in embryo by some, hut no discreet or honorable members of the legislature will dare to create such a ticocsaitv. i All who legislate for such a measure, may a- well preach their own funeral sermons at once, and save further trou ble ami ex jiense. A LOCAL. Republican contemporary amuses its readers by a statement j that the failure to pa- the apportion meat bills, and consequently the ne cessity for an extra session of the legis lature, was owing to the delay of tho House in acting upon these hills. What innocenso ? That the House passed apportionment bills and sent them to the !"Vnate for concurrence where they laid about two months lie fore the committee of that descrcct body of stalwarts in control, saw prop er to report anything u|H,ti the sub ject, goes for nothing. That the Sen ate delayed consideration of the appor tionments until near the close of the session, and then used all the methods known to tricksters to prevent the passage of a decent hill, is, to the mind of our innecent contemporary, satis factory evidence of earnestness for prompt legislation, and that the House and the Democracy arc responsible for the extra session. ERIK leads this year—the soa-ser pent has got to the lake and creates the usual amount of excitement. It is represented a thick round as a man's body, but the account does not say whether of the body of ex-Senator David Davis or that which recently carried the spirit of the late Gov. Stephens, of Georgia. Hut the Ser pent appeared tloating upon the lake with bead erect and body five feet alwive the surface. Gne veracious man was pursued several miles by the monster, but he out-ran it, and another collided with it when in repose, sup posing it to be a log. AH of which is no doubt true. TMK Philadelphia /'re** is generally disposed to be fair in its statements, but it ought not to indulge in large figures, or else should be more careful not to blunder. It recently printed a large array of figures'to prove that the appropriations of the present Democratic legislature largely ex ceeded the appropriations of 1881, when the fact is they were $355,000 less, notwithstanding that $500,000 additional was given to the schools. /% , ; Tho lteal Mounlptf of Fair Bill*. There is every prospect, says the Ilarrixburg I'ntrvh, that the extra ' | session of tho legislature will he brief ' and its work satisfactory. The repub lican press in all parts of the state, and republican county conventions wherever they have been he ld are both i frank and emphatic in tin ir demands i for a fair apportionment. If the r< publican senator.- and members of the I assembly will accept these utterances a- instructions to guide their vote-, all grounds of difference between the '■ parties will disappear and fair hills will be readily agreed upon. It is not certain, however, that the-e j republican papers and conventions | fully appreciate the force of their own language. For example lair appor- , tioiiment hill- in the language of Sena tor I '<mper ti-an probably measure.-i that will give the republieans a mem ber of congre-- for every 'J'J.HuO voti i aud requite 50,(MX) democratic veter to secure such representation. Smic of these pap< r< and conventions may j even regard the outrageous combina tion of counties and ccmmuuilic created by the McCracken bill as fair. The putative fotlu-r of the bill, Sena tor McCracken, does not so regard it, j but under the influence of the party lash ho was cotii|>< Il d to vol* for it and some of his party friends may re gard the action as < /tiducive to fair | bills. Hut these party organ- and party leaders are dec • iving them • iv- rathe r than the public. The icpuhiican caucus hill- were framed and pre---d , 'not that to i r apportionment bills might be < nacted, but in ord< r that Senator ( aim run may be re-elected to the senate in the fat ■ of an over whelming sentiment apa nst that re- , suit. Hut the people want fair bill literally ami -jx-ediiv. If the rcpub-j licuns of the legislature will meet the expectations and requirements of the , people on this subject the M-ssioii will , tw brief and inexp nive. If they fail or refuse to do thi* the M --ion will in- protracted nnd the < -t will b<- charged against the parte rcs|tonftihle - MAW of the Republican new-pa pers seem to have -< ttled it that < > iv. Hen. Hutler is to b- the Democratic candidate for President, whether ho will or not. Well, if the narrow minded blockheads of Massachusetts and elsewhere, continue to abuse hirn for his faithful work in reforming the outrageous corruptions and abuse of Republican officials, there is no telling wliat might lie. TIIK Sunday (Republican, of Washington city, commenting upon the non-attendance of Arthur ami hi- Cabinet at tbc banquet of tlie Army of the Potomac says: "Gentlemen, t in or out of position, when they re ceivc invitations from reputable peo ple, respond in some way. They cither accept or send an excuse for not ac cepting. Hut Arthur, the dude; Fol gcr, the imliecile ; Hrewstcr, the sot ; Freliughuyscn, the dotard, sent neither acceptances nor regrets to the commit- i tee on invitations. They treated it and the Army of the Potomac with contempt. What will the soldiers of the country think of a Republican ad ministration that deliberately 'snubs' the brave men who made them a possi bility ?" Tus Philadelphia Ckrtnirle• Herald says: Attorney-General Fassidy's career in hia new office at Harrisbtirg has been one continuous vindication of the wis dom of the Governor in appointing. Not a blunder has been made that can he credited to him. Kvery legal ques tion that has been called upon, either for advice or action, has been decided by the oourta in conformity with hia opiniona. The Bupreme Court sustained him in hia fight for the Governor's right to appoint the Controller. It haa again auatained him in bit fight for the Gov- right to remove the Reoorder. The people who hope to trip up the Attorney General will have to riae tolera bly early In the morning. , 'I Kit.MS: #IJiO per Annum ,in Atlvanc**. FIXINI. THE HTYJ.E. The Hunker's convention which recently met at Flora, Ind., arranged that the men shall wear broad-brimmed hats,closely buttoned coat.-, and wear their hair long, parted in the middle and adhere to the ancient custom of the sect. The women are to dress plain and wear the shaker bonnet. I'm; Ohio Republicans are ilis-ati.-- lied with the tariff provided hy the late Congress on wool. In their j. 1 at form they propose a revision for the purpose of rai-ing the duty on wool - all the other features of the law being satisfactory- By again opening up the tariff agitation, tlu-y may get more than they bargain for. BHAIII AND THI. Doiisi Y- have e.cajx d the penitentiary as all the gr' at robber- of the Tr< usury do, hut | th< y never can release theiu-elves of : the odium "1 guilt attached to their : name by the testimony <h veloped in ; the trial. It i- u-eles-, perhaps, to try eminent thh-v< - in a community where dreamers and drunkards are -elected a- jurymen. THE N irri-town T ■ i- as vera" ei.iu- a- an Arctic bear. It wants u ' 1 political party that will embrace the labor reform, temperance, the liqu r league, the granger, the anti-rm n p >lv • nc rn, woman's right.-, free trade, protection, land reform and anything else floating round for popular fav< r that can he picked up, which of course will include the gr nbacker. GT.NI KAI. CROOK succeeded in sur- I pri-ing and capturing the Apache hostih-s, or at bast a portion of tie rn, and now holds tln rn as pri-oner- sul>- iject to the orders of the Secretary of i Int'-rior. This officer ha- written a letter t i Secretary of War. Lincoln, j suggesting that they bo retained a.- pr;- uers and punished for tin ir crime, an i that the children betaken from tin in and si ul to school. Till question now i- whether I'resi dent Arthur, or some other fellows, have a say in the appointment of ,K< venue ( ollet tor-. It was given out that the President favored a large re duction of tlie-e use].-- officials, since which he ha-'.bocn besieged from all point' by interested Congressmen de manding the neces-ity of retaining their respective henchmen for the coming * lections. Tin killing of Dukes by young Nutt i< a fair sequence of the verdict which acquitted him of all responsi bility for taking the life of Captain Nutt, to whom he had given provoca i tion of the most brutal character jK>s-i -hie f-.r a man to receive, and for which alone he wa answerable for punish ment iu some form from the family. Still it is to be regretted that the blood of a cowardly, slanderer and murderer is upon tho skirts of the young man by an unlawful act, which it is unsafe to condone in any community. Real Reform, _____ Wa the late Legislature a Reform j Legislature? In other words, were the • promises of reform made to the people 1 by the party which chose the popular branch of it and the Governor as far as possible redeemed ? Those who deny it do so at hap hazard and for a purpose. Measure every act passed by the severest test, and you will find that almost without exception ihey are in the direction of Reform—many lof tbem of themselves substantial Re I forms. And just here it is well to re' mark that the Reforms were mostly Reforms of abuses originated by the Republican party and carried by it to such offensive extremes as to outrage the people and create an almost univer sal demand for their abolition. Of this character are the acta abolishing the office* of Recorder and Delinquent Tax Collector in Philadelphia. By moans of these two offices, as has been re peatedly explained and is now very generally understood, not only weie the people—especially the poor people—of that city robbed of tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars annually, but funds were secured with the aid of No. i which the ballot box wan annually cor rupted in the most outrageous an'i un blushing manner an'l the majority rob be-J of their right of < hoice. I nder the itepublican party the office of -i-aler of \V< ights and Measure* be came proportionately corri'jit and usa lessand it the lat<- Legislature abolished. Ihe carelessness of Republican ad ministrations allowed the entire oi' country and product to pau under the control of a monster and viciou* mon oply, and Republican Legislature* re peatediy refund the tyrannized pro ducer- the legislation i. ■ -led to ecure them , .mpetilion a acair.ht it. The late Legislature pu-'ed a 1 ree i'ip>e Line bill. In the same line it passed a aerie* of acts who h have been admirably ex. pressed as broadening and liberalizing the provisions of the free railroad law, making operative provision* that pre viously were "a promise to the ear but denial to the hope to those overbur dened oomnuirut.'-s who were praying for relief from monopolistic tyranny, "-till in the same direction were tbeact* to prohibit the consolidation of tele graph companies and to enforce the provi- ''lis of the iTiii articleof the new constitution relative to railroads and canals. But why particularize '' After the legislatures of the past, which were under Republican control, the people were kept buy complaining of their laws of their j artisan, oppressive or ineffectual character, i.very act passed at the last session will bear the closest scrutiny as to all these | -rticular*. and is .n some measure a relief a response t > the demand of the people. 1 he Wallace voluntary labor tribunal i t i already bearing fro.t in the west in bringing peaeeful and satisfactory settlement to labor disputes. The Bi tuminous miners have been given a full and better ventilation bill, and the way has been paved to a remodeling and re ad usting of the errors of the Anthrarite law. The odioui contract system in j risons is abolished. The Anthracite miner* are to be relieved of what they call the dockage system' an 1 to be pa. 1 hereafter for all cli an coal mined by them. Jhe breaker boy . to have night schools. The people generally, and labor es pe. .ally, have reason to be profoundly grateful that in the fall of of 1&S1 they reverse'! the recent order of political victories and chose a democratic House of Representatives and democratic gov ernor thankful for what wo believe, and what the above partial list of acts proves, to be real reform. Vnv L- ai -. Iftcord* of the Republican l'arty. \V*-hixc,t'\, -'tine lj.— Kx-Senator Horsey has written a letter to <ienersl •'ohn A. Martin, the newlv-elecled **ec rotary of the Republican National Com mittee, in reply to the latter'* request for records of the Republican party. I>orey say* that no record* were ever kept by the *ecrotary of the National Committee, and that he ha* nothing more to give hi* successor to the psosi tion than he received from hi* prede cessors. He states that he ha* a mass of papers relative to the last campaign. They are chiefly in Washington, and he think* "be*t to keep them a* a reminder of the splendid gratitude of dishonest power.' 1 He declare* that he does not owe the Republican National Committee a cent of money or a grain of thankful* noss. - - THE tno*t important of General ; ("rook's captures is that of Loco, the ! head of the royal family of Mangas, I Colorado, and the legitimate chief of the Apache nation*. It is said of hitu that in hi* earlier life he had been *uch a lover of women, pieace and poker that the older brave* looked on him with ill* concealed contempt, and he won the sobriquet "Loco." which is a Mexican word *ignifying "fool." All raid* were conducted by Victorio, while Loco played "ante "on the re*ervation. t*n the death of Cochi*e, however, he show ed that he could organize and lead a scalping piarty. From that day he gave both the Foiled State* troops* and the authorise* of Sonora and Chihuabun, Mexico, a great deal of trouble. Being now in custody, it ia hoped that this savage will be *but up and taught to work Tn* legislature te assembled on Tue*. day !a*Uo rediatrict the State. Now, af ter a two weeka rest, it ia to be hoped the members will be able to comprehend tbe fact that the people are earnest in de mand of a fair and juat apportionment.