Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 14, 1883, Image 8

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    •£] Ccattf jJlmwat.
Thursday Morning, •' unt; 14, 1883.
OoßfcßiPoftDKMCs,containingliuportmit nwa,
•d from i%ny part of tho county. No coniiuunlctkn
luaortod uii I CAM accompanied tjr the real name of tbo
Local Department.
—Our "dovil" dislikes old maids. Dev
ils usually do.
—Tho "Wilbur'' played Patience to a
full house hero on Tuosday evening.
Sir. Wm. lrvin, of Marion township,
paid tho DEMOCRAT a visit on Tuosday.
Mr. William Miller, of Millhoini,
died on Friday last, aged about M years.
—Maj. W. F. Reynolds celebrated his
70th birthday on Saturday last in regal
—'Squiro Rei(snyder and Jasper W.
Stover, of Millheim, were kind enough to
call soino days ago.
Mr. William Mitchell, of Scotia, and
Miss Annie lrvin, of Oak Hall, were mar
ried last Thursday.
Mr. S. A. Stover has purchased the
marble works ol Mr. 11.-i-1.-r and w ill con
tinue the business at the old stand
—A new post offi. e building i- agitating
the Lock Haven mind. Rotter facilities
are demanded and will be granted.
Hon. J. I'. Gephart bad bis house ri.
painted and then came home to enjoy it.
His is ono of the most pleasant reaidencer
in town.
Pino Station Campmoeting will em
inence August 3d. Applications for tents
should bo made to J no. A. Uobb. Lock
Haven, Pa.
—The report that James Wakley, driver
of Cowdrick's team, had broken his Arm
is incorrect. A bad bruise was tho only
damage sustained.
Mr. Agnew Sellers, Sr., of Fillmore,
called on Friday, and bad the pleasure of
meeting Judge Larimer while here. me
again, gentlemen.
—Open this paper an.l see how many
times you can find tho name "D. Garman
A: Son,' and then read carefully what they
have to say to you.
—Wo can now call Mr. Kdward Zerby
conductor with perfect propriety, ho hav
ing been put on the R. K V. railroad
trains as an "extra.
Miss Nannie Schrock and Mr. It. B.
Larimer, both of this office, spent Sunday
out of town, the former at Lock Haven
and the latter at Clearfield.
—The Kagle cornet band of Roland, will
hold a festival on Friday and Saturday.
Proceeds for tho benefit of the band. Turn
out and give the boys a boos'.
—The season fur "special examiners of
tho pension office" has arrived. Strange
their work calls them to tho country, prin
cipally, during the heated term.
—<>n Monday, Mr. J. Fcnron Mann
anj hi oldest daughter tart"l on a wes
tern trip. Of course Mr. Mar.n will get
to see our friend, Montgomery, before be
Mr. John Dutwiier, f< r mar.y years a
resident of Penn township, this county,
after attaining the advanced age of -1
years, was railed hence, on Wednesday of
last week.
—lt ia reported that the editor of the
Pittsburg Times will soon inaugurate, ir
that city, tho practice of signing tin
names of authors of editorials that appear 1
in his papier.
Mr. Harry S. Say re, bok keeper and j
general business agent of J n>>. Ardell, Esq ,
is now doirg some surveying, in the In*
terest of his firm, in the m ighboriu 1 of
Port Matilda.
Rev. Mr. Whitney, of Halfmoon, was
treated to an Increa-e of salary, lately, from
s7(kt to s*<Nl. That is doing well ami we
shall bo pleased to note that it has been
raised to $l,OOO.
R-'aders of the .Win need not come to
the conclusion that the head of the de
partment of public instruction, in this
county, has taken up his abode in the
sanctum of our contemporary.
—Our old friend, Mr. Andrew Martin,
one of tbo solid citi/.ens of Jacksonville,
called on Friday last, and helped us along
in away a great many mere could if they
only would. Wo were glad to see Mr.
—Tho narrow escape of Mr. "Arty"
Brown last week so scared that gentleman
that now both he and his brother, Kdward,
carry $I0C ; ) accident insurance policies, se
cured through the agency of Bond Valen
tine, Esq.
—An enterprising shoe dealer, whose
place of business is near a prominent hotel
entrance, hung out a side of solo leather a.
a sign. One of our attorneys wondered if
it was a specimen of the beefsteak served
—This afternoon. Miss Nannie, ono of
the handsome and popular daughters of
John P. Harris, Esq., cashier of the First
National Hank, will be married to Mr.
"How" Weaver, of Clearfield. May they
enjoy life.
—Our good Democratic friend Mr. John
J. Orndorf, of Haines, accompanied by a
Mr. Hess, called on Tuesday. No better
fellow in the world than John, and when
over he comes he will find the latch-string
hanging out.
—Tho Cedar Springs Sabbath school
will hold a festival on Saturday, June 10,
for tho benefit of the school. Refresh
ments of all kinds will be plentifully and
tastefully served. Persons can have a
pleasant time at little cost and also help a
deserving cause, there be a good at
, • #• •
AT LOCK HAVEN. —Not long ago U
■ roproaontativo of tbo DEMOCRAT visited
our neighboring city and found the one
day spout thero altogether too long and
too shgrt. Wo pitched our lent on tho
1 Fallon Houso camp ground, and wore as
-1 tonishod at tho accommodations and alien
■ tion given and paid guests. That jolly
good follow, "Judgo" Schuyler, who is a
brother of tho proprietor, runs tho place,
and in hotel annuls of Lock liavon, tho
Fallon stands alone. \\ o hud scarcely
slung our attractive autograph upon tho
register, when His Honor, Judge Orvisi
loomed up and wanted to know what we
wanted, and ho was told, of course. Mr.
Orvis is well known and highly esteemed
by tiio pooplo of Clinton county, Ids ablo
and impartial rulings, as one of the pre
, siding officers of tho court, having gained
for him the confidence and admiration of
After dinner wo called upon Hon. L. A.
Mat key, ex-member of congress, and to
our delight found that pleasant gentleman
only a trifle changed, his hair being sshiter
but not rendering him any loss handsome
than in bis palmiest days. Few men have
done as much work in a well spent life
time Mini retained the bonny appearance of
youth to such an extent. To our I'enns
valley, a* well a- other Centre county
readers, wo hereby tender their friend's
best wishes. Ho is practicing his profes
sion, that of tho law, merely as a means
of employing his time, and is in the full
enjoyment "f excellent health.
From tho office of Mr. Mackcy to that
of T. ('. Hippie, Esq., is but a step, and
ai soon a- that gentleman deciphered the
hieroglyphics of our • nrd he invited us to
his [ riva'.e consultation mom an 1 gave u
such greeting as only persons > f warm
friendly disp< -ition can. Ho is en ymg
an extensive, remunerative i ractice and
fully merits the largo share of pair nage
that is rapidly w.nning him fame and
fortune. It is to be In jod that Clinton
county will n >t fail to re. gnir.e the m
nent ability "f Mr. Hippie, at no future
day, an 1 thu- place him in a j -it. Nt
• ire the Stale and Natn nal j mm.tie;, e
he s ) richly d> serve-
And then, too, there am Hon. 11. 11.
Hridgem, a man ■ f id-as of l.i .-wn, with
sufficient force of character l ■ expp--
them, who in the | st ably served bis ity
a- Mayor, and to day ought to be h Idm •
- mo ofll. .. of trust and j * fit K 1'
Geary, a bright, yi ung lawyer, wi. n. it i
a pleasure to know 1. A Fancher, jm"
priutor of one of then; t . xtensive cigar
manufactories in Central Pennsylvania,
ernj 1 .ying a large n .ml •r i f ju>r- n* and
d"ir.g an imiroT.se trade, wl I". i- al
together the r--ult f his • n untiring
energy and "get up and dot spirit
1 lisvlir.g, pr ; ri<' rof th>< C r
H i-e, and dealer in t!. >r< ighbred ani
mals, a whi le-, jled, w. II f> 1 person, who
. insidered the DEVI ~ RAT nece.-'ry t
insure his happiness, subs. rib< d and pa.i i
for it, an 1 < .r editorial friends, tb-
M r' Kiti of th- /.'- ar. 1
JEi/ rsss, Grow, of the ./ w no ar, l Tbs 1- .
-i- he, of tb° /)'m a 1 ef wh rn aro |
1 di.g w*li an 1 manage pap'--- .hat .. 1 i
la a credit t" s city twice as large, th-;.
live j eaceably ar, 1 harmoniously t .gelher |
endeav' ring t maintain friendly re'.at: n
at ail t'me.s.
The religious and educat r.a! institu
tions • f the town are i. .nierous, well •
port-1 and gr- wing Among the Jatt* r 1
the Central State N rrnal -• hI, manag- d
by Pr f. A. N Ilatib, attended by a num
ber of Centre • uinly teachers, and honored
as having on rn TO crasion than one gra-1-
ua'T'd the largest class of any similar s- at
of learning in the Mate.
The lumber trade, which i virtually the
life • f the pla<e, has 1 brisk thi- year
The b vrn has been well filled, | rices g. 1
an 1 the jpply m l greatly in excess of the
demand. This interest alone is sufficient
to insure a future for l.sk Haven that
should inspire business men with confl
dem e and cause them to "go in and win."
Late in the evening, after having min
gled freely with the world's people and ex
periencing our hare of the pleasures and
vicissitudes of business efforts, we were
about to retire, when fortunately wo en
countered that veteran journalist, If. 1/
DifTonbacb, Esq., and a half hour passed
in social converse before we knew it Mr
DitTenbarh is widely and favorably known,
was deputy secretary of the Common
wealth, under William M. Heister, during
Gov. Packer's administration, and tx-offi
cio Hupt. of Common Schools, until that
department was made a separate bureau
and the title changed to Supt. of Public
Instruction. For a number of years he
was engaged in editorial work and retired
only to secure that rest needed by a person
of his years after so long a period of con
tinuous attention to a business very trying
I at best. Ho is a writer of great force, his
1 presentation of current topic* attracting
much attention, and Democracy owes him
a lasting debt of gratitude for the noble
warfare ha incessantly waged In her do
i fense and In tho promulgation of her doc
i trinea. The present day needs more men
■ of Mr. Diffenbach's unbending integrity
. and solid worth.
i_., ..
> —The DEMO, RAT alluded briefly laat
week tofhe marriage of Mr. Harry I<ove,
I of Tyrono, to Miss Mary McKee, of this
, place, on "Wednesday, fith InsUnt. Rev.
- Wm. Laurie performed the ceremony In
I the presence of quite a number of invited
v guest*, all of whom *|ak of the affair aa
i one of the most enjoyable and pleasant
. that ever occurred in Hellefonle. W#
congratulate the happy couple.
—Tho Stato College commencement ox
erf-boa will bogin on Sunduy, 24th instant,
and contlnuo until tho 29th. A much
more olaborato time is anticipated than haa
boon tho custom in tho pant, (lovcrnor
Pnttison has signified his willingness to at
tend, if possible, and if present will be ac
companied by his stall'. A largo enclosure,
to ho erected for the purpose, will ho used
instead of tho College hall which on pre
vious occasions has proved entirely too
small to accomodate tho people in attend
ance. It will ho a sort of scholastic am
phitheater in which tho educational gladia
tors can meet, cross intellectual awordsand
ho crowned with tho laurals of victory or
acknowledge their inability to copo with
a inoro powerful foo.
—Our friends, Kmil Joseph, Kd. l'owers
and Dr. K —, we think It begins that
way and ends k, are, wo have been told,
seriously thinking of entering tho matri
monial state. The tlrsl because ho is rich,
handsome and old enough to cause some
pretty one to fall In love with hint ; l'ow
ers want- to because lie thinks it w. ii 1 be
considerably cheaper ; and tho latter he- j
• ausc ho experiences so much difficulty in [
getting hi- victuals properly cooked. Just
why Aaron William- wants to is imma
terial And there is John ('. Miller, al
most forgot him, well, ho will surpri-o the
native- M-motinio by settling down qUotl)
and nicely. To all wc < xtend the courto
• ic- of the -ea-en and a. h them even
more happinn-s than their fertile brain.-
can imagine ] -;bio. litre's 1 -in' at
When a farm- r farm- rightly his s I
i i- :.-tant!y gr- wing better, hi- pa-tures
thicker his fields cleaner, his wbetter
looking a - . 1 his own heart more tender
I'ri luction i nt the only conxibrati
that demands the attention • f tho farmer,
he is also a i onjumor, an 1 should ; ay | ar
tic .'.ar attention t<> what c " in. /.< a; !
WAMMS. His grocery bill, during tb#
year, is large and if he is a> careful as lu
sh- iM be, he will buy them f* >tn S< dil- r
ACo , lJuih 11- -,e hi - Belief -nt"
1 >n F .relay un rning. at a very carl)
I.- .r, the building occuju-d by Wm
firau'-r A I . Dealer* in Kverything
at Sn w Fl. ", wa di-e- iT'-l t • (• - ri fire
and, •!•-; i'. all • rt* t- ax-- it, was
hurne 1 to the gr- .:. I w itli all its c -nter.t".
save ah it $ I.<.• >*. rtb. Th" Io i jp
j- -.-J t-bo a! ut - -.(JOOon wi. i, wa- a:,
in -iranco <f $2 v'sar. The lire is un
doubt' ily the wrk of ar. Incendiary.
(Ira .--r s and ( ..in - tables an-1 a dw.-Hir.g
1 l-y Mr. ,1. I. F miii-rv r,'.-- w r.
d' -tr -ye !. The stat. r. I .<• of the I*. It
K. narrowly e-cape 1
—Tho exaininat.n of applicants h-r
ltellet -it.- ~ boots was h- l-l in th- ' h
-Inl ling on Friday I'r ' W f- r.d-. '.-
' d it, everything passe,] off pleasantly, a - !
creditable cert;:, ate* were grant"! th
;■ IK - M■> < Ilur; e ;v- '. a
"pr< fessional before the examination
• ■ mmenced, a - I was greatly } leased.
Mi Carrie has fully merited this mark f
appro* lal: n at the hand <' the < wers
that he, by bar work as a SUOCOWfaI, - Ms
pete-• ar. I < r.s. .-nt • •. instructs rof the
—lf ; ■ r-if-.", have the tr .. k garb r. s
arranged that the vegetable* will h<- | .act
ed in the . rder in wh.h they ripen And,
if | sslbln, get t . I/ewin s Philadelphia
Branch ah .t the time y i f - I a new
suit of cl- thes. Prices there ever every
! -.jhle condition of one's p-<ket-hook.
If y !i hax-- l-es-n accustomesl t<- j aying
n.erchant tail"*' h gh prices and want th
-.-lalilv f r considerably lees t, g- t
Lew in.
—The chairman of tho Republican
county > ommittee, like Ser.at- r ( ; <-r -
red-heasled an-1 h -peful, has issued a man
date ordering the meml-ers of his party t
walk up to the | lit a', rack "n July Hi
and eat tho provender to !o provided,
whether they like it or not. in other words,
they will go through the motions of hold
ing a delegate <-|ectt n at the timesperifie.).
—The sudden demise of the greatly la
mented Lydia I'inkharn compelled the
,\r , local to look elsewhere for a life com
panion, and we judge he has found one
among the handsome milliner* of l--wn.
We trust Providence may not ho as kind
t > the milliner, whoever she may lie, as he
was to Lydia.
Mr. I). I. Parsons, chairman of tb e
committee of the l'ndine Hose company,
having arrangements for our grand Fourth
of July picnie, will call upon the families
of tsiwn this week to solicit rakes and other
necessaries needed to feed the immense
numlier of visitors that will be hero on
that occasion. Psn him well.
Mr. William P. Humes, of the First
National bank, has placed a handsome
monument on tho spot that marks the last,
quiet sleeping place of his lamented wife.
Our cemetery contains no neater token of
affection than this, and it will stand there
a memorial of the love and esteem enter
tained for the departed.
—The corner stone ol the new M. K
church, at Itock, Pleasant (Jap circuit,
will be laid next Sabbath by ltev. John
Hewitt and Rev. (1. D. Ponnepackor, of
this place. Service.* at half past two (2J)
o'clock. Neighboring pastors and people
are invited to attend.
Mr. Ualbrajth has turned hi* attention
to the court house yard and it keeping the
graaa cut abort td thrfground. Why not
i make hay and food it to the party "hoasea"
being so oarafullyj groomed up there now.
GONE TO It EXT.—On Sunday last, ut
Coatesvillo, Pa., Mrs. Jane W. llalc,
relict of Hon. James P. Hale, breathed
her last. Her remains were brought to
this place and interred in tho cemetery
here yesterday afternoon.
Joll W"hi,.— Neatly, promptly and
cheaply executed ut this office, (''impo
tent workmen, fast power pre-e, new
type and good material. Fine hook work
a specially. If you want nice work come
to tin- office, Corner Allegheny und Bishop
To Fi MMKit Toi HlS is.—Tho Pennsyl
vania railroad company, ever awake to Un
real interest* of the public, has just issued
in hook form, a list ol summer excursion
routes, about I,'IOO different one- being
noted, and peculiar features of ca< h given
in detail. Persons contemplating a sum
mer trip will find it alllhalcati bodc-ired.
A beautifully colored map will add to the
useful and attractive nature of the publi
cation. No irnev hut will he seo.in
pi i - it- 1 more i-a-ily if thi- b -k i- • srri- I
j along. Ct pie* <ani -• had at tho < stablish
i <-d agent ic- of the company, or by it 1 lr- •
ing Mr Thos. K Watt, No 11(1 Fifth
Avenue, Pittsburgh. Knclose 12 cents to
pay | -"stage.
Pisll AS}) (HI'I. A visit to the Key
stone Clothing House on Tuseday found -• i
in the same condition the (pi-en- f ie s
was when lie-! ~1 f ,r< •• • f the g. ry ar. 1
grandeur of F ! rn-n h .r-t upon her \\ <■
inv- 1 intariiy exclaim- d 1 p half I.a- t t
been b 1-1 us ' Mr L-vi, the jr-pre-pr,
i- a ph-a-ant, ■ urewd gei.tieman, wt.
v tes l.i- time V' hi h .-iti'-s- ai 1 hi- lae!
in the l-iggest arid m< -1 vari- 1 • k of;
- 1-.thing ever hr- .-fit t•tr . - inty I
make room for row g !- a general mark
lown rs." cummer,i • 1 • r. Fat nr-iay a-. I
will continue until Julyl'th \\e|-r< iiet
f-r the Key St. no a |r -j- - us future a', i
1 ask -ur frieti !* t "l-- k in there heh r
tanking | irehaxas elsewhere Terms of nil
sal'-s -tr. Ily <..• jr.-- an-1 that rear..- ! .n
plain !.g in-'
HAS* 11*1.1.—<>n F at jr lay the ( liege
t-am i r 1 l-ats with a Pe l.i f it* n.n
-| . a-si up for the . a : aril a. 1 them
out so . nip'.i-t*ly that • they . art-.)
knew wfiat hurl them. It i due th-
Belief rite t '. -ta'.<- that n thing 'an
c ul 1 nt ex; : t - mis .t viit- r* it, a
c -ntet •" uneven. The k re
Innings 1 2 ! ( •>
College I H •' ( 2 1"
Bellefonte 0 < 2 0 (• 2
The Uwn I . *l. sa\' l ,f !.:• tli
discomfiture of a•.mj - t" ' 's ink were
I.ing'.e ar 1 Garrett. 1 . • •r. t th" l >t
tho cl f tb< s< a- n the cdle • nine
w ... I -i ' - .. t: at t n m' '■
think tw, • before challenging ir 1- ;•
Tun "Hi ki HI - Vrn ig the many
different kinds f watch--* ctfere-1 f- r rale
t - lay, the "P. -k' r i Uk< - ■ leal
Frank P Biair is the a .th "ir- ! r t :■ -
th- r sale in th. c< ir.ty ar, i a'.i ;ur han-s
must be made I'r .g!i h;m Nt • r •
a.: a man n-1 Mr !'. a • all kf * .
th -vemenl *t a jr.ie ,- • !, J, ,ly -*
that he ar ua.| ti.at gen: •: ar. • s it r.
and he - ffere-1 the man i"> ! r it. wi h
t! "f- w cm- I gla l t tak The per
• n selling clain-i"! he l.al h ugi.t it at
Jersey Fh re. Mr Bar immediately al
visel the firm of the facts, icxing the far
t- ry numlur of the watch, at J uj i in
vestigat; n it was ( \,nd that the wa!< b
h* I been sold by a 1-ca) dealer 1 a man
in Marx .and. wf. -e i, ue • 1 been enter
ed and tlie time-piiy e st !n. He remit
tal f, p. Mr B *,r a; i r< dvesi h.
watch. 1■ ;i rant buy a 11" kf rd any
where in Centr" . ,nty saxe al Blair's,
Vn i. A At li*. —This delightful siii irl-an
reilenre, fornierly the home of Judge
((rvis, eight or nine years of whoso life
were spent there, is n-.w th" property i f
Albert Owen, B#c| . who h* been sparing
n- thing in Iseautifying and improving it
The building* and fences are while and
surrounded by tree* and lawns, the first
irnprss-ion created upon the tnind of one
seeing it f'-r the first time i that of sweet
quietness and rest so much enjoyed by
piersons whose business Confir.es them to
rooms eight by ten.
(In lat Faturday.it being Mr. Owen's
birthday, a few of hi* friends, some with
their ladies, thought it a most appropriate
time to extend to him assurances of the
high esteem in which ho is held by his
neighbors and friend* here. About balf
pait three o'clock all were invited to sur
round an elegantly arranged table and
partake of the kind hospitality of the host.
After justice had been done the sumptuous
repast, I). F. Fortney, R*<| , in the happy
1 manner peculiar to that gtflml gentleman,
on liehalf|of the visitors, presented to Mr.
Owen a handsome, properly engraved gold
headed cane. The recipient responded tn
thankful, appropriate terms acknowledging,
tho pleasure it gave him to receive the
r token of love, prompted by the regard en
tertained for him by hia friends, neighbor*
, and acquaintance*.
A proposition to name the home of Mr-
Owen was made and "Villa Alba."' a whlta
i country-seat, was agreed upon. A most
i appropriate title.
Toward evening the company dispersed
1 highly pleased with tho treatment they
bad received.
—Mr. Lyman Bock, son of our nuhstan
lial i-ili/.ofi, Henry Beck, F*q., on Wed- (i
in-nlay of lat week started for Chi'ago, h
where, we believe, ho intends to locate.
He has our h'->t wlshe*.
On Tliur day night Mr. ('.A. Glenn
art gallery wa* entered and robbed of some
valuable articles, besides doing considera
ble damage otherwise. An entrance was
effected by cutting out a window pane in K
the n-ar end of the galli i v.
Mes-r*. Alexander .V Bower, a- soli-- '
Itor for the company, have made ; j.ii. a- j,
lion to the (i-.M-rnor for a • barter incor- f,
poraling the "Bellefonte }... - tr. Light, fl
Fteam Hinting and Klearn Motive Power '
Company." Goodnow, what a name f ,j
Mr. J Harbison Holt, of Mothannot.i I "
called on Thursday last and inform- I-. L
that lumiser operations t -.■ 1 out, ti he
very remunerative this s'-a /, the pren. .
t;-n- "f K'-pulili< ans after Ili- - 1 n-a t ■
fall, to the contrary n- twitl.-tanding. I,
Last T' urs-fay. Dr. 'i H. Jfayi ar 1
lady left In- ,e. h -ind for K iro; -■ Tin y! ,
expect* i •, em Fork at N • v, Y - rk v- .
da. We wish th'-ru I n v .a- fi.r
ing their al- - • e Dr. .1 I. ." 1 -t, late .
<! N- v.| rl. Pa wiil attend to the pra- - !
lite . f Dr, JI ax
's;,'- day la-t wee. \J . ... Fred
K ir'./., ' ! th" /(■ . -it . ar.-i M • nd ,
i if ('-litre Ua!;. li,-k'-d ii> uj-oii u and
I wi-r- .r; ri - ! t>- <-e tho I -r.-l" - 1 -; -
j hi- -■ 'a- '-r.lv a Hepubli' an rihe i .rt in ;
a I m - rat san- tun-
W. 1! Vanderbilt ha- h ught an 1
agre- I p. ;,y f2.V2. , " f- r It- i' :i
sand '• r than that • f the .a; its. t
the |t of - Mr. Furev.ar i t! latts-r
1 th" i •>'. ' har.ee ■ f lij life • i : y j
| • Nat ire I'M rsu'e
\\ .- ac in-Jehte-l I . NI r .1 an,' M
(■ ; hart. - 1 M .lieirn f r an invilat. n to
- attend the ('enter,n.h. (' mm* r• m nt - f
.1 u.e 2lth Th" list ( f oxer' i" itrii
it.sure a ; • a-ar.t tune, an I if j. • ih..- w
Hi ~ 1 I • J.'an .1 p utter ;
Mr. Lvii.an (•■ r I- r f Man
nephew f "ir l< wn-rna' Mr < '1
lore : r a week rtw ID- i* an ' l '
% .-. *. and ; irir.g hi- slay r-r- . {> ..< ■ '
it u* ■ r-' hax- been in the • 'd"r <:
if.,' e- -t Mr (.- rheri, ks r ie:
Mr -.n n Hr- i -.ha ' - ( PI. ad
phia, al i • t-no- i-mj m'. a- *- rk l-y
\f - I (• v -ibs .mer, was rr.arrn
- ,s- - . ■ tur.t, t- M Martha L ' !
._•< nio -i . 'J .• -,: x -li:s r.'.er att' r :•
the wr-d I,r,g wtii- li l* said I t.ax<■ te-eri a
■ grand - Tie.
11 o.MS'A 1 A ' -t>< K—l l.e h'-a'lh : ;
1 rest h i-' ai'g- II will X Sit W his- ]
barrc f r a f •rtn.g- t wr.- ri-le wa> I *m- !
tie • fv F .• lax .1 sly lit. and fh- j
m rr.f g <•! that dax t proa h in the 1
xf (.'.A !.a We wn' I .in a ; • asa.n:
■ MI - I'r -x Jut e 11. I**
F.: : foa (•vt rk I'i ' hat / h x
' Please find sh); ir.i-nt < f c> el set i . v< r B
A F F Bran h - f Tyr-no Dr.. r. f r
wi-' ken .it'g •' in- k 1""
X.*X I"., s'l T tI
| to 1" lit
; IT, ta*S ■ '
A . urs truly.
Weigh ma' tor.
L . ruber 1 '• t art
i Other freight 2 cats.
M; i i HI . '! '• f'-'t x a I - :I x t <■
CitiXen* < trot Bar i of Mi eshnrg, wa
th" most si. < s.fui *•'*!r • f the kind held
in th; pace I : veari F.verythirg and
l-e xery body ** < mi-d t" work . - -11,. -t,
make the come *?! j ■ a**ntlx Th
weather was ejer .• r.t l lti ex er eg* with
Vh- excej ■ f quite a hard rain st rn
<n Saturday afterm-n. The!--, fine used i
: r the I .. was th" Is— t t" 1 Ia 1 a
large ma hiri" h"p will, a r-.w . f wir . ws
a "fig ear" ude and nicely d<" ratfl with
f.-ip. . and arches <' spruce, fl wr- and
i tun"" .anteri • 110 re wa an abund
ance of ex client i ream and the fines: Jot
-d cake one would w,-h P- see besid'-s the
.•:her refrf-shnin.ls Am ng the r x eltiei
ronner ted with the festival was a ring
cake. An elegant g -I ring xr*' Jiake-I
into a cake and ; it up at ten cer,l a
rhance. There were something over one
hundred chance* "II Mr. JMMI rfoMI
wa> the lucky man ar i last Sunday sje-rtej
the ring on his watrh gviari) Several th
er fine cakes w<re chan<ed - ff beside* this.
There wa t" have been a cake walk Fal
utday evening hut it grew p>o late ar 1
the idea wa* gixsr, up But the mo't in
teresting feature connected with the whole
thing Was the pipe which wa# un between
M' *sri Stonerod and Coovcr A geriuine
meerschaum j ip" contested for hy the
tw named gentlemen . this aoo wa* ter,
- cents a chance Mr Stonend came in ,
when time was called with (Aid vote* and !
C-N-ver <(•;, making fbai'i".
enough more wa* brought in for Mr
- Stonerod to run it up to f 103.20 Tie m
wa* excellent music both nights Ti-e
Ksgln cornet hand on Friday night did
much credit to themselves and teacher.
The Pleasant (Jan Silver cornet hand was
i present on Saturday night in full uniform
and rendered sonie really fine, artistic
music The festival throughout was well
conducted and tho best of order prevailed.
The chief of police with aH his assistants
were on hand, hut no one was "obstreper
ous." The total receipts were $237 00,
expenses $24 S3, leaving as a net $232 27.
Celebration nt Howard.
No. 2(52 DEI*T , of PA.. G. A H
How ARI>, Centre Co. Pa., June 12, S3, j
There will be a cvlebralion of Ihe com
ing 4th of July, at this place, under the
. auspicas of the Grand Army of the He
- public. All member# of our order, all our
comrade# qf tho late rebellion and all
patriotic citizens and societies are hereby
invited to Join with ua in ceiehrating the
Republic's natal day. Seventeen compa
nies of our order are expected to be in
line at 10} o'clock, A. M. on that day as
1 well a* Sunday schools and otherJike so.
■ cieties. In camp there will bespeaking,
music, camp fire, a solders' dinner for all
and fire-works and balloon ata-ension in
tba evening. K. W. BAaRT,
<4l. V. BITTt ER, f\>mpton<ier.
* Arfjwkwf- f '
J! ' ,f A
~4i; . * . Tli •• •
—"When they undertake to froe/.e Aaron
ioldimith out they had letter make some
tllowanco for a "royal. "
—Champion and Osborne reaper and
mower repairs at
Ih' h - iV Oiirrnn a
1' .ndry arid Mac hine Shops.
Ilow A Won AN h I,UK WAH SavKO
Afu r she had tested the •kill of a.; the
h<-.i doe-tors in Western Pennayli ania and
New York, and had paid over .*l,ii<iO
without receiving any permanent g- t,
the lirnhs In- auo- a If.-tod with even t< n-
I'old greater virulence, r t only eating
away the flesh, but attacking th- no
tieneath. It also affected tor head and
face, making hen almost blind and deaf,
reduced to a mere slo .eu n, weighing hut
ho pounds, the dor lore pronounced her at
death - door. Fevuna was than givan her,
a- stated, and with the result given on
pace "_'l in i'r Hnrtrnari "I is •' ]. '<■ '
Me- took no other nir-dii me and i- perfect
iy well.
'trie vo. • !r< ric over the land goes,
up from inothei liiat >s', "Mv daugh
ter* are m h-hi* •r.>i -ad, w .lh no strength,
all < .t < ! tsfs-atli an 1 life at the least e.
<rtion. What ran we d> f r them
The ar -w< is • irriple and f ill .! hope
1)1 e to four week, u '• < f ll' p Jiitfers w.ll
ii ake them healthy, t -y, s; rightly, and
cheerful. 'i'l-'i l.
Jarri'-s Harris A Cc* ara • le agents in
I's • • ' • " ' r.'.re I|k < I'iant
eri an 1 I'lows ar. 1 th- ir rs-• r, •• tf
—\S s. • M' Far isr.e AC - , rail atten
tion to ths- SI.;. ri iH' !• It. hi;. Mi.-d
I'aint in the marO-l The l*i> • eer J're.
pared J'i. ■ • i.,.; i.h superior t any
' •
w' '.<■ lead in )•.- -in ti.'i in working
and du'ability. This paint is guaranu-<d
i v the manufac 1 ,rers i. t to i ra' k or [
w.th-.n three j. u*s 'I • guarantee is not
< r.fy g 1 f r r> [ is- •gti e paint h.t it
w 1 he j t on if it s' j i -as k • t jrfe*i
within the times;!-, <,i ,j Jt u ill l.e t-
Far ane A < ted'-re purchasing either
white leu 1 i r art 'tl ' r Itealv Mixed
—Ja Hrr'. A < are tne agents ' r
t e ( .-i.tr. Ha < rr. I'.ai t-r I,- st
planter mad' tf.
A J) A I. - < VI KM KIT —Tf ere
| ' Ws.i. I. i.f Ha r lie.
stofi-r. The tr> ngest evidence : its
■A ■
it.g t g"at • ffl acy try to nr,' f> tf.
Km h 1 ttie f the -lU-, nr ha. a in- s en lr
fa wi, • if usf wr. i. ii g .•• Mid
is ' rc n le-a' .nil' wra ;. r Tf <■
liosU rer ► as harti <s. a. wai-r while
■t | sM'.ii - a the f . t e essarv t •
i • ■
| > Ask \ nr druggist 1 • th • • h- l
is warranted .1 bnst- n. H .f *n A
: •.
New 1 rk, Wb ■ -ab-Ag.it- 4-ly.
—I. • to Harris Hardware -t >e f. r tbe
i'. i tre Hall ("- rri Patt< r- and i'i- as arid
Fakmch S TAKE Ni in r. I—You now
- i.av - an . sis! .I rnei: t -as.e your ma
■ . hinerr to, to Is- repaired ar.f made as
I g .as new. M *i r., reapers, self-bind*
I-'- threabing mac bin--*, 1 r- j.wr rs a* I
r.;, < th.-r k• : ' w h ■ r- -
: r :at rri -derate j • -•at t! Hay aid
1 ut.drv ill - A <hii riirn.
If " I'rc-j rietors Belief onto, IN
It '■ llarr • Ha* .ware >; re {■ rti "
Centre llau ('• rn 1* a; t r- ar.d Plow- ar
their repairs tf.
—The only pa- - :• l ' r tre county that
a-. M ider ■ r threshing machine can l>e
fkn k'i d *n a* i repaired in good shape
at a moderate - -st at
II; k- A Gi-.iri in
tf. Ilellefonte, IN.
—James llarr.- A C a* le agent* in
Hi-.'. f r.te frr it" Centre Hail ( -rn Plant
-r- a- 1 P w> a* ! the repairs tf
—Mr H A <sr t/< w ha- the best
*'■! .t.ati- ri c-n agricultural n whir - rtr in
1 tins . unty is n< w < rcpioyed bv
Hi- k- A (inn fRTH.
tf. Bellefonte, Pa.
Hints n ado to your ■ w measure f r
Jl.'iisi /'.tt' s* ir- s f ..(ln\
MONT vvm ACo . Tailor*
James Harris ,V Co are th" agents lor
the Centre Hall C->rn planters. Best
planter made. tf.
Nones —The first n ntbly meeting of
the stock holders and directors of the
Centre Building and l.'-an Ass.-fration
will be held in the office of Geo. 1.. Potter,
Friday, June lfsth, at T H i o'clock, r. w .
at which time due will be receiv. 1 and
money loaned. Goo. L. POTTER,
J*er reUry.
—Champion and eborne reaper and
mower rej.arrs at
Hicts* A Gri ffrtb'a
Foundry and Machine Shops.
KOlltl—RMcrrKß.—Jttti. Tit las SI 111. r..tir
1 < f Oif !-ri<!<. !y R K I r-U. Mr Hkftuf-r.
II•'of rhlh|.*l GFR. V Ml < ifcm Ki*i-|sT. >f
j |tsllsfcsr,tr-
GrAin Market.
Ri; I r , Ju ♦ M. IK* .
r rtr* I*4 lif T R H 4Ckt
WhrM— *ht, |#r i !♦*
whmt, k. i i *•
< ort~j#f lmh!.„ ... w
" II1m1, rf fcT
t Hiu. Nihi l mm
Ihwln, pnf hnh'l, rye .mm tw
Hotef Koe-i, |u-t |. f,n.| .. .... tW
} h lir, wtkoioftaK |sff Mil . U .JNr f. *
prr<rk, M l
I'UMcr. grctiftsl, p<r lon. <>'
Prorlaion Market.
C-rr-vti-t weekly by liw|-sr Rrntkarv.
AMtlM,4rlf4, M
n 10
INoni jiff <jn%rt M... 1®
Fr<-h Mittrr p>r |in4...eM i&
Otif k p+t fsind
drs*> prtt)n4..-M l.* \
(Nntrj hi pfi m. w- R %
llro*.uK*r cm#4. ... 1$ *
- - > \
Lent f-ef |.nnil._ '4 i
tatsysnla 3.... I*
b Uli-S |..-| l 05be1....„ ..l >
IMi -l beef . . la J
n HARSHBKKOKH, (Sur^twor
• to Vooum a ll.reblwrye, ATTOKJsEV aT- >
| I-4W. ysffli* la CoaraE llesrse, tMlrkiaie. Pa &-i ly
I oabw Serth With street, op|.<U. cwart tense,
1 RetleAi(e,P Mly.
• s