Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 14, 1883, Image 1
t!)e (Tmtrr iSlfe democrat. SIIIGERT \ VAN OHM EH, Editors. VOI,. .">. fThr Crntrr ( €l mocr.it. Term* >1.50 ner Annum tn Advnci, j 8. T. SHUOERT &J. R. VAN ORMER, Editor,. | Thursday Moraine, June 14, 1883. i THE legislature of Illinois lias passed { a high license bill. It provides for a , minimum license throughout the state of 8150 for beer saloons, and 8500 fur ( the sale of distilled spirits. IT is stated that the Pennsylvania railroad company has refused to allow 1 the Beech Creek, Clearfield and South- ' western railroad to cross their line and 1 the canal in llaven at grade. SECRETARY CHANDLER isannoum- , ed as volunteering a defense of the record of Robeson, a former Secretary of the Navy. It is now in order for liobeson to wash Chandler. 1 luy are a savory pair. U. S. SENATOR JONES, of Florida, was banquetted in London on Satur day night last by the Irish members of Parliament. —Mr. Paruell presiding. Senator Jones is an Irisuman, and a native of Dublin. MILS. FRANC!- M. SCOVII.I.I: again! The divorced wife of t >eo. M. Scovillc who became famous in the < uiteau trial as the sister of the a--as.-in, again makes her appearance. 1 his time it is to ask the court to change her name to that of Francis Maria llowe. Gov. BCTI.EU. who is a great law yer, may he, ami no doubt is thankful that lie escaped the "L. 1.. D., from Harvard. Butler could derive no honor, from an institution that con fers its honorary degrees upon such men as Rutherford 1. Hayes. ON the principal that a "bird in the hand i-* worth two in the bush .John Sherman declined to he a candidate fur (iovcrnor of Ohio. The chances to be Governor, and in direct succes sion [for President, was eutirely too uncertain to allow him to risk his senatorship. HON. SAM'E. J. RANPAEI. as a Doc tor. It is announced that Dickinson College is about to confer the degree of "L.L.D." on the ex-Speaker. This will relieve Harvard of the painful necessity of honoring a Democrat, or violating an established custom when Mr. Randall is President of the United States. THE legislature called by the Gov ernor in extra session on the 7th inst., met accordingly, and made haste to adjourn to the 10th with pay for the recess. No doubt after a protracted sesaiou the members needed rest, hut as the business for which it was called ought to he transacted in half the time allowed for the recess, a twelve days' adjournment is scarcely excusa ble. JAVIER CAREY, the Irish in forme who gave away bis associates to save bis own worthless life, bad better re consider and beg to be hanged with the rest. He cannot live in Ireland, ami it appears England will not have him, and there is no other civilised country that would assure him safety. The mark is upon him as indellible as that placed by the Almighty upon Cain for slaying his brother. IN the published congressional ap- I portionraent bills presented in the House, it appears Centre county will have to make new acquaintances or stand alone without companionship. In the Nicholson hill, she is to form a link in a small shoestring-district, tak ing in Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Mifflin and Juniata. In the Jamison bill, she is left out in the cold without assignment. Perhaps our clever friend Jamison, will allow us to associate with Bucks or some other congenial companionship in the east, where Democratic votes are appreciated. The Logisfaturo and the Appor" ttonmonts. Since the Republican party come into power in Pennsylvania, the obli gation of the legislature to respect and obey the constitution of the state, has been entirely ignored. F.spccially since the constitution of 1873 was adopted, the members of that party in the legislature, each and every one of whom took an oath "to support, obey ami defend it," have apparently taken a pride in showing their contempt for it, and in utterly disregarding it-plain and mandatory provisions. W hen the present legislature met on the 2d of January la-t, it was an open secret that the Republicans did not intend to pass any apportionment hills al though required to do <> by the con stitution itself. While apportionment bills were introduced in the Senate, the apportionment committee of that body never met until the bouse bills were sent to them. 1 ben every possi ble delay was resorted to in order to postjxjtie the passuge of any Hills on the subject until so near the day of final adjournment that the differences between the two houses could not He compromised or adjusted. The result was that no apportionment hills were passed, and the Governor hu- called the legislature together in extraordi nary session to do this work which the constitution makes obligatory. That Hoyt or Hartranft would not have done what Fattison has i* true. They seemed to care n little for the obligations of their oath "to support, obey and defend the constitution," a* the legislature did. It is different now. That the Republican senate is responsible f>r the failure of the ap portionment hills and conscquwothr.lDr the ex|K"!)-'" of Mi i eu'.n, no impartial or candi? n m can <)< v. That from the a—embling <>f the 1-v *• latere to the adjournment mi t! ■ h ■if Juno, the Republican 1> xhr* in tended to prevent tli" so hills fr m passing is known to every intelli„' nt |wr-on familiar with IVnnsylvnnia [Hilitics. Ist the responsibility re>t upon them, and let the people hold them to a -trirt accountability for tl >• re-ult. But, is the Democratie house altogether blameless in the matter? If not, let tlie people understand it nnd hold its members to their share of the responsibility. That Speaker Faunee had an unusually difficult ta-k to |*r form in tlx- selection of his committer * at the beginning of the session, in consequence of the great number of new nnd untried men is undoubtedly true. That mistake# were made in selecting the leading men on many important committee# is probable. But had the Sjieaker nnd the other experienced Democrats in the house looked after these green committeemen as they should have done, the inex cusable delay would not have occurred. There is no good reason why every apportionment should not have passed i the house and Imen sent to the senate j liefore the middle of February instead lof the middle of April. Take as an | example: The judicial apportionment hill read in place in the house January 15, was not reported from the com. mittce till March 9th, and did not pass the house until nfter the expira tion of the first hundred days of the session. Why was this delay ? That the Democratic members of that com mittee wilfully and intentionally held | the bill hack in order to play into the 1 hands of the Republican leaders who 1 desired to prevent its passage, we do not believe. It resulted from their incapacity or their inexcusable stupid ! ity. Again, early in the session the Republican senate passed a joint reso lution to adjourn finally on the 30th of March. This resolution the house held for months and then amended it i to make the final adjournment June | 3th, the earliest possible time after their ten dollars per diem ceased, without waiting to see whether the apportionment bills and other reforma tory meurej| hih were demanded by the peopl#ould become laws or / "KI)UAL AND HI AI T JUHTK'K TO AI.L M KN, OK WIIATEVKK STATS. oil TKRM'AHION, HKI.IOIOL'S OH POLITICAL.Joffcrv IiKI.EKKONTK, I'A., THURSDAY, JUNK 11, IHHX nut. Home of them seemed to cure a* little for their oaths a* their Rcpuldi rnii colleagues did. Their daily pay was of nioto consequence to them than the most solemn mandates of the con stitution. We are glad that the re. cords show but few Democrats in this li-t. Their record, however, should lie made public, and their constituents should know how they have been be trayed by the selfishness and venality of their representatives. At the extra session let the course of every Demo crat, whether in the house or senate, he watched and whoever flinches and refuses to stand by our < iovernor in his demand that the constitution shall he obeyed, be mercilessly exposed that he may be properly punished by his constituents. l/ t no flim-v excuse such as private business, or the heat of the weather bo sufficient to justify any Democrat for leaving his post, or voting for a recess until all the appor i t ment bills are finally passed, and that too in such a shape as to meet with both I'.xccutive and popular ap i proval. - Gov. I'ATTISOX called an extra | sion of the legislature immediately af ter the adjournment star die on the Oth instant to commence the following ] day. Hi- reason for so doing are , sound and clearly stated in the Proc lamation. In this, as in all other acts lof public duty, the (iovernor has shown himself equal to the emergency. His prompt recognition of ini|>eralivc duty under his official obligation to maintain and defend the constitution, will find its echo in the plaudit- of the |M >plc whom h< represents with such courageous faithfulm -s. The legisla j tore failed in it regular session to ap ! portion the State into Congressional, Senatorial as 1 Representative dis tricts. Th r ■ -titutiou imperativi-lv demanded this, and their own oaths . ■ quire- the members to do so. hut to obtain a mean political advantage, a p irtion of the-e members determined frotn the first tliat they would defeat the passage of any hill that would not give the same unjust party advantage of the infam us and unjust geryman der at pre-ent existing under the law enacted years ago to dominate the Stat® by machine politi -s. With this kind of trifling with sacred duty, the < iovernor of course, can have no sym pathy, and having performed his own i duty in the premises, may rest the re sponsibility of the continued outrage i of unconstitutional and unjust aj>- j portionraent upon those who d< -ire to lie infamous. The Democracy desire no unfair advantage, but they want justice and an honest division accord- J j ing to their numbers in districts fairly ' and lawfully arranged. SAY-* Senator Beck in a recent re j view : "The majority of the people in j the I'nited State** are tired of what J you might call Republican bosisni, hut don't think yet that we, the Ifenio crats, can lie trusted." The Senator I places too much stress on the alleged lack of confidence in the Democracy. The elections of 1870, I*Bo and 18*2 show that if the two parties had equal ; facilities—if the ones were not the "ins" and the other tho "outs"—the Democrat* would be ahead by a mil lion votes. Fraud nullified the Dem ocratic victory of 1876 ; money by the million bought a narrow margin for (iarfield in I*Bo, and the jieople rose up almost en masse against the Re publicans in 18#2. There is no evi dence in these facts that the people distrust the Democracy. Rut the Sen ator gives sensible advice a* to the manner in which the Democrats should hold public confidence : "We have a majority of the next Congress, and the result will depend upon what we do. If we organize and go hon estly to work to legislate for the good of the whole country, put down mo nopolies without disturbing industry, carry a genuine reform of the civil service into effect, and keep clear of the idea that power is to be used only to reward political friends, we will elect the next President." 1 s't 2 \ A Docop.ivo Talo. It is not Hurp isi ig that the an nouncement !H again made that Keua tor J. I). Cameron lion determined to retire from public life. The announce ment of his safe arrival on the other side of the broad ocean was sufficient excuse fur the Washington correspon dent to return to this somewhat thread hare story. That the correspondent was equal to the emergency is proved by the telegram to the New York Sun of yesterday which is reprinted in the /'ntrnit this morning. The reprinting of this story at this time may or may not have been owing to the accident of u scarcity of news at Washington. The offer of the senator's Washington residence for sale wa known before lie sailed, and the sub sequent lease of it was published broadcast at the time the tran.-action occurred. It i- obviously to the ad vantage of tlx-senntor's political lega tees to spread the impres-ion of his re tirement, and the details with which the statement if fortified may he apart of their plan. But Senator Cameron has nut re" tired and doesn't propose to do so uide-- the action i forced by the ad vance verdict of the popular voice- On the contrary it i- an open secret that before his departure he perfected hi-< plans for managing the machine during his absence with all the scrup ulous care that has heretofore char acterized his political dictatorship. He not only selected the ticket to lie nominated, hut in certain counties went so far as to name the men to he sent as delegates. Senator < 'ameron hn- probably found politics a costly , luxury but having paid the price he i j not going to relinquish the pudding. This mav as well be understood now as again.— lfnmtbury Patriot. GOVERNOR I'ATTI-ON -ays the Lan caster lntrU*gn\rrr emerges with great credit from his first association with the legislature. During the long sea | sion which ha-just ended he ha- dis charged the duties of his gubernato ial office with zeal, intelligence and gf>od judgment. He ha- cheerfully scrutinized the acts of the Legislature, ami has withheld hi- approval from a good number of them ; in every in stance his veto ha- been sustained bv the legislature and approves! by the people. The success with which the | Governor has wielded tho veto power is remarkable, especially in view of the fnct that lie lias had no previous i experience with legislative work. At the commencement of the session there was sonic little jolting in the c<*mmu | nication between the < iovernor and the I>"gi-iature, due to bis inexperience in legislative ways; but that ha- long since disappeared, and there will bo found no one to challenge the patent fact that Governor Fattison has prov ed equal to his situation ; and that nt the close of the session lie stands sup erior in public esteem to the very un usually able legislature with which he was connected in the discharge of his duties. Not only did he find in their work projier subjects for his veto, but in heir adjournment, without pas sing the apportionment hills, he has been given just occasion to reprove them and to recall them to the dis charge of a clearly-neglccted duty. No doubt Governor Fattison's judicious action is partly to bo credited to his judicious confidential advisers ; but a man who knows enough to recognize good advice when he gets it, and is wise enough to act upon it when he sees it, is just the man who may be ex pected to be always equal to the situa tion in which he finds himself. IT appears that Gen. Crook was not captured and slaughtered in the moun tains of Mexico as rumored last week. On the contrary he has not been able yet to find the bloodthirsty hostile# who are still hid in their hiding places, no doubt watching hi# efforts to pene trate the rough unknown defence# of ' Indian outlaws in the Sierra Madras mountain# with wonder and surprise. The Call to Duty The I lurrihiiurg J'utriot covers the i whole ground and sums up the duty of the house in the following t< r-o MIX teuces : "Now let the legislature do ils duty. The responsibility of the extra ses sion i* upon the Stalwarts and if tlxy attempt to prolong the struggle whi< !i upright men are making for a fair ap portionment let them hare no u--i -tance from the Democracy. The work of the extra ses.-ioii can he performed in a week if a decent respect tor the rights of the people nnd an honest purpose to make just ap portionments aniuiat' the legislature. Let there he no evasion of duty, no parley with tricksters, no compound ing of the crime which Stalwart arro gance and greed have committed against the people, The Democrats of the lygi-lature have thus far enjoyed tlx- confidence 'J the people. is t them continue to deserve it by manfully discharging the duty imposed upon them by the extra ses-ioti. ' The legislature i- summoned to the performance of a sjiecific duty neglect ed ill the r- gulur sc.-si m. Tlx r< i- no necessity f.,r delay in the performance or the continued expense to the com monwealth, which an extended -. --i n will involve. Jt'iH.i. K is-, i , ha- hi■ n nominated a-the Democratic candidate f<>r ( >ov< r nor ol I wa, and promises an aggres sive campaign. The contest in that state will probably lie largely influ- ] cured by local i.— uc- which will af- j ford matter fur a lively fight, but with a Republican ma rity • f .7,- <HM to overcome, it would he nsxt thing t * a mire ie, if vi< t ry should j (Kirch un the standard of tlx Democ racy. JUDI.E FOUAKI u, of Cincinnati, ha been nominated as the Republican candidate for Governor of Ohio. It wa- <x|>ecU-d that the Republicans would bring out Sherman, or some man of national reputation and thus t re an earlv di-cu--ion of national issues a- a commencement of the cam paign of ]-s }, Hut thi- nomination of I a comparitively obscure man, localir< - the fight for victory in the stat>-, and i a matter of congratulation to alf. the great work of DM i- nt to tx- commenced in I*Bl. The candi dacy of Judge Foraker is supp -id t lx in the interest of G v rnor Charles Foster, who apires to the s< nt of Fen d let on in the -•naif of the l'nitd States. The local issues of Ohio arc of a disturbing character, and have already worried the Republicans con siderably. Thc v are let at nil likely to add largely to tlx ir liappines- in tlx coming struggle. THE member# of the House of Rep resentative* at tlx- final adjournment, as usual, had their mutual admiration meeting, in which very handsome presents were dispensed to the faithful and meritorious officers of that body. The speaker. Mr. Faunco, was in re ceipt of a solid silver tea service wash ed with gold, and a beautiful gavel. Chief Clerk Meek, a silver tea set and a gold-beaded cane ; Reading Clerk Johnson, a silver tea set ; Resident Clerk M'Conkey, a silver water pitch er. and Journal Clerk Shad le, a gold watch. These presents were well merited and from the manner of pre sentation, every member of the House participating, marks a proud record 1 for the recipients. Chief Clerk Meek ' presents a venerable and imposing ap jiearancc, leaning on his gold-headed cane, which he values very highly as an unexpected token of respect of the little page boys under his official di rection. ♦ - SENATOR LONONBCKKR'H generosity is certainly not measured by the length of hi# name, else he could not have drafted an apportionment bill con ceding the Democrats seventeen mem bers out of the fifty of which that body i# composed. He might at least have been satisfied with the present gerrymander which his party have en joyed for ten years, and by which the Democrat# have twenty member#, five or six lea# than they are honestly en titled to. TKKMS: |n r Annum, in A<hunc. NO. Ij. Muhonc iu'a llud Box. Another <-ir*<:t of thi- election will bo to clove the door* of the National Ho pubhr in con volition again**. Mahone, Il* expected to go there with a'Jelega* lion, and to make hi* own terms for admission. 1 lie negroes whom he mis led will now desert him, and the origi nn! Republicans, who were proscribed by the bargain arid sale, will Le re en forced by these deserters, and become stronger than they were at first. 'I he imitators of Mahone in other State*, who were led to follow his example by tbo expectation of ofllce and by tlie promise of reward, w.,1 find the.r bu-;iie* sadly of I, for if nothing succeeds like s.ucce. , so nothing fails like failure. Mahone has four years in the >enate a* his remaining capital, and he will make the most of it. R.ddleberger has six years before hirn. and, like "Number 1 'lie, he knows how to take care of hicn-eif. He i.j ;tomi/.ed his politician'! bis princ.j !es .n saying, "We are for Arthur because Arthur is for us."'—.\V Y.rk S I ui, final iiiterrnerit of the remains of .1 !ui 11 ward I'avne, the author of iloim . Sw . t Horn. , to -k place in Wa-hington, ■ n Saturday last. They were entomb- >1 in the < >ak Hill Ccm | cterv, in the beautiful sjiot provided by the liberality of \V. \V. < irroran, . amid creniouit-. The pro : cc'-ioti and pag< antry of the occasion ; part •' k of the character of a national : tribute t th< deceased p -'t whose im mortal v> r- - have given hi- memory a | place in the le art- and homes of the American | • pl* : r all time to come. Ir is indeed gratifying to the lr ; ends of .lames i'-uchanan to hare h.s charac , or n* a ) atriot, true friend of the I nion and a christian fuliv vindicated, even if his enem.c have u-ed tongue arid pen for twenty oi l years to vill.fy. misrep resent and distort h.s language, as well a create for him a fabe position con cerning -jUeetions of vital interest at the time, questions that there could l>e but one true p -ition without bringing d.s honor ari<l shame. Ihe pure private life, and e-tablished reputation of .lame.* 1 uclianan when he- assumes! the I'resi dential office should have saved bim from the base charges of the radical press impugning his devotion to bis co intry ar. 1 love of her institutions. Hi I'nion principles were based upon I'etnocratic doctrines, and he never - allowed such sectional utterances as those coming fr -m Thaddeu* Steven*. dohn I'. Hale, /achar ih ' handler and 1 I'avi l Wibnot to j -ss h.s lips. >uch men were sem; -eces- onists. while l'u rhanan was a true friend of an undi vided t'nion, and would not listen to a severance of the States. ' >.rr. AM •V the charges made by !.x <on gressman I'enondorf wa- one to the etlectthat the steam tug f'intahad been repaired at enormous expense at the Norfolk Navy Yard, not with the pur pose of making the tug of any use. but to furnish employment at good wages to a large number of men who would be useful about election time. The board ordered to investigate the matter have just made a report to the Secretaiy | of the Navy fully sustaining the charge. P>y this report it seems that the repaits cost flOfi.'JSl-.Vi, which was much more than the original cost of the vessel. The repairs are diplomatically declared by the committee to have made the tug to more unseaworthy than she was befoie they were made. In other words, the j hundred thousand dollars has been thrown away. If thi* i a specimen of ' the Norfolk Navy Yard management Mr. I'en-ndorf should do some mote unearthing in that quarter. Mahone may be a necessity to the administra tion, but such wasteful management of naval affairs is not a necessity to people who make and unmake administrations. The meanest dead heading yet repor ted is in Portland, Maine, where the board of mayor and aldetmen have vo ted themselves admission to all pieces of amufcmcnt frep. and have decided to wear a badge "of aotne appropriate de sign"' so that their identity mey bo known to the doorkeeper. The Kelt I.ake Trtbunr denounce* the rtah Commission as unfaithful and in competent, and declare* that it* action thus far ha* thrown back indefinitely the cause of good government in the territory.