Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 07, 1883, Image 5
it kf.-h i j /•; sitmrs. XT (> TII()u 1! L K To Show Goods. 4 In thi.i spirit nit rieitvri are reerii eil at thr Bee-Hive - - Stores Whether yon intend to ji rhuie or a * oti/o I# I *l* *i# i# i * . " I.OOKINU TO -KK WllKltK * YOl t'AN IK) THE HEhT. " ' * I* I * I # * | • |# | ■* lit fact tlie better a per son is acquainted with prices and goods else where, the more' certain WE ARK TO SECURE THEIR I'ATHONV.K tNothing is better known to thot community at large than that , tfor low pi ices and excellent va- j j rioty of goods that we —TA A* E 111 E LEA I) < her and above All < >ther Competitors. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, DOMESTICS, LINENS, Kill HONS, LACKS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, D H Ess GOODS, SILKS SHAWLS, DOM EST ICS, LINENS. RIBBONS, LACKS, lIOSIEHV, NOTIONS, <' A II P l: Tft A O I I. c l. o TII v, Merchant Tailoring, Genta Furnishing Goods, llat-< a Caps, Tin nks a Sat< iieeh, Also Manufacturers of the celebrated " Bee-Hive < )veralls," —Best in the World. Goldsmith Bros., BEE-HIVE o \ i : viti ci: i St (> res! BELLEFONTE PA., N. B.—Don't lose aight of the fact that we are still retailing carpets 2o per cent, cheaper than they can be bought elsewhore. 110. I.YOX (' Co., Merchants, Allcffhcn ff-Stltdh'/'ontc, I'et. L YON & C o.'s ANNOUNCEMENT FOR v FOR 3VCE3ST. A LIST OF A FEW OK THE MANY BARGAINS WE HAVE. An all wool Cassimerc suit, light color, at #7.00, former price #lO.OO. A good pair of pants 75 cents and #l.OO. An elegant Spring bottom Itlnck banket punt* #2.00. A good child's suit at #1,7. r ). A full r line of Cassimerc panta from #2,00 up. A apecial bargain in a tine percale shirt, two collars and collar buttona 50 cent* ; a finer one at (>5 cents. The bent quality Moleskin shirt* at .70 cents, former price #1.2.7. A lot of boy*' nocks lor three centaa pair. FOR THE LADIES, Ladies I'lush and Leather Cabas 2.7 to tio cent* ; old price #l.OO to s2.uo. The finest quality all linen colored boarder hcmntitcli liandkerebieln Is <-nth, ol<i J price 35. The lineal assortment ol Hamburg edging md lnm rliug, Swi-n edging and Inserting, Nainsook edges and Inserting, another lot of those cheap rib bon*. a watered sash ribbon—7 inches wide .0 cents, black silk watered riti ! bon 8 cents per yard, old price 2.7 cent*. I DRESS GOODS. A wool watered sateen in garnet, brown, n ivy Ohio and green at Pi old price ; 3.7 cents. An all wool extra line garnet caslnuer, 3s inchc- wide. .70 cents, price J elsewhero 75 cents. Children*'plaid- s, It) and 12 c nt*, je ice elsewhere at least i one-half more. New buttons, new shades, new color-, new style-, all shape*. , | black and white dress gingham* 7 cents per yard, old price 15. Herman colored table and stand covers #l.lO, worth #2.00. Kid gloves, best grade, reduced to 5c i j -JO, 50 and so cents, same gloves *ix month* ago 75, '.<>, #l.ou and #1.25. LYON & CO, Are just opening Ladies white dress goods, baptist" ciaire linen 1' Irelande I'aris muslin and edges and lace-, i'aint I'yon, embroidered lace, white guipure. Ac. A lot of children*' lace collars, comprising a mixed lot do . d out from the manufactories at three cents a piece; some of them are v..nth 12.. 15, 131 and 2.7 cents, but we will sell them all at three cents a piece. LYON & CO. Will talk to you about our big line of New Shoe, next week. i —bargain N. I. Lot "I men's finest —Bargain No. 7. 60 pieces of best juaU fur hat* reduce d from #2.50 to $'i 77. L\ - ity :n-- .a - p, il|-m7A I on A Co. to H cent-. I.y A c —bargain No. 2. A small lot Of para- * bargain So. (i. A lot of men . sols redooed from 36 cents to 10 cents. I.y- cut, bo* toe, calfskin shoes n iuced from on A: Co. s '' - 1 - ' '■> "A 1 Bargain No. 5. A L-t of double width b>gu n N 7. A ; ft- lit.* alpaca* reduced from 57 cent* •I- - >rf r< 1.•1 fr ai i < ■<-nt t .. I Lyon A Co. cent- Lyon A ( bargain Nt A lot of tli.e dr • Ilea N " A ' 'ir •ir.t*' :. :•• lawn* reduceil from 15 cent to 12 cent*, rn r >ls .•. r luce l fr n. .'* ( . Nt- Lyon A Co. ; • nt L>< :. ... i —l.t of regular made line -trip 1 f>r c hildren r- l i •1t• 1"> r, SF.CH 1.1. It it f 'I., iit'ortrH, Hash Hulls* I Hod., 111 111 Jont r, I'll. NEW GOODS FOB THE Sl'lilM; mill SIDIJII-lIJ TRADE!! \\ e have ende av rt dto t the \- ry h-t<d < very tiling in < ir lim , and lev. have otner'aiiv ('H<>ICE tiWlltS. USE ( lIE AM < HE EM\ Extra Ltru'c FKENI II IMII VLS. SELF.!, r OY.STEHS, SWEET POTATOES, LA HOE lIII'E t H A SIS Ell I! lES, I'll r5E1.1.E.% IMI'EHIA I. EIOS, IHI Hi lII' SE.W I. EM OSS, El. Oil 11) A O HASHES. Princess Pupcr-Slit'll Almonds. Etaporafcd HIM ED PKAI II IS A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. I'll PS Ell YE I) PEA lIS, PEACHES, PLEMs and I'HVS EELES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds maT"\\ e invite the people of < cntrc county t i c all and inspect our NICE GOODS, which cannot fail to please. SI X ! I LKii CO. 1101 l <l' Miiir/lr-- Hoots ,1' .'/- HOOTS A: SHOES. irrf fl 0 -li* We are now ready with a„ immense stock f or Spring ' Hummer. < b.r i stock is more exten at|(| |m , m j lected than ever. KS Cl ■ LAIJI KS - MISSES A ( lII L | I DRhXS LACE & BUTTON BOOTS. j MEN'S BOYS A YOUTH'S LA(' E | B1 TTON A CON HKSS S H O EH. | MENS A BOYS wtL Heavy BKOGANS A I'LOW SHOES. Wo nro Solo Agents for Roynolda Brothora Utfca, nnd D Armstrong Rochester Bhooe. for Ladiee Misaeaa and Children. The goods are well known throughout the whole couutrv, nnd scarcely need any recommendation, for style, fit, n„d quality there are no better mad We Guarantee Everything we Recommend' Ladies Shce Polish-Will Not Crack the Leather. Doll & Mingle, c Bclle/mie, Pa. Merchants | Who arc Conscientious as to the kind of Medicines they Furnish their Customers will find it to their Ad vantage to Call on us. OUR I.A f OA XI MS, a, YCEEIXE, J'AEEfIOEIC, ESSENCES, S) J{. JI'ECAC, CAS J Op OIL, 111 YE X) El I', SHEET Oil., lOMMTION L'OW IM IW, I'OL'L,'M;Y I'OWDKIW .VI ~ \HK Sirtri/i/ jiivf UIHI although w- do not | >r<tciicj to T •!! 11 ><■ t<■ in pric-i - with tin; worthier- preparation whii-h Hood tin ma; kit, our prices will enable all to make a 7 mil jirofit ami at the Kine time give our etiMtoini rs pun ijoiiil . For Prices Call or Write to GREEN'S PHARMACY j tßusli House Block. V, > U I- 11 V\ 1 I 1.1 I.NIL'-S 1 < 'II-M.l NUN. ' Pure Goods are the Cheapest JrfL - i El l/stlllll i hltllilll/ lloliHf, I'll 111 J tilth , I'll. EXCELSIOR M[F'G CO. tfSkm ... 1 / §3^2.,' £ —lj* — /*-] f Why >vr IPsiy IiAIL ItOAl) fakes Ami give awav a Hat t> every I'uriha-ir ~| a l.<'t~ .-< HILlk- Suit. U,.- O 11 -> T a wi: Ain: SATI-I 11 ;n WITH -MAI.I. I'JIOHT-, We nro houml t ■ g.t a-■ ,uai:it-.l with tin- IV ■pi.-. WI: HI V M It I >III NI- IN I.A L;I lii N I A NTJTJ !>, We are atit. i with : ling ranl u,T the ham), "OIK KOTTO." Good Goods Honest Dealings & Small Profits J l\ > art th Only I[Slothing Hount in Onntn County that j iit'i i'll s l/n I'nrj m I'Lua I'i'j ar> >■ WHY WE BUY OUR GOODS FROM Buffalo. Rochester. New York and Boston And do 11 t pair n /<• our no State and it* larg- -t city I 9 II I Li AIIE LI 9 111 A: W . iii g iar tit- M\k .Si hi. 1 irv at; I l'i. J3ECAUSE ' < h?,a|> Vav Makes (- IN-AP il OOCIH AN bioh I'II la 11-lp :\\ N■ - 1 .tin. r- Imv- • tahli •1T! • NAM.' j R CHE A * MA HE (. OOHs. WI 1. IV in 'urh largi .pmititie* THAT , •., : : i T ■ -IL which TO wdl leave to tin- public 10judg- f• r tluniMlvex, we would a!o call at. t-nti IN to advertising. I rin .ney y 1• an put in the paper- what you ;I\l', and tor thi.* rea-UII WE will a-k ot you IN-t'RC pun ha-ing t give us a call and WI- w here our m ill 1 jmpctitors are with lianner* of 20 JKT cent, T'heapi-r than any other H ■ 1-• in tl ■ e'.tv Echo Answers Ho Where! A <'omplcte HE ft;l;Nrs i riiNi-Hi\'<; (;<xii>s HATS, cal's. TIII'NKS, VALlsliS, •; . "KEYSTONE CLOTHING COMPANY," Michael Levi eC- Co., Proprs,, l'-tf Allegheny Street, Ilellcfonte, l's. (iiirm 11 ,1 .Son'* AIM- Shirr. ! RESERVED FOE ; | j ; p $ JSojrsh j 11 est End Store, i '••••••• * 1 I'Mfftilef/ihl/i Urn it'll, THE PHILADELPHIA BHANGH CLOTH I N( STOHK, 2■> Allegheny Htreet, itiM.noMi;, i.%. Jjcirin, b Co,, Trop.rs. | JHg 4 '' ■ !■•'( >-i the r],riitg l-'jli ■ ' I htoC j ' ' Ithut M< h'l '■ "■I, 1,1 L- i • Ict-d guarantee 'j 1 ■ < t .•'/ n"tiu xomethiny; !■•■• " in'- 'I ay, irantee "it ,i fact ion, but to g< ■ > i?i 'faction, w're '1 * ' v ' . 1' other* d't in this ) jtrobnl yhi abo t i much the '• rtl <g iV i'ii,- m r< in njtn 11 itor> - th in 1 " ■ 11-f 1! ; ifin> that, if goo" hi ' , n, ■•! > ■>) pointing, y our nil! <4 promj ' arl 'omiilfi' , eat,*i "I, irego Jnrt r—ii' tiin .1. ou for jicrtniUing w . <■ •,f.i A.' m-e . ( • - , . * r .r y <o'i at I ? *. j . ' ,<> out dcf'.'U •el . ' - th . n e>i . If - aim to ( ndui't our bwint**upon —-r ' y ' ' •;" lion- ity and r "1 4 th' .r- li-d hi ' rrv je nbb • tf'gwiril; thrrr t-haJl bt at Iroft i on* clothing •• in BIUKTOTO j trhrr-'. ' >1 <1 I -nd'alt ithoui ri*k of imposition. I 4 u.a -l In a j iy not in mention "Jtr : r '■ it' "ith'r ■' hi ring tush fin ■itfrar 4 ■■ rarn f grad-' that amm intruding to h < <<• it to him*elf '0 b'O ha' br r> rhoo-ing. You know it* 1, t crr-r -h-r< that he ran go bark ] tor hi* monoy if hr dor* buy ami 'after• I'' ** 11% A € 0., Proprietors. Hellefonte, IV