Site Ctntoe scm curat BELLEFONTE, PA. TilK CKNTHK DKMOCIiAT i pub lished •v*rjr Thurttlaj morning, tt fiellofoute, Centre county, Vt%. TKKMS—ChIn .!<*nr SI HO IF not pslel lu *IIT*IU. li OO A t.IVK PAPER—dsvotsel to tli Inton'.li of tli H lit)lf p#Vpltt. Piynioßti tnids within thr*i> month® will b# con nuUrrtl in AtlvAurt*. No p*|wr will ho discontinued until *rr*rag<*iar* i>.i I e*••!! at option of puMishore. I'*pr going out f the county must to pld for In advance. Auytmr.on procurtns u. Mh sut-srrltiers will b .out copy fr.o of ■ Ouroiton.iv. circutatluii m.ko. thU pipor *n 1111- u,1,.1i1y rcli.Mo mnl prußUblo mnlluiu lorniiv. rlislii*. W. hn*o til. most oniflo fwcttitl* * for Joll WORK inJ r. pr< pirwl to print.ll klli'l* of ll' k,,Trii> t., P-ornirno,l'o.t.n, C.miiuor. 1.l printing, A< , In th. tliie-st tyl .lot at tlio low .t |hw.|l.lo rate Alia IviTtiaemt'iit* l>r a la tTin than tt> r* n"itt Ia 20 tenia |*r line for the tir-t thr. c in-rtiuna, an t > csnta a lln for each additional Insertion. Df- ial notice* one-half mora. K lltorlal nutlra* lf> canta p-r lluo. 1,..' ,1. N .TP in, in I" 1 '! ilumtta, 10 out. per lino A tll>.rat dlsi >unt i hi sets to psrsons advertising bjr tli. .juart.r, li.lf year, or year,. I Una • ! =. ~ irtel OCCITtID. Oat lm ht■-r M lino. ttii. typa) : : • 1 1 ' T.. Mich... 17 M I ; Three I in ho* 11 Quarter cluintmi it Uair. ltma (or lUi • O V T.m . !v P rtU no f • must i pa.d V r tofor* in wrth'ii, * v i n >*r 1 \ f Ion half-yearly ptymant* *ii I*an t• t fill . " r ■ '• i i .h H. wrtli a N tilling inaerte : thai- etit iliiHiic-* Noti I lit' r.H olumna, 15 cent* er line, *a h tux* rtiort. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. tiooh E.s'ol'cn!' "Tho closing oxami nation!) of tho Unionvillo ami Centre Hall Grammar Schools wore interesting antl satisfactory. I was also present at the closing exercises of tlie second and third grades of the Philipsburg schools, which were creditable to both teachers and pupils. The teachers and pupils of tiie Millheint Grammar School began the collection of minerals, for which the Board provided a suitable and con venient cabinet. They also supplied the school with a Webster's I 'nabridged Dictionary, a set of charts and outline maps, and frames for the preservation of specimens of drawing and penman ship."— V. Supt, 11" V*. -. /' in.<. .N'■•/ Journal, Jor June. fur Clean NEWSPAPER.—The follow ing pertinent remarks, by a favorite ex change, on a growing evil, arc so good that wo can not resist the temptation to copy them entire There is a growing feeling, in healthy communities, against journals which make it their special object to minister to a perverted taste by seeking out and serving up in a seductive form disgust ing and licentious revelations. There is good reasons to believe that the clean newspaper is more highly prised to day than it was four or five years ago. It is also safe to predict that, as people in all ranks of life who protect their own, at least, from contamination, become more conscious of the pernicious influence of a certain class of journals, caller! enter prising because they are ambitious to serve up dirty scandals, they will be careful to see that the journals the* permit to be read in the family circle are the class that never forget the pro prieties of life. Already men and wo men of refinement and healthy morals have bad their attention called to the [>ernicious influence of bad literature, and have made commendable efforts to counteract the same by causing sound literature to be published and sold at popular prices. These efforts are work ing a silent but sure revolution. The Lest authors are more generally read to-day than at anv previous slate. The siddy sentimental story paper, and the wild ranger and pirate story l>ooks, are slowly but surely yielding the field to worthier claimants. To the praise of the decent newspapers, it may be said j that where it has a place in the family, j anil has been read for years by young as well as old, it has developed such a healthy tone and such a discriminating taste, that the life nature of the slums has no admirers. Fortunately, the number of such families is increasing in the land, and as they increase the jour nal that devotes itself to sickening revelations of immorality will he com pelled to find its supporters solely among those classes who practice vice and crime, or are ambitious to learn to follow such ways. Jot R.N ALISTIC Atta- iik".—The circus must have its peanut vender, the rail way-car, its prize-package boy, the cor ner grocery its idler and loafer, the bar-room its bummer and dead-beat, the privnte family its tAttler antl news gatherer and disseminator, the hotel corridor its man with a toothpick and the newspaper its adviser, critic and unasked for assistance tenderer. These persons are not in any sense essentia' to the proper management of the paper* hotel, family affairs, bar room, grocery, train or circus, but are necessary evils that must be endured. Those belonging to journalism, as a corn does to a toe, an ugly knarled knot to a tree, our opera house to our town or the friend who never fails, when given a chance, to say wisely and grave ly "! told you so !" are of many kinds: the occasional contributor, who writes only when he wishes to throw a slur at some inoffensive and harmless neighbor; the "taxpayer, Wdisgusted with his fel low citizens because they saw fit to elect a moro competent man, who desires to "give it to them" but is too cowardly to suffix his own name to the article; the exchange thief; the man who drops in press nights to see the machine work and does not go out until he manages to put a copy in his pocket, and last, but by no means least, tho ndvisor and ♦ faultfinder. Wo aie not aware that the latter unnatural specimen of human kind ever offered any suggestions in - keeping with a progressive lino of ae - tion, hints on education, temperance or * social economy, but hat-like avoids as ■j much as ho can the glaring light of an 3 intellectual day and feeds his immature mental system on anything smacking of i- obscenity and vulgarity, compelling his „ narrow mind to ho content with what the genteel and cultivated would spurn ( , Necessary and noxious attaches ! Writers may die and others ho horn to succeed them ; reporters go the way of * all flesh ; editors die young, as the good generally do ; but you will live pcron- ; nial, scowling, faultfinding surviving i that upon which you thrive as does the moss the tree. 1 MoNSTF.II CUMIIINATIEIN !—Two <\>|.N!L -IL AMI -EVENT TEUI I.Es >I\,*RII IN ONE HRKAT CITV OK TENTS NIOIIT MADE lIMD.II r AS DAY is v BRLSII'S DINXMO Flu me LIMIT 1 1.1.1 vIN \TI NO POXVER I'M AI. TO 35,000 Gxs Linux,-. Tho Juvenile will now he in wild excitement ; also, his sister", and his cousins, and his , aunts, and in perfectly logical sequence, j his uncles and other male relatives to ( know that the Grand Circus, Itoyal Lnglish Menagerie and \tley'H Mu-e urn, comprising acolossa! Double Cirrus, txvo Leviathan Menageries, famous Mu seum, Aquarium and colesthcnic I'.xlii bition, etc. The entire show, in all its undivided vastnes", for the usual oriee ! I ... of admission, is to exhibit at Bcdlefonto j on Thursday, June 11. This grand consolidation of the two I Monster -Snows, comes to u> well roc ommended by the pre*", wherever ;t : has pitched its 1I>N.I)00 square yards of canvas*. Of it the Frankfort .V *av : One of the chief attractions in riding in tho Grand Circus Itoyal, etc., is the extraordinary performance* . i Mi** Mollie Brown. This lady differ*, in her general display of hor-i in m-lup, from x' 1 other* who have h<-r in the I American arena, ■-lie owe* her unprc j c.-dented MICCI-** mostly to the wonder - ful balance and muscular power she pose*ses, which enable* her to n-tutne almost impossible attitudes and chanpi * ot position, upon her naked horse, dur ing her lightning like flight around the arena. All her movement* an- marvel, j of grace and dexterity, animated pu tore, of elegant intrepidity, thrilling dahes of super eminent art. selfcontrol and indomitable move, such a* no other equestrian, either male or female, ever accomplished before her. Her special iy wonderful achievement of throwing -omersauit. from the back of her naked j horse, while in full motion, t gather 'with her rapid arid reckless style of backward riding, in all th<- ) rinclpal cilie* of the new and old xvorl i-, have caused president*, senate r*. and the public, from the Atlantic to the Par to mingle their shouts of applause and wild huzzas of delighted approval. Whatever claims others of the profe sion may make concerning their skill in bareback equestrianism, e -rtain ;t that no lady has ever accomplished the i feats or equaled the daring of this i "America * own pe. rles* repr. -i-ntat.v -1 Miss Mollie Brown. - - V very interesting number of /< <. r - Jf' '"! ' i" the June i ue of thi* j popular anil pleasing publication. The opening article, which is illustrated, is ■ "Home, Sweet Home, and it* Vuthor, j contributed by V irginia Titcomb. "IV lures from Itoumania," profusely illus trated, i* of great interest, as is ' | {,,. Hou*e of the Troubadours, by J v/ie r. f.ew.s. Jennie June's "How We I.ive in New V ork 1 give* a glimpse of a i workingman's home: an i the tor> "• 'Ut of the World" is continued. Ihe shorter storie* are contributed by Jennv I Burr, Dorothy Holroyd, M:*s I. B. '"heesborougb, and Frle Douglas; while among the poets of this number are George W. Bungay, Carlotta Berry. 1 .1 lon Hutchinson, and Aelelaiele Wal elron, "Home Art and Home Comfort," urrent Topics," various ifepartments treating of fashion, household matters, scienco and art, ami a variety of nti* cellaneous articles, cotnhine to make', Mojaiin* for-rune a remark ably interesting number. The pictorial department is excellent; the fine steel engraving. " Ihe I'alm "fTering," being after the celebrated painting by F. Goodsll, tho noted Lnglish artist, and is not only a fine specimen of tho en graver's skill, but gives an admirable i'lea of the style of the great painter. A DANOEROI * Cot VTXRVEIT.— I There are dangerous counte rfoits in circulation purporting to bo "Walnut Leaf Hair Be ttor er." Tho strongest evidence of its great valtio is the fact that partin. know ing it* great efficacy try to imitntr it Hath bottlo of the igenuine has a for *tmile , Of a walnut leaf blown in the gla* ; antl a Green Leaf on the outside wrapper. The "Restorer" is a* harmless a* water, while it pos*ee* all the properties ne>ee*ry to i restore life, vigor, growth and color to tho hair. Purchase only from rt*pon*ibt par* tU. Ask your druggist for It. Kach bot tie is warranted. Johnston, Hollowav <fc , Co., Philadelphia, and Hall ,V ltuckel, , New York, Wholesale Agents. 4 Iy. —Go to Harris' Hardware Store for tho Centre Hall Corn Planters and Plows and their repairs. tf, > FARMER'S TAKE NOTICE I—YOU now , liavo an establishment to take your rna , chinery to, to bo repaired ami made as good as now. Mowers, reapers, self-hind • er*, threshing machines, horse power* and t any other kind of machinery will bo re paired at moderate prices at tho "Bayard Foundry." HICK* A Gitts-rrrii, t tf. Proprietors, Bellefonto, Pa. I | -The members of th© Reformed church at Spring Mills have combined i j and will form a congregation, Mr. .Ino. 11, Kroamer, of Clinton dale, tho enterprising and pushing I dealer in fruit trees and ornamental •brubery, 4vas in town on Saturday. a* j I very color of tho Diamond Dyes !is perfect. See tho samples of the col -1 ! ored cloth at the druggists. I 'nequallod 1 | for brilliancy. ! j —A new balcony will be put in f ront > 'of tho Bush Arcade, level with and for f | tho bonelit of tenants on tho second 1 floor. Messrs. Hicks .f (irilleth are to make anil put it up, and we know it ; will ho a good job. —-(in tn Hiirri- Hardware St'-ro fur tlm Centre Hull Com Planters and I'biw and their repairs. tf. —Tho only place in Centre county that a self-binder ■ r threshing machine can bo knocked down and repaired in good shape at aim derate c-t is at Hi! k A (iltil I KTII, tr. Belle ("onto, I'a. -lame 11-,rr. • A ('■•. are agents in Bellefonte fur ttie Centre Hall (.'urn Plant er* and Plow- and their repair . tf. —Mr 11, A (ier.Uel, who lias the best , n j utate n < ii igr;<ultural machinery in ; this ciiunty i- now •mj !< ved by 111! KI iV (ilill CETII, j If. Uedef. nte, Pa. -Sir.U made to y< .r own rnea-tire f-r $111.IS). /,- irr i ■ ■ t MOVTUOMKRY A CO., Tailor —l irnes Ilarr: A ('->. are tf.,. agent- l>r the Centre Hail ( rn Planter' planter made. tf. Superior excellence. The rea-on* for /' superior ox cellence in all iliene., an i it- A ej - r .'V, are fully explained :n Dr. Hart man' - lecture reported in 1. book on the "Ills of Life, and How to Cure I hem.'' from page I to page 1 -. though the whole book -hou! I be rend and Studied to get the full value of this ' remedy. The " books can lie had at all the drug stores gr .t: . j /' - : tho 1e t immediate i.Vfeot orunt Cough M-'dicine, tl. ,? Jiyet been compounded by phy-ician* or ; druggist. Ttiero i, nothing in me In ui print t'nat can at all compare with it And no les- , j ;t the very b- <t Tonic, stimulant, Nervine, Diuretic, Altera tive, Anti Dyspeptic. Appetiser, H ma tic, !flood M- luutie. ',• . ••., that lis* ever been < mp in b I 1 v d >cti ror lay man. U shoul 1, therefore, always be ker t on ban 1 fur immediate use. 2 . 21. I 1 s, J A , Mo., Sept. 11, Is? '. I have been using Hop ! uter, and have ri-ceiv- 1 gri ;,t benefit Irom them for liver complaints and malarial fever- I hey arc super >r to all other medicines. 2'; 2t. I'. M. I'xtsi . "What is bred in the I one. will never r.t of the fl.-h. ' Put rheuma tism. piles, malar ~ constipation and all other confluents from derangements of the functi ui - of the liver, k:inr\ and bowels will "out of the !leh" without fail after the thorough use of Kidney- Wort, the cure for all such di-nasc \, a 1 ftv• i ' iHeme tits, ! POWDER Absolutely Pure. TM i- lr r etr **?!#*. A tn*r*'l "f purity #tr##tffh *rd )• !'■♦ .m#!)#**. M r# ♦ n ft-iftl thtU tfc# tr linut*hhr•i r • 1* r, I • iii I It# lln m|'#titlon with tb# ttiwltitnl# ef 1- * to*!, •. ft m * c ht. *Jwm f |-t* J. wd't# H If|'*i4# K UI lUk |*4 , W Vt *)l-*t , N V VVKIT OF PAUTITION.— To ▼ * • Tln(in# Willi*!*!*. N'#w ltmnwi<k lint#), liuful ■ N## York, tfcWfth II nt n. Kyl#rt*wn, n#wtfl#ld "tHitjf pg., Jok f*. \\ l!liftr> !)rtft-*1 < tmcmn county l'% , Hitiiama. llontr'tAl*, '• nnty I' . Mark llar!#-k, Maryland, <*Ur W>J llama, wi-lstw, M- Ai)if#r* ill#, I*#,, th# h#sr# p| lap! n>fra#atitai|ri of Marl J M illiam*, d#cM .. ink# n tir. that by tirnvi# fa writ nf partition. !•- aiMNI mil ut t|# <)Tj hna Court f (antrr '-onafy, and to fti# dlrwtewl, an inau**t will I** h#M at tl# lat# r##H#nr# of Mark J William# 4*r | in th lownthlß of llnafon atii rotintjr of Ontr#, on Friday th# Uf of Jt# A. II Ifl# m."f wild day for th# j of making |*rtitinw <>( (h# r al MtUlc of paid i*" d. to and anions; hit and local r#pr##ontw ' ll*®#. if tli# amo can b# d•"# *itknt IWOjadle# to tr a|*otlin# of tl# w li< I#. oth®rwl# U nine and a|> fratar- th® asm# wrrordlnf to law. at wkirh llmr- and fsloa# jrou may b*jf#aent, If ym think fren#t. Hh#rt(T' Ufn. o, lt llafont#. Fa. May 2*fh lldit, JIIFTLLAFL J. DUNKS!*, Bh#rttf. HALE. —Our TYROKB axk rttTORT. In rnnnln. ordrr. Hss s cspselty *1350 sisspsr dsjr, Isttnsit | on ths Unulsts Htm-, s nss-sr-tkllins stciwm of srsisr. F*>r Brie sn-t I'ISH spptlr to WILLIAM MASM, JII, A 00. , 2i-41. tJlW**, Fs. -Veto AAvertisemetita. Legal Notice. In the t'.Mirt "f f • -inin< fi I'l ,m of < "till" "Diiitv, n tnyl*il i N . .. i Ac.".si ft rm i--1 To ttn in->r U'i jfr , clalfiiantfl aipl hol'li-ia ".I tii*• lii rciiiiiftcr iin-i.ti .ni-1. Y. (' linrt'iii, H iiimi | Chrlit, M"ttffag datarl F#|. ( brlat, II b Hb<ok, fttk i >i, duly r- --t SolMtrt II Ui J Itu I ! d< I I7Ua of i i , in Cwotro ( . fa. In H.miut l hiidtli and Orlniidu | llu-ofDi #-f r* • <ifdltK O. Hlmjiiui A • , f |ei .]• in niorttfag' ' • i lUmW'lt |ac *.' A N■" lH u' N ith l And rm rdd Jun# I\t | ItUm hard, J..h, It Uruwn. I .1 in tl,. !D ■fr • : Ibn U'la.fH John .-rnith. i (Sirdlnu "f ,I, ; *>•"/•• Wain-„ ,n l|l.< *i- 1' j I 1.-r D-| (|a tier I I Warr'ii. ] lio<k A fNMC 1 * sM' ' * j I ifc the JAM !IM fit ..r V ,v 111 lht(ft ' jf r * * I' i L Jat> 'nil >. I M 'l, |iv at \ irD<i titn • ft j j r j-icvl'.n- t., lath day of h. J ml .r i • . h,,|,| ,*• (," (Moving MM #•• if itv ! r aatd .1 hi tt rt - t. f ifl n.. inf --s,f I , utr, ) I'L- .rfj. j j the | ; M i 1 ll* niipyl' , ir*. f . , s ,, K .fj; a . fr . j I I |"'t'it* * and allownti'A • .the- holt? • ontattiitig I j ' '• I '' u*d 0 i f/) put 1 s . t!> allnwam ••. j I ,v '* I tl" i '-tit -n ..-f ri>i, | i hrfnt on. of i tl .. -rt,; !. a - If. -- ist* dto St 1 < siiift -fl liirnon l*l'-.iaof i aritr- nnty, I'a frj-f ttlr.4 t! it n j- ; t i. ,f ti,- |>i> uii'i— . I i ■ tl, . , r|, r j. , J lr , th.,,,1 -v, rn- ntloi - 1 i, . giiuat- :n tin < ourtl) of t -titi Al th.t tilth. re> * red I v ■, i fJ , rtrr i W(l* I'itld > t th. 111->lly' it, - - in. 1 thi'Ui 1 t!|. !<• n . ,\o f| . i i >on th# j"t of j 1 • :i - • D. V vara a an I that tt. wai i tin ft,-I, !uDi Mitlli'-'l t iian n I Jlior t, lue j of M r- t I Th (1 the •a.od in rU;p. . Wh - at< Hill living, t* ■I I • ■ till it- ft',. -tilt. of IVt I.M . ,1. , an t if.-- i• ii -r 11 -♦ many i th*ut i. nut rvruinly ki.- win Al tl.attl' !. ,• 11 I f ; * I, of j, ) l/iM, J,f ,i 1 j nft r • *|pt. flolo 111- U| ? ! . - I I eat i*. j 1 tilif. -4 j- j rs nth. -. •I tf f I A*id | . i.t. n r th. t> t- j . •>. I, that by dm n t.m J th- in f i c r f -i I• r .n J j- i* :ta ctaitning to I ■ 'D • h :-(-! -• IV 4 ' h*- >' i II V 1 t ai l-r . • rt a- ! : . j - , j tli \ 1 f " • 1 • ' Int.. J j And Pal f h'titt n. r j ray • i th. i t „ ,J N and ' r 1 • ' . • m ' • •- • . ff. r | f. . jto -t |tk'' Hi a f latj'ri with th Acta of(l#rir ral A#< tohly ! ■ !' * . i ( r t #d i.'-ti ? 1- f, < t' t th. loot tiia, I '. I ll ! 1. t e of 1 • • % [ l? ( all- h th f' , . ?.- • f Is ■I 'e ft I ' -• e : -.?.! ■ . ! ' ,•• . . t j- i >' • • M \ . 5 ' I- . l - ats*wr th. I- tils Is -! t';. 1 Of a<, Vhn Ii th# J f artlf* iiit#r# < Jan Df t n . t tk> nt, . - t T J M NKKI-, fthwlff. J'.UaflJti I'a Ma. .O . NOTK li—Uttfi I j ! to L. let' - i. D. f IV i.f- • t* a! . t . t ■ . W • . • ' 1 x - ' 1 ' 3 v j i • IM || 1 t ps'i •rK OF JAMi;s M\(M \x* j e a. j • • ! *>a 5* t .!a a. , - p . FUA! I MA MAit ■ | Ma? If. JoHsH Ii 1.1.N % 1 i .I,'D. VOTH i : <>! AITKAJ/v-Ap. u. t tl ' I r T ' l*att nt *• ; M J I 1 ? M i * ; M '. J . • •- 4 I r. - D • #d.U|. Tne.d.* Ju, - - !!.' . t iU' , Mr-d- -* .. or ' V .. j - V tor I"Wt Ms < • ; . I I! - .U • fb. 7 -r. M .r. - Ji I! *r ! t w . , 7 -- J II . .i ... 1. , 1 t ' . M ' r r 1 ■M. J v • I ' *t t > • Tor-. • 4 Jr.?,* ■'. ' I Tl*3 t * M ir,e 1 .7 ; T., ■ • M. ' 44 iurs* \ t yy. its.*-: < 1. f - ; 1 ' ■-* I' - ,■*' r •' , 1 rw ■ • •• - • - . M a. • . ! p k a, a. t k - m - 7 * #••- •- '• " • ■ ' '* a. * i a * T* , 1 t- - all# lar, ' .' •lIS \\>>D p 1! ' ' AMI VI ! • . a. A J. UhlhrT. I j M: i W all ft, 'lrk. | for nil (liifKici of tho Kidnoyt and I i LIVER | 1 It a# ; -• r. 'a. . ..**•*•. e 4 I ' f J t.N B>. and by k"n --s th# kowr I In fr#- k f " <•# II olorifl Ifj iarrifr'r,:.f fr-i t iwl dI d I ICa • rna. aria, har# th® r}- F.ia, I ar# f i *. d *#;■- j t - *• ;.av !. K #y L 2 "I 1 In f 2 r r.P h nM ta-k# a U,h IVUIW of it. J iio.Nii \ xi.r.N riNi:. j CiKSEUAb Iv-s. mill OI.MMIN*|4IX Agt., Itcllcfontc, l'n. t * • lr, 1 h Ar a . ,f • r j Tlie fullowiog companies rcprc-< ntd . —(I— -FIRE. I'MOS rbilA'lelj his. A 41 ERICA v <J, OCARI-lA* lyfindon. fM V do W r.Tßii> Toronto. I C<IMNX< Tl< t:r Hartford. snd other*. —0 LIFE. Tp.Aixir.Rs LIVE A A--i i> Hartford. and others. —o— commission branch of inv business is re<eiing sjM>f ial attention. I'ropertie* sold to good a1 vantage, as l have facili ties for disposing of houses, lands, etc., on short notice and favorable terms. 21-fim BUND VALKNTINR. \ EDITOR'S NOTICE—In the A. V Orphan • C.nrt of Ofitrt < uitt? In th# anal tar f th# r*fat* of Jrhn If'"*#, lat# r.f Wna town#hift. ilc(*-a#*-I Th# tird#r*iirn#4l, an auditor af f*tat#d by th# ##ld rourt to a#r#tum aty unpaid d f of aaid 4#r#lrut, tfl nptft on all advatir#m# *t. if any, and t* mak# dkMrllwtfkvn of any fuMt In th# hand* of ad mlnkdfwtof of taid d#<dnt to and am- ig tho## !#• gall* #itltl#'t th-Trit . will attend t' th# dtiti## of hi* a|sp(dtitm#nt, at bi <#*,l6 Mliftwh. M-*nday. Jun# If, at lOoVowk wh#n and wb#r# all tin# lntr##t#*l may att*nd. I ' .t KlLi# L CNivts, Auditor. M() \ KV' ro Loan at oporCt. ' A I „ T TIU: Mt'TfAt, 1,1 EX IMSt R AKCK CO OF SKW YORK, - n r*4 Mort||M*, sa fsrm po-periy.ln sums net Im Ihsn R.'Sie. see H- es<ellns one-tWrd of llt *.! of IB* properly. Any portlwr of the prinripsl rso be poi-l off st may lime, snel If l>se l.een the fusion of (be oonpsnr 4o permit the priooipol t-- rnli, mm 100. mm the bommrt wishes, if '.bo latere.! Is promptly poiS Apply to CiIARLKR P. ffUXßMAX.Altornor-sl-tew. • Sntloart, elreel, RewAlag.ra., oris DAVID K1.1M8.00 •sApprstoer, _ •-tl BollorMtw.Fgr ##' ' Largest Consolidation on Kartli ! OiBRIEN'S SIX SHOWS ! Jl'aiKlciibbM'ji'iTs Circus Koval! And English Menagerie ! IN COM HI NATION Willi Astlcys Museum, A<|U:ii'iiini, Aviary, iliiijiodroine, Hgypiian Caravan, ami Royal Aiiijiitheain-. a (Morions ami Colossal Coiisoliilalion of BIG RAILROAD SHOWS! h. - ' -i ' *■ r' ww " -* S CARDINAL FEATURES! 8 The Only Six-Ton Elephant! The Only "War Elephant! The only Drought Elephant! The Only Thoroughbred Elephant! The Only Big Elephant ! The Only Hunting Elephant The Only lliO Year's Old Elephant ! The Only Queen Carnival Elephant The $lO,OOO British India " Empress." l IK-Only Hal Hatti' --• arr- 1 War 1..- jdiant liver livb.bit- -1 in any Sb..w in the \\ --r ii. 11-r< ! --al I'r< j■ -rt i->n- Itr- : r- -nt a Livin<) Mountain of h'lesh, 11-ing over 12 fed high an Iw- gliing > vc-r '• T< b< -i<!e- A GI A i:.\s n:i:n AUK or J:.<> VI A L\V, l-v.rm r! v the }<r | rt_v < f tht Ki; g f Outlc, Uulcr of a I'l vine <>n the l'p |icr Indus nnd w;(h ut far of < mtradiction lhi. GOLIAH OF THE PACHYDERMS l the gr< at< -t cur* -ity nn<l w ni]< r of Naturalists that ha- ever i>< < n \bibi t 1 tin-ler nay t' nie-1 /. al 'ii-j-iav -itn-- the vrer.-l *a furme.l. Well w rtii nl -ti< -htiibl- the j'iiei - I admi—i ui, and 1"" mil< - <•' travel t -<• tLi.- m u-t' ; an i supK-nn-a!tra< t. HI. ssKMMKM II \I I IM-I TO AM OM WHO < \\ I'KODUt E ONE-HALF HER EQUAL t<< lx- sem with ut at.v - \tra charge, at t-ach p< rfurmancc. TLi- sight a in , 44. rth nv-r-* than the < i.'ir- a(tracti <n- of many other shows ' T Could not detract one iota front this supreme Monarch of the Ib-ad, with its thousands of Mighty features unknown to Antediluvian Menagerie-, u-ing in ita transit one of the finest private railwav equipage- ever seen. This great show travels by rail only. In majestic magnificence ! Most successful ! Most novel! Make up your parties at once ! Hear in mind the day and date of this grent show is jxwitively fixed —no change. No Postponement, Rnin or Sliinc. All railroads run cheap excursion rate-. Make this R general graud Uala Holiday, (irand procession at It) a. m. M bands ol music, duhilee Singers, Ac. ADMISSION M CTB. CHILDREN Undrr <J, 25cts. Positively at BELLEFONTE, PA., Thursday June 14, "83 Wife.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers