Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 07, 1883, Image 1
fP )t Centrr Ormocrat. SHI GKHT \ VAN OHM Kit, Kill tors. VOL. She tfttttrc jSlwwtvat. S. T. SHUQERT 4 J. R. VAN ORMER, Ed.tor.. Thursday Mornintr, June 7, 1883. Centre County Democratic Com mittoo for 1883. MUTAICT. I***'- P. O. ADtiaiS.*. tlellrfout* N. W J. \\. K'illln* H. SI-foiitt*. •• S. W. ... Clin*. Hniith " •• W. W. 8. A MiQnutkm 14 ll.wanl borv. Ira C. L.*thr l|.wnrl. >1 " Jim"* I' June* >I!l"lmrg. Mill!i*ira •• K. I'.Muwr... Mtllhrhu. Phllipabnrg tW. C.Q Hrlltigi i Pb | u | V W. SI HohroMt .... •• ;i W. A. V t'irpnl-r . t!n(onvltl bnru. I\ J. M l rial I IVming, Hnn#r twp. . Wm. !#hlr Bdlrfontc. li.-tit* twp. Frank T. AIIHIUH Mil***J'irtf. lturnl<le twp llonrjr Me*kr Pln Oltuti. Uollrg* twp. .1 hn lb*| l.fiu -itt. Curtln Iwu. John Mr( l*k>-v K -ni-'U. Ferguson O. P J. T MrConnick . • '••llpkp. N p L W Walker K*n k Spring Ore*# S. 11.I 1 . John COdrun hpritiK Mill*. S i\. w m I xm fanner Mill* ll iinn K. r I. B. StoTf-r Woodward. \V . |. <;. Iltiwor \ irt.rißl lirn. Rftlf Moon v|.. J II OrlfllQ 81 rmaf • n llarri* twp I) W Meyer .BoaUliur^. 11->v%%r<l Iwp. John Glenn II<wa*l. llimton twp, John Q Mil.* Julian. Liberty twp. . Jrn* I' Linn BUr. hard. Morion Iwp, JJ H \ Wolliar, Mile* twp. Kill* K. Chafer Madi*•! urg. Patton twp. . A(cn w MhrnJr Film r. Penn twp. |. 11. f*toer tVlun Putter N P. D. J. M. ver iVntre Hull •* ?. p. ..8 untie) Black T. - • eyi 111 K )"h S.P William Cnllen PhiUpahurff. <4 P. .i T Kfi rlj Bandjr R Srtow Shoe twp. Win It Ilayne* >n * Bno- Bprllftg tVA J. | IJ. II • ! h.B T*>l>r twp. . Hepl iirn Bl"W. r F w|. r* Union twp. 8. K Kmertrk Fleming WalkT twp loeepk taartek Httblereburg Worth twp. M.S. SpotU .Port MallMV W*. C. lIKIN'LIS, Chairman. W. MILES W *LKFR. Secretary MU. MKKRICK is still speaking in the star route ca-en. lie is making an exhaustive anil telling argument against the defendants. It is believed the ease will be given to the jury this week. A CI.EARFIKI.I) county exchange nominates Senator Wallace for the I'residency. Well, trot him out. We vote, Aye! He is the equal of the best, and u head and shoulders above many seriously urged. THE colored voters of Crawford, Mercer, McKean, and Ve nango counties, are to meet in conven tion at Oil City, on the 21th in-t., for the purpose of considering various questions atlecting the interests of tin ir race. THE strike of the iron worker- in Pittsburgh, which for some week seemed inevitable, ha- fortunately for all parties as well as fur the business of the country, been averted, and peace and harmony i- assured between the employers and employed by volun tary agreement. QUEEN VICTORIA, has knighted a Mr. Cameron of New York. Now that her majesty's attention has been directed to the merits of the Cameron family, it i- to he hoped -lie will >t overlook our Don, of the Pennsylvania elan, now temporarily sojourning in her dominion. MORMON Converts are pouring in from England and other foreign coun tries by the hundreds. Their mission aries are very active and are rushing in the ignorant and helpless victims unconscious of the doom that awaits them eventually in the nefarious prac tice of pologomy, now declared unlaw ful in the I'nited States. THE bill giving full license to de stroy the sparrows, has passed both houses and will become n law if the Governor approves it, which we hope he will not do. The miserable war urged upon these interesting little birds, is a small business, to say the least of it, and should not have re ceived the approbation of grave leg islators. THE friends of the free pipe hill, after several years of effort, were suc cessful on Friday last. The hill was finally passed in the House and sent to the Governor for approval. The anti-discrimination hill also passed on Friday, and the oil men are now happy. They have made a long and earnest struggle for both of these measures. THE Ilarrisburg T>U<iraph thinks that no office holder, Federal, Htatc or municipal should be a delegate to the Republican Htatc convention. The Ttlrr/raph must le a reform orgau now, else it would not desire to lmnish the old guard who have made the Re publican nominations heretofore under the direction of the bosses. The office holders will be there all the same, however. YKNTEKIAY the Legislature of Pennsylvania, after an extended ses sion reaching to one hundred and fifty days, the extreme limit to which il could be extended with pay to the members, adjourned, tin- (If, leaving some of the most important business of the session 111 an unfinished state. To the members of the House, the people of the state are indebted for considerable reformatory legislation, which would no doubt have lieen great" ly cxteuded only fur the settled dc temi nation of the majority of the Senate by factious expedients, to delay the transaction of all business. The object of this course, munifc.-t from the first, was to throw over to the Inst moment, consideration of the several apportionment hills to district the state —in accordance with the mandates of the Constitution into equal, fair dis tricts, and then eventually to burden the hills with such objectionable party | features, that 110 new apportionment could be agreed upon by the House m approved by the Governor. The base : majority controlling the Senate want ed no other apportionment than the j shameless and unjust gerrymander I forced by the same machine party ; management upon the jxople ten year ■ ago. It furnishes them an untair eon trolling advantage, which they seek to ! retain even at the expense <>t honor, aud the oathes they have taken as i representatives. The I'atrial referring ' to the purpose of the stalwart- to tie ! fiat the pas-age of fair apportion ment bills remark-: "If no legisla tive apportionment lie made at the i pre-ent session of the legislature, not I only will the coustitutiuii he violated 1 hut the p- q>le will he -win 11- 1 " it of j their ju-t representation in the legi-ia ' ture. F r . xample. Is Hanoi i unty, ' ! under the present app >rti nment, i- ' given a senatur. 1 n<h r the <. n-m of i 1 s *o it is not entitled to -eparate rep resentation in tli" s< nate. Take a another instance, the county of < lear- j field. That county, under the pn -■ nt apportionment, is given one repre-en* j tative. I lid- r the • n-u of I*sii it i entitled to just double that iuim '! i. i The inequality - of the pre-entnntp t or tionment are thus made clearly matii ' fe-t. Yet, because the republican senate i- r -olved to maintain an un- i i due party a Ivantage, the |H .pie of the state are to lie denied a re-apportion j ment which would giv thiu equal j : representation. If the republican par- ! ty can al!ird to take th- re-p n-ihility i for Mich an outrage on the right- ot j the people, let them answer to it, i Tin Washington /'<>.' remarks, "One of the weakest member- of a '.Senate almost phcnominally weaki 1 say- that 'the disastrous free trade principles of the Democratic party have been sufficiently illustrated by the recent reduction of the tariff, and the workman i- looking for the cause." The new tarill liill is not a Democratic ' structure. It i- the great work of a Republican < 'ongn -s, and the Repub lican parlv i- fairly entitled to all the honor or reproach thnt may come of if. Hut the present troubles of tin workingmcn have not grown out of the new tariff, as they very well know. The decline of the iron business would have come just as soon and would have been felt just as severely had ' there been no taritF legislation during 1 | the la-t session of Congress. There has been enormous over-production in the trade, caused by the immense de mand for iron in IXBO and IXBI, and | the only remedy for it is suspension of production. The crash of 1X73 and the ruin that followed came on the country under the benign influences of the war tariff. The glut front which ! trade is now suffering came under the same tariff. And so long as, by taxa tion of rnw material, wc make our products so costly that we cannot sell them in competition with the products of other countries, we shall lie con fined to the home market, and our mills must lie regulated by the home demand. "y I" "KIJL'AL ANI> K X ACT JUBTK'K TO AM. MKN, OK WJIATEVKK hTATK OR i'KIU-t AalON, JIKI.KJIOIH OH I'ol.lTli'A 1..J- ffc-rsi/ii. BKLLKFONTK, LA., TIIUKSDAV, JI NK 7, JUS:;. .IriK.i, K C 1.1.1 v, tin' veteran Con gressman, uho-e health is in a very precarious state, Bailed lor Kurope on Saturday last from New York. He fore leaving he said to a Tthgrnm reporter: "I was accompanied la-re this morning by my son and hi- wife, and I have just reached the ship. I have probably said 'good-by' to them for the last time. Should 1 live I -hall return next October. It i- not my in tention to go beyond the Briti-li Isles. My physicians recommended tin- trip, l-'or many years I have suffered tin torments of the damned, during the past fourteen months 1 have known nothing whatever of the | ditical world. , 1 was kept in scr|u-ion and not even permitted to sec tuy two i ters, wh i cume long distances t-. me. 1 hi- sear tell- part tie- -tory pointing to a mark on tin- ri.rht < heek, which extended from tin- m nth to the <ar . The Hurgtons pcrformetl an operation to remove a tumor. I •-• capt-tl with my lit- , and that i- all. 1 dreaded to have home, but (lied -'-tors insisted, and tin y s> ml with ne- this ladv, who i.- an e\|M-rieiic I -urgi-al nurse. I have i t been j rmitt >1 t i see a new-paper, and know as littb about tin- ptiliiieal is.u< - of tie day a- Ido about atliiirs in I'alcutta. 1 am so \M ak thnt 1 bt gtobo • xcu tl I: tin talking any tn rt II u:v Mtli < "t.i i '.I ha- tn.i b: it a rule -d' that institution to c.-iift r the degree of I'ic: r of Law- upon all the ( governor's of Massachusetts. Bat II 1". 1 fuller, pr .hahlv t • I -t in formetl and greatest lawyer of them all, stepped into the t l air of State in defiance of tin ari-toi ratic pr• ><-1 ivi ties of Harvard and the Republican party, made the mle somewhat ineon venient at thi" time. Tln-y hatl ; > confer the degre.- i;j u <n- tiny dis liked,and one wh did not i n- al hs coDtempt of them, or hteak the sue j ee.-.ion of governnu ntal doctor.-. Th< v | hr"ke it, however, t - the great d> light : 1 tuth r who liad already nchi- veda ' standing a- a lawv< r which hut few itiieuirjual. IF-claims that their f ily i and stupidity i etjual to 'J I >,O'M• vot - fir his party. <oi n'< It. 151 TI i lowa, wa • visit'd "ti Saturday i v- ning la-t by a heavy rain storm, < r water-spout, which last -1• d from '• o'clock to during which time it d--tr.v-d the new opera house which had reached about fifty f' -t in course of construct! n : nil the I bridges, including two -t ne hril.:>- wbicli alone eo-t >2O,"'HI. Ilumlreds j of familit - living adjacent to the creek were driven from tin ir homes and • many houses were more or 1< -< dam aged. In many ca-cs the furniture in the houses is a total I"'". A immlier ■it liou-es wo re dashed to piece* as they fl ated off. One heavy iron bridge, with a fifty foot span, was car i rii I a distance of more than two blocks, and its heavy iron girders and stringers wi re Ixnit and warp* da* if they wo rewire ropes. The damage is estimated at eight hundred thous and dollars. Tut completion of the big bridge uniting N. w York and Brooklyn, has raised the question as to how* these cities should he designated in the fu ture. The New Yorkers claim that Brooklyn shall he called "Last New York," while the Brooklyn people de run ml that New York shall he known ns "West Brooklyn." The name for the united cities suggested hy the Philadelphia /Vest "Sodom and Go morrah," might not he an inappropri ate settlement of the controversy. IT is expected thnt the Prisident will have a red-hot fight with officials and other interested parties before he carries out his contemplated reduction of the Revenue districts. It is bound to come, and no one knows better than the President that if his parly is to reap any lienefit from the reduction demanded hy the poople, action upon his part roust lie prompt and vigorous. •J* M i- I'm rotts iiti i i.i:! Talinagc say y that the lute war was four years of n hell let loose. Judge Kelh-y chiitns it was four years of glory ami "vindi cated the tariff." a '' Put. \ AM>I itvooi:T,commander in-chief of the Grand Army of the I Republic, in his report shows that in II the first six months of his adrninistra '' tioti, to Dec. .'II, IHB2, there was an •* | increase of l.'ffiO posts and members. Since Feb. I, 1 xx:l, 'jnj '• post- have h' en chartered in Kansas, e j Nebraska, Michigan, Illiuoi-, New c j \ ork, I )hio and Pennsylvania. '! ■ 11 i- -aid of Pre i"hut Arthur that , !he is not a eamliihu- fur r < h-ctiori, and looks forward with intense long ing to the time lie can lie released from the n spon-ibilitic* of hi • pre • nt accidental jiositiou. I hi- may he true "d Arthur—a- a man lie may he so {exceptional a- to 1 ■ • eccentric, hut few 11 men have filled the exalted office he now occupie- who sighed : r retire ment at the end of his first term. Ar thur i- a -ly and adroit politician, and . the apparent imliih nno probably hide- a cono ah-d wire to he pulled at ' ' the proper m -U.< tit. IMI yearly meeting of the Friends , in New York lias devil j" 1 tie fact, , after slrb t inquiry into the moral standing of every Friend within the large territory under i: juri-lietion, t that only two | --r- n- in the < nne< - 1 t; n had IK - U derelict in paying their 1 business J, |,t*. 'f|,,. official ie|ort f j says that tltesc delinquents l av- In • u • admonished and punished. Professions t ;of faith a! tn- will let -a'i-fy tl i honest (Quaker, remark- the N- w Y : k s Ile y hei;i ve- tie r- in deed- than I in word-, and require that a man should be nl>ove all upright in fi , dealings with hi- fellow men. < "mi i mm i- made that the < i v ern r wrong-sl a worthy da-- f j ph' wn. n 111 vet • 1 a hill t give t landlords, r< -taurant and b ardii g. IMUSC k" eper-, in nddit: II t tie lien ' upon the haggag of :h> ir gu< nl n.-uly preivid-sl f--r, a summary lien upon all their pr ;-r ty. We-., no I I reason why this daao should be pre* I. rr-i ovt r other creditors. Th< v< an I and do require from strangii- who ap|>cnr without baggage, advatu pnv rneiit and tie- -• wh . hav- tuini-h security when they deposit it The veto of the Governor was both judi -1 eious and proper. Till mw I'o-:ni.iter <ien- ral, Mr. Graham appears to be acquainting , himself with the general w rking of his department, and n* a result finds I that many of the officials are holding . the oflces only fir the emolument" it ( affords, leaving the duties ti be per , formed by clerk-, cheaply hired, while they employ their time in other voca t t; ti" He ha therefore i-sued an or . der requiring j o-tmaste: sof the first ( and second class to giv personal at tention to the business of their offices, and not to absent themselves the refrom without permission of the department. This order, if carried out, will he in convenient to many stalwart editors and nllow them !rs time for personal , labor in the political field, setting up the stakes of corrupt politics. SIJIK of the newspajK-rs arc Insist ing our fellow townsman, Hon. P. t j Gray Mock, for State Treasurer. Gray has made a good record a- a financial ' reformer of the House of Repr* -entn 1 tive.s in which his economical manage ment has saved many thousands to the ' State, lie seems to be the "right man ' ; in the right place," where leaks and peculation need control, and if we controlled parly machinery we would be disposed to locate him, and bring ■ j to the front that vigorous and talented ' | young Democratic reformer, W. I*, j llcnscl, of Lancaster, as n candidate for State Treasurer. With the ability to interpret the laws and indepen -1 dcnco and honesty to see they arc not infringed and the State robbed, we would make a combination at two ex posed points that legislative thieves would be loth to assault. Additional Locals. ' ! SM KI 111 NO fill JiM'CM.II.'A N OvXK ' ' K KII <ll i'ooll I'l I i nil. lll l'll'l j Tfio following card n< < <i n< < iplsiiatiori: Tli < Mcpt-inlitiir') for keeping the poor j 'pie ot Iti-llefoiito fo- the iii"i.;l l May, Ml" il.t ' •Ill*'. nr h I, til un'l t' it 1 ■ \tnr •. This nun ho lu>i< nut ol < iothing, pro ! \ ii-ioiis ami fuel. I .J. M KILL II 1.1 K, <h ■ / srr. 1 A I>i". '.l i; I'AKTV. —On Monday even -1 ing Nellie, the yoirige-t <ld of -Mr. ' ' i urey, i f the ci')ehral< 1 the I third anni . • r-ary • f ).< r I irth lav hv p;iv ing a few of th' friend- < f the fuin.iy a ■ ,iehr <7is h< i . f,t. The entertainment wis I in; '• h i otnplete, r-ir; tir. •"1 i<". ream, (lit. o fruit, delici'.u <uk- and t many . ther g- I thin:-- iaintoy erved by the weet little girl her-i! \V trust tl.e pi a ar.t time -f • lay -vrr, : may I ' I e 1 .t ari augury of tin- many ha; j v m-&- , -..il in u.ore fur the parent* ol little Neil. L an I ). pe the bright '■ id < f | r mi-e may • mature an < rnami: I ar . h Mr. ' and Mr l ur.-y in after y<-ar -u. fu it il iin M nday, L'i-tuflim >, llarry ■ , i i<vt a■ I Marian fay 1 r,'if " tl.i- ' a -'.'a - ., at \ae -,- ■ i kriivc -ar : • th< 'at i. , I Ipo *- ' , ire ! I.r- ;; J !. .t <lay the w rk ■ t died after mfToririginU-nie pain. I" r Marry A", jr.*.- "• t : - I y, i al ut IT y<ar, f g J heart nr I lr -ngly | devoted t . those wh > ue 1 him kindly, he it ■ ■ lil we are in the rnid-t <f d< ath. If - re -1 i la- k-i i Ail the arrangement- {- r the grai i M.• al .I .to 1" hi •• at •i.nr gr i . .1 ir.e Ik'tn, I :th, 1 Ith a- I 1 Mh. are now n.j .' t- I A • ; ..f nr hut, ir< i v. < - l.a• I•en t r-.-anil.w.thfa.r j r - p" I "! wi ing the nurnl" rto < ght hun dr. 1, ui .< r tr. • eiiiinerit .eaderrhip of 1)*. \V <" Perkin <>f New >rl. The f> I -1 w ,r. • • • Artist* aV f. efl engaged I'r f. \S a ter Kir.er*";,, the J'ru. e of ('or tietit, w;!| l.n jr. ent on Tu- -day and W'-ir. - iay day ar I . v-r.in • I'r f Iljf -1 n I'biladf lph.s, .' rtn< rlv of L r.d n. i day a ! wuil al-r. -h the a;.,or <• with l.i* Cr- I with M ven Ait |'a ng th" , t ur part* at one sr.d tl ■ rsu-< tim- Helen I M Car: r. Mr K< a- 1 Mr ■ • ti*t. | rotent a.i Mr. Sh' jar! of II -to:.. • 1 I'r '. W T M.-yer, w.U pre ri le rer tw" K nabe ( re ert (-rand I'isn< • May. ar. 1 aireadv TJ lis- 1 have r 1 id the ( mmitteo - ! their intent "ii t<i be ; j refftit Kxcur* n T ket< 1 n all the IUU-, j i a 1 lending t ■ S'-lmfgr >vo. Excellent ae, . .tr.rn iti• ■ ru at ], w- rat< * at the II • r ] rivate fa- . • <' :>< "ft* *■ .ii f •i to nt - and s ' fervid feat f ogle admi-- n -0 cents. U'-'ervrd S nit k'-'i cent* extra. A* KM -i"-! HK-IM •- r —Mr..I. Cal vin Harper. | r -thori- tary, with hi* inter -1 r-ting family will tr, v- into hi* uipcrb new rf-.d-nre, on e**t Linn street on July I, and will then 1-e fixe-1 an-l •holter. <■l urefer hi* - wti vine ar. 1 fig tree in a •ly,. * ilt n.t.e-f ar-v of tl. "-wh - splendid plac * adorn that tre.-t from one end to the other. In the selection of the rite Mr llarj-or ha* displayed g" ' l '.arte, : and in the external and interior arrange- j ment* ha* been in<(l fortunate. The building i" a ma*ive throe *lorv *tlucture | of pre*be<l hriik. iurrunlel by a pa< iou* yard and supplied with what will without doubt prove a valuable and pro luclive garden. Water and gas have been taken to every r mi, grates will bo ufed instead of stoves, while the halls and vertebulo* will le warmed by heaters, bath rooms, water closet*, pantry* an.f many n "**ary adjunct* have been thought of and sup plied. The rooms are large, airy and ar ranged with a special view to insure the greatet possible amount of comfort. Mr 1 llarpier is undecided as to the location of his choice and select library but is in clined to select the room in the upper southwest corner from which he will have an unobstructed view of Niltany valley j for many miles, nnd at the same time K" cure the retirement so often needed. We congratulate Cal upwn the tureen* that ha* attended hi* effort* during the few years he has been among u, and hi* j ca*e furnihe an example worthy the em ulation of young men, who mean business , and have the tUmlna to e it through. —The borough authorities should pre vent recklessly fast driving within the borough limit*. TKJt.WN: per Annum,in Alliance. Corrohpondence. JI uii.fcit m ik, Anthony Carver i hnvir •11 -] .r:t < f v.pri voment, and Jut ting hi- viow int'. fun-n, i< busy beautify ing h: n'w ho.oe, For a few weeks a ■'■rp of engineer wcr. buftily engaged m vi> •• .rv yir.g a railr ad route. Iwo i w-ro run, one on oik:h tide of us. Two week* ago John iJecfcer, wife ami child left for 1 Connor, e, Vff|lQlA, to pay their 'n, J.jmund, a xi-.t The Kof-rrn' 1 i • n lately gave their etiureh a thnrou Ti <■!■ lining A large iw '-rnhly wo- [ r. out, - inday a week, to witne- the inj ii - . f th< .-Tiju- rtown new Kvangehcal Lutheran church. JS'-v. Zim ri.'Tinaf ■! 11' ■ '•< i ••, j.rea'bei t.', iu oil lie day wi> .. v • 'f . 1 t:. cej inoii.c- being con ic l' 1 in the f. renoi :. —The measles 1 t.av" inai" card ve - .me • f the rraaller- I dim Mr- Karjr Vtiidi,rdictofGet. 1 \ • i.aila, di* 1 on Saturday la>t and her re. mains re ir,t rrcJ r, Tui-tlay in the old frying i:i .',l IJerma. Jen name wa II nle an J wa- i, rn .n Jtufialo valley .■ - 1e- i. In th<-;r • irly la;,- the muj rn .'1 to W .ward ar. i.n i ll to Uu hier-hurg In I*7 -Mr \ omnia died. I'I.KA - Avi ',a litM —.Mem' rial day paired oil with the uual ceremonies. 1 am haj; y to say tliat our friend Judge Larim-r g- it.- :* better, li t •• he may , v r-< •• r 'J e:• ej I. ■ .-eating I will he in (Inert t mrnunicat. -n with ail ; the leading p .at in the r .jntry. Our ir r.d Jimi: . r-t .rn- 1 fr :n Tniiip-burg ■ rig man ( go In. ml worth Jot. ii ir ; -. ' ntcTopbile- tak (tig li bert Th' inj n, 1 ,to Jetfer* n unty. where nildren will take ( arc ! him. we hope the old loan will be i,.; y :■ • and tared f-r a- he. ally de.erte- to I ar. i •,* latter day* made happy.- 'Mr farrier- !-1 .hilar,t oxer ' r-t 'ear.; a:v are : -w *. Kama- visiting • chant* ar- t.ll >okir g a little aour at each <".hr, each < nt . 1 a- for the t <■ . t • <r -t\ ■ rit'whar.i - are ail i . i with . f w r at our vario .- t*h K- i .r:: g th- w rking day* of the w. ■ w. ore r, t 1 th- rcj with Ii afer* a h.lwh iw.il iti ha*" ■ rnething t . d", but -u a -ma per -ntage of harro -n bum iu* rn ( . ihe (pared t• g 1 advantage . g s w r ! - mi-hief grow- .ut f i.'T. -• t ay nothing f other vice* that t' mpt y- u t rnui . JS,i: ■ Ht-vs. Mil - Ii K • JOTT l *.—iJec ration day wa- an a.iv i . v ot " I r the citir'-n -here. (rly ir. th n. rring fire large ■ ■ were ■ i t t! 'r— - ar. 1 I nr. : y- .: g with • ri" a rj mod in to i- ah- ev( rylhing pa-i <:T a* it ihould. a 1 t •. n . iarg' r than ov r be{. r< the band w•• a- -t' l ( Ml. Kagi" hand and did 1 ■ i-t ".ri t ■ .• 0. The (.rat, B • • fr;• r d Mr. 3lor pa-t r ! K* angelical congregation, |w a- *f| r ' I r| ate and w. rdod t, run the -The f 'tiial for the lenefit 1 K* a- .1 .r< wa a grar. i •* • t.r.a- ia yit irpa i all xpe ta t. The ice cream and cako were with ut fault or blomi'h and the Ja iic* de. • • rve gp at credit for their production*. 1 T! ■ ( r, iurt d ir.' g the whole time wa* r• ■hi y ( nmeii'i il <•. alt conducted them a- t * true :v ard gentleman only know* how t >. ing men nnd women * . did honor k> * .rrelve* ar 1 parent*, ■ aw the ' dure an i y. . will gain ev rlartirg fe*p t Our chief police- I man a* an < '"cer i* .-t the right man in th" rig 1 ', pa ■> both tr t and plearant, r.ever *hir ■ -. .tr, -• r*> • friend and f->c a! ... he a'- • an ial capacity for . Ice cream and cake The new Krangel )' al ch'-fh i- i. * ready fr *hingllng, i 1 e j :<r ire fan: Mr. .1. ! n liar- . i a g a).>ad men and art person wanting a fir*tcla** carpenter will ' thing in (-r.)er i the Hand fetival t- I - gin next Friday > *ening. cxpia-t a grand tune a* the b * are g • ;to give a fir-t a** •■ ! rta nmenl They w 11 be a*l*trsl ) v the Ml K.agle hrn*- hand and by the l'leai.t (taf 'ilver cornet band. Come . ail ye lover* oi good m i*ic and clean rt* Ire-lino tit*, you will bo kindly re-eired. IJoiMtRAtO. Mr Mori A' ox* ia KkR( -1 * * ■\ TOWN *air.—The day wa* obwrved with unuvu al ceremony an 1 intereft. The member* jof Captain John O.Campbell l\wt, No. UT'J, (J. A. 11 , h'-i by < mmander IF N. Weaver and accompanied by the I'ine (■rove Cornel Band, a choir undeb the |e lcrhip f I't. f. .1 A. Weaver and * numb r of citizen*, patted flrat U> the U,ri al ground at the Lutheran church offiato*- burg. The exercio at this place coni*- tcj of dirge* by the band, appropriate *e. lection* by the choir and the ceremony of (trowing 1 wer* in the manner pre*cribe<| hy the (. A. K. After partaking of re fre*hnient* the concour*o of people viniu-d Meek * church, whore the *ame solemn ceremony wa* repeated. The procoaion which by thi*liine wa* greatly increased, proceeded to Tine tirovc, where another a*omblage of pewple awaited them. Here •xeri i*e* of a kindred nature occurred in which all the people took a peculiar inter est. The pastor of the Lutheran cburc k delivered the address. Captain John O, Campbell, Post, 1172, which had chragc of the exercises, 1* in a flourishing condition. X. —Of the various orders of base men he, who is ungrateful, i* certainly the basest. The hand that is ever toady to plunge a dagger into the breast of tho best friends Its owner ever bad, deserves to fall palsied and powerless. NO. X\.