it EE- un /•: s nut ES. O TK<>l* 11 L K To Show Coeds. i In thin spirit all visitors are reeeireii at the Bee-Hive ® ce Stores Whether yon intend to purchase or are onto * I* I *|* #|* i* i # * " I.OOKINU TO BEE WHERE , * YOL CAN DO THE HET. " * I* I I # I # I I _♦ In fact the better a per ron is acquainted with prices and goods else where the more certain WK AUK TO SKCIKK TIIKIR PATHONAOI 4-Nothiiig is better known to the, ."community at large than that'i * for low pi ices and excellent va- I •yriety of gotxls that we TAKE TII E LEAD Over and above All < Hher Competitors. 1- 1 -i DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS. DOMESTICS, LINENS, RIBBONS, LACKS. HOSIERY. NOTIONS, DRESS HOODS, SILKS SHAWLS, DOMESTICS, LINENS, RIBBONS, LACES. HOSIERY, NOTIONS, V A It H /, T S .{• 0/1. (EOT II S, o Merchant Tailoring, Gent* Furnishing Good*, HATH A CAPS, TKCNKH A SATCHELS, Also Manufacturers of the celebrated " Bee-Hive < Jveralls," —Best in the World. Goldsmith Bros., BEE-HIVE O \ K PRICK Stores! •A f,*i BKLLEFONTK IA., j i N. B.—Don't lone sight of the fact that we are still retailing carpets. 25 per cent, cheaper than they can be' bought elsewhere. i nr. ! JJYOX ,f Co., Mrrrhnnts, AHif/hrnft-St., Ilrllrfonlr, J'A. ! LYON & C o.'s 1 ANNOUNCEMENT FOR nrix WKEK! FOR ZMHELL. A LIST OF A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS WE HAVE. An all wool Cassiiuere suit, light color, at #7.(M), former prico sl(),(Mi. A good pair of pants 75 cents and $l.OO. An elegant Spring bottom Hlack bucket pants #3 (Ml. A good child'a --nit at #1.75. A full line of t'ANHimere pants from #2.00 up. A special bargain in a lino percale shirt, two collars and collar buttons Mice ills ; a liner one al (I.'l cents. The best <|ua 111y Moleskin shirts at AO cents, former price #1.25. A lot of boys' socks for three cents u pair. FOR TIE!IE3 LADIES. Ladies Plush and Leather ('abas 25 to CO cents ; old price sl.Mi to #2.00. The finest ipiality all linen colored boarder beiuHtiich handkerchiefs Is cents, old price 35. The finest assortment of Hamburg edging and Inserting, Swiss edging and Inserting, Nainsook edges and Inserting, another lot of those cheap rib bons, a watered sash ribfion —7 inches wide .10cents. Black silk watered rib | bon S cents per yard, old price 25 cents. DBESS GOODS. A wool watered sateen in garnet, brown, navy blue and green at If. old price 35 cents. An all wool extra lino garnet cashmer, 5s inches wide, 5o cents, price ' elsewhere 75 cents. Children*' plaids 8, 10 and 12 cent., price elsewhere at least one-half more. New buttons, new shades, new colors, new styles, all shapes. Black and white dress ginghams 7 cents per yard, old price 15. Herman colored table and stand covors #l.lO, worth #2.00. Kid gloves, best grade, reduced to 35 40, 50 and 80 cents, same gloves six months ago 75, 00, #l.OO and #1.25. LYON & CO. Are just opening Ladies' white dre-** goods, lliptiste elairo linen l> Irelande Paris muslin and edges and laces. Paint I>yon. embroidered lace, white guipure, Ac. A lot of childrens' lace collais, comprising a mixed lot closed out from the manufactories at three cents a piece; some of them are worth 12', 15, 20 ami 25 cents, but wo will sell them all at three cents a piece. LYON jual j fur haU reduced from #2.50 to $0.75. Ly- ity dre- < ali< • r.-dm-'-d front 7A 8 ,-enU on ACo to •, cent- Lyon ACo Bargain N'o. 2. A small lot of para- bargain No. t, |„t ~f n.-ri low j sol* reduced from 35 cents to 10cents. Ly- ' * '''• '' ' 1 o>e, < alf-kin shoe- reduced from ■on A Co. ito#l • - Lyon ACo Bargain N'o. 3. A lot of double width —Bargain N - 7. A lot of gent* fine alpacas reduced from 3.'. cent' to 121 cent, -ilk s< arf reduced from .Vi c.-nta to 25 Lyon A Co. cent' Lyon A Co. I Bargain No. 4 A lot of fine dress —Bargain N'o. a. A lot of infants fine " lawns reduced from lucent* to 12 J cents, now. •- Is e .hoe ri-iut-l from 50. er,u 1 Lyon A Co. to 5 cent#. Lyon A Co, Lot of regular made tin- trip"d h-for children r'xfured t,. I', cent- SECII I. Elt t" CO., t,' ruccrs, Hush JI mis,■ lltorh, lie He/note, I'll. NEW GOODS F OR THE SI'KIMi and SIbIMKK TRADE!! \S e have endeavored to get the very Ix -t of every tiling in our line, and now have some reaiiy CHOICE OOODS. USE CREAM ( lIEE.sE, Kxlra Ijtnrc FRENCH PRI NKS, SELEC T ft YSTEIiS, S WEET I'O TA TOES, LA HO E HI EE (HA SHE H HIES, HE I SELL ES, IMI'EHIA L EI OS, BRIGHT SEW LEMO.XS. FLORIDA OHASOES, Princes* Paper-Shell Almond*. Evaporalltl DRIED PEACHES A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. I'HESEH VED HEARS, REACHES, I'UMS and PRC SELL IS. PLAIN CANDIES, FINK CONFECTIONERY, -AMD goodies of all Sorts and Kinds IWTWe invite the people of Centre county to call ami inspect our NICE j GOODS, which cannot fail to please. SDX'IfLKH cVb CO. />// ,r Mingle— Hoots ,f> ! hoes HOOTS & SHOES. Beef rt t - . t > 1 Materials ure notumiully kept ill Hmall town* hut we have n nice of Oil Paints in Tubes, Sable and Bristle Brushes, j 7 1 Palettes, White ami Colored Chalk Crayon Pencils, i We an- prepared to fumi-di any article not in rtock at -Ijort notice. ait i-: I-: ' s BUSH lint si; I'IIAHMACY, j Best Goods and Lowest Prices. - i ht i/sfon* 1/othiHf/ Hrnim , J{t /fi/oatr, I'd. EXCELSIOP. M'F'G CO. I Wliy we Pny I It All. It OA l> I' llt ICS j And give awav a 11 at to verv I'urch&w-r of a HO VS >,r < 111 J.DS Suit, fcrt " 0 at. and it- larg.--t < r v FIIII,AII i: L F 111 A: We C*n (piatv.'lU Mvkl "M V . I ,;U:illTY atll ]'I:M BECAUSE Our Manufacture* pay a living profit f*r tin- making ot thorn. r CTIIM 7 II ID I] GO Oil Si. " • ■ ■ ■ . rrl 9.c i<4 We huv in uch large rpiantitie* that w cat! afford to sell cheap which wc will leave t-( the puhlie to judge fur lle-ni-cl ve-, we w uld ah • call at tention In ad vert icing. I-• r money y- > m can put in the pa jxr- what you like, and t•. r thi* rca- *n we will a-k of \ >o I,• ?r •• pu t" give n* a call and ee where onr >> Allegheny Street, IIII.LI.IOVH:, PA. /J fir in, V Co., 'J' / i I Right now at the outset of the sj/ring r "icoti u< 1 1 i'/< to rcj,eat what we have often mid before. The legal guarantee ire gi > with < cry sale. means something; Jor W' intend no' only to guarantee sat iefaction, but to give mtiefartion, we're not gong to mi uhat (•there do in this respect, eom- nag do the same. You. probably /.now about how murh the word guarantee means. more ,n eome stores than HI othere. If -re it mean* that, if good■ ha e j,roved d ajipointing, your com), i, ,1 ,11 ha <* c ,ur'eoue c'lnddera tion ( a'i that every j net claim will he /irorrijitii a ,d com) Uft ij satisfied, we go jurthi c-we thani ,>u for jeermitling tu to rccompe nee ; r lo*e met lined ; because t II t o firet /•!, Cfy its a simple act of /lic hee . ,it -eeur- - lie your good irill and third,' /, it j/oiuls out defects <1 manufacture that \n men/ remedy. ll' aim to xdurt our business ujson the -tr, t. >t jirincifelf of Honesty and 11 i (i')iire our rust, mere irith the feeling that the 1/ or rounde d by ri cry pos j sibU eatiguard; thrc shall be at least one ci-,th IJ g rl ,re in BELLEPOXTR \ t here even a child can deal without risk I of imjeositian. It would be a pdy not to mention )irmg loer'oo't when the weather is so proftit■ 'us and u are offering such an attractive war ;irhere that he can go bock 1 for hi> mono if he does buy and a(7rr -1 wards wishes he hadn't. " >vn Sc I O, Proprietor*, Rellefonte. I'i