fP )t Centre A democrat SHUGKRT \ VAN OHM Kit, Editors. VOL. :>. Term* II.AO por Annum. In Ailvnc S. T. SHUGERT A J. R VAN ORMER, Editor.. Thursday Morning, May 31, 1883. Contro County Domocrntic Coni mitteo for 1883. PIITllif• lIAMI. !'• O. API'RW. BellefuDtr N. W >M. Krirhlln*. Bi'lli-fout*. *. W. . I lias. Smith ■I w. w. S A MiQ11i.t1011..... " llxw.ril I mm. tr(\ Lratlicm ll.iw.nl, Milostmrc " J.lni'- I' Joui - Mllliuru. Mlllhxlm " El' >!""• i Mlllh.lin VhlHlwhurf IW. 0. (1. Ilrrllnu.r IMn 111—t ui ' |f, Hot Srhmldt •" Jff, A V.Carp*uli>r..._ " (InlotiTllU burn. I'. J. M<-l*ona)d Kt. ii.iiiK. H.-tin.-r tw|> Wm I.lilrr IL-llsft-iils. tw|., Fmnk T A,lam* >lll.--1 .,1 r Iturii.ldn twp Il.nry Mcli.r Plti. Olson Coll.-.. twp. J.iliu It'u.p Lsnnint Curtln twji. John AII''I.M.II.T Rom U. t.-rifuson O.l" J.T Mrl'oniilck sut. • d 1.... X p. I. W W.lk.r It-- k .-prlmn 0r... S. IV John Coldrvm Sprint: Mill. X. p. Wui I.OM ...Karnn-i Mill- • Haines Kl' L. II Stover \V.odw.nl w. P. . OM tu.w.r .jurwborg. lI.If sioou twp. .< II Oriltln Sv.rm-t. wn ll.rri. twp I> w M.-i. r .Bt *M ur* llxw.nl tp John Gtenn. .llow.nl, llii.lon twp. John Q Mil,-. .Julian LilwrtT twp. J.mr. P. Linn BUnrh.nl. . Marlon twp I J. no* Walksr, Mil** twp. Kill. I Hh.frr... Mailt- - I nr. I'.ttxn twp. A*new S-llersJr Filmor. P.DU twp. I'llM.v.r folutrii p.itter S I' 1> J M'vr Cnitroll.il •• S l\ . Sulullol Hla k T"<— •> Vlllo R,i,lt X p Will,.in Cullen PI II s P J T Kr-rl* -Uixli llni Snow Sims twp Win It ll.ynr. >t, w Snoo Hpnnic twp. K C. II .-I. ... Belief ut'- T.\l >r twp Hepburn Blower* I'l.wlrr. Cut,in twp. S K Kiii-rp k Heroin* W.lkor twp loo.ph Kmrrtck llubl-r,! nr.' Worth twp. M S.Spott. Port M.lil U WM. C. lIEIM.E. Chairman. vr. Mi LIS ftuti, Secretary. FOR once, at least, the Philadelphia Time* fires its air guns against an im pregnable fortress it cannot corrupt or subdue. Faunce's fairness and ability as Speaker of the House of Represen. tatives are too well attested and too highly appreciated to tall by the blows of the erratic Colonel of the Time*. CoLl'Mill's, Ohio, will be visited by an avalanche of conventions in the month of June. The Republicans are announced to meet on the • th and •Sth ; the Woman's Suffragists on the 12th and 13th: the Greenbackers on the loth: Prohibitionists on the 18th and 14th, and the Democrat- on the 21st. TUK Phila. -ays that there are Republicans in Philadelphia who will give heavy odds that Blaine will have three-fourths of the delegates of the State in the next Republican Na tional conveutiou. Not so, unless he gets the consent of Cameron, or per haps Boss who is now his lieu tenant in command. Al.l, the bills passed by the Demo cratic House of interest to the work ingmen, are butchered in the Repub lican Senate. The last was the "em ployers liability bill" which Senator (,'oxo the other day endeavored to have placed on the calender. The vote on the motion was twelve Demo crats for and twenty-three Republicans against it. IT is said that the situation of the Hon. Win. D. Kelley, who recently had a tumor removed from his jaw. similar to that of the late Senator Hill, of Georgia, excites serious ap prehension that it will have a similar result. It is now believed to be can cerous and as such incurable. Such a misfortune to Mr. Kelley, and indeed to the country, would excite a wide spread sorrow. THE Alexandria, f Va.) Gazette says a Virginia gentleman holding one of the famous "306" medals, having sig nified his intention to support the Democratic candidates in 1884, desires to find nnother custodian for the bronze bauble, and for which lie has no further use. Send it to Charley Wolf of Pennsylvania. He is un happy in his solitude and needs de coration. t - WE notice an announcement that Roseoe Conkling and Gen. Grant are seriously pondering the advisability of joining the Democratic party. Con version is always in order and never discreditable if proper motives back it. We take little stock in the rumor, but if either of these distinguished men believe that duty demands a separa tion from the dark ways of their as sociates, they ought to possess the courage to act upon their convictions. "EQUAL AND K \ ACT JUSTICE TO ALL MEN, OK WItATEVKII HATK Ott I'KKSU ASION, KKI.IGIot • OR I'ol.n U A L.J. fl. t- n Tin: Congressional apportionment bill got up by the Republicans of the Senate and insisted on by those who expect to be considered honest and honorable men, may justly challenge criticism upon audi pretensions. The Stewart gerrymander can only gain a little respectability in comparison with the M'Cracken-Cooper n-trocity, but neither possesses the fairness and decency that ought to be expected from Representative under oath to obey and maintain the maudutes of the Constitution in the enactment of laws for the people, instead of form ing these laws to meet the emergen ciea of the worst phase of party poli ■ tics in violation of its provisions. The Democratic house in their anxie ty to frame a gem rous bill and obtain prompt action from the opposition by conceding more than they ueru entitled to, did not take in the extreme mean ness of a set of politicians who have flourished in a system of ballot thiev * 0 ing and corrupt practices in elections, perhaps made n mistake in failing to insist upon the right to the full extent of fair and equal representation. They ought to have remembered that by yeilding an inch to rogues, they would demand an ell. But they did it f>r the beat, and are not to be censured- At present there is no indication that the Republican Senate will permit any apportionment to be made. They are entirely satisfied with the old gerrymanders, and will use their pow er to continue the outrage. THE: inquiry i- mooted whether there be a sufficient amount of "grati tude heaving in the bosoms of R. R. Hayes and wife to adopt the two or phans of F.li'Ji Fink-on. ' Doubtful! But certainly John Sherman ail i Stan ley Matthews cannot nil >rd to •<— th*- orphans of the mother Jot Hays' ad ministration suffer, particularly when tin v fs-ar the names o! tin- tio guidttd state-men. IT is quite char now that the Repub lican lea lers of the legislature did not intend from the lir-t to legislate in the interest of hom-dy an i the equal rights of the citizens o( the state, but ib •• r mined that all tloir efforts "lion! ! he expended in making political pint- The courts and honest citizen- for two or tlnce vears pnt have im| -d -mm inconvenient restraints against frauds at the p li J . and the >rrupt leadr r* in the legislature see a mee-sitv to -• cure | by legislation, or n • legislation, tin advantage* tlicy have enjoyed hr the la-t ten year- by a shamele-. and unjust gerrymander of the Congres sional and legislative apportionments. What they have lost by the effort* of honest men and the courts in the in tere-t of common decency, must be compensated as far as , os-ible by re • lining the old apportionments, or -e curing other*, if possible, more out rageous. To this end the Republican majority of the legislature have sub ordinated all their talents during the present session. There arc n few hon orable exceptions perhaps, but they arc so rare, as to miss count. With honest apportionment, the political preponderance held by the Republi can party in Pennsylvania, is a sub ject of estreine doubt. The leaders know this, hence their efforts now to prevent a fair apportionment as re quired by the Constitution of the state, and the oaths they have taken to man tain and support that Constitution. — THE result of the election in Vir- : ginia which came off last week, is a crushing defeat of the Mabone man agement, and proves that the people of that great state arc not to bo sold for the patronage and plunder which Presi- j dent Arthur and his administration placed at the disposal of the political bos* chosen to corrupt them. The MahBnc-Arthur coalition is not a suc cess, and whilo the result crushes (ho boss it also disgraces the President who permitted hi* party to be placed a* mere outrider* or cat-paw to a faction a* contemptible and treacher ous a* it was dishonest and brutal in management. • HKLLKroNTi;, |A., THURSDAY. MAY.'il, |ss.{. < 'ol.. IJAKU, (if tile Pittsburgh /'< 11, givi'H tin-triU! dividing line ■ f the Irish ll tersely us follows : "No one unless willfully disposed to do iujiis ticc can mistake the l>roud and v.. !1 defined linen of deinur<'u\ion < xisliug Iwlwceii tho dynamite agiint->i and those who follow the leadership ol Charles Stewart Parnell. The latter accord- with the civilization and pro gress ol the age. The other i- hrutul, bloody and treacherous. On<- rep re* -••nt* the highest type ol politii.il agi tation, by its appeal to inter- -t, eon* j science and reason. The other the ' lowest and nn -t d'hascd. Ihe asa*.*i* nation ot Abraham l.im dn was no I more cruel blow to the coinjtit n <| and I prostrate south than the Pho nix p.uh : murders to the statesman-hip • I Par* ' nell. Instead of being identical tin -e I r i-li part it-* are as far apart a- the poles. The success of the one mean* the defeat of the other. Parnell woiiM i found a < hri-tian coinmotiwi ultli. The dyuamite gang -•, h an orc-aniz -I hell of murder and violence. Pitt -mi vi Ain urn, following the lead of that p litieal tramp and fraud from < )bio, who was forced into the Prc-idcntiu! ofliee against the vote-ot the people, a i -aid, i- making ar rangements to sponge com,. Week living oil' the poor soldiers who are provided with a eoiafortalile home h\ the contributi it of the -oldiers in tin- I'istrict of Columtiia. 11 i-announced that lie intends t i tak< up a ri-idciice at the -oldier's home on hi- return from New York. With a r..m: rtal i salary of $>n,(MH) a mansion provided for him by tin- government without tax or cost, we -• no propriety of the President invading the portals of a place dedicated to lite coinlort of tie • |ssir and disabled "oldiers of the Re public, either to save < XJH use or -v< rtt< r |>- --• -f Philadelphia, the Senate ot Penn -ylvania t• bv | their action and was not In," re than ,by a re-appointment. This crab movement, to -ay the lea-t of t, Is k • 1 consistency if not decent v. The House, however, passed a bill in com- , pliance with a demand from the pro pl< of Philadelphia, uholishiug tin : office and transferring it" tinti--. This bill it now In (ore the Senate, and the i question i* will the Senate concur or inist up .n making an appointment '■n their own look. lin New \ ork II or/'/ propose# a p'.iiltorm upon which the Democracy in every state in the I'nion can stand in the Presidential contest of I*M. It comprises ten planks and i" as fol lows: 1. Tax luxury. Tax inheritances. ■!. lax large incomes. 4, Tax mono polies. Tax privileged corporation*, ti. A taritF for revenue. 7. Reform the civil service. M, Punish corrupt officc-holdt rs. !>. Punish vote-buying, and 10. Punish employers who coerce employes in elections. Instead of merely implying a repudiation of the unmeaning dogma of "frre Iradr," the World might put it along side of "tarifl j for protection" only, and denounce both ! —one as impracticable and foolish and ' : tho other as wrong and unconstitu I i tiotial. ♦ j GKN. .JOHN WILMAMAKO, and old and well known member of the Hunting*! don bar, died on Thursday last, aged I eighty-eight years. lie wn* a mem ber of the legislature in IMIIO, and in 1841, during the administration of Harrison and Tyler, Recorder of the General Lund Office, lie wa* known n%a man of great humor and considerable ability as a political or ator. Tho Dead Jurint. i : IMi ol \ I.IFE THAT ll .tl l.nV, IMi I I 1.1, (II LO > lIH | j In dp. Sliitrf.WO l|, whf •" ■!< lib (i -1 curn I jit lii- ri- idcni-i' in Phils') 'phi > Monday morning, was I on ju-t a !••. I weeks i-hort of seventy three year sgo 1 111 the limn city. Mis family was one of most excellent repute in that section ol the state. a hoy he •• ,rly xhih ited evidences of that analytic turn of mind which i - . ■ —entiafto tho h<-ting surce-s of a lawyer. Willi the id' i ol litliiix- hirii-elf for the le^'d prole-- on In- took a lull i out " ol study at the I'niver-ity of I'xnn-yf. n i. in-l at the oix-lu- on of the four y•• i- - teiia he i iiradu iled with very di-:ing ;,tie l ], ti or-. While in this institution he . -ai l to have had a par! til -rly pronoovi-e-l ; i ite for the ci and a. the - ilion of that ta-te laid t! foundation ,of an acquaintance with the sition ju-lje io h I lii-- pus tion ten year* lons-er. In 1• i lis * . ■ipuin unanimously elected *rcl r->ti linued to perform the dnt>rs tu t;l I- -, having t<• ii eh-ctr din I k 7an a-- it.- j judge of the supreme r urt on the re tirenicnt of I h:< f .'lltire Woodward, and fir wh'ch be had I< en una r, . u-' nominate I by the I'emocratir j vtty. In this rap ty he -erved with 1 prominence and in liereniher. lfff s. isucceedehnrs n i s i ,rr< r from the rornmeneeinent ito the cb -e has he n Tie of distinguish • d usefulness and excellence. ♦ Ihiglish Rind Haver*. • ireat attention and no little discus sion is of lite being given to the irn mense purchases of IHI I which are tieing maele in the I'niteii .states bv for eigner*, especially l.nglishmen. Numer i oils syndtcsl'-s have hem f uaied in I'.ngland which repreieiit millions o' pounds sterling. A recent | urchase WAS made for one of them of three luin dred and a eleven thousand arres in the I'anhundle district of Texas. Another 1 syndicate has purchased thirteen hun dred thousand acres of bottom land in Mississippi between Memphis nnd Ynz'-o. These purchases are m t made princi pally to Rid emigration a* may at fir*t tie supposed. The Knglish have gone crazy on graaing. Portions of Scotland snd Ireland have been completely do populated of their former agrirultuia' inhabitant* in order that the land may be used in raising sheep and cattle. The F.nglish land owners find this a more profitable business than farming, so the tenants are compelled to suffer. Hut land in Kngland is now nt a dis count lor grazing purposes, nnd hngli-h capitalists bare turned their attention | to American land. Their land purchaes will not prevent emigration, but nil' serve incidentally to aid it, and it is also < safe to predict that the class of new comers that these schemes will bting to thia country will he much higher than the average order.— Patriot. THE Grar of Russia was crowned on Sunday last, amid great pomp and parade, without disturbance or dyna mite accompaniment*. A Horrible Humor / l HEt'OHTEIJ W V UHK 01 UkXEAAI. ( HOOK AMI lIIH C'jM MAS D. lIIK .-TOIU' NO < EtLITEn. i W i iitv'.ros. M . I'pto :p. rn ( to day not .-iwoi'i hud been h< vrd at the War 10-partment from 'iericrnl ' rook. ( I In- report coming from ine um-ii- im- at , the Hepurtmefit, nnd ii;-; itche- were i it once sent \ti the (rontir r lor the latest , inforrnati'in It m his command. ' "iff ion, May 2i'- Ad. |"itch r<-( ejved here from Tonihstone, trinnn, early tin- tuort. rig. sav- a reliable citizen ; - there from "-.in Jo-n Mine. 1 -,,,: , r;t> with j the r:<-ws that i terrible d. -1-r lim i liq pened 'ieneril ''rook nnd j irtv. His inlormat n, which omi s from a i goo'l source, say- the Indian scouts iiiiif riied when iri tPc h- rt of 1 rra Mo Jr i. .'lid in i - mre I ne irly the entire ! command, the 'icneral himself being l one of the victims. Army officers on this si i- of ti,e line discredit the re port. To*l. iM. A- . v\, May 2' The, news received here yesterday afternoon j >nd telegraphed I i-t that ' rook had met the Indi tiis neiir ' > mcrincj x and driven them tv .. contradict' Iby a courier front the Mexican Custom House, thirty m:l<-* di-tant, who arrived j it the Mexii >n ( insulate at m ln ght l! it he - us a light occurred in the j >;er: .4 M i iru M -untuui . The date of Crook - fight wh about Msy -th. t'r ok'- advance WR am til-lie I and defeated. I be entire force then followed and; over too . the In Cans. A b-1 i-rate in gsgetnent followed, lasting several hours. I'hirty renegade* were killed. Crook iln ;v very heavy Further detsils aw liter]. '.r.M aII I Rl-o, AI I. RI'.IIT. W i-ti i\ -., 11. c M ,-. Xo ,n formatii'B i 1 rook movement* b**-< been ten ;v. tat the war department to day. 'u-neral I'riun i ui-pose ito ere 1 it the rej 't that 'icneral Cf x-jk en i the Apache- and defeated them. He ■ r.k- the torie- to the etiect that ins . in scouts turned upon and nil--,, -i t'r •; -it. I h.s < rntnand wlc. i -I I. ot. i.al anil improbable. "In the fir t | see, said 11, neral Drum, "no one uudcr-tands the Indian character better til-11l • r > m, an I lie w :,. i he the bet man to put hiro-elf n . j >-iti"ti "here such a thing could pos-ible. In the si nnd | ! ice, tii<- In i sn scouts left tiieir yes and children .nlhecus tody-' I the I oiteil *:ates authorities, and w u! I not riare to mutiny even if in or.' I. knowing tne : famines were ho-t*g> And again, ha i such a thing hti pcned, I shciii I certainly even at this time have received reliable reports.' ' • Tin I • *i. u>. ii" -i A T. —The Su i I rente < uirt in tins Mate recently ren i den 1 n dec.sion of great importance | to I trding house keeper*, lawyers, 1 ustiocs an I the general public. The t cs-e in which .t *.n delivi n d originated 1 in Allegheny county and w* entitled ' Smith v. McHintv. The action was for f a debt, the defendant having failed to i pay a lull fur hoarding duo the plaintiff, ' and suit was instituted under what is f generally known :t- Ihe "boarding house act, passed by the legislature in 1*7(1. The justice before wtiom the case was otiginally heard rendered judgment for the full amount of the bill. Jho mat ter was a; pealeil to the district court, ' where the justice's decision was reveis ed. It was then taken by the plaintiff , to the supreme court, and tribunal sua- , timed the decision of the district court, | the judges holding that the act ot 1 s7'7 , is unconstitutional and in conflict with , ! other laws on the statute book, and , that a debtor has the tight to the ben , elit of the "three hundred dollar law," , in an actnn to recover a Isiard bill that t he lias in suit for any other kind of , claim. The decision, of course, "knocks t the bottom out of the law,*' and keey • i j ers of public bouses will have to resort 1 to some other means to protect them 1 selves. THE Republican* of Ohio do not i seem to be happy over the political ' outlook in that state, ami as the time , for the meeting of the State Convcn-! t tion near*, are discussing the propriety or necessity of postponing for a time. ( The temperance question is the din- . turhing clement and they desire to oh- | tain some decision of the court* to re- ( lieve them of it* complication*. i '! hIt.MN: jut Annum, in Advance. Fov. I*attj*o.v i- not favorable to adding additional facilities t,, thfic: itln-ady cxi-ting for "'-curing divorcer Irotn ilii- bond of matrimony. 11 <- Imi vetoed a bill pa.-acd enabling rnar ri'd jier-oij- living separate and apart to dirpo-i- of th'-ir separate real estate without < insulting with each other, lie Id lii-vc- tlie law- in vogue relating 1 t > divorcs ar<- ufliciently bad, with it adding -uch up that pre nt'-d in t 1J- bill. liu. Cameron machine ha" again -wept the political precinct* of I'hila d' lphia. Tin- delegate- to the State convention are the came old oootni — the machine men to the front and the Indcpi ndent totlierear. Cameron m in I'.urop' , but the machine i placed under tin- management of hip most - x peri'-nr • 1 atjii uetive engineer. What Mr. M. don't know ili ut running a political machine need not be known. That he will lx; unlet up to iiiake a good report to the ahpent < hief h -- i- to becxjxscted. I'oiitieal and Legal V Ictory. \p Attorney i >ene ol (a-sidy get. i<-r in h ■ tlioe the wisdom of making iitn att . ney general i ronnraied. 'I he w'-r c<> irt* ari l the su ireme court* -u-tam hip law. J fj• rig.it of removal |ii herenl in the exneutive ha* been ei.'y eptabfi.hed in ttie reco-der cue. i Recorder Lane v< \ out. Tbeie i* a I '(.itiral triumph f- r <■ irernoy I'attimn . o tb:s rentili and a legal tr umph for Mr.' i> iv wli ieh rnut be doubly astis ; '> irig. — /*/.i . J;,- 0 i a m the corn i jaions of the >pring ' '■ the ruling of Attorney ■ eneral ! rewter release* the national '-*iik nnd banker* from acme million* , of taxep acrrij ng between I 'eoemlser 1, "•J, *ii d March and January 1, l v,^3' - to- act of the la- • tnmeil date repeal'd i-i of these ta*e- except mch * are now due and payable. The effect of t . ru- o.' i, therefore, to repeal *om lof these ta i from I'ecember ]. and >tlier from January 1 although the • • wo, not pvped nil March ,'J. The 1 ' i " ' r. mi -11 jr take effect on the of u!y, but the section repealing •io in- e on char ge* took effect March Ibe section r iucing letter pontage '• m three to tw i cents take* effect ' io' er 1 hu iiflerent provision* of tlie i i act t . dlect upon tire or p;x d fferent date*, the earliest three in oitlip I . re hp enactment and the iat- -t n ven month* after. 1 1 ' It nil '.ll * hitwiv-. — With the ur \l ' PI 'l' pfatk J{rr*>rtl thinks, * i aiiiral ! i'-,re in the prac * hand-lew ,• g. T.'.e w-otnen who r-g sim •• iearn'-J l * ply the needle in "S.ft at- ta • ; • i . ,ti, hfw are (*>t r g the g'eat ti i rity, leaving no Suc re-- -p t.i thi r sk,- S-wing ha* already r- h-cj to bo * ,iet,,,;,l rt, and takes rank among the mclisnira! trades." To understand ;i g now means to have a I ra. tical i. juaintance with the Taried *j.*i ill'® , sri -,ii sewing machines. Hv tncans of complicated mechanical devices tf-e cl ihirg which thirty year* ag,, would have i -i s m*!l fortune i now made so cl OS] I *s to bo to-n ' asy reach of the ]■ " ten among thrifty people. The elabo rate ingenuity nc displayed in patching e el darning and turning and retitching i n w. nsidered a wa*te of time. Clothing is ins x| • m.s. and the time is required fr MT duties, rea'- ns the housewife. So tie rent garment is cast aside to be replaced by a new one. This is not the universal practice, but it is sufficiently general to establish a household rule. And this rul.s is the a'i-n of a multitude of complaints from mothers who find no opportunity in th'-ir ■ am hemes to t-acb th'ir daughter* how t sew. If one of those ladies has an <>r