®ht Centre $ eurocrat. Thursilav Morning, May 24, 1883. Ooi*froni>iiici, containing Import#®! nßWi,>llclt •d from any pari f th# county. No communlratWm. IMArt#IL UUI*M ncconiiAlt#d Ty thi r#*l nam* of Urn vrlUr. Local Department* Dr. Geo. P. ltishel will locate at Pot tars Mills. —The seventeen year locusts are due this summer. —The Wilbur Opera Company will play "lolanthe" here, June 12. Dr. Hayes and lady will leave New York, fit route for Europe, on Juno 13. —Co. 8., N. O. P., will bo Inspected at the armory on Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. —James Powell, a colored boy, died last Friday night and was buried on Sun day. —A Mifflin county farmer has a parrot which speaks Pennsylvania dutch quite fluently. —The performance of the Moore chil dren at Clearfield lt Friday night was a success. —"Sammy" Faust ami Mr. II II Feid lor, of Miles township, were in town on Saturday. Mr. Geo. H. Wolf ha< treated his residence on Allegheny street to a coat of white wash. .lames O'Brien, tobacconist, offers to pay railway faro far customers buying a cigar from him. —The office and bar-room of Carman's hotel have been painted and otherwise greatly improved. Bev. Dr. Knight, of Lancaster, will officiate at St. John's Episcopal church on Sunday next, 2Gth instant. —The Dauphin County Agricultural Society will probably make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, soon. —The Mite Society of the Presbyterian church will hold its monthly meeting at the parsonage on Friday evening. Mr. J. L. Dunlap, one of the excel lent teachers of our county, now a resi* dent of this place, called on Monday. —Mr. J. A. Feidler, of Williamsporl, a mighty wielder of the lover that moves the universe, spent Sunday in Bellefonte. —The members of the new brass band at Koland are trying to raise funds for the purchase of a new flag. Help the boys along. Mrs. Lydia Pinkharo, manufacturer of a vegetable compound, is dead. She died at Lynn, Mass., aged 04 years, of paralysis. —Mr. J. T. M'Divitt, manager of Cur tin's Flouring Mill in Boggi township, is doing good work and is favored with a paying custom. —The Bellefonte Public Schools close to-day. The session has been a profitable one. We shall give a detailed report of the exercises next week. —Mr. R. A. Kinsloe, son-in-law of J. 11. Rankin, Esq., of this place, editor of the Uughesville Flnterprw, dropped in to see us last Thursday morning. Mr. Jno. Scharf, of Selins Grove, has been installed as chief clerk at the Brockerboff house. He is an old hotel man and understands bis business. —We visited Eagle Iron Works, at Roland, on Friday and were very agree able entertained by the Messrs C'urtin and our old friend Mr 11. L. Rami,art, —A meeting of the Susquehanna t'la." sis of the Reformed church was held at Centre Hall, commencing on Wednesday of last week and continuing until Sunday. —Tho best place in the county to buy boss platform spring wagons is at Rar troff"s. Last Saturday must have been a good day for them as they sold seven new rigs. —The street sprinkler was aired Isij week, and had just begun to get its work in when a series of showers began to fall tbat did *tbe same work quickly and cheaply. —The death of Mr. Henry (loodlander, father of the editor of the Clearfield Re publiran, at the advanced age of 78 years, occurred on the Bth Instant. We tender our condolence, —Thomas Burnside, Esq., of this place, has received an appointment at the hand of tho government, and duties in connec tion with mineral and timber land in Missouri assigned him. —A new time table went into effect May 14th, on the branches of tho Pennsylvania road cantering here. Travelers will do well to consult the corrected schedule to be found on an inside page. —The Osceola Rerielte notes the loss of a dead latch key. There is something remarkable about this. Now if some care less fellow had lost a live one there might be some use in advertising. —Governor Pallison has affixed his sig nature to a bill providing for the better government of insane asylums, and it is now a law. Recent developments prove the need of legislative action in this matter. —One of the most sensible acts of the present legislature was the enactment of a Jaw forbidding municipal governments levying a tax on agents who sell goods by sample and whose firms pay mercantile license at their place of business. —On Monday John A. Woodward, Esq., of Howard, came in to show us a pet of bis in the shape of a sore thumb. We never considered an ailment of this sort very serious but might, perhaps, if we bad only one, as has our handsome friend, Mi Woodward. CONCERT.—Tho Howard Cornet Band ► will, on Saturday, Juno 2, givo a grand concert in Lucas'hall, Howard. This hand began playing March 30, last, and under tho direction of Prof. W. O. Stewart, its teachor, has actiiovod an enviable ropula- lion for good playing. Tho leader, Mr. B. Poulson, and assistant loader, Mr. 11. W. Brlckloy are trytngHinrd to inako it a success. Our old friond, Bernard Lauth, Esq., has boon doing somo playing and will probably take part in tho concert. 5 TAI L, FISHING.— Wo believe tho cham pion trout llshur of Pennsylvania resides in this place, and his name is Mr. Michael Cooney. During throe days last week ho f caught 114 speckled beauties in Logan branch and Spring crook. Tho peculiarity t of his fishing is that ho catches only good - sized ones, a fish 17 or 18 inches long being a very common catch. Until wo hear of I some hotter work wo shall claim the bell for him. WHEN AN Oi.ii lIOKHK RI'NH OFF, I LOOK OUT ! —Tho report that a man aged * 88, named Butler, residing in Milesburg, had attempted to commit suicide, because v young lady saw tit to refuse his matri -1 inonial proffors, seemed so ridiculous that we did not think it possible an old man would make such a dunce of himself. But ' it seems to be correct, and now, if lie re covers, which we hope he may, tho best thing his friends can do is to have him ad ' mi tied to an asylum. > Sl* HI NO MILL* ITEMS.— Our little city i is improving slowly. Several buildings are in process of erection. Frank Rnrick s house is undot roof. Jacob McCool's i , also up, five carpenters have been working for throe weeks putting on the mansard ' roof. This house when finished will be 1 one of the finest in this place. George Br eon J. A Grenoble, Hayes Soil and ! Mrs Woods have buildings under way 1 I. J. Grenoble is papering and repainting the big hotel, J. 11 Bibby has taken ' charge of it. A number of families have ' already booked themselves for the season. Mr. R. B. Burrows'family, of Will.ami port, is hero for a few weeks, the guests of Mr. Bibby. Mr Burrows u a commer cial salesman. G. A. Runk has laid a board walk tho entire length of his premi ses. Master Allio Duncan is leanng the mysterious clicking of the electric ma chine under the tutorship of his brother Spring Mills has tw.fi irishing Sab bath schools this summer. Prof Smith is teaching a select school. Il is very well liked by his pupil* The veteran r club and tbe Sunday schools are insaing preparations to decorate on the ."pith of this month. *.• MEMORIAL DAY.—The people of the I'nited State* will set apart next Wednes day as a day upon which to give expres sion to their regard for the sacrifice of those who gaTo their lives that the Nation might live. In this ceremony the soldier and civilian can unite t" do homage to the memory of the thousands who went forth I to battle and never returned. It is a grand work and demands the participation of all. The scope of Decoration Day should be so extended as to include in its observance* a , fitting recognition of the service* of all th e , nation's dead. Do not devote yourselves with an iota less enthusiasm to this p< r formar.ee of a duty, devolving upon the living, than has been your custom in yrars gone by, but rather endeavor, each suc ceeding season, to impress more forcibly ■ upon the minds of the rising generation tho meed of glory due the dead, and as the floral acknowledgement of the work of love and obedience, so cheerfully wrought, is placed upon tho last, cold, quiet sleeping place of our departed friends, may it in cite all to emulate their devoliot and heroism. Bellefonte people, we are pleased to note, are making ample preparations for the attestation of the affection lingering In their hearts for those who nobly defended our rights and liberties in tho day of their greatest peril. WHIRS TO GUV ANI> FlSH.—Perhaps the most practical, convenient, and com plete publication on gunning and fishing, and their various auxiliaries ever printed, is the one recently issued by the Passenger Department of the Philadelphia, Wil mington and Baltimore Railroad Company. Practical in that it not oniy informs in concise term* where the several kind* of game fish and birds may be sought to best advantage, but how to reach such place* in the rhe*pe*t and mo-t expeditious man ner, including not only the rail but, where necessary, the stage and wagon lines, with cost. Convenient in being reduced to pocket size, and in the arrangement of the mat ter under different bead*, so tbat the read er in search of advice regarding a certain fish, duck, or bird will find it in a spocial chapter describing its haunts, habits, and peculiarities. Complete from the fact that it takee in the entire peninsula, which contain* I>el sware and the eastern shore* of Maryland and Virginia, from the Cheeapeak* to the Atlantic coast. The kind* and cost of bait, proper and legal seaaon* of the year, cost of wagon or other transportation, lo cation of principal hotels and boarding houses, and all information, such as those unacquainted with the country would like to know before leaving home for such a trip, have been carefully examinee! Into and noted. The book la profusely illustrated with cuta of fish and birds, and also contains a splendid map of this territory. Copies msy be had free by addressing Mr, J, K. Wood, General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. — l Thomas O'Shaughensy, Esq , street 1 commissioner, requests us tn announce I tbat he will open the curb-atone market on ) Saturday morning next. Parties who sell and buy can make a note of this. Bollofonto Industry & Enterprise. U 'COY A MNN'H IKON WOKKH. Tbeee works, situated about onu luilo nortl< of Bollcfonto, aro the oldest now in operation in thin county. Tiio company employs from 2(X> to 200 men, mine* it* own ore and burn* it* own charcoal. The tract of land on which tho work* aro built contain* about 220 acre* and ha* been in tho po**r*ion of tho varioua companies operating tho work* upward* of 1(K) year*. Water power i* used to run all machinery, ave that which convert* tho iron into wiro rod*. They manufacture pig, bloom, rod and *heot iron, nnd could di*po*oof tho ontirn product of thoir mines before it reaches it* llnal perfection, but prefer to continue making wire which is solely uso.i for mak ing scrow* and bolts. The quality of thoir iron can beat be judged from some of tho testa to which it i*subjected in the market; for instance, a bolt i put into a vice and the head struck a powerful blow, sufficient to bend tho piece, if the least semblance of a crack is discovered tho entire lot is di carded. Screws are madeof this iron and to test them are driven into lignumvilie or other hard wood, and if any part of tho thread is damaged or gives way, they are condemned. This iron is both rnalleablo and ductilo to a remarkable degree, rank ing high in market for sheet purposes and can bo drawn cold into wire thin as a hair Speaking of wire this is the only wiro mill in Centre county and it* manufacture Is made a specially by this firm ; the ma chinery and process aro of the latest and most improved kind*. Messrs. McCoy A: I.inn own the cele brated I.ambourn mine on tho line ..f the It A: II It railroad tho product of which is tho only known substance found in a nat ural stats* that is equal to Bessemer steel for car springs Prior to the manufacture of this steel in thi' country there were but five firms handled the ore |K)krn of, and hut for the unaccountable prejudice in favor of steel this iron would s|*-<*dily dim ple* e it entirely. The products of these work> are sold I only to regular customers, who have te en j kept supplied f-r year*. There is no dif ference between employer* and employed, benco no ttrike* ; all thing* move along pleasantly an 1 profitably, e. h sharing iliko the los* in cae the market d.-elinos anil dividing th profit* when values a;- | re< iate, Mr Frank M Coy. a young gentleman ' of much { ractn ai business rapaoity arid kigh tocial standing, is virtually (V firm, I attending to ar.d directing a'.l its • p. ra tion*. May they flourish and |" spcr VAN S * AVE WORKS. la ]H2-'s, Harvey V.ann founded what has e er since proved to be a most #ucc<--.- ful and prosj-orous business. Forty-five men are employed and about twenty-five do/en axes are turne-l out daily In the neighborhood of four hundred different styles are made to order, each locality using either a different size or shape. < "all fornia runs to the extreme oneway in buy ing only * very narrow bit, sometime* ordering them of urh length as p. cause tho tool to look ill shaj-od and resemble an ■.ver-gr wn hatchet, while in the turpen line forests of North Carolina one as much too broad f r its length a the othr i long for its width is used. It frequently happens that a person ordering d < not know ju>t what style is needed but g't* the right kind if the place where they are to be used is stated. Nine different opera tions and as many inspections are requisite to complete an axe, and only th-*c perfect in every respect are lafseled "J. Pearon Mann, maker, Belief nle, Pa Mr Mann is a thorough-going, honorable gentleman, aged about 4o years and has been ofrf>rat ing these works at>oul nine years. lie bst a practical knowledge of the business and can take hold In any department, i.' neces sary, and do any work required. Dexter ous handling and rapid work is moat fully exemplified in the finishing room, where Mr. Henry Meyer* paint*, label* and stamp* all axes that leave the works, djO being an ordinary day * work. Water power is mainly depended upon and a large steam engine is sometime* called upon to help run the ma*#ive machinery The men employed make good wage* and are satisfied with their lot, some having work ed there forty year*. The "Mann" axe I* known and used the world over, having a reputation second to none. iit*, HKC'H fall Ifi now heard on every hand from those whs* buy groceries. —The Pb iladelphia Branch continue# to sell good c'lothing at fair pricee. Fir* t class stock. Call and aee. flUrMillions of package* of the Dia mond Dyee liave been told without a tingle complaint. Rvarywbare they are the favorite Djras. —Oo to H arrl*' Hardware Hlore for the Centre Halt Corn Planter* and Plows and their repair*. tf. President Arthur hat detailed 2nd Lieut. James A. Leyden, who for some time ha* boon stationed on the frontier with the 4th infantry, to act as professor of military science and tactics at the State l College. Ilia appointment to take effect July 1, next. The students at the college aro again fortunate in tho selection of an instructor. Mr. Leyden ranks high a* a military expert, is a native of this county 1 and will enjoy coming borne. The ap pointment is looked upon a* a good one, and congratulations will be showered upon our friend when he arrive* in this county to report for duty. • —Fifteen glass workers journeyed to Snow Shoe la*t Thursday and took in the picturesque sights of that famous rnoun lain city. The excursionist* w.-ro met by Mr. Jerry Nolan, whoso reputation for kindness and courle.y is known far and wide, and conducted to mine No. H. They have only praise for ull whom they came in conlart with and speak in glowing terms of Snow Shoe and it* people To day they go to Lock Haven. —The attention of the traveling public is most respectfully railed to the adver tisement of the Milesburg "Central Jlo. Tel," Mr. Abu* Koblbrecker, proprietor. Located near the dep. t, . pen at all hour*, table supplied with the very best the market affords, fruit, fish and game in endless profusion and variety during the sea-on, every attention paid C j.-ls ar.d the pleasant surrounding* combine to uiakc this a most pleasant summer re-ort. If the Lock Haven disbandallswallow ers arid iiightprivatefeasteatera desire to detract from the esteem in whuh tbey are held here, ihey can do so no more • ff. tu ally than to continue the disr n with our lofty browflourisbers ar.d t.r gandbeard i.ourishrrs concerning the corning f urth of July ..del.ration. B-ll.-f- rle- ran take j care of and i satisfied to allow L K , II a\ en t > do the same —Our town I* I -gra ■ I with several things calling themselves men who never fail to sail • it to an er.torUr.mcnt w th a ' girl on th. r arm when everything is fre<, hut when it i* liable v.. . t it.em ad( ar or two they r.eak int > a th-atr- .-r festival alone, and have a g< I t in- trying '. "mash ms . ther fell w • girl Such I young "purpi sh .'.d r e.te the "g ' y j from the fair "nes in the f itur- —/ lion. Samuel Lmn, a native f B--1 <■ fonte, and much rc*ps-< led by his many j j friends here, now a resident < f Will an.*, i ! port, to wh; h place he moved after re. j signing the jr.--i l"nt ;udgesbi| >( this district, was in town or. Sunday. Mr Linn is a mat of .nb jnded in! rmation, rare legal ability, j rlly, friendly di*Di lion and an ornament t<> any society in which ne may move, The Clearfield Bituminous (' ai C n - pany has advertised for proposals f r the croc', n of or." hundred tenement I. .►■* at Kylert-wn, Clearfield county, f r the use of miners and other* It )• intended is. develop c -al territory in anticipation of . the construct: n ■ f new raiir- ad* into the ! Clearfield c. al rg. n The William*) ft Ga:ettr t /(.. (efti puts up. Kunnti Furey, of the If-rfzAman, for associate judge, saying "He is* fire, j.r f Derr." rat. a man of g -I ability, a reformer in whom there is no guile, ard lazier than John 1 Mitchell. Well, well, who .1 a tbunk it 1 Dr.J L>eilu-rt,wh recently gradua t. C. Keller, county tre*snrer, and 8 W Barefoot are dealing heavily in cattle. Thev have perfected arrangements ' for . ffering a choice lot of mil< b cows, during the coming fall, to those desiring j to buy. j A very disastrous fire destroyed * large part of the Pennsylvania railroad shops at Meadows, New Jersey They will be rebuilt, and the Altoona shop* in the meantime be worked to their fullest ca pacity. ' Mr. Miller Tiffin manager of the car works ha* been hovering around here con siderably of late. Rumor* are rife con cerning the disposition of the works, but none are sufficiently well founded for pub lication. —We have heard numerous complaint, of late concerning the working of the telephone apparatus at sevaral points Nothing is more provoking than a futil* attempt to let the exchange know you want to talk. Muldoon * Picnic, by the Newell A Scott company, at the Opera house on Sat urday evening was not a pronounced Suc re*#. Many laughable Incident* occurred during the performance, but the general vardictwa# against the troupe. —No action ha* been Ukeo by the town council relative to the letting of the con tract for building the abutments of Spring Creek bridge. The bid# handed In at the Monday avaning meeting ere thus far con sidered private, and speculation it useless. —David 8. Dunk la ba* been succeeded as deputy sheriff by bl* brother, John A. Duakle. The former ba* betn unwell for soma time and concluded to go west which he did, locating in Milchall, Davison county, Montana. May he enjoy himself. - ■ ♦ *. • N." ■ 4 Memorial Day, IiICAIMJt AKI BK* DbPAKT MKNI OF Pa., T LL Okan Akmv of tiib HxI'LIII-K , , No. 1202 C II khtnl-t Htkkkt. j fiennral Orders, N'o X. Pimladki.i-iiia, May 6tb, 1883. I. Wednesday, May UOib, will bo oh- j served by this Department a* Memorial „ Day. I 11. Clorgymen of all denominations, teachers, magistrates and all the people, are cordially invited to co-operate with tho Oram] Army ill it- <-ff..rt i keep green the memory •>( Pennsylvania's Inroic v sons, who sacrificed their lives in Free dom's cauio and kept aloft the starry ban- ) m-r unon which we now look with glad dened eyes, and which tho world bail* as J the emblem of liberty arel national unity. 11l The faith of the (irand Army rest* | in Charity, It teaches no creed but Loy- j , ally. The obligation which binds it to. gather is but a pledge who h one comrade givis to another a survivors of a contest of the most stupendous magnitude the w> r d has ever seen. The agony that fo|. lowed HI the march of u. ha < onflict >an | only bo < ■ ntonip.ated in t-ar- The •x- , tent of this bloody sacrifice may ba ap- , predated when it is remembered that there is scar, cly a graveyard in the land that .1...-* not bold the .lost of some one , who f. eight, and suffer.- 1, and died that our government might live -hall th>-y tie forgotten ? Shall the earth !• at ORE e made level over their grav. '' Not while : a -■ ritimrr.t of human j islice is I. it or a , chord of sympatbetie virtue vibrat— > in a soldier'* heart We wou.d remember them with TEND, rne. -, IR, KEEPING with the SORROWING hnarU of fatherless children, W . L N,. I mothers, and the deep DISTRESS of lIJOM* WHOSE earthly hope# are buried in the grai' of their ch: |r. N C.LL Ifien Ir.SH flowers of S|.rir.g tirr.e GROWING IN th.- woodland, or spring rig in the meadow, ar.d while lin I-L with heavi-n tear dro| - str.-w th-M with lovtrig har.d- n-L gratef T I (•arts IN the grai . of those who I-]t our flag fr- rn dishonor. I\ Comrade- ; . 1.-t ...P-nwilh cr< ]. ilitv to the WL -)•< ' I E ! th- -• w • would eliminate FR-rn the s.-ri I-es of M .re-rial I'ay the t" E hit g and h-a.tlfuily appropriate ceremony of entwining li to .nil merits an I bedecking the gras.-s < ! •ur departed h.-r.-. S with r.-s',li> . f laure j AND garlands of affection. Let otbar - sr. !• grow weary and other hearts grow I - lIN this >a r.-J duty, I.t ro-v.-r B*t it (• j -HI I that the Department - f Per. 'isy U AN ;s • iraiel Army .! THE Rep ,B I < I.v\ th j -MIS 1 | iltai.ee sary t |-r cure fi-.w. J f - M-rn -rii, Day \". M. R, AR-I women, y -1TI, maidens I I *n.i Int E children j -in with US M ih'-<- I I -tr. t,. sefvues Bring w.th y u the • .r*l, the R.WE and the HONEYSUCKLE, to j I nr.- UJ>on THE > .D.ers gr**",. and d> • t I rg.-t 1- wave A" I<• THEM the stand ard that sh- ne • > proudly in the fr r.t of | T-attie Pass n-L a grave ru gler te.l T . f. *, t ..RE wth ar. unf.- r.g hand THEN , will the ar.gels in heaven *MNE t- kn< w that GRAIN -L still linger ;• the hear*. ' men. and TL-at ■- rl -n . arth will LE re. , w ard.- i By < .inrnai I . K S OsifOKNB, D.'parlmer t Commander Tl*-'*. J Stewart, As#t Alt DEN Kts.it : IT V-- BR>M I. -A. mm it tee ap[ oint'D al a N,RE-LING of the B- le f.-nte bar t > draft suital-.E res. ,JI ns re!, alive UJ the death . f Hon John K Bun gle, one of tne as-O< iate udges < ( our c unty, reported as I -il.-ws LI"-1 'I, Ti at the MEMBER* of the Bar of this (- unty have I < ard w itfi sentiment of proft-O: I r.-gret the anr ,r..rr,.-rit ' the ► . ! JEN death - ! H> n J- t.R. K I', ink e. ar, A SS-K iate !ge of the . irt> of C.-nir county. [{RS 'RED. That we unite with hi* !>*- I reave J family and "r.r.l and the , rn ; rnunity in n- irn • g the loss of an efficient officer of the ( urt, an upright Judge, a W rtliv and req-wt'-L citizen, an aff-s.LT--n -ate father ar J an b'-ne>t nian /.V> TV-I. That the pr- . CODING* T f thi* meettrg. with a <•qy < f these rewolut rs. R„> prewente-1 t - the family of the da. • as.-D, > v the rierk ■ f the .URT, with an assur ance of the REND -en.e.f TF.e member* --F the Bar and c.ffi era .-f the ('--urt lit -4 ■ 'J, That these j roceed-ng* be | re sented to the Court with a r< ,uest that lh<- same fse enter. 1 n rec -rd HRS >D. That these (E.A-eedtngs LE*[uf>- lisbed in the county F>*F-- essary In rest.-re life, vig r. gr th and col--r TO the hair Purchase only from rttpcnuhU /-nr. J NET Ask your druggist f. 'it Each BT- j tie i* warranted Johnston, H 1.-way V- ' i Co., Philadelphia, and Hall V ] New Y.-rk, Wholesale Agent* 4 ly —Ja* Harris AC-, are the agenD for the Centre Hall Corn Planters. Rest planter made t-- Si r i At. Tkrm oi S hoop —Next Mon day morning Mi## Anna McCaffrey will ojon a sjescial term of school in one of the room* of the public building Miss McCaffrey ha* met with d.cided succc** during the years of active rervice she ren dered in educational work, and those of our citizens who design sending their chi' dren to school this lummrr can not do better than to patronize this lady. —James Harris A Co. are sole agents in Bellefonte f..r the Centre Hall Corn Plant ers and Plows and their repair*. tf- Pkki na —Thi* medicine wa introduc ed to the medicai profession and to the public al large hy 8 B. llartwen, M D., in 1877, after he had prescribed it to ever 40,(100 patient* in almost every disease to which fleb I* heir. It is wholly composed of numerous vege table ingredient*, oarh one of which is acknowledged by tbe medical profession to be tbe most potent or all the herbal remedies known to medical science But its groat virtue is mainly attributa , ble to the new and peculiar proportion* in which the harmoniou* ingredient* are combined, and to the extreme care exer cised In iu manufacture, using only th# pure, active principle*, end excluding all that 1* crude or Irritating. No one should be without Prrnnn. 21-2 L. W ant an, —A shoemaker at Doll A Mingle'# boot and shoe store. Wood pejr and eon*UrA ( employment given the right men fv-tf. . X —(JO TO HERRI*' HARD WARE HT'.RE FOR THE ORITR HULL CORN FLENTER* AND FLOW* AND TF. WILTON, JLCKARLARXI IT CO., RAIL ATTEN TION TO TLM ONLY RELIABLE READY M ll<-.L I'AINT IN THE MARKET THE PIONEER FRE PORRRJ FAIR, I* NOT OILY SUPERIOR TO ANY READY MIXED FAINT *< ID BUT RIVAL* PURE WHITE LEAD IN IT* MNOOTHNEAA IN WORKING * AND DURABILITY. TBIA PAINT I GUARANTEED BY TBRI MANUFACTURER* TORT TO R R*< KOR PEEL WITHIN THREE YEAR*. IHE GUARANTEE I NOT ONLY GOOD FOR REPLACING THE PAINT BUT IT * WILL BE PUT ON IF IT IBOULD R RARK OR J-EE| WITHIN THE LIME RPEEILIED. IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO R AIL AND TEE WILTON, MC KARLANE A CO , BEFORE PURR BARING EITHER WHITE LEAD OR ANY OTHER READY MIXED I'AINT. £ JARNE* HARRI* A CO. ARE THE AGENT* LOR THE CENTRE HALL ('urn FLANL*R* RET PLANTER MADE. TF. I HA L MYCH ATTACK* ;EMI ; ARID KIDNEY TROUBLE WE* I> ID E P ;-1.1 A RNEDL- R INE IRDR • TR, R TO I IRE M- UNTIL I U*ED HOP HITLER*, ARID THEY CORED TOR- IN A SHORT TIME. A /BRHNR, O*/O/ J,ai/ yrr <>f IL'RRYRIE Co., -V y. 'FT.fi: —F NET SCRAP IRON NANLERL FOR THE RA*H OR IN EXEHANGE FOR HARDWARE AT 11. K. ILL' KS' HXANWXAR. TENSTOVF STUNK. TF BXHMKHE TAKE NOTION ) YOU NOW HAVE AN E*TAHLIRTIMENT TO LAKE YOUR ME- I HINERY PI, TO |, ( . REPAIRR I AT, 1 MADE A* I"""' H * R.EW MOWER*, REAPER*, EEIF-BIND- R-R*, THR- -HING ROE' BIN*-., |J,, R ... J I*I.R. AND ANY OTHER KIND OF MIRH;R.RO\ WIFJ HE RE PAIRED AT MODERATE PRIEE* AT THE "HAVERD HI I K- A 'TKIRRN H, C J'ROPRI-TOR*, HELLEFONLE, FA —JAM-* HERRI- A < -* SOLE AGENT* IN BELIEF I TE F- * IT,-- I -R-1R- HELL T URN FIANT* '•R AND J'TOW* AND THEIR REPAIR* TF. HO' I N DTP IKXIIO* —RE*T QUALITY ' AVY BLUE GRAND A-MV * ll'.-, MOVEABLE 'UT! R - TRUE-ANTE. J AD* W - • <••!. • R.'T THAT " ' • :ER ■R TI R--I, •_• MA-BTR-E -N BE -NO. K- : DOWN END REP:, R-D M GOOD *HEP AT A TR. -* A! HP K A <>HII I EM TF HELLEFONLE, FA. -"•NIL* RR A|E TO \. ,r , UP MEN-ORE FOR F I / - RR- . , R ■/ MOMTO'IMIKY AIO ,TA •• —MR II A <1 HA. IN< BEAT I REPUTATION < N -GRIT DURA MARTM.-RY N TBI* R OORN I. R.R W -ITIPHTWL I V 111' IT* A <>l.ll RCTH F 111 ELONTE. FA 1 U*T A-RAP IRON WANTE' HAIDWARE AND STOVE MORE. TL. MARRIAGES. I ' HRTA* KAIOLLWAV MAR IT 1*- *I LL.. I T,,L. • ... !RR MO |JT,. MTP. L W HUH MR. I CAP.— ' *' -NOT • :, L' -RET M-- I* U I K RL.N.AN. ■ CMIR. LU -. PI ' KTU.TT- --ATI".- M.Y 1 1" *| IT,, TEES. • RE*. I LET • I . K . I . .1-. V. J IR. KELLEJ <| M I; ?J <*!*, IWILI, ? V ,'LLJ T !FF# J EUOR.TY.FO I I •!! WIBLTV IT. >I lUI. Tl> !?:*R MR MNTA>I !-•>>. F'IIL* 1 *-*|R U- M.M WILUJ, OF < #MR# C . !'■ DEATHS. | MIFUH MY 1* .!-• T*T M, FR.TO NR>UBT< . MF I ;N*I*TB VFCIA-R KJ T TTIOTTB* AU**J V UN 1 1. TW-IR*D AT AKF B 4R R GRFTIN MURKFT. BRTI.TR.ITF *U< .1 ILK (VRTWTS] *WKLJ I\ 1 •*. B JK44 kC* —! .T, |>R I *}. |L 1 ! R*-4. " ' . ... 1 10 N i J < ..RN--TR> !*♦• W I J*R I Q>B|,. '<" I |.TJ-H*) 4B FUKRL*-T.|*R I RJ* M1F....... ' ,*AAF IKHID 3 I TH-UT. •B III <• *J |*IF MTF K . " 1 " h VIFLMMI t , tr< ML 1. pt FIT. . . * (MJ PROVISION MARKET. CORR#RT*D H HMJ*T BROF>,*R. A|F)M,4RIBO, J*R 1- • ' < TRTLHI.4RLI ID H# H |• |MLI I BWLFPF FR FFOTID. & OIIF !♦• t+t PR>4 C F*R F*0UT14.... 1 * W Atlterlitriiiruts, "VOTK'K OF API'K.MUS—AP- A T | R )• V TLI T*+H)D T THE T -M*••<-NM* •FIE# IN F* FIT' DIFF'FM HIRFTFIHI %I>4 TOTL I Hl|* *F CTKTFT NOQTILF •• FULIOIRI IHF R. T TAR.MJ., M A*}, ILULF M *• TF'TTTKBII M H *•!*.• JN# LLNRTI* F. RT,K'|., U WLR T-KDAI JOI> (VTLTAFR* 1 • IL-* J . TKDBKI4I .ITIN# J\ITT F. TI*HTP. JNN# *. 11 !*< 5| ,I.UJ, JN* 11. ILITINP® VF>*)T T Jan*- MILE* 7OP4A.UK. 12. , F.UIT, JNN# 15. CONLII ITMM\. JNN# I IV'GR* N R'L|' 5F N-UK. JNR 1. MTLR*A|*NFF IVOTIFH. S|<>RNITY. JNN# 1* II TIN*- FT I ■HKLLIJT. TQ#UT, JIIM IV, 1 NIN T •RNHIP. TIWIHT. JON# LF 1 NIONTLIU SNN>B|S, JNO# IP. W FTTH FNWNOHIYK, WWLNNKI. JON# ?(• TKTLOF TOTMHLF) JEN# . HTIRNOTL* 1' TIWHLJT. W #*|Q. ORINY. JON# 3D. KTMB F0 ITKLTLJ*. IHORODOT, JOI-#2l. V*HUIFMTL*I*TI IKINHIFLI, TLFIFELFT.T, JON# 21 FCRHO SHOE FR FRITTER. JON# 22. |TER>N#F I- • R#HT|. FIKTEY. JON# 22 SITING FOH<4NKT JOR># HFLM'TNLR KTR-'OFCH. TO##4OY. JON# 24. FR -M VO'FL( A • TN I OHWL # m +*cb T*H# AO#ROFR OIIH FL>#TR NMWEARO*MUIITIRIT* W I R#RUO<*. JDHM TEOI.R 7 II < Cft MR ML!*. > CRANIO. A J. I4KIF.IT. \ MUM F*URI. CL^RK |2XE(TTOMP NOTICE.-—LRTTW I J I.IBMILRY -A TK* **T*l. OF M* RN TW, LAI.NL APRIA* KOWIWBLP. (I'U. *—.P fa I TIN* LA *R*EI D IN IPE TINAEE.L*EL, REEL. M. ~F LLELT.F NR* NA APILNG LEW NAFAIR R~|LL*.L,, |fa. T ALL ,-R.EN# KNNEFNFF THE*."*!—. INAEL.LNL IN A.L-1 -IM-EL-AL TONAW HAIL* MAKE IMMMIAT. IWYW.NT. ATID ALL IT— H< IN( RLALM* *IN.| FAIN, |- PW*G U-HR AEREAAL*. ITALY AUTHENTICATED, lot AETIL-MEAT AT-AA RAT. RELL.FNNTE, MAY 3, ti. A' N-L* It , SAEEALNT*- IM INSTATE OF JAMEB MACMAN- J 4 TIE, R , , DECNAAML - LELL-N TEAMRAELILARY NNNA Hl* *>* E*IAT FAATLNT HERE YRAUL** I" IKA *R ALL PERANWA INAEPLE' AN AALA AMLA AT* TA IJ NE.LED TN MAKE PAYMENT AAD ALL PEAAOTIA FAAAING TLALM- OR lIEMANA. AYELNAL THE RATAL* -F LHA ALT TA R*A*ML TO MAKE KANWA TT AAWIA ALLFAEAL JELAY MIA* RNAK< RA MAIMAAN, TKELLEFOAF*. PA , W A IKI-I.KR. MAY M.M YURM II LIMN. V*> KAARAKORA