Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 24, 1883, Image 6

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    Site Craitc Tirmocvai.
The Tariff Question Maile Plain.
The tariff is tho political topic most
of all talked about and least under
stood. There bare been much idle
declamation and palaver about A pro
tective tariff; a tariff for revenue with
incidental protection ; a tariff for
revenue only, and free trade. It is ini- ,
portant, indeed essential, to have a,
distinct and accurate conception of
these different phrases and distinctions
on the subject.
1. A protective tariff is that which
makes protection the object, and re
venue the mere incident. This ha
beeu illustrated by the tariff adopted
and advocated by the picseut lb-pub
iican party in Congress, ptoducing
annually from one humlred to one
huodred and fifty millions ot dollars
more revenue than was required for
the expenditures of the (ioveruinent.
thus showing protection to be the ohjut
and revenue to he incidental inerelv.
2. A tariff for revciim with in olen- !
tal protection, is that which makes re- |
venue the object, but ill which pro
tectiug home industries i- made m-re'v
U rmnltin'J incitlrnt. I Ins, limited to
the neee-sitics of the G >v-rnmcnt, and
adjusted in its details with reference to
en noli hi in the public burdens, and
also with a view to Joeter and />roteet
American industries and labor by <li--
criminations, is, and has ever been, the
Democratic revenue system for the
support of the Federal (iovernment.
"A tariff for revenue only" is a new
phrase, introduced clandestinely, and
adopted by inadvertence in the Demo
cratic platform of I**o. The special
significance of this form of expr ->i >n
was to exclude and preelwh the id-n of,
or attention to iM iin;sr.u. • neoiirage
ment to home productive industry an 1
labor. And the MOST I'AU-AIH.I: ob
jection to it has been found in the fact,
that it afforded tin* Republican haulers
an opportunity of perverting and mis
representing the true and actual posi
tion of the Democracy on the tariff.
4. Free trade. This, if it means
what it says, would require the -up
port of the Federal (ioveruinent In
direct taxation, which tlie p- >plc un
opposed to. The foreign producer,
and those interested in foreign produc
tions, including the importers and
vendors of articles of foreign produc
tion, would favor direct taxation. Hut
tlie great body of the people ur
against it. It free tra l>- us ar- v am
policy does not mean tin-, then it i- an
equivocal and cabalistic plira-e, cab u
luted to deceive and mi-l-ad, and is
especially objectionable a- giving t >
political opponents an <>p|" rtui ty ot
misrepresenting tin* position oi the
Democracy on the tariff qutv'i u.
These distinctions -o o to he <---t-n
-tial to a correct understanding of the
subject. The protective taritf, or, as u
is sometimes called, th> hiyh protective
tariff, is I N'I>K..MAIU.Y the sy.-teui of
the present liepuhlicau party. I'ro
tectiou being T\it otui.i r nun not the
INCIDENT, the amount of revenue is
not proportioned or limited to the
wants, or amount, needed for the ex
penditures of the Government. Here
is the distinction between the tariff of
the present Republican party and that
of the Democratic party. That i-,
the turifl' system of the former is A
limit TKOTECTIVE TAUIH", making
protection ITH OIUKCT, and revenue
TUB KIMI-I.F, IM IDKNT, and sometimes
the mere CASCAI. IM IDENT. For n.s
to some articles the duty they levy is
so great as to lie i-Kiimirronv; that
is, to exclude the foreign article from
all chance of conqietition in our own
markets. Aud it is a matter of public
notoriety that the leaders of the op
position to the Democracy have, fur
over fifty years, past labored to en
large the expenditures of the Federal
(iovernment AS much BS possible for
the purpose of furnishing occasion for
a high protective tariff, thereby creat
ing monopolies aud giving unjust ad
vantages to the tew over the many.
On the contrary the tariff system of
the Democracy has differed from fhat
of the opposing party in the following
particulars, to wit:
1. Revenue is its object, and so far
as protection is afforded it is simply an
incident to discriminations made from
considerations of public policy as to
the articles of import upon which the
duty is laid.
2. The revenue is limited to the
neo> *ary want * of tho Government
economically administered.
The duties are imposed with
reference to equality in the public bur
dens, and the encouragement of pro
ductive industry in all its branches so
far as it ran he done without creating
These differences between the pro
tertive tariff of the Republican party,
and the revenue tariff with incidental
/irolection of the Democratic party,
are fundamental, and clearly marked
in the legislation of Congress formally
For illustration where revenue t
the amount of fifty millions of dollars
has to bo raised, and the question
arises whether it shall he raised by a
duty upon tea ami coffee, articles of
common use not produced in this
country, or raised in part upon wool,
un article produced more or less in
every Stale of the Union, and in n.miy
of the States in every county, and yet
undersold in our own markets by im
ported word, this doctrine which im
poses the duty upon the articles which
will produce the most revenue, and
repudiates the idea of discriminations
with u view to incidental protection,
would require this revenue to he mined
upon tea and coffee,although the duty
on wool could not create monopolies,
and would encourage the production
of an urticlo for which our country
has immense capacity in its vast scope
of waste lands adapted to the raising
of sheep. In the tariff of tho Repub
lican party, recently passed in Con*
I gress, the ten per cent. AD VAI.OKEM I
j duty on imported wool was repealed I
I for the benefit of the woolen factories,
which are protected by a high duty
j upon imported woolen fabrics. Hut
* the wool-growers' associations say, that j
; thcycaunot look to the Democracy for
| relief, it' that party repudiates the I
1 principle of incidental protection in
the tariff.
We have numerous letters (some ot'
them are anonymous) on our table,!
received within a few days, from differ- j
cut sections, saying that clubs and a.-- j
social ions have been formed so cxtcu- [
• ivelyover the country ill favor of the !
phrase, "A tariff for revenue oxi.v,"
: that (lie next Democratic National
| Convention will doubtless adopt thut ;
| plank in its platform. He it so. That
cannot change the facts, nor our posi
tion. The principle ot incidental
protection, or the policy of fostering
| and encouraging tin- productive imlus-
I tries of the country incidentally in
raising revenue, has been recognized
in every tariff since the Government
was formed.
The tariff act of IT*'.', approved by
Washington, contained the following
"Win iti.A-, It is necessary for tin
support of tin- (iovernment, Id the
discharge of the debt of the I'uited
States, and the encouragement and
protection of the manufacturers, ihut
duties be laid," Ac.
Mr. Mudisoii drafted and ititrodu • !
thi- fir-t taritf hill, and in advocating
it In- distinctly rccngui/ed the doctrine
of incidental encouragement to home
productive industry, a- the dictate ot
sound policy, and as fully within tin
constitutional jwwers of Cougre--.
Subsequently, in 1828, Mr. Madison,
in his celebrated letter to Calx-11, more
fully presented his views on this pr* -
t isc-qui-tioll, ill which 1; showed tin
jiower <dCongress to encourage the
domestic industries to be derived
from the puwir "to lay and rolled
taxes, duties," Ac., ami tin paver to
vjulatr trad<. And hi- views in this >
letter have liren deemed hv many u
conclusive and unanswerable on thi
.leffer-on, in hi- fir-t inaugural a i
ir- and in hi- tiie--uge t 1 -ug, ami
in that of I*"*, explicitly r.. gni/.- i
the pourand ih> dut>, of < >n ui• - - ; >
foster and encourage done-tie maim
furfures by proteetmg duties. Ac.
I're-ident Monroe did the -nine
thing. And General Jack-on did -> .
in Ins first inaugural uddrc-.- ; and in
ids me-sage to Cuiign -- of tin 7th f
I feci ruber, 1 * ', In- -aid
"The power to iinpo-c duti* s on im
ports originally la-longed to the r- \. mi i
States. Ihe right to adjust tin—
duties WITH A VIEW T< • rilK IMol If
AI.EWEXT of the domestic hraiu lu- •■!
industry i- so completely identical
with that ]ower, that it is difficult to
suppose tin- existence of the with
out the other." "This
indispensable power thus surrendered
bv the State-, must In- within the scoj*-
of the authority on the subject ex
preaslydelegated to('ongre-s. In tin
conelusion, 1 am eontirund ns well hv :
the opinion ot President Washington,
Jefferson, Madison and Monroe, who
have rcpeateclly recomiiit-nded the ex- -
ere isc of this right under theCou.-titu
tion, as by the uniform practice of
Congress, the continued acquiescence
of tfie State-, and the general under
standing of the people."
I he same doctrine substantially was
recognized ami declared by Presidents
Van Hurcn, I'olk, Fierce and Hu- !
chanan. And the power arid policy
of fostering and encouraging dorm -tie
industries incidentally in the federal
revenue system has been uniformly
recognized by Congress. Hut the
leaders of the opposition to fhe Demo
cracy have always gone further and
made protection the leading object of
the tariff, and revenue the mere inri
dent. And this lias been the actual
difference between the two parties,
j The so-called Republican party has
insisted upon nnd maintained, when in
power, a protective tariff, that is, n
, tariff which made protection it* object
j nnd revenue the incident, while the
Democracy has maintained n tariff for
revenue with protection a- its simple
| incident. And there never lias been
n time when this incidental encourage
ment to home productive industry has
j been denied by the Democratic party,
either in Congress or by tho Kxecu
tive.—American lie gutter.
i ~ —-
The Lutheran Woman's Home and
Foreign Mission Society of the Synod
of Central Fennsylvania, assembled
in convention in the English Lutheran
church at laick Haven, on Wednes
day evening, May 2, The meet
ing was in elinrge of Rev. 8. E. Furst.
After impressive introductory services
the pastor's wife, Mrs. Rev. F. A.
I (oilman, read an address of cordial
welcome which w< responded to by
Mrs. Rev. M. W. Fair. Hy special
request Mrs. Fair has furnished us n
copy of thin reft|tot)H(! lor publication
in (bis week's DIMOCUAT.
Ilev. 10. Unnugst, J). I)., who lias
spent more than twenty-three years in
active service in India, was then in
troduced and held the packed audi
ence spell-bound for over an hour witli
a highly profitable and sometimes
thrilling account of his missionary
experience and work. The conven
j lion hehl sessions Thursday morning
! and afternoon. A number of excel
lent papers were reud and much efli- i
cient work was done. Limited space,
to our regret, prevents us from giving
| further details, lieud the following:
It is a jdeasure, as a represi-ntative j
lof the \\ oinan's Home and Foreign
j Missionary Such ty, to return thanks i
j for these Words of welcome. To you,
I dear sister, in behalf of our Society, ]
I wish to return our heartfelt thanks
j for the salutations of welcome which i
have just fallen from your lip-. W"
have come to you a- humble christian '
j workers in the interest* of the cause of
missioni. Ihe missionary idea is the
greatest in the world of thought and
eflort. It is the true christian idea.
It m< litis the conquest of the whole
world, the purification of all hearts,
the elevation of humanity, the salva
tion of men. It has furnished a host
iof heroes and martyrs. It ha* pre
ceded civilization in nlI lands. It lin
iipeii-'d doors to commercial enterprise
and international fraternity. It has:
taken the lead in i xploratiou and di-- {
cover v. It has re via le< I the natural
history of all lands, their lil raturi -
and their languages. Missionaries
have la-eii foremost in ail tie■ a livi
ti< ■ which have made us acquaint- 1
with man man iu ail stage- of pr
gre.s, tr in the lowe-t harbarisiii to the
highest civilization. Missions anil ,
missionary work have oecuph •! - ut
Ane-riaii Lutheran church : r lie
last halt ei nturv
t 'to- of the in ist signifu ant movi
tils lit- of the prc-eiit age is that if;
christian women of all denorninat: ,n
in hehalt of the women of h- allien- i
I mi. Wonderful have Uen th- pt
videiu-i - that have prepnri I the
f.-r it For may yeai- ini--i :..ir \
w >rk hud hi en carried on in tin- <n-',
thetio-jiel had IKS-H preached h> tie
men. schools had been establish) I t r
the boys, but the Imme had not In - n
reached. The great multitude • :
women, shut up in their hone Iminel
hv the wrongs and sujMWstitions ot
ages, had not heard ot One who i
"the Wav, and t : .- Truth, and the
Lift linyw. re 1 • |g. ,j in l>y almi <
lie \ irahle laws at) I custom*, and th
h-ta- e in (1 vs.-tv ot rcßehitig them
t-r christian teaching were so main,
that it - l ined n't -t iinp-.i1.l- !•
rai-e the moral ami ->c ial stand.ir I <
the country, while they wen shut T
'from all advantage-. Tin- tnet* t.
eatne known that within the shade* :
I Oriental mystery were dwelling u, it -
ers ami daughter- wle. had no a-- in
iion- with any '-ne -ave the no-nib. r
'of their own iambic-. who w<-re with
out occupation or int-1--t. tr- nt.-d s
slave*, and sunken to the dcip -i
dipth* of human misery II w < il-l
tlese wone n lie rea-h- F' Mi-*in
arie- < oil I ie ' invade tie- -an- litv r:
the eastern home. Thcwomin r il l
not come out, and it became maiiib-t
that n woman'- hand iiiiet unl - k the
do-.r which tor age* had la-en cie-ed.
Woman's cause must IM aided hv w
man cllbrts. The women of Lug
land and America ho-ded the provi
dential call, ami the various woman's
missionary aorietie* have l< - n the
practical response, the ageniie* which
liave been nmst marvelou-lv blessed ( ,f
• tod in carrying light to the women of
the • trient. This organized movement
< iver- only a few years, but is one of
i the nio-t remarkable and touching
chapters in the annals of modern
missionary work.
AIKJUI tour years ago the women of
the church of the (iencral .">lllOll con
vened for the organization of a society
win -e WORK would IM- the grande-t,
noblest, holiest that God entrusts to
fallen humanity. The consciousness
i that the cause they were aliout to ad
vooate was but the following out of
God'a command, was of itself enough
to strengthen their purjiose and exalt
their hopes. The vast 11 ess of the work,
the great necessity for more etrectual
ami systematie aid in directing the
j gospel light to those who dwell m the
dark placed of the earth, united their
energies and inspired them with reso
lution. Then met earnest, eager, en
thusiastic christian workers, full of
hope, to band together and do more in
united effort in the cause nearest nnd
dearest to Christ—the salvation of the
world. It was a question whether this
| hope could be fulfilled. It seemed
though one spirit moved the women of
the church, and that they wen- ready
j to join linnd to hand and heart to
heart in active movement. Yet there
were fears in the hearts of some that
this feeling would lie transient, the
! impulse of the moment; in others,
doubts lingered concerning the ability
jof the women to press forward. Our
separate work was an experiment.
Mistaken views of our object and
plans had become current, which had
to Ire corrected. It has lieeii demon
strated beyond a doubt that the move
ment ia not the result of impulse, but
the firm, steady outcome of strong,
deep conviction ; and that the women
of the iAitheran church are a power
in character, in capacity, in effort'
The z<-ul ami talent to-day cnguged in !
this work far exceed the most sanguine j
ex pee tat ions of friend* to this cause.
Now with extension of boundaries,
with increased facilities for and ex
perience in the work comes also a deep
sense of responsibility in view of tin- j
opportunities to ho improved : an nl- j
niu.-t overwhelming feeling of im utility
us we remember to what feeble hands j
this honorable, this far-reaching, this
blessed work has been given. 'I hi*
eause lays 11 claim upon < very one ot
us, and evade it, or forget, or trifle
j with it us we may, wo cannot escape j
j the obligations which such ail oppor-
I tunity brings to lis.
Home arc inclined to think the load
is heavy which we must carry in tin
support of the variou- works of charity
which appeal to lis for aid. Happy
j the lmrden-b( iirer who has given hi
shoulders to such a service. The
J longer we labor t--r the precious
Saviour, the -wider will he the w rk,
j the greater will he tin- reward. <) the
hli'--cilm --• ot that individual 011 w 110111
< liri-i looked, and ol whom lb--aid,
; "She hath done what -In- could."
lfl(-sed lire tln-y who "sow be-idc
; all water*." L-1 u then hopefully'
cost abroad -ccd- -good words, a holy
example nlwitv* diligent. \V<- are
t'i sow the seed in laitii faith in the
coiniii I—ion ot ( liri-t, "<io ye into all
I the World and preil< 1) the g< -pel I >
1 every creature tailh in the pr u.
of the Saviour, " l*o, I am ...ill 1
1 always, even unto lie -ml ol tin
j world tuilh in the un< ii.n.giiig eo-.-
limit, "A-k of tite and I shall gv
thee the heathen for thim ihlnritatict
| ami the ullei iin>*t part-ot tin • nrti>
tor thy p ion. '
It will only be a liltl- %%Li.-- ia-fore
we -hall l-ii-ln n d into the company
'of the redi-eined annul tie throne.
\\ • I :iv< mil•. a . ii v ri.
I>r .le-iis let tlii- tii ;ght in it' 11 •
to pr<uiipt, ei ■ rgetie action. A- we
reiie nibi-r tin debt of gratitude wi
ow.- t Hun "wh Lit !i Ut :it
and imiiioitalitv to Lgiii tnr igli tin
I go-pe|,' may we r -I % ■ t , id tin
j weariedly oti until t • "giu I tiding-'
of ■ il v.it ion through •ur cite ilii I,
ri-eli, US ended lh .• eiij. r shah luiv
1 been puhli-heil t-> very nation <ll t
T.v Senate a:s I A; Mjnut
The legislature has la-en ill M-s-iuii !
nt.irlv four and a i alt in nth-. I t
t -1 nute I .... Nt •t 1 . la-:.
I one ol ili*- tin. ap|>rie iiineiit hi -
which are n- << ary t< en he t|,e p.
pie ••!' the -tale 1 In • ju.taidv epi -
-• litOll • 11 the hem 11. . i ngri s- .1 . i
in the legislature To •>i mi* dm
. .th- r i ' - 1 in !:io , .-in • r
1 lila rate <!• sign n the part ot th
nnd'.ritv • t that h -11 \\ -n : er t
-< nu" * tngiecl ot tie- iuij>r:ant
!nieiiure Ist" I attributed t . the one
■•r the '-ther t the i iius- * meiiti- ■ l.
: it i greatly t" its hr rislit aiei it it
ish Mild ajip ar tii.it tin- apportionment
j hill- which that I.- dy wiil fin.ii.v
iprrsont t" the h i-<- are in <pntabh.
ui ust ami int'-ndtsl nn rt ly ' > - i un
it partisan advantage, the criminal
wa*te of time will In regarded by the
public as a i- d and -haraeh - dev; •-
to prevent tin- mill iritv in the senate
from discussing the iiiiquitous hill* in
full and utitrainmi'led debate.
T'. lIIPUT e the condui 10l tb< <h m
rratic majority in the house with the
dilatory, doicthiug policy ■! the
senate. I'pward- ola month a.: > the
house | .1 -'I rringre--: : al and J< g -
lative np|s.rti •nmrnt bills and mes
saged them over t" tbe **!!• li tie
latter bad acted with -iinilnr prompt
ties* it i* more than 1 1 k I \ that by this
time the two hous- - e tii-l have come
t-i an agreement in regard t - tie"
'lulls. Hut owing solely to the de
liberate delay of the -emite tie likeli
hood i that the closing day* o| the
*• --i -li will find the ap|nirtionmeiit
i bills 111 conferenei- committer* with
; hut a few brief hours tor > nidera
tion.and the r- -ult n ha-ty c uiipromi-e
lietwecn the representative-ot oppftsing
interests or a rleadlock whir h will re
sult in the tailure of both houses and
smiate bills.
Th-re i, indeed, but little doubt
that the stake for which the stalwart
| managers in the legislature are play- 1
ing 1* the retention of the present oon
gres-ional and legislative grrrvman
'dors. Their dilatory policy was do-!
sigtierl f>r that purpo-e and no other.
' Hut they have lately shown some
apparent sign that they arc not sure
of their ground. They discovered
last year to their -urrow that a patient
people will not consent to wear the
yoke of political lio-sc* when it gall* j
them too severely. In the light of
their recent ex|erienee they are be
ginning to doubt whether the respon- 1
nihility for an extra session of the
legislature rendomt necessary by their
defeat of apporlioiiment would not be
too heavy a load for their party to
j carry next November. .Since they
have begun to ponder this matter let
i them weigh it carefully. They have
i been fairly warned, and cannot evade
1 the blame wbirh threatens them if
their policy should defeat the reappor
! tionment of the state which the con
stitution commands and the people
I expect.
A Case That Pnsseled the Whole Faculty
Mrs. Mile Ingrain g*\ the names of
som of the most reputable physician*
in the twoeilies (Pittsburg and Alleghe
ny,) to whom she had paid large sums
of money for treatment, but she rapid
ly grew worse. She was then taken to
the most reputable pyticiana and aur
geons in New York, but with no better
| nieces*. I bey bail all pronunccd it can
< eer, an 1 declared she must die. The
1 flesh of her bre*t was eaten away down
In the rib* ; the hreatl I.one Wan
laid bare ami the diseam in tdfl it* wy
upwards, causing the bre-ist It.ecme
- detached from liu- wall of the rhct, |
hanging loose from above. See page 20,
lof Dr. Ilartiiian'* "lII* of Life," how
/ ■ runu cured lir-i I lu-y are given awsy ;
; hy druggist* (gratis.) oj o.
Remember This-
If vou ate sick Hop Hitlers will surely
aid Nature in making )<„, w,.jt when 1
ail ' lite fails.
If yon are costive or d>spelic, or ste
suffering Irorti any other of ibr nurner- ;
On*-Ii -i'Nse ot ibe -loin icb i.i l.owels, i(
i- your on 11 fault it you r.-mnin ill, for
Hop I'.iiters ar.- a sovereign remedy m
al I such complain I .
II you are wasting nwuy will, any
lorin of Kidney Ihsea*.- -i-.p tempting
He.iih lliis morin nl, ami 1 irn lor a cu:.-
to Hop Hitters.
It vou MI e si. k with that t< 11 Id I- -I. k-
N '-rvousne -. \ oil w. i find a "i'.alin
j 111 < nl.-,to" in 1 u-c ill IP p 1'.,: '.-1,.
H ton are M frequenter, or u re*.dent
of a tniasimitic district, t urrirade your
•I •''•in Hg tifist If. -c.-uri-e t>f ;,il <■ -in
tr.. * malar ui. i-| lein. , i )iiion-, and
i interriiittru fever* l-v Hie o-.i t,l ]{,.•-
Hit I. r*.
If you (1 • v.- 1 rough, pitnpiv, or .iiovt
-km, •1 i l.ri-ath, | i - ami . i,. , ~,)
t'-.-l uii-'-.tiMid'- geni-r.ii ,v. 11 p l'otters
will give von f r -it ;.r -ti I.i- .i. and
-w.-.-t 'ho ill,, lu-altli. and comfort.
111 short they cure i.'l 0 i . ... 11,,-
" '-I I -• il, I- iWels. p.io ~|. Liter, '..-rv.
i I'll "VS. I'.rtgllt's I I a . #' "I W lit he
pa I t -r a < i<- th.-v wui not cure or li el p.
I I it | "or. t edi Id. o jiit -J v. 't-,
'.'i in tlier, or 1 .ughtcr, ■ an he ni -ie
tie i '-tlll.-ol he.'ltii. I '. a 1.-w bottles
i"( Hop Milter*, ."-ting tut a tr fie.
VV.il \ u let thriii *ulh-r ' 1* H.
A" > ..•! I ill i , ■St l.f I . ' . (it Kl
<lil)l •lifl.i)..* snJ ujHij Mill, imt.bf'iii
* I. ll If > >. - iile, , . , I Ills !
Us- Wi* St . > 5•,7 Mi * ruts • k IKH-kIS
linnisa 1t.,-! . „ ...i,., |, ,
II -y. f lilt . ffsr. r.. n-4 is*. Its;- r ; ; an
i, tkers, i.i, -i.t-l, ai. t ,t It
t ,- ii. u i tie. I st. I ei.. . > t It." I. -
.- Its* Wi*. >. f < lilt. <IIII- ia 'mi js
IM TtrTMfSu | 1.-sut,l t<- Uw u1- suit 1. il,.
' I) si! <l,us<et*tl.f -Sl.eut it., wIA I-OS. Okl.
Itching Piles ti :;.pto: ; nudCuro
i I"- *-:• j torn* |. -; ur . I s.e p. r
*; iratton. uitei • it. .ng t: re... ,I ht
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Mil.l lIHW. CKNTHX " ot XTV. I'RNN'*
W. S >1 t'x-KR, Proprietor.
|ahi f MtHh* ft <•
ale !.t Itrn nl! fr .rn .Turn Hal- •*, n lh l/Vt*
; f-irg. ciitro so! *|-m< * AkilrtMl, >th mi
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I ii -Ult ti! will |*a ♦ itit•! f;r• t- ar,*l Innti m4rt
| Ja
New Brockcrhoff House.
D iiuainr-if, munni, n
C. (f M. MILLKN, PrnpT.
! Onthi Sample Room on hr*l Floor.
Bu*. IM *1.4 fr.'Ot all Trsm* Sls) rsl—
j te 11 rises.. a4 jamrs. 4-1
Vy (OntwiU tlm Mtti'tn.)
A. A. KUIILHKCKKK, Proprietor.
fkH Itr*tl • fifHk-nl i'!***- to lWh. w jmwtif# a
A 1.1, TRAIN* •- j *U>tii ik mlnntr* 4?
mndr • br th l4w1rlr *
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f fifftmir h'*U tftft# I" hxtinm
othir ' uainw will jhij fen nooil.f wMI. Rf
f*rto mn foil V pnj, by •!
one# Oolly onlftl nt| li turn fr#*- mndp fo*l,
cKatjf, boixtraM/ AtMrw Ttt 10, AngwwU.
Mnlim * (V
5 tf a narnuisrs.
3 *. Br-a*rt>"# Bow. E
3 i Alt ll* Sludawl r*ts*M Msdltlns* Pes *
* *. rlf-l|.*i* *1.4 r*iil B*nps aorwrslaly
Cms |inl Trwwos.Ste'wtdsi Brwews, **., A*
-I ) **' 1
New Ailverlini'tnenln.
Williams & Brother f
-nil' THK liK-'i note Tlipumi-r i
' •■turf II l> Nit )Vt r Mi.. |
W tuft, . 11.1* •■ ! . I f 11. f. ,rn, ,!.]! 1 li.< -I.
Ml* lUiuut Wall Hafwr ....i...| f I'l.iU Mfifcla . , ■
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Get two Wcciil.'i Newspapers I
lor the Pi icc of One.
ciucctl Kate p.
; -
Mm. !,
| i. i-'llii. ki< i.-.
Repairer of Sev ir.g Machines,
.-r . t ■?'!-• r. It ~ Jw, k
.*,!' f,. w tli Mr >•! ( ,t. fk- ' fJt
Z Ki.hr, fr..
(J.ti Ma > r Jit ■. • /<> i * /< I '**t f >l/,
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#*%! 'k *j.
Jin mm s* ( ftrtl*.
Hi Nftl | •' |
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i; P. BLAIR,
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V timpANV. J
Wp 'lll
Ar.4 45 * Tr 1 •-!
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WfHI. Hfllfl ' 1. Ti 4-1! 1
M i ncriia f i wits
|c WOW fl| f KKI N
OKK A T IN I) V ( KM K N 1 s
to Tllil!!* WIAHIMi IKT-< I •►
|Plain or Fancy Printing.
Wo hnvc uriuu*J I'm iliti.*. fit j.;ntn.i:
;CI Kelt I.A US,
W|r-Ordirii by mail will rocaivc prompt
■VPriating dona in tha b*t *tyla, on
abort notice and at the iownrt rate*.