(The tfrnttf jOrm octal. IS K LLEFO NT4 , PA TH K CENTHK OKMOCKAT U nub lil |>*M Ui A'ltum <>. H OO \ LIVK PAI'KK-ilrVotntlo th# lut#r*#t il % Wtiol# t'yiu#nM nuMl*wltlilti tlir*** month* will l* con ml In ilvuM. N |*|wr will ' .11* ouiintMMl until *n mhk *r* I* I <*tc#pl * option f publisher* *'i*ragatiig(Hil >f 1 In* county ut !• fnt In ••Uinc*. \ny pttfaon procurtn* * !*• s%-• ril'i'i • will l ntni noopy trw of clmrgw. iiitroklworivo in ulatloii aink** tin* |n| 1 #tt un- U, . A ||v inlialilr .%11 -1 profitablenmllnui i. -iitvorlUiit* Vl'# have the nnNl ampl* factllite* lr .It'll VloilK #qd if# bfMffd to prittlAll kiirtU o Bo • * fm l*ri)gri>itn mn r iil priming, 4 in CI ttiit ml# mi.l it thf Inweat pomiM# mlm All aWorttemoii i"i * !• t tm Ihnnthi## month* •JOi*nt |or line fr the f.r-t tin*" inM tion#, mil Ant4 a ll# loi a#. Ii additional In-rrtiun hp#*l n •!••• one-haM in.-tv K litorUl n.'tn • • I • crnU p#r lino. 1 . . \ 1 < locit iluMiiii. !<• rent* per 11 \ HtmnUilMßßi l< m!• i"' in idvirtlilttili) la# qnart#r. hall y®tM r y#ar, • foil w * u , - •rCB occvnil ; * • (Iqi |neb (01 1 - lines iiii *. l r ) * _ ''; ' T.,. 11l "11l tiinw • •• 51 g 111 .ni lit!tun ' ' ?: ' c i ,t\#rii* in,- 1 1 • . - v •r i for# It §0 1 t - ! • • ntt • ' II >•■ Mi p ci.i*in Klmnr > i # r#qulred ,t 1 v OTI< . 'i t 1 • • 1, in-^rthiii S ..1 (mm 1 lion •• • iito* 1 n*k STI * • IM. 1 . I"li|t ' -•'!* -r in#rtlon. No Hope fur Ohl,. lt'|,iitliruiiM. Ct.ivri.A\n. Mav ll—General M. I'. Leggett, of thi* city, whoso name has been mentioned in connection with the Republican Gubernatorial nomination, takes a vptv gloomy view of the politi cal situation .11 this state. In fael. all the prominent Cleveland politicians who have been interviewed lately seern to be verv down hearted, not to say positively despairing' General Leggett was in Chicago the other day and a Tim?* reporter interviewed liuu. lie said Senator Sherman would have been the Republican candidate for Governor, but he wouldn't have it "If," said General Leggett, "we wpro not going to have the proposition before us for a re peal of the constitutional amendment prohibiting the sale of liquor, which has been thrust upon us by the Legislature, Ohio would be ail right for the Republi cans, and we could run Senator v her man for Governor and get him in train ing for something higher up. It's a great pity this temperance question could not be kept out of Ohio politics this fall, for our state is the pivotal one. generally, which shows which way the Presidency is going: but it won t do at this time because ol our local trou" bles." The General was further of the opin ion that Foster has been relegated to private life by the temperance question, . and that "the same thing ha* played the deuce with the Republican party generally." If 11 were not for local questions the General seems to think Ohio would go Republican, but things being as thev are lie ii verv much afraid it will go the other way. Titr. next House will contain an un usual number ol young men, but the youngest of them wdl be a good tnany vears older than was .John Randolph, of Roanoke, the youngest man who has ever been elected to ' ongtess "ince the adoption of the Federal constitution' The New York of February, 1810, says of Randolph: "His fellow citizens considering bini a progidy, elected him their tepresentative to f'ongres. at the juvenile ag" of twentv two years. We shall never forget the •lay when the beardless legislator |re sented himself before Mr. Sedgwick, the Speaker, to take the customary oath- Struck with his boyish appearance he demanded, with that sternness which was peculiar to him, whether Mr. Ran dolph was of age. 'Ask my conslitu* ents, sir, who sent me here,' retorted he, which silenced the Speaker and as tonished the other members of the House." A Special Seas in II soar v*Rr noon nr.sovs w itv it su nr. < *1,1.11 n, The near approach of dune 8 gives an unwonted business air to the pro ree lings of the legislature. I'hree times within two davs has the previous ques. tion been demanded on important bills in the house in order to cut oil debate and expedite consideration and the house has increased the hour* of the teas ion in order to push siong the work y of lessening the pile of four hundred bills efore it. F.verv member has an unconcealed anxiety as to pet measures on the calendur and the refussla to lis tn to any request |x>*poning local leg islation are becoming slarmingly .ittm emu*. Philadelphia, it is conceded, has had the bulk of firorsin tbi* leg i*Uture The country members will hear the name of the ipiaker City ring ing in their ear- long after returning home. It ia now believed that lite present legislature must arijourti without clear ittg the calendar ot some of the lead ing bill upon it. ,\n extra session, it i ihought, will be calli-ii by Governor Puttison. The governor is said to have ♦ thought upon the matter and it is be lieved tnuy cull the assembly together in January next if not immediately - alter the approaching adjourn men I, in - the event of n failure to pass a legisln " live apportionment bill. The only hope , of a settlement of the apportionment ' differences lies in a conference commit " tec, hot the statement was made that the republicans ol tbe sennit) are ma , noeuvering for delay by a system well l known to themselves, and will proba ! b!y rush upon their fate by their policy of keeping back action on apportion ment as long as possible, II it special session should be called it may be made >to include a revision of the revenue ■ laws. I'll 1: stir ereated in Massachusetts by Governor Puller's vigorous raid on tbe lewktbury Almshouse is new exp'-ri enoe for the sleepy Pay State. It is probable that some good will result •mm the investigation, whatever may he the motive at the bottom of Puller's remarkable zeal. Tbe Governor'- r<- form campaign, it appeals, 1- not toend with thi* investigation, which may con tinne far into the summer. He will then arraign the management of the lndustrial School for Girl", at Lancaster, and alo the Stale Insane , Asylum at I>anver. The people of Massachusetts wore promised 1 lively time when they elected Penjamin and they are certainly getting it. He has kept his word faithfully ; but it is a serious question whether hi- real aim i to do the public a service or to promote bi- own personal interests. The latter view seems to be taken by a majority c' ' the Legislature, who are making ev rv possible effort to head off His K.xcellen cj. They believe his intention is "to I keep the 'ire- steadily aglow straight 1 through to tlicactive campaign season, i I with hope of thus manufacturing a . I boom which will not only overwhelm I all opposition in the Pay Slate, fut t ! Puller on the crest of a Presidential ! tidal wave. All of which i" interesting -not because Puller is a Presidential probability, or even possibility, but b<- cause the country at laige rather en joy* the chagrin and humiliation of Massachusetts.— (' ~ '/ t..v tinerfejt Ahead, ' rr 1 (1.1 A R KKt.. In this age of bustle and hurry, an : age devoted to great projectsand enter prises, the American people are taking the lead in the furtherance of noble ' works, ami in the advancement of the j science and arts. |n t thev deserve to take a high rank, and through the united work of millions, the American continent is fast being transformed from its untamed state and being placed on an equality with the older continents beyond the ocean. The American peo pie are fast under thee influences, de veloping into a nervous, energetic race, remarkable for its vim and business qualifications ; yet there is danger tiist in the course of years these very ele ments may combine to the ruination of the physical character of the people, I and leave them feeble and altogether different from their forefather". Gen i eral debility is now much more com- j ' mon than formerlv. and seems to he on the increase among tlie masses. Manr | remedies have been extensively adver | tised for this wide ap.read complaint. i but none of these have been so success - j fill or niet with such general favor ss the remedy manufactured by !>r. S P. j : Hartman, and named by him Ptri v. Mr. S. S. tioudy, of Massjjon, Stark countv. 1 >hio, writes that he had been i troubled with general debility and dyt i pepsia for several years ; that he was 1 | induced to try Piri m for his com : plaint*, and thst after using three hot. | ties of the medicine he was greatly relieved. It braced him right up and gave him energy, and restored him to his youthful vigor. He ascribes hi* cure to I'rai na, and say* if is a wonderful remedy. The "M. H. < l Brand The Republican managers are very ' confident that no one will come forward . to disturb the preparations which they ( 1 are making for a grand Stalwart-lode i pendent reunion in the July conven tion. The Wolfe#, the Stewarts, the Merrick*, the Mitchells and all the rest of the disgruntled people who last year were fairly splitting the air with their ' yells about being "slave*"' and "serf#,*' ) seem now to have cnine to the conclu sion that they are emancipated, they are freemen once more, and that j they must no longer he angry with their i old masters. What essential difference there is he j tween the condition of these men thi* ver and that of last year it is very hard to understand. They themselves would no doubt be at a bus to tell what it is that they have gained which should induce them In come hack so meekly and submissively to the party fold, hvery one nt them has less influence as a |>olitician than he ever had liefore. while Wolfe lIKH retired into cave of gloom utterly soured mxl disgusted. It is trim that ( '.moron will not again I set up the nominations in advance, he J cause he is too much engaged in fixing i up his debilitated body, and too eager ! to have some fun abroad instead of j wearing hint sail out with machine poli ! i tics when nothing of any great value is j lat stake. Hut Colonel will he here. I | Me CHU do all that Cameron can do for i Cameron and more still. The July eon 1 vctilinn will have a plentiful assortment iof Independents sitting around with! hog hooks invisibly fastened in their i ! noses. They will say a great deal, will | | say it very prettily, but when the con i volition adjourns and the nominations are made, the brand of "M. S. < t .'' will |be found over it all. /Vu'/.i. ' V,r.. i //rr,i/,/. Signing l ight House Ifills, J UIIVKHXnR I'ATTISIIN'S \| I'liin M Ol s|,v I it\l. I MI'ORTANT Mi: -! S. The governor has approved of bills as follows : Ihe act authorizing cilies of the first cla*s to issue subphn niis and to take (he testimony of witnesses con cerning the management of any of the accounts of said city. 'I his 101 l ongi nated in the house. , The act regulating the hunting and killing of weh footed wild fowl I bis is a house bill. The act repealing the first section of an act entitled "An act to prevent nii chiefs arising from the increase of v.tg abend* and oilier idle and dicorderlv persons within this province," passed February 21, 18h7. A house hi I. I lie act to prohibit i it.es, I orougb* and municipalities from levying any license or mercantile tax upon person* taking orders for goods or meri handi-e by sample for individuals, or companies who pay a license or mercantile tax at j their ■ hief place of business, and also to prohibit the collection >•! such Ii" censes or mercantile tax-"- \ house bill. The act fixing the standard weight of a bushel of potatoes. A house bill. Ihe act to amend the first section of an act.approved dune 11, I*7'.', entitled " \ supplement to an act for the regu lation of boroughs, approved A j rll 1, lS.'il," so as to include all incorporated boroughs. A home bill. 'I he act to prevent the exemption of J property on judgement obtained for |.V) or less fur wages f..r manual labor. A bouse kill. I lie art to repeal an set authorising clerks of market* to weigh butter, lard I and sausage, etc. A house bill. The governor has also approved the concurrent resolution to print I •**) copies of the amende 1 game ami fisii , laws, ami the resolution to print in the , pamphlet of the Miimont inveotigu tion the majority ami minority reports. A**anlt Wlthont Warrant. These as-aults upon lovernor I'atli son are without warrant. 11 is adruini- I tr.it ion thus far has been conspicuously conservative ami uneventful. It has 1 been free from all scandals, abuse*, or j j suspicion of wrong. No crisis has or currcd to test it. tiovernor Fattisoii has broken no promises, can ed no just , j disappointment which we can perceive . , and we believe he enjoys now, as much a* when he was elected, the respect and i confidence of the people. f course, i the politicians who could nol control 1 him are displeased. That is neither the loss of the public nor of the governor.— /".'.r, / cm I-.; 7"- V/rji 1 Hep. A I'oniprnmlse Measure, iM-rrivnrsT ssvxTuas a..k t pox ax AI POBTIOXMKXT. I The independents of the senate held a caucus Wednesday evening, Mr. Ag ! new alone being absent, and decided upon an apjiortionmenl bill which will ' he presented as an amendment to the Mct'racken bill in thesenatenext Wed nesday. This compromise action of the independents was first suggested in the Patriot two weeks ago. The hill is as I follows Philadelphia—Six districts. Seventh— Hurks, Montgomery. bighth -Chester, Iteiaware. i Ninth—Lancaster. Tenth—llerks, Lebanon. Kleventh— Lehigh. Norlhamp to n, ('ar bon. Twelfth—Lackawanna, Monroe, Pike. Wayne. Thirteenth—Luzerne, Wyoming. Fourteenth-—Columbia, Schuylkill. Fifteenth— Adams, Dumb e r I an d, York. Sixteenth—Dauphin, Perry, Franklin j Seventeenth—l.ycoming, Salli v n. Montour, Northumberland. Kighteenlh—Susquehanna. Hrndfonl, Tioga, Potter. Nineteenth—Fulton, Hnnting d on, ■luniala, Miffitn, Centre,Snyder, Union. Twentieth-—Clarion, Jefferson, Clear field, Clinton, Cameron. Twenty-first— Hlair, Cambria, 11 ed ford, Somerset. Twenty seoond—Westmnrelsnd Kay ette, Oreene, Twerjly-third—Sutler, Arrnstron g I ndiariM. Twenty-fourth Venango, Fores t, Warren, McKean, Flk. Twenty-liftii—Crawford, Krie. I wenty sixth Washington, Heaver, i Lawrence, Mercer. I wenty seventh end Twenty eighth j Allegheny county. I bin hill give* u delegation of seven' teen republican* to a eleven democrat*. ' trie district, the Seventh, is doubtful for the denioctiil* but it i* claimed that the Nineteenth is doubtful for the re publican*. ') he heaviest republican majorities in 11:• - new district* would la in the Ninth, Lancaster, *,"00; the Lightci-otli, the northern tier, N'J7-V Allegheey and Phil'idol phis. I lie heav iest democratic i the Tenth, Ib-rk* and l.ibanon, 1,000 ; the -Lleventh, the tenth legion, •!'; the I .ftcenlh, Adams f'iiniheilumJ and York, and the • 'lealfield distiict. -L7'."i. The I irgest district in p-j ul iti -ii i the Twenty -ixth. IM 4* 1: th- snialh-" the Kiev ■ nth, i -i.L* . Uniting for Their Master. i Hr.wiKKsi.it i;i EN\ AHVAXI r.l> lOA IM I Alt l*tX l>l A IIIMII), I'l VWIITII, N. < , May 17. I ne of the most remarkable tea-on► Pro 1 ,!.|y -v< • Ulged for t lie p., r. Inn of it i r • t ~ )c. been | resettle i to the (. -vet in i of thin State 111 application h I the rele iin! I Itti I' ll kfier. a colore j desj . rado cotifinc 1 in iall her-. About e.gbteeti inontbs .g >1; ickiii r-in .ted a riot ari l place.] Illmsrif.it the b'-td of at.nut l'l lawie-- negro lutnfe-rmi'ii who thri an ne-l t •b Or v this town. The tiovernor had to rail out the 111 .itary Lefi r ■ the re t ■is < Ml :. Ibe Mlp| 11--. •. i . blllklll-r ■<■• c■ iivict —d in. I sent tOjAi! for tw< year* lor t • log ii ■ ii gleutft r of the outlaws. At the time of ic- am -t tin- i eg to owned two COOII dogs. Tliese daih visit, -i ifi- , urt .luring- the trial of their master and -at 1 i his side After Huckner was s, t,t t> ..1 they i x.k up their vigils at thejaii v ,ro d>. o. Dot mg the twelve months tli- out ba leen incarcerated tli<- dog luve n< 1 b.-en absent from their post a single nigh! They relieve each other during the day to g.-t fool, but at i ght both remain. The j • ople of the town I. came attract.- i by this singular msrk of devotion of the iutii! creatures to tl • .r master arid lliei built them a kennel ticir the til .1 -or within ght of Jtuck tier s cell w indo v. tiovernor .l*rvi- *ils viited this place a few >biy ago and was moved to tears by the wonderful attachment of Huckner • dogs. She has joined others in recommending the tiovernor to jar don Huckner, who still has a year to serve. The principal reasons urged for executive clemency are the fact, above related. * '"Test a man's profession bv b.s practice Physician, heal thyself ' ' Physicians not only heal themselves with Kidney Wort, but presenile it fir others for the worst cases of billious ties* and constipation, a* well as for kidney r mpla.nt*. It you feel out >f *ort* snd don't know why. try a pack age of Kidney-Wort and you will feel like a new creature. < o| oai r-s ixii t'ni t>. - A vouiig girl deeply regretted that she was so color less arid cold. Her face wa* too whitr, and her hand and feel telt as though the Mood d d not circulate. After one hot tie of Hop Litters ha i l-eti taken she W IS the rosiest and healthiest girl in tl e town. With a vivacity and cbeerfulneas of mind grat.fymg to her friends. 21 21. STATEMENT OF THE AGGREGATE VALUE OF REAL AND PERSONAL PRO PERTY IN CENTRE COUNTY. PA , FOR THE YEAR A D.. 188.1 i * * " - ' £ ? \ i ] * = r?2 • | 1 £• , S- ? 14 I 5 j j - H i[, fit noßOt'CUl* - - . r* £ I ?L C± 1 WATTMI* a - =r _ i ="! -5. A*h - •; e -j £ = - * •; - • w *- * _ ~ ; = towsihiiih ( ; ' t ? ? ( ;r ;ji 2 2 I . ' •? > * > ! ' * " r. M J J *J S CUaa Claw liar* ■ S & j 5 g 8 2 st" J • —" J ~ * J? i < ft * v > lalMbfU XSMH |M (<*■* 1 |ja> 4,12* Al.?l*| 583S 2.21" ..♦<*• 1" 21 '-4 M - * IT*. 2.1 .• -■ <• Millh.im .. . 1.4?" '■ # *J® !••<;" * ? •• ii i-4 ft * 4 - } 'L 14 -*;? 1 )nt..n.ill - TfcM> *44 '2" •"' M* : _!"!*' . ' 1 l'liilt|ftlmre " 3-tI.M l".1?" 1 "I" 14.WC 442.44* 10. !• Twp 44147. t.\,4l **'• MA'- 4.4.!< in., IL.gg* .... 2( : 17.1'.' 4 v. ■ M 2"4*> .Vf.'to ltri..|.|r 41.M2 4.ft. -I '• **' * J, 2f l I „ . ' 1 ! fVllxfr *.'/*; 11.74W 4.41."i ,I*A. •*>. .• 4 1 Oam •• Af4.iii *.:• . ."i •" 4 " 4 '' .f a * 4 '' ' Cerinma " ... 1V.4.9 < I.'••*'. I* w ft ...' HtC.K 1 I.l.'*' o V*' Half Mm.n - -If.2*. .te& -I- Ml- '• ™ ■' I4tr4. I I*l.**> Ii.MR *. I 4 - 44 " f^ v f. ** Howard " .... 1 ;,M ■ 1 ■ • 4<. * '•• 1 *£ tlnfnfi " .1.4I. .4.1 U i....W -.■ •' ->; i *" |. Ift.rl r " l*l.lW 11 .ft' :..1V- -'4TI w.ltv*. 2"..14-' Mf.l.n " *-4* l 2.114' I*' ' Al' 1 " 142.44* • 4- • 44 , I Milww MA 412 21-iT* T :t*l •" I* tiiw •• ll.**.* 2.1i l.'f" ".if* i*.l^> f,.m 11* I" 14.M2 i.*IA I.W J.T""# ji* 1 -*]* 4 4 PM4, -rffl 12.14*' 'V7' 4,lf* 17>2" *T t.**; | • v... i 7 *> Itnrll 17704." 7.4*4". I,*"-'. l'* I.J"U If.'**' A *|ftln " *11.121 ai.*l .•**.; 4,,> R* l - v( o4* **•••*. ,eM ' fix™ Ahfft " . __ ...i T.llof " 44'..12A 1.1*4' Ml 14*4 1.44U" ~ ' ' I 11.1* - 11A.814 ll.n '*4 4'"- W" 144!..| , w.lkrr - 7x42.412* 1i.11'.: \T' 1.'.'1.. 7 24. 1 ■•*• north •• AU 4.1V1 i.;7- 1 4*. .'.%■• Ui T. 1.1 tMBJfto" HI A*- HMD 1A'444) *l2*l *.-..141 14. nn > 4R ~ m TO Th Comßiintiotier* herrbjr giro nolic !>• thrv will moot *. • ft.*Ar.l of |{4.vi.t,.n *• rmjuirm) by tbo Art of A**4>mbly, at their office in Bellofonte, 4.n the 21*1 day of May in*tant, to arcoruin and determine wbethn any of the valuation* hate been made above or below a Jn*t rate, and to retire, correct and eqtialiie the am.- art finding lei the requlremenU of the law* relating lo Uiatloa. W. Mit.ice WALK**, .OHN WOLF. ) Owl. • H. (I, CAMPBELL, [ (Wi fhmmitmiMrr*. Itellefonle, Te , May *. HWi. r * . A J. ORKIBT, ) f 2 * Tii K fact that (ieneral McClellan ia reported to hive visited Hichmond, lend* :• republican exchange to remark : "It i* noticed that '.ericrnl McClellan finally reached lfichrnond n few daya I ago 1 He would have reiiched that city long before (ieneral Orant did if - lie bud been left alooe, or bad been supported as (ir.int p,.j< it was not the policy of the republican leaders at lliHt time to allow (ii-iie, u | MeClel- Inn to enter Kicl.rnond. Such an achievement would have mode him president, |Ust a- it afterward* did (irnrit. but (ii-ni rnl M<('iellj, being an avowed deni'ii r t, il b.-. -iiiie necessary in the esiuiiatioil of I in- republic on polilii j.,1 „ to crush lull). They didn't wont a .l--iii>." r itie | ieident. It would not have suited them. ((nick Ituilvvuy Time. /.' '' /, UL, •/ 1 i ■ MI. //: i r!i' .t' Ifl/r />i uj•j" > "tf / t ' e - . ,--. s r --- i i 1.l I , be' it.* K I'M I. W All II Com-AX V. HY ID *MKit D lIFLLAMi . Hiving m"-t thoroughly tested the Kockford (Club I . . Il Wall nes fur til. bo' three years. ! ofl.-r lli.ru with the i .'onfideuce as the best mode and moat reliable little keeper for til* llioto l that < -ti be obtained. / 'u -. intir ftry ll'.-' ), rtj ,-.ir //i-LY/V I Ji/.A/K. A 2/' 'rl /,' AH hrr ..- if,.--- pti.fi. I'loin .'ari. 27. I he I; tckford 11 ch piirrho-e.i F.-f I*7'. b.s performed better than any Watch I ever had. Have carried it every dav an'l hi no tirne hs> it t.een irregular, or in the least unreliable | cheerfully recommend the Kockford Watch. H(HA( ii H H-HiD N. at Digh'on Furnace Co. Tai * vox. -s. pt. 1 *, ] sl. Ihe Hock ford atch run* very ac curoielv. t ett.-r tioin am watch I ever owi . b sn-J I have i -I . r.e ti. t cost J!'." .'AH reconitnon-l the it .ckfcrd NV atch to ever y hod > wljo wishes a fine limekeejier. * V. II1" HP. \ HI I M D ■ i.i- t . ——it , t ,• ri ); ,ckford Watch boo ght f.- _J, I*7-. ii is rut very w< d ti..- past x-.r. Having set t orilv twice dur r g th>! tine it* OI.Ia Vaii.li 11, I" i • till, e I , 11 .,*. It Ij.i ruti in inocli l..ti. r than 1 <-v.-r an tit ate I, It w' no" a l uste i r,v. I onlv cost #_'(. H. P. l'-HVAN r. at the !'-an Street } g ss|ation. Mansfeii, Mae. Feb 21 !**n I'd tf. i i Dll 1 •i: * N ' ' Ti4*T%\l[H*A m. Sthlll " SiJ. tHe : t the at ?t aov.#;.. ,'A Ja f a t-'t f m 41 ji* ,1 ot.i on ) 1 t tnohi* 4l*nt-ut > t - f j Imi m th' !♦•.. • . f *b llil' •!>'■ ' ' —iA I'-" • t)t (A ibd gm ||ire i# follv *||| otter ', t . th# \tu-a <-f lII* " 14.1** oil i W.v • Otilvs.et. ml jo(. . tint itit ruM nat ott* i \ I ' I. K nr ( ; KM H.\ KI'.KU >1 lop. "I I LI S; /'. f. /fee/., . I'ro/tr. THE GREAT CURE . l RHEUMATISM f Jt i Irr Ik..', thr rt a-wv i c f th* v £ KIDNEYS.LIVC9 AND BOWELS. i It r.m+r.mm Uo •fotorrrs of th# fl|h> t r*-imr+ thm fc) MrltLob J # onij v, ricn. trm of RSosmnjin wtn rt-tuiM THOUSANDS OK CASES □ ' f ih( w rvr*t f "m cif Ul ia lrrr,b> • ham qtnrJtly r* JWrrM. •nd In >ort Um* * • PERFECTLY CURED. BLNIRR. ft. lIQTIIIOK V FCOIJI M hirwim NI Vrj rmo •*! IT NUFCIL A eir Ait vert ine me nt. s POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tl 4.r ~f t*i • \ I j'i,rl*t mwt V • • , 1,41 ■' H—RY , • ! ,i. ■ • • lU , , if ,„ *:tl> l!, iit j||Jf < .f . v. f. • rl* /,? fcj'iti. i !',< -f f# „ K Jj I u fmt a ,• l#J j Jlk|t lA<. I VMft. . I •, W S > ! FURNITURE. 41 r. SL' \\(;l.f FT ,(■ CO. RE. I ' ' tin iillrnli,,„ ~j rf, r tftt 'ft * r ?r •< r ti MM,I' 'OR -<< /. ,/■ TIN; DEEIRE T'L VLL ■ ■ PIT HI I / . '" ' U/lO l till I to,! , . , , 01l hourehotd in ir ,it ft . , •. hnr foni'i" t„ "//./] ■TI 1,1 oil Irinil' ut t' i* hi J , ■ ... i, g,rtn a f",r lit /. „,j. Th . <•" iri • vt lo 1 ■ , loi > j,rn ,i. rt < i Il,fy ' H',L N, , RUT: . ~L,L , T , , R J,'T I"" OR. • . . ' TH.,, „U II tooi,t. INI, I PI-R,,. , ■ IRI' RIDE HOT, IT, MARBLE TOP TOT,',., TABH , ,TR., >' AN Ml'/ IN, ■ UI UNLRR AND (J ,71 I I ' ' JIT * 7 *UJ>* nnf* A• ' ui* D*J,-I ' <,l UT j t * , *on nil' i. ** je IT ' )n*> >T - * j ,i, , u* T* of (injeort'Dirr in ctoUtm* / THRU U • . I/.RIT, RPRRIA! ATTENTION TO thru- TINDER!, I lII'F DRPAR TOIRNT. MR. N ',IRY S. I IT;, PRO''. IL, *r,. NTI/IR MTN NET MAKER AND NO lertalrr OT MANY YEARE EXPRRHH£T, TUPFRINTFU/DT TIN OR RAUYEMENT' AND O ,R, 'J'H> HAVE LATE. LYT,' URED A nnr FT, TENT TOO .U,/ HOARD, OIL MART JICRIFTT I, ■ JR,"R ER , TIER, AND TH* ON. a OUR ,A I . NLRT RUIINLY, AT ROUND, RAB/E TRY A*'. A U ELR,/NNT h' IRT' TRILL L„ PROVIDED