I'rofcssiowU r pHOMAS .1. McCl'Ll.Ol fill 1 ATTOItNKV AT LAW, I*llll ll'Sltl Hil by lliv l*ltl)i|biig Hunkiug fntt|miy. • 4 11 1) * / ill AS. P. HKWKS, V ATThKNKV M l.Art 111 I,I,MONTH. I' I I'mrllt r. In nil lit" Court.. Ofllr. t>|.| il" liuiuv In l'urr building. ' fevR.IIAMUKM, .., . | HASTINGS A UKKDKR. ATTORNKYa AT I.AW , lIKI.I.KKIINTK I'A. • UM....H All. •• ■■ > lr.. l,i-> •!"" '<° l Ai*r COLLECTION OKKIt K. Jmiturj I, ISM. CLKAKHKI.Ii. I'A. 1 M.LIS 1.. UKVIS, I J ATTORNEY at I.VW. tif KICK ti|tpt..iin the Court II .tim'.no ill* W#' r ," A . ii. Kiimt'f building. i t. .LCXAVVU. r. .1)*1. \ LKXANDKU v HOWKR. i\ ATTOKM I a AT 1. •w, 11. Itofi.ut", I'A . nitiy I" t:.tn.iiti"t| ill Engli.h or U.r unit Oftli-w In oniin' Bull ling I-'X ILIII J. wt,.LTOfH*T. IIKAVKU A I.EPHAHT, 1 > ATTORN I 1 " AT LAW, oni.ts on lr- i. >rtl' Hi** 8.11. (.-tit-, I'M '•') 1 \v <'• HEINLE, > > . ATTORNEY \T lAW ItKI I.KK'INI K. I V L...1 J..r t'l lb. l.ft In 111" C.mrl II uao. 1 I L. SPANG LEU. J . AN IRK ICY IT LAW. HKl.t KroNTK. CKNTKK CoCSTY, I' V. Sp.* Ital ".tiili. ii I -- ti. |.n I ill 'I" O.nrla; C .mnluilon. In Ui-rinain tt K <4>l l-O j /t ! J ..l| i 1 L>A I.L, V. VI'TOIINKY V I.Art. iitl N. ti . rni-r iJltiui 1.1. t.. t • m b-.t t lbmO.. <*>-•> 'f c. UiPPLE, i . AtlUKM.'t AT- LA rt . L*r K IIA V kN. 1' V. All builii*a promptly •lttill t<. '"•) UJSI. P. MITCHELL, I'RACTU Al. al ill KViiK. L k lIAt KN. I'A , Will all il l to ll work Hi i ' .rt Til, C.-ntra Mid Cliutn* cuuuUft*. , OfflCUopiu.lt. Lot kII at "Ii SuUoliul Bunk. -> ■) J A F. FORTNKY, I /. A rTt.IKN El IT I.AV. UKLLKfORTR, I". Offl. In C-.iir.d 11 .". . All. ... i.a ir t. tip". J .till I*li u gltrll I" Hi"' -.11—" Ua.ll I IUIH' All buaiitt-wa alt'li : -1 t p* '"i ' 1 1 ' WILLIAM Ml I'LLOUGiI, \ a ATrmiA I\ IT I.AM . •I.AAlOTfct.l' " All I'iaiii-aa itrnuiptli iil'-it - *1 l ' T Hk. ill>Y. M. I> MR .. in Conrad n .... .' rtrtwr 1 ! Law mi .-. HJ.I I I IH> r. I'A apvtal at' tin St.,O* i/* • I'f'l* '•l'-tf, C-tf IvU.I.KrONTK. I'A. nit. .1. VV. lIHONK, Dentist,can | lo f ; 1l hla Ura a I - l-ti. ■ 1 N-rll. | •I I" 111. -Ir—A ... r- .1 ra lat ' All**' ■ . | llf!'#!oli* i W'onri':nt:n to Art AAPniirltrtra f -• ' • Trail.'Marka. < ■ |iyrliititA. ru-.. fr " I t ,j.| rut -I'ana.la. i i:l. F-riKlaiid. rranm, if rt'.Atir..Wl luii.' I.utl lliirtj-lla o yrwrw* r*pprlrnro, HMmMM IbraiKh us nr.* n-di<-> •11 t 11. (lei. TATirH' Aw Hirav. Tbl law snrl 'P ■ ■•'! I I linwlAMHjrmwifliHinir.il m wPimi— f S 1.-tf", U wrT lnl.'r"t'.lni;. niul tiaa nn pi r- ; a •liruln'l. n. A'l'ttwM MI NN A I >i, Pali'iit K- let . ra, lull's, of n ikktim.; Aw hp■.*. •':* l rli 11-•", ;. wY rfc. n.tu '■ i folate laakw. Kaaor. kt aaat C I' II ataaiaaiUM. jJ Adtlrta. s. II JOIIMMTOJ*. 109 Smith (kid strea I. PitUhurßh. Pa. IVUHOH MrFarfanr .I 1 Co., Ilantimrr ifrulrr*. ARE I \V r ILSOiSr, Mt-FA KIiANM CO.. DKALKRB IN STOVES, RANGES HEATERS. ALSO Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes, AND JB TJIRIDIEIR,*' HARDWARE. tuatmrnißfi ... aviuvMoos, .... Hlwnin.n J* CLARK JOHNSON'S Blood Syrup Cures all diseases of the Stomaon, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood.' Mill ion H testify to its effioaoy in heal ing the above named diseases, and pro- M/ nounce it to be the BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. trauk mark, Guaranteed to cure Ltyapepsia. WtTA. OENTS'WANTE Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, New York City. Druggist* sell it l*' TRAVELERS GUIDE. Hkllmfontk A SNOW FHOE K. ll.—Tlu*' TttLlo lii rff cl on ami allfi Mun li I 1. *HS I••!*\I'H Sn- W slior-fi. lti 4. M .irrivv* to ll<*il**foiit j i v x IrPNTH* Hi'lUfuiilu P. 12 %. m l Mho* U. 2.> A. M . l.i'HVc* rtiiuwPlio*- 2 .id p. M.,urrl*ofc In tlnlUfoul, , I 4.20 P M. ( li'11 c11• iitc 1.4 ' p x.,ki rlvf Mt Hnow Sl.} i 724 rx. S. H. UliAlli, licti'l KnpprlrilPiilA LI) EAGLE VALLEY RAIL I I > ROAD i Tsbli April run© l.'4p .. 7 .i * iin | •- rt 2" LwiteKiisl TyrvU* truvi ... 7 .*. H 7 1..V1 Ii:l '• . 7 4 H4O tl 4'.1 , I I •• R.Abl K4|(l* '• ... ; 4.' rt 4.'i ' 42 1 Ht i ti til 6 ) ' 7 '4 rt i. .7 t, hi " 11 " ... 7 .<7 rt ti V* • i ,tl " 1' '* " ... ''b V> * i. _j 4s *' M.*fll. •• ... H lit 1# 1 ; i, ij f, ;ia '* Juhtiii " ... rt . ■ ii '.• ft js " I iiiouVillp " ... rt . . 0 . .S.t ft l' " I*iiow Mtu* In " ... i 2 Vl7 • ~ i " ,M '•*%' ii f: " 9i ■ 9 • , (ti ft it •• ll.llrloiit© " ... s '• to • ,i t ■ • Mil !nr g " b • " 1" | " i'cirlili " . I• I*' I • ;6 in 44i M M miil Knglt " ... •I' 1" - 1 .\ . 4 •• lloWMfil M ... V2l lb 2 Oi 4 • .... •• •• y ' '• ■MI | I •• 1.. .t1 < •' . V Yt 4. 4 2 407 •• Mill Hull ;n 4UI ... .. •' h "IH.I Ltoll " . .11 1 i 4 4 4 o*l ... . •• tM k II **• •' ■ " 11 i,; ' 1 >E NNSVL VA M A RAILROAD. I i . i i , .a. On and nil* r I*m f I"*;? W fc> I WAKII. BJUB MAIL Itmvv* FIU !• 1 1 • 9® ** * lUrrlpi urg ♦ - •* *• •• v\ il H • ui •• " la..* lU* u y 4l'*lU | •• '• fti.. to 1) Oft rt 11. *' rr i\ -I it Kril " 1 I .MAdAIiA .M.l'l.ilii lilj'l.L - . U* •• •* llrtrri**! urg I i .<> * tu W lilt.mis; It - , 111 " trriv*t( KctiMt " '• i i' iu pAMCtigrt* Ly tin* tram nrr.*' in Lril©- i .fit.- .it 10 9 n 1 AST UVKImvmI •• " llrtl rial ' . 1' •• •• \\ ill) import 7 1 iin " .if ri% i"# 11 I. .. 11 t' • k * i n E V-T NV 4HI. PACIKU' I.XPRI>aS !. .*• I \ iUn ■ s ; . m •• Ns illin'iiay r: 7 r iu *• irriv - .t ll irrt-i m II ' n •• " I'hlUO'-ipUia l >i I DAY KM'llKSs !•**•• it'rt* * D m '• I. k *1 •U' WIIIUII ; It. .. t * ti. " rtrrivci.it li itr: I I '.f • 1 J in •• • I luUUrtlplil* 7 i in 1 Kllll2 M AIL !*•*>*• K*n * •* J n • I. II *.n .j n M •* W iiii.ifii*j..'i t 11 oft pn " •i 11 y• i fit 11 t - .■ m - • rt if " Pb -1 a j>| .rt II KAr-T i.INB li "• W • I •. rl. " Arrn* it II rf i•' ur, •*n •• PhiUfUlpHU 7 3ft * m Kr| Mail Won y a *r 4 \s -t l l llnnii Smni'-iat fi W• at an' I'y Fijr.s U1 • k -•' iitDAti i • it N rthw lan I i;L I. A 11. H K train* f. tivri at MniUtui; rt •itli > • I'. W trai ■ • n rtli Kri" Mai! M •. N'Uw ra !*j r©** \\ t. vr ! Day E*|-rrna Ka-t.nirtk- ! ni..tn-! at I. k iD*i | \ ith II K N K It tr Ain Kir Mrt.l K. **t Vf 'VS • t T J.ei tat Kr! * xith tralni n I -AM- P. II nt • ' aif * ' t A > K 't . at KinjrtKriniu lt Y A 1' It K., %ri I a* Dr • I x rl. \ N Ii It Pal t '* w r ITH • • • n i • Ksprtat Wmt.Ki if, rwm Wrtrtt. I'lu'a !•'; 1 a K vjifrt* an'. Day l.tjf* h rtit, vn ISn • )* K* ;"•• 1 •*' .-Ik* 5 ■ %r ot al g K hi t- v - W x K h*r ' - • i printpnrfpnt GUSiTTHEE'S LUNQ HEALER. TBI 8008. *"* TBI CTA Of CONSU3IPTION ii- tLi* M < /tii* I'jp *• - rtar ▼ "rF " TR&nr r,v MARK l'r © .n lfl . €3Li:.\ rill.K A CO., IMtUliiinh, Vm. J >i:\N>V !VVM A IST ATE COLLEGE. tvl, f - April 6 ,ef 1 I * I ■ • Jit . - KV TIIV i.M :•!,'fliv. .1 f IV li. I.M.MIHI 1 A.l I KCI.lt tl r > . il . ' - f r ♦ I J. • • . - f • • ' • ' • \.f ♦ ,I*l - tl.tr i ' m*f •• UKD M ATHIKTO.V, .* tr • > ortt t . 4*4. "" .S'fir A ili't'rtl*rmrnf. TUTT'S PILLS A SAYS:" I It. 'l' . . • < / I] f| l • I btn \.. II IK :i I . ; - . ' •••',.■•.! j I.ant •!> ' i w.rci.. uin. n 1.-I to fit#3 I <•/ a\ j! -li. Til y aro worlli , Ui ir weight in f: 'M ]lmv. i:. 1,..' IMIVSOV, I. itvill t Kf. SYfVPTOMS or A torpid liver. Lof.nr>f twrliicoiiUv*, i T'nlii in tii" 11 fi, with rv dull ten nation in tho hut *, put, Piun uiidur tho Hho'ilfh*r I hhuh*, I'iiHi ■ i.' .Itir i i* t with it ot h luro thn cy n, Y*l!ow Skin, H iE WAftNINCSAKE UNHF.KI)KI>~ SERIOUS DiSKASFS WILL BF. OEVtLOPED. 1 U'l 1 S >' 1 LI.S are c*i> In Ily adapt sr enre t•* mm< Inn lutuun (if frrl •ii un• to t 011UI1 f lie ■iiffn rr. T y (Ilia i rii l f ixly , and lou will fin In n hrnlih) IMu'iDniit Vlic*. Stiltl liy Imiih- Klita, (ir m. tit ti t \ tv r-a on rrcipt nf *>l. nil . . . aft "* I• 11 i t \ si.. \ , loilt. f int. I I IT'S MtVlil. of Valuable \ . I ufoi Hint lon n ntl I *rfni 11 rr r 11 a%% 111 I be mailed FltlXoii applli atiun. / lISi&SIQ ' m Is a • -I I • B M. 11. | *' s _ th.v .f a ' r i tI i ' • .♦ 3 • i t.. \ M' l 1 .. !. ' ; - tf% j| mmm -1 . V lliffr. '' . • • 1m k* ' •• I I ram J I u lr. ilvi i i * ' •! in rittvT- r: I 0 1 ' -ft • • t I L .i ? ■ i ,• •• WI I i in Z I I U • . la mi ■ ! ' I r- I • o v -to • -r •> :■* I .A § IjjAlp J ! ;s A SURE CURC I 1 for .ill d'teaioi of tho Kidney# and ) i LIVER } I • v t ;a- .r. ... * * p. <1 orian, ena h'ur.g it u> liiw* off Icrpiil.ij' a:.| 1 J laactlua, lUmuUUnt tbaheaith/ MHUtUon • ? r I i> j:>, 1-v! I ttkt boatlt I v | v \ Malaria. . u i J Z j Wort km)/ i Ir k • f ( ci,m honM \Ak9 m of * • • BOLD I. ORUOCI'iTS. Prlg. 81. f HEALTH IS WEALTH! W ■*!* j Mi M, m; MMfa l( • • • 7 mftiMV a # "'• I 7 ' t j •' • ' ft , . ' C , , 4 , W CV/ 7.!|T ' ' r-:"XCf> - * • • M. ... I . , • 1 r KIRN' L jON, 1?) Pfir , p,t, y Vj i I y L FOPAUSKnS i; RCMtor si'tfl 15 DfSEASCSI \irTTrmTcii son.-.. n,vu3. / V:;. ..TIAV V/Gh ' / • THE emf^CUREFOn irnem iyi-'lt r trtnlftnfe, *{;,►; w. at ni#.: MmMlf pitHVoriMi * erawMnf about II 'rm ;tua. the proaf putN. ftenarxtrl At# f letaaat, •cen.'tuiral ami pa.i.r* rnr .Ktrvi* K'a OtwtaaiiT la •wfHtiwt f* any #rti t h the market #>l4 I f driifgtM. r ct In S it Pt-vmpe 4 Hut'* II H&. A.Mrrw.Da Hwaxhv ty.rioU ,I'a fVf| f| J| fie am iltuvi ..? the l- #k ut f-r j \AI IVJ L hatiMn t ?,'rme ft" r . suutaaa, and 111 VI I V) I ■ I %EJ LJ it ,,p rr ., # ft.. tr "p| itnnltl finmim in poverty. He offer a afv 1 <-Hnhref., make tfinfirr. Ha nt imxii) n , tu) a- le I e*.l|lt Amy "te ran nnrHnny ' nt'.ur ll'/ tr it nifl tend it tn t/ir "jiyi'i' iilturnl I'.ditnr nf th* DkM'x RAT, HrUrt ntr, I'r n n,' thnt ■ tt.rr farm*,* inny hit I'l* thr henffit hi it f,rt turniniinii'iill'■ ri* b* 111'lflu, ami or surf thnt thf / urr brirf and vrll j -untr ! Aii Opun Que. tloii riiiH . 11.-A I- . .1. .1. TllOtllpSOll HMV. tint upplt! trees 11 yean .!• I liavc been foini.l Nsitii roots extending tliirl v lb l on citlicr hi If, while those of oi l tn i s have ix'di known to i xtcinl 20■ i alter an interval of a IV-w d.a \-. A Mistaken I . Trit>uii*. President Ih K. Kodgers, of Wheat* j land, told nt a meeting of a Western New York Farmcr'a Club, of one of his wheatfielda licing self-scetletl to clover from st etl which must have laid in the ground several years. This often turns up in fields where clover is occasionally allowed to g* to seed as a crop. It must lie ever remembered that many weed-setals hare the same faculty of lying dorm ant furrow deep on the ground for nobody knows how many years, and are very apt to turn up most inoppor tunely. A ukarinu orchard should have the whole ground The litest treat ment la to aow clover and pasture the pigs upon it. Somhum and Millet an Soiling Cropo. , Our I.t lloins ail.! farm. For a month or more I Imvt- f.-d on ! little else than sorghum, turning the | stock out to pasture every night after being fed during idle days. My j stock have continued up to this time | to devour the sorghum greedily - i eating it up clean—and to-day they arc in good order and perform excel lent work. This littlccxperimcnthaa Convinced me that there arc few if any soiling crops that surpass sorgh um for work stock during the idle season on the hum. The crop is easily laised and t-aves a vast amount of corn. I cut enough with rn\ mower at one lime to last a week, : haul it up and dump it by the lot gate, where it is convi tin nt to feed. I shall hereafter make it a point to 1 raise two or more aen i every \ear ' f<. w. !. >ver, w i th ■ out a grain crop, on thistly land,' Will prepared by lat* full plowing! ; I run the mowing machine over the j ground befon- th. ■ thistles bloom ; let! the alh rinatli gro. which it will do' In-ter than t:.< thistlen: mow again ;n due 11 nn n-peat the pr jinmer billowing is a , r. i of • d fogy farming. It is a . -glit with nature, win di aims to , eov r t! c mhl ice with some kirid of kind of a green growth. I.it that i 'ir ■-> tii be ci mi. and the .' work o; (.-leaning and enrich- Hid w .;! Ire most satislscton > ci l tbulnilg! ly done. , About Sweet Corn. rang- as j* to .y H • . Ie sure and take yoflr rnare to a first class draught horse, and don't he afraid of a dollar or two, in se curing the service of the best in your neighborhood. There is no "let tip' to the demand for draft teams weighing from 20 to '.VI hun dred pounds. There is money in this class of homes. An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure I - U-: ( JW I! gapes attack the young chickens don't e] i nd much time or indulge in worries about it. Three-fourths of th r sick ones will die in spite of all you try to do. The care to lie used in advance is to keep them warm and dry, an i, if possible, to locate them on latid wlieie chickens have not i>eeij housed before. An Excellent flint Suppose a farmer who keeps a half dt 7.en ( r more cow s and has riot been in the habit of raising roots wi ri to sell one of his cows ami use the entire proceeds for raising beets for the remainder If he could thus '••il jlift as much milk or butter as he otherwise would from the whole lIUIIIIM r he would certainly save the cost of fodder and the labor of milk ing and caring for the cow sold. These items woul I provide iri advance for the next crop of roots and so or. in -1 definitely. It is the 'Plodding' That DiaguHta. I ii.ii.t|*..ro ll i- not mere work—for instance, such work us s ohng entails— which frightens tanner sons off the farm, hot unn rnuiit rative, unintelligent work, pi'id ng at.d doing tilings without :i why or a wherefore except tiiat his nnct -tors d.d Mr. The en terprising boy- of to-day don't care to copy after liis ancestors unless a good reason can IK- shown for it. If soiling will pay his father and, indi rectly, himself) twice as much as pasturing, and his father is not a mi -I r,or ty rant, the work it entails will irheerfuih attended to. A ci i.riv AT i :• crop thrives in pro- I ortion to th< effectiveness of the cultivation. To suppose thai the killing of weeds is the only purpose of the eultiv .ting of a crop is a mis take. A premium crop of potatoes was hoed everv day in the season until the crop was gathered. Stir ling of liie soil is i.{ •>i valent to fer tilization, and, ns long as there is room to pu-s letwe. n the rows, a weekly working of the soil— the sur j face only will l>e Iwneficial. Til K Indiana Farmer says the lien Davis apple i so poorly flavored that even the codling moth generally passes H by foi some bettei variety and the consequence is tbat but few ■if these apples are wormy, and being of a high color and handsome sli)>e, they are a v< ry popular apple at the city fruit stands, where they outsell other kill 1* about two to one on the n\ rrsge. lII.ACK KNOTS, often destructive to ; chcrrtes well a- plums, should !• . out away nnd burner!. It rosy lw necessary to cut oil the entire branch |if the knots are large. If discovered when they first appear they may in* out out; washing the wound with a solution of chloride of lime may pre vent spreading. Onr who has had cxjierioncc a*, artificial hatching advises the use of Leghorn cooks with large Brahma or Cochin hens. The cross is a good one and the eggs invariably hatch. SuagEsatoM crops of those things which are in |erfcclion but a abort time, such as radishes, spinach, etc., should hsvo a fresh sowing mmlu every week.