SHUGKKT Si VAN ORXKK, Editors. VOL. 5. %\\t Centre jPrmortai Term* ll.SOpsr Annum.ln Advnnoe 8. T. SHUGERT & J. R VAN ORMtR, Editor.. Thursday Moraine, May 24, 1883. Oontro County Democratic Com mittee for 1883. DISTRICT. XAM.. D. O. ADDASA*. H.llofontr NW. .. J. M K'.iclilln. IHIi-font*. S. W. ('lis*. Sinlili .... •' W. W. * A >L CJmOlon... H.orsni boro. tri'. Lftthi>r ....llwr<1. MilMt>ur( •' Jsinr. P Join-. Ml'sjl""* Milllinm " yl' Mil—-r ... Milll.. in. PhlliMtmrffl W. C.O. llrrlmgrr... PhlLl-l-ura !2 W. Sol Schmidt -• ;i W A. V. nsrprotsr.... Cnlontlll. b.n>. I' 4. M-Kon.LI Plrmlnf. Rentier two mm. UW llcMer..t.t.. Boss* >*!> Fmnk T AJsm* Mllwl-'iris Burn.ld. t*p Henry Mrrkir I'ln Coll.*. twp John*nof ■ • Icm nt Curtln Iwp. .. . John MrOln.ker llninoU. v,.ronton O.l' J. T MHVrinu-k SUP .disss. .. >• |> i. W VV.ilkir H. *' M.'jr.i ,""g Howard iwp 111. tin 1|,.n1. Huston t*p. J din (J Mile. Julian Lll-rty twp. James I' l.inn Rl.nehard. Marion iwp. J J II i ••• t*lkr. Mile, twp. Elll.KSl.afer Ma.lio,l.urc. Patton twp. Agnew Seller. Jr Fllmore Pent. twp. P 11. Stov.-r ......Colmrn Potter VP. l> J Meier Centre 11.11 i. s p. Samnel Slack TIIWJTIII. Ru-li VP William Cull.n Phillpaloirg up J T Kverljr Sandy Rnige Snow Shoe twp Win R ll.yne. 50... Sao. spring fP B 1 M 3 1p.11.f nl- Tailor twp. Ileplmrn 111 .wer. I'II lon twp S K Rinerirk Heß>|..g Walker twp JiWftptl Em-rick llulrlrr.l org Worth iwp. M s SpOi P. tl Malil U W. C lIKINI.R, Ch .tiniiAJi. W. MILIS WkLiii, HsfrfUry. SENATOR J. I>. CAMERON and family sailed for Kurope on Saturday last. TOLEDO, Ohio, was visited by a snowstorm on Monday last, which It'll i to the depth of three inches. THE joint resolution parsed in the House of Representatives la-t week to adjourn on the 6th of June, has been concurred in by the Senate. GEN. CHALMERS of Miss., and a 1 Memphis editor are talking of fight ing a duel, but it will probably end in talk. Instead of plugging each other, they have got into a discussion as to ] which should be the challenging party. THE anti-free pass bill which recent- j ly passed the S*nate, met with little favor in the House on Monday last on a motion to make its consideration a special order for Wednesday. The motion was voted down without a count. JAY GOULD BLACK-BALLED! It IS said that the millionaire desired to ally his magnificent yacht to a Boston club, and for that purpose applied for admission to membership, and that hi" application was rejected. It would appear from this that grent wealth is uot always a winning card outside of , Wall street. A CRAZY lawyer in Washington is threatening to kill Judge Wylie who is trying the star route cases. If such a termination were given to these trials, it would call to mind unpleasantly the manner of obtaining a succession in the Presidential office. Prudence would seem to demand the restraint of the demented lawyer. WALTER EVANS, of Kentucky, has been ap|ioinled by the President Com missioner of Internal Revenue, made vacant by the resignation of Commis sioner Kaum a few weeks ago. He is represented as a lawyer of ability and a gentleman qualified to make a suc cessful administration of the office. He sports a "306" Grant medal, and of course is a stalwart politician. THE Allegheny coal miners have filed their petition in court under the Wallace arbitratuMi act, and the coal operators having since agreed to join in the proceedings we may soon expert a test of the efficacy of the new law in settling disagreements between the employers and employed. If thi law results in a satisfactory settlement of difficulties, to avoid the disastrous strikes alike injurious to the workmen aod employers, which we believe it will, it will certainly be a subject for public congratulation, and a proud feather in the cap of the distinguished author of the law. Cot.. MCCH RE of the Philadelphia Time*, ever since the appointment of Mr. Cassidy us Attorney General, has waged war upen Gov. Pattison, in the Time*, and out of it, not at all partic ular in statements, as to the amount f truth or fiction upon which they are founded. He occasionally gets into u hole and flounders in dirt that would nauseate uny other person. Some time ago the Time* got up a desperate warfare between the Governor and Senator fox and other leading Demo cratic member* of the legislature which was to smash the administration and leave the Governor destitute of support. It was proved to lie a canard made out of the whole cloth. But still the enterprise of the Timet must he onward, and there is to he no let up on the work of misrepresenting the acts of tho Governor, that might have the effect of satisfying the public that the Democratic Govcru- r committed a fatal error in choosing fassidv tor a counsellor instead of Meflure. The latest is in the shape of an interview, published in the New York Herald in which the Governor is ebnrgcd with unfaithfulness to his reform pledges and censured for appointing an Inde pendent Republican to the Recorder ship of Philadelphia, privious to leg islative action for the repeal of the : offensive law extending the operations 'of that office. Here also, the editor of i the Time* g - iuto muddy water, no I doubt from a defective memory of the ! fact that the Governor acted upon his advice and retained the evidence in his ' |K>ssesioii. That evidence is produced i in the small, but conclusive note ap- I peuded: 77/ K 77 MES. J'hilndelphia, Sov. 20. ' J/t/ /'car (i'tv. : I'pon mUrlion I think van icrf right in the tuggeel ion to appoint a I Hteot EXACT J VHTica TO ALL MEN, or WHATEVER STATK OR EICBSL'ASION, RKLIOIOIS OH POLITICAL."—J •nil a* determining a true election, wits made in the interest of the party in which lie trained, and used by the committee • as an excuse tor the commi-sion of a great wrong ami a shntueh -- fraud ! upon the rights of the people and the i Senator duly elected on that occasion. It was an easy matter lor him to ac quit Senator Wallace of any agency in the dirty job, because In- knew from - whom it carne, aud it it were ns cosy for the -Fudge toclcar his own -kirt o' i the fraudulent bu-im-* in which he acted a part, tin- occasion would have 1 ! furnished the opportunity. Hi- knowl edge of the manner in which the conldt was determined, and the consideration that procured the decision would make 1 interesting reading even at this luie day. Judge Fisher's h-ttcr i hereap ! pendeil : I ''urvr.svr. Wvomniit Territory. May 7. lsS.7. lion. It m. A. ii'ithre, .Senate, , llimi • > ur-j, / j Pf ! e- By the n'wp| ,-r* of Pennsylvania that you have seen proper it this l*l- day to deny that old, old story sl-out the ue of aomelHidy r (Tee pot to color certain fraudulent naturalization paper* to to u*ed in the political campaign of I* 7 in Pennsylvania. So long time hue j elapsed ailice 1 heard anything of that • tory that 1 had forgotten all al-out it. j Put e it ha* Been revived I feel called on By a enso of duty to give you a lair and candid statement of wliat I know about the matter. At the meeting of the legislature in .January, lsf.s, a contest arose between ' olonel It ißinson, of .tiiniala. and Mr. >hugart, of Centre, as to which of the two w entitled to a seat a* senator from that senatorial district. A corn mittee wo* appointed in Ihe manner provided By 11, and it so happened that I was one of that committee. After the appointment of that eonimittee we met srwl proceeded to take a large amount of testimony. Among other thing* brought to our attention was the matter of "doctored naturalisation pa per*," and I remember that the proof* were quite clear that there had Been considerable crookedness. Yet there was not one particle of evidence which, in the slightest degree, implicated you. and although I heard all the evidence < and much talk outside of the case, I never heard one word that showed that you had any agency in procuring fraud ulent papers or using them after they had Been procured. I make tbi* state ment without being asked to do so and without any consultation on the subject, j but simply from a sense of duly in con trndirting, so far as my knowledge ex : tends, a story which 1 think never had any foundation in fact, and one which ; ha* Been too long used to do injury to |an innocent man. 1 am as sound aHe | publican as I ever wn, but I do not be lieve, and never did believe in libel or slander to advance a cause or injure a • political opponent. You are at liberty to make any use of this you see proper. # Very respectfully yours, •I. W. KISIUR. THE outlook for a settlement of ex isting trouble* between the iron manu- 1 facturer* and workmen at Pittsburgh' gives no promise of a favorable result. A general shut down of the mills on the Ist of Juno is believed to be in ' evitable. Unlike the sensible coal operators, the iron workers do not seem to favor arbitration. mi ' NONE hut "advanced thinkers" in rcgurd to the sanctity of u constitu tional oath, says the Philadelphia j Ilccord, could support the Apportion ment bill of the Senate. The Consti tution provides that districts shall be of compact and contiguous territory and a* marly equal in population us may be. The Senate bill is a viola tion of all these provisions. As has bi-i-ii shown by the figures before tin- Senate, it e*tubli*hes one ratio for the Republicans and another ratio for tin- Democrats. In making this odious 1 distinction among citizens who are en ! titled to equal politieal rights the bill iis an act ol incivisin. It i- put b fore ! the legislature with all it- iniquity in the (ear that the Democrat- might be induced t i accept one iuiquitou iu the di-ire to get rid of the prt-seiit gerrymander ami avoid the neees-ity of an extra session. It' tic- bill could be pa--ed it would In-a comprehen-iv< act i-t' legislative perjury. Rut the fact that it canm t be pa--' d, un l i only designed to cover as great an iniquity, r.ggravate* instead of h— cu the crime of supporting it. THE New Turk Nun, referring to a rcrnaik of Talrnage that T'ihien "i -otie of the candidate* :-r the I'r< -i -deticy," says ; "To put it quite mildlv, ( Tulinage lie-." (Quoting the letter of Mr. IT I*l • o t- the Cincinnati < inven tion declining the nomination 1 r Pre sident, the Sun says nothing ha- "hap pened since tb-e word- were written which authorize- Mr. Talrnage ■ r any other |>< r-oii to impute to him a pur pose of attempting to obtain in l vS 4, an honor which he declined f• -r such reason* in I**o," and continuing, the Sun further remark* "it Mr. T'dden now thought ltint*ell physically rapa. ble ot enduring the labors which the Presidency impo-ithe nomination would lx- ppsstd upon him with n de gree of unanimity and devotion w. rthy of hi* genius ami hi* service. Rut there is not the slightest evidence of any such thought or willingnc-s ou hi part." its. II ATTON', editor of the Washing ton 11 ■) .- *7 . who kindly consent* to hold the offi. - of Kirl A*isint Post master neral in ad lition, has come to the defense of Mshone'a system of a* *esments in Norfolk county. Virginia. He ssy* it is not against the is. tie cause tliis enactment is not jet in tirce, ! and will not Be until the lt of July. Before winch time the assessment may Be levied and collected and the money expended, so th *t tho Virginia Boss mav snap' his finger* and a*k : "What are you going to do about it?" This i* an elevated order of morality, and it is gratifying to know that it lis* Been an nounced By a high officer of the govern ment. — Plnl.t. Tiotn, In view of the Inw smarted by Con- ' gre* nnil the nth - promunlgatcd by : the administration under that Inw. a decent self respect of the President and Postmaster General, and for the credit of the administration, there ought to lie a new incumbent in tho office of First Asitnt Postmaster General, j without any delay. Ex SENATOR CONE LINO is not alone among Republicans in predicting the success of the Democrat* in the next Presidential election. The country has expressed its verdict in favor of the return of the Democrats to power, j The Democrats elected Tildcn. They have revolutionized Congress. In the last general election aud in the spring elections they swept everything before them. There is no question as to their power to elect the next President. The question is as to their power to seeure the result of a popular verdict. THE prohibition bill was finally de feated in the Senate on Friday last, on third reading, by a vote of 21 to 20, lacking fivo votes of the necessary number for its passage. In the House Lamlis's hill to prohibit political or ganizations or their members from paying the taxes of voters, and also forbidding voters to accept tax re ceipt* from such sources, passed second reading. \ Civil Henlce In Virginia. In iiin message to uongrciis lad I>e cember, I'rpilileht Arthur rna.le em phatic txpri-Kkion of a t< atif > I bus we | roved gross corruption in th< federal Ol'i < -;ll M.' b by Hubbel. and burrows. In like manner we cit> the et i i.-nce of ex 1 ingn-sunui I'.-zen dorf, an ol I an I honored Ri | ut i can a man who w a* working 'or l .arfieid an t Arthur, while Mahone. It 1 llet.erger \ Co., were claiming to be haling sup porter* of Hancock and Knglish—l testily a* to the present condition ol *!T*ir* in State. In an open letter to the President Mr. It. /.-iidorf say# At no time in the history oi the poli t:c ~{ Virginia since the war has the op- i . sham' hil Violation of law anu i m-y t < en so flagrant a since the advent "I th< unwarranted political powi-r g ant. 1 by the Administration to Senator Mahone. I'u'lie rffice is made a subject of farter and ale f o the control of j>ower, and political bribery and corruption stalk openly through the various 'iovernmenl de partments ;n my section of Virginia fiie public business i< peglected. and pilbiic money used t > | ay political car. vassers, in order that the politiiai schemes of Senator Mshono may le advanced and all this i* done under the guise of friendship for the Admin istratcn, which pica receives indorse mrnt, from the fact that since your Ad ministration came into power Senator Mahone has been the sole d sj enser o' political J atrnnage in the State, and ap ! plies the headsman's axe as unsparingly as did Robespierre in the days of the Krench revolution. These general allegations Mr. Pesen dorf supports with a bill of particulars giving names, dates, facta and figures, and building up a case too strong to b ignored, too solid to bo overturned, too shameful to admit of any other treat mont than immediate relorrn.— H'isA j I •■jton Pout, Tiif. Washington monument at the National capital, the foundation stone of which we believe waa laid in the fall of lk-10, by President Zachary Taylor, has now reached an altitude of 340 feet, and when completed a* it ia believed it will be in IBH.I, will ex ceed in height any structure of the Kind ever erected by man—reaching rrtO feet of stone work and fifty-live feet of glass. Its progress was inter ; ropted by the war, but will now be pressed to completion under appro | priations of the government. Pim.ADF.i.niiA is gradually gather ing in her wandering thieves. Pbipps, the Almshouse thief, was, after much effort, restored by Canada to be tried fir forgery, the smallest, perhaps, of his offences, of which he has been con victed by a jury but ia not yet sen tenced. And now Morrill, the ex auditor of the (as Trust, has been raptured and placed in prison to ac count, in due time, for about 8100,000 of the city funds. TKKMS: $1..J0 per Ann urn, in Advance. NO. 21. I in. Philadelphia Inquirer has thin to cay : It would seem a* if President Arthur owed it not only 10 the Republican par : iy. whose acknowledged chief In* i*. hut >n himself, to announce. dissolution of , the political partnership which exists between the administration and the ! Virginia P'*adjuteri, and indirectly, | net ween the President and Senator j Mahone. Would the /m/utrer extend the ad vice to the Republican Senate? RKIM M.P AN i'acilication in New York does not seem to amount to a j_'rat hooin and it is said the commit to*)* selected to bring it about have not Ixcii able to arrive at any satisfactory result. The state organization is in the hands of the stalwarts and the half-breeds, who com|K*e the Republi can majority, stand ujnin their dignity and curse Conkling for his speech and (surrenderof political control to the | Democracy. \\ M. H. \*ANI)KRIIII.T added a very important link to hi- railroad chain last week, by the purchase of a con trolling interest in the Pittsburgh and Lake l.rie railroad. He also secured the passage of all the m-oessary bills iu the legislature of this State, to a< iiitate the construction of his west* •*rii railroad between llarrisburg and Pittsburgh, which includes one repeal* i ng the ad limiting the amount of apiialto St per mile. The ar of this great railroad magnate i seems to he onward. Tin notable celebration of the urtli if July this year, will take place at Monticello, Virginia, over the grave of Thomas Jefferson. On that K'casi u the monument erected at the >st <)f the I nited States, to the memory of the great author of the Declaration of Independence, will be unveiled, commemorating the 107 th •irthday of a great nation and the oih anniversary of the death of him who contributed so much to make glorious the be-t government upon the arth. IT IS apparent that the national ad ministration are preparing to make a onsidcrable reduction of office-holders m the revenue service. A large num ' r of th(.c officers who were proba cy retained for party purposes, and not that they were needed to collect the revenue, can be dispensed with without detriment to the public inter