Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 17, 1883, Image 7

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Quickly Married*!
A man from Syracuse, N. Y., wanhsl
to hiro a married couple at the Castle
Garden, New York,emigration bureau.
The commissioners happening to be
just at that moment quite out of mar
ried couples, the superintendent or
dered up two young Wurtemberg emi
grants of the opposite sex, who had
made one another's acquaintance on
the ship coming over, and married
them with little ceremony. They never
expected affairs to go as far as this,
but on being promised a good situation
and supplied with a little money for a
marriage festival, they fell into line
with great gayety and baste.
KondnrM for Uogi.
It is a sign of the degeneracy of the
times, says a Brooklyn Eagle writer,
that the fashion of carrying poodles
and lap dogs in the street has returned.
A woman cannot make a more disgust,
ing exhibition of herself than when
she trundles a poodle dog along by a
ribbon, guarding it from harm with
maternal care, and tenderly lifting it
over puddles and gutters in the street-
To see them fondle these nasty little
pets in the cars and stages is positively
sickening. Nobody can objist to a
woman's love for a dog, if he is a dog
of any size or breed, but to make a dis
play of affection over a woolly and
sleepy poodle or a stupid and over-fed
pug is entirely without reason. It is
a pity this form of idiocy has again be
come prevalent.
The J>|MiirH W
On Monday last.says a paper printed
in Japan, the marriage of Miss Inouye
and Mr. Katsunosuke Inouye was cele
brated at the official residence of his
excellency Inouye, minister for foreign
affairs. The ceremony was conducted
in Japanese fashion and at tern ltd only
by the near relatives and intimate
friends of the family. The wedding
presents were displayed in an upstairs
r<Hini and, of course, attracted much
attention. With few exceptions the
Japanese gifts, though costly and at
tractive, were intended to express a
sentiment rather than to serve any
useful purjmse. Most prominent was
a mountain formed of rolls of floss silk,
white and crimson. Each roll was
bound with strands of parti-colored
twine, the ends not brought round into
a bow, as is usually the case, but tied
in hard knots, emblematic of the indis
solubility of the marriage tie. The
floss silk was intended to typify gentle
yet enduring constancy, the strength
of its skeins offering a noted contrast
to their softness nnd flexibility. Hound
the base of this mountain were dis
posed a number of ornaments of fresh
rice straw, plaited into the forms of
storks and tortoises, emblematic of
longevity, of the pine, bamlxio and
plum, of perpetual blooin, while into
the loops of the plaits were thrust
pieces of dned bonito, a favorite ac
companiment of wedding presents, its
name (katsu-wo-boshi) being a homo
nym for the three Chinese characters
signifying victorious, manly and brave.
Faitoton TVotca.
l'laid skirts with plain corsages will
!>e much worn
Jersey waists are more popular for
children than ever.
The Jersey is destined to great jiop
ularity this season.
Black lace lionnets are restored to
their former popularity.
Old gold, shot and barred with blue,
apj*-ars in many fabrics.
The shade of lilac known as Ophe
lia is revived in veilings.
.Smoky pinks, greens, blues, anil va
rious neutralized tints are in high fa.
Spanish laces are not so exclusively
fashionable this season as they were
None hut tall and slender women
can wear large square and large plaid
Blue and colors, shot with tints to
produce opaline effects, bid fair to be
much worn.
White cashmere serge dresses, worn
without a touch of color, are stylish
for the house.
Cachemire des Indes is the high
novelty fabric for parts of or entire
t costumes and entire visites.
Large squares and plahU are made
up In combination with plain goods,
showing the same base of color for the
A Paris correspondent says that in
an hour's walk in the Bois de Boulogne,
at the fashionable hour, one sees more
than a hundred different new costumes.
A most charming costume is made
of Brussels net over satin, the net lie.
ing tufted with large roses In bright
shades and centered with gold.
' All-wool diagonals, silk warp Henri.
Cttaa, taffelaslains, cashmere Foules,
trlcotes, plain lace buntings, and
nun's veilings are select mourning fab
Wrappers with trains are made in
the princess style, the fronts opening
over puttings of Surah or pleutings of
lace, and where something more sim
ple is desired the plain flannel mat
inee is selected.
Embroidered gauzes, brocades in
Persian designs, and those covered
with garlands of flowers, are now com
bined with the leading shades of
changeable lilac, blue-green, morning
tint, ami marine pearl.
In the seasonable fabrics, patterns
in tho French mousseline, Foulard
cambrics, Swiss-ginghams, batistes,
Scotch-zephyrs, French-sateens, French
alhatros, linen lawns, and seersuckers
can bo seen in great varieties.
New handkerchiefs are of fine linen
batiste, with borders of fine tucks, the
monogram being wrought in lace ef
fects. More dressy styles have a cen
ter of sheer linen lawn with a smooth
border of rich lace set on and covered
by soft buttonhole and cord work. A
lace thus used has small scallops ami
pieots on the edge. For plain hand
kerchiefs with deep hems, the initial is
either a "giraffe" letter, or there is an
interwoven design composed of the
owner's initials in rnsti.- lettering.
These arc embroidered, and the arrange
ment of the letters is in the perpendic
ular, after the fashion of Chinese writ
A Prophet.
Artemus Ward was something more
than a sparkling humorist. He was a
man of character and principle; there
was nothing of the adventurer, very
little even of the speculator, about
him. Even in the depths of comedy
he was ahvais on the side of justice
and virtue, and not with the big bat
talliums. "I ax these questions"—
about Louis Napoleon "my royal
duke and most noble highness and im
perials, because I'm anxious to know
how he stands as a man. I know he's
smart. He's cunnin', he is long-head
ed, he is grate, but unless lie is good
he will coine down with a crash one of
these days, and the Bonnypart'-s will
l>e busted up again. Bet yer life."
These comic but prophetic words were
written when the late emperor was at
the climax of his power, and aliout
the time it was the fashion to call the
second empire a perfect success. His
devotion to his old mother was very
strong; her happiness was constantly
uppermost in his mind. At one time
he wanted to get her to England
alas, it would only have been to weep
over his grave! At another he
thought of going home to live with
her after he had made a fortune. His
fame he valued quite as much for the
pleasure it gave the old ladv as for the
cash it brought hitn. He was the nat
ural foe of bigotry, Pecksniflianism
and immortality of every kind. He
often hit shams, hypocrites and scoun
drels; but throughout the whole of
his works you will not tlnd one sneer
at virtue or religion, and in spite of a
few broad jokes not quite in European
taste, there is not really one loose or
unguarded expression. "I never stain
my pages with even mild profanity; in
the ilrst pace it is wicked, and in the
second it is not funny," writes Arte
The Telegrapher's Pest.
A paper has been real before the
electrotechine society of Berlin, giv
ing some interesting particulars rela
tive to birds and telegraph wires. In
treeless districts the smaller birds in
Germany are very fond of roosting
Isith on poles and wires. Swallows
frequently build under the eaves where
wires run into telegraph offices, and
actually stop work bv causing contact,
between the wire and some neighbor
ing Imsly which will carry the electric
current to the earth. Contacts with a
like result are often caused by large
birds alighting on the wiri-s and caus
ing them to swing together and touch.
Woodpeckers frequently peck holes
through the telegraph posts, and no
kind of preparation 'if the wood seems
to stop them from doing so. .Sulphate
of copper, corrosive sublimate, chloride
of zinc and other ]H>isons have been a|e
plied to the wood as preservatives
against rot; hut the birds peck away
at them all the same. At the recent
electrical exhibition at the Crystal pal
ace a part of one of these pecked p<ists
was shown. The theory was then
liroached that the woodpecker mistook
the vibration of the attached wires for
the hum of insects, and attacked the
post with the notion of getting at them.
This theory is now combatted on the
ground that dry poles are frequently
infested with Insects. But wood sat
urated with the poisons named above
must certainly he excepted. Tho
woodpeckers have evidently not yet
found this out.
1n Who Calmly Karcil Iha Dntmr'i
A hiiiJill llag had been set at the aide
nf a rock .standing near the Hank of
fine of the French trenches lioforo Sc.
hostopol. No one knew how tlio (lag
had come there. It was remarked
that cannon-balls and shells had fallen
into the trench with fatal effect, as if
there had been an enfilading fire. A
sudden light broke upon the officer in
command. Tho Hag was a point to
aim at from the rampart, and the rock
sent tlie shot by ricochet into tho
trench, lie called for a volunteer to
take away the Hag. There was no
reply. In tho French army it is not
enough to give a word of command,
which has to be explained before it i M
obeyed. Tho officer went to a private
soldier by the name of Victor I'icault
;i.id asked ti iin to go. The man an
swered that he would go if he knew
why. The case was then made clear
to him. He sprang out of the trench
and ran to the Hag under a shower of
ride bullets. He pulled it down. At
the moment it fell a whole battery dis
charged grape-shot at him. lie threw
himself upon the ground. Both the
1 reach and the Itussians thought he
was killed. He suddenly jumped up,
unhurt, and ran to the trench with the
llag in his hand. He received non
com missioned rank and the Cross of
the Legion of Honor.
An incident displaying the coolest
e airage was next related. I am sorry
not to have note.) down the name of
the voting lieutenant alluded to. A
small detachment of infantry under
his command had been sent out of one
of the French trenches to attack a
Russian rule-pit with the bayonet as
soon as the lire, directed ti|>on it from
the trench, should have ceased. Shot
and shell were meanwhile discharged
at the detachment from the ramparts.
Some of the men remarked to the
young ollie, r that bv staying there
they would soon all be hit, while they
might reach the cover of the trench
in time to return at the cessation of
the tiring from it. The officer answer,
ed that they had been ordered to star,
and that being under lire was no rea
son for their running away. At that
moment a "hell fell at his feet, and lie
thanked the Russians, touching his
cap to them, for sending a light for
his cigar, which he pulled from his
pocket. He bit off the end of it,
lighted it at the fuse of the shell, and
held out his cigar-case to the soldiers,
asking if any of them would like to
smoke. The shell burst, and strange
to say, neither the braveyouth nor any
of the detachment was injured by it.
The soldiers were thus shamed into
standing by so s>'lf.p<ws>-ssei and gal
lant an officer.
A gunner was then praised for his
courage and strength. During an at
tack on one of the French batteries hi
remained alone to defend it, all his
com rales having been killed or wound,
ed. He brandished one of the levers
of his cannon like a
striking down five Russians with it.
He received two bayonet thrusts in
his shoulders, but still hail vigor
enough to wrest a ritle from one of
those who had wounded him. He
shot the one with it. and knocked tho
other over with a blow on the head
from its stock. Some Zouaves came
to his assistance, and saved him by
charging the Russian line of attack.
They carried him in triumph to the
commander-in-chief, who was at break
fast. On hearing the report given of
the affair, the great general made the
gunner sit down to share his meal.
When he was withdrawing a t'rusx of
♦he Legion of Honor was pinrnd on
his breast by the general himself.
The gunner offered his humble thanks,
and asked if he might go to have his
won.,os xeen to. Intense was the as
tonishment of the officers present.
Among them was a staff surgeon, who
was ordered to examine the man at
once. The two wounds were pro
nounred by him to be very serious, but
not mortal, and the happy gunner was
sent to the ambulance.— Trmph Hat.
Tit for Tat.
A Philadelphia fish-dealer departed
for a railroad station a few miles out
to spend Sunday with some friends.
After the ears hail started he found on
looking at his return ticket that "in
consideration of the reduced rates,"
etc., the ticket was good only until the
day following; so on his return on
Monday he had to buy another ticket
to come home on. A day or so after
wards, a leading official of the company
bought a couple of early shad of him.
They were delivered, and on opening
the bundle was found a card stat ing
that "In consideration of the low price
charged, the shad would not be good
after two hours." The fish bad to lie
thrown away and that official has been
In a brown study ever since.-—Phila
delphia Newt.
The Meaning of Thl Holed Biblical
I'orin ANm I pin ml |,ove Ntor)
Kllice Hopkins, in an article in the
f'i ntury on the "Song of Songs," which
is Solomon's says: It has been re
served for modern Hebraists to restere
this lovely little cpithalamiuin to its
proper place, and, scraping away the
1 iccumulated whitewash ami plaster of
ages, the mistranslations and misun
derstandings of centuries, to reveal it
as it is, sri exquisite little shrine of the
affections, embedded in the very heart
of our Bibles, alliish with passionate
color, but pure and chaste and endur
ing as sculptured marble. The plot or
argument of the poem is this: King
Solomon on one of his numerous
pleasure excursions, accompanied, as
usual, by his court, is passing through
the north of his kingdom,- a land rich
in vineyards; and fair pastoral beauty,
when they perceive, in a neighbor
ing nut-garden, a beautiful girl, sing
ing and darn ing to herself in the Joy
if the spring.
She has come down to the garden to
look at the tender opening buds, and
in the gladness of her own opening
life and the happiness of first love she
bits thrown aside her veil, and is sing
ing with the birds and dancing with
the dancing lights. They watch lor,
lost in admiration, when, suddenly
perceiving that she is observed, she
makes a shy movement of (light,
arrested for a moment by the entreat
ing voices with which they call her
hack. The king, at once deeply
enamored of the beautiful stranger,
leaves orders that she shall be trans
ferred to bis harem, her dress denoting
that she was unmarried and nn
plightisl. On inquiry it i> found that
the maiden the Sulatnmite, as she
is ealbsl throughout the jMM-rn, from
her native village Siilem is the only
daughter of her mother. Her father
is dead, and her step brothers.'the sons
of a forno-r marriage. exercise his
authority in his stead. Tlo-y treat her
with great harshness, and make her
the keeper of one of their vineyards.
There stie meets with a young shej>-
herd and keeper of gardens like her
self. on whom stie jMiurs out her "for
gotten heart," a love which he re
turns. but without, as yet, having
gained the consent of the brothers to
their betrothal. They, on the con
trary. very much prefer the advanta
geous offer of the king, and she is at
once transferred to the harem at Jeru
salem. There the great king wo rs the
simple village maiden, and she has t<>
endure every seduction that wealth
and luxury and rank can briug to Ixar
ujion her. Hut she remains faithful
to her shepherd-lover, preferring true
love to worldly advancement. Finding
her olxlurate, the king at last res<>l ves
to pay her the highest honor of all.
He resolves to marry her and make
her one of his queens; but with no
better result. His advances are
always stopped by her feinting away
with the despairing cry on her lips:
"My lafloved is mine, and I am his."
Till at lengSti. since the worship of
Jehovah puts bounds to even the pas
sions of a king and forbids the use of
violence, he suffers her bv depart to
her shepherd-lover. The poem ends
in the gardens of the north, with the
reunion of the lovers and tlu-ir ap
proaching marriage, and with the
great unveiled utterance and key-note
of the poem, "Love is as strong as
death" and "many waters" (even the
deep waters of trial through which the
Sulammite had pass<sl) "cannot drown
it," follow.si by a little mirthful song
of triumph on her part, and a mocking
allusion to thu failure of the great
king to bribe her from her faithful
With regard to the approximate age
>f the poem, the data are more satis
factory. The | km*in itself is sufficient
to prove that it was net written -by
Solomon. The great king would cer
tainly not have satirized himself so
A Terrier Saves a Baby.
A woman left her baby, eighteen
months old, on the tbor of the front
room playing with its toys and a little
terrier dog that is its constant com
panion. The mother was away just
three minutes, but when shecatne bark
ind opened the door, her infant's head,
trills, and shoulders w ere hanging be
yon.l the stone sill of nn open window,
and near it, with its feet on a rhair,
stood the little dog, holding on to the
child's dress for dear lift Her child,
unconscious of any dangei. was crow
ing at some object iu the yard, while
the dog. holding on the dress, looked a
mute appeal for haste and help. In en
instant she was by her laby's side, and
the danger was passed. When the
dog hail l>een relieved of his burden he
pranced around the mother and child
with a delight that was almost frantic.
The Queen of England's private
. achta coat the English government
•103 000 a year.
California's imported ostriches lay
eggs weighing 13 1-2 pounds each.
Among the early Christians Sunday
was called Dies Deininica, on account
A lump of coal weighing three tons
was recently mined at Trout Run,
Mercer Co., l'enn.
Nine thousand Marshal Niel roses
on one vine is the record for one year
made by a grower In Newport, 1L I.
A watch made entirely of iron and
in perfect running order was exhib
ited in a Worcestershire (England)
fair recently.
Three places claim to have given a
j name to tobacco: Tobago, one of the
I Cttrribees; Tabacco, In Yucatan; and
Tobasco, on the Rulf of Florida,
of tin- Savior's appearance on that day
after bis resurrection. The first civil
law issued for the observance of the
' day combined it with the seventh day
! Sabbath and other festivals,
i In many parts of Spain farming
operations have made little or no pro
gr<-.-s since the expulsion of the Moor-.
The same sort of plow is now used as
then, oxen tread out the corn after the
amdent Oriental fashion, and women
separate the chaff from the corn by
toeing the grain up in the air during
a lire, /e of wind.
The M":httni"il l-'itjinitr tells a
strange story of the effect prod need on
a wroiight-iron forging by a human
hair. The forging was in a jxiwcrful
cold press for finishing the forging
after it is shaped. It was put between
' two hardened steel dies arid subjected
to a pressure of JbO tons to the square
inch. A hair taken from the head of a
bystander wax placed on the face of
the forging and the full pressure aje
plied. The result was that the hair
was driven into the forging and im-
U-dded in it. the hair itself remaining
uninjured, and being removed intact.
It is said that the gigantic statue of
(b-nnania to be placed at NiederwaJd,
near the Rhine, is to contain forty-five
tons of metal. The blade of the
sword alone weighs one ton. On the
tip of one of the fingers of the left
hand of the figure is the iinjxrial
crown of fjermany, and the l*ly is
clad in chain armor. A figure of the
Moselle is to stand opposite; another,
representing the Rhine, at the b*>t "f
the statue, and each of those w ill be
eighty feet high. Different jorti ris
of this bronze Colossus and its atten
dant groups are being cast in Berlin,
Dresden, Nuremberg and other places.
Odd Notice*.
CA gentleman near Winchester made
a rockery in front of his house, in
which he planted some Ix-autiful ferns,
and, having put up the following no
tice, found it more efficient and less
expensive than spring-guns or man
traps. The fear-inspiring Inscription
" Ilcggars lveware, Scolopendriums
and I'olyjKKliums are set here."
The wall of a gentleman's house
near Edinburgh some years since ex"
hihited a lioard on which was painted
a threat quite as difficult for the tres
passer to understand as the preceding:
"Any person entering those Inrlos
ures will l>e shot and prosecuted."
An eccentric old gentleman placid
in a field on his estate, a Juard with
the following generous offer paint id
"I will give this field to any man
who is contented."
It was not long before lie had an
"Well, ray man, are you a contented
fellow ?"
"Yes, sir; very."
"Then why do you want my field?"
The applicant did not wait to reply.
Headed Another Way,
A tender-hearted clergyman. wh<
resides in a town adjoining Hartford,
was at>out to give a trapped mouse t<
the cat when he caught what hi
thought was a l>osceehing expression
in the little fellow's eyes and he re- I
lented. The mouse wax so innocent
and pretty, and the cat so eager to>
seize it. that the minister told his w iff
he would not sacrifice it.. He took it
down in the lot and set it at liberty j
llis wife told him that he had done a |
very foolish thing, ax the mouse would j
get into his barn and then bark intc
the house again. "I guess not," said
the minister, "I healed him towards
ncighlxir lt.'s barn."
A Storm Prophet.
"He's a long way ahead of Wiggins,"
said Melanrthon, to one of Mr. Mar
row fat's guests, as they were ex am in ]
ing the pictures in the parlor aftei
"Your father is a very clever man,'
politely observed tho gentleman ti
whof" their remark was addressed.
"Yes." continued the garrulous boy.
"he can tell when there's a storm oouv
Ing every time, just by looking in roa'
face." —Hrookiyn Kaglt \
Hardy and Ftirlcwi.
At NVsih Hay, around ('aim Flatterj
j and down the coast from Tatoush to
I (2 ray's 11 arbor live various trib<* of
j Indians, who, at hunters arid fishers,
arc as hardy and fearless as any race
of aboriginal men in the known world.
While the writer was it Quillute, the
| Indian village forty miles below t'ape
' Flattery, last fall, a whale was sighted
off the beach, and four canoes at once
j started toward him. Soon we were
upon the monster, who, lolling lazily
I along, paid no heed to the demonatra
i tions of his puny assailants, but he was
, rudely awakened. The foremost ean<*i
i darted forward, and "thud!" went the
harpoon into his broad back, buried
nearly to the shaft. The canoe was
J stopped ami suddenly backed, and none
too soon, for, with a sudden and ter
rific smash of his flukes on the water,
barely missing the nearest earn*-, he
sounded. A number of sealskin blad
ders, fast to the harpoon-line, were
thrown over, and each canoe, in turn
as it came up, made fast with a line to
i the foremost carme. Up came the mon
ster, arid with a fearful lurch ail four
canoes were dragged through the ater
at a fearful rate as he started for the
Four or five miles was run at this
rate, when his pace slackened, and the
hindmost canoe was hauled cautiously
past the others and another harpoon
was dexterously planted, and this
canoe assumed the front place in the
prorc<don; with the others bringing uj
the rear. Another wild rush, hut
shorter than the first, and a repetition of
the performance, until there were half
a dozen harpoons affixed and double as
many sealskin bladders drifting around
the exhausted monster, preventing ins
sinking or sounding. Finally, after
hours of a prolonged fight for his Ufa
against his relentless Ins, the coup do
grace was given with the lance, a final
plunge and he was ours. Three hours
of puddling and a nasty little swell on
and the whale stink beneath the water
I w .is the hard tu-k before the whalers
before the prize could Is* beached and
fairly ealhd their own; but gallantly
they buckled to it, keeping time to
their work with a high-keyed, monoto
nous chant, anil an occasional ear-pierc.
ing, Mood-curdling yell injected into it
that was calculated to raise a casual
spi-ctator's hair on cml.
<>n the U-ach the entire remaining
I-'j'illation of the village were await,
ing around huge bonfires the return of
the hunters, but by no means in silence,
f r the yelling, whooping, singing,
crouching, dancing, dusky, half-naked
figure', a they plunged in and out the
ruddy I 'laze of the huge drift-wood
firi*s, reminded one of descriptions of
infernal regions. The canoes are safe-
Iv (reached, the whale hauled up as far
as strong hands can drag him, and left
i till the outgoing tide exposes his full
proportions on the l each, w hen knife
and axe and saw do their work till of
the huge animal naught is left but a
few well-stripped Irones. on and over
which the village "logs feed and fight
and snarl till the incoming tide covers
them with a layer of sand
The carcass is divided among all con
cerned in the capture then and there
alike, except that the honor piece, ex.
tending entirely around the animal and
including the dorsal fin, is the property
of hixn whose lucky harpoon was the
first to strike the whale. For many
days, feast*, songs and small potlacheg
celebrate their lucky capture, and the
village finally assumes its normal condi
Simple ("ore for Dyspepsia.
A gentleman who is in business in
this city has cured himself of a chron
ic and ugly form of dyspepsia in a
very simply way. He was given up
to die, but he finally abandoned alike
the doctors and the drugs and resorted
to a method of treatment which most
doctors and most persons would laugh
at as "an old woman's remedy." It
was simply the swallowing of a tea
cupful of hot water liefore breakfast
every morning, lie took the water
from the cook's teakettle.and so hot that
he could only take it by the spoonful.
For about three weeks this morning
dose was repeated the dyspepsia all
the while decreasing. At the end of
that time lie could eat, he says, any
breakfast or dinner that any well per
son could eat—had gained in weight
and has ever since leen hearty and
w ell. His weight now is thirty or for
ty pounds greater than during the
dyspepsia suffering, and for several
years he baa had no trouble with Ida
stomach unless it was some tcni)>ora
rj inconvenience due to a late supper
or dining out. and in such a case a sin.
glo trial of his anti-breakfast remedy
was sure to set all things right He
obtained this idea from a Herman doc
tor. and in turn recommended it to
others, and in every case according to
this gentleman's account u cure wag
effected.— Hartford rowrant