iltc Cfntrc $ bkilefonte, pa. The Jeffersonian Revival. lwuW W. U. Henscl, en the Suhjeet. LANCASTER, Pa., May 1, 1883. — To the Member* of the Jefferson Democratic Association qi York: GENTLEMEN— -1 acknowledge tho notification by your president, Hou. Chauucey F. Black, of my election to honorary member ship in your organization. My ap preciation of the honor conferred by your partiality and my acceptance of such membership are quickened by an examination ot the documents which 1 have received, setting forth the ob jects of your association, and the testi mony of the distinguished democrats who have been invited to its fellow* •hip- . Bearing the honored name ot him who was the author ot the declaration, the foremost exponent oi our constitu tional system, the founder ot the democratic party, and who never abated his faith in the government of the people bv themselves, voii may with righteous confidence in ihe peren nial etticiicv ot hi- principle- re-u--ert them as a living political faith. My present official concern t..r the most nearlv perfect organization ..I the democratic party in the state, will justify nie in expressing the high esti mate which I set upon the influence of a network of such associations as yours. If these organizations were extended throughout the state, their rolls would represent a great body of its most intelligent and active demo crats, whose united thought and action could not fail to powerfully and bene ficially influence the sentiment of the party. The effect would be to educate speakers and writers who could appeal with conviction to the individual judgment of the voters at a time, like '■ this, when in the reaction against |*>li tieal "bosses" and "machines," the power of such appeal to common : sense and common honesty i- greatly ! heightened. It is the happy fortune of those who hold to the democratic faith that they can afford to "go up the river of time to the first fountains of good and evil." It only needs that the generations should know the Jeffersonian princi ples to vote them into effect. The time has come iu this suite to prove the superior wisdom of an or ganization in detail, "from the people up." In that work I recognize no more important factor than associa tions which will uot disband after an election, nor wait for the bugle of a convention to call them into action, but which will unceasingly, month after month —and especially in the season when men's minds arc least in flamed with party zeal and most open to the truth dispassionately stated — labor to spread the fundamental idea* of democracy. Besides the immediate practical aid furnished to the regular party organ ization, such a system of voluntary associations would promote party unity by directing the attention of democrats everywhere to the vital underlying basis of their principles; they would present open doors to those who through labor, grange or anti-monop oly association now with honest pur j>ose hut scattering and ineffectual iorce, protest against evils which have been infused into our institutions only by departures from the Jeffersonian ways; thev would successfully appeal to the pride and interest of the indi vidual voter in the exercise of his rights and privileges as the unit incur political system ; foreign born, as well as native citizens, would speedily recog nize the distinction between the party which has maintained the inheritance of Jeffersonian tolerance and freedom, and that which is the legitimate heir to the spirit of the proscription and tyranny that has appeared periodically, under new names and forms, but with unchanged purposes, and ha* never failed to meet with popular condemna tion when fairly submitted to the decision of the ballot box ; and the young men of the state and country, disgusted with the debauchery of re publican rule, would naturally flock with enthusiasm to a standard which has emblazoned upon it the promise, and the potency as well, of better things. You have anticipated one objection which might arise to your association by the declaration that you will "as an organized body take no part in struggles at primary Or delegate elec tions, or suffer any person, under any circumstances, to make his member ship a stepping stone to public office." With your purposes thus clearly de fined and approved by the eminent authorities who have united with you to promote them, it is no occasion for surprise that since your first organiza tion there has been such general re s|>onee of approval ; similar and sister associations are forming in different quarters of the state ; old established party societies are taking on the name and taking up the spirit of yours, until their example has excited emula tion even in other states. With a general Jeffersonian revival there must be assured the fidelity of the party to itself, and in that is the certain promise of its triumph. Huch a result we can forecast with far less gratification because of approaching partisan advantages, than because of the vindication it will afford of the * high faith in which these illustrious men lived and died, who, when they hud founded our free institutions, established the democratic party to protect and preserve them. Yours truly, W. U. HENSKI.. - i— • tm - Post Office Ouriositieß. The Post Office Department Ims just opened a museum of urticles which have reached the Dead jitter office, either as undelivered because the proper parties could not he found, or as "unmailnhle" articles. The col lection is certainly a queer one, and the use to which the mails are put, us exemplified by the articles here, is really astonishing. The museum oc cupies a good sized room, and the cases, reaching from floor to ceiling nre full, and might have been so a hundred times over. Among the arti cles is a huge rattlesnake coiled in a glass jar, with open mouth and forked tongue, He was put into the mails alive, inclosed in a perforated tin can. lleside him is another snake, perhaps four feet iu length, ami next to that a couple of centipedes equally as poison ous in their bites, and almost invaria bly fatal. They were all put into the mails alive. <)n the other side of the jar containing the rattlesnake is a huhy alligator, and the head of an other, perhaps a year old. Below is n collection of specimens from various mines in the west, the value of which is considerable. < >no little package among these contains about 8100 worth of gold. (til a shelf above is a collection of coins which would provoke the envy of the most self-denying collector of articles of this nature. Some of these are very rare, several coins dating hack full 2,' KM) years being among the number. There is a locket hearing on the hack the inscription "Mrs. Lucy Randolph, died 17*3," a hundred years ago. Ihe locket contains a 1 picture of a soldier, and it is supprtsed that he confiscated it somewhere in the south during the war; had his own picture insetted instead of the one whose name it hore, and sent it to his sweetheart, who never called tor it at the office of delivery. Beside it is an other picture, a gentleman ami lady, 1 in a gold frame, which ha* been in the Department over forty years awaiting a claimant Beside this is a set of false teeth UJKJII a gold plate, and just below is a hot tie of lat-r which some kind hearted person had sent to a la-er drinking friend, hut which failed to reach its destination. There are sev eral bridles, various parts of a saddle, hor-eshoei, and a light iron hitching post —everything, as the lady in charge of the museum oddly remarked,"every thing, hut a horse." "A gentlemau who was in here the other day," she said, "remarked that we had everything hut a tomahawk and a Bihle. That same day I dis covered a tomahawk up there on that shelf, and a day or two later a gentle man who was looking at the collection pointed out that book as l>eing a Chinese Testament. Over there, on that piece of parchment-looking paper, is the liord's I'rayer in fifty-four lan guages." There is some beautiful |>en work in a calender for 1883, accompanied by a very finely executed sketch of a summer scene, all of which must have taken an immense amount of work, ami which might have reached its proper destination or returned to the owner if a little care had been taking in mailing and registering it. A ghast ly feature of the collection is a skull, and near it a human ear, the latter petrified and blood red. Some curi ous visitor the other day asked if this was Guiteau's skull. There is a saw, a chisel, a pair of revolvers, a lot of Continental and Confederate money, a large "pound cake," hard and dry, a box of bride's cake." tied with a white ribbon, n miniature hale of cotton nearly a foot in length and of proper proportions, a base hall and catcher's mask, a lot of cigars, fire-crackers and other explosives, a telegraph instru ment, tambourines and an accordion, dancing dolls, Indian arrows, a string of sleigh bells, a cob pipe, a couple of wash boards, a horned toad, a garden hoe, a field hoe, a couple of collars enclosed in a glass jar, three umbrellas and a full-sized valise. On one shelf was a little package or sarhel containing a fine j>owder and l>earing this inscription : Dust collec ted around the urn in which at the end of 1230 was placed the sacred remains of the seraphic patriarch Bt. Francis, which remained there until 1818, at which time they were fortu nately discovered, and at present lie the Patriarchal Basilic and papal chapel erected and dedicated to the same most glorious saint, possessed by the R. R. Father, Conventuals within the walls of tho city of Assissi."— Washington Tim'* Star. Historical Records 1 if' Jam of the Imst Century Found in the Treasury Department Washington Indebted to the fiovernment Heavily. According to the hooks of the treas ury department General George Washington the father of his country, is to the country in the sum of 8181,330. This fact would in all probibility never have been discovered had it not been for the sbrewdnow of a Philadelphia gentlemau, who pre sented himself to Mr. J. M. Vale, chief of the collections division in the office of Third Auditor Keightley, a few weeks ago. This gentleman seemed to unite in his person the easy assurance of a man of the world, with the pro verbial astuteness of a Philadelphia lawyer. Ho saluted Mr. Vale, temoved a pair of gold-bowed eye-glasses from bia none, presented a letter of introduc tion from Sunset Cox and told bin tale, lie had read in a history that General Horatio dates, of the revolu tionary nrniy, had never received .his live years' commutation allowance in lieu of half pay for life, and he desir ed to know if such was the tact and what sum in consequence was due the descendants of General dates on ac count. Mr. Vale promised to make inquiry, but, as the eldest records in the office of Bookkeeper Jackson were dated 1872, the task at first seemed hopeless. In the top story of the treasury de partment, underneath the roof, are fourand one-half miles, in lineal feet, of shelving, where the records and files of the department are preserved. No record of deneral dates' account could he found in the bookkeeper's di vision, and Mr. Vale rummaged the files. He made a rich find. In a small hook, which had evidently been rebound within the lust half century, lie discover Ad all the receipts for coin imitation of pay granted officers of the revolutionary army, aroomg them be ing the receipt of deneral Horatio Gates, dated .Inly, 1784, at Philadel phia, for 811,f>!8t, that amount being the commutation due him in lieu of his life half-pay allowauce. Besides this the records of the pay office of the < "ontineutal establishment, from 1771 to 17'J2, were unearthed, and in them the indebtednenss of Washington to the government was found. These old hooks are in a won derful state of preservation, and they are properly regarded as one of the greatest curiosities in the treasury de partment. General Washington's ac counts are found in four separate en tries in two volumes of the journals. The money charged to him, and for which credits are given, was on ac count of his disbursements in the war for independence. As before stated, the liook* show that he received sl'>l,- ,'Mff more than is accounted for, exclu sive of a large balance doe tin* govern ment on General Washington's sj>e< ie account. It is impossible now to tell what was the cause ef the apparent deficit in the regular pay accouut, hut the deficit in the sjiccie account is be lieved to have been due to the depre ciation in the value of the colonial coin. The name of Colonel Benedict Ar nold appear* on the record mar that of Washington. A balance of 81, H 11.- •17 apjwars by the book to !>e due the government from Arnold. An index accompanies the journals, and on this index opposite Arnold's name is writ ten in a steady hand, the word "trai tor." A Spirited Little Speech Mr. Brennan, ex-Secretary of the Land League, said at the Academv of Mu sic reception: "I thank you sin cerely for your cordial greeting. As I look upon the many Irish faces lie fore me and those green !iags, which I have wen at home, I feel that I am in another hut a greater Ireland. Where ever an Irishman may Im\ though in exile, his dreams are ever of his native land, of it* green hills and bright valleys. You of the Irish race have the right to know the truth and the whole truth of the state of things in Ireland. There are. many things that are unsatisfactory. A spirit has now been awakened that nothing can sub due —that cannot be tamed behind prison bars —a spirit that eveu human sacrifice cannot break. The war against landlordism must go on as long as the few oppress the many, as long as an idle, useless class, who P il not, neither do they spin, drive the unrocoinpensod toiler into penury and the grave. Con cessions have Wen won, even from the House of Commons, on the land ques tion ; hut a social revolution in Ire land, a* all other social revolutions, must go on, increasing in intensity until the system against which it is arrayed is destroyed. "The one great aim and object we have in view," continued the speaker, "is to make our country once more a nation and the destruction of Irish landlordism, sustained by an Knglish garrison, is necessary before our hones can be accomplished ami Ireland takes her place among nations. The Irish people have now formes! a new and strongc confederation, upon broad Democratic principles, and when Ire innd becomes a nation all social wrongs will be redressed and social evils wiped away. You can rely that the people at home will do their duty, if you will do your duty here, and you can rely upon it that they never again will rush with folly and precipitation on the foe, nor ever again how the knee to tyranny and power. Our country will never again be called a beggar upon the bounty of other lands, hot will hold up her head without tho blush of shame in her new struggles for freedom. In Democracy lies our hope. We must judge a man for what is in him, not what is around him. liabbr, not birth, must be the patent of nobility. With the triumph of Democracy over the system that degrades a people our country's cause must succeed if we are only true to ourselves. Only when the nest of con spirators has been driven from Dublin Castle will you witness the full triumph of our country's cause and the blessed day of our country's freedom." Butty Place '/'Ac I hi! and AV// fJryan Manufactory, dtto year ugo, or thereabout)), K. K. Hill and 11. Neff, two young and cti terprining men of Sunbury entered into partnership in the manufacture of Organs in this place, under the firm name of the Hill A Neff Organ Company. They selected as their place of business the old Haupt cabi net factory on the rear of the Catholic church lot. In it they pluced a 20 horse-power engine to run machinery, and with other necessary appliances, and a large stock of determination and indomitable energy they pulled the throttle and the establishment was set in motion. A visit to their manu factory this week by a nqsirter of the V/'i/og was a source of much surprise. With the additions and improvements their manufactory at this time occu pies two full lots, employs ten hands and has orders behind. Seven dis tinct departments now comprise the manufactory independent of the office, where the vi-itor is teceived cordially, and the business of the establishment is transacted with the utmost satisfac tion. I'rof. C. C. Johnson, Blind Charley; an acknowledged musician, ami one whose jealousy of reputation would not allow him to recommend an instrument of music without a sati factory knowledge of its worth is their traveling solicitor, while Mr. I). A Gilford, a gentleman of twenty-five years' ex|>erienec, is foreman of the action department. Mr. Crank Khipe is the skilled ami careful lorcmau of the machinery rooms, while Mr. David Hauck, an experienced ami reliable mat), looks after the bellows and tlv fitting parts of the organ. This firm manufactures a variety of organs ami every one is warranted for six years. They ure indeed first cdas in every respect. The finish of the eases are given particular attention, and anyone of the numerous styles made i perfection. Their aim is first to produce the quality then the quan tity. 1 hey use nothing but the very fiuc-t seasoned lumber, both in the cases and actions, and the very b<-st materials throughout tb<- whole < >rgan that can IK- pnx lire I. fhey do not save cxpens)* by using cheap and shoddy materials and cheap labor in the construction of their instruments, a- many manufacturer* do, for the sake of getting a very inferior instru ment on the market at low prices. Their experience ha- taught tin in that the la-t in the cheajet, an/1 any one purchasing one of their < irgnns can feel secure in the belief that they have a strictly first-class Urgau. Mr. Hill and Net) are lx;th first cia-s musicians, and have long been connected with church choirs and mti>ical organization*. They are pleas ant and agreeable nun to do business with, am) will deal fairly with nil. Their organ* arc of the -wc-tcst and *trong-st toned that can be made ami to M-cure a good organ we with hun dred* of others cheerfully ami confi dently recommend the Hill nnd Neff organ* of Sunbury. Adopting a New System Mr item licya' at to Ihtpcntf villi t'tmyrt.rtx r„i' t'trftrcrt. I'tnwitt MO, I'a., May 4.—The long ■druggie lat fall of the republicans for a congressional candidate in the district which include* Lawrence, Beaver and Washington counties, will be remembered by the public. At that time tho delay in selecting a can didate came near resulting in a repub lican defeat, and the idea of doing nway with the conferee system was then advanced. At 11 o'clock to-day the following named gentlemen from the counties indicated met in the gen tlemen's parlor of the Mnnongahela house for the purpose of discussing a better method for making nominations: Ijawreneo, \V. A. MehardJJohn Sword, \V. I). Clark ; Beaver, J. F. Dravo, J. F. Mansfield, W. H. Brycker; Washington, A. M. Todd, Krnest T. Achcson, •lohn Hall. An organiza tion was effected by the election of W. A. Mehard as chairman, and Ernest T. Acheson as secretary. A long dis cussion followed, which just before the closing of the session resulted in a proposition being made for the abiltion of the conferee system and the substi. tion of the Ohio system, which leaves the selection of congreasial candidates U> a convention composed of delegate* from each election precinct in the coun ty, the representations being determ ined by the republican vote in each place. It was also proposed that an addition be made to the above system allowing each county delegates at large basts! on the republican majority in the said counties. After some discus sion this plan was adopted and will he presented to the people of that district for ratification. ■ - - '■ Doctors Disagree A s reporter for the Pittsburg dimmer ruil Gazette nut IvestrnUy afternoon) in a chamber at No. 321 Federal street, Allegheny, listning to a terrible tale of suffering as it fell from the lips of a Senile little lady, Mrs Ingram, the aughter of Capt. Hugh McKelvey, of this city, it seemed almost too much to believe, if the evidence bad not been close at hand to substantiate every word. It was but another evidence of the culpable ignoranoe of a large clsas of practitioners of medicine who claimed for six years that her terrible disease was cancer. She was covered with ul oars, given up to die. Fenma cured her perfectly. (Tontioucd on page 24, in ; "Ills of Life," by Dr. Ilartmao. Ask your druggist for one, 19 2t I Remember This- Ifvou are sick Hop Bitters will surely id Nature in making you well when all else fails. Jf you are costive or dyspetio, or aie suffering from any other of the numer ous disease of the stomach or bowels, it i your own fault, if you remain ill, for Hop Hitters are a sovereign remedy in all such complaints. If you are wasting away with any form of Kidney Disease, stop tempting Heath this moment, and turn lor a cure to Hop Hitters. If you are sick with that terrible sick ness Nervousness, you will linda "Halm in tiiiead" in the use of Hop Hitters. If you are a frequenter, or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade your •yslein against the scourge of all coun tries malarial, epidemic, hillious, and intermitted fevers—by the use of Hop Hitters. If you have a rough, pimply,or sallow skin, bad breath, pains and aches, and feel misearuble generally, Hop Hitters will give you fair skin, rich blood, and sweetest bri-ath, health, and comfort. In short they cure all disease of the Stomach, Howels, Hlood, Liver, Nerves, Kidneys, (.right's Disease. gsOOwillbe paid for a case they will not cure or help. I hat poor, bedridden, invalid wife, sister mother, or daughter, can be made the picture of health, by a few bottles of Hop Hitters, costing but a trifle. \\ ill you let them suffer? 1* 41. Change of M:nd. .1 declined to insert your advertise ment of Hop Hitters last year, because I then thought they might not be pro motive of the rau-e of Ternpetance, but j find they are, and a very valuable med.- cine, myself and wife having been great ly benefited by them, and I take great pleasure in making them known. Hrv. Jons Sea max, I. litor // '• Si Alton, N. Y. 19 2t. ADVICE TO MOTHERS Ar* y ij diaturl*d •! i -> hi *ri! 1 r k*li < 1 )out r-*t jr * •>' k ■ bli) ar. 1 t1) tg Hit j.alL of < ot* j I irK If . m tl|"ti it , J iUt', tlief #• io foil t j| it It rvire* dje ! ■ iHer} at* 1 liitf fh'H'i, t* gnlftt'* t|, Hon* h fti, I l • It. rQfM wiadrojtc. the ffuma, ip. fftXnti o.ai4 ■ i.• a- : runcj t the ) !e i tjetein. Mr* Wi*u> • • "?■! .Mu r r i I hiii. hi* Ttrutl*'# • J t to the Uad ftfJ is tt,#. j-r Wltl4i fi '1 f-li' of the 1 lesl ft lid fwst fr&iaia jhjat )aniafi4 btireM lb tb \ fus a?d i for a*Jr t } all lir-.uj:tvt tl. * ! hi a UMIle VM) , Itching Piles—Symplons and Cure. I h'- symptoms *re moisture, like per -1 spiralion. intense itching, increased by 1 scratching, very distressing, particular I ly at night, e ms a if pin worms were crawling in and alvout the rectum . the i private parts are sometimes affected, If allowed to continue very serious re suits follow. "SWA Y N K'SoINTM I.NT'' is a j lessant. sure cure Also for Tetter. Itch, Salt Kbeum. Scald Head, Krysipe- I las, I'.arbers Itch, Hlolbelies, all scaly, i crusty Skin Diseases. Sent by mail for i .50 cent: ; boxes 11.25, im stamps . Address, Dr. SWAYNI A SdN, Phika delphia, I'a. Sold bv Druggists. 5 >-iy Swaync'H Pilla Comforting to the Sick j Thousand* die fronaneglect t<-pr'-j-erly treat Impure Blood, < onHlpati'-n, I)ys pepsia. Malaria. Apej nv, Liver. Kidney, Heart Diseases. Dropsy, and Rheumatism Hut to the debilitated, I irdenl with such 'erious sickness. w<- conscientiouslt re. commend ' BWAYNE S I'lLlN, which (contain medivinal pr. | <-rtle possessed by tin other remedy Sri by mail for 25 vents. b-I of .">0 I ills 5 bo X OS, $l, in • tamps Address, DK. SWAYNK A SON, Philadelphia, I'a S,-ld I v Dn.g -j gists. 5-My ii' .iilffrtinrmmt*. I RAHMANS HOTEL, \J H tlense. lIKI.LXroKTr. PA 7RRM* It IF.R HAT A ( Lluf; ftltuliMl •]] prsii Horsi-:, I > RRI.t.KfOMTP.. IM . Fomlllm and airifl# f*Ttirmr. aa vt| m* tb* ff •r*l tmruling jnl hf af>i < n.marfial ma lftifa*j U- ft**• Firt a !%•* fI• t#-l whrt lhaj will find ha rvsfnfrsrtß at ima mils ratjti' ti< u t Joftn n ar.4 ofhwra bHarxliiif Ckmti W K TKLI.KR. Fr. , r HI'TTS HOt'SK. All*fh*tlf k Idal*. j. atrr-at* RKLLKFONTK. PA., r J. A', ijihmun, 'J*ropr, Th fa'i'tilir WH. MB'Wr !b* ifi*n*jrrnMit of lh* |tr fvfir-ts.r, | f.ftM thtn ft tho Url*ittinrit uf K*u+ nxuk'niM* AA) 3 Millhelm hotel, MII.I.IIKIM, CKSTRR OUI'VTT. PKXN'A W. 8. M I'SSKK. Proprietor. Tba Ifwn • f In r*nn' % %H#tr ftU.sit two milM frr*tn lnr futlon. Ik* Uvli Nf|, r#tr# nn4 fprnr# Vtr+k lUilrciftd, itb rmin4lnf that mtk* It a PLEASANT SUMWER RESORT. 0 trout Aahlnf In th lmmo<|ata rlrtnlty. A rmb HIM to ppf} train At th* Nlllbria llotl ar*vtD m wUtlom all) ka found BnU)• and tarni ata JanaZTi, New Brockerhoff House. I3BOCKERHOFF HOUSE, I ) At.i wniKXv rr , rki.lrfurtr, pa C. O. Mi Mi 1.1.KN, Prop'r. Good Samplt Room on fint Floor, Orris. Bass i > anil frm all Tralaa special rate* le wttnaasw all Jirors. S-l pimUL HOTEL, ((hiiwaita th* Railroad ItliHon,) MII.KRRrRO, ( Km 111 COUNTY, FA A. A. KOHLBKCKRB, Hmprleu^. THROt'Utl TWA VRI.RRA n Uis rat I read .lit to 4 Milt Hotel aa sacellwl place to Inarlt, er prixnVr a ■seal aa ALL TWAINP slepaboat tt tslealse. , 47 AilOl week msd* at hem* by Ike ImiosiOfus U y >J llest l.nslaes# nee bsßes lbs pa title Capital (111 U" A aeedef. Ws will atari yea. Mea, f.-M, y Y* " hrjt ssd (Iris asaiel srartabers le witrli tar aa. Kow la He Urns. Tea eaa work In opera I lavs, at visa year ab.Ua Uas to lbs l-usietwa tin oUtec baatasaa will pa Jon neailj aa wall, gs oaa ran (ail le teaks eeeneowa paj. bj seawtn* at nets. Onallj eatßl and tetma (tea. Mowsj aaad* last, eaaltp. aad howoraMj AMreaa Tt A Or.. Aafistta. Mslac. M7ly. Sew Art v ert litem en fa, Williams & Brother IIKAI.y.W is WALL PAPER, I'A I NTS, Ac., Ac. o—o I'AIMTIJfO AM) I'Al' HANOIN'i WfhKHAK KIIII'-TIIR IIKMT.riIK KM TIIK I /IW L.T I'ltOHltAKhh AM MAPATf'II, Corn*! flJ(ti' Hoi W.l.r Mi,-I o—o W. **t. tM. tntUi'id lit liifi'itul br l>l, Tli.l l„t, , M-ln-Unu ill tk.ll I'm-1 out.> 4. , J HlitU4,i|,|.|, S. > uk M,|l4<. I 1.. „,4 It, m,,.. flat*, fatlnt. Hl*. k> ai.4 lima r>. Hmatlful li ~4.,. It, i't,l >i,.i, ';r;r: ; k - ... i, •r* |jt up mi) ),..* '"V 1 * I to -.11 .r. . ,1 !• V" 1,1 "1 '•!-, 11.,.,. •" ft.l. It'jin tit iMtilrt 11*4 MILI.IAM- A Hii'tnim, 1 ' IfelMolit* I". MOXK\ '' oaM : 'l'perCt. MT TlfK Mf Tf'Al. I iyy iSM k- AN'P'K CO ttf NEW I..KK 15,., L.u,, law n4 (.MO *"•' "- 1 ""'MI ((•"■'. <■( it., mni ..1.,'. . r Hi. Pr |ni. Aii/ , ort. , f it, ~,, Ii'l Oil .1 ki., tin.., kii4 li t.k. 1.. .I, It,. . "■fU ! I""" 1 " 'l*i to hM, k. ImJ .. AyX'u*" " " " 1 , "" 1 CIURLE* K EIIEIiMAN.AtI-im.j .1 1,. i.*? ' #urt tr**-, Rr-adir.*- I't orto DAVID KLINE. Co ' ' L.ll.fuLt#. p. iff|flp i r ; •*" " ■" km i • n Sfi point, U.. * U. U.I, ' " l! • "**• ' .11 . ur. M i jut |i,tf cml ■ T *,.* fi U) f ]J f leu i t mte tof nttff • Itc WIULI I'H1 ial|] "I ;* f , ; m. f-1. fl. r • i will u act , , r tbr .,• T ! ' 1 rij '*■ u i ' • ih. fA,i? I'tan t l * •tik l -j* r ui.fir th 1 r. hv* r- i'a, |,'| >tia!< ar > < iMi wj;J I• ia' i ' f.,f j > V mivkTtfc ~f > . if !,. tI a, i |ui < k?. Ko fiak I %.fftbir-a- i,. < j..,al t r ,mrad W # il] f u r th t Matt IrnaktUA 1 ri!.i.-a La I>* nmi m tuu< f- a* *•:,. ai< . 1. • *i. ! rirla rnak* jpat |t |{#*a4ai if yt, aar.t I'liMr.ta I, •1,1(1, cat. mak< a fat J fc al! tl.a tiriif *rV f r pmtiruUra t- If If. layt A .I* rt and. Maoa 4 4T-1 a I I. FREDERICKS, Repairer of Sewing Machines, BRLLEIMMK l*A Rpi lama ar. frula -a, - f U ,' oti ,| J ¥ , * TitilU t wd. *.lh Mr < hnatiar t hi, wu Um, , f | / Klitia, 1> 4 . j •trarf, aodif BrorkMbffl iiouaa 4-t f f^EXTRKCOUNTY BANKING i V.- IXIMI'ANT. Bacfita WplU AfiA Allf* Intaraat. PiMtatitt Sotaa; Buy and Ball Clot nrftiaa, Qold iid Cotporj Jimii A Msitvi. Praaidaat. J H **k| 4 if c. nrtiva. PrM'i. a. r liam.OHli'r, 171RST NATIONAL BANK OF I IKLLKTOKTI Allffbfi) Atraat, M-Ilaf<>bta. fa. 4-tf M iaccfio N ro 1 r jMIE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE ALLEGHENY STREET, BBLLKFOKTK, TA., IA no* orrr.niM ORK A T IN I) UCEAI EN T 8 TO THOtl WIAKIXO HMT4 LAW Plain or Fancy Printing. Wo have unioua) fuctiitic# for printing ® LAW HOOKS. PA Ml'H LETS, CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, TKIIKKTB, CIRCULARS, RILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BUSINESS CARIS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DB VISITE, CARDS ON ENVELOPES AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS MTOrdm by mail will r#lm prompt atUntion. IVPrinting donc in tba bwtflyla, on bort Motica and at tha low*t rale*.