JIEE-HITE STORES. t O Til () UB L E To Show Qocds. m In this spirit all visitors Irelande Paris muslin and edges and laces, Paint Dyon. embroidered lace, while guipure, Ac. A lot of children*' lace collai*. comprising a mixed lot closed out (rum the manufactories at three cent* a piece; some of them are worth 12}, 15, 20 and 25 cents, but wo will sell them all at three cents a piece. LYON crrn, ihmh iioune Work, IWUrfuntr, Pa. NEW GOODS FOR THE SI'RIM and SUMMER TRADE!! W- l.ave endeavored to get tin* very be*t of every thing in our line. and now j have Home really CHOICE OOODS. FINE CREAM CHEESE, Extra lutrci- FRENCH Pill NEN, SEI. EC T OYSTERS. SWEET POTA TOES, FAROE RIPE CRA SHERRIES, PRC SELLERS, IMPERIAL EI OS. BRIGHT SEW REM OSS, FLORIDA ORASOES, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporate! IHt lEH PEACHES, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. PRESERVED PEARS, PEACHES, PL IMS and PR (WELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds ftjTWp invite the people of Centre county to call nod inapert our NICE j GOODS, which cannot fail to plcaee. •otf SKCIIILKU As CO. Doll f Mingle.-Hoot* ,{• line. BOOTS & SIIOKS. MT I) 0 "• We arc now ready with an immrnse •took for Spring ' v and Summer. Our i etock in more exieu D *' VP ' B ' H ' ' K * Mer **" LADIES, MISSES A CHIL DRENS LACE A JM & \ BUTTON IKK)TS. MEN'S BOYS A YOUTH'S LA C E BUTTON A CON GUESS 8 H O ES. MENS AIT' Y " Lilian >ni \*T fIK HeavyBHOGANS .v I'LOW SHOES. We are Bole Agent. for Reynolds Brothers Utica, and |D. Armstrong Roc hoe tor Shoee, for Ladles Ulsaesa and Children. Theae goods are well known throughout the whole country, and acarcoly need any recommendation, for atyle, (It, and quality there are no belter mad We Oaarantee Everything we Recommend Ladies Shoe Polish-Will Not Crack the Leather. 801 l <& Mingle, j • Pellefonle, Pa. I { 11 - T" . /- lUrumn No. fai piece* of bet in No. 7. A lot of gfnU' line •ilk ncerfa reduced from fio cent* to 2o cent*. Lyon A Co. Hergsin No. 8. A lot of infant*' line morocco face hoe, reduced from CO cent* to .15 cenW. Lyon A Co. <|Ji> VA£ 1 3 I li fif&'VJHS V#pi© h) Kuan, Jilr/t linthn, fiinrrrj/, Httpr nnit tie nip Seed, ( ALSO lyniinu in IiI'.KAT VAIMirrV I H"M 10c. ri'WAlilw, G E EE* N ' S Bush House Block Pharmacy, Bellefonte, Pa. Will Pay You to Call in. jP Kef/atone i '/othiiif/ Itimne, 11, l/i jnntr, 1',,. EXCELSIOR M'F'G CO. Where do You Imv vonr ('lollies ( i % In asking the ftbove(juNtioD m simply desire jrou o> < zsroioe closely these ' main point* : lst. —VfVl/./rr, MATERIAL, ) 2nd.— STYLE 11T A- WO/.'A', ( 3rd.— Pßli K SIZE O/ BJL/.. ) And when you arc eatiidied with conclusion-, pay u- a vi-it, and w<- will guarantee (Quality of Material, Style of Fit ainl Work, and a net diving of ' lu ja-r cent, on your order. REMEMBER we are the 01TLY < 1.0 I llltta HOI I , Flia'liK- at rock bottom price*. A HAT GIVEN With EVERY BOY S & CHILDS SUIT For do i>er cent. d.-count allow. .1 t-. tlx* clergv. "KEYSTONE CLOTHING COMPANY," Michael Levi & Co,, Proprs., 17-tf AUegheoy Street, BeilefonU . Pa. /> Ailvrrtise-tnriits, FURNITURE. qwj 11 SI 'A S(I I.Eli .{ CO. re. f '/* N V ijyy intelligent rentier for a I moment or two. The forte thr 7 desire to mole public will hare a telling effect upon the domestic economy of tint, household in which this recital of their \ facilities to supply furniture • ( nil Icinds nt reasonable prices, is given a fair hearing. They author i:' us to stats tloit every article they ha r on < x h Jut ion is new and seasonable, was ■ bought for cash, and will be sold at the \ lowest price denies ran afford. They | hare, constantly on hand parlor and I bed-room suits, velvet anil carpet lounges, extension tables oj their own make, odd pieces, secretaries, side boards, marble-top tables, tables, etc., I eie. Anything made to order ami guaranteed to give satisfaction. They ... ru per intend each department >i person and keep themselves posted in matters ; of importance to customers. | They also inritr. spexial attention to 1 their undertaking department. Mr. Henry Swarlx, practical, sri 1 utifie en hi ! net maker ami undertaker of many 1 , . years experience, superintend* the nr ! rangemrnts and weak. They hare late- J Ly secured a new patent cooling board, 1 the most perfect body preserver in use, land the only one in Centre county, at considerable expense. An elegant | hearst will be provided gratis. In transacting business of this kind do not forget R. B. Spongier & Co., Hiqh St. opp. Bush House, 30 lielir/'otite. \ en- ,1 tlrrrtismietifs. /MiIfARJNG * FCRAIISkIfN ( RCWLDY S i.ch AS DISEASES) I TETTER ITCH, SORCS. PIMW.ES. / \tßrSr-tIAS WRINCWORMy THE FOR ITCHINC PILES iV hmf. won* at fcifht. vonai rri iiSf llmt tfe*rrtm;UM>pm*t#ptrtar*< fin at)<#-;! ASA r'otnt, tn4 rum. SVATII I ChßrraftWT s u|~r* r injr rii I# In th* n*'kM fp.'.d I j 'imcf•*•.A't *4 .'•<* cU In -Virnlh p"*rr tn nt* * 000 f'-1 of 11-mWck llnnnU tn 10 hour* Our J.'. H*r*e tt'Ul cut I • feet tn Mm- timr | I'r J n(ftm wee t.t tßtvrrin In ]r~. ■ft WK JA lino:. - -.J, I'ti 1' Mi 9D I'tt" not flttr-t with SB Antnmnttc 84L19 If ynti wnnl • Ouitcmnry aTftt PntlW Klbflpr. B<>ll-r, Ctrco Jjfjt\lsr Son Mill. Mill'u nr ■Br ML A l' lthrr rot nr M-t,!*rl'B Wt-nt iHHKn i rutting Inform*! km rind prim*. B W. I'AVNB A MIS*. Corning, S. Y. Bo* lr MOVKY r ° {,< perC't. lv 1j 1 , n Tlll Ml Tl Al , UKK I!m R . IM S CO. lIP NKW VltllK .< n ftr.l ,r !-.*, no , luo-TOT.--I f*rm ;■ r>>|—r Is in SBBH m t trv. st.*:- fc,rMl, I *ii'l not -m—llo* no- tlilrsj t-| it. pr—t s-io. -.1 , Hi* pmp-ttjr. Any r "-o l in. prim ,p*l o*n u paM oil *1 *nr tnu-. nt.a II ha- loon il,- ■ 1,1,-n, of fh I n,Di|*ny In prtrail Ih* l-ri-- l|.| (n r-Oi*ln Inn* u j tk. witliM, If lb* Inl-txl i jr -0,(111 | *(d. lA|||>lj lo CKARLKD P. IsllKßMAN'.Attorr,*r-*i-l*. ►/I IX'rt. Btrn-I. Rrnlißi. h., orlo DAVftl k 1.1 NK. Cnt \|.|,r i..r, HI H-11-fnntß. T* NOTK'B. —,Jos. J. Lingl ho* ait f'W I" ll> lk*rt of Po-fn-'tt nf Ik- t.nnd dn pnrlm-ni ,-! Ih- mtnmi*tolih nf P-nn-s lr*nt* t • h ,-01-r of r---orv.v ~n * -wtill gr.nM |o l"t* Port— for 4*i -r r— - f Und,il*l- i|n> it l ir— an-l I" , sl-n-l North -l -n* m|J lhi Wi p-rrh th-n ■ ilmn *O4 Bntlhnoil j-idill-*, IM J. J. Ijiku /'/I lentrl/ifi la lSranfh. THE PIUWi BRIN6H CLOTH I \(* STOHK, 2'i Allegheny Street, 111 LLLI OM i;. |V%. Jjdrin, X Co., Ct'rop.rs, I \rt _ M- _ Right una n( the out-'i of the tjering season ir> with to repeat what we hare often said before. Th< legal guarantee ii> go t Willi i erg Mile mean* something; for ie intend not only to guarantee eat' isfaction, but to give mtitfaciian, were not going to ay what others do in this rrsjicct, some may do the name. You jirobah/y know about how much the word guarantee mean* : more in some stores them iii "there. li re it mean* that, if good.- har- yroi'd disappointing, your complaint will have courteous ceirvidera lion and that every just claim will be promptl i and romjdetely satisfied, we go forth'i —we than I: you for permitting wt to r> <-oiu]i' use for for* sustained ; because in the first /dace, its a sinijde art of ju*' tire orondly, it secure* us your g>eod will; and third! /, it point* out defect > of manufacture that u < may remedy. H'c aim to conduct our business upon the ~tri< t' .'t j rinriple4 of Honesty and to lit pin our nui"m< rt< with the feeling that 'he ari --/rrounded ha every jms sible eal' ijuard: there shall be at least one clothing store in Hki.l-V:fontk where >ve ,i a child 'an d r< that he can go bark for In* mono if lw dues buy and \\ftrr- II arils wishes he hadn't. IJF.WI.I ic CO., Proprietors, Rellefotite, Pa.