Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 17, 1883, Image 1
SIUGKRT \ VAN ORMKR, Kdilor*. VOL. 5. fht Cratrr gPramtaf. Terms Jl.ftO per Annum.in Advance 8. T. SHUGERT A J. R VAN ORMER. Editor.. Thursday Moraine, May 17, 1883. Contro County Democratic Com mittee) for 1883. wiraicT. "AMI. T o. Brlli* NW. .J.M. KL irtilin. IW*Ui*f**ttD. 1 8. w. .. . <'h. Suiltti . " •• W. W. S. A Mrejtiiltoii. U>>w*r*l Wiru. Ira l\ Lfrttlirr. U-*>rl. Mllraburt '• .1*111," I' Jonr. Mil.—l.i>. I Mlllhotin " EP. MiiMor Millh. in, | FhltlPEhwalW. C.O Hartta*r... Phillpthsri I •j W. Sol Schmidt •• l W. A. V. Q*rpt)ter " Vnlonvill* bum. IV J. M<-Donald .... KWtnii.*. Rrmirr two. . Wm l.hlw .. BrUi*f*,nt**. R„Kit •*!'• Frank T. Adam" MilwLurK Buroatite t|* Iliiinr Mwker. ..IMim OWfin Cdtli-K*, t*l>. . John H,f I" Oartl. tm. John Met hakes K*m *l* Fartrnaon o. P J T MrCornilt'k >(*!•■ 1 '.ill.*.:**. ! N, p L. W. Walker Rock Spring* Or-'kic S.l'. J,,lin CuMn.ii spring Mill.. 1 ■■ N.P. Wm Late .JuMt Mtlla | Batnon I' L it. Mm Woodwnrd. w. P. . Geo ken .Anronaharg. ] llair Moon twp. .1 II lirillln St.rnwt.mii. tlarrD twp I' W Mrpi .ltaliliir^. llow*r,l twp John (ilon Howard. | Ho .ton twp J.d.n M Mitel Julian. Lilwrt* twp Jam,*" I' l.inn Blanrherd , Man .II J J. II ') Walk.r, , Mil.* iwp. Kill. K Rhetor Mwliwnl-urit f lit I, twp. trii"W SrlDraJr KHmorr. Nan tap. P.lt.Stow here Potter N Pl J Mover Centre llall. 8. p. Samuel Sl*, k Tumeyvllle. . Rnh N.P William Cullen PhHti-Lurs 8. p J.T. Kverly hid) OMf* Snow Shoo twp. Win H Ha)nr -now Smi- Spring twp. . K. C. ffowl.. .. Bellefonte. Taylor twp. Hepburn Blower* Kowh r Vnlou twp. S K Kmertek KDnilng Walker twp Joseph Kmrrtrk llulderwt ur/ Worth twp MS. Spotte port Matilda W*. C lIKINLK. Chairman. j W. MILES WALE E*. Seeretarjr. IHE demand of the Philadelphia Chronicle Herald for the resignation of the civil service reform commission ers is not likely to be complied with "Pew die and none resign." TIIK annual meeting of the State Constitutional Temperance Amend ment Association will he held in this place on the 23d in a t. The late Chief Justice Aguew is presideut of the as - sociation, Is Dublin on the thin! trial, Timo thy Kelley who was charged with participation in the murder of Lord Fiederick Cavendish and Mr. Hurke, has been convicted and sentenced to , be hanged. MK, TAI.MAOK is a success as an insurance bummer. In a recent ser mon he said: "You can pay the premium on a policy. It is a mean thing for you to go to heaven while your faiuii v go into the poor house. COL. LKMON, the Auditor General, is after the Western I'niou Telegraph Company for a small tax bill on their increased stock due-the commonwealth amouutiug to $150,000. The company resist the payment,and it will have to be sfttled in the courts. MRS. GRANT, the venerable mother of Kx-l'rwddent Grant, died suddenly at her residence in Jersey < ity on Friday evening last. She was about the house as usual in the morning, read the newspapers and conversed with her daughter, Mrs. Corbin, the only person with her at the time of her death. TIIK Franklin Citizen warns "the Democrats of the Legislature that un less they accept the Republican ap portionment, the eyes of the jxlople will be ii|K>n them." Well, better this than to have the heels of the people upon them, which would certainly follow their acceptance of the base fraud. JKFFBIWO!* DAVIS, recently reply ing to the question, who were the liost Federal generals in the late war, said: "There were two—McClellan and Mead. McClellan was a grand en gineer and a great General. Mead was a steady fighffr and his move ments were more of an enigma to Lec than those of any other Federal Gen eral." ** MRS. FAIR, the wife of James G. Fair, the millionaire Senator from Nevada, has been granted a divorce from her husband, with an allowance of $4,250,000 in money and l>ond and * the family residence at San Francisco, and possession of three of their four children. If the it reasonably econ- i omical she ought to live on that with out a husband. ■ TIIK administration who have been coquetting with Mabone and repudia tion in Virginia, have got into a tight place, and one from which there is no escape by the usual cry of bourbon. My the influence of Kx-Congressman Dezeiidorf a Republican ticket has been formed in Norfolk county. This nomination i offensive to Malione who insists that the Republicans must continue to form the tail to his party and that the Republican ticket in nomination must he defeated. For this purpose he claims the right to bulldoze the voter and levy contribu tions upon the executive officers and the employes of the Norfolk navv I yard. This, of course, is in accordance with the terms of the contract between the Republican administration and the Repudiation boss, but since that j contract was made the civil service reform law was enacted, and certain rules under this law have been promul gated by the Executive department, that renders compliance with Ma hone's demands somewhat discourag ing and exceedingly delicate on the. part of Mr. Arthur. He has either to discard his Virginia boss, or repu diate the civil service rules published under his approval. The choice is not a pleasant one in either ease, but Dezendorf in-ists that it le made. Mut when the Presideut and his party coalesce with traitors and skunks, they might expect to get into a hole where the smell cannot he fragrant. MR. Dr. M. R. KKIM, of the Har rishurg T'lu/roph, who was nominated for chief examiner of the civil service commi—i >n, and has been 'under a bri-k tire from the press for the In.-t two weeks, hut, in a letter lo the I'resi dent, withdrawn his claims to the office to which it was very evideot the President could not and would not commission him. All thi- Mr. Kcim doe* in the interest of harmony, hut s'ill claims to he an original ret rmer which no one could doubt from his position a- editor of the State organ of the < 'ameroii machine. 1 Hp; oint; . tit of Mr. Lvmnn as chief t-xuMiiic r in pa Mr. Kim seems to give general satisf'aeti ui lie is raid I ■ p ■- • -a a g" *d record ill ihe cause of civil si rvicc rciorm, with ex* eel lent nbih'v i - no o gani/i r in the old civil -t'r\. . roiuiiii--i >n in the Grant administration. The action of mini-- on thus tm has not tend. Ed tociK nuriig ver ardent confidence in lie ir futuie, hut time will tell whether the y >pic are again fooled, or tin* country i* to be benefitted bv an improved • ivil -t rvice. It is to lie hoped at hu-t that the present ap pointment is one lit to be made. WK copy from the llarrisburg Patriot of Saturday la-t, with some corrections by the author, n communi cation from Albert Owen, Esq., of this place, in reference to the old "coffee pot lie" with which the Republicans sought to blot the honest record of Senator Wallace. Mr. Owen, at the time of the eh ti m referred to, resided in Philipsburg and was one of the officers of the election, and could tell more than appears in his article if it were necessary to do so, of the persons who actually ha<l Leddy and O.Marra in their employ, and who were alone responsible for the "coffee colored cer tificates. They were not Democrats either, nor did they act in the interest of the Democratic party, and no one k ows this fact better than Mr. Owen, but we suppose he has a delicacy in referring to the facts as fully as he would do if some of the parties were not in the grave, who would necessari ly appear in a had rtffe. THE Jersey City Herald nominates Charles A. Dana, the distinguished editor of the NW York Sun for Presi dent. Mr. Dana is a great man and a very great journalist, and it 19 scarcely possible that he would sur render his present proud position to take a deal i 6 chances for the other. * ' ( "KMITAt. AND KX Ai'T J t'STICK 10 ALL MKN, OK W lIATKV KH STATK OK i'XRM'AMON, KKI.IOIOt'S OK POLITICAL.J*a<*r.ii. HKU.KI ONTK, I*A., THURSDAY, MAY 17, IHKi. ( 01TKK-I OI.4MCi:i Sf'A.MIAI.. ! KKSCIUI'TIOX OF MAIiK I.KDDY'H KI.IXTION FHAt'I) lIY AN KYK WIT NKt-fs —11IK I'l-OT IiF.I.IIiF.KATIXY klfT A MiA"HI'.T KK'IM HFNATOR \V A I.LACK —INTKItEHTINO ItKVKI.ATIONH. I'n.i.truNTi:, I'a., Mity ll.—The writer i of thi* article is more familiar witli ami | probably better qualified to i-lute the : fiicl* connected with whiit I* known us ! the coffee colored nnturnlastion papers S th in any mini living, and doubtless can 1 (five u Letter statement than those wl.o perpetrated the lr*utl : they being of j such habit* and mental caliher as to preclude an ability to retrace their own I tep* with certaii)ty or satisfaction. The proceedit g- were arrange 1 partly under tny observation. 1 was a member jof the election board where the chief j controversy arose, and the repeated reference to the subject by the local press and some campaign orators has kept the little incident* and facts fresh in my memory. I was one of the au thors of certain political acts which 1 were ut first legitimate and then per ; verted into corruption and fraud. AN A' Tl At. I V T. The fraud charged w is an actual fact, atnl had its incipiency and completion in the following manner In the year I'ii", the extension of the I. and < railroad from l'hilipahurg in ' entre county to Clearfield was put und<-r con tiict and tlie construction awarded to the Collins' brothers. Mark l.eddv was the quarter master and supply agent for the construction gang along the line. I had a surveyor s office in the Foster building and the civil en gineers Messrs. I.eutb'r A Sons had 'able room in the office. and Mark l.eddy who afterwards became the chief actor in the fraud had the run of the , office. Flection* in I'hilipebure were gener ally earned for the republican* by small majorities. After each election the con i duct of some local politician* w as some what annoying to the democrat* and on 1 one occasion crape was tied at midnight to the door knob* of leading democrat*. Ttir. atT sr it ran it rxATox \r ai.i.a' k. In the after part of the summer of that year, several local leaden of the j democratic party meeting incidentally, agreed that it would be a good thing to , protract the work on the section from I'hillpsburg to the Cle-rfield county line, and to retain on that division a# many democratic vote* as possible until after the election. "Yes." said one Speaker, "and transfer some from other parts of the road if necessary." "You had better not let Wallace know any thing ahotit such an arrangement," said one. "Why?" wa* asked by rne "lie cause," said he, "I,ewis W. Ifall and ■>*nnps made such a vigorous and sue cessful fight on Wallace at the last cam paign that fie will be anxious to retain all the democratic vote* possible in his own district." It was then agreed to use l.eddy and retain all the voles po*si hie on the < -nlre nnunty side and keep the secret from Wallace, l.eddy gave hi* ready consent, and agreed to look after the matter without further alien tion. L.eddy was at first sincere, but finally hi* action* and words were vague and suspicions. L.eddy bad fmrne a ! good cliarart'-r among u* * a young man. but he bad !o*t returned from a two or three tear* absence in the hard coal regions and we soon found he had brought hark with him habits of intern perance, profligacy and some worse de inquenciet. All that was a-ke>| of f eddy was to retain on the work of this division property qualified voters and to keep this steadily in view in the trans fer of laborers. i <o ti, nhXj>an iui nii mr.ts. A* the election approached l.eddv was visited bv two well dressed young men. whom In afterward spoke of a* friend* from the hard coal regions, but refused to give tfuir names. My approach to the nlfire caused them to retire speedily and ihev as hastily left 'he piaee. Led dy in hi* lr<h jocular way said they would "get some paper* for the mm." This was presumed to he certificate* of record of natural)*ition. A few days after l.eddy came to the office with a bundle of paper* neatly folded, and holding 'hem in his hand said : "These are the paper* for the boys." Two d*y* after l.eddv entered the office with the same bundle of papers, damp and stained a cotV.-e color, and in n jocular war s ml he had been over to the kitchen h?i*t boi ling them out but firm in hi* j hand sa d "These paper* look older now; I went over to the kitchen (at the Spread Fugle hotel' and dipped 1 th in in ectb-n ; the revenue stamps are com ng n•*c , I piust fix them on agnii. MINK l.tDttv'l MIX The election 'lay- arrived, I wa* chosen ■as one of the detk*. tin my first arri val at the poll* I was met by Mark l.ed dy and a stranger named Michael O'Mar ra, atid I. ■ Idy said j "The tag refuse to vote unless they are paid ; we must have some money." "What for and how much money do you want ?" I in quired. "Weal, they ask sixty dollars apiece," said l/eddy. I replied : " The men should he patriotic enough to rote without a demand lor money—besides there i no democrat here who will pay any money for votes." "Weal," said l.eddy, "we are ottered money by tho other lide and we can't hob! them uo ieaa rye hare mouey -besides this whole buiine** is foi money and them politi cians are all after it and they would do the same thing." l.eddy and O'Marra hung about tbe poll* aome two hour* importuning democratic leader* for K f '\ j money, but, reftied and despised by all. 1 left and Msrk l.eddy was never again i , seen upon the street* of Philtp*burg. now Ttiev vorvii. Twenty-three of the gang voted on i these fraudulent naturalization papers, ! about one third of them voting tin | republican ticket and two-thirds the ; democratic ticket. It wu evident on r examination of the paper* that they I were forged and fraudulent, hut they . Lore the regular seal of Luzerne county, . | where l.eddy and his two well dressed , visitor* had been friend* together. It , i wa* also apparent that the ill contrived , fraud wa* perpetrated lor blood money I only, and the perforator* intended to , sell out to Loth political parties. The , republican* paid the sixty dollai*, they afterward* said a* a decoy to get to the r liottom of the fraud. The money was r paid at the I.loyd house, and l.eddy, j though absent from view, was cated for. I He wa* promised immunity from prose I culion and he got it. i til ST INo I IMIED IN7 mineral-. 1 A clamor wa* raised, and a few local politician* seemed to think that a great 1 political earthquake was to happen. They wrote glowing letters to distin guished leaders arid the place wa* visited by a now ex member of congress Mr. <'es*na) and two ex 1 Tilted States sella j tor* tone of then) J. J. Patterson and several le-s distinguished personages. It is due, however, to the most distin \ , guished of these, to say that on arriving at Pbilipshurg and finding their corn-- spondents to be a set of political jack . daw# cackling over a mare'* nest, they , | retired as gracefully a* possible, taking , ! the early trains for borne and requesting | that their persona! presence should not be rnadu known. However, there was I enough in it for a bomb, and the demo cratic party was to fie saddled with the r fraud, and Wallace was to take the f.run t in hi* own district, the democratic I stronghold. S. T. Sbugart, the demo cralic senator elect from the district, wa* to he counted out ami Robinson, of Juniata, wa* to be counted in. swoon's TIUITRI- si.s. In the following campaign H. Mucher Swoope took the slump and in other part* of the state had Msrk l.eddy on the stag,, as a living witness against the democratic fraud* in whicly Win. A. Wallace was the retfonsibie leader. J. Sewel Stewart, of the Huntingdon bar, who was extr'-mely fond of a joke, poli tical or otherwise, composed ami pub lotted a campaign aotig to the measure of 1 "Scofs win h*e wi' Wallace bled," with the title of "Wallace and hi* ''offer pot." what A BRrt ttt.i' an i eat'n voi.i mekkeo. Such is a brief statement of fact* that have been maliciously turned against Senator W|Uce, the very person from whom l.eddy and hi* associates took great precaution to hide their criminali ty and infamous treachery. George H. Zeigler. a former friend of Mark 1 eddy, an inspector at the elec • tion, and afterward* a prominent local leader of the republicans, volunteered to publish a letter exculpating Mr. Wal lace from any connection with or know I edge of the frauds, bill was beset by some party friend* and failed to make his promise good. Aibnttr '**. A HI lent Veto A resolution was yesterday | assed through lioth branches <d the legisla ture recalling from the governor a bill amending tho corporation laws. It had been ascertained that fiovernor l'ntti a ou had a veto prepared to scdJ in, nd he was anticipated by the resolution re tailing the hill. It is now again in |io*ses*ion of the legislature. It is a dangerous measure, and it i* altogethtr I'ikely that if it provisions had been properly understood it would never have reached third reading. It is un demtood that those who originated it intended to cover only the small stresrns in the lumber region* and did not ntesn to legislate concerning the larger stream* The bill amend* the general coipora tion act of 1H74 by providing that com j panic* may be incorporated with the ; right of "constructing dutn* in any stream* and diivmg and floating **w log*, lumber and timbei on and over any stream by the usual method* for driving and floating log*, timber and lumber on stream*." Although the purpose of the author* of the bill waa not to apply it* provision* to tbe larger stream* of the state it was *o worded that the people would have been de prived by it* passage of the free use ot the water highways of the Mate. It ' would also have placed the entire raft ing of the state under the control and direction of a privileged few. It is questionable whether the legisla ture haa the right to dedicate the wa ter* of .the whole commonwealth *o that they shall float only tbe argogier of tbe few and the rich. And commit such an infraction on the natural right* of niao as making tbe bleating* of Provi dence the inheritance of monopoly. | (fovernor I'aHison certainly deserves commendation for opening out tbe peril to- the public interest this bill would 'hat# Involved, ilia veto waa fortunate- ly not necessary, but the public hus .just as effectually received the benefit of In* vigilance by tbe recall of the bill.—HUT rirhury J'atriot. Comi-i.aint is made of the practical ! difficulty of apportioning Government ! officeholder* under the law. A rnern \ ber of the< abinet is reported as saying: "Last year I bad several hundred ap [•ointments to make, and I undertook to apportion them among the respec tive States. I found it u very easy matter to fill the quotas of New York, | Pennsylvania. Ohio, Illinois and other Northern State* with good men from among those who had applied ; but when J tried to do the same thing for the Southern State* I soon ran out of good material, and was finally compelled to abandon the attempt." Were not this • abinet officer a rank partisan by his own confession be would have found j rio difficulty in obeying tbe law in this respect. \\ hen he could not find good material among the Republican* of the Southern States making application for office he c mid have discovered with little trouble enough educated and coin petent young Southern I)emo< rat* to till all the positions in his gjfi, ]f,. Wal searching in the South lor competent Republicans, and not being able to find them he admits that he disobeyed the law requiring that clerkships in the j Government shall l>e distributed ■ ptally among the "-tnte- according to popula tion. The civii service rules just promul gated by President Arthur will relieve this honest ' abinet Minister of all em barrassment in future when making apportionment of officer*. <>n*of these rules prescribe* that "no question in ' uny examination .... shall call for the expression or disclosure of any political or religious np.nion or atlilia tion, nor shall any discrimination be 1 made by reason thereof if known : and the ' ommission and its exam.tiers shall discountenance all disclosure* before either of thetn of such opinion by or concerning any applicant for exatnitia lion." When applicant* for clerkships pas tbe lloard of F.xamiriers tin* < abi net officer ne< I inquire only what >tte tin i are from, so that it* equitable pro pent in hi the publio service mar not be exceeded Hut |,e cannot inquire I whether tlicr are Republicans or i>erno oral*, i rr.ti-ctiomsts, Greenhacker* or Free traders, or whether in religion they are orthodox Christian* or "mpha lopsychite*. I'nder the operation of this rule his department rnav be pro vided by the South with all the office holders lie may require. If tfieie are few Republican* among thern Ih- j üb iic service will sustain no injury in <>n sequence. .-. Jh ■I. I hi: Ni w ork II ur/ii ha* changed propt iefi r* Joseph I'ullitzi-r, who ha* •>; he veil a distinguished reputa tion >t- it journalist, i- the purclia—r and will 1m- the future editor. lie -ays in liis'saltilnforv. "There i- r >tu in fiiis gnat and growing cifv for a journal that t* not only cheap hut bright, not only blight hut large, not only large but truly IVinoeratic dedicated to the cause of the |MNipie ralh'f than that of pure-|>otentati*— devoted more to (he new* of the New than tlie Old World—that will tx pose all fraud and sham, fight kit pub lic evils and abuses—that will rvc and battle fur tpeople with earnest since rtlv." '1 he II or/,/ proves (o le Ifetuocratic in it* true sense, aud there is much need o< just such a pap r in New- York. If Mr. Ihtliilxer relet on* bi protuise, a* we Itelieve he will, he ha* the ability ami opportunity to do a great work for this country. A IIEFPItMCAN paper ran see light and decency through the Tewksbury infamy in Massachusetts,"lieeansethat ran be corrected with cotu|>rtrni offi cers aud a reasonable appropriation," but add*, "No power under heaven cau remove tbe disgrace of the adop. tion of the Atues resolution." Thia resolution was intended as a white wash for Aim*' partition in the credit raobelier scandal. Wo presume the "disgrace" spoken of ia the failure to include Judge Kelley,Schuyler Colfax and J. A. (iarfield, who were reputed recipient* of the bribes in ita terms of the resolution 'IhKMS: *1.:,0 per Annum, in Advunee. I li there if any health and happi ness in an iron clad law, the legisla ture <jf \\ ifcouxin has achieve*] them. 1 hey have enacted that every town, village and city in the slate shall ; organize a hoard of health within thirty days after * aeh annual election ; the appointment of a health office by every hoard of lnalth within ten days after it* organisation, to whom report* of all coutageous disease- shall be re [>orted by the physician*. ' ONKI.iao, in a recent speech, made an unconditional surrender of the country to Democratic control. He read* the signs of the timea with a very clear judgment, hut the Demo cracy rnu-t not r< iax *-JlDrte* to deserve victory becau**- the great New Vork Kepuhlicau leader ha- conceded it in advance. 1 here j- a hard content to come o|[ before the so desirable a re sult i- reached, and Democrat* should not fritter awav their time in prepar ing for it. Im. counsel for the defendant* in the -tar route cast-s concluded at the last moment to argue their side liefore the jury, so tin- trial i* not vet COD. elud'-d, and i- not likely to be for some time. Mr. M*rrick,and not Attorney ieneral Hrewster, i- to make the clos ing argument on behalf of the prose cution. Judge Wvlcy put his veto upon the arrangement to allow Brews ter to air himself in the case when he took no part in the proceedings. A MOT destructive oil fire occurred a-t week at Jersey City, involving a 1 ss of a million and a half of dollars. Ihe Standard < >il Company is the principal sufferer. It originated hy lightning striking the oil tank.-, twelve of which of large size. five brick build ings. sixteen cars and six barges were consumed. I In- conflagration is de scribed a- frightful in the extreme. It i- "iipp '-*-] that six pcr-on- who were employe*! in th<* building lost their lives. 1 UK forty-seventh Congress made a miserable display in curtailing ex pensi - when it reduced the clerical force in tin l'atcnt office, which at the tunc was insufficient to perform the accumulating work of that great bureau. I lie Patent office i supported entirely l>v tin- inventive genius of the country, ami instead of being a burden lI|HIU the C ivcrmnent is a source of large revenue. I In- inventors should not IM put tu the inconvenience of un neecs-ary delay for the mere purp*we of making a false show of economy. A Ni.w Y*>kk pa|K*r mentions that ex-Snator McDonald, of Indiana, wa- tin- I )einocratie nominee for(iov ernor in lNtil, and *. In a ten hy Oliver I*. Mort n f\ lfu.ooo niajoritv. If Morton 1 * n • 1 desired to beat Me lt maid that time by a hundred thou sainl, he could r< mlilv have tlone so. lliat was the "eler lioti" at which whole regimen is ot soldiers voted all day "just for the tun of Ihe thing." Bushels of votes were left uncounted when Morton's majority was raised to as high a figure a- lii friends thought prudent. IHI Philadelphia /Yes* damaged its reputation for fairness ami camlor when it designated the Senate appnr. tionment bill a- entirely fair. A bill giving the Republican* nineteen Coo gressiiten, the Democrats seven, leav ing two districts doubtful, is u sjtcci men of fairness that highwaymen practice in pursuit of their calling. If it is fair that the Congressional district* be so arranged, taking the- Carficld and Hancock vote, as the* bases, that 23,500 Republic-*®** are to elect a Congressman, while there must l>e 58,000 Democrats to elect one, fair ness must have a very different mean ing than that given by the most ap proved authorities. If, however, the iWst alludes ouly to Hepublicau fair ue*s, it may be comet. It i* certain ly not the kind known to honesty or practiced by the Democracy. ft NO. L>o.