lIEE-lIIYE STORES. - | -I 1883 ! 1883 ! < -t-i —M— FIRST GRAND 1* R lIV ii oI*i:NI \(. ! AT THK ONE J' HI C E Saturday, April 21, Monday, April 23, Tuesday, April 24, Wednesday, April 20. | ____ The following extraordinary bargains will be offered during our Opening only : 2000 yard* Dross Goods all wool filling 049 worth 18c. 2000 yards Dress Good* l'arls Melange ( i >'• worth 16. 25 dor.. Pairs Mousquetaro Kid Gloves all sixes and most desirable shades, (m, 50 worth $1.50. 100 dox Fancy Ilose 3 pair for 20c worth 20 to 25c a pair. GO dox. Ladies Hemstitched Handkorcbeifs Colored Borders and all Linen, at 15c j worth 30c. 25 Ladies Spring Coats at $2.50 worth , $5. 25 " " " very tine all wool at $5 worth $lO. 500 Mens Home Made Straw Hats 10c worth 25c. 25 dox. Summer Undershirts lfic worth 40c We cannot guarantee how long these goods will last as we shall deal them out on the principle of "First come first served The, only ihitu/ that we can do toward a fair dis tribution is to sell a limited quantity to each purchaser thereby protecting our patrons as well as ourselves against store-keejtrrs who might rush in to gobble up the entire lot. All sales during our opening will be strictly for cash. • AN tI.KOANT SOCVKMK Wilt be presented to each one of our visitors Commemorative of the great event. Goldsmith Bros., B E E-H I V E I ONE PRICE STORES. BELLEFONTE PA., lltf. /. I O.V it Co., Merchants, Allcf/hcnf/-St., ItcllcJ'ontc, I'a. LYON & Cos ANNOUNCEMENT FOR. THIS WEEK! FOB IMIIETISr. A LIST OF A FEW OF THE MANY BAKU A INK WE HAVE. An nil wool Cassiniere suit, light color, nt $7.0(1, former price $lO.OO. A good pair of pant* 75 cents and SI.IK). An elegant Spring Bottom Black Basket pants $2.00. A good child's suit at $1.75. A full line of Cassimere pants from $2.00 up. A special Imrguin in n fine percale shirt, two collars and collar buttons 50 cents ; a liner one at 65 cent*. The best quality Moleskin shirts at 50 cents, former price $1.25. A lot of Boys' socks (or three cents a pair. FOR TFTIE LJLIDIIES. Ladies Plush and Leather Cabas 25 to CO cents ; old price $l.OO to $2.00. The finest quality all linen colored boarder hemstitch handkerchief* 18 cents, old price 35. The finest assortment of Hamburg edging and Inserting, Swiss edging and Inserting, Nainsook edges and Inserting, another lot of those cheap rib bons, a watered sash ribbon—"inches wide -30 cents. Black silk watered rib bon S cents per yard, old price 25 cents. DBESS GrOOIDS. A wool watered sateen in garnet, brown, navy blue and green at 10 old price 35 cents. An all wool extra fine garnet caahiner, 38 inches wide, 50 cents, price elsewhere 75 cents. Children*' plaids S, 10 and 12 cents, price elsewhere at least one-half more. New buttons, new shades, new colors, new styles, all shapes. Black and white dress ginghams 7 cents per yard, old price 15. German colored table and stand covers $l.lO, worth $2.00. Kid gloves, best grade, reduced to 35 40, 50 and 80 cents, same gloves six months ago 75, 90, SI.IXI and $1.25. LYON endeavored to get the v< rv l>*t of every thin# in our line, and now have (M>me really CHOICE GOODS. FIXE CREAM CHEESE, Extra Ltrgc FRENCH PHI'MX ■SEE EC T O VST EES, S MEET I'O TA TOES, LA ROE EWE CRANBERRIES, EEC SELLERS, IMPERIAL FIGS, HEIGHT SEW LEMOXB, FLORIDA ORANGES. Prim-ess I'a|H*r-Sli>ll Almonds, Evaporated IH(I El) PEACHES, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. I'EES EE VED REARS, REACHES, REIMS and RE (SELL IX. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds •ofWe invite the people of Centre county to call and inspect our NICE GOODS, which cannot fail to please. HKCItTiKR CO. Doll ,P Mingle—Boat* ,f )u>r* HOOTS mSHOES. tar- 0 0 "NSB We are now ready with an immcnw stock for Spring and Summer. Our stocky more exteu IB BiVe ' LADIES, JB&Zl 1 MISSES A CHIL DRENS LACK A M 3k 'H'TTON BOOTS. MEN'S BOYS A YOUTH'S 1. af' v. BUTTON A CON OR ESS SHOES. MENS A BOYS SB HeavyBKOGANH A PLOW SHOES, a Wo are Sole Agent* for Reynolds Brothern IKa, and |D Armstrong' Rochester Shoes, for Gad lee Childrou. These goods are well known throughout the country, and scarcely need any recommendation, for atyle, fit, and are no better made We Guarantee divery thing we Ladies Shoe Polish--Will Leather. Bargain No. 5. 50 pieces of best qual ity dress calicos reduced from 7 A 8 cent, to 0 cents. Lyon AC Bargain No. 6. A let of men's low cut, box to.*, calfskin shoe, reduced from to $1.25. Lyon A Co. Bargain No. 7. A lot cents to 36 cents Lyon A Co. !<4§K SEASONABLE <#>> Article now are PKKSIAN INSK(T I'OWDKH, | Fon Motih, CAIIBnnZKI) PAPKU, | I .w.i TM, GUM CAMPHOR, j H I ( ,h, BEI> RUG POISON, l .v<,.v<. < ONDIIION POWDKR, j For Iforce.*, < 'nlI!•. Sheep king the above question we cirnply deeir' you to • xumine ck-< Iv tlo-e . main poiuU : ( Gt((I'AI.ITY, MATF.HIAI., , 2nd .—STYLE, FIT & WORK, (:ird .-Fltlt'E, ,S I/I-Ojjil// \ j And when you are catiafied with concluHion-, pay a vi-it, and we will guarantee (Quality of Material, Style of Fit and Work, and a net caving of '' In per cent. on your order. REMEMBER we arc the ONLY I LOT lII* I- HOI *E that put- the |>ri< e on every artich in rt.Ais Ki.i KE.H at rock bottom price-. A HAT GIVEN With EVERY BOY S 6c CHILDS SUIT. hor 1 1 1 flay* i. ."> jK-r cent, discount allowed t<. the clergy. "KEYSTONE CLOTHING COMPANY." Michael Levi & Co., Proprs., l"-tf Allegheny Street, Relief.,nte, Pa. M> Ailrertisements. FURNITURE. 11 ■ M'ASGLER A CO. re. 7" r *t the attention of th* m intelligent renter for a moment or tiro. The forte they desire ] to moke public trill have a felling effect ! upon the domestic economy of any I househi,/ nt loanofl.of MitbU'tn ISi v lh.r!. In 111 I- •om. hi.nv.l4 ;*(. frota tbc mw )i, eight fowl o wgib*. Our t n time ire Gunmntre In ftimirh ptnror U v* S (00 1~l of Hoard* la 10 hoar* Our 1 Horse irUt cut I .'ton ft in amr lime • '' ' '' * a-.T*n la , lau Ss M .A-l ful l an.l wutr than an* En fliH' (Kit filled nlth an Am..malic Hi tfj (ul'ld If yon want a Stationary | Hr %JKL BMI\ IU S " u M "• or Poller a, Ibri gHkf 4M&. T illnarral'tl catalog no. So 12, f,, Uitornuuhm awl prk o*. B W. I'AYNR A SONS, Coming, NY. Boa la; JL GIFT TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER Thin offer is made by the NEW YORK OBSERVER. Ih* .ddrel an.l beat of th* rllgt..r rtrekll** for ililrimo. Ihi* nr.d*o. m.iwihmal. nnwianaa and atai.galkal n**|apri bar !* rirrnlnling la lb* l'nil*d Main and ..lm.t awry for.irn c-anirr 11. •nbecrtl.*r* nr* ohibW 1.5 ea* of thanannd*. K*. b year lt propria lor* bar* a-1.U.l l, 1! rain*, ' t.gaginii rrawh Mlb.ta ami c.Tr.apn.l.MU al bom* ao.l a1n.,1, nUrlc* ami mnlllpl.itig lt an,l an tbamntng to raallM Ihalr kl(b I4aal of lb* IWai Ka llgintla and aa. nlat Kanillj Nava|par Ibaj ogat. IbM yaar, lo *'*ty aiiln/ allar nan or old. ahar aula acrlfdtor. la pni.l tor lav,, it,, nan l b of H*r. 8, Irantana Prima. D li ,*allllMT*ri* ma IT* Aixn" abandaom* rolnm* ..( nraoly a, lauao, Innnd in i-Mb, llramlall prior of able It an* dallat. tpmlnian ooptan of lb* pnpar *anl tor. A.Mrtn* NEW YORK OIiSEUYER, SEW YORK. /'h I huh I/ill (a It ra nrh, THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH tXOTIIIM; STOKK, 2 Allegheny Street, hi:i>m;iovii;.%. Jjfirin, A Co., 'J' mmmmmmmmtmmmmammmmmmmmammmmmmm fir T/f 1 Right <"" at ihs mrfirt of the. sjiriug season )'' i/'iWi f, repent what we hare often said before. The legal guarantee ur git with • >-r i i/t means something; y>r w> mte-nd not on// f guarantee sat isrtction, but to gi ■ s-itisf-wtion, we're not gomg to "i / who* other- do in this reypert. torn' may do the > /mi'. )*/ }>robn/ily know about how much the word guarantee, mean-: mort -n some stores than in other-. 11-re if ineanr that. if good • ha re prove d disajipoinling, your complaint rill tunc a urteoue considera tion and that every ju.-t claim will be promptly and completely satisfied, ue go furtht r-wt thank you for permitting ue to rtrampt nee for !o-s sustained ; because in the fret place, its a timple art of jus tin meondfy, •' eutttttt u/ your good will and thirdly, it pointr out de fecte of manufacture that u - may n mody. HV aim to conduct our business ujntn the i-t pnnripl- s of Honesty and to inspire ire-net me re with the feeling that they or- eurrounded by every Jem mhb safeguard; thrri ehall be at leeist one clothing store in HkI.I.KKYjVTK where 11 <°n ei child ran dial u ithout risk of impoeition. It would In a pity not to mention sjiring o- ■ remits when the weather is no prvjiitiou.' and we arc offering such an attract ire varii 1 // of all grade > that a man intending to buy one nice - it to himself to loot, he-re before rhoeising. You know ! eyrryu her- that he ran go bark mono if he does buy*and 'after j ward* wishes I LEW 11% Mt CO., Proprietors. liellefoate, IV