HKE-lIIVE STOKES. 1883! 1883! i + ♦ FIRST GRAND *i*it i \ <; oi*i:m i* <■ ! AT TIIK - oN E rt:i O E § f -f E k i. Saturday, April 21, Monday, April 23, Tuesday, April 24, 00 I>res ttiaxls *ll wool filling f'i fi worth 18c. 2<*l yard* Dress flood* Ban* Melange ('! fi Wot til 11. ill Jo/., l'air* Mouxpietare K id (* all si/.e. and rnotl desirable shade-, '•> *' worth $l.lO. 100 dot Fancy Hom '.pair tot 20 worth 'JO t< 21c a pair 10 |nx. Ladi<* Hemstitched llandkereh.dfs Otl'troil .5 .rner* and all Linen. Nt 1 ■ worth iMX' 25 I.adit" Sprint; f'ol* at *2 ,tt worth SI 25 '• " very lino all wool at SI worth $lO. HiO Men* II mo MJ> St'aw Mat* lOr wtirth 21c 21 do*. Summer I'ndrr'htrt* I'io worth goods will last as we shall deal th< m out on th> jrrinciple of "First come first served." Tin only thing that we ran do toward a fair dis tribution is to sell a limited quantity to each purchaser thereby protecting our patrons as well as ourselves against store-keepers who might rush in to gobble up the entire lot. All sales during our opening will be strictly for cash. N v ! T AN KC.KOANT SOIVKStR it * Will be presented to each one of our viaitor* •'ommemorative of the yreat erent. Goldsmith Bros.* It F. K II I V K *( ih<>* cheap iih bonit, a watered sash ribbon— 7 inches wide 50 cent'. Pi c k *ll k watered rib bon s cents per yard, old price 2 > cents DBESS GOOES. A wool watered sateen in garnet, brown, ri.ivy ' lue and green at !>, old price 55 cent*. An all wool extra line garnet caahuier, -is inches wide. ■') rents, price elsewhere 75 cents. Children*' plaids S. ID and 12 cent*, price elsewhere it least . one-half more. New buttons, new shales, new colors, new style-, all shapes. Black and while dre** ginghams 7 cent* per yard, old price 11. <.erui-.n colored ! table and stand cover* $l.lO, worth $2 00. Kid glove-, h. -i grade, reduced to 31. I 40, 50 and so cent*, same gloves -ix months ago 7'., , sl.oo and $1.2 LYON & CO. Are ju*t opening L i lies' white dress g . Ireland* l'ris muslin and edges and I Paint I'yon, .ml.roidet. dla white guipure. Ac. A lot of children*' lace collais, rompri-ing i mixed ..t . i out lr<>ui the manufactories at three cent* a piece; some of them worm 12L 11. 20 arid 25 , 1 cents, but w. will -ell them all at three rents a pi. LYON & CO. Will talk to you about our big line of New Shoe* next week. Bargain NV 1. Lot of men's finest —Bargain No . m pieces of bet qual- j i fur haU reilureil from 52.50 to so."-. I.v- ity dre-. calico* r-duv Ilruu 7 A - .-.Ms a. t\ . to • r • I.ynfi A: (.' . on tV t <> j —Bargain No 2 A small lotof para- —Bargain No. 6 A lot of men's low Lois reduced from 51 cent* to 10 cent. I.y- ' it, 1 t< a.i-kin .. rhe .1 fr m | lon A Co. to $l2l Lyon At.- —Bargain No. •!. Ahtof d. this width Bargain N > ". A • f g-;.t fine | alpaca* reduce.! from -I". e nts t 12 *nt. silk scarf, red -1 fr in o -ic to 21 j Lvort A Co L\ .-n A Co Bargain No. 4 A lot of fin* dres* —Bargain N'.> * A lot of infant* fine lawn- reduced 1 cents to 12; cent* rnor c. 'a -to. .. r duce.l f .in sin-nts Lyon A (>. l " -cent. Lvuii A • let of r-gular made line trip-! to- for children r-1 . . . t • 1. < -nt.* SECIILEIt t CO., l every thing in <>ur line, and in-w 1 ii IV' 'it ■ r:i Iv ('IIOI <' k (JOO/IS. I isi: clik.lM < Hi .W Kxlru Ijirirc KKKM II PRUNES. si:i.i:t r <> )> iehs s II / /;/ vota toks. i.Miah: /;;/•/; < i:am;i i;i:iis. r/:txku.ks. imithial f/cs, itiiHnir .v/:ir f.kMn.xs. h.omda oh a sans, I'riiic "s I'.ip.-r-Slr-l! VlmoinL. KtiijxirHlnl |>l!I KB I'HAI'IIHS A FULL LINE OP CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. i'i:i:sh;i:\r.n ri:.\i;s, ri:.\ciiks, y/.r.i/.s ,„„i rm xhi.LKs i* i, \ i v cwnns, ri\i: CONFECTIONERY, -AMI GOODIES of nil Sorts and Kinds ®ar We invite tlio people of Coiitro conn:v in call and inspect uur NICE (JOOl)S, which cannot tail to please. ,M< Shici \ i j<:i; t \c C<). Itnll ,P .Ifinf/le--/foots at ; hilt - BOOTS & sll o i; s. • 0 "* Wo am now ready with an immense j stock for Spring Summer. Our I stock is more exten 10 five, and I>ottcr ee ! lected than cyor. £w Aa I LADI ES. Jjs &\A MISSES A CHIL jDRENS EACH A M TTON BOOTS. j MEN'S JIOYS A YOUTH'S LA C K BUTTON U CON GKKSS SHOES. MENS A flU Hon v v BBOGANS tv, riiOW SHOES. Wo are Solo Agenta for Reynolds Brothers Utica, and D Armstrong Rochester Bhocn, for Ladiea Minnnan and Children. t These good? are well known throughout the whole country, and scarcely ny need rocon niendation, for style, fit, and quality there are no better made We Ouarantee Everything we Recommend Polish-Will Not Crack the Leather. DoH tyle of Fit an at rock bottom price-. A HAT GIVEN With EVERY BOY S Ac CHILDS SUIT- I /•or il'iy* on i |er cent. lit*c unt allowcl tn the clergy. , "KEYSTONE CLOTHING COMPANY." Michael Levi <£* Co,, Proprs., li-tf Street, liellcfontc, I'a Sell' . I ilrrrh *' nit lit*. FURNITDRE. >%y si'Axai.n; ,( ro. #i . ti. ' thr nttrnt, at , i th( ii'fl 'jr.,' reader ior a "irnneiit or I■ •. '/"/• < lor'* lA> / di'ni to MUt' Jill/. ■ I ' ntr I , ,■/ tf'Ur- Upon f'ir donf ■ ' f "linn . * ol mi, household ,') whir ■ the T> •' i/ ol f/,: on hand parlor and j bedroom en . )'l\ rt and carpet ; /i)Mh ;i, < T'lo i >of their oirn make, o " I hoardmarble top tables, tablr, f/r, n athing mine to ordrr and rjuarantrrd to give ratiefirlinn. Thry eu periatrial rath , r.r warm at •if bl. m*im mll j iV* rtt * * (mi tnf ihnut lb* rrrtum the |-r n! p*tla-r' . sffrrtM At I !>'•*•nt, moootnt'al st>4 f-*.!i# or#. . S TH Ol*im*T I * : \ Ihr Slfktl 4 I fdttifcft •*.<• orrujMi rt to Rtarr |* t JfuXr*.f 1 'd- Add; •*.!>* i.l'hib.K 'AYNE'S IO Homo Spark A'roatlng • mn' r I ;"i, !.*• iut lo nnn fi of Mkhlfan Pin |VoM. iu hoar*. b .r-Dtug tlaba ft w tiw m It. ' "" fit 11 Tim* we Cmrmntrr fo ftirnfrti powc ti* iaH.nflOl< tof llmtiock Iknol* la H> honrt Onr I Unit wtU rut ; an frit In **mr llmr I, <>ur Kn'jftiw* arc t "►-A, f ii-.i.h n horw jioT an s Ir** Ifui I iikl Ucr limn My other Kn [■ flru not flitnH with >■ Amamatlr lIP I : ' Iff. If ran nul a Ptalrnnnry lit IVitiahle Kne nr. IViOrr tlrcn "-a* Mill, hhartin* or Pnllioa. 11l Ui. r '*! or Mmloart'a l*al-n( fHHwrouah' I' our ■TV for i- infonnaflon ami f rea. R W PAYNR A IWINH, (omlng. N T. Roi ltr GhIFT TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER. Thi* ofTor is made by th© NEW YORK OBSERVER. th*- fn4 Ul of lb# f%? Ihl# un lefn tn.htU..ul. nnw< (silts #ti4 e-% *n#l t#wtp#par h# b' HrrnUtlnc th# I iiMhl Rlsltt ssd tlnmrt titry amntrj . Its tr wlfat tsr, w* of o|4. slnw tub I If ftald for lb# ti#ar trk of Rr*. R. |t*nit I'rlwf, f |i .wtllW'hiMS IMT A**wi" a solan*# of n uly ftlu ion *, Uaal in 1 Ybrtb. prtf# of whlc M cn# 4ollar fpKtnsa j YMifdas of lit# ami frrr. AtblfrM NEW YOHR OHSEHVEH, XFW YORK. Philadelphia Jtranrh. THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH < LOTIIINt; HTOKK. 2" Allegheny Htreci, ni:iiiiEFo\Ti;PA. Jjewin, V Co., 'J' Ihght noic at the out-it i.f the sj,r.n>i season u> vi eh to rejttnt what we hare often mill before. The legal guarant'r ur yire with > ■ erv "lie m'aiui something; \for ui what otJtere do in this resj.ert, mine may do tin sam>. Yon probably I. now about how mueh the word guarantee me aim : more in eome. stores than >n othere Her, it mean* that, if j good' hat e pro l "I dirappointing, your complaint •// hax' niurltousroneidern i lion and that every just rlaim will be J promptly and romjilftclu satisfied, we go \ further-we thanl. you Jor permitting vs to recompense tor loin sustained : because MI the lirst jihcr, its a eimpb art of j US' tire: errand hi, it near'* us vox ir good xrill: arid third!a, it points out defer!• of manufacture that in may retried v. He aim to conduct our business upon the ufrietret principles of Honesty and to inspire our customers irith th> feeling that the ar' eurrounded hij eve MI JH.S sihlt sen-guard: ther. shed! be at least one clothing store in JtrM.l KOJfTl where men a ehill an deal without risi. ol imposition. It xrould b< a pit" not to mention spring orrr"rats when the u rather is so I propitious and w, arr offering such an aitenrlii-e innetii ni all rjradr- that a m>in intending to buy one on • it to himself to l"o! hen brfor> choosing. )'nxi l.noir its not mecrywhere that he ran go hart, for his mono i i| he does buy an I after• unrils wishes !u hadn't. IiF.WIH SL 0„ Proprietor®.. Hpllefonie. Pa.