Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 03, 1883, Image 1
al)r t£rntrr iSlk jpemorral. NIIUGKRT A. VAN OKXKK. Editors. VOL. 5. Jhr Centre Jl raw trot. ■ Term* 81.50 per Annum, tn Advance 8. T. BHUGERT & J. R VAN ORMER. Editor.. Thursday Morning, May 3, 1883. Centre County Democratic Com mittee for 1883. Bl.taicr. "**• r "■ **"*"■ nU(oBt N W •' M. Kkhllnf MM.IA 8. W Ctuu. Sinitli - W. W §. A. MaQaMtoa H,.wr,l bono. Ir*• '. Usthrr. ll iwsr I MllesMir* - J*"'" I' J""" lim, ,'"' Mtllhrim " V P Musssr V 1 I'litlipshurg I W C.i. Ilfrllnifr I'tiUlpslarit • • o \v Hl Hrliiniill .* 3 w V. CnrpfUtur... . 44 Oaiwfttto bom. ' J m- tonsil I"' '•J?'"; lE.iur. twi> Krsnk T AJams Wllr-lnrx. RuriioliU lp II ">■ Plus Ulrtin. Collr** iwp. Job* a 1-P Lmi-.nt. Carlln 1w,.. •'">"> MrtJl-ki-J K-m-ls. O. P J T Mc< ..rt.N. K But Tl MRS. .. p I. W. W.ilkrr !t. k >prliis OrrRR SP. . John C.,1.1r.n Sprtn* Wills * N.IV I.~ . Krm. r Mill lU.n-. i. i I- .Woodward. w Aaiooibari. Half Moon tmj. .1 II Griffin 1 • Harris IP t' W. Mrjrei lhl.hur* llo**i.| top John I'll, nil Howard. Huston top. . J .hn Mil.-. 0.-JulUn. I.lto-rtjr wp Jamrs P. Llim Blar^hard Marion t| I J llojr ..... . slkrr. Mil- 1 * twp Kill'K. Shafer Ma.tiani.Mira l'at lon twp. Arm'* SwllwraJr. Kllmor. P.nn twp P ll.Slorsr JnMirn Potter S P. II J Cnntr. 11*11. •• S P B*ran*l Clark Tii*"ey*lll.. K,MI, N P William Cllllan Phlllpst-urg g p .IT Kr.rly ..JM4| Kl.lv- Snow 9ho twp Writ. R lUjrw St..;w Bn>- | Spring twp. K C, Wo*l Ila 11. f.nt\ Tbtlor twp Hepburn Blowrr* Union twp. S K Kn#*ri<h H*rnig Walker twp J *ejk Rmnrkk HtiMeraldir* Worth twp M S. HJIOUA Port IUU Ida' W*. i % lIKISI.K Chairman. W Milm W ILK Eft, Secretary A LARGE DEPOT ! The railroad dejHit in course of construction at Birmingham, England, will cover over eleven acre* of land, and cost a million dollars. SENATOR ANTHONY of Rhode Is land, who has been seriously ill of Brighta disease, is reported as resting easier, but there is little hope enter tained of his recovery. THE maple sugar crop in Vermont is said to be a failure. This is doubt less to be charged to Judge Kelly. He did not levy a tariff on it, so a* to pro tect the laborers engaged in its manu factures. SENATOR JOHN A. Loo AN, of Illi nois, declines to talk on the prospects of the Republican party in I**4. He is prudent at least. Ltgau can't lie, and having nothing good to say, is mum. THE question now to be determined i* whether Keim and Cameron's ma- ! ehine has captured the civil service commission, or whether the commis sion has .-apturcd Kiem and Cameron's machine. In either ease it furnishes quite a refreshing novelty. IK then- is any whitewash in Ma*- saclui-ctts tO remove . even a moitey j of the blackness and brutality dis closed by the Tewksbury revelations, it ought to be plastered on. There is, however, not enough in the world to entirely purify the foul record. LAWYER Bum only wants a week in which to address the jnry in the | star-route cases. That will tie enough of Bliss for the jury, and if followed j i by the other attorneys and the great official in frills, by a week each, their bliss will be complete —and somewhat protracted. I THREE Missouri county Judges have ' beeu committed to prison by the Uni ted States Circuit Court for contempt in disobeying the mandate of Uncle Samuel's officials. They refused to levy a special tax of $2,000 to pay part of a judgment obtained on conn- I ty bounds. i THE Bedford county court has de cided that three of the ex-Commission- Piunty, shall refund to the ernl hundred dollars oash extra compensation for i travelling expenses in ;als, to which they were jy law. NER Kal'M of the Internal roan, has resigned,and it is cw to become the Attorney on of the whiskey barons. Ige he has attained as an e Government, will cer* uah'c to those who desire i its revenues. The Cold Shoulder. Secretary Folger couldn't sec it. I A delegation of colored Republicans the other day called upon Secretary Folger to solicit the appointment of one of their race to an important posi tion in his department, but were promptly, if not discoutoously. inform ed that their request would not be complied with —that their claims were unreasonable, alleging that the colored men had more than their proportion of employes in the departments. 'I lie Secretary no doubt couuted in the boot black positions of the colored race in his estimate. But this was not what the delegation was after. It was respectable representation these color ed gentlemen were in pursuit of and to which they have just claims upon the Republican party, and not the scullion positions awarded them. They com pose an important element in the po litical strength of the republican party, ami as they have as intelligent and competent men among them as the average Republican hummers who nn employed, there is no excuse lor their proscription. Let the colored tnande- ; mand his rights as a citizen of his par ty representatives, or try another par- ty lor the justice he is entitled to. THE astonishing generosity of the Republicans apportionment bill in ; accordiug one Democratic Congress man to Philadelphia, it seems, i- bal anced by a large morsel of selfishness, after all. The /W** commends the bill not because Democrats should he represented, hut on the ground , "that Democrats have at times a ma jority in the lower house of Congress, and there are local reasons why it is better that the city should have one j Democratic representative" —that if , "Philadelphia 11111*1 have a Democrat in ('ongress, it could hardly have a lietterone than Randall." That is. if the Republican memb r do not possess the influence to set up their jobs 011 a Democratic house, p-r -haps Mr. Randall would h- n'>i< to ■' > so Anv compliment to Mr. Ran dall'* w-irtli and ability a* a faithful and honest repr*— illative of the p - pie. will alwavs find rer-dy response with Democrats, but we d -übl very much whether Mr. Randall hime|f will a compliment in the light the I'rrm put* it The Democrat* d. man I r. presentation, because they are ' entitled 1 it, on a fair apportionment ' of tie- distriet- oi Philadelphia, and j tha' i the oulv priuciple that should ! govern in the- formation ofcotigre**- j iotial district* Tin m ;'n-s, Kliza Pinkerton, who gained considerable notoriety as one of the priuciple witnesses of Sherman and other conspirators in the Hayes fraud of 1 in Louisiana, is dead. She died in prison where she was ser : ving a term for larceny, neglected by the visiting statesmen, whom she serv- j ed. The twins she gsvc birth to sub sequent to her poiitiral service, under the tuition of these Republican states men, bearing the name* respectively of "John Sherman," and "Stanley Matthews" of course will be cared for by the distinguished statesmen. IN the great Convention of Irish citizens of this country, in session in Philadelphia last week, there were from one thousand to twelve hundred present, representing the lest intellect and highest patriotism of the Celtic race, of all the state*. It was truly a great body in which wise councils pre vailed, and the proceeding cannot fail to have a commanding influence for good on the future of Ireland. There was no sympathy with the dynamite policy, or encouragement for assassi nation given in the proceeding. Its object seemed to Ire to consolidate the intelligent workers of America with the intelligent workers in Ireland un der the lead of I'aruell into one homo genious organizational) fair,open and manly effort to free Ireland from op pression and wrong, and to that end the Convention it is believed was a grand auccess. "KqUAL ANU EXACT JUSTICE TO ALI. MK.N, OK WIIATKVKH HAT* OK I'KKM'AXION, KKI.IOIOUH f> I'OMTH A I,."—J.tTerw,i. HKLLKFONTK, PA., TiIIJHSDAV. MAY 3. IHB3. Jußtieo to Oiikos AmcH llio Ilurrisburg Patriot makes a strong apjeal to t!i- legislature of Massachusetts to relieve the memory of Oakes Ami's from the odium that rests upon it from the bribery transac tion in the credit moliiliernlfair in < 'on gress some years ago. He as the briber mid Colfax as one of the bribe receiv ers went down a* dead ducks, while j the balance of the receivers, includ ing Judge Kelley and Jll*. ' J. Blaine, were subsequently endorsed and the crime condoned. How Ma*-aehuetLs is to blot out the *tuiu, is the mi- j terv, but a* an old friend and ae quaintace of Mr. Colfax we insist that he also he included. The Patriot says: "It is understood that at uu early ! day the legislature of Massachusetts j will he asked to do something looking ! to the removal from tin- memory ot : the late < >ukes Ames of the -tigma | j which has rested upon it f r ten years. ] ! When the committee investigating tht Credit Mohilier scandal ten years ago reported that lie stood convic ted us n briber of congressmen, and the Forty | second congrt * adopted u rrsohiti >n of ; censure, the poor old man who had j grown wealthy a* a shovel maker and ! won resjM'ct for simple business rnelh- 1 ! od* in iii> Massachusetts home, grew : heart sick and after two months of j misery died, leaving hi- memory smirched with the odium which bad ! been heaped upon it. Why should the memory of Oakes ! Ames he thus subjected to continued public execration .' He was unques tionably guilty of bribery and the in s: effective penalty against the crime lie* in the odium which attaches tn the offense. But the giver of a bribe i* no , more guilty than the receiver. If < Jukes Ames gave bribes, \S"tu. D Kelley, James <i. Blaine, Juno - A. 'Garfield, Schuyler I'olfax, Beiu 1' Butler and others received them. If, therefore, the memory of < 'skes Ames is to bear a stigma those who shared : the crime with hiui are equally culpa ble and a* fully deserving of reproba tion. James (. Blaine ha* inre la-en twice named fur the presidential nom ination, and hi* connection with the Oakes Ames crime wa* rcspon-ible for his defeat in neither ca*e. Garfield accepted the bribe* at the hands of 'takes Ann*, and the offense wa- con done*! in his ejection to the presiden cy William I>. Kelley, who added perjury to the crime of br.fa-s, -till holds hi* <ut in loogr* --, and was recently complimented hv the Philadelphia monopolists with a pub lic diniii r. < nlfax. who like Garfield and Kelley, magnified the crime of bribery by subsequent penury, 1* 1 ec ; ognized a- a public teacher by the lv c'ums and lecture bureaus of the country, and Butler i* now governor of Massachusetts. Thus all tfioe who share*! with ' takes Ames the crime of which he stood i-onvicte*l, ar- a|ipa r* ntly vindicate*! Why, therefore, should his mem >ry nml posterity suf fer alone ? It i* neither equal *irex aet justice, atnl it thi- legislature of MaMsaeliusi'tte can reach the subject, it is t/i he hoped that *p'*dy action will IH> taken. The l'atrit *ioe* not ask vindication for (take* Ames. But it iloes think, that unless h' h*' purgeil of | the crime f.v some public expression, hi* a* oeiat'-s should l>e inelude*! in | the execration that rests upon him. AI>J. GENERAL GITIIRIK keiqm' peace with the spirit of reform. He has order* '! the disbandment of Com- i j [mny "K." Sixth Regiment, National j Guards, and the Washington Tr*<ojM. This summary action is in consequence of proof tfirst the property of the state in p<e>so**ion of these organizations, consisting of arms and equipments, are grossly neglected. He directs that the property must be restored to the atate within thirty days. KRMATOR GEO. F. KUMITWIW, says the New York fittn, "is decidedly the most conspicuous of all the candidates the Republicans have hopes or fears of, says that he will not tie a candidate. Htill he has the "liee in his bonnet," It hums as yet and does not sting. Mr. Edmunds would like to lie Presi dent, but he ia not anxious to run next year. He ia a hard-headed person with no fondtiew for forlorn hopes. He sees it ia a very had time for beea, and he ia pachydermatous enough not to he atung, although he muat listen to the bumming, Mr. Edmunds keepa his head plum." A Veteran JournnliHt Dead. i Col. Levi L. Tate, proprietor of the ' l Lycoming Chronicle , one of the ohb-t ! I publisher* of the State, died in Wil- | I liariiHport on Monday last, ng' d 7-'!. ! lie was n native of Clearfield, and in j fifty-three years of his life as a printer ! had published and edited nine differ ent newspapers. He was a man of j very creditable ability ami a member of the legislature from Columbia ; county in 1 SI.NATOK Hit.i., of ('(dorado, has written an open letter to Secretary feller of the Interior Department making grave charges against this ! gentleman on his management of tin [ Department. This will doubtless lead to an aeriiuonious controversy he t ween these Colorado lb-publican statesmen, which may not have a very i -oothing effect in harmonizing the I Republican discord* already existing in that State. The Secretary's great i est offence seems to be that he failed ' to give the Senator's recommendation ! for office that consideration that Sena torial greatness demanded. THI: early start in life of some of tlie pr< -cut members of the S-nate of 111 ited States, may be encouraging, and stimulate the ambition of some of our youth, po-esed of equal natu ral ability, to prepare themselves to becrime our future statesmen. It only | requires pluck, and industry, good habits and study. It is *>tid. the dis tinguished Senator Reek of Mi-- <uri. commence 1 his career n- a farm hand Conger, a* n lumber hand ; Davis, nf West V irginia, a- a brakeman l air, a- a bartender; Karley, a- a stage j driver : Cormnti, a- a p%gc : Vest, a' a reporter; Sawyer. n a he*>r<r done*, of Florida, a- a earj>ent r, and Morrill, a- a country storek- eper SEXATOR CAMI KOS i- ahead yet, So far a- the returns arc in. I. If Keim, editor of Don Cameron's Mar risburg organ, on the recommendation of the civil service commission, ha le-n appointed F.xaniiner of that body. The Senator will not bo with (nil nn able ami competent lieutenant in the civil service reform department. A very general protest against the ap pointment i- made by the friends o' civil service reform, a < tie not tit to le made. Machine politico score* an important victory Tin. indications from Virginia are that Mahone will require a much larger supply of public plunder than lie ha \ct ha! to hold together the discordant elements of hi- heterogene ous combination. Insubordination to ' the IHVS i- being manifested in all the element*. A I rniidable jlit took place in Norfolk, i- extending inland and reaches the negro, whom the bos* i is now trying to reduce t • sulwervirney by addressing circulars to the negro clergymen. THE grain gambler* nt Chicago are fighting desperately against the favorable crop report* made by relia- I ble correspondent*. n thev have a ' tendency to knock the bottom out of the movement* to hull th<- markets. The millions, however, will profit by any disaster* the speculators may earn j by the publication of the true state of the grain prospects, which are said to be excellent. To TIT* Uellefonte DSSOCHAT Senator Wallace's innocence of the cotlee pot charges ha* long been evident.— l'hila, That'* true, Mr. I'rr*. The DEM OCRAT'* familiarity with the alleged "coffee-pot" fraud i* not of recent date. It truthfully located the origin and object of the base lie so far a* Mr. Wallace and hia political fricndi were concerned, in the article alluded to in the /YrV witticism. • * - • ■ - THERE are #96 ton* of silver coin i in the vaulla of the auh-trcaaury at New York, representing over $82,000,- 000, about ona-third of whieh are in legal tender silver dollar*. He; burn Speaks. Senator Keyturn, the Stalwart I'resi ' dent pro tern, of the Senate, w ho stands second lo L'oopiT a- the apologist for corruption snd a mean low gride of politic*, it appears lIHH no love for Gov. I'atlison, or the high principle which has governed him in official life both in Philadelphia and in llarri-burg. The other day this representative of ma chine politics and th< o!< element of Philadelphia, made a > haracteristic speech 'in the Senate, in which h<- un dertook to belittle and criticize the Governor, Senator Gordon, of Phila delphin. replied to hilii ar.d sa:d " The senator has -'en fit to d:-p*rage the public serviis-- < f th" late controller of I'niladelpbi , the present governor of | the -t *!•, no said "Sir, ido not tOMD j lo debate tliat question with the leria lor. Ihe public service- of Governor I'atlison h.ive been pi--- i u| ti by the I people ami upon then decision I rely. fwico over, a* controller arid a* a cm' I delate for governor, have the people : pronouncd th. r conbdence 1 h ■ in' ' legrity, caps* ty ami fitnes- for official -tation. I |win their v.ode t I re-t. and against the statement of the senator that Governor Pattuon d:d no service lo I'hiladelphia, I jeont to his rn • jrity of fourteen thousand 111 that city— at in election when '-irtield had twenty three thousand. The senator and lis constituents are therefore at i-'ue upon the value of the governor's public **r" vices. Ilia whole r.flici.sl walk is lum inous with j üblic benefit*. Mis whole public career > an unbroken chain of good dec is and fa'tbfu! service | üblicly commended and endorsed. As it has l>een so too will it be. 1, sir, this disparagement of Gover nor Pattison is no new thing. In noth ing ha* he been s ■ fortunate i> in the character of his op|>onerits. Mediocrity has hi--'-d 11* spite at him and .ncompe lence, profligacy and corruptiun have honored luru with their hate. He has been sneered at for lack of capacity, reproached for want of sincerity and de -r. 1 hv all the enemies of good govern ni< !, 'i an unbrok' n chorus of ;eers. Pc •tl | pie too has often j iped in feel.i st- 1 11 its song of opposition. Hut ainid't 1 I, tinheedful of the st rni of abuse and obloquy that feat harmless upon htm, this ! tiiful j üblic >• 'iant. has continued in li.s quiet way of w*-ll doing, w.liing to trust the future to the people, and relying for v .tidication sole ly on his official act*. What he was i, controller he lias been and will f>e a governor. Portunate then in hi* op p ments he is still more fortunate now. No public plunderer prai*es him, and inconipe *m e ami , irrupti m alike rm see no merit in bint. Hut as in the p .st lie trusted for isiiftralion to the people, -o too in tin- future he seeks only their favotable verdict. The Lint of Apjxtintments in the Department of Internal Affaire Mav 1, the incoming officials of tfie department of internal affairs took charge. Ihe secret ty. Hon. .1. -imp son Africa, has ma ir his appointment* for th" term beginning May 1, IS-1. and the list is as annex* d. Meputy .-secretary I. Wilson Green land, Clarion, deputy secretary. Chief of Bureau of Industrial Statis tics Joel H. McCanjanl, I'ottsville. Mratightstnan—ll. Franklin Africa, Huntingdon. fieri**—v W. Buck, Bradford; John 1,. Butler, Warren, lawyer, represents the labor refuini inteiest; John M. Cooper, Blair. 1 <ll lor : li Jiert H. Por ter, Belletonte; Frank B. Kluck, llesi ford, surveyor; J amps B. Markett. Perry, aurvevnr: Ktnl. I, ManiLnght. Lancaster ; l.llis L. Mumnik, Itsuph'.n Thomas lb Nash, AleKean, pr.nter ; A. Ntemmer Pomerov, Montgomery, clerk : Charles A. Glenn, Schuylkill, ot the present force ; John A. Mi-Cult n. Blair, of the present force. Meaaenger— Michael Bradley. Phila delplii*. * Measengcr to Bureau of Industrial Statistic#—Kdwnrd T. La Mont, Cum berland, Night Watchman—John It. Moore, | Dauphin. RCRREIX, an cx-Uiiitvl Staten Mar- , sbai in Texa, autl one of the co-work er* of Dortey in fixing Indiana in 1870, has just, rcacl.e*! the Illinois penitentiary, ami re*?eivi-*l his stripe*! out-fit which entitle* him to hoard am! lodging at public expense. Hi* col league, Mr. Dorsey, is en the road ami will prohahly overtake him shortly. riiirit), the I'hiladelphia almshouse superintendent is to.receive biatrial this week. TOMS: Jrtl.oO per Annum,ln Advance. Swoopo h Confession vh. Swoopo. Mr. inland I). f-w<x>je who appear# in u letter t iln- Philadelphia /Vn ol Friday laat, contradicting Senator j \\ allace'-t statement in relation to the alleged fraud in the- campaign of 18<>7 and undertake- to reaffirm the slander on his own responsibility. This jrouug man does not know when.-of he siicak# el-e he would cultivate lorgetfulnessi in-tead of iuv< rligation <d' the base a't- to which Mr. Wallace's denial refers. We know nothing of this Mr. Swoope, at his responsibility or res per lability. Rut if Senator Wal lace who dots know him, believes biru worthy of reply, be has a fine chance to teach the young man a lesson to be remembered. In the mean time we append the following letter which a[c p< nr- in the /V- ■ <.n Saturday last Bucher Swoopo's ConfesHion. TIIK < IUK'.I Ml | ,n | Hl' UOTMIi I |l|S -r->AT'iK IUUI TO i.KATII'I A rAh - *ll*4l lIITIttI. I'iTTsai R-.ii, April 27. J o I'n 4 h ll linos , s*:rii, f.- v. VAdur Sit: I notice the letter of itoland I>. Swoojkj ri your | aper tlui morning I knew his father. If. I'ucber Swoofw, former district attorney of this district, very we], He repeatedly boasted to me and others that he ha 1 fastened on senator Wallace the charge of forging naturalization paper-, and that it was to gratify a personal hatred of him. With n a month of the death of Mr. Swoope he told me regretfully that "he had aet that thing up on Wallace that be was sorry for it that he would send for him, and, as 1 understood, retracted the charge. Whether he d.d so or not I am unable to saj. Very truly, f. M. Mack. I HE House ha To finally acted upon the hill-, appropriating ?**4,400 to the Pennsylvania r*: r:n - hrxil; B.>Ml and an annuity of .? 1 ini to Edmund Hyde <,f Potter county, for disabilities in the war of the rctiellion, and 10 25,- for the i ntinuanoe of the eduea tioii of ti,. de-titute children of de ceased and disabled -oldier* of the -tate. A Wa-uini;t>n paper, prrhablv TO hurras- and excite the temper of Judge I olger by a rush of female applicant* for office, has published that tie! Treas ury Department i- a pixel place for young ladie to find lovers and hus band-. That during the past three or four months over one hundred 'nave been married from that institution. In Ma—nehu-ep* at this time, the power i- not behind the throne—it sits right square on lop of' it, bare-headed and belligerent againt evil doeis, brute, and robbers, as the manager* of the Tewkshurg Almshouse are ex periencing to their confusion. Uepub lican whitewash ha- lost its virtue and don't brighten worth a cent Im. Huston JW propose* one oi two Democratic ticket* for IHK4. The first is Samuel J.Tilden of New York, for president, and Jos. K. M l humid of Indiana, for Vice President; the second is. Jo. I;. M'Donald for Prrwi dnt, arid Frederick O. IVince of Max-achusetU t *r Vice Presiib n;, Tiik New York rimes believes that "(ien. Chalmers of Mississippi think* he has annexed the Republican party. Chalmers mistake is in supposing that J. A. Huhhcll i the Republican party, an error which Huhbell himself at one time shawl, but from which he j has been rudely awakened." The I JimcA would not dare to say the same of Mahotie. who bosses the |>arty aud makes its majority in the Senate. It'e sneers in that quarter might provoke rebuke from the boss, to whom annex s j at ion i not disputed. A Wasiiimitox paper Mrs that the coo version of pultiu, property to private u*es is aa abuse that flourishes in more than one of the departments, ! ar<l will continue Until a political | cyclone *ina-hc# this specie# of robbery NO. IK.