ItEK-nrVK STOKKS. - | -* 1883 ! 1883 ! J_J FIRST GRAND srit i\ u o1*i: 11 \ a : AT THE o x k r ii i c /•; is f # b k B. * ♦ * > ♦ * Saturday, April 21, Monday, April 23, Tuesday, April 24, Wednesday, April 20 The follow)hi/ extraordinary Inrqains will he offered duriny our ()peniny only : 'Jitftft yard* Dr* l .* o-"I - ll v "'1 tilling ft tt worth 18c. 'JiHiO yard'* I>* l'tri* Melange f-i worth 1'• o.', dor. Pair* Mou-pn-lam Kid (Hove* ail r ir.f< and mo*t ileirable shade*. < • rV) wutth JLIO lig)d< ■/ Fancy IP■**• [air •" >r 'JU*. worth •Jn to 2*a a pair. 'at do/. L i i *• 11 •• 111 •t. t> tod 11 nr. lior t. o1 fa Colored Border# and nil Linen, at I • | worth .'X . 'Jo Ldie* Spring Coat* at VI w oth 2i *• •' hot line all 1 wool *t i worth $ In. ■ViO Men* Home Made Straw Hat* 1"< worth 2oe. 'Jo do*. Summer I'nderthlrl* I'lc worth 40 IT) cannot yuarant yoods will lout an we shall deal them out on tlx principle of "J-'irst come, first served The only thiny that we ran do toward a fair dis trihution is to sell a limited yiuinfity to each purchaser thereby pi otectiny our patrons as well as ourselves ayainst' store-keepers who vnyht rush in to yobble up the entire lot. All sales duriny oar opoiiny will he strictly for cash. ** n.rnAN'T aot vtstß 1 i j Will ho presented to each ono o( our visitor* Commemorative of tho groat event. Goldsmith Bros.# n i e-ii i v k ONE PRICE STORES. BKIXEFONTE l'A., lltf, tli f ' IjYOX it fV#. Merchant*, Aftcf/hrnf/-St.* HrUvfantr, /•##. LYON & C o.'s A NXO UXCEMEN'l 1 TO It 77/ I S WEEK ! * FOR ZMIHGST. A LIST OF A FEW OF THE MANY HAKUAINs WE II \\T An all wool i 'aniiuere Hint. light color, at 57.1M1, lornier ju or* S 111 mi A good pair of panta 75 cent# anil #l.mi. An elegant Spring I'. >ti• rit Black llmkot panta $'J 00. A good child * ,-u.i t j#|.To. A full line ot I'umimere pant# from sJ (Hi tip V •-j ••* li.rgiui in a lin percale shirt, two collar* and coi i •*: hut ton* .VI cent < a liner one at hi cent*. The he-t iplilltj .Moleskin elm te at .o cent*, former price $l.'J5, \ lot of Boy*'ock* toi three rent | o HOIR, THE X^DDDIES. Ladies I'lush and Leather 1 ' tlia* J"> to tin cent* old price i 1.00 t' l S-' mi. I'he finest ipinlitv all linen colore*! boarder hemstitch hiinlkerchiela )** cent", old price 31. The fined aorlmenl of Hamburg edging and Inaerting, v wi* edging and Inserting. Nain*OOk edge* and Inserting. Sih IMibon, ciiihrni hud edge, suitable also for bounel and hat trimming* and how*. J*< cent# a turd, old price 71 cent#. Black witk. watered rihhoti * mil* per vat d, old price <■*• iI DBESS GOODS, A wool w tiered - tteen in garnet, hr** *n, navy tdu* .c, I green L ".d price ).*> cent*. An all wool oxtra fltie g irn<*l ra*lnner, l* ■ ■,che*, >i • nt*, prire elsewhere 71 cent* I'nll - r plai I* N in oil IJ * ■ lit#, pi i.*-ehewli.-n* at lea*t one-half more. New button*, new *ii . I . n. .v , . new et v l*-. all shape*. Black and white dre.- gingh im< 7 cent* per tar I. i| i I' icrin n colored table ami stand cover* $1 10, worth ->J mi. Kidgi 'f I 1 giad*. reduce*! to (it Vi and ID c**n i*. * line glove* *it month# ago " . $ I .mi and f I .'J LYON & CO. Are ju*t Opening L > li<- while dr. • g'> *1 I' I ' ■ re ll> *. I' in . Pari* muslin an*l edge# ami laces, Paint I > on, • nB •* . I. re i la* • .while guipure, Ac. A lot of children*' hue collai*. compri'ing an, i t clo .i• nt fi.irn tin* runiiiifiictoi.t at thrpp rpiiln i jure*'. thf.n u- l>> . < '' • renin, lul w* will -•!! t .•• m nil nt three -• ir . LYON 6c CO. Will 'all, ' vi i about our h.g • -* i . .. .SI.( 111.I'll A ' I • • > r • 'I- l -l of rvt i v tiling In •or I• . ami nw i\ ->'! |. < iittit'i-. hooj>>s , I < i:i I I i //.' / s/ Extra lairnte KHKM II I'll! NES. , i >; /./.'/ ovatkks .x \vi:t:r mtatoks, j< /. i/f/.-A. /;//•;; ' j: \sin:i:t;n \ 7 7.7 xeu.ks, impkhim. nas, I i y.7.7'////' .Will' /./M/o.v.s. H.oiUhA OKASCES, i'i iiif.-s'* r;i|M'i-slic]| \2iiiotitic. Evaporated IM.'II It I'K.VCIIK-S, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. i'i:i:sF.i:VKh yf.i/fs. /•/ h///;.s, pwm.s #>/ rm sKi.i.hs. , PLAIN r Will ICS, I'l NIC CON LECTION ICH V. -AMI GOODIES ol all Sorts and Kinds. Otxf~\ Vc invite tlm people of Centre eoiitit\ to rail Mini in|eot our NICK i fKKH>?. which cannot fail to please. s i-r s|.;ci i lmi: co. I lot I .f Mint/lr--itontn it thorn 800 T S & SHOES. t*. '• it - .i We are now ready w i th an immense •took for Spring nn< * Summer. Our tock is more cxten Kg five, and letter se lected than ever. JM An I L A I) I E S. MISSICS A CHIL DRKNS LACK A V J* IU TTON ,uK)TS MEN'S HOYS A YOUTH'S LA C K BUTTON" A CON (il:K>s SHOE 8. MENS AHo Y S flB Heavy HROOANS iv, ri a tW SHOES. Wo are Sole Amenta for Roynoida Brothora Utica, and D. Armstrong Rochester Shoes, for Ladles Miaaeaa and Children. These good* arc well known throughout the whole country, and scarcely any need recommendation, for style, fit, and quality there are no better made We Guarantee Everything we Recommend Ladies Shoe Polish-Will Not Crack the Leather. DM & Minf/fe, JJeUefonte, Pa. Q / \o.w . 1 ttril*utions in almost every number ; by OLIVKR WKNDKLL HOLM FX, Author of "The Autocrat of tho I Breakfast Table," etc. "Michiol Angolo, A Drama" Which was 101 l complete by IllMiY W. I>ON(.l I I.UiVV, And which will run through tlircc numbers of the magazine, beginning v ith January. "Tho Ancestral Footstep" Outlines of an exceedingly interesting Romance, from the manuscript ot N ATI! AMI:!, II AWTItOUNI.. "Daisy Killer, A Ccmody" li V II KVHr JAW >, .) K. A dramatization, with important alterations, of his very [iopul;ir story " I)aisy Miller." Storie.-, essays, sketches atidjpoeni- hv John (>. Whitticr, William I>. Howells, Charles Dudley Warner Sarah I true Jewell, Richard < Irani White, Hose ferry < ooke, Horace K. S'udder, I icorgc I*. Kathrop, ilarrict W. IV -ton, and nianv other-of the bit American writers. I'he.l'Ay furnishes it* readers in the muo ot a xesr n much reading h is continue I ill '/'■<' •/, Or.i i I' un-rt of asi |iv" •• ' it. Trim! $4 year in advance, p la < n • i cents i nlirnher. With supeib iite ai/e porti-it 7 ' e 4 : with four, fs.llll W illi live j'- 4 4 " : with :
  • 1 Kl lieiiilttaoees should be mails l,y Mori ev ur Icr. (irult, or t- listen d letter, to HOI Oil lON. Mini.lN A I 0.. / I'orl. St., IliiMtiui, M ilns. "AYNE'SIO Horna Spark A'reating i ! •• t. in has, ; slabs fr in lb<- saw iu fy>7 JO Worst f,varnr,''t to ftirt sh [siwar Is - OK) t," tof Met lsjartis to Id h its Osir . iit'is it Ul est ' ii f,,i .a title SI • r ht • .i arahtfit to r f ! 1 : * v Kn R , i.- t (tttl with Automtiir W I ■ K r I r • V Botirf f|i* Iv I i itHrr r Mp . lie • Ia ul f%fi: i*!rU"d ' ■. N" 3- ' r m f .n.iAt r r> ;| r : • P. W I'AVNK A SON* i N Y. IV i lir FDRNITDRE. fjrjA Ii Sl'ASfilJ U A ( 0. ,c. X l 4 i'ltcllf/eiit reader tu r a moment or two. The farts ihnj drfire to m lie liuldir will hair a t.lh ,7 , rj'ert upon the doinctie f'ollollll/ of any household hi which thin recital of their (aril it if* to supply furniture of all kind' at rea.">uahle prirr*, 1- yncn a fair hen cine/. They authorize u, to •tate that every article they hair 0,1 ff hihition i urn and seasonable, un* Imuyht for r'ldi, and will he sold at the lowest price dealers ran afford. They have ronetantly on hand pari/*- and bed-room euil', vrh-ct and carpet lounges, utsiumn tabf, of their own make, odd pices, err r, lories, nde. board', marble toji table,, tables, etc., etc. Anything made to order and guaranteed to give satisfaction. They superintend each department in person and keep themselves posted in mutters of importance to customers, They also invite special attention to their undertaking department. Mr. Henry Swart:, prartieol, scientific cabi net inaker and undertaker of many years experience, superintends the ar rangement* and work. They hare late ly secured a new patent ctmling board, he most perfect body preserver in use, and the only one in Centre county, nt considerable expense. An rby ant hearse will be provided gratis. In transacting business of this kind do not forget R. B. Spangler & Co., Hiqh St. opp. Bush House, 0 I telle foil Ir, / J I / / r I'll Ila 11 ri / 11 Ii a It rn II rh . THE PHIIiIOEIM BR4M CLOTIII Mi STORK. J'l Allegheny Street, it. Ijfirin, A Co., T S/l M J TFT i Jj I w iinmn !■ "... , X Ii- n,.— Right nou t f the < itsct < i the' spring season ir> ' • f,r i' wh ■■ 11 ■ hll'f often ,'ud If Jon . 1 '■ Ic'/al gi'irntlte, VP .J:,, M 'I.. ,r If ■! >'i ... fnnr'hiwi: lor intend a' ' mil to -it "Jiftwil, hilt t'l ffiri s it,pfaet.oil, Ml T' not goto at I P I'/ II h>: t 'tin, flu in tint ) jiT'ihit'i, J; now 'hint If i M h tin "rd j gum nt'r m' in': m a-i u ne .-'ore than tin ll' j' i' mi '• thai, it ')ool eampbteh * iti'ibd, < r/o further UP t/FIIIL on for )■' noitii in/ \U to r"ciu/f ifi for rem tunlaiti td . oeemtM in thf tir-t jilori, ib o nmptt act oj ivjf ti" •'■■■lF ll", tecurte us your good a."I third! 11 liouit- "i dif'it* i ■■ 'iip'utf that u- v r'inrdv. i i to pimdurl our hupinif nixm 'hi '.■< j" i .■'inh of // .ii * ft'/ and to if jiirr oilr rust"in> r.- ' ith 111 i'llioq that thii/ ore i'i iundid h ' ■ j",,- ,ihii mt"(ward thri< ho I /.<■ nt Inirl a ii< rlothinn !'■"■ .. ilri.i t:rri\Ti i rhrrr rirn a child ran diol o it ho ut rifl. ot ItnpOfition. It would hf II jut I not to mention •Jiritl'l ovrrcoot* ii h' i tin weather i hi proji'tioiu awl in u, < i'tiering melt an attract 11 e ran, to ot allgi ad- - that a man intendnnj to hu ■/ on, on em ,th, hnrifih to hiol. he,-' hefor, chnoiiii'j. ) "ll know tie not ev. ri/u her' that In cm yc. back tor h > motion . i In •ior* hu 1 and niter word* iriehc* he had n't. I|/' AilrertiHrmriitH. J |K. FKAZIEK'H HOOT Hittkk fraxlr'a ft * t BilUn ar # not * drum ah',j, tttiil hut * f * atH'tly r***ll'-ina! in t tl# bowal# til*u mti I x irnlir, mak* tb* a k •trobg. I**l th lunfC*. billH I||| lii ncrTH aii'l til* I .Ih*J Mil) ' 1 ** r r tinf i;r|f*. I r l>i//)fi KuaJj / IlitM/tl I-/ Hi* IfmJ, t' fi'lihg t A|i j i • * jr. P w *•! ngu*, biufmjr, I'll up* and Jllof' I#*• hr -ful ' - llurn-'f • M*'J #•• ;•#. T*tl*-r I. •.•\\' I: .U V If•IJ N 1 i • • I • * | ini I 1 -r jonrijf urt> •ollTing from W>f .. 4l|iJ til' ) iJi'i jj,*- 1t,',10 Ihitn lb# do* tor* nl, I all tl* Hindi* Hi* I #*r i ft(,iii lli* firnl 4'/M i I*to kii h'i. Hi l I ant n iij f*rfu< t •nil fnal M Will M!I If ' I ■Mif Jlf MMMm •I llm- jrr .!nt <,f l l' "it,f Mllf *1 MARTIN, f Uraiarxf O r !; il. t in'! i>**otifui Al jr**lt-l. Barbara Itsh, #-*n kit* imi, 7*tt r, li'i.t * rui. N *ld H-*d. Ha ml* l ,f .Vij.p#, *•. JJ| • J, < trt inat* Vl' *r a if. - rr* 4 w Din A-r I.Orak*. K* ' .f! r*<] b - .nd all da •rrlptlon f# tu aakit Hwni a bleb app#*r4 „u b.# f . j h*a*l */H . .-nl i,t*r - Ji i bla **. " • ! ' ' II an 4 at- Dr.fra -.Slf 0 :ra-ul • * '• !I)a '* 3J J/. I - 4#" J 'mi i | ' r *kin : a*a ***f dia. j . r , , f j f , j jnr| ( t . tf li f' NKI A • r(* l*r f i ' \ *M , -t S. TM f I!" ' It i i- r I b*rat**j |'ii*a Ir j * •' •I " *" O >IMI% T a it- 'or#. Fr, ■ t i * , I * Mail. I f aair I j Of gytftta. 1.4-1* Mii.i.iikim jiotkl, MII.I.IIUM ' t.NTI.K 'H NTV, PKNN'A V. > '.! ! '-Kit. I'- j.ri'-UjT. Th. t 'i, '1)1 . .-im I. !• lin I'.i.i, • vllr M* iit * nn'. !t , • ' a, ; f , 11. U.i t-'irjf, ' rt.if *, ~; r .tt }'. **i. itb ear ftubijin*. Mi*t i. k- it a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT • tr a f/ iu th , !iat* * i inltj. Arab raiial .t.r Uaia Al Iha MillbHm HtM acoua 1 - • i i f.fftt- !.►• mi, t i ritoft ui Mi*r •t* . 147H-I)* New Erockcrhoff House. 1 XIOCKEHIIOFF HOUSE, I ' lIUKSOHEX i -T BKLLKI MTI l i ( <• M M 11.1.1.N, I'roji'r. f / SM J. i i IS TV f A A A K' U I.J'Kf"K Kii. ]'r j.riftor. TH ll*>r*II TL >I b li> ■. tn* ffc r*ai * .11 fit,# tiftH*- or pvwft • rii* * • All. Ih*i 1 > ■ *!•< ' v t mjst*a. 47 -A. GIFT TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER. Tlhh oiler is mßde by the NEW YORK OBSERVER. ■ • - • . ~ • 111 -..n't, ; and ' • m ' u f - in lit* • t' -'hi.- if i'B fttH'fl f •tM It* ••• '*• n '•*?* til t.-, ft ft >*.-mm Kftib it- if jr.? uI a t q i,*artj *• ar-ll S* ' t 11.11* *'> i • |r. • \ '-ruafiiif al • > tf t * - . I* I ,* ft \J hrj luatf* faat, ;< h* t at. 1f *' fi! * A '"Mint A' Iftpnu, Mail r 4 471> / 'KNTKK COUNTY BANKING V OOMfANT. Ri-fftitr o*|xaita At •! A . w * Int#'*fti, Iha < u.i Not**; H" a*r- "Mall ir .*a tintiftft, ♦ and ('otkpnua JaaM l HAtTta, Vnftidani. . I ■ | . i ? • i* t 4 1' ( \N( Eli HEMOVEI). U" 1 I HOI I KNIFE. nnt iu in.^i ***• ait Want |mir.. Ajjtu < W I K. tkalilarg. '*i tra Oanatf, Fa THE PATItIOT. A Pennsylvania Newspaper for ttao General Public. TU* 0 AHA I'AT Hit T .• t b •)% r, ning i.ta >,-a*.' j.ut i. P.-.I at th* fffcl* Caj.Stal Tb* OAIhV I'A I iilOl mak *a f* .Hj r.( V OAIIA rATliO'Tft. Itai.rr tba A*a at*.: K *•• !>*• ab 1 all |Mt:ntft Tl " 0.M1.V I , AIT.I"T flit# Mpacial alt* l. a t.g?a>a MI i - *•,-# ma* ki* T OAIIA PATRIOT *l*l* " Mvj- It, lo*iar* n • ptiali7 ■t- < 11 ht •xi t ar Tu • t* p* T annum, trilj iu a s%aw** w? 5 i *t Ollti iBI ll I 'll )a 1 Iti arl t m•'-* k r hay j • *i !'••• .an t tint it yr 'tn i at* lataa Tb* W KI.KI 1 1* ATIUmT It a!*?(, *gt t pafa ftsfMr, #. ti Ihl in lit* "a* nt * agn. nlta. Ac - a# manulat tor.a, n*a*. loaikata. atr. f *li Mirr.Uf a 111 . - '.toin an illliatlmlhto ol *ou.a |e n.n*ri: "i 1 TbU t* an atlrarVO* f*atnt ahk b ranimt fail t" plftsoia Tarrtaa $1 Otitmm, Invavtabty iu 1 Mhani* Or*r p .fib* ITURH I'ATItIHT o.A , on# rs-pj- of th* ll.'.U'.Oj bla >M I K I.V IIMM* will i * a*nt rnift j **r f- r $2 i raab in altftttct, thna rlittt lb* iw. ]Mt|*srft f r lb* fti.t*rrt|'i "jn | atoa *1 tin latiat . •in# p ttb* w) > KIA TATKO'T ilui',p ol tbr tX'TT A.K H 4 4 RTII, an *1( #ll**l ivt'Olbl t il'llft. |M)ft|"-l at ll *to> Ml tl .*■" |*#T ftftftDM, Oill f.ft aetit . T# ]i#ar for 11 To. #*b in aiulftaara N*v>4 \% %cmt tftNftlftiettftit ottrft AHdiatai PATRIOT rVRUMUKGCCb, Ilarrtebnrg. Pi. unan u ,u# *** \\ I \ . * tjr ll |y]|f tit*. a gf*at hanrat. n.aka m 'in t MMftMt !*t ti.i-n.aiiiiftr.,)..*! and tu task Mui t-idhl 'b.-ii 1 alitta kit o| . mi' V tb* fk f-nt|#rlf Anm tha ftrat ilin. * Tb# !siln*M tair# outAt Oimiab#4 fn*#. #k. ••gag** ata yaaw j ab"l# tim# o tba w.vrk. f unit jI •;(• tnuuiiti ' fall information and all tkM a A#l*d a#at rr** A4 ! da#M Rritana A (b., PutlUiwl Ma*a*. 14* If • Th ■.<. . ).:.• In. l, th. t *ii-4 ft* lb* th rv.ujh f-r-rif. .1 Mtacatfnn <4 Tot| ••• aw* .1 .n, i, B . •*- f... Hn-nMra Mil mtii. >,l*r*. MM J I' IMITII. ft N , *_