Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 19, 1883, Image 6

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    She € nitre
mm • i
A Race For a Kiss-
I low a Nevada H'MIM.I (\ Tt'd Her Unban!
qf Tippling.
From tho Virginia City Euti-rjiriar.
A butter peddler from Honey bake
relates, with great glee, how a neighbor
of his was cured of too frequent tipping
the gin bottle. This neighbor married
a young, liaudsomo and spirited lady,
and for a month or two all went well in
the house and about tho farm ; then the
husband fell back into his old tricks.
The wife remonstrated, and, for a time,
the husband reformed. IVesontly, how
ever, she becamo satisfied that tho "hot
tie-tipping" was again going on. When
sho spoke to her husband about tho
matter he swore that tho "arotna" she
detected was that of :w colic medi
cine lie was taking, ho having develop
ed a most intractable colic, lor tl.e re
lief of which he hud brought homo and
paraded a bottle of medicine.
The wife was confident that there
was kept somewhere about the promises
a considerable store of a very dillerent
kind of medicine. She kept her own
couusel, and, at the same time, strict
watch. In a day or two sho discovered
unler a manger in the bam tho secret
hoard. She said nothing of tho discov
ery to ber husband.
Soon after the husband had business
at a neighbor's some two miles away.
l>n his return he was somewhat surpris
ed at seeing a note pinned upon his
front door. He hastily advanced and
read as follows:
. RES: You will find the key of the
house where you keep your colic medi
cine. I have taken Kitty pnd goue
home to my mother. Father and
brother Bob will come to-morrow for
the trunk in which 1 have packed my
things. NELLIE.
The husband rushed to the barn. At
a glance he saw that Kitty, his wife's
mare and the side saddle were gone.
Harting to the manger he hauled out
his corpulent demijohn of gin, and sus
pended from its neck fouud the key of
the house.
Securing the key, he sent the demi
john whizzing and crashing against the
post of the barn. Rounding forth, he
ran to and mounted the horse he had
left standing in front of the house.
Away he dashed. It was ten miles to
the house of his father-in-law, and he
was determined to overtake his wife be
fore she could reach it or kill a horse in
the attempt.
Said the bnHerman : "Now I seed
Ren's wi(p come over the bill, half a
inile south of my house, on her little
mare Kitty, and begin to perform some
queer abolution*. After she'd got over
the brow o' the hill she paced up and
down the road for a time ; then she rid
up and looked over the ridge for a while.
After lookn' a bit she turned about and
rid up and down the road a few times ;
then went up to the brow o' the hill
again. So she kept doin', and once or
twice she got otl' and led Kitty up to
the top of the hill.
"I was puzzled as wheth ß r she was
waitin' for somebody or had lost some
thing while on her way to her father's
place some four miles beyond my house.
I was just about to walk out that way
when I seed her wheel Kitty round <
from the brow o' the hill and began to ,
ply her whip.
"In half a minute she was flyin' past
my place like a wild woman. I stood at i
my front gate by the roadside, ready to ;
holler out at her to know what was up,
but, bless you,she never looked towards
me. Her eyes seemed sot in her head,
her face was pale and at every jump
■he let into Kitty with a whip. I swar.
her ridin' skirt fairly cracked as she
bounded peat.
.fiat then I heard a tremendous ciat
ter behind me, Turnin'about, I seed
Ben acomin'over the pitch of the hill
on hig big black hogs, like a wild Coman
che. He was ridin' with loose reina,
leanin' away for'ard and diggin' his big
spurs into his horse like he'd rip his in
■ides out.
"He paased by, with hair and coat
tails saliiin'back in the wind,and never
turning his head to right nor left. I
thought I seed murdar in his eye. I
tell you, a million thoughts went
through my brain in a second. All sto
ries I'd eve( heard about jealous hus
bands went through my head in a lump,
and I do believe if I'd my gun in my
hand I'd have taken a wing shot at him
on suspicion.
I seed Nell look hack once and then
lay the whip on Kitty hotter'n ever.
Ben was goin'like the wind. 1 know
ed Nell was headed for her father's and
I seed plain as day that Ren would gat
her 'fore she was safe landed.
"At last he was upon her. It was
then Deck and neck for a time, with
Ben reaching out for Kitty's bridle. At
last he got it, and the two horses gradu
ally slowed up until they finally stopped.
I mounted my gate post all of a tremble, i
expectin' to see something' dreadful <
happen. t
"They atoppcU in theroa<i tulkin' nigh
onto half an hour; then I seed Ren ieah
over anil Nell lean over till thar two
heads come together.
" ' What the mischief!' says I, 'kiss
in' instead of killin'. Well, that sort o'
fracas gita nte!' After the head-bump
in' tliß pair turned about and came
slowly joggin'along back.
"Aa tliey passed rne 1 call out to lien
to know what in the living jingo it all
meant. Ren began to stammer some
thing, 'bout half of which never got
through his big beard, when Nell sings
out to me : 'Only a race for a kiss !' and
givin' Kilty a cut that made her bound
ten feet, alio culled out to Hen: 'Come
on ! A race to the top of the hill for
another I' and away they went.
"That was fivo years ago, and 1 never
knowed the meanin' of that wild, har
um-scarum rido till 'bout three months
ago, when the story 'bout the 'colic
medicine' leaked out among the wiin
min folks. For a good while after the
ride, howgumever, I remember of the
neighbor men wonderin what had come
over Hen that he had shut down on bis
gin all of a sudden, and wouldn't so
much as to take a glass o' < regon cider.
"To this day no doubt Hen thinks he
had a desperate chase after Nell and a
narrer escape of her gettin, into the
home den long with her big brother
her father and his mother-in law and
I've never said a word to him 'bout how
she fooled long under tho brow o the
Lincoln at the Theatre-
Bit InitrtMin /'■<>, and Playtri—• I
■ < Itv'tJ ' I hu 7' Zi'./yi. >i !.
Kr-.m n Jii(<-nt to LL.<- WUID*I. II SUr.
"Hy tho way," said Mr. Raymond,
"Mr. Lincoln would often come down
flu-re at night and ait in the office.
There'* a point for you, if you want it.
Ho would come in, ait there for an hour
and chat, and very often go through the
stage entrance into lm box, ait there
quietly and unobserved, aeo the perfor
mance, and then go back home. He
always expressed himself a* delighted
to get away from business ami take an
hour of recreation at the theatre. The
characteiistics of the man were so noble
so simple and grand! He teemed to
enjoy, when ho came to the theatre, his
freedont from business and cares of
state. I remember,'" lie ran on, "one
night we were playing 'Pocahontas,' a
burlesque, with Mrs. John Wood. In
those days, when they caught a pick
pocket in the street* here the soldiers
would placard him, 'This is a pickpock
et and send him around the streets to
the tune of the 'Rogue's March,' so the
people would know him, and we were
hurle-qumg that on the stage. Little
Tad Lincoln, the son of the president -
he is now dead, poor boy ! a jolly little
fellow, every body liked him -came
down very often with his father, and
he was there that night. He was hang
ing around the stage, and for the fun of
the thing 1 put him tit a rgged dress
and set him on the stage in the mob in
one of the Irenes. Mr. Lincoln, who
was m his box, saw the boy. Well, be
laughed heartily and long, threw his
hands up in the air, snd let one of them
drop over the side of the box. The
audience saw the hand and recognized
it. There was no hand in the world
like Mr. Lincoln'#— no long and bony.
I hey recognized it and shouted for him.
He had to come to the front of the t>x
and bow. When Tad went into the Imi
Mr. Lincoln threw hi# arms around
him and the scene between the father
and the boy was most delightful. The
pleasure, the afTectwn of thb father was
so intense, so spontaneous, and it was
glorious to see him. Why, at that time
if any body had wanted to seize Mr.
Lincoln they could hare done it ree<dily.
He most always cams to the theatre
alone He would go to the box office
and then pass on in. Sometime* he
would sand on the stage a few minutes.
Ho seemed to eo.ioy crerything he saw,
and was a most hearty laugher."
"Did you have much experience with
him as a story teller?" inquired the
"Oh, yes, I heard him tell lota -of
atoriea. 1 cannot remember the storir a
now, of course. He had a nark of L •
lustrating hie pointa by some com pari
aon which was always effective, Kvery
thing he said had a meaning in it, and
waa ax pressed ao that it would bring
ita full meaning home to the moat igno.
rant, person. He waa —if I can use such
an expression—the moat illustrative
man I ever met in my life. He could
iiluatrato by a jest or a little anecdote,
which would have a volume of aignifi
cance," 1
"Puritanical 1" exclaimed the gentle
man, who waa now half Mr. Itaymond
and half Major Hob, ax he turned
around from the mirror at a suggestion
of the reporter that aoma people
thought Mr. Lincoln austere and puri
tanical. "There waa nothing of the
kind in him. He loved life and ita in
nocent pleasures. He waa one of the
moat liberal and at the same time moat
thorough men in every respect. He
waa splendid company, and alwayi jolly
ami |il(,aHiwit on tbettago. Ito was in
ti,rented in everythinit lie nnw and ul
way* bad u kind word for everybody*
lln wa* friendly will, all tin, actor*. I
think he ued to entertain llackett at
the White Mouse. Mo was a warm pa
Iron of the theatre und seemed to love
it. When ho cnuin down it always
seemed to tin* that tin wanted to jjet
away and ho alone. Me would sit in his
box often when the audience had no
suspicion that ho was there."
The Isthmus Canal
li<W thr If, 'A- M J'rnr/msinrf I'l 'O ()'■
fl trlr.i in the li'ny,
Mharlea do l.esups, son of Count Fer
dinand <ie I.es.seps, and M. Mau/ata and
Captain ltichter, of the Panama Canal
Company, arrived in this city yesterday
morning by the steamer Colon from As
pin wall. M. <ie Leaseps was seen at the
Windsor hotel l.y a 'l'ri/uw reporter last
evening and conversed freely about the
progress of the canal company's work
on the isthmus. In regard to the time
of completing the canal, he said : "It
was well known by those who took an
interest in the project that the first two
years were to hn devoted to preparation,
and that work was to he begun in the
third year, and that ls*S was to see the
marriage of the two oceans. Such was
tho programme of my father, and 1
have no apprehension but that it will
be successfully carried out."
"In what state is the work now ?"
"We are now at. the beginning of the
third year and at the beginning of the
work. W<- have established a line of
villages from Colon to Panama. The
country has been thoroughly surveyed
and the actual work of excavating tie
gun. Two large dredgers are at work
at Colon, two ready to begin work, one
crossing the ocean, and n third very
large one from Philadelphia was met
by us being towed into the harbor of
Colon as wo were coming out. Steam
excavators are at work all along the
"Mnw many men haT<- you employed
on the work now ?"
"We have at present 7,000."
"I* there any diflirulty on account of
the snnitary condition of the country
"Well, as to that," said M. <le l.esaeps,
motioning toward himself and M.
I'aurat, both of whom are very picture#
of health, "we are specimens of what
the climate does for Kuropeans. We
have l>eon there three months, and
traveled over every part of the line of
tho proposed canal. f the 7,000 men
employed, only -•) are in the hospital
of the company. '•( these, only fifteen
per cent, were seriously ill."
"Work will be carried on from loth
sides of the isthmus, will it not ? '
"Yea, in a week or so the Franco-
American I'redging Company will have
dredges at work in I'anama. Though
excavating and dredging i„ now going
on with all po.sible rapidity, it will be
a year before the work will begin to
lo >k like a canal."
"HRTO tb lifTi<~nltir- la
ta ovarrotDp l*nn a* great a wa nntiri
piilail ?
"No; thejr have heen very mueli Im
Some o( the hilla to he removed, which
were tliought at firat to he nolid rork
proverl to he Ntr.atly of aoft earth, and
altogether it will he a much earner job
than waa anticipated."
'•|>o you apprehend any hindrance to
your work in conaerjuence of the Mon
roe iloctrine ?"
"The control of the canal i a -juea
tion for nation*, not for the canal mm
pany. The canal company in a bu*ine
firm, having nothing to do with inter
national politic#. It it universal, and
it foieeil nationa alike. We aball -imply
go on and build the canal a# any com
pany would undertake a piece of work."
"Ha the Colombian government
made any preparation# for fortifying the
end# of the enal ?"
"The company haa no connection
with the Colombian government, •*'
cept the contract in regard to the dig
ging of the canal."
Why Judire Black Use* the Weed-
Not long ago Judge Pluck met a gen
tlemtn who pathetically related hia
endeavor* to break himaelf of tobacco
chewing, a* it met with the unqualified
condemnation of all civilised people.
"You'll find it a hard ea#e —a hard cane,
my friend," replied the Judge with a
solemn wink. "I tried to break myself
of it once—didn't I ever tell you t Well,
it waa when I wa* Attorney General,
and I *aid to myself : 'Jeremiah Hlack,
we've got to stop this thing.' So I made
|up my mind, and one morning I went
I down to my office without a scrap of
' tobacco. I began the day badly, and it
(•otworae by degrees. 1 never telt so
t ouch like a savage in my life. I di*
n liaaed two clerk#, bounced a meeaen
gi *p, made a fool of myself three or four
til nee, snapped at everybody and started
be me feeling myself to be a total failure
an d all creation a mistake. On the way
I met a man whom 1 reepected very
mis ch. He waa a religious man. I told
him my experience with leaving off to
bac<s i and asked his edfioe. 'Judge,
in* said, 'my experience is the same as
yours. 1 tried to leav# off, too. I quar
reled witli several members of theohurch
I belonged 10, thought tho minister was
a fool, got tired of my wife, und if 1 had
kept it up I should have been a moral
monster and I determined to circum
vent the old enemy by taking up my
cherished vice,' and no" continued the
Judge cheerfully, "1 saw that tobacco
chewing wiiM conducive to virtue, and
(cutting a quid) I propose to keep it up
until I leave it oil." Xeu> )'vrl. World.
• iitain I'kl.uni.'" Ciirht. —Today at
the Navy I'epartnient, the original in
ventory of ttin contents of Capt. Me-
Long's chest, found by the relief party
near the spot where ' apt. Mel<ong and
his party perished, was compared with
thn articles in the chest.
Most of the articles were found in the
tame condition as when they reached
here and were placed in the hands of
the Jeannette Hoard. The chest con
tains a number of hunting knives, caps
strap-, compii* '•, lung memorandum
and other books, medicine i uc-s. -tome
curiosities, such at vultures' teeth, nio-s
stones, etc., picked up at Herald and
I'vni.elt Island-and other points on the
route taken by the .leaunettee. There
are among them several little | ersnn '
| trinkets belonging to tho crew. I hey
will be placed on exhibition at the
MQt'.hsonian Institute.
A Itemurkuhle ( use
Mr. llaktwis /' it ,ir; I am in
duced by a tence of duty to the sutler
ing to make a brief statement of your
-ri mark able cure of myself. I wa* a
! most miserable sulb-rer from the van
j otis annoying and distressing disea-es
I of delicate p<-rswis, which caused me to
Ibe confined to my bed fur a long time.
til ing too weak to even hear mv weight
; upon my feet. I was Irented by the
: most reputable physicians in our city,
each and all saying that tin y co id do
nothing for me. I had given up all
hopes of ever being well. In th.- cm
dili n I began to t ike your .' and
/ •i, and, lam hsp| yto ► iv, in three
months I wa- perfei lly well— i-ntiiely
cured without any appliance* or sup
-1 port of any kind.
Yours truly,
MItS 111 NHY Li.LIS.
No. ' "i *-cott street, Milw iiikec, \\ n•
15 2 b
I .til t bet it
Miahetev, Hr-ght • I'-- ,e. K.lnev
Frinary or i .vcr ' .rnpl i.nls cannot b<-
contracted by yoti (-r j rr fatndv if
Mop Hitter* are used, and if vou already
have any of these disease* Moj, !'. tt< r*
is the only mod .no that w 11 | s,lively
cure yoti. Mont forget tin*, and -i m l
get >omo puffed up stutl that wdl only
hurt you. 1.V21.
At** n ■ •' -' *4 t i, ! t* I * k* -f' r*t
l jtwL bU4 tuff* ni.fi •mi *of,fi n i-ain rf
t!fi U#th If * **t4 ' ••• I If*l f
W |*; • A • VRH'i }*tti t i r i int.- >i %
7 ntm i, tnviii * i •
tS* j* • lilt mT'ff Hum' liAt'l) It* j+nd tj. u If*
Ri4h*tt,<h*f* 111 lUnt it. If mr* dp
eiiUrj mi l *!U#rL ■**•. th* t • .vli •:. ! Im*
!•. *nr* fl|t, !>i* fittrn*. r**l utm ft>.
ftmßlAU' n.ftbl Ift* hr 1 "tfijr f |b < '#
• I*l Nf Hit- we*. -UM a||i r ,1. | miy.
nil Tcvtiu*'. i* ( )**. t ' th* . fitk'l it th* j t*
b rl| ti"ti <f <'!** of th* I '.Mt am<} t*t f< tm%l j hyw"
*r.e ihl nur< in t)>* 1 rit*-*} ftUl**. itnl i* ft m}*
t l j Ir thr vi^t ul IF* *r• i |*r *. < nts
UMI*. '-T.ljt.
Itching Pilca Symptona find Cure,
The symptoms are moisture, like per
piration. intense itching, increased by
scratching, very distressing, particular
ly at night, seem* as if pin worms were
[ crawling in and alwvut the rectum; the
private parts Rre sometimes affected.
If allowed to continue very serious re
stilts follow. S\V AY N F.'St 'IN TM t.NT"
i a plessant. sure ru.e. Also for Tetter.
Itch. Salt Rheum, Scald Mead, Erysipe
las, Barbers Itch, Rlothches, all scaly,
crusty Nkin Misease*. Sent by mail for
.'MI cents; .! boxes f1.25, 'in stamps).
Address, Mr. SWAYNF. € S''N, I'tido
delphia, I'a. Sold by MruggisU. ft *Ty
Swayno's Pillw Comfortimr to the
Thoussnds die from neglect to properly
trest Impure Moml, Constipstion. Dys
pepsia, Malaris, Apoplexy, Liver, Kidney,
llesrt Disease*, Dropsy, and Rheumatism
But to the debilitated, burdened with such
serious sickne**, we conscientiously re
commend "SWAYNK S PILLB," which
contain medicinal properties possesseil by
no other remeilv. Sent by mail for. 2A
cents, box of :',6 pilis ; f> boxes, fl. (In
• tamps). Address, MB. SWAYNK .V
SDN, Philadelphia, I'a Sold by Drug
gists. fi-8-ly.
m Adverti*<ment*.
* w*#k In T'-nr *wn frinn. T*rm and I' rnt
fl* A<l •!*•• II lIAKLKFT A <X) . |\ rt
Ini4, Hutu*. II lj
AGillcapie Tool Company,
Pittsburg. Pa..
M imiif#i'liii-ei- of
Iktlhn.j Mafktnfry <f- Tool*,
0t1,i5,H Weter Walla.
is Ihe Prtllina MseMne la
tbs ceufitry. IMt.
For Halt-.
4 FARM conUlnlng Kitty Acrci
rL\ sad hating thsrana erwied a TWO-*TOtY
VRAM■ Ht'lLPlall sad oal hnlldlass Title good.
I.gslts.f A. J * T R URIKST
ft Valaavllls, Csatrs evautv .ra.
>#/> AtlvrrtlHemcnt*.
I > V virtue of Hundry wriU of Fieri
I > fxtM Uwt VacUs |*| I . edfttoal limm
Iwli. I </.,! „f til" <',|||| ~f
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|.uM.. win 111 tin* 1 our! 11.,,.. ■, 11, 11. Ilr.r.,l,t>t, ~,
Huturduy, Aj>ril 21, A. D. IUU3,
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I f n • < f li' f.tr. : tha "Oft .r f II
arid II a* and tft,n g .a/ k t ' hrt all. i
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AM th* r flit 1 !!•> ai 1 :* r-.t < i dafatila&f in al!
tl.at t* V *• • t*i.• i • t at. i 1f a■ t of land
a.toaft In tbf 1 r- 1 f fu'tu-.t, m th t inly
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hi t. ' Ja- \\>- or, lira, 'h 't land* ! John
1 " ' r, • • 4 * - 1..-?
ai d otf t *,wt I\la ■ U>f l\ i r I" •• at ,
K '* ia nut htin i't*j arftw m t* ■ ♦ •
Alf - !i'l •ta • .at" 1 ■ * •a'
f la* I ;tnatr it, fo m "'n- tona4t.|* f Vnt?. r utt>,
at a*l 1- h.V It,* -, aIt lat of \A . .an, IU * ► nth
throat -dr-laod ft |*i 1 — l tn.alhrr, oat
VI |t. ! I* • •(-*-• fh' r.orth thf" • r.dfol ar.d
btr<ir*xl 1 to t M -an?* - th# Min* K. * • lw*
Al. .all that "ftt - t r p'< f §t<hi4 aituafa
oft t)• i" *fh **at ••<' <d *>i atr-*t at fh* dia
t ' f ht t !f J atj.i , t.ft f t t. -Il.wr-atwafd
ft • I th* . rU,*tt III" -II ,'th lb Ks ftho*
nlaltiir>E iti ft i t t 1-rn.lfl* oi th aahl Mtttn r
.■ • .
Ungth r d.jfh l-laor. lin** jrffall* 1 * th th* aad
t •
.• ' '
i and th* ail a tilt jr Jato*
Th* wai l t uiU.r p • oift! r, a lot or p-rr of
gy tr 1 • fat* fti th* t■ t.h j - f f'. ntr*
•• , |-- a ' || | -if " t •-* ; -
r<*ad I'afinc through N.ttant n all*t. OB 4*t 1 t lan;
•f J '.a* r, k aii'l lai i* Ik*- tj tl* ii **•!
t* I' I *' Th' o, . 1 "iii ! i , | at >*t- n
ffam* dul tog I. *• hn it in whaf* **f th*- l#tt*r 1.,
ff.-ntir.g n th* | til r• > ' t I* If** tain In
*-• fa • k th* ial tt.* i>)th f th* f f fitir x tt*nd"
ir.g 'ill, 1 *ing 10 for t ft'int. ** t. dif.g * ' • ? g
h *-t l*nfith tn aog'l* .1 f**t and 14 f.< t 1. ttt*ri
Ifl ftMtil ti and f, '* la* Ih* j r |*rtf of I*r. I*. b
F ih*r
n . r
All that r. -tain moaauag' t*nrm*nt an f Ir,t1 r, t *f land
•Itnat* tn Haiti"* h wnahlj'. < 'titr • ttntt, |**ntta
t-nidf*l • • '*wi ' '1 a* ' • t. wit *>o th> *a*t
lil* lof Inn I ftj.a"* o tl * nffll ' I !•>*' 1* f
tftani*) Mu*r • th* <t I lan ' f U"l i fialhraith
atid "ti th* frofth h land t (i< -fg'* Jark. rvtntainiflfi
%'f , pi • r l"*a. tb"f *t pi wt"d n *!• *1 Jit<c
'*! )* r I tlj*T < tit I tn! -i|{ tftken In **•
•* ii n wt ti !•* *-11 •• th | r jrtj f Jciwf b Ki-sn
%i'l M m K""H
Ti.km- ("ami.— No (Iced will b<- *< knnwl
"-Iff*4 uritil It | .r ).** in r.t i j 1 >ts full.
T .1 IK'S'KKL. Sheriff.
Sheriff'! Rrllat-eU. I'a., Ai ) -. I—.
\1() V}.'y T Loan sil r perCt.
*'* 111 BV T|IK M( XIM, |,| rK ixm R.
ANO* CO or NKW YRK. t! firat m'
ImrfffTH frm j r p-rti. u< •nru* r- t !•*• lhr fJMOO.
*tii r"! •* lins tin third of th# |.r-*nnt of
lb* 1 pr pnrtr. Any jrtior of 1h" | niKtjml can I*
paid -f *f *ny time. titiA If hu I llm < uf to >f th#
mwpttiy t< |rmit Ihn (rtftripftl to r*mftlri ft* lone *•
lb* • rr rrr tbo, If tb* ItlorMf • pr.ftipfly pftid.
( lIAHI.FM r. Ml FUM AN. Attorney nt li,
b'ft Court, fftre-et. Reftdlnjr. Pft.,
or to FA VII* K UN K, CoA| pr*i* r.
7- 1 f It*ll *fnt. Fft
vmnirin/#c f kn *
\ jUUIvIWUi f ItftnUllothnr
\ * - L I ,A#,wf W fftn W mftl* on th#
\ADVEHTISIHC I w,og| fft*or%fi* term# ftt lb*
|r ntat f liUnitliui ipur,
\KEYSTONE/ •*£•*>
WuCCESs i '• *•
I hMUW •# lk* li*ipf w mI
WrmlAij !•* *~d4L
5 =
R rtpTGAUU (.fcTUo4 , <ft Wt 3
5 kTea, *k<4 O.M *
* r**k.ft Imik hn- I- *n( o o P tar •MtMM p
AUm> • H. Jll SUITOR.
ICO SmithfteM street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
r*mlllx And atngl* (-all-iriAn, M wall a. Iba can
aral lia< lt p.iMtr and mminanrtal nan ara in.Had
In IMa Plral-I Inaa llotat, hara Ifcap will And bona
camtnrla al naannalda rata*
tdbaral radarllua to Jarpnan aad ntbara attaadlag
Ooart. W. R. TRI.I.RR, Pmp't
A'/ Ailrfvlixetn^ntn.
Spring l#rm begin* April ft IhH'i.
Tlila Ii4lllli'/ti l I /'l-J hi r.' -f t).r ntuat
tiful, -Itl.ful •J'OU '.f tf. rtlfr AU-gh*'|#J' t+f iijt I.
I I* 1/ •!'! 11l- -/ U/th K IN, klrl I.ft# r tL# fol
lowing I iijfM- Hiuly :
I A Kull •! iiif" ' f I'/'if Yufi
'2. A Full M< i#ollf)t i our## f | ,f y* ( *
3. Ttso following ' I'M I At , i <jl fIPKM, of two ;#n
••vh following tb# ftr-t two jrrt of Uit Hrlmtll
J- Court# A Mil' I I.TI UK. (1,/ NAT I KA I#
I A ilioft Hl'F> IAI,( OI lif . t '. A, rr ult'if
L A short H!'h< I A I# *of l:*K m C)i#tftr y
■>. A nii'i Pt+fmtuV i} ♦
Wll lAIV drill U rMjulrMf* KipiMNfor i #. r j
!w. i l ii!; *• <r 1 7 f-# * f
1m iiti #•- of a < . ,<• • i < • r
lor < U1 ■ . i!• , , j. #,|
hIATt t iLI , ( *llll r |'4.
I 21 If
|>ILLS' FILLS: j'lLl> :
/I SI'UK 'l/(1 I ory/) AT /.AST \o
OA/. sr./.h SI HKK •
A iir- < ~i- : r Hlnwl, 111., n,.,., Il'l.ir.ir • fl
1 1 " "" • I" Milium •*„
I It'llhli I • lit# lA. ( | . Jif W , # J . j.j, If. lit fl.f'l t
A • lfa(t* I. I |... r..| 1... t.l ikfuDi. •,..■!
'• s ....,.. ii., lhlJ ,r t
"l i i.' I!'* H. If 111 Wi11,,,,..
inilnin • • . • lUIM *1 iii. fi. IMU
'' I"'*' Wi.limi. . Ol .lii.it,l l ti tlii. It.ti,
*. •>* lit"- iiittni. .! blt.K. | .rt. ... .-i.thtt.r
, .1! *llll 11, I . , .„*,, fl*'Ult j. . , I*M lIKUI.t
•t. l | *11.!.-- f -I „.| |. ,t.
It- In I-#' I 111- J'llltl. |t. i 1I . i| .[, ,
Mvkillbßw J M <■ >. . i
■f<ko*l lit Wlltai'i 1',.11-1, fill I l.>-
" < I " *" r l. ...- I !-,.t
-to iMI I Mil i.. '• • ! ... J • .• t t.- | ~ I,
■Offc lUUDWdlali •„ J, . ~| ~ j,., M |„ w,llii.-.
11. :• I niittnrilt
I I •!< Ij *ll drtKKI.U ~t nillH ■ 6 o
<V (I'ropt.
'f '■■■ I—J Kt N-w 1 11.
Get two Weekl.\ Newspapers
for the Price of One.
And the Bent Inland Daily at Re
duced Kates.
" ' i'■ " l ' ' n.*mii I'm i i*
II * | r- >.• wl ||, .
Il> i 'I1i t ll.i Hum l. iltn- ii, ..
t , ~.JJ
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|fcfLlU.>-1 ( ,|,,. *i,, Ti„„, ) . J; ~
7 i" '■ 1 >■*" 'r i •a. i. .i.u
• ! Uw Vmu I ttmior m fiii m i i i j*i
7! • -. 1 ■" 'lj ' II JI. ' II- I-1 I. | | it* ; - | y
niktl l. I- lp-r Uliti* t**li I* *4ruir* |i *.i i„, i
•i. i ..r i j.. (ton# lor*i*
' ? ' r t pi. it -dtinn
*' 1 ' i ' I- 'I * - 111. I ' I I" |ln I, -I 11.,
taai l-Afmm i .• *<u. - ~....
t-c • *lt;li - I*. -||. . . It,|. 1-.1,: , -M. il. I
j- .' ■ I -k Id I. .ItMK- -.l|. I, I ,
' i III": ' -I*. I-ATKI i'J I'l r.1.1-lUN'i
1 HI'AM #l*l *. I |i ||*ll i' ii*. | k
T n ! 1- II . • t • ll .... f . .1 s i— IT
Huh • tl .• *: •:..• t..., i I*l **i*ii •„
• in* HI • tr>* *i • * **• i. . 'i# it,.
i \ * *' ft• • fcarr - *''• •' **• f I t#'fc :' iu
; •f t t un f i -ri J0) * K •# C||A" J A
• f,7*he(*h%fc. SurwNri*-* |'( .;•; j 1 , pa J
•twmj.) Vu*t
iM <• Mi 1.,.-. • i u ,i: MI
I. |1 w* will f-.11 .11. # irMtfta*! Mai.i *l
- *t. ! *il.l lI.HIii fc-liul |*< Hi .!. I I I , *DI
.M*i *| *1 I, i i * 11. .1. * if* t j • 1 * i il -
I • • nßtfarftfikiUni ii ll*ix*rr 11 f*n
*t- I. Man- 4-AT-l >
i •
Repairer of Sewing Machines,
BKM.KKOM&, 1*.%
h )('#*•(• * *ftl f |t 1 ' • -e, - T t> .!a, I*
• * r tfj, with Mr <!. r )•! int t \ *f rf. f |
/ Klin#, lg-,
o!'i Htnt iU i it iut lair*l *fv/# f
V",ih /hyripfri, .jr , r/.#'i r rr,l
Mm All w r k VJ-
Ituninfmm Curtl*,
ifi UUftfeti lNrt Kiwk,
1 • jnuir.R.
r *w. rt.-**, .laiiai. *r.
AH wcrk fi*wtly #t#rut#l lu A1 ;•#,m,j itmt,
wtd#r llr-Kft Hon## 4-lf
. *"• tiKMil-Tk
N- '> -t. h-il.tKI Row. Z
■ All lh# I'-1-t t Mwlif itiN f*r# J
wTiptir-n# nrid Family B# '!#• •. vumt#it
p pr<-|r#d. Truairi, (tbeUrr UrMti, lc., At
-( i-tf t
1 9
c nr. Prw't. j. r mtii.tWr,
AU#fk#*jt Htr##t. Bll#<rt#, l*w 4-tf
M i *crUa ti roil a 1
Plain or Fancy Printinir.
• o
Wo hove unufuol fkrtllli#* lr jTintinii
•W' 'rilor# by mail will rocoivp |ir<impl
ttafPritiling dono in tb bwt #tylo, oo
tbofl notico and at the Inwwt ra*.
V* OMwtit*oBti How**. lRl.tKre*Tf,l ,
TRRMati t* rut HAT
; a (i*i Unrj iiimliS •