Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 12, 1883, Image 8

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    She (Crutrc
Thuridav Morning, April 12,1883.
OoftftMPONDBMCI. containing important tt
•J from any part of lh* county. No cuiinutfl. utti im
tnr I*ml unlcM accompanied l.jr tho m| naum of tho
Local Depart ment.
Our merchants aro buying heavily for
spring trade.
Mr. J no. I>. Sour beck went to Pitts
burg on Tuesday.
A now lino of corset*, just opened, at
Lyon A Co's. -
Mr. Hayes Svhroyer, of Lancaster,
visited his parents on Monday.
—The P< mnsylvania canal was opened
for business on Monday a week.
D F. Fortney, Esq., lias boon selected
as the legal adviser of the town council of
—Valentine A Co. are having a new
railroad scales bedded at tin' forge by Mr.
Thos. Burnside.
The window- of D. Garinan A S- u
and of Isaac (Juggenheimer arc attractive
to passers-by.
A Clearfield lady, Mr- Shaw, -i-t- r
of Mr*. M. F. II silirs, *i- I d the latter
from Saturday until Tue*ih
Rev Mr. Wood, a uii.-ionary, s| ■ ke
on "Mission*" in the Presbyterian church
Wednesday evening, of last week.
—lf a few thousand-dollar bills had
been scattered through tho calendar of the
House maybe some bills could be reached
—lt costs from to $7 to re-cover ari
old lounge. You can buy a new one <d
good workmanship for $.7.60. at 11. B.
Spanglcr A Co.
Mr. William Emery, of the Nail
Work*, is a member of tho Brookside
club which party owns a cottage near
Mosquito creek.
—Charles K. Shreoder. F.*q , la*t week
moved to Reading, where lie will enter
upon tho practieo of law in partnership
with hi* brother.
Mr. Clyde Krebs, son of Levi Kroh.
Esq., of Ferguson township, was in town
on Sunday. Ho is one of five brothers
all estimable young gentlemen.
—The Pine Grove Mills would-be sui
cide did not sneeze tho bullet out of his
head, as some of our exchanges have
stated. Ill* Ufa is still despaired of.
—Mrs. C. A. Sturge.s, of I.ewisburg,
daughter of ex-Treasurer D. A. Musser, of
Millheim, who ha* been ill for some time,
we are pleased to note, is improving.
Mr. Samuel Brooks celebrated hi* 23d
birthday one evening last week by invit
ing his friend* to an oyster supper at the
home of hi* parents, Boiling Spring.
Mr. William Lud wig and lady attend
ed the funeral of that gentleman's father,
on Friday last, at Wernorsville, Berks
county. Deceased was about sixty years
of age.
—t.'nionville G. A. It. Post had a park
age party and tcioplicon entertainment
mapped out for Saturday evening. We
have learned nothing concerning tho sue
cess of the venture.
—Dr. Get,singer has change, | his place
of business, and those needing tho atten
tion of a dentist will find him in the
office on the Hale property, lately occu
pied by Hon. J. B. Linn.
Mr. N. A. Lucas, "f Spring town
ship, left at this office on Monday a re
markable speeimen of hybrid potato, but
when it comes to giving tho vegetable's
parentage wo give it up.
—Messrs. "Andy" Kreamor and WiP
liain Pottorf, two of Walker township s
handsome, reliable citizens, accompanied
by Mr. Benjamin Pottorf, of Lock Haven,
were in town on Monday.
—Something huge in the shape of a sign
wa* not long ago flung to the breeze by
the proprietors of the Bee Hive. These
gentlemen deserve all the trade they can
get and we hope the sign may attract
—Chief Clerk Meek, of tho House of
Representatives, at Harrisburg, is said to
be a most capable officer. Mr. Meek cer
tainly ha* the ability and wn are glad that
Centre county talent is recognized and put
to good use.
—Mr. D. K. Tate, Republican, was elrc*
ted a member of the town council for the
North Ward to fill the unexpired term
of Robert McKnight, Esq., by a vote of
117 to f>4 for 11. Y. Htitzer, the Demo
cratic nominee,
—The Constitutional Amendment Asso
ciation of Pennsylvania, has accepted an
invitation to hold their annual convention
in Bellefonte about the middle of May.
They have asked provision for about two
hundred delegate*.
—When in Harrisburg stop at the Jones
House. The proprieter, Mr. Ed. A, Tin
ker, and his geniel chief clerk, Mr. K. W.
H. Elmer, will do all in their power to
render guest* comfortable. Tho accomo
dations are flrst-clss'.
—Mr. R. O. Brett, of Ferguson town
ship, on Saturday, through Geo. L. Pot
ter, Esq., sold a team of horses to Mr. W.
C. Sanderson, of Lock Haven. The
horse* are real beauties, only such as one
might expsct Mr. llrett to sell or Mr.
Sanderson to buy.
—Mr. Dan Meed, of whom the DEMO
CRAT spoke some time ago a* having left
Bellefonte, returned shortly after and is
now chief clerk at the Bush bouse. It is
only a matter of a little time with Dan a*
to when he will sport a diamond breastpin
and answer interrogations "damflno."
—C. U. llofl'or A Co. Hro in now quar
ters in tlio Reynolds' block, D. M. Wagner
occupies tho former room of llofl'or A Co.,
Levi A; Co. occupy tho room mado vacant
by l>. M. Wagner, Geo. Lewi* A Co. oc
cupy tho old stand of 8. A. Brow A Son,
Geo. L. Potter'* insurance agency Is trans
ferred to tho second floor of tho "judicial
block,'' Dr. .1, D. Goirsingor may bo found
it Linn'* former otlico, J. C. Harper lIHH
moved temporarily into tho Heyuulda'
block, 11. 11. Harshbergor, Esq., take* hi*
daily breail on Howard street, Charles
Howe*, Esq., doe* tho same thing on bish
op, Mr. Andrew Holl'D again on High
street in tho new Hush block, Mr Kuich
lino enjoys himself at the late residence of
Mr* Howe* on Water street, Mr. David
A. Kennedy turn* his platoon Jtetervoir
11 ill, Mr Tho*. Bell orders hi* groceries
sent to Bunker Hill, Mr. Geo. Marshall
drinks cofleo on Railroad avenue and Mr.
Rush Larimer unfolds hi* napkin at hi*
house on the Diamond.
—The Atnorican New "No. 7 ' sewing
machino is now the most complete and
best sewing machine before tho public.
The character of its work, tho style of mo
i hanical excellence in its make-up, it*
!.• i-eh-- ai lion, durability and simplicity,
the easy terms of payment on which it is
sold and th> tare taken by manufacturer*
and agents to see that all purchasers aro
-alisfled are but a few of the point* of su
periority that have pushed it to tin- front.
Agent* wanted in Centre county. Ad
dress D. U Belts, Manager, t t Market
Square, Harrnburg, or K. C. 1 loose, Al
oona, l'a.
—Tho Philadelphia Branch at it* for
mal Spring opening on Saturday last, wel
comed its friend* to a room newly refitted
and furnished with tallies instead of coun
ters. It is now one of the most attractive
and conveniently arranged storerooms in
Bellefonte and *tock>-d with most com
plete asicrtment of men'* and boy*' cloth
ing, gent*' furnishing good*, etc Mr.
Lewin assured u that daily addition* will
••• made to already large supply of i.-as'n
ahlo goods. Those wh enjoy an artistic
li'play should ( all and h> k at tin- win
d es—all admit that tho arrangement
wouhl be a credit to Philadelphia place
•f business.
—A narrow escape from a violent death
was that of Mrs. Patrick Scanlon, who re
idea near Mann's axo factory, early on
Saturday morning last. About -1 o clock
he wa aroused, as he thought by one of
the children who needed some attention,
and while in the act of going I the other
room mistook the doorway leading down
stair* for the proper door through which
she should have passed, and fell head-fore
mc.st d wn the entire flight, breaking both
wrists and otherwise injuring her-. If.
We congratulate her upon her miraculous
—Mr K.J. Warner lives at Nitlany,
and during tho term just ended taught
Patton township school, No. known a'
"Sellers,'' at distance of 40 milei from
his place of residence, this, ho walked each
way every wwk during the five months
including an extra trip occasionally, mak
ing the enorin is total of 1070 mile*, and
all this, was accomplished during an extra
ordinarily cold winter. In addition to bis
•xploiu of pedestrianism he conducted a
most profitable session and quit with the
unanimous god will of | arent* and pupils
— Person* owning property in this place
should erect convenient and comfortable
dwellings for rent at moderate rales Such
building* are much needed and the indica
tions are that they will be more than ever
demand*-! in the future. Is there no en
terprise in - or wealthy citizens and prep
erty owners that while benefiting them
•elves they may thus provide for the fu
ture j rosperity of the town. This is a re
form longrfiec led, and ihotiogloct of it has
don® more than any thing else to retard
progress. Build the houses.
—Tho chamber sot "Winter S-one,'
given to customers by E. Brown Jr. A
C , grocers, was on Tuesday handed to
Daniel Shilling, wh ticket was number
ed 4-1 Another set will be given away in
the same manner. F,*ch purchaser of gro
ceries to the amount of one dollar i* enti
tled to a ticket. John P. Harris, Esq.,
cashier of the First National Bank, has
been selected to namo tho winning
—The Harrisburg Daily I'ntrial is now
printed on a Ho® four cylinder rotary
press capable of turning out ten thousand
perfect sheets an hour, ha* been enlarged
and britle* all over with the conscious
ness that it it tho be*t paper published at
the state capital and good a* any publish
ed elsewhere. It will now arrive hereon
time, al least nix hours earlier than tho
city daily.
—Oar representative* Messrs. Meyer
and Hunter have, by their attention to
busineat and continued courtesy to other
members, secured the good will of their
associate*. Wo can say to their peopl®
her# at home that their interests aro zeal
ously guarded. The record the gentle
men are establishing for themselves i* an
enviable one and reflects credit upon thorn
as well as their constituents.
—New prints, new ginghams, now dre#s
good* at J.yon A Co'*.
—Have you been to Hi® great bargain
sal® at tho lioo Hive, if not got there a*
soon as you can. 10tf.
Mu*. Kit iiaro Mohoan Dkaii.—On
Friday morning at 10 o'clock, the wife of
otlloer Morgan calmly and poacelully pass
ed to her eternal rest. Hhe was a native
of Ireland, aged about 45 years, had re
sided hero sincu her marriage and was a
member of the I'rotostant Episcopal
church. Mr. Morgan and livo children
survive her. Tho funeral on (Sunday af
ternoon was largely attended.
Sunk ok Vktkkanh.—"Camp K. K-
Breeze, No 12, (S. of V." was mustered by
Colonel!,. M.Wagner, of Philadelphia,
on (Saturday. The otllcors are
Captain, Walter W. Bayard.
Ist I.ieut, .le.se K. Coxo.
2nd Lieut, Sumuel Gault.
Chaplain, Frank Yealy.
Ordnance Harg't, Kdward B. Kankin.
Sarg't ol fluard, George 8. Dare.
Sarg't, /.eh Bathurst.
Corp'l of Guard, Snyder Tate.
Trustees, Oeorgo S. Ilure, Samuel Gault
and Snyder Tate.
Outer Picket, George Glenn.
Inner Picket, George Kennedy.
Mii.icmiCßu Pi' kikuh. —On Thursday,
April .sth, Mr Jonathan Bullock took it
into his head that it was not good for man
to bo alone, und straightway repaired to
the residence of Deacon (Shirk, in compa
ny with a sprightly widow, and was mar
ried by Rev. Edwards. On Saturday
night the Milesburg band serenad.al them
at their bouse, rendering choice music.
Even though they seemed a little shy, our
newly married friends seemed happy and
Mr. Bullock did the square thing by in
viting them in giving them a good supper
and a liberal amount of cash, for which the
band return* thanks May they live long
and enjoy tho sweets of a happy arid pros
perous life. Our new council is orga
nized and in full blast. Tho Bnrgest had
intended to taka in Central City along with
Milesburg, but it seems they are;.lined to
th. ir idol* and ho will give them over t i
hardness of heart and let them take , are
of themselves, if they don t konw lew to
appreciate a joke, and says h" will not in
terfere again.— Tho members of the
Evangelical congregation, under charge
of Rev. M rrls, arc breaking ground for
the erection of a church edifice. They
ex| ect to bui! 1 a neat, commodcis bouse
. f w rship, and we w.h them God-sped
Gur young friend, Elder, i fitting u{
the r in, formerly occupied by Mr Fry
liargcr, for a grocery. Mr. Eider is a
young man of good habits and we predict
for him a libera! j atronage. •- Our min
strel tr .pe is getting al ng linely and
give# general satisfaction
RoOMr.RA vis.
Si-roc. Mili.h Itsims—Since my last,
tho 'a I messenger d wth ha* again invade 1
oir neighborhood, and removes] another of
.r old resident*. On last Friday about
one o'clock in the afternoon, Michael
S'.dsker, living between I'enn flail and
ring Mills, [ as*l from time to eternity.
H:* health had been failing f. r more than
a year, but ho was not confined to the
house until a few days before hi* death,
veil h event vras quite unexpected to his
friends and neighbors. His complaint was
'Bright s Disease ' He was a carpenter
a: 1 many of the fine house* and barns of
Gregg township attest his skill as a me.
har.ir. Notably among these are the
1 beautiful residences of William Bilnerand
j William Barlholemew, near the big hotel
He was kind and obliging In his hands,
but was very particular about their work,
requiring them t" be industrious and skill
ful He was interred at the Spring Mills
cemetery on Sabbath at 2 o'clock, r. w .
Rev. Adam*, of the Methodist church,
and Rev I> M. Wolf, officiating, ib*
age was abut 6.5 years.
Jas. A. Deckert has opened a meat
market here, a want long felt.
In my last I told you that tho hoys
were expecting some real fun about the
first of April, when tho constable's aid
should lx> invoked to dispossess a certain
tenant. Well, tho sheriff had a "poke
in," ton, and between them they cleaned
out tbo big hotel for certain. Mr. Nash
can't deny this t:mo that they cleaned the
shanty out, for they made a clear sweep
from cellar In garret, not leaving a single
stove in the building. Mr. Nash still
holds tho "Fort," howevor, and the old
flag still floats to the breeze "Long may
she wave."
The most Interesting performance on
last week # programme, was the "great
race." The track, however, instead of the
usual circle with its so many laps for a
mile, was of tho z.ig zag order, and ex
tend from Spring Mills te Esquire Smith's
office In Hellefonto. Only three horse*
wero entered for the contest, tho first
driven by Messrs. George Breon and Geo.
B. Nash, tho second by Messrs. I. J.
Gronoblo and Constable Kline, tho third
by Messrs. W. J. Karick and Harris
Bloom, tho latter party accompanying the
racers, to see if the contestants complied
with tho "turf rule*.
A flying rumor on Saturday evening
said that the "Fort" had surrendered but
I cannot vouch for it* correctness.
Gn Sunday the Spring Mills Sunday
school re-opened with the fallowing offi
cers : Supt., Peter Wilson ; Asst. Supts.
S. Fetterolf, H. Krumrine and J. Long ;
Sec., G. B. Crawford ; Asst. Sec., Warren
Krlse; Librarian, D. W. Duncan; Asst.
Lib., Amos Alexander; Trea*., William
From ; Choristers, Mrs. F. Rarick and
Mis* T. Miller; Organist, Mis* Mary
Miller. The school will, in a few days,
have a largo organ.
The Methodists have also organized an
independent school. More anon. %'
—A now lino of spring gloves, lisle
thread and silk, mousquetaire and Foster
lacing glovoa, Lyon & Co.
Mr. Addiaon Randall, of Dayton,
Ohio, representing tbo flourishing bridge
works in tbut enterprising city, wan look
ing alter tho interest* of hia llrm in the
matter of securing tho contract for tho
huihling of tho lligb at root bridge. Mr.
Randall ia on exceedingly pleasant gen
—''(tat acrap iron wanted for tho ca*b
or in exchange for Hardware at 11. K.
MICKS' llakiiwakc and Stotk Stohr. if.
Our valued friohd, Mr. .1. Harbiron
Molt, of Snow Shoe, baa a lurgo number
of timber rafts at Cock Ilaven, waiting a
proper atago of tho flood, which ia now too
high, to run them to market. Ilia enter
prise ami upright character aa a man de
serve* success and wo tru-t ho may enjoy
it to the fulleat extent.
—Have you got a Parlor Suit' If not,
we can aell you a good, all-haircloth "'lit
for $12.60. Call at 11. IS. Kpangler ACo
—An Improvement in Lewitburg jour,
naliam baa for a long time been a manifest
neceaaity arid ia now r -ali/.ed by tho pro
greaaivo editor of the /k.<vi/ .Yen. His
paper has been enlarged, named th" / ei. a
burr/ Satuniiy AVv and furni*bea its
reader* the Associated Preaa Dispatches.
Succeaa ia deserved.
go"c-1 liatnon I |>ye ar" <> perfect and so
beautiful that it 1- a pleasure to use them.
Equally g'MMj fur dark or light r dors I<W
— Mr. Frank Kister, 'aid last week a
Millbeim Journal, moved bis family to
Milton, where bo r iper',' tu embark in a
Journalistic enterprise We are glad and
sorry both glad, because the addit on to
tho craft will be a good one, ar, 1 sorry
we regret to see our friend redu • 1
to the necessity of ibsi'ting Of. cold p< -
tatocs and "pi
Not!' *. —Persons having I' it tins,
fence Jeot* ar i telegraj fi p • f - talc,
will please send a written pro; .ml <•> f the
kind, quantity, j rire atel ; nl of delivers
along th" line . f the It (' A. - nthw-stern
It K . within ti -ly 'l*v 1 •
It II I*WIIK. Jersey Shore,
or W W It aak Iv, L>< k Haven
* tf
—The meeting of the Prehytcrian Mite
Society, which will )•" h" 1 at Ihe resv
dence of A. •> <urt, F.q , "n Friday eve
ning next, will doubtless 1 a. et yahle
affair. It will be a musical entertain merit
in which the be* l a! tart will parti
pate. The small alm ri fee of fifteer
cents will bo ask- 1 but nother cor.tr;!
tion ei[xctc.) on the oc< anon.
-G • to Graham's sic'- . re and see the
fine t' k of b "t ar, I >h ;>t T- > v- !
You ran get a g -l bargain every time,
every thing to be 5r.1,1 chess; Take a 10. k
at those ni>e Kid and t loth t p I • it ton ah-es
for the ladies, they are just beautiful and ,
rheap. Thev have the best line of mer.
wear in town with' it any exception '
Corner llrrukerhoff row \6nlt-2t. !
The beautiful weather of the J aet tw
or three days is wonderfully adapted to
produce the garden-making fever sr. I we
see the spading forks, rake and hoes are
already in in to n here where the b* ati ri j
of the garden is fav rable to earliness. All '
jour gaidening readers are requested t.
read the advertisement of Messrs I'. K
, llliss A S ns, to be fund "n the agricul
j tural page
Dratii or Mr** Assise M. Siirivkk
The lady whose name l ogins this DOlhe
lnd at the resider.ee of her sister. Mrs.
, Lime Foster, Mifflinburjf, on Sunday
afternoon, April 1, of consumption, aged
2*' years. fi months and '• days. She was |
a niece of Maj It II F'Tstef, of this
place, wh'wc family ihe frequently visited
She had many warm friends and admirers
in lleilefonle, ail of whom will shed a
tear in memory of one whom to know .
was U> love.
The following touching remarks are
from the pen of the editor of the Milfltn
burg Ttlryraph
It is with feelings of sadness and sor
row that we record the death of Miss
Annie M Shriner. upon whose soul eter
nal Sabbath dawned April Ist, psi, She
was the victim of that dread enemy, con
sumption lu course was unusually rapid,
and he* constitution, alwavs frail, suc
cumbed quickly. Words fail to express
how heavily this blow fall* upon thosa
to whom she was so near and dear.
In August last, after a six year* resi
dence In Tyrone, where she taught music
and had a large circle of friend*, the came
to this place, the "old home." where she
has since resided with her sister, Mr*.
Lizzie Foster, up to the last sad hour of
earthly parting. During her brief illness
she was blesses! with the constant presence
and kind ministration* of her sister* Lit
r.ie and Alice, and latterly of her brother,
I)r. C. 11. Hhriner. Verily all that love,
care ard professional skill could do, was
done in aid of the patient soberer ; hut all
'in vain. Death had once again made se
lection of a shtping mark—and she was
ready for the summon*, on the verv verge ,
of the "valley of the shadow," kidding
her weeping, grief-stricken brother, sister*
and little niece the last and most touching
of all good-byes, and then peacefully fell
asleep in Jesus.
The deceased was a close and constant
reader, readr and brilliant In conversa
tion, and had a versatile and rarely-gifted
mind, ar.d it i *ad to think of such a life
going out when to the young it U most
enchanting, filled with the sweetest hope* !
for the future. ,
Her musical talent was of a high order,
and, during her *tay with us, she often
charmed our oar* with the sweet sounds i
the touch of her finger* could call forth. 1
And, having put her house in order— |
calmly awaited the end—always a patient j
sufferer--never murmuring—her spirit has i
sought Heaven's choicest music, and of j
her we can truly say, "It Is well."
Waxtib,—A shoemaker at Doll Sc
Mingle'* boot and shoo store. Good pay
and constant employment given the right
man. 16.tr
April Jurora.
Following will be found a complete list
of the Grand and Traversa juror* drawn
for the fourth Monday of April
KrAi.lt .1 itnrlfk Or*ng
fHfitr H'/Il Mri"W hh'f
J I. Carter V**rgu*iu
Hum I llrfiifg' r I'nlourlllf
•Jo. M It-.el Potior
J II Mtuvpr I riloii
le vi Whl|ipo Wolkor
•* W Mnukkr fsltkorty
Win. Hfs.vrsf (jrwirtf
I. W Klofkarl Marlon
vv Murt CVrllfiw
Wrn. ht*wiirt Mho*
l U >!• k KrKu*<<r.
Hurry Utro|s*k' r Mil*
A ti'frw Cftlli'.uri Union
! i b 1 *'mUl Bogga
Wllfsiir T lUII ll"vr<!
' 'fin* K . Crtjie <it* vt
•!'#. W Mftrafitll Id iiM-r
-rnl J, !>!• li< nrj#?r
J I*. Hill Rush
'i*. Fortu'v llmrrit
j J 11. Kvlfanj'tvr MHIIiHm John Urtffltfi Pprlng
J I> Hall ll 'taar l twp
J T • 'rmP k y*'ruuMtjn
I mroh Mattrru I'kttbU
Philip rtpotl* U-.rtli
KlUi 11 sa I* •IM k 11 'Fk'ff
W ii I tain s>s- m
I V Miilth llnali
I M Kft*lirt r
'is*... I llort*-y
Orti Millar ll'Ms-f /ot'
J. Ii W'hiftirr
llorrj M If-.*. II
<'• ■ i l
W It Nlatts-rii llimi. n
Ho ml fiol.lsa-i Walker
Mm it 'Wtnaii II jir<!
Vifii'd iWkwiili To) t.r
k #••! Karri*
U \r ltns r Pottssn
It r.) It" h I in 'mil*.
Johii 'if.*, p ,ttr
I' t '• rf*.*vt llr-lloti.rito
' It **f ("fi Phili|foborg
•lor• IKf tunr Mil •
W II Will' Ifi<f HdOU
' ha* Mil,lll, H* ll* font#!
w i>. n*n..r#>
Jrn<-a I'dWi Moon Hh##
Jv/li F htnvrr Haiti**
Win K,* rilivillj I'mfi
Matnl (' r Hair,**
Ihriry ll"ao I'blofi
*arnl M >}(/'' Ham**
K Mr* n,r lt*Jl-f'rit*
Win ll' lard* Worth
.1 rom w*fin M>i*a
John M-j• r Harris
Itatid W||#n Walker
.1 liti T%igg* Rtl*h
vs m li <litig*ry Worth
Math M n<k<-y c.,|!*g
J '!t* M <|rat I'hilipahurg
M J Watt Mni*>ri
J#rl K ling Marion
J'hi. Kniiii-y h| ring
Tlmn Murray Hogg*
Wm < r t N W iik-r
Jo* I Mrubl* Walk.r
N H '■ • !.-f H Marl
• i ii T l'hlfiplzurF
iNi'i I 1 till f ■ rgua i,
I• • t lu* WiD lls-L f 4 ts
I' N lUritltirf H| rtii|
( 11 muk • ills r H wf.J |t|i
1.W.8 r I n e
J%• K'ftUrl I lief,
ir. sal t, Lf Insr |.it* rly
i ll* t.l /s-iyirf K|di|)g
1 w lillad, Ii , sj niijc
J ftfi •!*•* in* lis llr? t-fe.
I I KM. M llt f <1 f.
Kliinl. I •!.* r I i i u
i J K M rl.*f , |'l {'•) ur f
l>* > I Mr kl*-) urtib
! .1 Lu II .) llr
i W m Hilks-y Mils^trurp'
!• W K*b'ti k If n -1 tp.
'fli'O ll#i l-urr, Ih IM i,t*
• A f'/urit#r l.lla-rty
l*'k <• rUt r, Phlllpahurg
■lari,'* • t,ti*l Or*gg
Jwiim Hup 11 -gg#
t uatifi ' urtir, ft -gg*
"luii,!■ Ft in ll*F.a'#
V. ||, |f „„ li.ii, ; t
C HirUfg.f |'hili{>h'g
J>bt) II \r tig Kuah
- J ll# rring fr*gg
Ja. M M -Ate, Halo—
* • h : r ' • • 1.; .
A .art, VI Mb# nt' M:i*' urg
' VV Jar km H*l|*funt
J I, S#-fT H"gg
M .'•i"*r Halt,#-*
IS nd \ alentina, K. , , i now in tn'
general (if ncy bunno. and ie jirepared to
i MfoUiU lbs MI ct purchase of building
. 'L>, TI R-F. R anything else parties may
■ J <•i r* l j buy • r -<-11 M, uM he j,, i have
""H 1 . ■ wnl.ti i lie can ure n ~j, .hurt
i tuc I I.:> arrangement will net inter
fere with his large and ir.trekking insur
ance business 12-tf.
• lu-l '•[ - ri j (i new line i f ijkr.dk' me
embroidi-ru-k ki Lyon A
I lie liMl, biggeel and nicest ktork of
carpet#, oil cloth* etc.. kept in Centre
county .an now be found kt the He*
Hire. joif.
Wile IJ, M< Karlktie ,v Co , rail attcn.
!i"n t the only reliable lb-adr Mixed
Pa rir. the market Th" Pioneer Pre
lan : P. . r •. .nljr uj-eri r to anv
U<-k ly Mite. Paint am! but rival* jure
a I.ite lead in it* smoothness in working
and du'at ilv This j.aint is guaranteed
j by the n anufacturer* r,"l to < r* k or [eel
■* th n tl.re.. year# The guarantee i not
niy go'.l f. r replacing the jamt but it
w: le* ;ul. r. if it should rrivk or j,eei
within the time *j<eciflnd It will !*• to
ri .r Inter art t- ■< wi and MM Wilson, Mr-
I arlane ,y te-f,,re purchasing either
while 1.-ad >r ariy other Heady Mned
All n' w■ ttI• of laces at Lyon A (.'o r
The latest novelty at an Ullheard of
sacrifice, changeable iittoman Velvet#
in all shades at 95 centa per vard, coat
f 1 .an to imj-ort at the one Price Itee
Hive Store#. Tina bargain can |>oaitive
; ly never be duplicated. lOtf.
—Cant acraji iron wanted for the caah
or in exchange for Hardware at If. K.
HICKS' Hardware and Stove Store, tf.
| —.New style* furniture cretonnes, at
I.v. n A Co
Wn m'T Lxak HAIR KarroaKa —it u
entirely different from allother*. It ir a>
I • '.ear a water, and. t> ila name indiratea,
'>r a je-rtect Vegetable Hair Kealorer. It
! will mime.)lately free the bead frem the
' iandruff, ret/a. gray hair to it* natural
I r. dor, and jr. dure a new growth where it
i I ,* fallen ,-ff It d"e ni tin any manner
*I!.<CL the health, whicb Sulphur, Sugar of
lead, and Nitrate of Silver preparationr
have done It will change light or faded
hair in a few dayr t" a lieautiful gloarv
brown Ask your druggirt f<> it Each
!-ttle ir warranted. Sm # Kline A Co.,
! Whnlpsalo Agents, Philadelphia, and
Hall A Kuckel, New York.
Lyon A Co will enen a big line of
men's and boys' boots ana shoes, this week
HI K KRIIARIi At MllMl.nrt, Agril I, !*<a.
I? H'* F. KT)*irita, JRILHM F |TAILvk,OF
T'TIRF to litnnfth F.RB*rd. of TYRING MILU
BflUfonto Grain Market.
Aptil. \ IMI
rVdtwt*! Ft T H Rjn l>i 400
hit*, |rr Inkl.M ......FL 10
WIHMt, MO. T 1 •
WkW. lnhl ......
" bIW. I r l>uht. To
• pm IMM *-•
H*rlR. |*F LUBRL, rt WEIGHT. .... .. .. 70
Hl' TO
(I ter See.l ,„r ...
Fi' of. h< !*■*!*. j*f M l , Rr>tl#r 6 ■*
M F MM K •' 1 7F>
I*lMt*R. FROOOD. p+T UO • 00
Prorialnn Markat.
R ##klj I7 IL%F p*R BRCTH^RA.
p#rpon(| lo
J*F 10
Oiifk'W prr | A
rtift**# |*r PTN.NTJ..... lo
'VMMRY ... 17
lUmi,in|fU f ur*4. 10
F>FI*D H*F 10
A V C'LLARTRA —ln th (Vnri ef C. mm. n pint, of
(VULN Ctwntg. Hn. April Term- IWI. gette. A
be.r.LIR (IREA <LUI< *a appllratlnn will B m.4 In th
all Oenr: .e Meek.]-, Ik. HAH Asjr of April, I tax.
MIIK lit. ANL nl AW*MM/ ef th. (V aiwoawealth of
r.nMtleaeta. alllWl. ACS K prnrlA. lot th* la
enrparwlloa aad lU.NU4W,n AL EERWIN OMporatlniM."
approrml April 19. I*7. aaA th. HQILVML. ITWIP
It Ih* Charter of so latroitMl CVwpnratlna. to H. NAIL
*H UNA O<>REEL hand. th. character aad ohject whmwof
te TO pmweit. aci colli rat. the arteac of a. eel, .a-L
prartMim aad pcwfnnalaa Uwrttowieolal maMc. AND
tar thewe porpoam to hare, P AI w EOD enjoy all the
rtcfala. tirneAt* aad pM*lleW. of the said Art of A.
•etoblr and Itr snpptemwite. AS AM HOT,
is -4t Mtaftcn
—HuiU mailt) to your owa measure for
$15.00. h'ti'ci y,ur ortlera Vfiiay,
MoMTot/MKRr & Co., Tailor*.
New Advertinevient*.
|>V virtue of wuntlry writ* of Fieri
1 ) ly uil Fv uu nl r.iw.t.H,
I—n*#! 'Ait of fh* O'urt of Common l'i*a* of I—iitra
OOVlty, Md to MM ifllllid, ihtti )!! hi tSMMd at
puhll' aa)• lb th# Court ll'iuaa, In |i-iI-f r,t>, oft
Saturday, April 21, A. D. 1883,
at I >' o ' 1'" k I' W th* following '!*•'rib-d r<l
—tat* of tha drfendatito, to wit
No Jo.
All tlniMrarUln RMMWtfM. and tnwu of
land altuat* In <lrg| and Mil** townahipa f —itr
routity, fa., hound**) and daailUd aa follow*. to wit
BcKlntilbir at a *tor* thro# along land t f f>a*d If -/
and Christian Ifoutr, north £ a eat 12 4 I' |klma
to a atoii*. tb*r,r* along land '/f aaid f." If out/ and
l'*t#r Khnaft it*r north ♦/, —*t &2 |M>r()i4 to a *ton*,
th*b *2l • at 11 )(I j>*r (<• t> a dvii*, tlirn'a wotii
'J( •! J parcliw to a too*, thmrr aoutt, *'<| wwt
I''| jardiei to tha j la" of bnglnbiOg. "/s taining *
a/ r*w and '2 p#f'h#* r*t mr*u# A'*. or,* -.in
tra/1 or lot of ground altuat# In Or# • / li wnahip, ad
pining tli ato%# n . niton* <1 ti.. t of land !■ginning
at a aton# tbruta along 'and -f faid ||oy ">
I •#"!,* to stun#, th*n#r north 2*>• a#-*t 4| pflt h— to
th* |<la/* of l*rglnning. 'r. laming a" p#r'l<—, and
allowanr* Alar# on' "tb#r tra<tor lot of irotibd ait
uata In lirrrt af-.n-aaid, I" und**i and da
arrlb#d aa follows. t/. wit l'. ginning at a a>rrm of
o*.ri>* Bfiad'a' land. th*ri'# alonr th* aarn* *oth ill 5 -'
*at • j ju nlie# li a aton*. th*n'- along land of John
Y• -a11• k north *a*t ' 2-V> l- r h*w t aat n* th*b'*
north wt )2 |r-fhaa t<. aIUiM, thaiir* aoutli 07®
*ai*t ' 2-1'- |*f'h*a Ui tn fda"* of oooUklb-
Ing a< r-a n*t iiiHU>ura th*r*on ♦•r*' t*d a ' f* and oba*
half atory log houa*. atahl* and oth*f '/Ot t'tjtldil. gi.
h*in*d. tak*n In nwilkin and to h* Wod aa tha j-rt*
I- rty of John FiaL'r
No. 11
Ail that *rialn lot of ground ntuata In tha lorongh
f Hallafonta. * • litfn 'e-untj. f'a . Oft I"jflng t, ra*k ad
joining tl.. old Tan yard f >rmarly f ft *rt
and 'onUn.ing of,# .juart'i of ar> wr- tfn- aam*
rnor- or IMM.II -if,g th* aaro* lot f ground h.fh
k'ar.klln It hrmth and Ia t f- I y th*ir d-ad daU 1
th< th day f July. Ik'.) granted and " r i*ywl to
J hn lAliiliart, hi h*ira and aaaigti# and rW/flkd ill
Obtr* rounty in fV* k I fag* 24' A' and John
l 4 afn!*rt having dlad mt<tata !l * aarn* %• "ft*- ad
t aa, J f*.rg* A Hat aid > tha hir .f aaid John
I .am I art da-tw! I t laadk lat*d tk Vth <t lam
•" I *'7 and r* or dad ir* k If {rag* 2
dat'-l l"th of Mar". 1 *[/' x and rd'-d In fn-ad R.
if S | *ag* and dat#-1 j\ of Jon*. tM2).aod ra
•"fdal in In*-1 lUrk II N 1 fag* T*4 aa it r*f#*r
an-- th*rt' a ill nor* folly a|f<*ar fo-ig—j, uk*o In
i * utton and to l-a wldaat ♦* \ t jariy • 1 (iMorg. A
Hay ar !.
No 1.
All th* rig't. t'll ar.-d ir.t*r-at of d'-f*ndaril h ar 4
i ail that { lanUtioti or ti a/1 .f ia 1 aituat* In h{ r.i g
townahlii, iVfttr* roubty. I*a Adj /.ning •. th* norm
lar *• f ll' ni j fl and la:'la of Iwr.
/ • A . fj. gg4 p. lankni
and #*. ig' Yal*fttin. u th* a Hh kj land* of J hn
f'nrtin and Ja/'dj I Ya!*r-tin* ar.d - n th* ! | y
land* lat* f th* #-ut* f If N M-Al! *t*r, d** *a-"d
ntalning r*- and 2 {arrkw m ra r •*
ti" r" u *r- t< d a tv*atovy 'tan.* d**lhrig hou*a.
la: k ''arn ano th**r out t*uj)ding*. m'loding a fram*
dwalLng 1. ua* f r a t-nant
Al*- , all th* right, titl* and tbtMwl of th* daf-nd
at.t in and to all that 'nUir. tra*i or { /<* f land
I ait oat- In Hf.ririg tovrikhtf < -ntg* rountv |*a . kn an
a th* lr gar. r* tar.k ' i>tairing • a 'T— ucra or
*—• hai it g lh*r n *r*v t-d * t*rai aroa 1 'al in*
Ai* a.i th* right, t* 11 and ir.t*rat • f d*-f*n<lar.t to
and h all that crtaib |>roj-rly ritual* In C-btra
' f*' fa r.n<' t*d With an : f rtr. r v th* * Kagla
lr- r. W k in'ludirig all th* lar,da in any ay con
I '- to*. th*r*iih, hanng th*raon ♦f-t-d f rg*. for
r.a :lltng houaa bd othr n*^**ar\ t tuldir.ga
Ai* ail th* right, titi# and inUr*at of d*f*ndaot in
a 1 t ail tf .at **rtain j .*/ of ground otukt to t|
fK.rt ogh'f Mi!*'nrg * *ntr* < unty, Ta Fronting
• Wtfl ItPWI Mid • • •• M
th* Illark If •* | • f* rty. hai it.g thr* r r*- a
t Ktry d*llir.g h' ua* (ntu|Kl <-f at n and
k * all th* nght titl* and irit*t*t ' <fndant in
and t all that * t . s | Im, of gy tig<l rltuat* in th*
'-of igh f Mrg < *f,tr* rx'tinty, fa adjoining
th. iva| tj*t rtionk. >artng thmmb r-'tMi a on* and
a half-at r* fratn* dkr*liing hotia*
Ai* ali tl* rtght titl* and n t*-**t <f d*frdar t
ard • all that ' *rtaii i-f of {■)# fgr unda.ttiata
th. .'f ugh "flu *f Tit# .r. th* (fttner of fllgk
and It-dg' atr#*-! and r-unmng lia- k t t h*rry a#*.
haalr.g tt**ra-iti *rr|Md at tr.ry d*l)!ng h"na*
*• tak*n in rtaniti r, and th U auid m tl,* jrv
1-rtj f Auahb Ctinin
No. lit
All O at - rrlaift m*a#t ag* t*tPtß*til at d ft of latd
alt-.at# In lima t nahif . (V tr* <• unty l'r,ny :•
varoa U undM and dw-nt.—l a# f dloaa V wit fin
th' *at hy lard <4 f#a*d Wart a* <.% tha aonth ty
land of Ura'i W *a*r. < . th# *at t lar d *4 Ro t.
Ma- t*r and rb th* r.- rth t y lan-ta f •■ rg* Hnght
■ 'ilaibitg th*a* gra, n. r* -r ]•* Tli*r r. ir' 't*!
j a fratr.* d• *ll ir g h •tja I.g Urt ar< I oth#-r ut huild
• p N /•! fak#r. i:, a •* ut •r, at, f. |M *id aa
j th* yr f Mary ln)tk#l.
N 14
All th* right, titl* and int#-r#wt .f h f*r, lant ,n all
, tl.at "a-Ttau n.*Muag' t*t 'n.M.t and tr%'t of land
i - '' ' t wtrahi* ft •, • u
af r*aai • U nndad i. th* b'-rth hy landa of th*
h ra f Jar. 1 Way '* th* ar uth It land* f John
• rj iril"*Tg*r, b th* *a*t | lat "la f W Hl,an. Kd#r
ar d .r th* • **t I t land* f VtiiUaro Hid#-t and Jam**
Itm* or ntair tng t< hundrad araa. m r+ ><f l**a
Ala all tt#at '#*rtaJti n-*a*uag* t nm*ot and tra I
, f land • tnat#- in Kr K h"* I- va*bip r*Titr* r- '.r.ty,
, la. tind#nl and dawrlU<d a* f -How* t| . haglnn:r,g
at a ahrt* ak th*r#* t y land of W illiair. Ha rd.a r.tt
thraa hnndrad and nlnty |ml,a* t tiaa th*n*# a*t
'*< f*rr h* t *t< naa, th t' * north hnndrad ar.d
I • rt**r 1> |*rU u fh •' k <ak .than#* *Hit ♦
t. th* yla'* "f l-ginnir g '..tta.r ng riK
1 • r. Irwl it/ r— ti at r*. t-* th# *a*ri* tn< r* r laa*
AU all that "tia.n lot or piar* of gr and *tnat#
'■-ft th* r rth aid* f kyiam<-ir* tra*t at th* 4a
tar>'* f or>* hurdr*4 ajd *igt>ty li n< rth**twar 1
f r ni th# i rt>.• *wt aid* <-f Fifth tr**t in Hr a M<*.
f*r ■ Hh■* 1 anahtf :n f#ttr unty af'-raarud.
-.ta.r.iT.g ,n front ' r hradtli oo th* aaid Fyramor*
• tr#—t, ktitt f*#l and rat ending riTi> ( *#-tard In
■*r glh ar d*|Ah t*fa*i i-n** {•arall*! with th aaid
Fifth tr*t t hundred f**t, Iwmg mark*d tit tha
jlan f *rt • *Qa* lot* N A. Nirad lak*r. mk
and |r< 1- add a* tha fTuprrly ofJarnM
No 14
Th' aatd hutiding i* hiatal oft • lot or j i* * of
gr wnd Kttuat* in th t *Mliip of Walkrr, f'Htra
( unty. Fmr.a . t*oftrdad on th* norih ht a fiihlx
r ad loading U'r-ugh Nittany all*y,on m*t hy land
•I J M <*arhri'k and hart*! Irwl 'ft th* utt #at
I v land* af I I.oah Th* aaid t utldmg i* a twoniory
fram* d*l;mg h ua* I otli it. *ha{- f th* l*tt*r 1,.
fr ttli' f T th* juh lr r ad 4 fat ty 4 fa#t ait In
'h*a faring Iha -a*t tb* idtb <4 U* froating *tt*nd
'Tig a.,nth Ulng 10 fart ffftt, *trdi,g wagt 2"
far! langtb In angl* 21 fr# t and 14 f**t F tr#-d. tak*r,
in *t#rutl<tti and to h* acid aa th* prapfly of fu I*. f
All that "rtAirt *naa*uag*. tmrmrnt an.) led of Und
aitnat* in llain# n*n*ht{ Crntr* rovnli. I'*nra,
f undrd and .I*wnM a* hdlowa. !.■ ;t 4Ht th#
) lar.d f Iavd f*farrk. it tb* wuth hy land* of
latntrl i th* *t ty land of M t ikalhratlb
%: 1 CM tb* north ty land <4 Car.rgr Jarlt. rontalnnc
w rr. oor# r Iraa. !h*r*..n *r l# 1 a darlling h-u'.
• lat-l* and < lb*r <utt htttldinga taken in * \
w nt n ad t# t* gold a* tha pr prrty "f J wrf h K >o
and Mary kfti.
Tkrm* ('AMI. S will V**ftf know)-
*-lg*i until tbr purr baa* wort it |*M in full
T .1 Dt' N KEI.. Sheriff.
Ch.rt#-' '•, I'*.. April .1. ia.\
NOTICE i* hereby given that the
f llowtng naro*d p# r- o# ho ftlad tbrlr |*li/
UoM for l"!Jk* In tb* offtrr (4 th* rirrli of tw |
i r .ral QmNM ImIM f IH' I'M" IftMM '
f t C*ntr* tjnty, ar.d that application wrall (
at th*n*tt A,wa,,r, gf aatd Cmrt f i IF,* gnantiMg <4
th# *am / j
F \ Uhraw Tr*nt A#ll<f-M' |ktr
W K Tll*i ...mm do A> | A.
• CM MU*n do * do
DanM Carman do / do da r
Mmana*? Rrow© d" do d J
H..n-ar.l A If ."Govan la In do
Jno Anl'rw.n ... Raltng H.-jg# J A
Fro.) NolHna Nalooft d.> I
Frrd •tHf Rating ft oft a* d .
Jno Rnrandai* T*#nt...M....rhl!lpl>r.rg Doro.
Jm ra— III r do ......... do do
F ft fU'ft to ,h.
Jno A. MTt—lwg. do ......... do An
|Umar4 Cyl* h d • do
John fhekan do . do do
J. II iMwkirk do . T' ttrr hnnbi|
|i J. N*m... do ........ do do
1> II Rnltl do wo do
N.l Rr! M bo|*al* Fhil|wtnrg lloro.
T A Fnulknrt di do 4,,
Raj Til T Fram Tawu ....Millhrttn Ihi.
Hwn R li do Walk—h'wnatiin
flro Mill*r do " ** • amgjj f
Jbo H IHM-y dm do A
Joa Rlrrkni do r—,n •
J*fTr*y llay— 4-* Ruh J,
F A Nolan do ... Fno* ftk -t,nap p.
Ilarrr* Wtthrrltr do ........ <h, do do
John l. Ual* ...... do fa 4,,
Jno J iVtaary do do do do
Martin Hairy Rating Hook* do do do
damurl Moy- do do da do do
T F Moy- .... Ta*-rn Mil— towdii|
llmry <*■ FHaff- do flftlao do
Ai d* Krbltaak— do Mr**® do
(K>ilkl Unas do . Mnrtng do
P M. Cnarh-r .oanMlip
Jtod Prttilr Tt*t Howard lam
do .. Frrguwa townabip.
John F#ild. looting If—a do do
Jonoa Stri) w do Worth dt
I. C lUtriß, owl