Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 12, 1883, Image 6

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    ®hc Crntw ;?raocrat.
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Asylum Atrocities
Governor Rotter Giving Reasons to the Leg
islative Committee for Jhsapproval of
Republican Management of the Pub
lic Charities of Massachusetts.
BOSTON, April 3.— The evidence which
Governor Butler put in before the char
itable Institution Committee of Leg
islature, if not broken down, will sub
stantiato all the allegations made in
the annual message, Hnd it adds a talo
of horror that it is almost incredible.
The story was told by t'harlesS. Dud
ley, wtio was on the stand when the
hearing anjourned Friday. The Com
mittee room could not contain the
crowds that sought to hear his testimo
ny. Ho described the sequel of his de
tecting Assistant Superintendent Marsh
in robbing the dead-house. Marsh told
him to keep still and said : "We have
have got to have some pay for our Iron
Lie, taking care of these critters."
Dudley also said that he saw a light !
in the trunk room several times after
the inmates bad retired. Going in qui j
etly one night he saw Marsh's wife open j
paupers' trunks and take clothing from i
them. Mrs. Pope, the housekeeper I
told him she had seen the same thing, j
anil the most valuable dresses were ta j
ken by Mrs. Marsh to her private room
and made over for the Davis girls, her
relations. The witness told of some
twenty children who used to cry at
night because of hunger. They were
placed at the table with tho other in
mates and had to look out for them
selves. ne night, out of curiosity, he j
went to the burying ground and saw
four bodies resurrection and driven otr
toward Boston,
The state of the food for the inmates j
of the Alms House and insane was al- |
ways very poor and the quantity small. I
The bread was sour nearly all tho time.
A man who drove the hospital team
told him he had taken up sixty eight
bodies in the eight months.
The man was dissatisfied then, but
the next day he showed "a few hun
dred," which he said Tom (Marsh) had
given him. The witness was afterward
appointed with his wife to the care of j
the female insane. The beds were of
straw, in a rotten condition, and insfTl
cient clothing. Most of the women
were without underclothing or shoes
or stockings. They had only calico
dresses. This was in duly. The cells
were in a filthy condition. In a cell in
the attic he found a w.iman on tho
straw perfectly naked. Tho straw was
bad and filthy.
He wa* told that this woman had
been in this cell a year. She was so
violently insane she would tear her
clothes. She was so near a skeleton
she would not have weighed more than
forty pounds. His wifo clothed her,
and be had the room cleaned out. She
had had only one meal a day car
ried to her by an idiotic girl who said
she had always taken care of the old
woman. He allowed her to continue
doing so, but found that she threw the
food away and came back with an
empty plate, telling him that the wo
man had eaten all. He then carried
the food, and the assistant took it into
the room. In five or six weeks they
had her out of the cell and down into
the sitting room, so changed that her
own husband did not know her.
He continued :
"There was another woman who told
me she had been kept nine days in one
of the filthy basement cells with noth
ing but water, and her story was cor
roborated by others. They said she
was very violent and was kept there to
reduce her strength so they could man
age her. That woman was with us for
a year and we never had occasion to use
any such remedies. The insane women
were employed at all kinds of work in
cluding the care of patients who might
he afflicted with the contageous dis
eases I spoke to Marsh about it and
his reply was that an insane person
could not take a disease. I told him
our women were so worked their food
was insufficient, and his reply on at
least three occasions was that they were
brought there to die. Dr. Lathrop used
to come to the building about once a
week. < >ae night after we retired one
of the thirty-seven women in one of
the dormitories fell out of bed and hurt
herself, I got my wife and went up.
My wife said she was bleeding, and
thought she wa* dead. The blood wa*
gushing out of hey mouth. I sent my
wife for Dr. Lathrop. She came back
and aaid that Dr. I.athrop complained
that he waa tired, and it would do no
good for him to come. 1 went and told
him that I thought she was dead from
internal hemorrhage. He said he could
not do any good, and told me and my
wife to lay her out. ! refused unlij
some one else saw her. Then he said
the watchman and wife would do. I
got them. We found the woman dead
And we took her down stairs and laid
her out in my room. Next day no one
onmo to Ben nhout the body, and when
I wont to [>r. Lathrop he Raid he forget
nil nhout it, but I could get Rome in
mntoN to help me dispoße of it."
Speaking of the tientment of infnntH,
Dudley said:
"At night they were in charge o( an
inmate. Ono night 1 said to her be
didn't seem to liavo NO much trouble
with the babieß, UN thoy seemed to be
<|uiet all night. Khesaid she bad found
j out away to keep them quiet. She took
down a bottle and Nnid that when they
got troublcßome alio gave them three
or four ilrop of it and they were quiet
all night. I asked her what it WUB, and
alie aaid she didn't know. It waa ROtne.
thing the day nurso used. 1 amolled
it and found it to be morphine. She
Raid HIIO was put there for puniHhment,
and waa determined to make her work
AN cany AN 8110 could. I naked if ahe
knew the power of the Bluff. She aaid
she knew nothing, and didn't care. 1
told her it wan liable to kill Nome of
them, t'ut of the seventy-three babies
that were born there aud that were
brought in during the first year we
were there, only one WAN alivo at the
end of the year—a very peculiar'child."
The (lovernor: "1 should think he
Witness : "After they died, I used to
ee a man, 'Tim,' with a Bmall box un
der his arm going from the house to the
dead house. 1 think that was what
they carried the dead bKbie* in. They
never had any service over the dead
during my term there. A man, whose
expenses were paid by a benevolent
lady of Boston and came there as a sort
of missionary, said to me one day:
'This is a very healthy place. I have
been here about three weeks, and you
haven't had any deaths here?" 1 said:
• Yes we have,' for I had known of more
than a dozen. He said 'That is strange.
1 am an otliciai to take charge of fun
eral services." I said : 'You don't seem
to be in the right places. If you are
really in earnest, and wish to officiate
at a funeral place yourself between the
house and gate almost any night, and
you will have an opportunity—that is,
provided they will wait for you.' " The
testimony was not stricken out on cross'
examination. The hearing will be con
Th** Fonrtb of March
How the bay A ttaineJ It.t Precedence in
Oar (buntry.
In very early times, when March 3 f
was supposed to be the last day to
which t 'ongress could extend itself in
the odd year with propriety, it would oc
casionally be found bard at work as the
third passed into the fourth. As the
fourth of March is the day for the in
auguration of the executive department
of the Government of the I'nited States,
that dale has become the first in this
nation. It was fixed upon in 17 I ** by
action of the Continental Congress,
which, on the 13th day of September
adopted the following resolve, preceded
by a preamble which set forth in order
the reasons for the action of that Con
gre** at that lime ; "That the first Wed
nesday in -lanuary next be the day for
appointing electors in the several States
which before the said day shall have
ratified the said constitution that the
first Wednesday in February next be
the day 'or the electors to assemble in
their respective States and vote for
a President, and that the first Wednes
day in March next be the time, and the
present seat of Congress (New York I
the place for commencing the proceed
ings under the said Constitution." The
first Wednesday in March, 17*9, fell on
the 4th of March, and hence the prece
dence of that day in our history under
the Constitution. It was not till the
30th of April, 17*9, however, that Wash
ington became President, owing to va
riout circumstances ; but in 1793, when
he entered upon his second Presiden
tial term, he was inaugurated on the 4th
of March. Were I*B3 an inauguration
year the ceremonies would be postpon
ed to the sth of March, as the 4th of
March will he Sunday, the first month
of the year. Next year will be the
leap year, and the 4th of March will be
on Tuesday ; and the next President
will begin the twenty fifth Presidential
term on Wednesday, March 4, 1885.
Our century of Presidents will I* com
plcted on the 4th of March, 1889, and
the President to complete it will be
chosen in 1888 9, if we insist that the
work must be done by a newly chosen
President. Properly, we should say,
the man who shall go out in I*B9 will
be the completing chief magistrate of
this Nation, as will regard the first cen
tury of the Nation's constitutional life-
It will be soon enough to discuss the
matter almost six years hence. Poesi
bly the 30th of April, 1889, the hun
dredth anniversary of Washington's
first inauguration as President of the
United States, would be selected as the
most fitting day on which to have a
National oelebration of the beginning
of our career as a people with a fixed
government of limited powers and with
(he principles of liberty admitted in
every way—save where the colored race
woro concerned.— Rot ton Traveller.
A Hermit's Queer Home
How the Rone Dweller in llueker Valley
fie firs all Ape ae.he Intruder t.
Professor Kernmon and his wife re
cently returned from a botanizing trip
in the wilds of Arizona. The professor
bore letters of introduction to a curious
old hermit, the only occupant of Puck
er Valley, calling himself Doctor MonJ
roe. That was their objective point-
As they approached his cabin the noise
of their feet stirred his bens to cack'
ling, then the upper part of his door
opened and the old hermit appeared -
a little old man with a hooked nose like
an eagle's, a dilapidated straw lint
over his right oar, long, fine hair,
streaked with gray, and piercing black
eyes. lIIh clothing was half military
half frontiersman. He read the letter
and then opened the lower part of the
door and invited his guests in. The
hermit entertained his guests with sto
rict of his life and meant of defense,
which consisted of a certain tunnel so
ingeniously constructed that it is wor
thy of description. At the back of the
cabin some ;*aek* are carelessly hung,
which, when drawn aside, disclosed
what appeared to be a cellar, but what
was really the openiug of a tunnel 120
feet long, with a double elf>ow in the
mi idle and a cabin at each end. The
tunnel wasjust high enough for him
self, and he was a short man, only about
five and a half feet high. The bottom
and roof were rough with cobble stones.
The middle was enlarged to allow for
strong defense. It was very dark, and
unless one was acquainted with it, there
was no use in following the hermit. For
defense, in case he wa* overpowered,
he had an arrangement of fuse, care
fully covered over with rock and cob
bles, which, when fired, would blow up
everything. This Doctor Monroe was
a very intelligent man, and had evi
dently moved in high circles. He had j
had some twenty-five different occupa j
tions in his life, from playing the clari- i
onet in a circus to teaching school in s
\ irginia and practicing medicine. ;
Hanging over the fireplace were not
les than twelve hats in different stages
of dilapidation, and he was never seen
without one of these on He never put J
it on square, but always on one side.
He kept cats and chickens, and when
asked why he did not keep a dog he
said that several year* ago he had a
partner on a mining scheme, and they
had a dog which wa* considerde very
faithful. "tie day the partner had re
turned to the cabin to get dinner and
when Doctor Monroe reached it an
hour later he found his friend dead
The dog had not given the alarm at the
approach of the indians, but bad skulk |
ed off and hid. After that he never
had any faith in dogs.— .Sua I'ranruro
Rural I'rext.
• The Bishop and the Bobber.
Do you remember in Victor Hugo's ,
great picture of "I.es Miserable*,'' the
meeting of .lean Valjean and the bish
op ? Valjean, having been sentenced
to five years imprisonment for stealing
a loaf of bread, is resentenced, repeat-I
edly, for trying to escape, until he had
remained in confinement nineteen
years. At length he is released, and ;
given the yellow passport that describe*
him a* a discharged cnnvivt. The pa
per that liberate* hirn is the stigma that
denounce* him. Kvery honest man's
door is closad against him, until lie
knocks at the gate of the old bishop.
There, to his surprise, he finds a wel
come, food and shelter. But the evil
spell of his old life is still upon him.
He cannot sleep for the remembrance
of the silver plate upon the bishop's ta
ble. He rite* in the night, robs his
benefactor, and flies. <>f course he is
retaken and brought back. The gen
ilarmes who have captured him lead
liim into the bishop's presence with the
convicting bundle in hi* hands. The
old prelate rise* to meet the group as
they enter, and before a word can be
spoken, exclaims : "Ah I Valjeaß. I am
glad to see yeu ! But I gave you the
ciftidle stick* too, which are also of sil
ver. Why did you not Uke them away
with the rest?" He tells the gen
darmes that they have made a mistake,
and may retire ; and then going up to
the cowering wretch, and putting his
hand upon his shoulder, the bishop
says : "Jean Valjean, my brother ! you
no loager belong to evil, but to good.
I withdraw your soul from black
thoughts and the spirit of perdition,
and give it to.God. Never forget that
you are to employ this silver -your sil
ver now—in becoming an ho neat man '
The setting of the picture may be e*
aggerated and French, but the spirit of
it is righteous and Christian. Ours is a
gospel, not of implacability but of par
don. Ourais a religeon, not of damna
tion, but of hope. Let u* see to it that
wa carry ita message even to these
•'spirits that are in prison 1"
A King Bathing His Peasant*' Feet
An Annual (,'eremony in Austria- King anil
(fueen Humbled flej'orr the I'onr.
The lfofburg, the chief palace of the
AuHtrian sovereigns, has been the scene
of an ecclesia*tical ceremony or act of
devotion which it a curious relic of
nindiii'val cuHtome. In accordance with
a imago obitervad from time immemorial
on Maunday Thursday the ceremony of
"waHhing the feet of the poor'' wa* thin
morning performed at uaual by their
Majesties at the imperial residence. In
tho Middle Ages the custom prevailed
at many other Catholic Courts, but in
the present <lay to fin'l a parallel would
be impossible, except at the'.Vatican
and the palace of the King of Spain.
The proceedings opened ato'clock,
when twelve old men, of whom the obi
eat is in his ninety-third vear and the
youngest in his eighty-seventh, and
twelve old women, the oldest ninety
six ami the youngest ninety, dressed,
as usual, in the old German costume,
presented to them by the Ktnperor and
Fmpress, entered the court chapel, in
order to receive the sacrament, and
were then brought into the Hall ofCer
emonies at the ilofburg. "in each side
of the hall was a table with twelve cov
ers, the one table for the old men and
the other Jfor the old women. They
are all citizens of Vienna, and many of
them showed by their behavior that
they had taken part in the ceremony
more than once. With the appearance
of tho clergyman at 11 a. m., the cere
mony began. The Kmperor, who was
followed by all the Archdukes present
in Vienna, served the old men, and the
Kmpress, followed by all the Arch
duchesses and court ladies, served the
old women at their respective tables.
The Corp* Diplomatique was, as usu
al, in attendance, but this year, for rea
sons generally known, the I'.ritish,
French and Turkish Ambassadors did
not appear. All the Ministers were
present, ss well a Court dignitaries snd
Privy Councillors, the Chamberlains.
tbeCrand Masters and the highest rep
resentive* of the army. The tables be
ing removed, the Kmperor snd Kmpress
knelt down in front of each of the old
people, took otl'a shoo and stocking
from each, washed the fool with towels
moistened from a golden ewer, held by
a chamberlain. After the feet of the
old people bad been wiped, tho Arch
dukes and Archduchesses replaced the
shoe and stocking, snd their Majesties
concluded the ceremony by hanging
round the neck of each of the old peo
ple a purse with thirty silver florins.
The old folks were then sent home in
cabs, pch with a well-filled box of (.re
visions a lid wine.— ls,nri n Stand-t d
' Home, Sweet Home' Heard from New
York to Chicago
Ni.w Vote, March 2".'. Another ex
perinu-nt of talking from New York to
Chicago by telephone was made at noon
today from the rooms of the i'ostsl
Telegraph company, No. AO Broadway.
The instrument at the western end of
the wire was located in the stork yards,
about four miles out of Chicago. It is
the intention of the company to con
nect from there to the city by niesns of
an underground cable. The distance is
a trifle over 1,240 mile*. A telegraphic
instrument was nfTixed to a stand along
si'le the telephone at the Broadway
station. Several (>er*on* talked through
the telephone, and one played "Home,
Sweet Home" through it on a mouth
organ. While the reporter was present
no answer could be caught from Chica"
go, hut a telegraphic dispatch which
the operator read said that the New
York voice* and the tune could be
heard there distinctly. The operator
said that yesterday he conversed for an
hour with a friend in Chicago over the
wire, and neither had any difficulty in
hearing the other. The wire which is
uaed to transmit the sounds is made of
A Clergyman's Vision
The /Wy <\( John Pierre Iht centred Through
a Remarkable Dream.
Titi svit.t.t, April 3.—The body of
John Pierce, who was drowned on Sun
day, February 4, at the time the Frank
lin Street Bridge, of this place, gave
way duriog the recent disastrous floods,
waa found this morning on the Watson
flats, about a mile and a half below this
city and just op|>osite the old Pierce
homestead, in Venango oounty. The
remaina of the unfortunate lad were
found through a remarkable revelation.
For several weeks tho family bad utter
ly despaired of ever discovering the
body. AH hope had been abandoned
when Kev. Mr. Hoover, a Methodist
clergyman, in Sunville, bad a dream a
few nighu ago, in which he aaw the
spot where the body was to be found,
and, although he had oarer seen the
plana in reality, the vision was an per
fect that when ha awoke he oouid not
drive the dream from bia mind.
He visited the dead boy's father and
described the place he had aeen io the
dream. He waa confident that the re
mains could be found in the spot he
described, which wa* familiar to Mr.
Pierce. The clergyman and the dead
lad's father visited Watson flats this
morning, and there, sure enough, lying
several rods from the bed of Oil ' reek,
the body was found, half-embedded in
sand and mud at the foot of a clump of
bushes, with the lower extremities pro
truding. The clothes were intact, and
the boy's overcoat was firmly buttoned
around his throat. A watch was found
in a pocket in the vest, which had stop
ped at fifteen minutes of four o'clock,
three hours after the accident in which
the boy lost his life. The remains were
taken to litusviile, from where they
will f>e buried. Much excitement pre
vails over Itev. Mr. Hoover's revelation.
Mr. Blaine's Son-in-Law
' ajitatn ( i/jt/nngrr't Introduction to n fyddirr
at ( amp Verde.
When ' 'oppinger was stationed at
' amp \ erde, Arizona, as captain of one
of the companies of the Twenty-third
infantry, in 1872, the writer happened
to be the witness of an incident that
illustrates the character and disposition
of the man. A band of recruits arrived
one day, filled with feat and terror of the
officer under whom they were to serve
for the ensuing five years. Keport and
rumor had pictured '.'oppinger to them
a* being a pirate captain and a persecu
tor of the rank and file. Coppinger, at
tired in a suit of clothes that might
have distinguished a teamster, w.m in I
the sullter store when one of the re
cruits entered. "I would like to see
this Captain ('oppinger,'' said the re
ciuit. "1 understand he * a hard man."
Kvery one present expected ''oppinger
to annihilate the new comer, but he did
not. "n the contrary, he engaged hirn
in a pleasant conversation, in which
' sptain (iopplnger w* abused in a
manner that caused the listeners to fear
that the private would be punished for
hi* temerity. Finally, when the vocab
ulary. wa* exhausted, ' oppinger intro
duced himself to the astounded -oldier.
"I hope you will think l<etter of what
you have said,' remarked the captain,
as he torn ed to leave. "Well, sse
here, replied the soldier, "I suppose
tbia mean* guard house and ball and
chain for me, but, if 1 have to die for it,
I mii*t insist tiiat according to all re
port* you are a d—d tyrant." Coppin
ger looked the fellow ,n the eye for a
rn nute. "I like your courage," he
sa.d, when at length he broke the si
lence "Come up to my quarters with
me ; I have some old bourlmn there \
that will develop it." The recruit was
soon after commissioned as a corporal.
Ilf.rr Tribune.
.Self , f tln rtim ini lit *.
M()\ KY To Loan ' P<t ft.
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ajsceoi or \r York. -. fr.t •
lß>|*< t#* litß. |.n*wl* si • r i I--M thsn fn.-s*-.
nail t-.t astaasmc i.-oiri it, grsasat ,!„ „i I
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T♦ dft'l f." ,f
www 8' |f MAKI t'TT Jk <* r r!
Ur.4, M*;r* ]r 1,
A Gillespie Tool Company, i
Pittsburg. Pa..
Miinnft. Hirers t
I'ri hn.' Marhmrrv <t Ttr.lt.
Oil, Gas. A Water Wells
rrsNsYi vANi* runt.i.rr I
.• Ui" fftt**t ttrillir $ Mft'tn* in
lb* 12-M
T>* ihrillifif •'Wftninf* ' f ftll lb* bftro i
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<nr ftrh"l < nnti?. f?>•■ lh
itmrv fft l.h •*>! fbrnntt* Hfilolt* r
(setoff. Isft Fftli#. IHftt.Jjah, K ft* toe.
(VotlMl, llmlfiii, <r..n. Oftliforntft
J'—, WiM Bill. Bnffftlo |Hill. Mil* nr4
lh<tiftn Diiab m<l m*tmm f Mh>r GORGE
OUtL V ILLUSTRATED *.tb 1?Mn in ft to
h. no AGENTS WANTED. b*-m ~t
ftnd ltnithing I*. •rll
lw SRI CTaKt'A Hl' tkslK (XI. rblls4sl|4>is, Fs.
5 i
Hftfaißif !MIN. Iwn.ia MM COOt# nwalMtlM O
AddrtM J. n. JOnWTO*.
169 Smilhfield slraet, PitUburgh. To.
\ i ~... jiiif-i f ttswseia isibaMi w its
vADYLRI ISfHCI # *♦* st r
\ -sua / htorttMtta! Btwrnpr igta tf
Vssas/ -SSslarL
— ~
For Halo. i
A FARM conUlning Fifty Acre#
ss# hstla* Ihsrsos esrtel s TWO-CTOIIT I
VRAM ■ Bt'lLDI MO ssd eat boll din.. Tltiriood.
layslrs sf A. J. A T. R URIKST,
f* Rataavtlls, Oaatrs saaalv , r*. I
Xrw Advertisement*.
j | >j:nnhylvania
Spring lirm bagina April 6 IB#J.
Tl.la la.liltill in la l-„al>vl (u , IU . ~f .)*+n-
MM, 1.n.111.fnl WH <.l I lm MHln AllmSmi* ra*Mi..
I I. i'|rri P atodri.ta ..I ln.lt, „r, fi ip, f„|.
I'.wlt.g f ,ura.a *lulp:
1 A Pull Claaal. al .-,t,ra. 1 Pour Viara.
1. A Pull Arlrtitlflr 1 ~f r ij, Vnra
3. Tha lollowluf -TKi lAI. < </i I'Jtpjt, ~ft„ j,*,,
oaa-fc f'lllowlpg till- Plat tar., jr.rr ~f tb p, li,tll
lc Cuoiar : fa; AOMK'I I.TI HE. fb, RAH HA I,
lIIHToItY. (r;I lIKMIKTItV Ok ll Pll Yl< It, J,
I A abort (Pitt lAI. f Ol'l'Jtl. |i, Api. iltui
it, A abort MKKCIA I. ' Ol'HPf. n, I p.u.i.i, ~
3. A f'laaai.al at, I h,Mil,, Pra|arati i; I ..far.
Military drill U r. , |tp l a. ,
iMMI litAis frt t |oH I
' hftl ft" of ft ' • i.I i . i ,p..
Fur Cmtml-jgum, ui (sthr tutor ri.tp - ftidr***
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l Uftt' .M ftl Vhl'h S 'ft imk' ftfVftl J.S ftit Iff*
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•"'l. Mil* 4 4"-1 v
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/ K!lh, la' (
Old MarKi*,** }\frr\vUtA f t It,t iaU*l tvU,
vi th Drawer*, .1 r trAr. reqinrrd
mill ftf.ftrr.it^-.J
linsi mA* t'uritn.
ftKLLKfOKYK. FA 1-ly
1/ P. IUaAIU,
WfttTßßt. fLo<A*. r Ar.
All wnrli ii*-fljr fttsHntfd. Or
nn4*r BM'lfrtn'fl Hotia* 4-tl
* Nit A. Vtr'x-fcftrtidf! v
All the Ftftiri4ftH Ffttfti! Tr*- J
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3K itfi'jftftrftftl. Tniftftt-ft. Sb' Ftftd ft#. A<A*
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Allogbftt? Ftr**!. BftHftfotif#. Fa 4-tf
.If inertia tiraun"
to Tonpi vibiuro rmia uig
Plain or Fancy Printing.
W* h*rp unuu*l fcilitie for printlni;
•ftjTOrdora by mall will rsceir* pi\vv|
SftT Printing don In tbe bwt style, m
•kort notice and m that lowert rmlr*.'
V* Oil-all.(Van 11.,U.a. BKLLKPOKTV, fa
.A (not Ll.aty allaabat 41